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Autotomy is a taxonomically widespread antipredator tactic that allows animals to escape life-threatening situations. Opposing the benefits of survival, animals that have autotomized appendages may later suffer reduced ability in important determinants of fitness. Male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders use their forelegs during courtship for visual displays, for tactile courtship, and to defend against attacks by females. In nature they are often found missing one, and sometimes both, forelegs. We found that autotomy of one foreleg has little effect on male ability to mate with virgin females, but that autotomy of both forelegs causes a significant reduction in mating success. Among males that mated, autotomy of one or both forelegs did not influence latency until mating, period spent mounted, probability that his mate would accept a subsequent suitor, or probability that his mate would kill a subsequent suitor.  相似文献   

在不惊扰蜘蛛的情况下对悦目金蛛Argiope amoena和圆尾肖蛸Tetragnatha vermiformis的个体大小与蛛网粘丝区面积问的相关性进行了野外观察。主要测量了蜘蛛体长、蛛网粘丝区直径、蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离、网中枢到地面或水面距离、网平面与水平线的夹角等参数;另外还对蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离作为圆网蛛网址选择行为量化指标的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明,2种蜘蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积以及蜘蛛体长与蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离均呈现明显的正相关。悦目金蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积的相关性高于圜尾肖蛸,这可能与悦目金蛛在其生境中易于找到框丝固着点、而圆尾肖蛸在其生境中较难找到框丝同着点有关;  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the concept of the “good enough” body size acceptability across a wide range of ages and weight status. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 303 children, 427 adolescents, 261 young adults, and 326 middle‐age adults who selected acceptable body sizes from an array of drawings representing their own age and gender. They also selected body sizes representing their own actual and ideal size. Results: A large majority (87%) of subjects considered their own body size socially acceptable. This finding applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Even among obese subjects, 48% considered their own body size socially acceptable. For the large percentage of subjects who reported a discrepancy between their actual and ideal body sizes, most considered their own body size acceptable. This finding also applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Discussion: Most male and female subjects across a wide range of ages and status considered their own body size to be within the range of socially acceptable body sizes even though, for many, it did not match their ideal. The implications of expanding body size research to include the conceptual framework of body size acceptability is discussed in terms of contributing to a paradigm of positive psychology.  相似文献   

Synopsis Male body size has been emphasized as an important factor contributing to the breeding success of individuals. However, the operational sex ratio (OSR: ratio of mature females to males) during the breeding season significantly change due to differences in the breeding timing and period within and between males and females and may influence the selective advantage of the male large body size for mates. We examined the reproductive ecology of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou, inhabiting Lake Toya, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Precipitation triggered the upstream migration, although males migrated into the river earlier than females. As a result, the OSR in the river changed markedly during the breeding season, as did the size structure of males in the river. Large males migrated into the river earlier than the smaller males. Differential male survival resulted in the different population size structure between the early and late periods. Under these conditions, we analyzed which males were more successful in releasing the more sperm throughout the breeding season by estimating the decrease in the sperm content in male carcasses. The body size and sperm-releasing success of the males were not related. With a weak male-biased OSR and synchronous timing of reproduction in females, males that had entered the river succeeded in releasing the sperm regardless of body size. Such a fluctuating advantage for different body sizes likely contributes to the maintenance of the size variation in the male salmon.  相似文献   

The moth Rothschildia lebeau uses three tree species as its primary larval hosts in the tropical dry forest of northwestern Costa Rica. These hosts were shown previously to have different relative effects on caterpillar performance, resulting in an apparent host-related life history trade-off between large adult body size on the one hand but low offspring survival on the other. To further assess the potential ecological and evolutionary importance of this trade-off, an observational field study of the relationship between male body size and mating success was conducted. Across mating trials, larger males had a higher probability of being observed mating. Independent of the effect of size, the amount of wing damage an individual had sustained (a measure of relative age) was negatively correlated with the probability a male was observed mating. Within mating trials, the mated male tended to be larger than the average unmated male, but there was no difference in wing damage. Overall, results of this study were consistent with a positive effect of male body size on mating success, consistent with the idea that larval host plant history and its effects on adult body size matters in terms of adult male fitness. However, all sized males were observed mating over the course of the study, and the size advantage did not appear to be particularly strong.  相似文献   

体型是动物重要的形态特征,影响动物的生境利用。为揭示龟鳖类体型与生境之间的关系,通过文献收集331种龟鳖(龟鳖目Tesudines总物种数的98.8%)的最大背甲长及其生境信息,将生境分为海洋、淡水、岛屿性陆地和大陆性陆地4种类型,再将淡水生境分为大静水、大流水、小静水、小流水和所有水域5种亚类型,大陆性陆地生境分为高地、平地和荒漠3种亚类型,从而比较不同生境类型或亚类型之间龟鳖类体型的差异。广义线性混合模型分析结果显示:1)海龟体型最大,岛屿性陆龟次之,淡水龟鳖和大陆性陆龟体型最小,且后两者差异无统计学意义。2)淡水龟鳖类的体型在5种亚类型生境间存在差异,大静水和大流水水域的体型均显著大于小静水和小流水水域,而体型在大静水与大流水水域、小静水与小流水水域之间的差异均无统计学意义,表明淡水龟鳖类体型与水域面积有关,而与水域是静水或流水无关。广布所有水域的淡水龟鳖类体型趋于中间型,且与其他4种亚类型生境中的体型之间的差异均无统计学意义。3)大陆性陆龟的体型从高地到平地再到荒漠有逐渐变大的趋势,但差异无统计学意义。本研究揭示龟鳖类的保护对策需要考虑其体型和生境面积的相关性。  相似文献   

Courtship displays should be exaggerated enough to attract mates and yet tempered so as not to deter them. We tested this hypothesis in the fighting fish Betta splendens by studying courtship displays and body size and their relationships with male parental quality and female fecundity, as well as the effects of display behavior and body size on mate choice decisions and spawning success. Because of their high degree of parental investment, males are expected to be discriminating in their choice of mates. Males who displayed more frequently built larger nests, a measure of parental quality, but larger males did not. When females were paired with males with high display rates, however, the pair had fewer eggs in their nest, even when accounting for female body mass. In a mate choice test using computer‐generated male stimuli that differed only in display behavior, females showed no preferences for displaying males vs. non‐displaying males, or for males with higher display rates vs. lower display rates. In similar tests in which the computer‐generated males differed only in size, females preferred larger males, but also preferred males that differed with respect to body size (negative assortative mating). Males preferred computer‐generated females that performed courtship displays over non‐displaying females, but showed no preferences for female body size. Neither a female's body size nor her display behavior was a significant predictor of her fecundity as estimated by the number of eggs released during spawning. Thus, our results suggest that female B. splendens must balance male parental quality (nest size) with the risk of potentially disruptive or dangerous behavior during spawning, and that females may minimize these risks through negative size‐assortative mating. Female display behavior, while unrelated to fecundity in our study, may attract males because it indicates reproductive readiness or serves a species‐recognition function.  相似文献   

Body size and female reproduction in the water adult females larger than 500 mm SVL and 32 adult males Ledong, Hainan under permit to our laboratory in Hainan monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) were studied. Forty-two larger than 400 mm SVL were donated by local people in in 2013 and 2014. The largest male and female measured 745 and 755 mm SVL, respectively. The mean SVL was greater in adult females than in adult males. Males had larger heads (head width) than females of the same SVL. The smallest reproductive female in our sample was 565 mm SVL. Females produced a single clutch of 17.1 (10-23) pliable-shelled eggs per breeding season stretching from mid-June and mid-September. Clutch size and clutch mass were all positively related to female SVL. However, there was no significant linear relationship between egg mass and female SVL. Larger females generally produced more eggs, and thus heavier clutches than did smaller ones. There was no significant linear relationship between relative clutch mass and female SVL. Phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis, accounting for phylogenetic relationships, showed that clutch size was positively correlated with mean maternal SVL in varanid lizards. PGLS analysis showed that phylogenetic relationships did not affect clutch (or/and egg) mass and the SVL although there were significant linear relationship between clutch (or/and egg) mass and mean maternal SVL. Therefore, we could draw some general conclusions about the body size and reproductive tactics in varanid lizards that larger females generally produced more eggs, larger eggs and thus heavier clutches than did smaller ones.  相似文献   

研究龟鳖的两性异形对理解形态适应具有重要意义。通过测量41只(21♀,20♂)成体四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)的20个形态特征指标,研究四眼斑水龟个体大小和体形的两性异形。结果表明:除头长、头宽、尾长和尾长肛前段长外,四眼斑水龟其他的形态特征均与背甲长呈正相关。雌性的背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲中线长、腹甲曲线长显著大于雄性;雄性的头长、头宽、后肢长、尾长和尾长肛前段长显著大于雌性;雌雄两性的体重、体周长、前肢长、腹甲宽、肛盾切口长、肛盾切口宽以及除背甲长外的所有背甲形态特征指标均无显著差异。研究结果表明,四眼斑水龟存在个体大小和体形两性异形。  相似文献   

The sizes of organisms are determined by their interactions with their environment and related ecological and evolutionary processes. Recent studies of body size distributions across communities show evidence for multimodality. The multiple modes were originally explained as a consequence of textural discontinuities in habitat structure. Because communities consist of species that are drawn from lineages, body size patterns within lineages will affect those that are expressed in communities. We used a cellular automation model to argue that multimodality in body sizes within lineages can arise from a few fundamental evolutionary mechanisms alone. We tested the hypothesis using body size data for 138 fish genera and found strong support for the idea that evolution structures body size distributions. The results suggest, first, that we should expect the distribution of body sizes within lineages to be multimodal and second, that a coherent theory of community body size distributions will need to combine both evolutionary and ecological perspectives. Received 28 January 2002; accepted 21 March 2002  相似文献   

理论和实验表明体形大小是许多动物择偶的重要信号。体形大小与产卵大小、最终产卵数量、后代适合度等都有着密切的关系,因此动物利用体形大小为信号来择偶可以获得高的生殖利益。目前研究交配行为和体形大小的关系的文献较少,特别在微蛛亚科。本文以浅斑近微蛛为实验材料,在室内研究了体形大小对交配行为的影响。测量了体重,体长,头胸甲与腹部的长和宽,以头胸甲的面积(头胸甲的长与宽的乘积)为变量来表示体形大小。以雄蛛的行为为依据,将其交配行为划分为4个时期:潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期,并记录了各个时期的持续时间。通过分析,发现了一种微蛛新的交配模式,即可将浅斑近微蛛的插入期分为三个阶段:首先是大约25min长插入期,接着是一个大约15min的中度插入期,最后是一个大约5min的短插入期。结果表明,在本试验条件下,浅斑近微蛛的体形大小对其交配行为的潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期的持续时间都没有影响,对插入期的3个阶段的长短也没有影响。  相似文献   

Objective: The ability of young women (n = 132, average age 17 years) to recall body size and age at menarche was examined. The use of body silhouettes to assist women in recalling their body size at menarche and to represent their current body size was also evaluated. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects, who previously participated in a cohort study, were asked to recall height and weight at the time of menarche, to select body silhouettes that best reflected their body shape at the time of menarche and their current body shape, and to recall age at menarche. Two sets of body silhouettes were developed, one representative of an adult body shape and another representative of an adolescent body shape. Results: Pearson correlation coefficients between the adult and adolescent body figures and actual body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) at the time of menarche were not significantly different (r = 0.82 for adult figures vs. r = 0.72 for adolescent figures, p > 0.05). The correlation between actual BMI at the time of menarche and body silhouette (r = 0.77, all subjects) was similar to the correlation between actual and recalled BMI at the time of menarche (r = 0.83) as well as the correlation between current BMI and current body silhouette (r = 0.75). Recalled and actual ages at menarche were highly correlated (r = 0.83). Discussion: The recall of body shape was considered to be a less precise measure of body size than asking about height and weight, but use of body silhouettes may offer advantages in certain situations.  相似文献   

Cultural differences may partially account for the fact that more black women than white women are overweight in the United States. This study measured perceptions of ideal body size among 93 black and 80 white females, 14–17 years old, who were randomly selected from three public high schools in a southeastern state. The subjects' height and weight were measured along with their estimates of their mother's body size, weight control attitudes, and demographic variables . Blacks preferred a significantly larger body sue than whites when asked to select ideal body size (p=0.045). Subjects who estimated their mother's size to be larger, also selected a larger ideal body size (p=.047). Those who perceived themselves as too fat were more likely to skip meals to help control their weight, compared with those who perceived themselves as normal or too thin (p=.003). Approximately 30% of the sample was overweight or obese. There were not significant racial differences in weight or BMI . These results suggest that overweight is more acceptable among black females than among white females and may help explain why more black females are obese .  相似文献   

In anurans, body size and age of individuals generally affect male mating success. To test whether body size and age have effects on male mating success in the foam-nesting treefrog Polypedates megacephalus, a species widely distributed in China, we analyzed differences in body size and age between mated and unmated males for three populations using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model(GLMM). The results showed that mated males did not exhibit larger body size and older age than unmated males, suggesting that large and/or old male individuals did not have greater mating success than small and/or young males. Moreover, we also found a non-significant size-assortative mating pattern for all populations. Our findings suggest that body size and age of the foam-nesting treefrog do not affect male mating success.  相似文献   

The concern of this study has been the chemical composition of Daphnia magna, the algae (Selenastrum capricornutum, Ankistrodesmus convolutus) it was fed, the two growth media in which the algae were cultured and the water (Lake Huron, Michigan, USA) in which D. magna was reared. A synthetic diet (fish chow + alfalfa) was used as a control. The effectiveness of these five diets on the health of the D. magna populations was ascertained by the weight and number of neonates thus produced. The diet, S. capricornutum cultured in an organic medium, produced the largest mean brood size and the heaviest neonates in unstressed populations. The synthetic diet produced the smallest mean brood size and the lightest neonates. Stressed organisms may produce smaller broods with heavier neonates than unstressed organisms. The evolutionary significance of this observation is discussed. Statistical studies suggest that daphnids maintained on the synthetic diet derived no demonstrable nutritive value from the diet in terms of elemental composition or amino acid production. A great similarity in patterns of amino acid quantity and type was noted in the algae and the daphnids. On further examination it was discovered that this pattern was widespread in other aquatic forms, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, casein and was common to a variety of birds and mammals. It may be suggested that products that are made and stored, such as lipids, are less uniform in pattern among widely diverse species than those that have to be produced and are not stored, such as amino acids.  相似文献   

Males of the autumn spider, Metellina segmentata (***Araneac: Metidae), compete for access to mates by guarding the orb webs of mature females. We investigated the influences of relative male righting ability and resource value on fighting behaviour by staging interactions in the field on webs occupied by females. In these contests, the larger male nearly always defeated its opponent when it was at least 10% greater in size. For smaller size asymmetries between opponents, the male previously resident on the female's web usually won the contest. Contest duration decreased exponentially with increasing size asymmetry between opponents, as predicted if each male assessed its relative size and adjusted its fighting strategy according to its likelihood of winning. Contest duration was also greater when the prior resident was the lighter opponent, or when size and residency asymmetries favoured different opponents as winners. Prior residents fought longer over larger, more fecund females, indicating an adjustment of fighting effort according to assessments of resource value. In contrast, intruders did not increase their fighting effort over larger females, suggesting an inability to assess female size quickly and accurately. Assessment appears to reduce the costs of settling conflicts, but imperfect information can result in inaccurate assessments and unexpected outcomes. Assessment strategies are used by other types of spiders to resolve contests, but this appears to be the first evidence for such strategies among orb-web-building spiders.  相似文献   

本研究以栖息于废弃防空洞的雄性菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus)作为研究对象,探究其夏季集群大小变化及其潜在影响因素.应用红外热成像仪监测菲菊头蝠在6月到8月期间的集群大小.利用单因素方差分析和一般线性回归模型,检验菲菊头蝠集群大小的月变化及其与洞内微气候的关系.研究发现,菲菊头蝠集群大小从6月至8月...  相似文献   

茶园蜘蛛调查和保护研究概述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国茶园蜘蛛初步统计达28科289种,茶园蜘蛛发生数量占捕食性天敌的65~97.8%.茶园蜘蛛对茶园害虫有明显的防治效果.影响茶园蜘蛛数量的因子有化学农药施用、害虫的发生数量、气候和生境.茶园蜘蛛的保护、利用措施有:加强蛛虫测报、采用配套的农业措施、应用物理机械防治和科学合理使用农药.  相似文献   

Patients who had received obesity surgery (n=144) and comparison adults (n=72) selected the most attractive male and female size and the samesex size they most wanted to look like from an array of 15 outline drawings. Subjects also reported their height, and current and desired weights (transformed into body mass index units [BMI]). There was a remarkable consensus on the sizes considered most attractive: Two male sizes were chosen by 78% of all subjects, and two female sizes by 83%. The hypothesis that adults who had obesity surgery would idealize thin sizes and, therefore, select thinner sizes and lower weights than comparison adults was not supported. Not only did patients and comparison adults selecte the same desired size, but women patients desired significantly larger BMIs than comparison women. There was a large range of desired BMIs associated with each desired size; the correlation between desired BMI and desired size was significant for women but not for men. It was speculated that subjects' desired size reflected cultural norms while subjects' desired BMI was a function of their current weight. Health professionals working in weight loss and/or physical fitness areas need to help clients understand weight-size relationships so that clients can have both realistic weight and realistic size goals.  相似文献   

The cell body sizes and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of motoneurons in the retrodorsolateral region of the ventral horn in the spinal cord innervating the soleus muscle in mice, rats, and cats were compared using quantitative enzyme histochemistry. There was an inverse relationship between cell body size and SDH activity of motoneurons in the three species. The mean cell body sizes of both gamma and alpha motoneuron pools were in the rank order of mice < rats < cats, while the mean SDH activities of both gamma and alpha motoneuron pools were in the rank order of mice > rats > cats. It is concluded that smaller motoneurons innervating the soleus muscle have higher SDH activities than larger motoneurons, irrespective of the species, and that motoneuron pools innervating the soleus muscle in smaller animals have smaller mean cell body sizes and higher mean SDH activities than those in larger animals.  相似文献   

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