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Specificity of hammerhead ribozyme cleavage.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
To be effective in gene inactivation, the hammerhead ribozyme must cleave a complementary RNA target without deleterious effects from cleaving non-target RNAs that contain mismatches and shorter stretches of complementarity. The specificity of hammerhead cleavage was evaluated using HH16, a well-characterized ribozyme designed to cleave a target of 17 residues. Under standard reaction conditions, HH16 is unable to discriminate between its full-length substrate and 3'-truncated substrates, even when six fewer base pairs are formed between HH16 and the substrate. This striking lack of specificity arises because all the substrates bind to the ribozyme with sufficient affinity so that cleavage occurs before their affinity differences are manifested. In contrast, HH16 does exhibit high specificity towards certain 3'-truncated versions of altered substrates that either also contain a single base mismatch or are shortened at the 5' end. In addition, the specificity of HH16 is improved in the presence of p7 nucleocapsid protein from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, which accelerates the association and dissociation of RNA helices. These results support the view that the hammerhead has an intrinsic ability to discriminate against incorrect bases, but emphasizes that the high specificity is only observed in a certain range of helix lengths.  相似文献   

The hammerhead ribozyme undergoes a well-defined two-stage folding process induced by the sequential binding of two magnesium ions. These probably correspond to the formation of domain 2 (0-500 microM magnesium ions) and domain 1 (1-20 mM magnesium ions), respectively. In this study we have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to analyze the ion-induced folding of a number of variants of the hammerhead ribozyme. We find that both A14G and G8U mutations are highly destabilizing, such that these species are essentially unfolded under all conditions. Thus they appear to be blocked in the first stage of the folding process, and using uranyl-induced photocleavage we show that the core is completely accessible to this probe under these conditions. Changes at G5 do not affect the first transition but appear to provide a blockage at the second stage of folding; this is true of changes in the sugar (removal of the 2'-hydroxyl group) and base (G5C mutation, previously studied by comparative gel electrophoresis). Arrest of folding at this intermediate stage leads to a pattern of uranyl-induced photocleavage that is changed from the wild-type, but suggests a structure less open than the A14G mutant. Specific photocleavage at G5 is found only in the wild-type sequence, suggesting that this ion-binding site is formed late in the folding process. In addition to folding that is blocked at selected stages, we have also observed misfolding. Thus the A13G mutation appears to result in the ion-induced formation of a novel tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Substitutional RNA editing plays a crucial role in the regulation of biological processes. Cleavage of target RNA that depends on the specific site of substitutional RNA editing is a useful tool for analyzing and regulating intracellular processes related to RNA editing. Hammerhead ribozymes have been utilized as small catalytic RNAs for cleaving target RNA at a specific site and may be used for RNA-editing-specific RNA cleavage. Here we reveal a design strategy for a hammerhead ribozyme that specifically recognizes adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) and cytosine to uracil (C-to-U) substitutional RNA-editing sites and cleaves target RNA. Because the hammerhead ribozyme cleaves one base upstream of the target-editing site, the base that pairs with the target-editing site was utilized for recognition. RNA-editing-specific ribozymes were designed such that the recognition base paired only with the edited base. These ribozymes showed A-to-I and C-to-U editing-specific cleavage activity against synthetic serotonin receptor 2C and apolipoprotein B mRNA fragments in vitro, respectively. Additionally, the ribozyme designed for recognizing A-to-I RNA editing at the Q/R site on filamin A (FLNA) showed editing-specific cleavage activity against physiologically edited FLNA mRNA extracted from cells. We demonstrated that our strategy is effective for cleaving target RNA in an editing-dependent manner. The data in this study provided an experimental basis for the RNA-editing-dependent degradation of specific target RNA in vivo.  相似文献   

The hammerhead ribozyme, a small catalytic RNA molecule, cleaves, in the presence of magnesium ions, a specific phosphodiester bond within its own backbone, leading to 23-cyclic phosphate and 5-OH extremities. In order to study the dynamical flexibility of the hammerhead RNA, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the solvated crystal structure of an active hammerhead ribozyme, obtained after flash-freezing crystals soaked with magnesium. Because of a careful equilibration protocol and the use of the Ewald summation in calculating the electrostatic interactions, the RNA structure remained close to the crystal structure, as attested by a root-mean-square deviation below 2.5 A after 750 ps of simulation. All Watson-Crick base pairs were intact at the end of the simulations. The tertiary interactions, such as the sheared G.A pairs and the U-turn, important for the stabilisation of the three-dimensional RNA fold, were also retained. The results demonstrate that molecular dynamics simulations can be successfully used to investigate the dynamical behaviour of a ribozyme, thus, opening a road to study the role of transient structural changes involved in ribozyme catalysis.  相似文献   

Dynamic interactions between hammerhead ribozymes and RNA substrates were measured using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology. Two in vitro transcribed substrates (non-cleavable and cleavable) were immobilised on streptavidin-coated dextran matrices and subsequently challenged with non-related yeast tRNA or two hammerhead ribozymes, both of which had previously been shown to exhibit functional binding and cleavage of complementary target RNAs. The target-binding domain of one of the ribozymes was fully complementary to a 16-ribonucleotide stretch on the immobilised substrates, while the other ribozyme had a nine-ribonucleotide complementarity. The two ribozymes could readily be differentiated with regard to affinity. Cleavage could be measured, using the ribozyme with full target complementarity to the cleavable substrate. In contrast, the ribozyme with lower affinity lacked cleavage activity. We suggest that SPR will be useful for investigations of ribozyme-substrate interactions.  相似文献   

We have captured the structure of a pre-catalytic conformational intermediate of the hammerhead ribozyme using a phosphodiester tether formed between I and Stem II. This phosphodiester tether appears to mimic interactions in the wild-type hammerhead RNA that enable switching between nuclease and ligase activities, both of which are required in the replicative cycles of the satellite RNA viruses from which the hammerhead ribozyme is derived. The structure of this conformational intermediate reveals how the attacking nucleophile is positioned prior to cleavage, and demonstrates how restricting the ability of Stem I to rotate about its helical axis, via interactions with Stem II, can inhibit cleavage. Analogous covalent crosslinking experiments have demonstrated that imposing such restrictions on interhelical movement can change the hammerhead ribozyme from a nuclease to a ligase. Taken together, these results permit us to suggest that switching between ligase and nuclease activity is determined by the helical orientation of Stem I relative to Stem II.  相似文献   

Distinct structural models for the hammerhead ribozyme derived from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements have been compared. Both models predict the same overall geometry, a wishbone shape with helices II and III nearly colinear and helix I positioned close to helix II. However, the relative orientations of helices I and II are different. To establish whether one of the models represents a kinetically active structure, a new crosslinking procedure was developed in which helices I and II of hammerhead ribozymes were disulfide-crosslinked via the 2' positions of specific sugar residues. Crosslinking residues on helices I and II that are close according to the X-ray structure did not appreciably reduce the catalytic efficiency. In contrast, crosslinking residues closely situated according to the FRET model dramatically reduced the cleavage rate by at least three orders of magnitude. These correlations between catalytic efficiencies and spatial proximities are consistent with the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

Cryoenzymology of the hammerhead ribozyme.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The technique of cryoenzymology has been applied to the hammerhead ribozyme in an attempt to uncover a structural rearrangement step prior to cleavage. Several cryosolvents were tested and 40% (v/v) methanol in water was found to perturb the system only minimally. This solvent allowed the measurement of ribozyme activity between 30 and -33 degrees C. Eyring plots are linear down to -27 degrees C, but a drastic reduction in activity occurs below this temperature. However, even at extremely low temperatures, the rate is still quite pH dependent, suggesting that the chemical step rather than a structural rearrangement is still rate-limiting. The nonlinearity of the Eyring plot may be the result of a transition to a cold-denatured state or a glassed state.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a protein derived from the p7 nucleocapsid (NC) protein of HIV type-1 increases kcat/Km and kcat for cleavage of a cognate substrate by a hammerhead ribozyme. Here we show directly that the increase in kcat/Km arises from catalysis of the annealing of the RNA substrate to the ribozyme and the increase in kcat arises from catalysis of dissociation of the RNA products from the ribozyme. A peptide polymer derived from the consensus sequence of the C-terminal domain of the hnRNP A1 protein (A1 CTD) provides similar enhancements. Although these effects apparently arise from non-specific interactions, not all non-specific binding interactions led to these enhancements. NC and A1 CTD exert their effects by accelerating attainment of the thermodynamically most stable species throughout the ribozyme catalytic cycle. In addition, NC protein is shown to resolve a misfolded ribozyme-RNA complex that is otherwise long lived. These in vitro results suggest that non-specific RNA binding proteins such as NC and hnRNP proteins may have a biological role as RNA chaperones that prevent misfolding of RNAs and resolve RNAs that have misfolded, thereby ensuring that RNA is accessible for its biological functions.  相似文献   

Sequence-dependent structural variations of hammerhead RNA enzymes.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Hammerhead ribozymes cleave RNA substrates containing the UX sequence, where X = U, C or A, embedded within sequences which are complementary to the hybridising 'arms' of the ribozyme. In this study we have replaced the RNA in the hybridising arms of the ribozyme with DNA, and the resulting ribozyme is many times more active than its precursor. In turnover-kinetics experiments with a 13-mer RNA substrate, the kcat/Km ratios are 10 and 150 microM-1min-1 for the RNA- and DNA-armed ribozymes, respectively. The effect is due mainly to differences in kcat. In independent experiments where the cleavage step is rate-limiting, the DNA-armed ribozyme cleaves the substrate with a rate constant more than 3 times greater than the all-RNA ribozyme. DNA substrates containing a ribocytidine at the cleavage site have been shown to be cleaved less efficiently than their all-RNA analogues; again however, the DNA-armed ribozyme is more effective than the all-RNA ribozyme against such DNA substrates. These results demonstrate that there are no 2'-hydroxyl groups in the arms of the ribozyme that are required for cleavage; and that the structure of the complex formed by the DNA-armed ribozyme with its substrate is more favourable for cleavage than that formed by the all-RNA ribozyme and its substrate.  相似文献   

A series of 2 stranded hammerhead ribozymes has been synthesized in which single conserved adenosine residues have been replaced by nebularine or single guanosine residues by inosine. Comparison of the rates of trans-cleavage for the modified structures suggests the presence of interstrand non-Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding interactions including a GA:AG double mismatch. The exocyclic amino group of one of the guanosine residues is essential for cleavage.  相似文献   

J C Markley  F Godde  S T Sigurdsson 《Biochemistry》2001,40(46):13849-13856
We describe a new RNA cleavage motif, found in the hammerhead ribozyme. Cleavage occurs between nucleotides G8 and A9, yielding a free 5'-hydroxyl group and a 2',3'-cyclic phosphate. This cleavage is dependent upon divalent metal ions and is the first evidence for a metalloribozyme known to show preference for Zn(2+). Cleavage is also observed in the presence of Ni(2+), Co(2+), Mn(2+), Cd(2+), and Pb(2+), while negligible cleavage was detected in the presence of the alkaline-earth metal ions Mg(2+), Ca(2+), Sr(2+), and Ba(2+). A linear relationship between the logarithm of the rate and pH was observed for the Zn(2+)-dependent cleavage, which is indicative of proton loss in the cleavage mechanism, either prior to or in the rate-determining step. We postulate that a zinc hydroxide complex, bound to the known A9/G10.1 metal ion binding site, abstracts the proton from the 2'-hydroxyl group of G8, which attacks the A9 phosphate and initiates cleavage. This hypothesis is supported by a previously reported crystal structure [Murray, J. B., Terwey, D. P., Maloney, L., Karpeisky, A., Usman, N., Beigelman, L., and Scott, W. G. (1998) Cell 92, 665-673], which shows the conformation required for RNA cleavage and proximity of the 2'-hydroxyl group to the metal ion complex.  相似文献   

Mixed DNA/RNA polymers are cleaved by the hammerhead ribozyme.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of chemically synthesized oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing one or two ribonucleotides (DNA/RNA mixed polymers) at and/or adjacent to the cleavage site of the substrate can be cleaved by the "hammerhead" ribozyme. In comparison with the all-RNA substrate, the predominantly deoxyribonucleotide substrates have (1) lower optimal temperatures of cleavage, (2) approximately 6-fold higher Km's and 7-fold lower kcat's at 30 degrees C, and (3) 15-fold higher Km's and 8-fold lower kcat's at 37 degrees C. The extent to which the RNA substrate cleavage is inhibited in the presence of an all-DNA (KI = 13 microM) and an RNA substrate analogue with a dC at the cleavage site (KI = 0.96 microM) supports the contention that the formation of the ribozyme-substrate complex with the predominantly deoxyribonucleotide substrates (D substrates) is impaired. The weaker binding of D substrates was confirmed by thermal denaturation and determination of the Tm of the complex. Analysis of the kinetic data also suggests that the conformation of the catalytic core of the ribozyme-substrate complex differs from that of the all-RNA complex, a change that results from the presence of a DNA/RNA heteroduplex in the complex.  相似文献   

The activity of a hammerhead ribozyme (Rz) in vivo depends on several factors, such as abundance, stability, and accessibility of Rz to its target mRNA. Among these factors, accessibility is believed to be the rate-limiting factor for Rz-mediated cleavage in vivo. As Rz and its substrate RNA are negatively charged, we examined whether cellular RNA-interacting proteins or artificial polycations might improve the accessibility of Rz to its substrate RNA. Specifically, we examined the effects of two kinds of cationic comb-type copolymer, alphaPLL-g-Dex, and a cellular RNA helicase on the accessibility of Rz to a model structured RNA in vitro. The cleavage activity of Rz was slightly enhanced by alphaPLL-g-Dex, probably due to an acceleration of the association/dissociation rate. And also, the RNA helicase-bound hybrid-Rz could cleave the target substrate at a significantly higher rate due to its unwinding activity for the duplex RNA substrate. These approaches should be useful in the development of efficient gene-inactivating reagents in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

Role of divalent metal ions in the hammerhead RNA cleavage reaction.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
S C Dahm  O C Uhlenbeck 《Biochemistry》1991,30(39):9464-9469
A hammerhead self-cleaving domain composed of two oligoribonucleotides was used to study the role of divalent metal ions in the cleavage reaction. Cleavage rates were measured as a function of MgCl2, MnCl2, and CaCl2 concentration in the absence or presence of spermine. In the presence of spermine, the rate vs metal ion concentration curves are broader, and lower concentrations of divalent ions are necessary for catalytic activity. This suggests that spermine can promote proper folding of the hammerhead and one or more divalent ions are required for the reaction. Six additional divalent ions were tested for their ability to support hammerhead cleavage. In the absence of spermine, rapid cleavage was observed with Co2+ while very slow cleavage occurred with Sr2+ and Ba2+. No detectable specific cleavage was observed with Cd2+, Zn2+, or Pb2+. However, in the presence of 0.5 mM spermine, rapid cleavage was observed with Zn2+ and Cd2+, and the rate with Sr2+ was increased, indicating that while these three ions could not promote proper folding of the hammerhead they were able to stimulate cleavage. These results suggest certain divalent ions either participate directly in the cleavage mechanism or are specifically involved in stabilizing the tertiary structure of the hammerhead. Additionally, an altered divalent metal ion specificity was observed when a unique phosphorothioate linkage was inserted at the cleavage site. The substitution of a sulfur for a nonbridging oxygen atom substantially reduced the affinity of an important Mg2+ ion necessary for efficient cleavage. In contrast, the reaction proceeds normally with Mn2+, presumably due to its ability to coordinate with both oxygen and sulfur.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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