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Summary Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking pyruvate kinase (EC are described. These have less than 0.5% of the pyruvate kinase activity of the wild type. All the other glycolytic enymes are present in normal amounts in these mutants. The mutation is recessive and segregates in diploids as a single gene. Five alleles examined fail to complement one another. Tetrad analysis and mitotic recombination data place the mutation on the left arm of chromosome I distal to cys 1. The majority of single-step spontaneous revertants on glucose regain the enzyme activity fully and this activity appears, by a number of criteria, to be due to the same enzyme present in the wild type. Some of these revertants become nuclear petites. The mutants do neither grow on nor ferment sugars but do grow on ethyl alcohol or pyruvate. Glucose addition to cultures growing on alcohol arrests growth until glucose is exhausted. The steady state rate of glucose utilization is slower than in the wild type. This is associated with the accumulation of as much as 5 moles P-enolpyruvate per g wet weight of cells and proportional amounts of 2-P-glyceric and 3-P glyceric acids.The mutation is believed to involve some regulatory element in the synthesis of pyruvate kinase.  相似文献   

A rifampin-resistant, conditionally asporgoenous mutant of Bacillus subtilis was isolated that sporulates poorly in Sterlini-Mandelstam sporulation medium, but that sporulates normally in modified Difco sporulation medium. Rifampin-resistant (Rif-r) and conditional asporogenous (Spo-c) phenotypes co-transformed at 100% frequency. Preliminary genetic studies indicated the Rif-r trait to lie between cysA14 and ery, a locus (rnp) common to Rif-r mutants. Ribonucleic acid polymerase from strains bearing this mutation was found to be rifampin resistant in vitro. The loss of ability to sporulate in Sterlini-Mandelstam medium was found to be corrected, to a large extent, by addition to the medium of arginine, methionine, valine, and isoleucine. Several other amino acids had small effects, whereas others had no effect at all. The restorative effect is approximately additive. Growth studies indicated that Rif-r strains grew more rapidly than the corresponding parent in minimal medium at temperatures higher than 37 C. Addition of certain amino acids to the medium resulted in identical growth rates at these temperatures. Extracellular protease and esterase activities of the Rif-r Spo-c mutant were normal. A slight difference was found in the heat sensitivity of partially purified ribonucleic acid polymerase preparations of this mutant compared to the wild type.  相似文献   

Both Bacillus megaterium KM:T(-)R(1), a strain partially resistant to thymineless death, and strain KM:T(-), the parent strain, can satisfy their thymine requirement with either thymidine, 5-methyldeoxycytidine, or 5-methyluridine. Neither strain can use 5-methylcytosine, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5-hydroxymethyluracil, or 5-aminouracil for this purpose. Strain KM:T(-)R(1) requires as little as 0.01 mM thymine for maximum growth, whereas strain KM:T(-) requires 0.10 to 0.20 mM thymine. Lysogenic KM:T(-)R(1) dies more rapidly in the presence of mitomycin C than the corresponding phage-sensitive strain. Unexpectedly, the lysogenic strain was found to be less sensitive to thymineless death than the phage-sensitive strain. Lysogenic KM:T(-)R(1) is induced by exposure to mitomycin C and by thymineless incubation. It is concluded that thymineless death occurs by a mechanism which is unrelated to phage induction and that a major lethal effect of mitomycin C is probably a consequence of phage induction.  相似文献   

A filamentous division mutant, PV302, of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 was isolated while screening for sporulation-defective mutants after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Both phase-contrast and electron microscopy revealed that the mutant produced small spherical cells as well as filaments. It also accumulated large amounts of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate. Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accounted for 16% of the dry weight of the mutant strain even after 28 h growth. In comparison to the parental strain, the division mutant also showed both an inability to sporulate and a reduced growth rate. All these phenotypes transduced together. Revertants gained the ability to sporulate, divide, and grow normally. Transductional mapping of the mutation, designated div-1, established a new linkage group for B. megaterium consisting of div-1 and the pyrimidine biosynthesis genes pyrD BCF. The spherical cells were separated from filaments by sucrose gradients and were tested for nucleic acid content and viability. The purified spherical cell fraction contained one-fifth the amount of DNA per mg protein as compared with the filamentous cell fraction and was shown to contain both non-viable minicells and some cells capable of growing after a lag of about 4 h. This suggests that the mutation not only causes defects in septum placement and sporulation, but may possibly affect DNA partitioning.  相似文献   

Germinated spores of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 were irradiated with ultraviolet light, and spore-forming survivors were screened for germination requirements. Spore strains which failed to germinate in a variety of defined solutions germinative for spores of the parent strain were obtained. Mutant spores germinated readily in solutions containing yeast extract or one of numerous complex preparations. gamma-Aminobutyric acid, obtained from yeast extract by column chromatography, was shown to be required for germination by the mutant spores. gamma-Aminobutyric acid and l-alanine at final concentrations of 1 mm each, in solutions of KI (40 mm), equaled the potency of yeast extract (1 mg/ml) in the germination of the mutant spores. One of several other amino acids could be substituted, though less effectively, for l-alanine. alpha-Aminobutyric acid, beta-aminobutyric acid, beta-alanine, and 5-aminovaleric acid were ineffective substitutes for gamma-aminobutyric acid in mutant spore germination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain whether or not the absence of cell wall growth zones, deduced from the analysis of autoradiographs of DL-[3H]mesodiaminopimelic acid pulse-labeled cells of a Dap- Lys- mutant of Bacillus megaterium, was due to a high peptidoglycan turnover. Turnover was determined in very precise experimental conditions because two kinds of turnover occurred: a low, acid-soluble turnover and a high, acid-insoluble one. The latter was detected during a chase in the culture medium when bacteria were centrifuged before treatment with trichloroacetic acid. Otherwise the acid-insoluble released material precipitated with the bacteria. In the electron microscope this material presented a globular structure and contained both peptidoglycan and teichoic acid. The acid-insoluble turnover was mainly produced by a lytic acitivity that was released into the culture medium. This thermolabile activity was not due to cell lysis. It was implicated in septum cleavage and in the detachment of wall fragments from the cell surface, but did not seem indispensable for cell elongation. The acid-soluble turnover was much weaker and seemed to be indispensable for cell elongation.  相似文献   

Bacillus megaterium mutants JV-9 and JV-10 are temperature sensitive for initiation of spore germination. At 46 C, they did not lose heat resistance, dipicolinic acid, or absorbance, indicating that the temperature-sensitive blocks are very early in the sequence of initiation reactions. Strain JV-9 was temperature sensitive for initiation by glucose alone, and strain JV-10 was temperature sensitive for initiation by glucose, L-leucine, L-proline, KBr, or calcium dipicolinate. The kinetics of initiation were followed after two kinds of temperature change (shift-up and shift-down) experiments. Mutant spores incubated for different times at 46 C and then shifted down to 30 C showed no significant differences in the rates of absorbance decrease, i.e., no stimulation or inhibition. Conversely, when mutant spores were incubated for different times at 30 C, a fraction of the population initiated germination, and after shift-up to 46 C an additional fraction continued initiation while a third fraction stopped. This latter fraction did initiate germination when the temperature was lowered to 30 C. The kinetics of initiation after shift-up and shift-down in temperature suggest that the early events in initiation reagents, whereas the other four initiated sensitivity for all of the above initiation reagents, whereas the other four initiated very poorly. It was suggested that the lesion in strain JV-10 may result in the formation of one temperature-sensitive protein. Revertants of strain JV-9 could not be isolated.  相似文献   

The small acid-soluble spore proteins alpha and beta were not detected during stationary-phase growth of asporogenous Bacillus subtilis mutants blocked in stages 0, II, or III, but mutants blocked in stages IV or V accumulated nearly wild-type levels of these small acid-soluble spore proteins. Similar results were obtained when production of Bacillus megaterium C protein (also a small acid-soluble spore protein), as well as alpha and beta, were monitored in these mutants containing a recombinant plasmid carrying the B. megaterium C protein gene. The only exception was a spo0H mutant which synthesized a small amount of C protein, but no alpha or beta.  相似文献   

An adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) mutant of Bacillus megaterium was isolated and characterized. This mutant (designated A37) was unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources and possessed less than 5% of the wild-type ATPase activity. Oxygen uptake by the mutant was comparable to that in the wild type. Sporulation in the wild type occurred in both glucose- and nitrogen-limiting media; however, A37 sporulated only in the nitrogen-limiting medium. The inability of A37 to sporulate in glucose-limiting medium seemed to be due to insufficient adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) levels during the sporulation stages. Fructose, which can generate ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation, is equally efficient in stimulating ATP synthesis in the wild type and A37. Malate-stimulated ATP synthesis in the wild type was shown to have many characteristics associated with oxidative phosphorylation and was absent in the mutant. These data suggest that the ATPase deficiency results in the loss of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

In vivo inhibition of glutamine synthetase (GS) by l-methionine sulfoximine induces sporulation in a protease deficient mutant of Bacillus polymyxa. This induction of sporulation is accompanied by derepression of EDTA insensitive proteases(s) which seems to be specific for differentiation. Some amino acid analogues derepress proteolytic activity without inducing sporulation, but these proteases are sensitive to metal chelators like those in the vegetative cells. When the proteolytic activity is restored, the mutant cells, which are smaller than the parental strain, regain their normal size.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - GYS glucose-yeast extract-salts - MSO l-methionine sulfoximine - Pr protease deficient mutant - DON 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine - EDTA ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   

An asporogenous strain of Bacillus licheniformis accumulated maltose by an energy dependent transport mechanism during an extended stationary phase. Maltose transport was sensitive to the effects of the uncoupler tetrachlorosalicylanide (TCS), and was also inhibited by glucose. Maltose stimulated synthesis of a p -nitrophenyl-α- D -glucoside-hydrolysing enzyme ( p NPGase) in log phase and in stationary phase cells. In the presence of glucose this induction was inhibited. Glucose was used preferentially to maltose in stationary phase cells. The uptake of maltose from the medium, and the synthesis of p NPGase, were immediately and completely inhibited in the presence of glucose. These results are consistent with a mechanism of inducer exclusion mediating the repressive effect of glucose upon p NPGase synthesis in stationary phase cells. Catabolite repression of α-amylase synthesis by glucose was also demonstrated in late stationary phase mutant cells.  相似文献   

M Young 《Journal of bacteriology》1975,122(3):1109-1116
A thermosensitive sporulation mutant was used to determine the order of sporulation operonsin the urs region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Data from three-factor transformation crosses and three- and four-factor transduction crosses established the order metC-SPO-96(SpoII)-spo-85(SpoV)-spo-279(SpoII)-furA-ura-cysC-spo-NG1.67(SpoIII). Previously, furA was thought to lie to the right of ura and cysC to the left (Dubnau, 1970; Young and Wilson, 1972).  相似文献   

Outermost layer deficient mutant spores of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 12872 were isolated by Urografin density gradient centrifugation after mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate. Although the composition of the cortex peptidoglycan was the same as that of the parent spores, three major proteins (48, 36, and 22 K daltons) were missing, suggesting that these proteins are components of the outermost layer. All mutant spores were also found to have very hydrophobic surface by 'salt aggregation test,' which would facilitate selection of such mutants.  相似文献   

Filaments of a thermosensitive Bacillus megaterium mutant showed an altered macromolecular composition compared with salt-cured mutant cells and parental cells. Filaments contained more peptidoglycan, polyglucose, poly-beta-hydroxy-butyrate, and deoxyribonucleic acid per unit of protein. The ribonucleic acid-to-protein ratio of filaments was similar to that of rods or salt-cured cells. Filament formation seemed to be due to defective protein or ribonucleic acid metabolism.  相似文献   

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