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Little is known about the evolutionary processes that structure and maintain microbial diversity because, until recently, it was difficult to explore individual-level patterns of variation at the microbial scale. Now, community-genomic sequence data enable such variation to be assessed across large segments of microbial genomes. Here, we discuss how population-genomic analysis of these data can be used to determine how selection and genetic exchange shape the evolution of new microbial lineages. We show that once independent lineages have been identified, such analyses enable the identification of genome changes that drive niche differentiation and promote the coexistence of closely related lineages within the same environment. We suggest that understanding the evolutionary ecology of natural microbial populations through population-genomic analyses will enhance our understanding of genome evolution across all domains of life.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a noninvasive and nondestructive tool able to access several observable quantities in biofilms such as chemical composition, diffusion, and macroscale structure and transport. Pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) NMR techniques were used to measure spectrally resolved biomacromolecular diffusion in biofilm biomass, extending previous research on spectrally resolved diffusion in biofilms. The dominant free water signal was nulled using an inversion recovery modification of the traditional PGSE technique in which the signal from free water is minimized in order to view the spectra of components such as the rotationally mobile carbohydrates, DNA, and proteins. Diffusion data for the major constituents obtained from each of these spectral peaks demonstrate that the biomass of the biofilm contains both a fast and slow diffusion component. The dependence of diffusion on antimicrobial and environmental challenges suggests the polymer molecular dynamics measured by NMR are a sensitive indicator of biofilm function.  相似文献   

Social interaction among cells is essential for multicellular complexity. But how do molecular networks within individual cells confer the ability to interact? And how do those same networks evolve from the evolutionary conflict between individual‐ and population‐level interests? Recent studies have dissected social interaction at the molecular level by analyzing both synthetic and natural microbial populations. These studies shed new light on the role of population structure for the evolution of cooperative interactions and revealed novel molecular mechanisms that stabilize cooperation among cells. New understanding of populations is changing our view of microbial processes, such as pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance, and suggests new ways to fight infection by exploiting social interaction. The study of social interaction is also challenging established paradigms in cancer evolution and immune system dynamics. Finding similar patterns in such diverse systems suggests that the same ‘social interaction motifs’ may be general to many cell populations.  相似文献   

Use of culture-independent studies have greatly increased our understanding of the microbiology of hypersaline lakes (the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake) and saltern ponds in recent years. Exciting new information has become available on the microbial processes in Antarctic lakes and in deep-sea brines. These studies led to the recognition of many new lineages of microorganisms not yet available for study in culture, and their cultivation in the laboratory is now a major challenge. Studies of the metabolic potentials of different halophilic microorganisms, Archaea as well as Bacteria, shed light on the possibilities and the limitations of life at high salt concentrations, and also show their potential for applications in bioremediation.  相似文献   

DNA harvested directly from complex natural microbial communities by PCR has been successfully used to predict RNase P RNA structure, and can potentially provide an abundant source of information for structural predictions of other RNAs. In this study, we utilized genetic variation in natural communities to test and refine the secondary and tertiary structural model for the bacterial tmRNA. The variability of proposed tmRNA secondary structures in different organisms and the lack of any predicted tertiary structure suggested that further refinement of the tmRNA could be useful. To increase the phylogenetic representation of tmRNA sequences, and thereby provide additional data for statistical comparative analysis, we amplified, sequenced, and compared tmRNA sequences from natural microbial communities. Using primers designed from gamma proteobacterial sequences, we determined 44 new tmRNA sequences from a variety of environmental DNA samples. Covariation analyses of these sequences, along with sequences from cultured organisms, confirmed most of the proposed tmRNA model but also provided evidence for a new tertiary interaction. This approach of gathering sequence information from natural microbial communities seems generally applicable in RNA structural analysis.  相似文献   

The efficiency of five extraction methods for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was compared on three benthic eukaryotic biofilms isolated from an extreme acidic river, Río Tinto (SW, Spain). Three chemical methods (MilliQ water, NaCl, and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid [EDTA]) and two physical methods (Dowex 50.8 and Crown Ether cation exchange resins) were tested. The quality and quantity of the EPS extracted from acidic biofilms varied according to which EPS extraction protocol was used. Higher amounts were obtained when NaCl and Crown Ether resins were used as extractant agents, followed by EDTA, Dowex, and MilliQ. EPS amounts varied from approximately 155 to 478 mg g−1 of dry weight depending on the extraction method and biofilm analyzed. EPS were primarily composed of carbohydrate, heavy metals, and humic acid, plus small quantities of proteins and DNA. Neutral hexose concentrations corresponded to more than 90% of the total EPS dry weight. The proportions of each metals in the EPS extracted with EDTA are similar to the proportions present in the water from each locality where the biofilms were collected except for Al, Cu, Zn, and Pb. In this study, the extracellular matrix heavy metal sorption efficiencies of five methods for extracting EPS from eukaryotic acidic biofilms were compared.  相似文献   

The biochemical characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) excreted in a European intertidal mudflat (Marennes–Oléron Bay) was performed. Experiments were carried out for the first time in situ, by using an improved extraction recently developed. This innovative procedure, using a cation exchange resin (Dowex), allows separating precisely different fractions of EPS, especially pure bound EPS. Moreover, it avoids the contamination of EPS fractions by residual and intracellular polymers, enabling to properly estimate polymeric contents in each fraction. The results were partly similar to conventional results described in the literature and the amount of colloidal carbohydrates (146 μg/g of dry sediment) extracted by the Dowex method fitted well with different EPS estimation in European mudflats. Colloidal carbohydrates were essentially composed of glucose (>50%), a carbon source rapidly consumed by the various communities in the sediment. Pure bound carbohydrates were composed of specific carbohydrates (28% rhamnose, 22% xylose). Residual fractions, considered as containing some refractory bound EPS and mostly other internal polymeric substances, presented a more varied composition rich in carbohydrates: galacturonic acid (20%), mannose (19.5%), glucose (19%), arabinose (15%), xylose (8%), galactose (7%).  相似文献   

The sensitivity of bacteria to the marine neurotoxins, brevetoxins, produced by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and raphidophytes Chattonella spp. remains an open question. We investigated the bacteriocidal effects of brevetoxin (PbTx-2) on the abundance and community composition of natural microbial communities by adding it to microbes from three coastal marine locations that have varying degrees of historical brevetoxin exposure: (1) Great Bay, New Jersey, (2) Rehoboth Bay, Delaware and (3) Sarasota Bay, Florida. The populations with limited or no documented exposure were more susceptible to the effects of PbTx-2 than the Gulf of Mexico populations which are frequently exposed to brevetoxins. The community with no prior documented exposure to brevetoxins showed significant (p = 0.03) changes in bacterial abundance occurring with additions greater than 2.5 μg PbTx-2 L−1. Brevetoxin concentrations during K. brevis blooms range from ∼2.5 to nearly 100 μg L−1 with typical concentrations of ∼10–30 μg L−1. In contrast to the unexposed populations, there was no significant decrease in bacterial cell number for the microbial community that was frequently exposed to brevetoxins, which implies variable sensitivity in natural communities. The diversity in the bacterial communities that were sensitive to PbTx-2 declined upon exposure. This suggests that the PbTx-2 was selecting for or against specific species. Mortality was much higher in the 200 μg PbTx-2 L−1 treatment after 48 h and >37% of the species disappeared in the bacterial communities with no documented exposure. These results suggest that toxic red tides may play a role in structuring bacterial communities.  相似文献   

A method to simultaneously determine chlorophyll a, bacteriochlorophyll a, their respective pheophytins and elemental sulfur is described. In addition, indications are obtained for the presence of other bacteriochlorophylls, even in the presence of chlorophyll a. Samples are extracted with methanol in the dark and shaken with hexane in a separatory funnel. Virtually all chlorophyll a and pheophytin a are found in the hexane phase, in addition to about 70% of bacteriochlorophyll a and its pheophytin. The other bacteriochlorophylls are more or less evenly distributed over both phases. Sulfur is found in the hexane phase only. The method has been applied to lab and field samples. It has proven very useful for estimating vertical distribution of pigments in laminated microbial ecosystems consisting of cyanobacteria and purple sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

In this work, we evaluate the abilities of the plants Brassica juncea, Avena sativa, Brachiaria decumbens, and Medicago sativa to uptake polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and induce degradation of soil microorganisms from contaminated soil. Removal of PCBs 44, 66, 118, 153, 170, and 180 was evaluated in both rhizospheric and nonrhizospheric soils. Microbial and bphA1 gene quantifications were performed by real-time PCR. The PCB concentrations in plant tissues and soil were determined, and a fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis assay was used to measure microbial activity in soil. The removal percentages for all PCB congeners in planted soil versus unplanted control soil were statistically significant and varied between 45% and 63%. PCBs 118, 153, 138, and 170 were detected in Brachiaria decumbens roots at different concentrations. In planted soil, an increase in the concentration of bacteria was observed compared to the initial concentration and the concentration in unplanted control soil; however, no significant differences were identified between plants. The number of copies of the bphA1 gene was higher in rhizospheric versus non- rhizospheric soil for all plants at the end of the experiment. However, alfalfa and oat rhizospheric soil showed significant differences in the copy number of the bphA1 gene. In general, the concentration of fluorescein in the rhizospheric soil was greater than that in the nonrhizospheric soil. Although the plants had a positive effect on PCB removal, this effect varied depending on the type of PCB, the plant, and the soil.  相似文献   

The microbial composition in a pulp and paper wastewater aerated lagoon system was analysed using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) to gain further understanding of the effect of substrate composition on microbial diversity for improved management of wastewater treatment systems. Few experiments have been conducted to tease apart the factors influencing the composition and abundance of certain groups within these wastewaters. Specific probes were used to investigate and enumerate the different bacterial groups present at particular stages through the treatment system over an extended period. Community composition and abundance of specific groups differed through the system however temporal stability was retained despite significant variability in the wastewater. Middle stream wastewater samples were enriched to explore the impact of different carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus (C:N:P) ratios on community composition and provide functionality to groups of micro-organisms within the microbial consortia. Nitrogen and phosphorus conditions did not impact community composition of methanol-fed cultures, which exhibited a dominance of Betaproteobacteria (>75%), namely Methylotrophic bacteria. This was confirmed through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and specific FISH probing, reflecting population observations at the beginning of the treatment system. We conclude that the nutrient and carbon combinations used in the enrichments created an interactive effect, altering the community composition and mimicking the main substrate load in the different stages of the treatment system. Finally, pulp and paper wastewater microbial composition was highly variable across the treatment system but was stable within the time sampled, with the enrichments emulating the substrate loads in the full scale system.  相似文献   

We addressed how restoration of forestry-drained peatlands affects CH(4)-cycling microbes. Despite similar community compositions, the abundance of methanogens and methanotrophs was lower in restored than in natural sites and correlated with CH(4) emission. Poor establishment of methanogens may thus explain low CH(4) emissions on restored peatlands even 10 to 12 years after restoration.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long studied the relationship between biotic composition and ecosystem functioning in larger organisms; however, only recently has this relationship been investigated widely in microorganisms. Recent studies are reviewed within a framework of three experimental approaches that are often used to study larger organisms: environmental treatment, common garden, and reciprocal transplant experiments. Although the composition of microorganisms cannot be easily manipulated in the field, applying these approaches to intact microbial communities can begin to tease apart the effects of microbial composition from environmental parameters on ecosystem functioning. The challenges in applying these approaches to microorganisms are highlighted and it is discussed how the experimental approach and duration affects a study's interpretation. In general, long-term environmental treatment experiments identify correlative relationships between microbial composition and ecosystem functioning, whereas short-term common garden experiments demonstrate that microbial composition influences ecosystem functioning. Finally, reciprocal transplants simultaneously test for interactive effects of the environment and composition on functioning. The studies reviewed provide evidence that, at least in some cases, microbial composition influences ecosystem functioning. It is concluded that whole-community experiments offer a way to test whether information about microbial composition will help predict ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   



Understanding of the role of low molecular weight organic anions (OAs) in structuring rhizosphere microbial communities in situ is limited due to challenges associated with sampling. Improved techniques are needed for such studies.


This study used in situ and destructive sampling techniques and compared two exudate extraction methods [anion exchange membrane (AEM) capturing and water extraction] from rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere samples of genetically modified (GM) and control Pinus radiata D. Don trees grown in large-scale rhizotrons for ~10?months. Metabolically active soil microbial communities were analysed using rRNA-DGGE.


Recovery of eight out of 12 anions was influenced by extraction methods, and in situ sampling using AEM was shown to be the most efficient method. Only minor differences were detected in OAs in root exudates collected from the GM and control trees. Significant differences in α-Proteobacterial and Pseudomonas communities were associated with the two tree lines in the topsoil at both sampling events. Additional differences in β-Proteobacterial and fungal communities between tree lines were detected in the rhizosphere using destructive sampling.


This study demonstrated that in situ sampling was superior to destructive sampling for the efficient collection of root exudates and analysis of associated rhizosphere microbial communities.  相似文献   

Microbial communities play important roles in the functioning of coral reef communities. However, extensive autofluorescence of coral tissues and endosymbionts limits the application of standard fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques for the identification of the coral-associated bacterial communities. This study overcomes these limitations by combining FISH and spectral imaging.  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale reverse osmosis (RO) flat-sheet systems were used with two parallel flow cells, one treated with cleaning agents and a control (ie undisturbed). The cleaning efforts increased the affinity of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) to the RO membrane and altered the biofilm surface structure. Analysis of the membrane biofilm community composition revealed the dominance of Proteobacteria. However, within the phylum Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria dominated the cleaned membrane biofilm, while β-Proteobacteria dominated the control biofilm. The composition of the fungal phyla was also altered by cleaning, with enhancement of Ascomycota and suppression of Basidiomycota. The results suggest that repeated cleaning cycles select for microbial groups that strongly attach to the RO membrane surface by producing rigid and adhesive EPS that hampers membrane performance.  相似文献   

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