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The data obtained in these experiments indicate clearly that unless the necessary precautions are taken to keep the iron of the culture medium in solution the results obtained by varying the H ion concentration will not represent the true effect of this factor on growth. The availability of iron in nutrient solutions has been the subject of numerous recent investigations and it is now known that iron is precipitated at the lower hydrogen ion concentrations, that the iron of certain iron salts is less likely to be precipitated than that of others, and that certain salts of organic acids tend to keep the iron in solution. In general, ferric citrate seems to be the most favorable source of iron. In addition to chemical precipitation, however, it is also possible for the iron to be removed by adsorption on an amorphous precipitate such as calcium phosphate. As this precipitate is frequently formed when nutrient solutions are made alkaline, this may account for the discordant results reported in the literature as to the availability of certain forms of iron. By omitting calcium from the culture solution iron can be maintained in a form available for growth in alkaline solutions by the addition of sodium citrate. In such solutions the maximum growth of Chlorella occurred at pH 7.5. The alkaline limit for growth has not been established as yet. In investigating the availability of iron at varying concentrations of the hydrogen ion, changes in the pH value of the solution during the course of an experiment should also be taken into account. This is especially important in unbuffered solutions. The differential absorption of the ions of ammonium salts may cause a marked increase in the hydrogen ion concentration, which in turn will cause an increase in the solubility of iron. In strongly buffered solutions as used in these experiments this effect is slight.  相似文献   

以一种生长快、油脂含量高的小球藻(Chlorella sp. XQ-200419)为实验材料, 利用测定净光合放氧速率的方法研究了pH对其光合作用的影响; 使用改良的BG-11培养基在微藻环形培养池模拟系统中进行分批培养, 培养周期为8d, 培养过程中使用 pH控制仪在线监测藻液的pH, 根据pH变化, 自动接通、关闭CO2通气管道, 将藻液pH分别控制在5.06.0, 7.08.0, 8.09.0, 9.010.0, 10.011.0内, 研究pH对生长速率、生物质面积产率、总脂含量和总脂面积产率的影响。主要结果如下: 藻液pH对小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率都有显著影响, 适宜的pH范围是7.09.0, 在此范围内, 光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率均保持较高水平, 且pH的影响不显著; pH低于7.0, 高于9.0, 其光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率都显著降低。这表明pH对小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419光合作用的影响和对生长、产油的影响是一致的。pH 7.08.0, 小球藻的生物质平均面积产率和总脂平均面积产率都达到最大值, 分别是8.9 g/(m2d)和2269.5 mg/(m2d); 当藻液pH超过10.0, 生物质平均面积产率和总脂平均面积产率分别降低42.1%和60.0%。适合于小球藻生长的pH也有利于其积累油脂, 所以, pH对小球藻产油的影响是一种适宜模式, 而非胁迫模式。规模化培养小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419, 通过补充CO2将藻液pH控制在7.09.0内, 可以获得高生物质产率和总脂产率。研究结果反映出pH对小球藻光合作用、生长和产油影响的规律, 也为规模化培养小球藻生产微藻油脂过程中合理控制藻液pH提供了依据。    相似文献   

系统研究了小球藻FACHB 484在含有葡萄糖的不同营养方式下的生长情况,并通过抑制试验探讨葡萄糖在小球藻FACHB 484光异养和兼养生长条件下所起的作用以及小球藻FACHB 484是否存在氧化呼吸系统的关键酶类。结果表明:小球藻FACHB 484可利用葡萄糖进行化能异养、光激活异养、光异养及兼养生长,其生长速率大小为:兼养光异养光激活异养化能异养光合自养。兼养培养的最大生物量和比生长速率分别是自养培养的8.6和3.4倍,其比生长速率接近于光合自养和光异养培养下的比生长速率之和。葡萄糖主要作为小球藻FACHB 484兼养和光异养培养的碳源,而能量主要源自光。小球藻FACHB 484存在氧化呼吸链代谢途径,其细胞中有琥珀酸脱氢酶和细胞色素氧化酶。    相似文献   

Arsenate accumulation and reduction kinetics at both high and low phosphate concentrations were investigated in the green alga Chlorella sp, isolated from the arsenic-contaminated Upper Mystic Lake near Boston, MA. Growth rate, accumulated cellular arsenic, and release of As(III) were determined over a range of arsenate concentrations. Arsenate inhibited growth and reduced final cell yield at high phosphate concentration. However, growth rate, final cell yield, and cellular arsenic content were all enhanced by higher arsenate concentrations in cultures grown at a low concentration of phosphate. The traditional view that phosphate-limited cells are necessarily more sensitive to As(V) toxicity may not be correct. The reduction rates of As(V) by Chlorella sp. obtained in our laboratory were similar to net reduction rates measured in epilimnetic water from the Upper Mystic Lake, demonstrating the importance of phytoplankton in arsenic reduction in freshwater.  相似文献   



The unicellular green alga Coccomyxa, a component of the lichenPeltigera aphthosa, liberated about 7.2mµg biotin permg dry weight of cells into the culture medium during a growthperiod of 15–20 days. The corresponding figure for thefree-living alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa was 0.45mµg ofbiotin. Chromatographic analysis indicated that this was freebiotin and not a bound form of the vitamin. The biotin concentrationof rinsed Coccomyxa cells was 1.88mµg per mg dry weightof cells, of which less than 0.01mµg was extractable byhot water. Cells of Chlorella contained 0.16mµg of biotinper mg dry weight, of which 0.11mµg was extractable byhot water. The biotin content of Coccomyxa, which was about12 times that of Chlorella, is thus almost entirely in the boundform. The importance of biotin in the symbiotic interactionsbetween the alga and the fungus in Peltigera is discussed. 1Present address: University Department of Agriculture, Oxford,England. 2Present address: Institute of Marine Resources, Universityof California, La Jolla, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by intact Chlorella cells follows a first order course at very low temperatures, but at higher temperatures gives falling first order constants. Between 0.6° and 20°C. the value of µ is 10,500 calories.  相似文献   

Alexopoulos , Constantine J. (State U. Iowa, Iowa City.) The laboratory cultivation of Stemonitis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2): 140-142. Illus. 1959.—The cultivation of a species of Stemonitis, probably S. flavogenita, in laboratory culture is reported here for the first time. The organism completed its entire life cycle on artificial media from spore to spore, in the presence of contaminating bacteria, in 36 days. The plasmodium, characteristically different from those of the Physarales, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Chlorella, when made heterotrophic by means of certain sugars, respires like other heterotrophic cells when subjected to the respiratory inhibitors, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide. Whether the case of Chlorella is typical for green cells in general remains to be seen. Experiments with various other green organisms are being carried out, in hope of settling this point.  相似文献   

温度对普通小球藻和鱼腥藻生长竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内实验研究了不同温度条件下主要水华藻类鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp. strain PCC)和常见淡水藻类普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)的生长和种间竞争, 结果表明在单种培养和共同培养体系中, 普通小球藻的最大藻细胞浓度随着温度的升高而增加; 鱼腥藻生长最适温度为3035℃。温度对藻类种间竞争抑制参数能够产生明显影响, 鱼腥藻在温度为15℃时对普通小球藻的竞争抑制参数最大, 分别是25℃、30℃、35℃时的1.24倍、1.14倍和1.12倍; 而普通小球藻在30℃时对鱼腥藻的竞争抑制参数最大, 分别是15℃、25℃、35℃条件下的4.25倍、2.03倍和1.20倍。在4个试验温度下普通小球藻对鱼腥藻的竞争抑制参数均大于鱼腥藻对普通小球藻的竞争抑制参数。根据Lotka-Volterra竞争模型可推断, 在4个温度条件下, 普通小球藻和鱼腥藻在竞争中不稳定共存。    相似文献   

Gray , William D. (Ohio State U., Columbus.) The laboratory cultivation of Physarum flavicomum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(3): 242–243. 1961.—The laboratory cultivation of P. flavicomum on artificial medium is reported here for the first time. The plasmodium of this species can be easily cultivated on dry rolled oats in a moist chamber in the same manner as plasmodia of P. polycephalum, or on 3% rolled-oats agar. Plasmodia form sclerotia from which new cultures can later be started or they can be obtained by sowing spores on rolled oats agar. Like P. polycephalum, the plasmodia of P. flavicomum must be illuminated with visible light in order to induce the onset of the sporulating stage. Sporangia which develop in culture vary most noticeably with respect to the type of peridium. The nature of the peridium is largely determined by whether the sporangium develops under moist or dry conditions; dry conditions favor the formation of a lime-encrusted peridium, while humid conditions favor the development of a thin, limeless peridium which has a metallic luster.  相似文献   


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