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A case of cerebellar abscess due to Blastomyces dermatitidis is reported and the literature of central nervous system blastomycosis is reviewed. The case is of interest for two reasons: 1. No obvious site of primary blastomycotic infection was found, despite an extensive search. 2. The focal blastomycotic involvement of the CNS was not associated with meningitis. Only two other such cases are explicitly reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Melanin is made by several important pathogenic fungi and is implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of mycoses. This study investigates whether the thermally dimorphic fungal pathogen Blastomyces dermatitidis produces melanin. Using techniques developed to study melanization in other fungi, we demonstrate that B. dermatitidis conidia and yeast produce melanin in vitro and that yeast cells synthesize melanin or melanin-like pigment in vivo. Melanization reduced susceptibility to amphotericin B, but not to itraconazole or voriconazole. Since melanin is an important virulence factor in other pathogenic fungi, this pigment may affect the pathogenesis of blastomycosis.  相似文献   

Fine details of the sequential anatomical events occurring during yeast to mold morphogenesis of the dimorphic fungal pathogens Blastomyces dermatitidis and Histoplasma capsulatum as seen in ultrathin sections are described and illustrated by electron micrographs. Discrete intracytoplasmic membrane systems intimately associated with the plasma membrane were observed to be formed within 6 to 8 hr after induction of the conversion process. Within 12 to 18 hr, an intermediate or transitional cell with Woronin bodies at the septum was formed from the converting yeastlike cell. Both cells were noted to contain increased numbers of mitochondria. At approximately 48 hr from the initial induction of the conversion stimuli, the newly forming hyphal cells were observed to produce postconversional intracytoplasmic membrane systems seen normally in the ultrastructural organization of the fully established mycelial-phase cell. These membrane systems appear to be associated with normal septal formation. Although minor variations of time were observed in the occurrence of the sequential events, it is suggested that yeastlike to mycelial-phase conversion of these two fungal pathogens proceeds via a similar mechanism of ultrastructural reorganization.  相似文献   

The results of in vitro interactions between colonies of Blastomyces dermatitidis and six other zoopathogenic fungi are reported. The interactions were found to range from neutral with Histoplasma capsulatum and Candida albicans to strongly antagonistic with Microsporum gypseum, Pseudallescheria boydii, and Sporothrix schenckii, and including lysis by Cryptococcus neoformans. These observations suggest that interactions between zoopathogenic fungi may be one of the biotic factors likely to influence the occurrence of B. dermatitidis in natural systems.  相似文献   

Peter Fedors 《Mycopathologia》1959,11(1-2):128-134
Summary It was accidentally discovered thatPseudomonas aeruginosa inhibited the growth ofHistoplasma capsulatum when both of the organisms were isolated from a series of sputum specimens obtained from a single patient. Experiments were performed to determine if there is any inhibitory effect on other systemic fungi.Three fractions were obtained from a broth culture ofP. aeruginosa and their antibiotic effects tested against various systemic fungi and bacteria.Reviewed in the Veterans Administration and published with the approval of the Chief Medical Director. The statements and conclusions published by the author are the results of his own study and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   



Blastomycosis is a potentially fatal mycosis that is acquired by inhaling infectious spores of Blastomyces dermatitidis present in the environment. The ecology of this pathogen is poorly understood, in part because it has been extremely difficult to identify the niche(s) it occupies based on culture isolation of the organism from environmental samples.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the ecology of blastomycosis by performing maximum entropy modeling of exposure sites from 156 cases of human and canine blastomycosis to provide a regional-scale perspective of the geographic and ecologic distribution of B. dermatitidis in Wisconsin. Based on analysis with climatic, topographic, surface reflectance and other environmental variables, we predicted that ecologic conditions favorable for maintaining the fungus in nature occur predominantly within northern counties and counties along the western shoreline of Lake Michigan. Areas of highest predicted occurrence were often in proximity to waterways, especially in northcentral Wisconsin, where incidence of infection is highest. Ecologic conditions suitable for B. dermatitidis are present in urban and rural environments, and may differ at the extremes of distribution of the species in the state.


Our results provide a framework for a more informed search for specific environmental factors modulating B. dermatitidis occurrence and transmission and will be useful for improving public health awareness of relative exposure risks.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic ribosomes were isolated and purified from sonicates of the mycelial and yeastlike growth forms of the pathogenic dimorphic fungi, Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis. Similar ribosomal fractions were prepared from Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These latter organisms were selected as typical filamentous and yeastlike monophasic fungi, and their ribosomes were used as reference standards. High resolution electron microscopy permitted a comparison of both positively and negatively-stained ribosomes to those dehydrated without heavy metal salt. Such studies revealed statistically significant differences in physical dimensions. Cautious interpretations of substructural detail of the various ribosomal preparations suggested both interphasic and interspecies differences.  相似文献   

Role of the conidium in dimorphism of Blastomyces dermatitidis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fine details of yeastlike cell development of Blastomyces dermatitidis from its conidium are described and illustrated by electron micrographs. When cultured in an enriched medium at 37 °C, conidia of two strains of B. dermatitidis readily underwent ultrastructural changes consistent with mycelial to yeast dimorphism. Although hyphal cells contained in the conversion cultures were observed consistently to undergo profound degenerative changes, the conidia rapidly germinated to give rise to short germ tubes which subsequently enlarged to form intermediate yeast mother cells (YMC). The wall of the germ tube arose from the innermost layer of the wall of the germinant. During the transition globoid osmiophilic inclusions of unknown origin and function were observed in vacuolated areas of the germ tube and YMC cytoplasm. Yeastlike daughter cells then budded from the intermediate YMC. Since transformation was readily accomplished under in vitro conditions favoring mycelial to yeast dimorphism, it is suggested that the conidium of B. dermatitidis represents the primary infective unit of this pathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Fungal pathogens have emerged as a public health menace owing to the expanding population of vulnerable patients and a heightened exposure to fungi in our environment, particularly for the systemic dimorphic fungi that inhabit soil worldwide. A better understanding of these invaders and their pathogenic mechanisms is badly needed to further research into therapeutic options. Advances in the molecular tools available for genetic manipulation of Blastomyces dermatitidis have enhanced our ability to study this poorly understood dimorphic fungal pathogen. Recent refinements in gene-transfer techniques, new selection markers, reliable reporter fusions and successes in gene targeting have shed light upon the importance of the mycelium-to-yeast transition and the crucial and complex role the BAD1 adhesin plays in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Experiments have been made to determine the most susceptible animal and best route of inoculation, for the recovery ofBlastomyces dermatitidis. Statistically significant differences were found in the recovery rate ofB. dermatitidis from hamsters and guinea-pigs injected intratesticularly compared with hamsters inoculated intraperitoneally. The intratesticular route in hamsters also appeared significantly more sensitive than the intravenous route in mice. Through both methods it was also possible to recoverB. dermatitidis from some animals inoculated with a suspension of septic garden soil and using only 137 viable particles. The same suspension processed by the oil flotation method with later injection of the supernatant oil into hamsters intratesticularly, permitted the isolation of the agent from all the animals. The processing of soils through this method with later intratesticular inoculation of hamsters should be a useful tool in the search ofB. dermatitidis in nature.
Resumen Se describen experiencias tendientes a determinar el animal de laboratorio y la mejor ruta de inoculación, para el aislamiento deBlastomyces dermatitidis, a partir de cultivos sobre suelo esterilizado.Se encontró una diferencia significativa en la recuperación del hongo de hamsters y cobayos inoculados por via intratesticular en relación a hamsters inoculados en el peritoneo.La via intratesticular en el hamster se mostró también más sensible que la via intravenosa en el ratón. Mediante ambos méthodos fue posible asimismo recuperarB. dermatitidis de algunos animales inoculados con una suspensión de suelo de jardin no esterilizado, artificialmente contaminado con el hongo e inyectándose aproximadamente 137 partículas viables. El procesamiento del mismo inóculo por el método de flotación en parafina liquida con posterior inyección de la parafina sobrenadante en el hamster por via intratesticular, permitió aislar el agente de todos lo animales inoculados.Se concluye que el procesamiento de suelos por este método, puede ser de gran utilidad para la búsqueda deB. dermatitidis en la naturaleza.

The effects of lethal and sub-lethal high temperatures on the morphology of intact flight muscle sarcosomes of adult Calliphora erythrocephala are described. Treatment of adult flies to lethal temperatures results in ultrastructural changes in the organisation of the cristae and the appearance of electron opaque inclusions. These changes have not been observed after sub-lethal heat treatment, when 50% of the animals recover. It is suggested that changes in the ultrastructure of the intact sarcosomes may be correlated with changes in their ability to couple oxidative phosphorylation with α-glycerophosphate. Age-dependent changes in the sensitivity of sarcosomes are related to changes in the heat death point of the animal and suggest that the impairment of sarcosomal function may be one of the primary lesions in heat death of adult C. erythrocephala.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity and production of type 1 cytokines are the main defenses against pathogenic fungi. Ligation of CD40 by CD40L on T cells is critical for the induction of these immune responses in vivo. We explored the role of CD40/CD40L interactions in vaccine immunity to Blastomyces dermatitidis by immunizing CD40(-/-) and CD40L(-/-) mice and analyzing their resistance to reinfection in a murine pulmonary model. In the absence of CD40 or CD40L, CD4(+) cells failed to get primed or produce type 1 cytokine and impaired the generation of CD8(+) T1 cells. The CD8(+) T cell defect was not due to regulatory T cells or impaired APC maturation or Ag presentation to T cells. If CD4(+) cells were first eliminated, vaccination of CD40(-/-) and CD40L(-/-) mice restored priming of CD8(+) cells, type 1 cytokine production, and resistance. Hence, CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells differ sharply in their requirement for CD40/CD40L interaction during the generation of antifungal immunity. Despite the plasticity of T cell subsets in vaccine immunity, in absence of CD40/CD40L interaction, CD4(+) cells may impede the priming of CD8(+) cells at the cost of host survival against a lethal infectious disease.  相似文献   

The physiological changes that occur during the mycelial- to yeast-phase transitions induced by a temperature shift from 25 to 37 degrees C of cultures of Blastomyces dermatitidis and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis can be divided into three stages. The triggering event is a heat-related insult induced by the temperature shift which results in partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and declines in cellular ATP levels, respiration rates, and concentrations of electron transport components (stage 1). The cells then enter a stage in which spontaneous respiration ceases (stage 2), and finally, there is a shift into a recovery phase during which transformation to yeast morphology occurs (stage 3). Cysteine is required during stage 2 for the operation of shunt pathways which permit electron transport to bypass blocked portions of the cytochrome system. The mycelial- to yeast-phase transitions of these two fungi are very similar to that of Histoplasma capsulatum. Therefore, these three dimorphic fungal pathogens have evolved parallel mechanisms to adjust to the temperature shifts which induce these mycelial- to yeast-phase transitions.  相似文献   

Morphological differentiation has commanded attention for its putative impact on the pathogenesis of invasive fungal infections. We evaluated in vitro and in vivo the dimorphism from mycelial to yeast-phase of Sporothrix schenckii, Blastomyces dermatitidis and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates, two strains for each species, preserved in mineral oil. S. schenckii strains showed typical micromorphology at 25 degrees C but one strain was unable to complete the dimorphic process in vitro. After in vivo passage through mice the strains had the ability to turn into yeast-like cells and to form colonies on brain-heart infusion medium at 36 degrees C. B. dermatitidis strains grew as dirty white to brownish membranous colonies at 25 degrees C and their micromorphology showed thin filaments with single hyaline conidia. At 36 degrees C the colonies did not differ from those grown at 25 degrees C, but produced a transitional micromorphology. P. brasiliensis strains grew as cream-colored cerebriform colonies at 25 degrees C showing a transitional morphology. B. dermatitidis and P. brasiliensis strains did not turn into yeast-like cells in vivo. The present results demonstrate that B. dermatitidis and P. brasiliensis strains were unable to complete the dimorphic process even after in vivo passage, in contrast to the S. schenckii strain.  相似文献   

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