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Mass coral bleaching events are one of the main threats to coral reefs. A severe bleaching event impacted Moorea, French Polynesia, between March and July 2002, causing 55+/-14% of colonies to suffer bleaching around the island. However, bleaching varied significantly across coral genera, locations, and as a function of water depth, with a bleaching level as high as 72% at some stations. Corals in deeper water bleached at a higher rate than those in shallow water, and the north coast was more impacted than the west coast. The relatively small scale of variability in bleaching responses probably resulted from the interaction between extrinsic factors, including hydrodynamic condition, and intrinsic factors, such as differential adaptation of the coral/algal association.  相似文献   

Satellite and compiled in situ observations of sea surface temperatures have greatly increased the ability to detect anomalous and persistent warm water and are being widely used to predict climate change, coral bleaching and mortality. A field-based synoptic view of coral bleaching spanning eight countries and ∼35° of latitude in the western Indian Ocean tested the accuracy of synoptic temperature data derived from satellites and shipboard data to detect and predict bleaching during 2005. The ability to predict the degree of bleaching based on degree heating weeks data was moderate, but increased when past temperature anomalies and coral community susceptibility were included. It is estimated that slightly more than half of the bleaching response is due to anomalous warm water and nearly half due to taxa and community level acclimation or adaptation, where these two factors have opposing effects. Cumulative temperature anomalies do identify general areas with bleaching but both large over and underestimates of bleaching intensity were observed. Consequently, field observations are needed to confirm the synoptic satellite predictions for particular reefs, particularly where acclimation and reorganization of the coral community have occurred due to past bleaching events.  相似文献   



Coral bleaching events vary in severity, however, to date, the hierarchy of susceptibility to bleaching among coral taxa has been consistent over a broad geographic range and among bleaching episodes. Here we examine the extent of spatial and temporal variation in thermal tolerance among scleractinian coral taxa and between locations during the 2010 thermally induced, large-scale bleaching event in South East Asia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Surveys to estimate the bleaching and mortality indices of coral genera were carried out at three locations with contrasting thermal and bleaching histories. Despite the magnitude of thermal stress being similar among locations in 2010, there was a remarkable contrast in the patterns of bleaching susceptibility. Comparisons of bleaching susceptibility within coral taxa and among locations revealed no significant differences between locations with similar thermal histories, but significant differences between locations with contrasting thermal histories (Friedman = 34.97; p<0.001). Bleaching was much less severe at locations that bleached during 1998, that had greater historical temperature variability and lower rates of warming. Remarkably, Acropora and Pocillopora, taxa that are typically highly susceptible, although among the most susceptible in Pulau Weh (Sumatra, Indonesia) where respectively, 94% and 87% of colonies died, were among the least susceptible in Singapore, where only 5% and 12% of colonies died.


The pattern of susceptibility among coral genera documented here is unprecedented. A parsimonious explanation for these results is that coral populations that bleached during the last major warming event in 1998 have adapted and/or acclimatised to thermal stress. These data also lend support to the hypothesis that corals in regions subject to more variable temperature regimes are more resistant to thermal stress than those in less variable environments.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Figure&nbsp;2 in the original article has been updated with this figure&nbsp;2 due to discrepancies related to incorrect mapping with one of the islands.  相似文献   

Long-term data on surface water temperature (SWT) from 9 lakes larger than 10 km2 located in different climatic regions in Austria were analysed for June–September 1965–2009. The lakes are situated north and south of the Alps, in the east bordering Hungary and in the west bordering Germany. Time series of air temperature (AT) and SWT were smoothed by the lowess function and linear trends. Water temperature for the year 2050 was estimated from (1) linear extrapolation of the time trend, (2) projection of the AT–SWT relation and (3) increase of average present day SWT (2000–2009) by 3°C in summer in the Alps as expected from models by climatologists. Results indicate a rise in SWT parallel to AT since the mid-1960s. On an annual basis, changes in water temperature were the greatest in spring and summer. A conservative estimate of the average increase of summer SWT until 2050 is 2°C (1.2–2.9°C), differentiated by region. As a consequence of warming water temperatures, the duration of thermal stratification will increase and mixing and retention time will be affected. Changes in the food web are difficult to forecast, but will strongly depend on local environmental conditions and will therefore be different for individual lakes.  相似文献   

浙江南部近海小黄鱼资源分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2015—2016年浙江南部近海4个航次的底拖网资源调查数据,利用广义可加模型分析了调查期内小黄鱼资源的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:浙江南部近海的小黄鱼资源主要集中在鱼山渔场,夏季为小黄鱼资源的高产期,站点平均资源密度达到500.74 kg·h-1·km-2.不同季节影响小黄鱼资源密度及其分布的环境因子各不相同.其中,环境因子对秋季小黄鱼资源密度的影响效果并不显著.春季,小黄鱼主要分布于水深较浅的高盐水域;夏季,水温和盐度均与小黄鱼资源密度呈负相关关系,小黄鱼主要分布于中温高盐的鱼山海域;冬季,水温与资源密度呈正相关,小黄鱼栖息于水温适宜的外侧站点水域.总体上,小黄鱼资源的分布特征符合其洄游习性,但个别环境因子与资源密度的关系难以解释,仍需进一步研究.研究结果有助于了解浙江南部近海小黄鱼群体的生活习性,以及对小黄鱼资源的养护和管理.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Summer bleaching of corals has been prevalent in the coastal waters of India in recent years before the onset of monsoon. Repeated bleaching of shallow water...  相似文献   

The hypothesis that there is a relationship between the tasting polymorphism and growth variation was tested on a sample of 425 Negro elementary school children. Twenty-seven non-tasters were found by testing with impregnated papers; 13 were male, 14 female, indicating no sex differences in this group. Matchedpair comparisons indicated no differences in weight, a tendency for tasters to be taller, and a stronger tendency for tasters of both sexes to be skeletally more mature. It was felt that the tendency for tasters to be taller might reflect their more advanced maturation status. The relationship to skeletal maturation might be indicative of the decreased thryoid activity found in other studies of phenylthiocarbamide tasting.  相似文献   

Coral associated microorganisms, especially some opportunistic pathogens can utilize quorum-sensing (QS) signals to affect population structure and host health. However, direct evidence about the link between coral bleaching and dysbiotic microbiomes under QS regulation was lacking. Here, using 11 opportunistic bacteria and their QS products (AHLs, acyl-homoserine-lactones), we exposed Pocillopora damicornis to three different treatments: test groups (A and B: mixture of AHLs-producing bacteria and cocktail of AHLs signals respectively); control groups (C and D: group A and B with furanone added respectively); and a blank control (group E: only seawater) for 21 days. The results showed that remarkable bleaching phenomenon was observed in groups A and B. The operational taxonomic units-sequencing analysis shown that the bacterial network interactions and communities composition were significantly changed, becoming especially enhanced in the relative abundances of Vibrio, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Aeromonas. Interestingly, the control groups (C and D) were found to have a limited influence upon host microbial composition and reduced bleaching susceptibility of P. damicornis. These results indicate bleaching's initiation and progression may be caused by opportunistic bacteria of resident microbes in a process under regulation by AHLs. These findings add a new dimension to our understanding of the complexity of bleaching mechanisms from a chemoecological perspective.  相似文献   

母娅霆  刘子琦  李渊  朱大运 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2738-2749
喀斯特地区土壤温度变化特征对研究该区土壤活性及小气候变化具有重要意义。为探明喀斯特地区土壤温度变化特征及其与环境因子的关系,以喀斯特高原峡谷区四种典型土地类型(花椒地、金银花地、火龙果地、荒地)为研究对象,采用土壤含水量监测系统(ECH2O)对各样地土壤温度变化进行连续定点监测,分析土壤温度的动态变化特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:10 cm处土壤温度日变幅最大,土层越深日变幅越小;土壤温度日变幅为夏季较大,秋、冬季较小。火龙果地、金银花地土壤温度日变幅明显大于花椒地、荒地;随着土层加深,土壤温度日变化出现滞后现象;不同季节土壤温度均为火龙果地 > 荒地 > 花椒地 > 金银花地。夏季土层越深,土壤温度越低;秋、冬季土层越深,土壤温度越高;土壤垂直温度变异系数表现为冬季大于夏季。相关分析表明,土壤温度与气温、太阳辐射及土壤含水量均呈显著正相关(P<0.05),土壤温度变化与容重、孔隙度、土壤质地、有机碳等土壤理化性质相关性显著。花椒地土壤温度日变幅最小,与其较高的土壤含水量和总孔隙度、容重小、土壤持水性强密切相关。综上,花椒地对土壤温度的调节效果较好,因此,在喀斯特地区生态恢复的过程中,种植花椒能在一定程度上改善土壤性质,提升土壤肥力。本研究为喀斯特地区的生态恢复提供了科学依据,为植被生态效益评价提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature fields (1870–2100) forced by CO2-induced climate change under the IPCC SRES A1B CO2 scenario, from three World Climate Research Programme Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (WCRP CMIP3) models (CCSM3, CSIRO MK 3.5, and GFDL CM 2.1), were used to examine how coral sensitivity to thermal stress and rates of adaption affect global projections of coral-reef bleaching. The focus of this study was two-fold, to: (1) assess how the impact of Degree-Heating-Month (DHM) thermal stress threshold choice affects potential bleaching predictions and (2) examine the effect of hypothetical adaptation rates of corals to rising temperature. DHM values were estimated using a conventional threshold of 1°C and a variability-based threshold of 2σ above the climatological maximum Coral adaptation rates were simulated as a function of historical 100-year exposure to maximum annual SSTs with a dynamic rather than static climatological maximum based on the previous 100 years, for a given reef cell. Within CCSM3 simulations, the 1°C threshold predicted later onset of mild bleaching every 5 years for the fraction of reef grid cells where 1°C > 2σ of the climatology time series of annual SST maxima (1961–1990). Alternatively, DHM values using both thresholds, with CSIRO MK 3.5 and GFDL CM 2.1 SSTs, did not produce drastically different onset timing for bleaching every 5 years. Across models, DHMs based on 1°C thermal stress threshold show the most threatened reefs by 2100 could be in the Central and Western Equatorial Pacific, whereas use of the variability-based threshold for DHMs yields the Coral Triangle and parts of Micronesia and Melanesia as bleaching hotspots. Simulations that allow corals to adapt to increases in maximum SST drastically reduce the rates of bleaching. These findings highlight the importance of considering the thermal stress threshold in DHM estimates as well as potential adaptation models in future coral bleaching projections.  相似文献   

Two separate effects of hyperthermia on mouse splenic lysosomes have been reported, dependent on the severity of the treatment. Heating to temperatures below 42.5 degrees C causes a transient increase in lysosomal acid phosphatase activity which can be correlated with the ability of moderate hyperthermia to potentiate X-ray damage. Heating to temperatures above 42.5 degrees C results in an immediate increase in lysosomal membrane permeability which may be involved in tissue necrosis. By giving a priming heat treatment at 41.8 degrees C, induced thermal resistance was demonstrated for the lysosomal membrane effect, but not for the enzyme activation. The degree of induced thermal resistance observed is similar to that reported for the cell-killing effect of heat on tissues in vivo and cells in vitro and occurs over a similar time course. The relevance of these results to the understanding of fractionated hyperthermia in cancer therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Symbionts within the family Symbiodiniaceae are important on coral reefs because they provide significant amounts of carbon to many different reef species. The breakdown of this mutualism that occurs as a result of increasingly warmer ocean temperatures is a major threat to coral reef ecosystems globally. Recombination during sexual reproduction and high rates of somatic mutation can lead to increased genetic variation within symbiont species, which may provide the fuel for natural selection and adaptation. However, few studies have asked whether such variation in functional traits exists within these symbionts. We used several genotypes of two closely related species, Breviolum antillogorgium and B. minutum, to examine variation of traits related to symbiosis in response to increases in temperature or nitrogen availability in laboratory cultures. We found significant genetic variation within and among symbiont species in chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency, and growth rate. Two genotypes showed decreases in traits in response to increased temperatures predicted by climate change, but one genotype responded positively. Similarly, some genotypes within a species responded positively to high‐nitrogen environments, such as those expected within hosts or eutrophication associated with global change, while other genotypes in the same species responded negatively, suggesting context‐dependency in the strength of mutualism. Such variation in traits implies that there is potential for natural selection on symbionts in response to temperature and nutrients, which could confer an adaptive advantage to the holobiont.  相似文献   

The branching coral species Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) and the massive coral species Porites lobata Dana were exposed for 30 days to different temperatures and nitrate concentrations to study the response of the coral-zooxanthella symbiosis. Results suggest that the effect of nitrate enrichment on the polyp-zooxanthella symbiosis varies according to the coral morphology. After the experimental period only 30% of P. damicornis colonies remained healthy, in contrast to 90% of P. lobata. The branching P. damicornis was significantly affected by the addition of nitrate, whereas P. lobata was significantly influenced by water temperature. The two species showed enhanced zooxanthella volume, and chlorophyll contents per cell under high nitrate concentrations. The reduced zooxanthellae density in both species indicated a detrimental influence of the interaction of high nitrate and high temperature. Tissue soluble proteins in P. lobata were significantly reduced by elevated temperature. Results showed that tissue soluble proteins and chlorophylls in P. lobata were from two- to three-fold higher than in P. damicornis. The number of zooxanthellae in P. lobata was double that of P. damicornis. Therefore, we suggest that the slow-growing species P. lobata is better able to cope with changing environmental conditions than the fast-growing coral P. damicornis.  相似文献   

Soils of the terrestrial planets form at the boundaries between lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Biogenesis occurred in these zones; thus, it is axiomatic that some, perhaps many, stages of biogenesis occurred in intimate association with the mineral constituents of soils. Because of a high surface to mass ratio and, consequently, a high surface reactivity, the layer lattice clay minerals are the most important of these. according to the geological record, clay minerals appeared very early on the primordial Earth. Recent investigations have confirmed their presence in carbonaceous meteorites and have indicated their occurrence on Mars. In this paper we collect pertinent physico-chemical data and summarize the organic reactions and interactions that are induced or catalyzed by clays. Many clay-organic reactions that do not occur readily at high water contents proceed rapidly at adsorbed water contents corresponding to surface coverages of one or two molecular layers. One or two monolayers of adsorbed water correspond to extremely dry on cold planetary environments. Some consequences of these factsvis à vis biogenesis on Mars are considered.  相似文献   

Lakeshore developments change the physicochemical properties of the underwater environment by altering shore morphometry, which may have significant effects on spatial variation and temporal stability in water temperature. Spatiotemporal temperature changes are costly to fish in terms of subsequent thermoregulatory behavior and acclimation; therefore, thermal conditions have a heavy impact on the biological function of fishes. Spatiotemporal variation and stability of water temperatures along cross-shore transects in the littoral zone (within 100 m from shore) were monitored and compared on two lakeshores with different cross-shore depth profiles. One shore was associated with a retaining wall and a relatively deep, flat bottom (steep shore), whereas the other extended offshore at a gentle gradient (gentle shore). Water temperature was more spatially variable on the gentle shore than the steep shore [1.44 ± 0.47 and 0.20 ± 0.14°C (mean ± SD), respectively], but a stable temperature range (i.e., the range of temperatures continuously observed on each shore for 48 h) was maintained only on the gentle shore during seasonal temperature decline. These results suggest that gentle shores have higher potential to provide a wider range of thermal options, allowing fish to fine-tune thermoregulatory behavior and acclimate more efficiently to temperature changes.  相似文献   

The benthic grazer Diadema antillarum Philippi (Echinoidea) has been demonstrated experimentally to contribute to the control of coral community structure in shallow water. In Discovery Bay, Jamaica, West Indies, Diadema densities were manipulated over a range of 0-64/m2 with the aid of enclosures. Grazing by Diadema under primary and post-primary succession conditions were compared.Algal percent-cover decreased as Diadema density was increased. Despite the presence of high algal cover. highest coral recruitment and diversity occurred at lowest Diadema densities, with planular settlement occurring predominantly in openly exposed micro-habitats. However, since algal growth rates greatly exceeded those of corals, space was rapidly monopolized by the former, resulting in intense competition and high coral mortality. This was particularly evident in Agaricia and Porites spp. At high Diadema densities, coral recruitment was greatly depressed in at least a genus-specific manner by intense levels of biological disturbance resulting from the echinoid's abrasive grazing activities. Favia Fragum (Esper) was especially susceptible to this perturbation. The surviving coral spat were found generally in cryptic, protected areas. Here they suffered some competitive losses to other sessile epifauna and -flora, particularly coralline algae, polychaetes and forams, which were well adapted to these physical and biological conditions. Increased sedimentation also depressed coral recruitment, replacing grazing as a limiting factor for successful settlement.Optimal conditions for coral survival, competitive success, and possibly growth were found at intermediate densities due to a balance between competition for space and biological disturbance. Diadema antillarum plays an important role in controlling the distribution and abundance of coral spat in the shallow reef community.  相似文献   

Average reaction norms relating number of day-degrees required to complete egg development to temperature are described for 95 species (115 populations) of Plecoptera, Odonata, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera (mainly Culicidae, with some Tipulidae and Sciomyzidae). The slope of the average reaction norm is used as an index of adaptation, with positive slopes indicating cold-adapted species, negative slopes indicating warm-adapted species, and slopes around zero indicating generalist species; 57% of the between-taxon variation in slope is associated with differences between orders, 14% among families, 7% among genera, 14% among species, and 8% among populations. Significant differences between congeneric species are found in only 4 of 92 possible comparisons. Only Hecoptera show much cold-adaptation, with 40% of the species having significantly positive slope. However, 26% of the species (mainly in the Systellognatha) have significantly negative slope, suggesting adaptation to warmer waters than those in which the order is believed to have originated. The other orders probably originated in warm water and have generally maintained this adaptation. All Odonata, 71% of the Diptera and 81% of the Ephemeroptera have significantly negative slopes. Diapause is a common alternative to metabolic adaptation to deal with unfavourable thermal environments. We suggest that it occurs widely in eggs of Plecoptera and in the mayfly Rhithrogena hyolaea, cold-adapted species that may use diapause to survive periods of high temperature.  相似文献   

Spawning time and male mating tactics of parrotfishes (family Scaridae) were investigated on a fringing coral reef at Iriomote Island, Okinawa. Spawning was observed in 14 species, and more frequently in more abundant species such as Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus rivulatus and Chlorurus bowersi. At the reef-edge spawning site, C. bowersi spawned at high tide, C. sordidus spawned both at high tide and in the early morning, whereas Calotomus carolinus and most of the Scarus species such as S. rivulatus spawned only in the early morning, mostly 0630–0830 h. Spawning only in the early morning irrespective of tide phase and moon age has seldom been reported from the scarid species of other localities. It is suggested that spawning in the early morning would be adaptive in species such as S. rivulatus, which migrated considerable distances (ca. 500 m) to the inshore feeding sites, in order to minimize feeding losses due to migration. For male mating tactics, pair spawning by territorial TP (terminal phase) males occurred in all 14 species, and streaking and group spawning by nonterritorial small IP (initial phase) males were seen more frequently in more abundant species. Moreover, group spawning by nonterritorial TP males, which were larger than the IP males but smaller than the territorial TP males, frequently occurred in S. rivulatus. Such mating tactics of TP males have not been reported from Scaridae.  相似文献   

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