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Abstract Sequences encoding the CS6 antigen of colonisation factor antigen (CFA)IV were cloned on a 3kb Cla I fragment. The recombinant plasmid pDEP5 coded for surface expression of CS6 measured by ELISA and production of CS6 polypeptides was detected in E. coli minicells. The genes for the CS1, CS2 and CS3 components of colonisation factor antigen CFA/II were cloned together on a length of DNA corresponding to about 17kb. CS3 was always expressed but production of either CS1 or CS2 depended on the serotype and biotype of the host strain. Separate subclones were obtained that expressed CS3 or CS1 and CS2.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin plasmid pPD1 in Enterococcus faecalis encodes a mating response to recipient-produced sex pheromone cPD1. Once a recipient acquires pPD1, transconjugants apparently shut off cPD1 activity in broth culture and no longer behave as recipients for pPD1. This event is performed by synthesis of the pheromone inhibitor iPD1 and also by repression of cPD1 production, the so-called "pheromone shutdown." A 5.4-kb EcoRV-HincII segment of pPD1, which expressed iPD1 in Escherichia coli, was sequenced and found to be organized as traC-traB-traA-ipd; each open reading frame is analogous to that found in other pheromone plasmids, pAD1 and pCF10, and thus is designated in accordance with the nomenclature in pAD1. The ipd gene encodes a peptide consisting of 21 amino acids, in which the C-terminal eight residues correspond to iPD1. The putative TraC product has a strong similarity to oligopeptide-binding proteins found in other bacterial species, as do pheromone-binding proteins of pCF10 and pAD1. A strain carrying traC-disrupted pPD1 required a concentration of cPD1 fourfold higher than that needed by the wild-type strain for induction of sexual aggregation. These results suggest that the TraC product contributes to pheromone sensitivity as a pheromone-binding protein. A strain transformed with traB-disrupted pPD1 produced a high level of cPD1 similar to that produced by plasmid-free recipients and underwent self-induction. Thus, the TraB product contributes to cPD1 shutdown.  相似文献   

Hyaluronate lyase (HAase) genes of Streptococcus intermedius and Streptococcus constellatus subsp. constellatus were isolated. In S. constellatus subsp. constellatus, the deduced amino acid sequence of HAase was most similar to that of S. intermedius (68%), whereas the enzyme of S. intermedius was most similar to that of S. pneumoniae (72%). Upstream of the HAase gene on the opposite strands, an open reading frame of a putative glutathione peroxidase started in S. intermedius, and this arrangement was similar to that in S. pneumoniae but unlike that in S. constellatus subsp. constellatus. Cell lysates of Escherichia coli carrying each streptococcal gene showed HAase activity, demonstrating that each cloned gene actually coded for HAase.  相似文献   

Transfer of the conjugative plasmid pCF10 in Enterococcus faecalis strains involves production of a plasmid-encoded aggregation substance on the surface of donor cells in response to stimulation by a pheromone secreted by recipient cells. Aggregation substance then facilitates attachment to recipient cells via a chromosomally encoded receptor, termed binding substance (BS). A BS mutant, strain INY3000, generated by random Tn916 insertions, was previously found to carry copies of the transposon at four unique sites (K. M. Trotter and G. M. Dunny, Plasmid 24:57-67, 1990). In the present study, DNA flanking the Tn916 insertions was used to complement the BS mutation of INY3000 following Tn916 excision from cloned chromosomal fragments. Complementation results showed that three of the four regions mutated in INY3000 play some role in BS expression. Tn5 mutagenesis and DNA sequence analysis of the complementing fragment from one of these regions indicated the presence of three genes (ebsA, ebsB, and ebsC) that affect BS expression. The ebsA and ebsB genes encode peptides likely to function in cell wall metabolism, whereas ebsC may encode a product that suppresses the function or expression of EbsB.  相似文献   

K M Trotter  G M Dunny 《Plasmid》1990,24(1):57-67
From Enterococcus faecalis cells containing random chromosomal insertions of Tn916, strains resistant to a lytic phage were selected and tested for conjugal mating ability. The phage-resistant strains all showed decreased recipient ability (Con-) in broth matings with donors carrying pheromone-inducible plasmids. These strains were normal with respect to donor ability in broth matings and recipient ability in filter matings. The data suggest that the mutants are deficient in the binding substance receptor for the pheromone-induced donor aggregation substance. These mutants contained multiple insertions of Tn916, and none of the individual insertions from the mutant strains were capable of generating the phenotype. Analysis of cell envelope lipoteichoic acids and protein revealed changes in both associated with the Con- phenotype.  相似文献   

A new animal model, the streptomycin-treated mini-pig, was developed in order to allow colonization of defined strains of Enterococcus faecalis in numbers sufficient to study plasmid transfer. Transfer of the pheromone-inducible pCF10 plasmid between streptomycin-resistant strains of E. faecalis OG1 was investigated in the model. The plasmid encodes resistance to tetracycline. Numbers of recipient, donor, and transconjugant bacteria were monitored by selective plating of fecal samples, and transconjugants were subsequently verified by PCR. After being ingested by the mini-pigs, the recipient strain persisted in the intestine at levels between 10(6) and 10(7) CFU per g of feces throughout the experiment. The donor strain, which carried different resistance markers but was otherwise chromosomally isogenic to the recipient strain, was given to the pigs 3 weeks after the recipient strain. The donor cells were initially present in high numbers (10(6) CFU per g) in feces, but they did not persist in the intestine at detectable levels. Immediately after introduction of the donor bacteria, transconjugant cells appeared and persisted in fecal samples at levels between 10(3) and 10(4) CFU per g until the end of the experiment. These observations showed that even in the absence of selective tetracycline pressure, plasmid pCF10 was transferred from ingested E. faecalis cells to other E. faecalis organisms already present in the intestinal environment and that the plasmid subsequently persisted in the intestine.  相似文献   

Pheromone-inducible plasmid transfer is a novel form of bacterial conjugation which has, to date, been observed only in Enterococcus (Streptococcus) faecalis. This process includes several important stages of interaction between the donor and recipient cell. The initial interaction is the transmission of a chemical signal from the recipient to the donor cell. Recent evidence has shown that the signal is in the form of a small hydrophobic peptide, which is capable of inducing a complex mating response in the donor cell at concentrations as low as 1-5 molecules per responder cell. Most E. faecalis strains produce multiple pheromones, each of which induces a response only in cells carrying a particular plasmid (or member of a family of related plasmids). Genetic functions ascribed to the pheromone response include: (i) cell-cell aggregation, which promotes initial close contact between mating cells; (ii) surface exclusion, which prevents plasmid transfer between aggregated donor cells; and (iii) highly efficient DNA transfer, which requires other unidentified functions in addition to aggregation. The first two processes appear to be mediated by proteinaceous surface antigens.  相似文献   

A Streptococcus faecalis genomic bank was obtained by partial digestion with MboI and cloning into the SalI restriction site of pTZ18R. Screening of about 60,000 Escherichia coli transformants for cell wall lysis activity was done by exposing recombinant colonies grown on medium containing lyophilized Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells to chloroform and toluene vapors in order to release proteins. Because this procedure provoked cell death, colonies could not be used directly for transformant recovery; however, recovery was achieved by partial purification of plasmid DNA from active colonies on the agar plate and transformation of E. coli competent cells. About 60 recombinants were found. One of them (pSH6500) codes for a lytic enzyme active against S. faecalis and M. lysodeikticus cell walls. A shorter clone (pSH4000) was obtained by deleting an EcoRI fragment from the 6.5-kb original insert, leaving a 4-kb EcoRI-MboI insert; this subclone expressed the same lytic activity. Sequencing of a portion of pSH4000 revealed a unique open reading frame of 2,013 nucleotides coding for a 641-amino-acid (74-kDa) polypeptide and containing four 204-nucleotide direct repeats.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone cAM373 of Enterococcus faecalis and the related staph-cAM373 of Staphylococcus aureus were found to correspond to heptapeptides located within the C-termini of the signal sequences of putative prelipoproteins. The deduced mature forms of the lipoproteins share no detectable homology and presumably serve unrelated functions in the cells. The chromosomally encoded genetic determinants for production of the pheromones have been identified and designated camE (encoding cAM373) and camS (encoding staph-cAM373). Truncated and full-length clones of camE were generated in Escherichia coli, in which cAM373 activity was expressed. In E. faecalis, insertional inactivation in the middle of camE had no detectable phenotypic effects on the pheromone system. Establishment of an in frame translation stop codon within the signal sequence resulted in reduction of cAM373 activity to 3% of normal levels. The camS determinant has homologues in Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis and Listeria monocytogenes; however, corresponding heptapeptides present within those sequences do not resemble staph-cAM373 closely. The particular significance of staph-cAM373 as a potential intergeneric inducer of transfer-proficient genetic elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine:d-glutamate ligase (MurD), a cytoplasmic peptidoglycan biosynthetic enzyme, catalyzes the ATP-dependent addition of d-glutamate to an alanyl residue of the UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine precursor, generating the dipeptide. The murD gene was cloned from both Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Sequence analysis of the S. aureus murD gene revealed an open reading frame of 449 amino acids. The deduced aa sequence of S. aureus MurD is highly homologous to MurD from Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Bacillus subtilis and St. pyogenes. Recombinant MurD protein from both S. aureus and St. pyogenes was separately overproduced in E. coli and purified as His-tagged fusion. Both recombinant enzymes catalyzed the ATP-dependent addition of d-glutamate to the precursor sugar peptide.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacterial sex pheromone, cPD1, induces sexual aggregation of Enterococcus faecalis harboring the bacteriocin plasmid, pPD1, and enables pPD1 to transfer at high frequency in a liquid culture. PD78 is a cPD1-inducible cell surface protein encoded by pPD1. The PD78 gene, traF , was disrupted by homologous recombination between pPD1 and an artificial vector having a deletion in the middle portion of traF . The disruption of traF did not affect the cPD1-inducible aggregation but reduced the transfer frequency of pPD1 to 2% of the wild-type level.  相似文献   

Western blotting of whole-cell preparations of Enterococcus faecalis showed the protein-antigen profiles to be markedly influenced by growth conditions. The E. faecalis-specific antigens of 40 and 37 kDa, which are prominent in endocarditis, were strongly expressed following growth in serum or brain heart infusion, but not after growth in a chemically defined medium. The expression of these antigens in vivo was demonstrated in cells grown as a biofilm on silastic discs in the peritoneum of rabbits. These in vivo culture conditions may be useful in studying the pathogenesis of E. faecalis infections and the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

Abstract Western blotting of whole-cell preparations of Enterococcus faecalis showed the protein-antigen profiles to be markedly influenced by growth conditions. The E. faecalis -specific antigens of 40 and 37 kDa, which are prominent in endocarditis, were strongly expressed following growth in serum or brain heart infusion, but not after growth in a chemically defined medium. The expression of these antigens in vivo was demonstrated in cells grown as a biofilm on silastic discs in the peritoneum of rabbits. These in vivo culture conditions may be useful in studying the pathogenesis of E. faecalis infections and the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanism by which peptide sex pheromones induce expression of the conjugation functions of certain Enterococcus faecalis plasmids, a biological assay was developed to measure the ability of cells carrying the conjugative plasmid pCF10 to bind the sex pheromone cCF10. The data indicated that pCF10 endows its host E. faecalis cell with the ability to specifically remove (apparently by irreversible binding) cCF10 activity from culture medium. The pCF10 DNA encoding this ability was localized to a 3.4-kb segment within a region involved in negative control of expression of conjugal transfer functions. This segment also encoded ability to bind the pheromone inhibitor peptide iCF10. DNA sequencing revealed three open reading frames, which have been denoted prgW (pheromone responsive gene W), prgZ, and prgY. The deduced product of prgW resembled regulatory proteins from other bacteria and eucaryotes, with a very high degree of identity within a putative DNA-binding domain. The prgY gene actually extended into an adjacent region of pCF10 and could encode a protein with significant similarity to a protein called TraB, believed to be involved in shutdown of pheromone cAD1 production by cells carrying the pheromone-inducible hemolysin plasmid pAD1, according to F.Y. An and D.B. Clewell (Abstr. Gen. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1992, H70, 1992). The prgZ gene product showed significant relatedness to binding proteins encoded by oligopeptide permease (opp) operons in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and is highly similar to a pAD1-encoded protein, TraC, which is believed to mediate sex pheromone cAD1 binding (K. Tanimoto, F. Y. An, and D. B. Clewell, submitted for publication). A Tn5 insertion into prgZ abolished cCF10 binding ability.  相似文献   

Two genes encoding the auxin-binding protein (ABP1) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), both of which possess the characteristics of a luminal protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), were isolated and sequenced. These genes were composed of at least five exons and four introns. The two coding exons showed 95% sequence homology and coded for two precursor proteins of 187 amino acid residues with molecular masses of 21 256 and 21 453 Da. The deduced amino acid sequences were 93% identical and both possessed an amino-terminal signal peptide, a hydrophilic mature protein region with two potential N-glycosylation sites and a carboxyl-terminal sorting signal, KDEL, for the ER. Restriction mapping of the cDNAs encoding tobacco ABP1, previously purified by amplification of tobacco cDNA libraries by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers common to both genes, indicated that both genes were expressed, although one was expressed at a higher level than the other. Genomic Southern blot hybridization showed no other homologous genes except for these two in the tobacco genome. The apparent molecular mass of the mature form of tobacco ABP1 was revealed to be 25 kDa by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using affinity-purified anti (tobacco ABP1) antibodies raised against a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein. Expression of the recombinant ABP1 gene in transgenic tobacco resulted in accumulation of the 25 kDa protein. A single point mutation of an amino acid residue at either of the two potential N-glycosylation sites resulted in a decrease in the apparent molecular mass and produced a 22 kDa protein. Mutations at both sites resulted in the formation of a 19.3 kDa protein, suggesting that tobacco ABP1 is glycosylated at two asparagine residues.  相似文献   

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