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An efficient method of reduction of 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine and its 5-protected derivatives to 3-aminothymidine derivatives on a palladium catalyst using ammonium formate as a source of hydrogen was suggested.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 147–150.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Seregin, Chudinov, Yurkevich, Shvets.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Amino-2-deoxyuridine reacts efficiently with nucleoside 5-phosphorimidazolides in aqueous solution. The dinucleoside monophosphate analogues were obtained in yields exceeding 80% under conditions in which little reaction occurs with the natural nucleosides.In a similar way, the 5-phosphorimidazolide of 2-amino-2-deoxyuridine undergoes self-condensation in aqueous solution to give a complex mixture of oligomers.The phosphoramidate bond in the dinucleoside monophosphate analogues is stable for several days at room temperature and pH 7. The mechanisms of their hydrolysis under acidic and alkaline conditions are described.Abbreviations A adenosine - C cytidine - G guanosine - U uridine - T thymidine - UN 3 2-azido-2-deoxyuridine - UNH 2 2-amino-2-deoxyuridine - ImpA adenosine 5-phosphorimidazolide - ImpU uridine 5-phosphorimidazolide - ImpUN 3 2-azido-2-deoxyuridine 5-phosphorimidazolide - ImpUNH 2 2-amino-2-deoxyuridine 5-phosphorimidazolide - pA adenosine 5-phosphate - pU uridine 5-phosphate - pUN 3 2-azido-2-deoxyuridine 5-phosphate - pUNH 2 2-amino-2-deoxyuridine 5-phosphate - UpA uridylyl-[35]-adenosine - UpU uridylyl-[35]-uridine - UNpA adenylyl-[52]-2-amino-2-deoxy-uridine - UNpU uridylyl-[52]-2-amino-2-deoxyuridine (pUN)n n=2,3,4 [25]-linked oligomers of pUNH 2 poly(A) polyadenylic acid - Im imidazole - MeIm l-methylimidazole  相似文献   

Trace amounts of the anthraquinonoid toxic metabolite, 3,4-dehydro-4-deoxydothistromin have been identified for the first time, from peanut tissues naturally infected by Cercospora personata. Characteristic uv spectral and Chromatographic properties of the metabolite and its tetraacetate as well as the mass spectrum of the latter have established its identity.  相似文献   

Summary 3(2)-O-glycyl-adenosine-5-monophosphate is an intermediate in the conversion of N-[imidazolyl-(1)-carbonyl]-glycine to diketopiperazine in the presence of adenosine-5-monophosphate. The significance of these observations to prebiotic chemistry is discussed.Abbreviations AMP adenosine-5-monophosphate - A adenosine  相似文献   

Summary Adenosine 5-phosphoramidates form when solutions containing adenosine 5-polyphosphates pnA (n 3) or P1, P2-diadenosine 5-diphosphate and amines are allowed to dry out. Mg ions catalyze these reactions. We have studied systems containing ammonia, imidazole, glycine, ethylenediamine and histamine. The yields of adenosine 5-phosphoramidates range from 10–50 % based on the nucleotide. The prebiotic significance of the reactions is discussed.Abbreviations Im imidazole - hist histamine - gly glycine - en ethylenediamine - CDI 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - A adenosine - Pn (n = 1, 2 ) linear polyphosphate containing n phosphate residues - pnA adenosine 5-polyphosphate containing n phosphate residues - ADP adenosine 5-diphosphate - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - AppA P1, P2-diadenosine 5-diphosphate - gly-pA adenylyl-(5N)-glycine - ImpA adenosine 5-phosphorimidazolide - NH2-pA adenosine 5-phosphoramidate - en-pA adenylyl-(5N)-ethylenediamine - hist (NH) - pA adenosine 5-phospho-[2-(4-imidazolyl)-ethylamide] - hist(Im)-pA adenosine 5-phospho-[4-(2-aminoethyl)-imidazolide] - enP1,2 phosphoramidates of ethylenediamine derived from H3PO4 and H4P2O7  相似文献   

Summary The Spec1 and Spec2 mRNAs (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ectoderm mRNAs) represent a small gene family that encodes 10–12 members of the troponin C superfamily of calcium-binding proteins. These mRNAs and proteins accumulate in the aboral (dorsal) ectoderm of sea urchin embryos and larvae. Using genomic and cDNA clones, we have compared the sequences of four Spec mRNAs: Spec1, Spec2a, Spec2c, and Spec2d. The mRNAs all have at least 120 bases of 5 untranslated leader, approximately 450 bases of open reading frame, and 900 bases (Spec1) or 1250 bases (Spec2a, 2c, 2d) of 3 untranslated trailer. Unexpectedly, when long stretches of 5 untranslated regions or 3 untranslated regions are compared to one another, they are found to be less divergent than the protein-coding regions. Comparing Spec2d, the most divergent member of the family, with the other Spec mRNAs shows that while the protein-coding regions are 60–62% matched, the untranslated regions are greater than 80% matched. Comparisons among Spec1, Spec2a, and Spec2c demonstrate similar but less dramatic conservation of untranslated regions. Our data imply that the Spec gene family has evolved differently from most gene families, with mutations accumulating most rapidly in intron regions, less rapidly in protein-conding regions, and least rapidly in 5 and 3 untranslated regions.  相似文献   

The fraction floating on 0.32 M sucrose when normal mammalian spinal cord homogenate is submitted to discontinuous density gradient centrifugation is highly enriched in Marchi-positive material. In situ this material is located along paranodal myelin sheath segments. We here show by immunoblotting that degradation products of the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and of the enzyme 2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase (CNP) is present in the Marchi-positive floating fraction but is not found in the myelin fraction. Since previous biochemical analyses of the floating fraction show a gross composition closely resembling myelin and since metabolic studies show the specific activity of incorporated amino acids to proceed with time from beavier to lighter myelin subfractions the results strongly suggest that normally occurring Marchi-positive bodies represents an intermediate stage in myelin catabolism.  相似文献   

The proposed valence force field allows us to reproduce the vibration modes of 2-deoxythymidine and 2-deoxyadenosine. The present calculations are based on the Wilson GF-method and a non-redundant set of symmetrical coordinates. The calculated wavenumbers have been compared to the available Raman and infrared peak positions observed in solid, amorphous or aqueous samples. Moreover, the results obtained with the present force field allow us to assign some of the characteristic vibration modes for the thymidine and adenosine residues involved in DNA double-helical chains.  相似文献   

More than 50% of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in brain is present as apoenzyme. Recent work has opened the possibility that apoGAD can be studied in brain by labeling with radioactive cofactor. Such studies would be aided by a compound that inhibits specific binding. One possibility is 4-deoxy-pyridoxine 5-phosphate, a close structural analog of the cofactor pyridoxal 5-phosphate. The effects of deoxypyridoxine-P on the cyclic series of reactions that interconverts apo- and holoGAD was investigated and found to be consistent with simple competitive inhibition of the activation of apoGAD by pyridoxal-P. As expected from the cycle GAD was inactivated when incubated with glutamate and deoxypyridoxine-P even though cofactor was present, but no inactivation was observed with deoxypyridoxine-P in the absence of glutamate. Deoxypyridoxine-P also stabilized apoGAD against heat denaturation. These effects were quantitatively accounted for by a kinetic model of the apo-holoGAD cycle. Deoxypyridoxine-P inhibited the labeling by [32P]pyridoxal-P of GAD isolated from rat brain. Hippocampal extracts were labeled with [32P]pyridoxal-P and analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Remarkably few bands were strongly labeled. The major labeled band (at 63 kDa) corresponded to one of the forms of GAD. Other strongly-labeled bands were observed at 65 kDa (corresponding to the higher molecular weight form of GAD) and at 69–72 kDa. Labeling of the 63- and 65-kDa bands was inhibited by deoxypyridoxine-P, but the 69–72 kDa bands were unaffected, suggesting that the latter were non-specifically labeled. The results suggest that the 63-kDa form of GAD makes up the majority of apoGAD in hippocampus.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   

Summary The cervicovaginal epithelium of neonatal mice produces a material with specific antigenic properties (CVA) and this material is produced in increased amounts after estradiol treatment. Using a cytochemical method, estradiol treatment was shown to result in an increase of adenylate cyclase activity in the same epithelium.When d-propranolol is injected together with estradiol, the increase in CVA is inhibited, while the hormone-induced proliferation of epithelial cells is not influenced. When adenylate cyclase activity is studied under identical conditions, the estradiol-promoted increase in enzyme activity is largely counteracted by d-propranolol. These findings would suggest that Adenosine 35-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) has a role in some, but not all, estradiol-mediated effects in the neonatal cervicovaginal epithelium.This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities and from the Norwegian Cancer Society (Landsforeningen mot Kreft)  相似文献   

The protective effect of heat-killedLactobacillus casei (LC) against murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection was examined. ICR mice treated once with LC 1 day or 2 days before challenge survived lethal infection, but untreated orLactobacillus fermentum (LF)-treated mice did not. The protective effect was evidenced by an increase in plaque-forming units (PFU) per 50% lethal dose (LD50) and a decrease in titers of infectious viruses replicated in the target organs. This was further confirmed by severity of histopathological damage to the target organs, especially the liver. LC neither inactivated MCMV nor inhibited its replication in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). The spleen cells from LC-treated mice inhibited its replication in MEF on co-cultivation. Augmentation by LC of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity correlated with survival of mice from otherwise lethal MCMV infection. Cytotoxic activity of peritoneal cells and level of serum interferon (IFN) were elevated after MCMV infection, but they were not associated with survival of mice nor with treatment of LC. The protective effect of LC was not clear in NK-deficient beige mutant (bgJ/bgJ) mice, when compared with that in their littermate (bgJ/+) mice. Poor protection of bgJ/bgJ mice by LC treatment correlated with failure to induce NK cell activity by LC treatment in the mutant mice. Thus, it is likely that LC protects mice from MCMV infection by augmentation of NK cell activity.  相似文献   

New 5-alkyl ethoxy- and aminocarbonylphosphonates of 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine (AZT) were synthesized, and their antiviral properties in HIV-1-infected cell cultures and stability to chemical hydrolysis were studied. The AZT 5-aminocarbonylphosphonates were shown to be significantly more stable in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) than the corresponding ethoxycarbonylphosphonates. The therapeutic (selectivity) index of some of the compounds exceeded that of the parent AZT due to their higher antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Translational control of cellular and viral mRNAs   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We are becoming increasingly aware of the role that translational control plays in regulating gene expression in plants. There are now many examples in which specific mechanisms have evolved at the translational level that directly impact the amount of protein produced from an mRNA. All regions of an mRNA, i.e., the 5 leader, the coding region, and the 3-untranslated region, have the potential to influence translation. The 5-terminal cap structure and the poly(A) tail at the 3 terminus serve as additional elements controlling translation. Many viral mRNAs have evolved alternatives to the cap and poly(A) tail that are functionally equivalent. Nevertheless, for both cellular and viral mRNAs, a co-dependent interaction between the terminal controlling elements appears to be the universal basis for efficient translation.  相似文献   

Summary Measurement of intracellular calcium activity (a Ca c ) by ion-selective microelectrodes has previously been technically limited to relatively large cells (20 m). We now report results obtained with this technique in the small epithelial cells (10 m) of split frog skin using microelectrodes having an outer tip diameter of <0.2 m. The basolateral membrane potential was measured with Ca2+-selective microelectrodes (E Ca sc ) and with reference micropipettes ( sc ) either sequentially or simultaneously in 15 successful experiments. Under baseline conditions,a Ca c was measured to be 215±39nm (mean±se), in close agreement with the mean values estimated from published data obtained withNecturus proximal tubule. Stimulation of Na+ transport across six skins with 1mm serosal 8p-chlorophenylthio-3,5 cyclic AMP (CPTcAMP) increaseda Ca c by a factor of 2.6±0.6. The increase ina Ca c preceded the CPTcAMP-induced increase inI sc. The results of the present study indicate that electrometric determination of intracellular calcium activity is now feasible in a much wider range of cell systems than heretofore possible. CPT cAMP elevates intracellular Ca2+ activity; this phenomenon is an early event, preceding the natriferic effect of CPTcAMP.  相似文献   

We studied modulating influences of a core oligoadenylate, 2,5-ApApA, on the voltage-operated potassium channels; the agent was injected into cloned cells of the rat pheochromocytoma PC-12. Diffusion of 2,5-ApApA from a micropipette into the cell evoked clear changes in the current-voltage relationships of the integral potassium current; when positive shifts of the membrane potential reached about +20 mV, a saturation phenomenon was observed. The dependence of the probability for open state of the voltage-operated potassium channels on the membrane potential was calculated using normalization of the potassium conductance graphs; it satisfactorily fit Boltzmann's equation. Under the influence of 2,5-ApApA, activation of the potassium channels became more strongly dependent on the voltage. Within the first minutes of the action of core oligoadenylate, the potassium conductance changed by e times at a shift of the membrane potential by 12 mV, while after a stationary level of the 2,5-ApApA effect had been attained (approximately from the 25th min), the same change in the potassium conductance needed only an 8-mV shift. We conclude that 2,5-ApApA-evoked conformation modifications in the structure of the potassium channels in the cells of rat PC-12 pheochromocytoma can result from an increase in the sensitivity of voltage sensors in the above-mentioned channels to changes in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases II () and III() are the only nuclear DNA polymerases known to possess an intrinsic 3 5 exonuclease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated the spontaneous mutator phenotypes of DNA polymerase and 3 5 exonuclease-deficient mutants, pol3-01 and pol2-4, respectively. pol3-01 and pol2-4 increased spontaneous mutation rates by factors of the order of 102 and 101, respectively, measured as URA3 forward mutation and his7-2 reversion. Surprisingly, a double mutant pol2-4 pol3-01 haploid was inviable. This was probably due to accumulation of unedited errors, since a pol2-4/pol2-4 pol3-01/pol3-01 diploid was viable, with the spontaneous his7-2 reversion rate increased by about 2 × 103-fold. Analysis of mutation rates of double mutants indicated that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and can act competitively and that, like the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase acts in series with the PMS1 mismatch correction system. Mutational spectra at a URA3 gene placed in both orientations near to a defined replication origin provided evidence that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and act on opposite DNA strands, but were in sufficient to distinguish conclusively between different models of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Addition of ammonium to N2 fixing cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Clostridium pasteurianum rapidly reduced the intracellular levels of guanosine 5-diphosphate 3-diphosphate (ppGpp) by 70–90%. This change might reflect a regulatory role of ppGpp in nitrogen metabolism.Abbreviations ppGpp guanosine 5-diphosphate 3-diphosphate  相似文献   

Isopropylidenation of lactose with 2,2-dimethoxypropane in the presence ofp-toluenesulfonic acid gave two products, which were identified by1H- and13C-NMR as 2,35,63,4-tri-O-isopropylidenelactose dimethyl acetal (1) and its 6-O-(2-methoxy)-isopropyl derivative (2). These products were used for the synthesis of 2-O-methyllactose (7), 2,6-di-O-methyllactose (9) and 2-O-benzyllactose (13).  相似文献   

An alkaline 5-phosphodiesterase (5-PDE) from barley (Hordeum distichum) malt sprouts was partially purified by thermal treatment and acetone precipitation to diminish phosphomonoesterase (PME) activity. 5-PDE was purified 40-fold to a specific activity of 30 U mg–1 protein with a final yield of about 32%. With synthetic substrate, the enzyme had an optimum pH of 8.9, maximum activity at 70 °C over 10 min, and a Km of 0.26 mM. The partially purified enzyme was activated by 10 mM Mg2+ up to 168% of the original activity, while Zn2+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ ions, chelating agent (EDTA) and NaN3 (1–10 mM), and 5-ribonucleotides (1–5 mM) were inhibitory. Final enzyme preparation was stable over 8 d at 4 °C), at 70 °C for up to 120 min and without loss of activity over 90 d at –18 °C.  相似文献   

Generation of fertile transplastomic soybean   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
We describe here the development of a plastid transformation method for soybean, a leguminous plant of major agronomic interest. Chloroplasts from embryogenic tissue of Glycine max have been successfully transformed by bombardment. The transforming DNA carries a spectinomycin resistance gene (aadA) under the control of tobacco plastid regulatory expression elements, flanked by two adjacent soybean plastome sequences allowing its targeted insertion between the trnV gene and the rps12/7 operon. All generated spectinomycin resistant plants were transplastomic and no remaining wild type plastome copies were detected. No spontaneous mutants were obtained. The transformation efficiency is similar to that of tobacco plastids. All transplastomic T0 plants were fertile and T1 progeny was uniformly spectinomycin resistant, showing the stability of the plastid transgene. This is the first report on the generation of fertile transplastomic soybean.  相似文献   

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