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Speculations on living beings existing on other planets are found in many written works since the Frenchman Bernard de Fontenelle spoke to the Marquise about the inhabitants of the solar system in his Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes (1686). It was an entertainment used to teach astronomy more than real considerations about the habitability of our solar system, but it opened the way to some reflections about the possible life forms on other planets. The nineteenth century took up this idea again in a context of planetary studies showing the similarities as well as the differences of the celestial bodies orbiting our Sun. Astronomers attempted to look deeper into the problem of habitability such as Richard Proctor or Camille Flammarion, also well-known for their fine talent in popular writings. While the Martian canals controversy was reaching its height, they imagined how the living forms dwelling in other planets could be. Nowadays, no complex exo-life is expected to have evolved in our solar system. However, the famous exobiologist Carl Sagan and later other scientists, formulated audacious ideas about other forms of life in the light of recent discoveries in planetology. Through these few examples, this paper underlines the originality of each author’s suggestions and the evolution and contrast of ideas about the possible life forms in the universe.  相似文献   

Ecologists are often frustrated that their universe, populated by strange and wilful creatures, seems fuzzy and unpredictable. Physicists, in contrast, seem to have it much better. But that's because we usually focus on Newtonian physics. In fact, physicists seem happy to live with all kinds of strange beasts, including dark matter, something they have never seen, but which they nevertheless believe makes up most of the matter in the universe. Here I argue that niches are ecology's dark matter. We are embarrassed by them, because we do not quite know what they are, and yet their presence can be universally felt; otherwise, ecological communities, like galaxies without dark matter, would simply collapse. I describe how we could potentially better describe these dark shapes that haunt our science and why this is important. In particular, I present the outline of a method for demonstrating whether or not plant species have complementary resource-use niches; something that has been difficult to show unequivocally. The presence of such resource-use niches would put to rest once and for all the notion of species equivalence and the neutral world that this assumption entails. I conclude that ecologists should take a leaf out of the physicists’ book and accept that the continued search for the esoteric niche is a legitimate and central (if frustrating) part of ecology.  相似文献   

A common theme throughout biology is homochirality, including its origin and especially implications. Homochirality has also intrigued scientists because of the hypothesis that life, as it currently exists, could not have occurred without it. In this review, we discuss several hypotheses regarding homochirality and their linkage to processes that range from subatomic in scale to processes that help define the structure of the universe. More importantly, this exploration begins with the knowledge that humans inhabit the universe in which there is an excess of normal matter over antimatter. It is a universe characterized by homochirality but is nonetheless contained in what is most easily described as a 3+1 dimensional spacetime wherein most laws of physics are invariant under spacetime transformations. This restriction on spacetime poses significant constraints on the processes that can be invoked to explain homochirality. However, in dealing with such restraints, including the total mass contained in the universe, the concepts of cold dark matter and dark energy can be incorporated into cosmological models with resultant behaviors and predictions very much in accord with the findings of the cosmic background surveys. Indeed, the introduction of cold dark matter and dark energy to solve problems relating to the mass found in the universe may provide a means for generating the needed asymmetry to allow homochirality to arise.  相似文献   

The study of the origin of life question is related to the comparative study of the planets in our solar systems and in fact the universe as a whole. Data relevant to the origin of life is being accumulated from the Earth, planets, stars and interstellar space. A variety of spacecraft and Earth based techniques are being used to provide this data.Based on a lecture presented at the special symposium on Photochemistry and the Origin of Life, Bochum, Germany, August 1972.  相似文献   

The well-known argument against the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI) due to George Gaylord Simpson is re-analyzed almost half a century later, in the light of our improved understanding of preconditions for the emergence of life and intelligence brought about by the ongoing “astrobiological revolution”. Simpson’s argument has been enormously influential, in particular in biological circles, and it arguably fueled the most serious opposition to SETI programmes and their funding. I argue that both proponents and opponents of Simpson’s argument have occasionally mispresented its core content. Proponents often oversimplify it as just another consequence of biological contingency, thus leaving their position open to general arguments limiting the scope of contingency in evolution (such as the recent argument of Geerat Vermeij based on selection effects in the fossil record). They also tend to neglect that the argument has been presented as essentially atemporal, while referring to entities and processes that are likely to change over time; this has become even less justifiable as our astrobiological knowledge increased in recent years. Opponents have failed to see that the weaknesses in Simpson’s position could be removed by restructuring of the argument; I suggest one way of such restructuring, envisioned long ago in the fictional context by Stanislaw Lem. While no firm consensus has emerged on the validity of Simpson’s argument so far, I suggest that, contrary to the original motivation, today it is less an anti-SETI argument, and more an astrobiological research programme. In this research programme, SETI could be generalized into a platform for testing some of the deepest assumptions about evolutionary continuity and the relative role of contingency versus convergence on unprecedented spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

We live in a universe of chance, but not of accident. Repeatedly in the course of its development choices have been made for which one can ask the reasons. One such choice is fundamental: if the proton had not so much greater mass than the electron, all matter would be fluid; and if the proton did not have exactly the same numerical charge as the electron — or some simple multiple of that charge — virtually all matter would be charged. If a universe were started with charged hydrogen, it could expand, but probably nothing more. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen play as fundamental — and irreplaceable — roles in the metabolism of stars as of living organisms. Both metabolisms are coupled, through radiation from the stars providing the energy on which life must come ultimately to run on the planets. In the course of their evolution on the Earth, living organisms have found their way repeatedly and exclusively to certain types of organic molecule to perform specific functions; so, for example, the chlorophylls for photosynthesis, and carotenoids for plant phototropism and for vision. It is argued that some measure of necessity has governed these choices; and that an extended principle of natural selection has operated at all levels of material organization to produce such elements of order and compatibility in the universe.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, many of the fundamental ideas concerning the composition and chemical evolution of the Earth's early atmosphere have changed. While many aspects of this subject are clouded--either uncertain or unknown, a new picture is emerging. We are just beginning to understand how astronomical, geochemical, and atmospheric processes each contributed to the development of the gaseous envelope around the third planet from the sun some 4.6 billion years ago and how that envelope chemically evolved over the history of our planet. Simple compounds in that gaseous envelope, energized by atmospheric lightning and/or solar ultraviolet radiation, formed molecules of increasing complexity that eventually evolved into the first living systems on our planet. This process is called "chemical evolution" and immediately preceded biological evolution; once life developed and evolved, it began to alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere that provided the very essence of its creation. Photosynthetic organisms which have the ability to biochemically transform carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates, which they use for food, produce large amounts of molecular oxygen (O2) as a by-product of the reaction. Atmospheric oxygen photochemically formed ozone, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun and shields the Earth's surface from this biologically lethal radiation. Once atmospheric ozone levels increased sufficiently, life could leave the safety of the oceans and go ashore for the first time. Throughout the history of our planet, there has been strong interaction between life and the atmosphere. Understanding our cosmic roots is particularly relevant as we embark on a search for life outside the Earth. At this very moment, several radio telescopes around the world are searching for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).  相似文献   

Evidence from a variety of recording methods suggests that many areas of the brain are far more sparsely active than commonly thought. Here, we review experimental findings pointing to the existence of neurons which fire action potentials rarely or only to very specific stimuli. Because such neurons would be difficult to detect with the most common method of monitoring neural activity in vivoextracellular electrode recording—they could be referred to as “dark neurons,” in analogy to the astrophysical observation that much of the matter in the universe is undetectable, or dark. In addition to discussing the evidence for largely silent neurons, we review technical advances that will ultimately answer the question: how silent is the brain?  相似文献   

The search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence constitutes one of the major endeavors in science, but has yet been quantitatively modeled only rarely and in a cursory and superficial fashion. We argue that probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) represent the best quantitative framework for modeling the astrobiological history of the Milky Way and its Galactic Habitable Zone. The relevant astrobiological parameters are to be modeled as the elements of the input probability matrix for the PCA kernel. With the underlying simplicity of the cellular automata constructs, this approach enables a quick analysis of large and ambiguous space of the input parameters. We perform a simple clustering analysis of typical astrobiological histories with "Copernican" choice of input parameters and discuss the relevant boundary conditions of practical importance for planning and guiding empirical astrobiological and SETI projects. In addition to showing how the present framework is adaptable to more complex situations and updated observational databases from current and near-future space missions, we demonstrate how numerical results could offer a cautious rationale for continuation of practical SETI searches.  相似文献   

We show a chiral symmetry conservation principle based on chemical kinetics using stochastic results. Suppose the chiral symmetry conservation is evoked, and our universe can be considered globally asymmetric. In that case, there are at least two mirrored asymmetric universes if all the chiral properties are strongly correlated. However, if the chiral correlations are weak or nonexistent, there are possibly Many-(Chiral-Symmetry)-Worlds. Alternatively, if our universe is only locally asymmetric, there could be a single universe with segregated chiral regions. The possible mechanisms of the primordial chiral symmetry breaking can only be found if the chiral symmetry is not truly conserved by assuming the initial racemic conditions. In that case, our universe is asymmetric and could be alone. On the other hand, if the chiral symmetry is conserved, there is no chance of finding the primordial chiral symmetry breaking. Based on this conservation (or not), it is possible to infer two opposite hypotheses, where two general scenarios about the chiral universes are possible.  相似文献   

星海茫茫,地球因智慧生命的存在而与众不同,我们在追寻生命起源的同时,也追问着智力的源头,什么是智力的本质,智力从何涌现?生命大爆炸不仅带来激增的物种数量,也带来专司信息感知、编码和处理的神经系统.在复杂多变的外部环境中,昆虫已发展演化了近4亿年.在这里,我们借由现代认知神经科学在果蝇中的研究发现,探讨智力的基本层面,提出果蝇的大脑是智力涌现中的一个标杆,是我们揭开智力本质、进入智力王国的第一站.  相似文献   

The common thread of evolution runs through all science disciplines, and the concept of evolution enables students to better understand the nature of the universe and our origins. “Science and the Concept of Evolution” is one of two interdisciplinary science Core courses taken by Dowling College undergraduates as part of their General Education requirements. The course examines basic principles and methods of science by following the concept of evolution from the big bang to the origin and evolution of life. Case studies of leading scientists illustrate how their ideas developed and contributed to the evolution of our understanding of the world. Evidences for physical, chemical, and biological evolution are explored, and students learn to view the evolution of matter and of ideas as a natural process of change over space and time.  相似文献   

The medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) are part of a wider neural network that plays an important role in general intelligence and executive function. We used structural brain imaging to quantify magnetic resonance gray matter volume and diffusion tensor white matter integrity of the mOFC-rACC network in 26 healthy participants who also completed neuropsychological tests of intellectual abilities and executive function. Stochastic tractography, the most effective Diffusion Tensor Imaging method for examining white matter connections between adjacent gray matter regions, was employed to assess the integrity of mOFC-rACC pathways. Fractional anisotropy (FA), which reflects the integrity of white matter connections, was calculated. Results indicated that higher intelligence correlated with greater gray matter volumes for both mOFC and rACC, as well as with increased FA for left posterior mOFC-rACC connectivity. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that DTI-derived FA of left posterior mOFC-rACC uniquely accounted for 29%–34% of the variance in IQ, in comparison to 11%–16% uniquely explained by gray matter volume of the left rACC. Together, left rACC gray matter volume and white matter connectivity between left posterior mOFC and rACC accounted for up to 50% of the variance in general intelligence. This study is to our knowledge the first to examine white matter connectivity between OFC and ACC, two gray matter regions of interests that are very close in physical proximity, and underscores the important independent contributions of variations in rACC gray matter volume and mOFC-rACC white matter connectivity to individual differences in general intelligence.  相似文献   

Recent development of research on extrasolar planets are reviewed. About 120 extrasolar Jupiter-mass planets have been discovered through the observation of Doppler shift in the light of their host stars that is caused by acceleration due to planet orbital motions. Although the extrasolar planets so far observed may be limited to gas giant planets and their orbits differ from those of giant planets in our Solar system (Jupiter and Saturn), the theoretically predicted probability of existence of extrasolar terrestrial planets that can have liquid water ocean on their surface is comparable to that of detectable gas giant planets. Based on the number of extrasolar gas giants detected so far, about 100 life-sustainable planets may exist within a range of 200 light years. Indirect observation of extrasolar terrestrial planets would be done with space telescopes within several years and direct one may be done within 20 years. The latter can detect biomarkers on these planets as well.  相似文献   

Davankov V 《Chirality》2006,18(7):459-461
A statement has been formulated that chirality is an indispensable inherent property of all material objects, at one level of organization of matter or another. The translation of chirality from one level of material objects to another deserves our attention. The parity violation of weak interactions can be discussed in terms of the homochirality of the pool of fundamental particles, as it translates into optical activity of metal vapors. Individual photons and energy quanta are considered to be chiral entities, too, since they can be separated into beams of circularly polarized radiation. The chiral structure of the universe has been proposed and a method of determining the orientation of the axis of rotation of the universe suggested.  相似文献   

In the following, we offer a novel approach to modeling the observed effects currently attributed to the theoretical concepts of “dark energy,” “dark matter,” and “dark flow.” Instead of assuming the existence of these theoretical concepts, we take an alternative route and choose to redefine what we consider to be inertial motion as well as what constitutes an inertial frame of reference in flat space-time. We adopt none of the features of our current cosmological models except for the requirement that special and general relativity be local approximations within our revised definition of inertial systems. Implicit in our ideas is the assumption that at “large enough” scales one can treat objects within these inertial systems as point-particles having an insignificant effect on the curvature of space-time. We then proceed under the assumption that time and space are fundamentally intertwined such that time- and spatial-translational invariance are not inherent symmetries of flat space-time (i.e., observable clock rates depend upon both relative velocity and spatial position within these inertial systems) and take the geodesics of this theory in the radial Rindler chart as the proper characterization of inertial motion. With this commitment, we are able to model solely with inertial motion the observed effects expected to be the result of “dark energy,” “dark matter,” and “dark flow.” In addition, we examine the potential observable implications of our theory in a gravitational system located within a confined region of an inertial reference frame, subsequently interpreting the Pioneer anomaly as support for our redefinition of inertial motion. As well, we extend our analysis into quantum mechanics by quantizing for a real scalar field and find a possible explanation for the asymmetry between matter and antimatter within the framework of these redefined inertial systems.  相似文献   

Macdermott AJ 《Chirality》2012,24(9):764-769
This paper aims to inspire experimentalists to carry out proposed new chiroptical experiments springing from the theoretical study of the role of parity violation in the origin of biomolecular homochirality and to provide a brief update on the current status of calculations of the electroweak parity-violating energy difference (PVED) between enantiomers. If the PVED did select life's handedness, we would expect to find life on other planets consistently using the same hand as terrestrial biochemistry. Much more importantly, even finding the "wrong" hand (rather than a racemic mixture) on another planet could be the homochiral signature of life, and we discuss our proposal for chiroptical detection of life on extra-solar planets. The PVED may also have an exciting future as a "molecular footprint" of fundamental physics: comparison of calculated PVEDs with measured values could one day allow chemists to do "table-top particle physics" more cheaply with improved chiroptical techniques instead of ever larger particle accelerators. We discuss our proposed chiroptical method to measure the PVED by using molecular beams. To our knowledge, optical rotation has not yet been measured in molecular beams, but the rewards of doing so include a host of other "first ever" results in addition to measurement of the PVED. Chirality 24:764-769, 2012. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The search for life on other planets usually makes the assumption that where there is a habitat, it will contain life. On the present-day Earth, uninhabited habitats (or vacant habitats) are rare, but might occur, for example, in subsurface oils or impact craters that have been thermally sterilized in the past. Beyond Earth, vacant habitats might similarly exist on inhabited planets or on uninhabited planets, for example on a habitable planet where life never originated. The hypothesis that vacant habitats are abundant in the Universe is testable by studying other planets. In this review, I discuss how the study of vacant habitats might ultimately inform an understanding of how life has influenced geochemical conditions on Earth.  相似文献   

The best-characterized process of autophagy is macroautophagy. Many an article or talk has started with the phrase “…macroautophagy, hereafter referred to as autophagy.” This one will be different because we are going to learn more about the person most responsible for increasing our understanding of chaperone-mediated autophagy, or CMA, J. Fred Dice.  相似文献   

Liu W  Tang Y  Feng J 《Life sciences》2011,89(5-6):141-146
Microglia and astrocytes in the central nervous system are now recognized as active participants in various pathological conditions such as trauma, stroke, or chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Their activation is closely related with the development and severity of diseases. Interestingly, activation of microglia and astrocytes occurs with a spatially and temporarily distinct pattern. The present review explores the cross talk in the process of their activation. Microglia, activated earlier than astrocytes, promote astrocytic activation. On the other hand, activated astrocytes not only facilitate activation of distant microglia, but also inhibit microglial activities. Molecules contributing to their intercommunication include interleukin-1 (IL-1), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β). A better understanding about the cross talk between activation of microglia and astrocytes would be helpful to elucidate the role of glial cells in pathological conditions, which could accelerate the development of treatment for various diseases.  相似文献   

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