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A study of the anatomy and ultrastructural aspects of leaf mesophyll and floral nectaries of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne revealed the presence of intercellular pectic protuberances (IPPs) linking adjacent cells in both the leaf palisade cells and the secretory parenchyma of the floral nectary. Samples of the middle third of the leaf blade and of floral nectaries in anthesis were collected, fixed, and processed using standard procedures for light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopies. The IPPs of palisade cells of the mesophyll and the secretory parenchyma cells of the floral nectary take the form of scalae or strands, respectively. No evidence of the specific synthesis of these structures was observed, and they are apparently formed by the separation of adjacent cells due to cell expansion, when intercellular spaces develop. The IPPs observed in H. stigonocarpa increase cellular contact and probably act in apoplastic transport.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Considering that few studies on nectary anatomy and ultrastructure are available for chiropterophilous flowers and the importance of Hymenaea stigonocarpa in natural 'cerrado' communities, the present study sought to analyse the structure and cellular modifications that take place within its nectaries during the different stages of floral development, with special emphasis on plastid dynamics. METHODS: For the structural and ultrastructural studies the nectary was processed as per usual techniques and studied under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Histochemical tests were employed to identify the main metabolites on nectary tissue and secretion samples. KEY RESULTS: The floral nectary consists of the inner epidermis of the hypanthium and vascularized parenchyma. Some evidence indicates that the nectar release occurs via the stomata. The high populations of mitochondria, and their juxtaposition with amyloplasts, seem to be related to energy needs for starch hydrolysis. Among the alterations observed during the secretory phase, the reduction in the plastid stromatic density and starch grain size are highlighted. When the secretory stage begins, the plastid envelope disappears and a new membrane is formed, enclosing this region and giving rise to new vacuoles. After the secretory stage, cellular structures named 'extrastomatic bodies' were observed and seem to be related to the nectar resorption. CONCLUSIONS: Starch hydrolysis contributes to nectar formation, in addition to the photosynthates derived directly from the phloem. In these nectaries, the secretion is an energy-requiring process. During the secretion stage, some plastids show starch grain hydrolysis and membrane rupture, and it was observed that the region previously occupied by this organelle continued to be reasonably well defined, and gave rise to new vacuoles. The extrastomatic bodies appear to be related to the resorption of uncollected nectar.  相似文献   

The genus Hymenaea is characterized by a great diversity of secretory structures, but there are no reports of colleters yet. The objectives of this study are to report the occurrence and describe the origin and structure of colleters in Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne. Shoot apex samples were collected, fixed, and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy as per usual methods. Colleters occur predominantly on the stipule's adaxial side. These structures are found at the base on a narrow strip, corresponding to the median vein up to half the length of the stipule. When present on the abaxial side, they are concentrated at the base and restricted to the margins. Colleters develop from the protoderm; they are elongate and club-shaped. Their body has no stratification; their surface cells differ from the inner cells only in position and presence of cuticle. Colleter cells have thin walls, dense cytoplasm, large nuclei, many mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and abundant dictyosomes. Histochemical tests with Ruthenium red showed pectic compounds in the cytosol. In H. stigonocarpa, colleter arrangement is compatible with the hypothesis that they protect shoot apex. In this species, protection is reinforced by the sheath formed by the stipule pairs.  相似文献   

Species of the subtribe Cassiinae present a wide diversity of floral types. Until recently it was considered that this diversity did not extend to their reproductive mechanisms. However, studies have recorded some variations in the enantiostylous pattern in this plant group. This study aims to investigate the morphological and functional variations of enantiostyly in species of the subtribe Cassiinae. Additionally, it proposes the recognition of enantiostylous types (ET) based on pollen deposition and capture mode. Morphological data were collected in fresh and fixed (alcohol 70%) buds and flowers, and also using photos and rehydrated material from herbarium sheets, for a total of 59 species. The parameters used to establish the ETs were pollination type, nature of pollen deposition on the pollinator body, deposition type, number of petals involved in pollen deposition, and pollen pathway. Morpho‐functional features allowed the recognition of seven enantiostylous types (Flexuosa, Cana, Macranthera, Martiana, Amiciella, Repens and Ramosa) that present several levels of complexity. The type Ramosa was the most common and the Cana type was the least common. The types Repens, Martiana and Flexuosa do not have reciprocal pollen deposition, thus species with these types may be considered atypical. The groups resulting from similarity analysis partially coincide with the clades proposed in phylogenetic studies of Cassiinae. The recognition of functional ETs is important for understanding the evolution of reproductive strategies of Cassiinae species, and indicates an interesting line of investigation of enantiostyly in other plant groups.  相似文献   

Hymenaea stigonocarpa is a neotropical tree that is economically important due to its high‐quality wood; however, because it has been exploited extensively, it is currently considered threatened. Microsatellite loci were used to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal, mating patterns, spatial genetic structure (SGS), genetic diversity, and inbreeding depression in H. stigonocarpa adults, juveniles, and open‐pollinated seeds, which were sampled from isolated trees in a pasture and trees within a forest fragment in the Brazilian savannah. We found that the species presented a mixed mating system, with population and individual variations in the outcrossing rate (0.53–1.0). The studied populations were not genetically isolated due to pollen and seed flow between the studied populations and between the populations and individuals located outside of the study area. Pollen and seed dispersal occurred over long distances (>8 km); however, the dispersal patterns were isolated by distance, with a high frequency of mating occurring between near‐neighbor trees and seeds dispersed near the parent trees. The correlated mating for individual seed trees was higher within than among fruits, indicating that fruits present a high proportion of full‐sibs. Genetic diversity and SGS were similar among the populations, but offspring showed evidence of inbreeding, mainly originating from mating among related trees, which suggests inbreeding depression between the seed and adult stages. Selfing resulted in a higher inbreeding depression than mating among relatives, as assessed through survival and height. As the populations are not genetically isolated, both are important targets for in situ conservation to maintain their genetic diversity; for ex situ conservation, seeds can be collected from at least 78 trees in both populations separated by at least 250 m.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa from Atlantic Forest and riverine forests of the Cerrado biome in central and southeastern Brazil was investigated. The data were compared with those of its congeneric Hymenaea stigonocarpa, a typical tree from savanna. In the Cerrado, H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa is found in sites contiguous with those of H. stigonocarpa, and they share common life-history attributes. The psbC/trnS3 region of the chloroplast DNA was sequenced in 149 individuals of H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa. High genetic variation was found in this species, with the identification of 18 haplotypes, similarly to what was found in H. stigonocarpa with 23 haplotypes in the same geographic region. Populations of H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa could be structured in 3 phylogeographic groups. Spatial analysis of molecular variation indicated that 46.4% of the genetic variation was due to differences among these groups. Three haplotypes were shared by H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa and H. stigonocarpa, and only 10.5% of the total genetic variation could be attributed to between-species difference. We surmise that during the glacial times, H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa populations must have gone extinct in most parts of the southern of its present-day occurrence area. After climate amelioration, these areas were probably recolonized from northern and eastern. The relatively similar phylogeographic structure of vicariant Hymenaea species suggests that they were subjected to the same impacts during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations. The sharing of haplotypes and the genetic similarity between the 2 Hymenaea species suggest the existence of ancestral polymorphism and/or hybridization.  相似文献   

  • Monomorphic enantiostylous species produce flowers with a displacement of the style to the left (L) or right (R) on the same individual, and may exhibit different dynamics for the production of these floral types, which may influence levels of selfing.
  • We investigated the production dynamics of L and R floral types in seven species and a variety of monomorphic enantiostylous species of the genera Senna and Chamaecrista. Our hypothesis was that most species present similar proportions of floral morphs each day. Individuals were classified daily over a period of 7 days according to the functional status, i.e. the proportion of floral morphs as functionally L, R or reciprocal (REC, i.e. similar proportions of the two floral morphs), and also according to the number of consecutive days in which they exhibited the same functional status.
  • All species presented low daily flower production. Most species had individuals classified as functionally R, L and REC, and tend to repeat the same functional status over a few days, although they may change functional status during the flowering period. All species exhibited individuals that were classified as functionally reciprocal when both the daily and total number of flowers produced over 7 days was considered. The occurrence of different functional status has not yet been reported in the literature for enantiostylous species.
  • The distinct strategies observed in the dynamics of floral morph production seemed likely to minimise geitonogamy and to favour cross‐pollination between individuals (xenogamy).

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) is an endemic tree from the Brazilian cerrado (savanna vegetation), a biome classified as a hotspot for conservation priority. This study investigates the phylogeographic structure of H. stigonocarpa, in order to understand the processes that have led to its current spatial genetic pattern. METHODS: The polymorphism level and spatial distribution of variants of the plastid non-coding region between the genes psbC and trnS were investigated in 175 individuals from 17 populations, covering the greater part of the total distribution of the species. Molecular diversity indices were calculated and intra-specific relationships were inferred by the construction of haplotype networks using the median-joining method. Genetic differentiation among populations and main geographical groups was evaluated using spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA). KEY RESULTS: Twenty-three different haplotypes were identified. The level of differentiation among the populations analysed was relatively high (F(ST) = 0.692). Phylogeographic analyses showed a clear association between the haplotype network and geographic distribution of populations, revealing three main geographical groups: western, central and eastern. SAMOVA corroborated this finding, indicating that most of the variation can be attributed to differences among these three groups (58.8 %), with little difference among populations within groups (F(SC) = 0.252). CONCLUSIONS: The subdivision of the geographic distribution of H. stigonocarpa populations into three genetically differentiated groups can be associated with Quaternary climatic changes. The data suggest that during glacial times H. stigonocarpa populations became extinct in most parts of the southern present-day cerrado area. Milder climatic conditions in the north and eastern portions of the cerrado resulted in maintenance of populations in these regions. Thus it is inferred that the most southern part of the present-day cerrado was re-colonized by different lineages from northern parts of this biome, after postglacial climate amelioration.  相似文献   

Enantiostyly is a form of reciprocal herkogamy, in which floral morphs present reciprocal differences in the position of sexual elements, and occurs in monomorphic and dimorphic forms. This polymorphism maximises cross‐pollination and reduces self‐pollination, being very common within the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae). Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the functionality of enantiostyly, particularly in this plant group. The present study aimed to investigate enantiostyly and its functionality in Chamaecrista ramosa, a monomorphic enantiostylous shrub, in an area of coastal vegetation in northeast Brazil. Pollen deposition and capture on the body of floral visitors, the relationship of these data with floral biology and breeding system, and morph ratio were evaluated. Pollen deposition and capture occurred in specific sites of the floral visitor body, showing the functionality of enantiostyly. The floral architecture, associated with the floral visitor behaviour, resulted in indirect pollen deposition on the floral visitor body. This occurred through a loop made by the pollen upon the inner petal surface, similar that generally reported for other Cassiinae. Chamaecrista ramosa is self‐compatible, although no fruit set was observed through spontaneous self‐pollination. The occurrence and number of floral morphs was similar within clumps. Enantiostyly seems to be advantageous for this species, as it results in efficient pollen capture and deposition, reduces the chances of autogamy and maximises intermorph pollen flow.  相似文献   

The monotypic genusTrachylobium [T. verrucosum (Gaertn.) Oliv.] from East Africa and adjacent islands is returned toHymenaea verrucosa Gaertn. on the basis of reevaluation of inflorescence, flower, and fruit characters together with new evidence from seedlings, pollen, leaf venation, chromosome number, and chemistry of the resins.Hymenaea verrucosa appears more similar to an Amazonian and Cuban group of species, which may have been derived from a common African ancestral stock in the Tertiary period, than to another group of species that probably evolved from the evergreen forest species and then radiated into an expanding area of drier habitats during the later Tertiary and dry intervals of the Pleistocene. Originally the genusTrachylobium was distinguished fromHymenaea by a morphological comparison with the probably more recently evolved species. A possible explanation is presented for the disjunct amphi-Atlantic distribution ofH. verrucosa and the neotropical species ofHymenaea.  相似文献   

Tree Genetics & Genomes - Tree breeders must almost always address multiple traits. That entails choosing selection methods and weighing up known or assumed economic-worth functions for traits....  相似文献   

A systematic study of the leaf anatomy of Dimorphandra and Mora showed that the leaf epidermis provides taxonomic characters for the separation of the two sections of Dimorphandra, Pocillum and Dimorphandra , viz. the structure of the guard cells and the degree of sunkenness of the stomata. The diverse arrangements of the neighbouring cells around the stomata do not provide a clear distinction between the sections: in section Pocillum the stomata are paracytic but in section Dimorphandra several types are found. Papillae of diverse shape, size and disposition are present in the different species of Dimorphandra , and with all these variations in the epidermal characters it is possible to establish series of increasing complexity in the two sections.
Mora presents several characters which distinguish it from Dimorphandra (e.g. thickenings in the walls of the stomata and other epidermal cells, granular silica in the lumen of some epidermal cells, and sinuous anticlinal walls in the cells of both epidermides), thus supporting its recognition as a separate genus.  相似文献   

Forest fragments along the Atlantic coastland of Brazil have been highly impacted by extensive human activities for the last 400 years. Caesalpinia echinata (Leguminosae– Caesalpinioideae), brazilwood, was overexploited during this period due to its economical importance as a dye. As a result, the species has become endangered and today its total population size is very restricted. We have assessed the distribution of genetic variation between five natural populations of brazilwood by means of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Of the total genetic variability, 28.5% was attributable to differences between two geographical groups, 29.6% to population differences within groups and 42.0% to individual differences within populations. The high level of population differentiation observed is in contrast to that expected for a primarily outcrossed woody perennial plant, and suggests that there may be a degree of inbreeding. Our results are in agreement with previous studies which postulated that C. echinata has always occurred in clumps, being common in some places but rare in between. From a conservation point of view, different populations representing different regions should be protected and, yet, plants with different origins should not be synthesized into populations in a recovery process at the risk of loss and dilution of genetic information. This study demonstrates that RAPD markers were effective in establishing a clear correlation between genetic and geographical distance and in identifying areas of maximum diversity, and may be used as an initial approach to assess the partitioning of genetic variation in this endangered species.  相似文献   

The resurrection species Sporobolus stapfianus Gandoger has been studied by LM, TEM and SEM in order to define the leaf morphology and fine structure and to analyse the cellular changes occurring during the processes of dehydration and rehydration of the plant. Some characteristics of the fully hydrated leaf and some ultrastructural and physiological events which take place during leaf wilting are discussed in relation to their possible role in plant desiccation-tolerance.The leaves of S. stapfianus show several characteristics common among xerophytic species. In the resurrection leaf they could play a role in slowing down the drying rate, thus leaving time to activate the mechanisms protecting the cell structures against drought damage. Actually, the S. stapfianus leaves do not undergo important cellular alterations during dehydration. The chloroplasts, in particular, retain part of their photosynthetic pigments and thylakoid membranes. Upon rewatering leaf recovery is rather fast and the tissue structure and cell organization of the fully hydrated state are already regained after two days.  相似文献   

Foliar secretory cavities, commonly called leaf pellucid glands, have been reported in many families of vascular plants. In the Rubiaceae, these structures have only been found in the sister genera Rustia and Tresanthera, which are also anomalous within the family because they have poricidal anthers, and in the distantly related Heterophyllaea. General leaf anatomy, with particular attention to secretory cavities, as well as the chemical analysis of the secreted substances of Rustia formosa, is presented here for the first time. The secretory structures have been found in the lamina between the palisade and spongy parenchymas and in the cortical region of the petiole. The chemical analysis showed that the essential oil secreted is a complex mixture of at least 75 components, mostly of sesquiterpenoid composition. Illustrations of the leaf anatomy, details of the secretory structures of Rustia formosa, a gas chromatogram, and a table of the principal components of the leaf essential oil are included.  相似文献   


The anatomy of field, in vitro and acclimatized shoots (leaves and stems) of two cultivars of Leucospermum (L. cordifolium ‘Flame Spike’ and L. ‘Tango’) was compared using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Field plants showed several scleromorphic anatomical structures related to excess solar radiation such as: cuticle thickness, subepidermal collenchyma and sclerenchyma. Furthermore, a large quantity of phenolic deposits present in the cell lumen of various tissues is also a scleromorphic feature. The special conditions during in vitro culture result in plantlets with abnormal morphology and anatomy. These disorders are associated with the gaseous environment in the culture vessels, low irradiance in the incubation chamber and the addition of sucrose, nutrients and growth regulators to the culture medium. After transfer from in vitro to ex vitro conditions, substantial changes in leaf and stem anatomy were observed, above all in cuticle thickness, epidermal characteristics (stomatal and trichome index, and stomatal and pore size), differentiation of leaf mesophyll, chloroplast structure, and amount and localization of phenolic deposits. These changes allowed the plants to adapt to the new environmental conditions. The study of anatomical features of in vitro shoots facilitated adapting the acclimation protocol to predict which plantlet would survive the critical acclimation stage.



Background and Aims

The distinction between pearl bodies (or pearl glands) and food bodies (FBs) is not clear; neither is our understanding of what these structures really represent. The present work examined the ontogenesis, structure, ultrastructure and histochemical aspects of the protuberances in Cissus verticillata, which have been described since the beginning of the 19th century as pearl glands or pearl bodies, in order to establish a relationship between their structure and function.


Segments of stems and leaves in different stages of development were collected and fixed for study under light microscopy as well as electron transmission and scanning microscopy. Samples of FBs were subjected to chemical analysis using thin-layer chromatography.

Key Results

The FBs in C. verticillata are globose and attached to the plant by a short peduncle. These structures are present along the entire stem during primary growth, and on the inflorescence axis and the abaxial face of the leaves. The FBs were observed to be of mixed origin, with the participation of both the epidermis and the underlying parenchymatic cells. The epidermis is uniseriate with a thin cuticle, and the cells have dense cytoplasm and a large nucleus. The internal parenchymatic cells have thin walls; in the young structures these cells have dense cytoplasm with a predominance of mitochondria and plastids. In the mature FBs, the parenchymatic cells accumulate oils and soluble sugars; dictyosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum predominate in the cytoplasm; the vacuoles are ample. Removal of the FBs appears to stimulate the formation of new ones, at the same place.


The vegetative vigour of the plant seems to influence the number of FBs produced, with more vigorous branches having greater densities of FBs. The results allow the conclusion that the structures traditionally designated pearl glands or pearl bodies in C. verticillata constitute FBs that can recruit large numbers of ants.Key words: Ant–plant interactions, Cissus verticillata, food bodies, myrmecophily, pearl glands, pearl bodies, cell ultrastructure, Vitaceae  相似文献   

Copaifera langsdorffii Desf., popularly known as copaíba, is an oleoresin-producing tree has been overexploited in Brazil by the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and varnish industries. Despite the long history of the use of this species, the structural knowledge on the resin-producing sites remains inadequate and is limited to the trunk. The aim of this study was to describe the origin, structure and developmental features of secretory spaces present in shoot and root wood of C. langsdorffii, based on the usual techniques of wood anatomy studies. Both root and shoot wood present secretory canals distributed along the marginal parenchyma bands which delimit growth layers. Secretory canals are constituted by a locally biseriate epithelium and lume that contains terpenes. They are arisen in the cambial zone from fusiform cambial initial cells and, eventually, ray initials. The origin of lumen is schizogenous. The epithelial cells have meristematic potential and are responsible for the locally biseriate epithelium. Mature secretory canals are wider and are separated between themselves only by a row of radial cells. The fusion of these adjacent secretory canals is frequent and results from the radial cell collapse. The finding of an interconnected system of resin canals in C. langsdorffii might be of value in terms of sustainable extraction of the resin and realistically assess its sustainable harvest potential.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci were isolated from the African ant‐plant Leonardoxa africana (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae). They differentiate the two most divergent subspecies of this polytypic complex, L. a. africana and L. a. gracilicaulis, showing promise for the study of gene flow. In each of these two subspecies, high levels of within‐population variation were observed, with a number of alleles ranging from one to 10 in ssp. africana and from one to 7 in ssp. gracilicaulis, and heterozygosity from 0 to 0.933 in ssp. africana and to 0.867 in ssp. gracilicaulis. All loci amplified successfully in the two other subspecies of L. africana.  相似文献   

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