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The many indistinguishable texture pairs having identical second-, but different third- and higher-order statistics, led to the conjecture thatglobally the preattentive texture discrimination system cannot process statistical parameters of third- or higher-order. Thus in cases when iso-second-order textures yield discrimination this must be based onlocal conspicuous features calledtextons (Julesz, 1980). Here it is shown that globally even second-order statistical parameters, such as autocorrelation, cannot be processed by the textural system, and texture discrimination is solely the result of first-order statistics (density) of textons. It is also shown that the perceivable distance of statistical constraints (coherence distance) in densely packed stochastic textures is very short, four dots or less. As of now, only three texton classes were found: color, elongated blobs (line segments) of given width, orientation, and length, and the terminators (end-points) of these elongated blobs. The strength of these textons is demonstrated by several examples.  相似文献   

In Part I Caelli and Julesz generated texture pairs of 4-disk micropatterns with identical dipole statistics. They found that this iso-dipole constraint could not prevent the quasi-collinearity of certain disk elements which, in turn, yielded effortless discrimination. They proposed two classes of perceptual analyzers to explain discrimination with these micropatern textures: Class A, corresponding to those which detect dipole differences; while Class B detectors, such as the quasi-collinear detector (QCD), acted when isodipole textures were presented. In this paper we show several new methods for generating iso-dipole textures with micropatterns consisting of 5 or more disks or non-disk shaped elements, and we report the discovery of two other Class B detectors, a corner detector (using a 6-disk method), and a closure detector (with 8–11 disk micropatterns). These QCD, corner, and closure detectors were verified by examining several hundred iso-dipole texture pairs. It appears that iso-dipole constraints make ineffective all other feature analyzers involved in effortless texture discrimination than the Class B types. These figural properties of collinearity, corners, and closure can be perceived without scrutiny and are precursors of form perception.  相似文献   

We found a new class of two-dimensional random textures with identical third-order statistics that can be effortlessly discriminated. Discrimination is based on local granularity differences between these iso-trigon texture pairs. This is the more surprising since it is commonly assumed that texture granularity (grain) is determined by the power spectrum which, in turn, can be obtained from the second-order statistics. Because textures with identical third-order statistics must have identical second-order statistics (i.e., identical power spectra), visible texture granularity is not controlled by power spectra, and not even by third-order statistics.  相似文献   

We have found a class of feature detectors, based on the quasi-collinearity of dots, which result in visual texture discrimination even when second order statistics are equal. This degenerate counterexample to the Julesz conjecture on effortless texture discrimination has supplied the key to a simple theory of texture discrimination. Accordingly, effortless texture discrimination is based on two classses of perceptual detectors: Class A, those that measure differences in second-order (dipole) statistics; Class B, those that can still detect statistical differences in some features when second-order statistics are kept identical; for instance, the quasi-collinearity of adjacent dipoles. The difference thresholds (tuning curves) for the perceptual dipole and quasi-collinearity detectors have been determined. These texture pairs were generated by a method that creates micropatterns with iso-dipole duals from 4 disks. The extension of this 4-disk method to 5 and more disks with iso-dipole duals permits the search for other kinds of perceptual detectors and will be discussed in Part II.  相似文献   

Texton gradients: The texton theory revisited   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A brief outline of the texton theory was given in several review papers (Julesz and Bergen 1983; Julesz 1984a, b, 1985) without going into details. Here a more complete version of the texton theory is presented, with emphasis on the critical distances within which the density of textons is determined by the preattentive system. Particularly some recent findings by Sagi and Julesz (1985a, b) influenced the current version of the texton theory. The stimuli are restricted to drawing composed of line segments that permit a precise definition of neighborhoods and distances to which the line segments and texture elements have to be confined in order to quality for preattentive texture discrimination. These critical distances and the aperture of focal attention are scaled by the average size of the texture elements. Furthermore, it is stressed that even when the stimuli are restricted to line segments, the blobs outlined by line segments behave like textons. The preattentive system ignores the exact shape of these blobs, but is sensitive to their average width, length, and orientation.  相似文献   

A method is presented for generating pairs of textures for which the statistics of intersection with any collinear set of points placed at random on either texture are the same. The constraint that such Buffon needle statistics be identical is stronger than identity of second-order statistics. Nonetheless, many such texture pairs are effortlessly distinguishable. An example is given of such a texture pair, whose components are composed of either congruent ellipses or circles of various radii. The discriminability of such texture pairs implies that adequate models for human texture preception must contain local nonlinearities which receive input from non-collinear points.  相似文献   

Considerable information about the texture of objects can be perceived remotely through a probe. It is not clear, however, how texture perception with a probe compares with texture perception with the bare finger. Here we investigate the perception of a variety of textured surfaces encountered daily (e.g., corduroy, paper, and rubber) using the two scanning modes - direct touch through the finger and indirect touch through a probe held in the hand - in two tasks. In the first task, subjects rated the overall pair-wise dissimilarity of the textures. In the second task, subjects rated each texture along three continua, namely, perceived roughness, hardness, and stickiness of the surfaces, shown previously as the primary dimensions of texture perception in direct touch. From the dissimilarity judgment experiment, we found that the texture percept is similar though not identical in the two scanning modes. From the adjective rating experiments, we found that while roughness ratings are similar, hardness and stickiness ratings tend to differ between scanning conditions. These differences between the two modes of scanning are apparent in perceptual space for tactile textures based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis. Finally, we demonstrate that three physical quantities, vibratory power, compliance, and friction carry roughness, hardness, and stickiness information, predicting perceived dissimilarity of texture pairs with indirect touch. Given that different types of texture information are processed by separate groups of neurons across direct and indirect touch, we propose that the neural mechanisms underlying texture perception differ between scanning modes.  相似文献   

Considerable information about the texture of objects can be perceived remotely through a probe. It is not clear, however, how texture perception with a probe compares with texture perception with the bare finger. Here we investigate the perception of a variety of textured surfaces encountered daily (e.g., corduroy, paper, and rubber) using the two scanning modes—direct touch through the finger and indirect touch through a probe held in the hand—in two tasks. In the first task, subjects rated the overall pair-wise dissimilarity of the textures. In the second task, subjects rated each texture along three continua, namely, perceived roughness, hardness, and stickiness of the surfaces, shown previously as the primary dimensions of texture perception in direct touch. From the dissimilarity judgment experiment, we found that the texture percept is similar though not identical in the two scanning modes. From the adjective rating experiments, we found that while roughness ratings are similar, hardness and stickiness ratings tend to differ between scanning conditions. These differences between the two modes of scanning are apparent in perceptual space for tactile textures based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis. Finally, we demonstrate that three physical quantities, vibratory power, compliance, and friction carry roughness, hardness, and stickiness information, predicting perceived dissimilarity of texture pairs with indirect touch. Given that different types of texture information are processed by separate groups of neurons across direct and indirect touch, we propose that the neural mechanisms underlying texture perception differ between scanning modes.  相似文献   

Summary Of the molecular species of proteins associated with the nucleoids of Escherichia coli cells, those with relatively high affinity to bind to DNA were isolated and characterized. Seven classes of nucleoid proteins with molecular weights of 9,000, 17,000 (two molecular species), 22,000, 24,000, 27,000 and 28,000 were isolated at more than 90% purity or were partially purified. On the basis of its amino acid composition and other chemical properties, the 9,000 dalton protein was identified as HLP II (or HU protein or BH2) (Pettijohn 1982: Rouvière-Yaniv and Gros 1975; Varshavsky et al. 1978). The 17 K protein consisted of two molecular species and one of these, 17 K (a) protein, seemed to be identical with HLPI (or protein 1 or BH1) reported previously (Pettijohn 1982; Varshavsky et al. 1977; Varshavsky et al. 1978). The 26 K protein was identical to the 22 K protein (Kishi et al. 1982). The 27 K protein showed immunological cross-reactivity with the antibody for histone H2A and was thus identified as the H protein reported previously (Hübscher et al. 1980). Two basic proteins, 9 K and 17 K(a), showed relatively high binding affinities to DNA, while the 28 K protein showed moderate binding affinity. The biological significance of these nucleoid proteins, which constitute a family of proteins participating in formation of the nucleoid structure, is discussed.  相似文献   

In many models of visual information processing the notion of a virtual line or dipole is introduced in order to represent the configurational information, notably length and relative orientation, between identical figure elements in figures with discrete elements. Virtual lines have proven to be very useful in predicting perceptual phenomena (Julesz et al. 1973; Stevens 1978). In the present study, virtual lines are utilized in a model which aims to predict the perception of (dotted) curves in dot figures. Clearly many possible curves, formed by adjacent virtual lines, can be constructed within a set of dots. It is proposed that already at the local level of the virtual lines each line has a perceptual salience which results from the function induced by the global dot figure. It is this local line salience or connectivity that directs further processing and determines the curves to be seen in a dot figure. The model presented is an information processing model with a clear modular design. It entails three successive levels of representation. First image functions are derived through a convolution of the input with gaussian distribution functions. Next, a discrete internal representation is extracted from the image function consisting of two primitives; blobs, representing the dots, and virtual lines, representing pairwise relations between blobs. The attributes of the blobs are their positions in the image plane, while those of the virtual lines are length, relative orientation and connectivity. At the third level, the discrete internal representation is used to predict the perceived curves. It is shown that the model has advantages over other approaches, e.g. autocorrelation and network models.  相似文献   

Tensile mechanical force was long assumed to increase the detachment rates of biological adhesive bonds (Bell, 1978). However, in the last few years, several receptor-ligand pairs were shown to form "catch bonds," whose lifetimes are enhanced by moderate amounts of force. These include the bacterial adhesive protein FimH binding to its ligand mannose (Thomas et al., 2002; Thomas et al., 2006), blood cell adhesion proteins P- and L-selectin binding to sialyl Lewis X (sLe(X))-containing ligands (Marshall et al., 2003; Evans et al., 2004; Sarangapani et al., 2004), and the myosin-actin motor protein interaction (Guo and Guilford, 2006). The structural mechanism behind this counterintuitive force-enhanced catch bond behavior is of great interest.  相似文献   

Partially paired data sets often occur in microarray experiments (Kim et al., 2005; Liu, Liang and Jang, 2006). Discussions of testing with partially paired data are found in the literature (Lin and Stivers 1974; Ekbohm, 1976; Bhoj, 1978). Bhoj (1978) initially proposed a test statistic that uses a convex combination of paired and unpaired t statistics. Kim et al. (2005) later proposed the t3 statistic, which is a linear combination of paired and unpaired t statistics, and then used it to detect differentially expressed (DE) genes in colorectal cancer (CRC) cDNA microarray data. In this paper, we extend Kim et al.'s t3 statistic to the Hotelling's T2 type statistic Tp for detecting DE gene sets of size p. We employ Efron's empirical null principle to incorporate inter-gene correlation in the estimation of the false discovery rate. Then, the proposed Tp statistic is applied to Kim et al's CRC data to detect the DE gene sets of sizes p=2 and p=3. Our results show that for small p, particularly for p=2 and marginally for p=3, the proposed Tp statistic compliments the univariate procedure by detecting additional DE genes that were undetected in the univariate test procedure. We also conduct a simulation study to demonstrate that Efron's empirical null principle is robust to the departure from the normal assumption.  相似文献   

During the past few years, there has been a great deal of new work on methods for mapping quantitative-trait loci by use of sibling pairs and sibships. There are several new methods based on linear regression, as well as several more that are based on score statistics. In theory, most of the new methods should be relatively robust to violations of distributional assumptions and to selected sampling, but, in practice, there has been little evaluation of how the methods perform on selected samples. We survey most of the new regression-based statistics and score statistics and propose a few minor variations on the score statistics. We use simulation to evaluate the type I error and the power of all of the statistics, considering (a) population samples of sibling pairs and (b) sibling pairs ascertained on the basis of at least one sibling with a trait value in the top 10% of the distribution. Most of the statistics have correct type I error for selected samples. The statistics proposed by Xu et al. and by Sham and Purcell are generally the most powerful, along with one of our score statistic variants. Even among the methods that are most powerful for "nice" data, some are more robust than others to non-Gaussian trait models and/or misspecified trait parameters.  相似文献   

Simulations are used to compare four statistics for the detection of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) in daughter and grand-daughter designs as defined by Soller and Genizi (1978) and Weller et al. (1990): (1) the Fisher test of a linear model including a marker effect within sire or grand-sire effect; (2) the likelihood ratio test of a segregation analysis without the information given by the marker; (3) the likelihood ratio test of a segregation analysis considering the information from the marker; and (4) the lod score which is the likelihood ratio test of absence of linkage between the marker and the QTL. In all cases the two segregation analyses are more powerful for QTL detection than are either the linear method or the lod score. The differences in power are generally limited but may be significant (in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 4) when the QTL has a small effect (0.2 standard deviations) and is not closely linked to the marker (recombination rate of 20% or more).  相似文献   

Biogenesis of poxviruses: mirror-image deletions in vaccinia virus DNA   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
G McFadden  S Dales 《Cell》1979,18(1):101-108
Restriction endonuclease analysis of viral DNA extracted from wild-type and temperature-sensitive mutants of vaccinia IHD-W (Dales et al., 1978) revealed sequence alterations in approximately 20% of all ts clones examined. The rearrangements were due to deletions up to 250 nucleotide pairs long. Using Eco RI, Sal I, Bam I, Hpa I and Ava I, the deletions were always observed in the same fragments, while analysis with Hind III demonstrated deletions of identical size in the two terminal fragments. Since vaccinia virus contains inverted terminal repeats of more than 10 kb, these clones possess identical deletions of opposite orientation at both ends of the genome. Analysis of several revertants of the ts mutants demonstrated that the deletions probably arise as events independent from those producing ts lesions and are generated spontaneously at high frequency. This implies that a single event during replication caused the elimination of nonessential information, and suggests that circular intermediates must exist transiently during viral replication.  相似文献   

Cavanagh and Mather (1989) reviewed literature concerning the possible distinction between short- and long-range processes in motion perception and concluded that the distinction cannot be supported. Instead, they proposed that motion perception be considered on the basis of detectors for first-order (luminance, color) and second-order (first-order motion, texture, stereo) stimulus attributes. They supported their position with studies of motion based on second-order stimuli. The present paper contends that when experiments permitting the investigation of both processes in the same display are included and when criteria are examined in their totality rather than one-by-one, the original short-range/long-range distinction can be retained. Furthermore, it is argued that the first-order/second-order distinction does not represent a theoretical advancement and that studies of second-order motion can be interpreted in terms of the older distinction. It is concluded that the short-range/long-range distinction is useful and should not be abandoned.  相似文献   

R Dijkema  B M Dekker  H Van Ormondt 《Gene》1980,9(1-2):141-156
The nucleotide sequence of the leftmost BglII-H fragment (0--4.5%) of weakly oncogenic human adenovirus serotype 7 (Ad7) has been determined (1568 base pairs). This is the shortest Ad7 DNA fragment reported to transform primary rat cells into an immortal cell line (Dijkema et al., 1979). The l-strand of BhlII-H was found to contain the complete information for a polypeptide of at most 28 051 daltons, followed by the putative promoter site of the next gene. Comparison of the determined Ad7 sequence with that of the corresponding region of non-oncogenic Ad5 (Van Ormondt et al., 1978; Maat and Van Ormondt, 1979) showed that the over-all organization of the two DNAs is quite similar, but that the sequences, except in regions of suspected strategic importance, diverge considerably.  相似文献   

Linoleic, oleic, and stearic fatty acids, presented vapor-phase retronasally, were discriminable from blanks and each other, but the same concentrations, oral-cavity-only (OCO), were not discriminable from blanks. It remained possible that higher concentrations might be discriminable OCO. To evaluate this, participants attempted to discriminate undiluted linoleic, oleic, or stearic acids, vapor-phase OCO, from blanks. For each fatty acid, participants received 5 stimulus delivery containers (SDCs) in 2 trials; 4 SDC held blanks, the fifth, a fatty acid. As a "positive control" in 2 trials, participants received vapor-phase OCO peppermint extract and blanks. For all trials, the task was to select the 1 different SDC. It was found that the 1 different SDC was selected in 24% of stearic, 32% of linoleic, 47% of oleic acid, and in 92% of peppermint trials; discriminations (the 1 different SDC selected in both trials) occurred in 0%, 16%, 26%, and 84% of pairs, respectively. Correct selections for oleic acid differed from chance, P = 0.0004, but not for linoleic acid, P = 0.125, or stearic acid, P = 0.345, Bonferroni corrected. Vapor-phase oleic acid can be an oral cavity trigeminal stimulus, linoleic acid might be (uncorrected P = 0.0384), but vapor-phase stearic acid cannot be.  相似文献   

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