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通过研究幻紫斑蝶(Euploea core Cramer)成虫对6种寄主植物和2种非寄主植物的产卵选择,以及用5种寄主植物饲养下幻紫斑蝶的发育、存活和繁殖情况,为幻紫斑蝶人工规模化养殖提供理论依据。幻紫斑蝶成虫优先选择聚果榕,其次选择古钩藤和马利筋进行产卵;用黄花夹竹桃饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最长,用马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最短;用古钩藤、爬森藤和马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶蛹的质量、体长和头宽均大于其它两种寄主植物;用古钩藤、爬森藤和聚果榕饲养的幻紫斑蝶存活率较高,而黄花夹竹桃最低;用古钩藤饲养的幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵量、交配频率和卵孵化率均最高,其次为爬森藤。因此,聚果榕、古钩藤和马利筋可作为幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵的优势寄主,古钩藤和爬森藤可作为饲养幻紫斑蝶的优势寄主。  相似文献   

椰子木蛾的产卵节律及其对寄主植物的产卵选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】椰子木蛾是近年来新入侵我国棕榈科植物的害虫,研究其产卵习性可为监测和防治该虫提供参考。【方法】在室内条件下,观察、记录了椰子木蛾雌成虫的产卵节律及其对不同寄主植物的产卵选择性。【结果】椰子木蛾最高日产卵量可达34.4粒·头-1,且主要集中在羽化后4 d内产卵,占总产卵量的54.1%;产卵活动主要发生在夜间23:00到次日8:00;在椰子、蒲葵、大王棕、槟榔和散尾葵等寄主植物上的产卵量无显著差异,为89.3~147.7粒·头-1,但产卵位置存在差别。【结论与意义】椰子木蛾雌成虫具有较强的繁殖能力和产卵节律性,且在不同寄主植物上的产卵量一致。  相似文献   

寄主植物对荔枝蒂蛀虫产卵的引诱作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验观察荔枝蒂蛀虫Conopomorpha sinensisBradley对寄主植物品种、器官及器官部位的产卵选择性规律。结果表明,与老梢相比,荔枝蒂蛀虫明显倾向于选择嫩梢产卵;4个荔枝品种果枝中以妃子笑上落卵数最多,在淮枝、糯米糍荔枝果实上较少,桂味荔枝上最少;不同的荔枝品种果实气味引诱雌虫产卵的能力不同,其中妃子笑引诱力最强,淮枝、糯米糍引诱力较低,桂味最低;在同一荔枝果实不同部位的落卵量,以果皮上、下两部分较大,全果明显低于果皮上部,而荔枝肉和荔枝核上没有落卵。  相似文献   

为明确寄主植物对桃蛀螟生长发育及产卵选择行为的影响,利用实验种群生命表和二项产卵选择试验,研究了玉米、大豆、棉花和桃等4种寄主植物对桃蛀螟种群生长发育及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:取食棉花的桃蛀螟幼虫存活率最低、幼虫历期最长,取食玉米的幼虫存活率最高、幼虫历期最短,取食桃和大豆的幼虫存活率和历期居于棉花处理组和玉米处理组之间;玉米处理组的桃蛀螟化蛹率、蛹重和蛹历期均为最高,棉花处理组为最低,大豆和桃处理组的这些参数均显著小于玉米处理组而大于棉花处理组;发育至成虫后,取食玉米的桃蛀螟羽化率显著高于其他3个处理组;取食桃的桃蛀螟成虫寿命(雌虫和雄虫)及个体发育历期均显著高于其他3种处理组;同时取食桃的桃蛀螟单雌产卵量最高,其次是玉米处理组,两者均显著高于大豆和棉花处理组。二项产卵选择试验结果显示,桃蛀螟雌蛾在棉花和玉米处理组、玉米和大豆处理组或棉花和大豆处理组间的落卵量差异不显著;但在包含桃的处理组中,桃蛀螟在棉花、玉米或大豆处理区的落卵量均显著高于桃处理区。上述结果表明,供试4种寄主植物中,桃蛀螟偏好在棉花、玉米和大豆上产卵,其中玉米对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较高,棉花对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较低...  相似文献   

In most phytophagous insects, the larval diet strongly affects future fitness and in species that do not feed on plant parts as adults, larval diet is the main source of nitrogen. In many of these insect-host plant systems, the immature larvae are considered to be fully dependent on the choice of the mothers, who, in turn, possess a highly developed host recognition system. This circumstance allows for a potential mother-offspring conflict, resulting in the female maximizing her fecundity at the expense of larval performance on suboptimal hosts. In two experiments, we aimed to investigate this relationship in the polyphagous comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album, by comparing the relative acceptance of low- and medium-ranked hosts between females and neonate larvae both within individuals between life stages, and between mothers and their offspring. The study shows a variation between females in oviposition acceptance of low-ranked hosts, and that the degree of acceptance in the mothers correlates with the probability of acceptance of the same host in the larvae. We also found a negative relationship between stages within individuals as there was a higher acceptance of lower ranked hosts in females who had abandoned said host as a larva. Notably, however, neonate larvae of the comma butterfly did not unconditionally accept to feed from the least favorable host species even when it was the only food source. Our results suggest the possibility that the disadvantages associated with a generalist oviposition strategy can be decreased by larval participation in host plant choice.  相似文献   

蚊虫搜寻吸血寄主和产卵行为的调节因子及相关嗅觉机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜永均  吴仲南 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):1060-1069
嗅觉在蚊虫的吸血寄主搜寻、产卵和糖源搜寻行为中起决定作用,而在交配行为中的作用并不清楚。本文系统全面地综述了近20年来蚊虫化学生态学和嗅觉识别的分子机理的研究。蚊虫的触角、下颚须和口喙上的嗅觉感器感觉环境中释放的各种挥发性化合物。气味分子与嗅觉气味结合蛋白和气味受体的结合所启动的一系列生化反应产生神经动作电位。蚊虫嗅觉神经元编码气味中化合物的组成、浓度及其暂时瞬间的浓度变化和空间分布。吸血前后神经元的活性在数量和质量上有变化,反映了蚊虫在搜寻吸血寄主和产卵行为上的调节。在吸血寄主搜寻中,人体和动物释放的二氧化碳、乳酸以及其他气味协同引诱蚊虫向目标气味源定向飞行,最后找到吸血寄主。而成熟产卵雌蚊是利用产卵场所释放的腐烂气味寻找适宜的产卵场所,一些蚊虫卵、幼虫或蛹分泌的产卵信息素引诱和刺激雌蚊产卵,并与产卵生境气味起协同作用。植物气味尤其是花香味引诱蚊虫找到蜜源。驱避剂也是直接或间接通过嗅觉起作用,一些驱蚊剂由于阻断嗅觉反应而抑制蚊虫的定向飞行。从植物、动物或人体以及产卵场所释放的气味中有望找到有效的引诱和驱避化合物。对蚊虫嗅觉识别机理的认识将使我们开发出有效的蚊虫诱捕技术,进而应用于种群监测和控制。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The tropical forest grasshopper Microtylopteryx hebardi Rehn (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Ommatolampinae) oviposits inside leaves or stems of its host plants. This is the first known instance of oviposition inside living plant tissue (rather than in the ground, on top of leaves, or in detritus) for a tropical forest acridid.
2. In understorey secondary forest at La Selva, Costa Rica, M.hebardi females fed on fifteen species of host plants, but oviposited in only four of these.
3. In laboratory choice tests, females showed selectivity for oviposition host plants similar to that inferred from field observations.
4. Plant volume was a better predictor of the number of eggs laid per stem than variables that indicated leaf or stem characteristics of individual plants.
5. Unlike the ovipositor of acridids laying eggs in the ground, that of M.hebardi is equipped with toothed, sclerotized edges, probably used to bore into plant tissue.
6. Endophytic oviposition in M.hebardi may be related to finding host plants in a habitat that is complex, heterogeneous, and rich in plant species.  相似文献   

1. An herbivore's life-history strategy, including optimization of resource use, is constrained by its evolutionary history and ecological factors varying across the landscape. 2. We asked if related and co-distributed herbivore species maintain consistency of host preference and oviposition behaviours along the species' range. We surveyed two putative species of milkweed stem weevils, Rhyssomatus lineaticollis and R. annectens, which co-occur alongside their hosts, Asclepias syriaca and A. incarnata. 3. We confirmed the two species status of weevils, supported by differences in morphology and a bilocus gene phylogeny. Furthermore, we found that species divergence recapitulated the weevils current host plant use. 4. We found oviposition variation within and between species. R. annectens poked the stem haphazardly or girdled it before oviposition. Meanwhile, R. lineaticollis primarily trenched stems in the north, but poked or girdled in the south. Variation in oviposition patterns could be a response to variation in host plant defenses. 5. In nature, weevils strictly oviposited on their respective host plants, while in bioassays, R. lineaticollis exhibited strong preference for A. syriaca and R. annectens fed equally on both host plants. 6. Overall, our results support that milkweed stem weevils are strict specialists but might be undergoing changes in host use. R. lineaticollis specializes on A. syriaca but has two distinct modes of oviposition. Meanwhile R. annectens seems to be more accepting of other hosts. We hypothesize that these weevils might be shifting host use associated with changes in host plant distributions.  相似文献   

The degree of adaptation of herbivorous insects to their local flora is an important component of the evolutionary processes that lead to host plant specialization in insects. In this study we investigated geographic variations in the oviposition preference of the leaf beetle Oreina elongata Suffrian (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysolini) in relation to differences in host plant specialization, in the field. We focused on the mechanisms of host choice and asked whether potential differences among populations are due to variations in host plant ranking and/or host plant specificity. We performed a combination of simultaneous choice and sequential no‐choice experiments with two of the major host plants of the beetle [Cirsium spinosissimum (L.) and Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) (Asteraceae)]. The results suggested that spatial variation in host plant specialization has resulted in differences between populations in some aspects of the oviposition choice of O. elongata, while other aspects seem unaffected. We found no variation in host plant ranking among populations, as estimated in simultaneous choice tests. In contrast, the sequential no‐choice test indicated that host plant specificity was lower in a population that never encountered the highest ranked plant in the field. This finding agreed with our expectations, and we discuss our results in relation to the commonly used hierarchical threshold model. The results suggested that the mechanism for the differences in specificity is the variation among populations in the general motivation to oviposit, rather than quantitative differences in relative preference for the two hosts. We stress that it is essential to establish which of the two mechanisms is most important, as it will affect the probability of evolutionary change in host plant ranking.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The Alaskan swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon aliaska) uses three unrelated plant species as hosts: Cnidium cnidiifolium (Apiaceae), Artemisia arctica (Asteraceae), and Petasites frigidus (Asteraceae). The research presented here investigated whether there are any consistent patterns in host choice by P. m. aliaska females. 2. The first two experiments were designed to test if P. m. aliaska host preference is constant or if it changes from day to day. If host preference is labile, the experiments were designed to also test whether a female’s diet breadth narrows or expands over time. 3. The third experiment tested the host preferences of female offspring from several wild-caught P. m. aliaska females. If P. m. aliaska individuals are specialised in their host use, then all of the offspring from a single female would likely prefer the same host-plant species. This experiment was also designed to test the Hopkins’ host selection principle; does the food plant on which a female is reared as a larva influence her future choices when she is searching for host plants for her own offspring? 4. The results from all of these experiments indicate that P. m. aliaska females vary greatly in their oviposition behaviour and in their preferences for the three host plants. Most populations appear to consist of generalists with labile oviposition behaviour. There is no evidence to support the Hopkins’ host selection principle. 5. It is suggested that the generalised selection of host plants by P. m. aliaska females may be a ‘bet-hedging’ strategy and that this strategy may maximise reproductive fitness in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

The oviposition and feeding preferences of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, were determined in choice and no-choice tests in field, semi-field and greenhouse trials. Plant species used were Brassica napus, B. campestris, B. juncea, B. nigra, B. carinata, Sinapis alba and Crambe abyssinica. With respect to number of eggs laid, S. alba and C. abyssinica were inferior to the other species. Pollen beetles laid fewer eggs on B. nigra than on the other Brassica spp. in no-choice tests, however this difference was partly due to fewer eggs laid per bud rather than fewer buds used for oviposition. Most eggs, for all plant species, were deposited in buds sized 2–3 mm. Feeding damage on all plant species was relatively similar. Pollen beetles seem to have a wider host range for feeding than for oviposition. There was good agreement in plant species ranking as oviposition hosts between the field, semi-field and greenhouse trials.  相似文献   

Phenological differences between host plants can contribute to allochronic isolation of host races of phytophagous insects. Host races of the gallmaking fly, Eurosta solidaginis, that live on different species of goldenrod (Solidago altissima and S. gigantea) exhibit different emergence phenologies. These differences could result from adaptation to corresponding phenological differences between the hosts in periods of optimal suitability for gall formation and survival to adulthood. In order to test this, some flies of each host race were allowed to emerge naturally while the emergence times of others were manipulated to correspond to the emergence and oviposition periods of the other host race. Percent gall formation and survival to adulthood were examined for three oviposition periods: the peak time of emergence and oviposition of the earlier-emerging host race (that from S. gigantea), that of the later-emerging host race (that from S. altissima), and a week after the peak emergence of the host race from S. altissima. Flies of both host races were allowed to ovipuncture plants of the appropriate species during each of these periods. Plant relative growth rates were measured during each of these periods. The experiment was repeated twice over a two-year period. Relative growth rates of both host species were highest during the earliest oviposition period (the period during which the host race from S. gigantea normally emerges). Percent gall formation was significantly correlated with plant relative growth rate, but the coefficient of determination was low. In both years of the study, percent gall formation of both host races was highest during the earliest oviposition period (the period during which the host race from S. gigantea normally oviposits). Likewise, percent survival to adulthood in both host races was highest during the earliest oviposition period. There was no significant effect of oviposition period on the percent of larval death due to parasitism by Eurytoma gigantea or predation by Mordellistena unicolor. These results suggest that the host race from S. altissima does not emerge at the time that its host is optimally suited for gall formation or survival to adulthood. Therefore, differences in emergence phenologies do not appear to be due to corresponding phenological differences between the host species in suitability for gall formation or survival to adulthood.  相似文献   

报道了标记信息素和雌蜂经历对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae产卵行为的影响。研究结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂的寄主标记信息素是在其产卵过程中的收场阶段由产卵器产生的,并且标记在寄主卵表的化学物质;玉米螟赤眼蜂对标记信息素的识别不具有先天性,其必须先用产卵器插入寄生卵来检测是否被寄生,然后其触角不停地敲击,通过学习获得对标记信息素的识别能力,从而放弃了对寄生卵的选择,学习对初始放弃时间有着重要影响,改善了其对寄主搜索效率,这种学习行为是与寄主联系在一起学习的,它能根据寄主被寄生与否而对标记信息素作出反应与不反应。该研究丰富了生态学理论,为其在生防中更好的应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In a laboratory flight tunnel, mated female, unmated female, and male adult cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), exhibited chemically mediated anemotaxis (attraction) in response to intact potted cabbage plants (Brassica oleracea L.), leading to contact with the plant. Similar attraction responses were also observed by mated females to potted soybean (Glycine max (L.)), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller), and celery (Apium graveolens L.) plants in noncompetitive comparisons. Mated females, unmated females, and males flew to cabbage plants throughout the scotophase. Response rates for mated females were higher than for unmated females and males. Mated female cabbage loopers were attracted by odors of cabbage, soybean, tomato, or celery piped into a flight tunnel from single plants held in glass jars and not to odors of the non-host plant Setcreasea purpurea, or to humidified air. They were also attracted to water washings of cabbage at dosages of 0.4 to 2.0 gram equivalents, when presented on cotton dental wicks in the flight tunnel.  相似文献   

Trollius europaeus (Ranunculaceae) is involved in an intimate interaction with several species of Chiastocheta flies (Anthomyiidae) that are both seed predators and pollinators. In this paper, we analyse the oviposition strategy of the six Chiastocheta species found to coexist on T. europaeus in 19 populations from the French Alps. We show that the species are not equivalent in their oviposition behaviour: C. rotundiventris usually deposits no more than one egg per flower in first-day flowers whereas C. dentifera aggregates its eggs on fruits and thus does not contribute to pollination at all; the four remaining species deposit eggs sequentially during the flowering period from the 2nd to the 7th day. Hence, the outcomes of the interaction in terms of net seed production for the plant greatly depend on the Chiastocheta species visiting it, ranging from a mutualistic to a purely parasitic interaction. We assessed mitochondrial divergence between Chiastocheta spp. by sequencing a 1320-bp mitochondrial DNA fragment. The low divergence observed between species (0–4.15%) suggests that genus diversification took place recently. Unlike in other plant–insect systems where diversification is usually thought to be driven by cospeciation or host shifts, we propose that Chiastocheta speciation took place within the host plant. Basal separation of a particularly mutualistic species provided favourable conditions for plant specialization on this seed-parasite as a pollinator early in the evolution of the association. The parasitic species ovipositing on fruits derived from a species ovipositing on flowers. Diversification of the intermediate strategies probably occurred in relation with the Pleistocene climatic events, reproductive isolation between species being reinforced by niche partitioning for oviposition and/or sexual selection.  相似文献   

We investigated by olfactometry and feeding‐ and oviposition‐choice‐tests how the highly specialised elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), responds to conspecifically induced defences in the field elm Ulmus minor Miller (Ulmaceae). While egg deposition of the beetle induced elms to release volatiles attractive to the egg parasitoid Oomyzus gallerucae Fonscolombe (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), feeding alone did not. In the present study, females of the elm leaf beetle showed preferences for the odours of twigs induced by low egg deposition and feeding over odours from uninfested twigs. In contrast, heavy infestation rendered elm odours less attractive to the beetles. Feeding and oviposition bioassays revealed an oviposition preference for leaves from uninfested twigs when compared to locally infested leaves. However, beetles preferred to feed upon systemically induced leaves compared to uninfested ones. The different preferences of the elm leaf beetle during host plant approach might be explained by a strategy that accounts for both gaining access to high quality nutrition and avoiding competition or parasitism.  相似文献   

1. Adapting to a low‐quality plant may require modification of an insect's digestive physiology, oviposition behaviour, or other host‐use traits. If colonising a marginal host entails a cost, a decay in adaptation would be expected after selection is relaxed, i.e. if populations on a novel host are reverted to their high‐quality ancestral host. 2. Replicate lines of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) rapidly adapted to lentil seeds; larval survival rose from approximately 1 to ≥ 90%, and oviposition on lentil increased more than two‐fold. This study compared egg‐laying behaviour in lines that either remained on lentil or were reverted to the ancestral host, mung bean, for 22–62 generations. 3. Consistent with the trade‐off hypothesis, females from two reverted sublines showed decreased oviposition on lentil (estimated as lifetime fecundity), but host acceptance in a third subline was unchanged. In a short‐term assay, acceptance of lentil by newly emerged females was lower in each reverted subline than in the corresponding non‐reverted one. Because effective population sizes (determined from genome resequencing) were large throughout the experiment, this decline in host acceptance is unlikely to be explained solely by genetic drift. 4. Variation among replicates in the magnitude of the reversion effect was also observed in a previous study of larval survival. However, the pattern of variation for survival was not congruent with the pattern of variation for host acceptance in this study. Thus, genes mediating improved performance on lentil appear to be largely independent of those responsible for increased oviposition.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

1. A series of experiments was conducted to measure the impact of plant genotype, plant growth rate, and intraspecific competition on the oviposition preference and offspring performance of the host races of Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), a fly that forms galls on Solidago altissima and Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae). Previous research has shown that both host races prefer to oviposit on their own host plant where survival is much higher than on the alternate host plant. In this study, neither host race showed any relationship between oviposition preference and offspring performance in choosing among plants of their natal host species. 2. The larval survival of both host races differed among plant genotypes when each host race oviposited on its natal host species. In one experiment, altissima host race females showed a preference among plant genotypes that was not correlated with offspring performance on those genotypes. In all other experiments, neither the altissima nor gigantea host race demonstrated a preference for specific host plant genotypes. 3. Eurosta solidaginis had a preference for ovipositing on rapidly growing ramets in all experiments, however larval survival was not correlated with ramet growth rate at the time of oviposition. 4. Eurosta solidaginis suffered high mortality from intraspecific competition in the early larval stage. There was little evidence, however, that females avoided ovipositing on ramets that had been attacked previously. This led to an aggregated distribution of eggs among ramets and strong intraspecific competition. 5. There was no interaction among plant genotype, plant growth rate, or intraspecific competition in determining oviposition preference or offspring performance.  相似文献   

Oviposition responses ofPieris rapae L. andP. napi oleracea Harris to nine crucifers, one Capparidaceae and one Tropaeolaceae were directly compared under controlled conditions. Chemical fractions from these plants were also tested on both insects for the presence of oviposition stimulants or deterrents. The results showed that plant chemistry is a key factor in differential selection of potential hosts by thesePieris species. Some plant species were equally acceptable to bothPieris species. However,P. rapae preferred cabbage over most test plants whereasP. napi oleracea strongly preferred plant species that were avoided byP. rapae. The observed preferences were explained in most cases by the presence of stimulants and deterrents in extracts of the plants. The twoPieris species have apparently evolved differential sensitivities to the chemical stimuli that trigger or deter oviposition. The balance of positively and negatively interpreted sensory signals evoked by plant chemicals obviously plays an important role in acceptance or rejection of a plant by both species. The role of specific glucosinolates and differing structure-activity relationships is suggested.  相似文献   

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