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SUMMARY: With the availability of whole genome sequence in many species, linkage analysis, positional cloning and microarray are gradually becoming powerful tools for investigating the links between phenotype and genotype or genes. However, in these methods, causative genes underlying a quantitative trait locus, or a disease, are usually located within a large genomic region or a large set of genes. Examining the function of every gene is very time consuming and needs to retrieve and integrate the information from multiple databases or genome resources. PGMapper is a software tool for automatically matching phenotype to genes from a defined genome region or a group of given genes by combining the mapping information from the Ensembl database and gene function information from the OMIM and PubMed databases. PGMapper is currently available for candidate gene search of human, mouse, rat, zebrafish and 12 other species. AVAILABILITY: Available online at http://www.genediscovery.org/pgmapper/index.jsp.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles are being developed as delivery vehicles for therapeutic pharmaceuticals and contrast imaging agents. Polymersomes (mesoscopic polymer vesicles) possess a number of attractive biomaterial properties that make them ideal for these applications. Synthetic control over block copolymer chemistry enables tunable design of polymersome material properties. The polymersome architecture, with its large hydrophilic reservoir and its thick hydrophobic lamellar membrane, provides significant storage capacity for both water soluble and insoluble substances (such as drugs and imaging probes). Further, the brush-like architecture of the polymersome outer shell can potentially increase biocompatibility and blood circulation times. A further recent advance is the development of multi-functional polymersomes that carry pharmaceuticals and imaging agents simultaneously. The ability to conjugate biologically active ligands to the brush surface provides a further means for targeted therapy and imaging. Hence, polymersomes hold enormous potential as nanostructured biomaterials for future in vivo drug delivery and diagnostic imaging applications.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between transferred and chromosomal DNA can be used to effect precise, predetermined modifications of the chromosomal genes. Ultimately this phenomenon should allow the assessment of genetic regulatory elements as they function in the normal chromosomal environment. We have previously described a system for isolating mutant hybridoma cells that are defective in immunoglobulin (Ig) production, with a view toward using these mutants to define cis-acting elements that influence Ig gene expression. Here we describe results that indicate that homologous recombination between transferred and chromosomal Ig genes can be used to map Ig mutations by marker rescue.  相似文献   

N-terminally truncated Aβ peptides starting with pyroglutamate (AβpE3) represent a major fraction of all Aβ peptides in the brain of Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. AβpE3 has a higher aggregation propensity and stability and shows increased toxicity compared with full-length Aβ. In the present work, we generated a novel monoclonal antibody (9D5) that selectively recognizes oligomeric assemblies of AβpE3 and studied the potential involvement of oligomeric AβpE3 in vivo using transgenic mouse models as well as human brains from sporadic and familial AD cases. 9D5 showed an unusual staining pattern with almost nondetectable plaques in sporadic AD patients and non-demented controls. Interestingly, in sporadic and familial AD cases prominent intraneuronal and blood vessel staining was observed. Using a novel sandwich ELISA significantly decreased levels of oligomers in plasma samples from patients with AD compared with healthy controls were identified. Moreover, passive immunization of 5XFAD mice with 9D5 significantly reduced overall Aβ plaque load and AβpE3 levels, and normalized behavioral deficits. These data indicate that 9D5 is a therapeutically and diagnostically effective monoclonal antibody targeting low molecular weight AβpE3 oligomers.  相似文献   

An open-access World Wide Web application has been developed which enables the cross-linking of anatomical data on the phenotypic manifestations of human and mouse malformation syndromes to data on gene function and/or expression patterns in the mouse GXD database. Ultimately, the system has been designed to assist biologists in the process of discovering hitherto unidentified malformation genes. More specifically, it facilitates search from the phenotypic level. AVAILABILITY: The application and further information is available at http://genetics.ich.ucl.ac.uk/linksearchtool.  相似文献   

于涛  韩英伦  肖蓉  刘欣  李庆伟 《遗传》2013,35(1):55-61
单克隆抗体(Monoclonal antibody, mAb)在癌症以及自身免疫等疾病的诊断与治疗中得到广泛应用, 并且取得了重大进展。当今应用于临床的单克隆抗体是在免疫球蛋白的基础上进行改造研发而得。然而近期发现的无颌类脊椎动物的特异性抗原受体-可变淋巴细胞受体(Variable lymphocyte receptor, VLR), 为抗体类试剂或药物的研发提供了新的视角。与免疫球蛋白(Immunoglobulins, Ig)相比, VLR与抗原结合的特异性、亲和力及稳定性都优于Ig类抗体, 并且抗原特异性单克隆VLR的制备技术日趋成熟。因此, VLR在临床诊断和治疗中具有更高的应用价值, 并可能成为新一代的抗体药物。文章就VLR的基本特征、制备方法及其应用前景进行综述, 为实现VLR在临床诊断与治疗等领域中的应用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Aptamers are a group of molecules, which can specifically bind, track, and inhibit target molecules, comprising DNA aptamers, RNA aptamers, and peptide aptamers. So far, there are much progress about developing novel aptamers and their expansile applications. This prospect systematically introduces the composition and technological evolution of aptamers, and then focuses on the application of aptamers in cancer diagnosis, imaging, and therapy. Following this, we discuss the potential to harness aptamers in discovering the biomarker of stem cells, which is favorable for us to study the normal developmental or abnormal pathological process of tissue and to deliver drugs into target cells or tissues in the future. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 250–255, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The 3D structures of macromolecules are difficult to grasp and also to communicate. By their nature, movies or animations are particularly useful for highlighting key features by offering a 'guided tour' of structures and conformation changes. However, high-quality movies are rarely seen because they are currently difficult and time consuming to make. By adopting the traditional movie 'storyboard' concept, which gives guidance and direction to filming, eMovie makes the creation of lengthy molecular animations much easier. This tool is a plug-in for the open-source molecular graphics program PyMOL, and enables experts and novices alike to produce informative and high-quality molecular animations.  相似文献   

A tool kit of vectors was designed to manipulate and express genes from a wide range of gram-negative species by using in vivo recombination. Saccharomyces cerevisiae can use its native recombination proteins to combine several amplicons in a single transformation step with high efficiency. We show that this technology is particularly useful for vector design. Shuttle, suicide, and expression vectors useful in a diverse group of bacteria are described and utilized. This report describes the use of these vectors to mutate clpX and clpP of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to explore their roles in biofilm formation and surface motility. Complementation of the rhamnolipid biosynthetic gene rhlB is also described. Expression vectors are used for controlled expression of genes in two pseudomonad species. To demonstrate the facility of building complicated constructs with this technique, the recombination of four PCR-generated amplicons in a single step at >80% efficiency into one of these vectors is shown. These tools can be used for genetic studies of pseudomonads and many other gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Endometriosis originates in the uterine lining and affects ~20% of reproductive-age women. The disease often causes chronic pelvic pain, affects ovulatory function and influences fertility. Although laparoscopic diagnosis of uterine endometriosis is quite specific, direct visualisation can be difficult or inaccurate in some circumstances, and it is not useful for diagnosing extra-abdominal disease. Laparoscopy is an invasive procedure, has significant morbidity and cannot be carried out frequently to monitor efficacy of therapy and the possibility of recurrence. Thus, a specific, non-invasive diagnostic test is required. One intriguing area of research uses the technology of radioimmunotargeting, which has previously been used for cancer detection. This technique could have potential for the specific detection and eventual treatment of endometriosis. A marker, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), has been identified that is expressed in ~90% of endometriosis specimens, and is not expressed or only weakly expressed in normal endometrium. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a monoclonal antibody to EPO for investigation as an immunoimaging agent in cancers that exhibit eosinophilia. EPO targeting using this antibody could be useful for detecting and/or treating endometriosis.  相似文献   

The specific structural features of stem-loop (hairpin) DNA constructs provide increased specificity of target recognition. Recently, several robust assays have been developed that exploit the potential of structurally constrained oligonucleotides to hybridize with their cognate targets. Here, I review new diagnostic approaches based on the formation of stem-loop DNA oligonucleotides: molecular beacon methodology, suppression PCR approaches and the use of hairpin probes in DNA microarrays. The advantages of these techniques over existing ones for sequence-specific DNA detection, amplification and manipulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Various types of cancer pose a notable threat to human health globally. To date, many researchers have undertaken the search for anticancer therapies. However, many anticancer therapeutic approaches accompany many undesirable hazards. In this respect, extracellular vesicles as a whole gained excessive attention from the research community owing to their remarkable potential for delivery of anticancer agents since they are involved in distal intercellular communication via biological cargoes. With the discovery of the fact that tumor cells discharge huge quantities of EVs, new insights have been developed in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TD-EVs) can be distinguished from the normal cell-derived EVs due to the presence of specific labels on their surface. TD-EVs carry specific oncogenic proteins and the nucleic acids on their surface membrane that participate in tumor progression. Moreover, the proportion of these nucleic acids and the protein greatly varies among malignant and healthy cell-derived EVs. The diagnostic potential of TD-EVs can be implied for the more precise and early-stage detection of cancer that was impossible in the past. This review examines the recent progress in prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic potential of the EVs derived from the tumor cells.  相似文献   

Summary When a non-selected DNA sequence was added during the transformation of amdS320 deletion strains of Aspergillus nidulans with a vector containing the wild-type amdS gene the AmdS+ transformants were cotransformed at a high frequency. Cotransformation of an amdS320, trpC801 double mutant strain showed that both the molar ratio of the two vectors and the concentration of the cotransforming vector affected the cotransformation frequency. The maximum frequency obtained was defined by the gene chosen as selection marker for transformation. Cotransformation was used to induce a gene replacement in A. nidulans. An amdS320 strain was transformed to AmdS+ and cotransformed with a DNA fragment containing a fusion between a non-functional A. nidulans trpC gene and the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. Ten AmdS+, LacZ+ transformants with a Trp mutant phenotype were selected. All of these strains could be transformed with a functional copy of the A. nidulans trpC gene, but only two strains yielded TrpC+ transformants which, with a low frequency, had a LacZ phenotype. These latter transformants had also lost the AmdS+ phenotype. Southern blotting analysis of DNA from these transformants confirmed the inactivation of the wild-type trpC gene, but revealed that amdS vector sequences were also involved in the gene replacement events.  相似文献   

Continued advances in genetic engineering have made possible the high-level expression of correctly processed cellular, viral and bacterial polypeptides. This article focuses on viral expression vectors and, more specifically, the vaccinia virus expression system. Vaccinia virus has been used to express a variety of proteins with useful immunogenic, catalytic or pharmaceutical properties. We discuss briefly the biology of vaccinia and its significance in the use of vaccinia as an expression vector, the variety of vaccinia systems currently in use and, finally, we summarize some recent developments which bode well for future applications of vaccinia virus technology.  相似文献   

The role of TatD DNases as DNA repair enzymes or cell death (apoptotic) nucleases is well established in prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes. The current study aims to characterize the TatD nuclease from Bacillus anthracis (Ba TatD) and to explore its key histidine catalytic residues. Ba TatD was found to be a metal-dependent, nonspecific endonuclease which could efficiently cleave double-stranded DNA substrates. Moreover, Ba TatD nuclease was observed to be thermostable up to 55°C and act in a wide pH range indicating its industrial applicability. Diethyl pyrocarbonate-based histidine-selective alkylation of the Ba TatD resulted in a loss of its nuclease activity suggesting a crucial role of the histidine residues in its activity. The key residues of Ba TatD were predicted using sequence analysis and structure-based approaches, and then the predicted residues were further tested by mutational analysis. Upon mutational analysis, H128 and H153 have been found to be crucial for Ba TatD activity, though H153 seems to bear an important but a dispensable role for the Ba TatD nuclease. Ba TatD had a uniform expression in the cytosol of B. anthracis, which indicates a significant role of the protein in the pathogen's life cycle. This is the first study to identify and characterize the TatD DNase from B. anthracis and will be helpful in gaining more insights on the role of TatD proteins in Gram-positive bacteria where it remains unexplored.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH10) plays important roles in the regulation of cell cycle progression. Recently, UbcH10 expression has been demonstrated in several human and experimental tumors, and proteasome inhibitors have been tested in trials for pulmonary neoplasms; however, the underlying mechanisms as well as the clinicopathological relevance of UbcH10 in the genesis and progression of lung cancer remain largely unknown. Therefore, the authors evaluated the expression of UbcH10 in human lung cancer and evaluated its possible diagnostic and prognostic use. They found that most cases of lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell and small cell carcinoma were positive for UbcH10. The expression levels of UbcH10 progressively increased with decreasing degree of tumor differentiation. There was a statistically significant difference of UbcH10 positivity between grade I/III of lung adenocarcinoma (p=0.013) and squamous cell carcinoma (p=0.002). No significant differences were found between histological types (p=0.072). In the case of cell blocks prepared from pleural effusions, inflammatory and reactive mesothelial elements did not show appreciable UbcH10 expression, whereas neoplastic cells exhibited clear UbcH10 positivity. The results suggest that UbcH10 might represent a new and promising diagnostic and prognostic marker in both histologic and cytologic specimens of lung cancer.  相似文献   

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