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We examined the postdispersal fate of large seeds (≥5 mm) dispersed by chimpanzees in an afromontane forest to evaluate aspects of the effectiveness of seed dispersal by chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. We assessed the influence of six microhabitat characteristics on seed persistence and germination in seeds dispersed in chimpanzee feces and “wadges.” A total of 257 fecal samples and 56 wadges were located over a 4‐mo period by tracking a semi‐habituated chimpanzee community on day follows. Forty‐nine (19.1%) of the fecal samples contained large seeds from five different tree species. The majority of fecal samples with seeds contained seeds from the mature forest tree Olea capensis (Oleaceae) (83.7%). Forty‐two wadges (75%) contained seeds from the mature forest tree Syzygium guineense (Myrtaceae). Seeds were monitored at their deposition site for removal and germination up to 49 d following deposition. We collected data on the microhabitat surrounding each fecal and wadge sample. Multivariate analyses indicated that while fecal and wadge samples were not clustered into particular microhabitats, there was little overlap in the microhabitats in which wadges and fecal samples were deposited. Significantly more seeds persisted over 49 d in wadges (67.9%) than in feces (30.3%). Elevation was the only microhabitat variable determined to have a significant influence on seed persistence, whereas slope was determined to have a significant influence on germination.  相似文献   

I studied the ranging behavior of one group of L'Hoest's monkeys (Cercopithecus lhoesti) and one group of blue monkeys (C. mitis doggetti) in the Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda. This study is the first to examine the ranging behavior of the more terrestrial L'Hoest's monkeys. Fruits composed 47% of blue monkey diet and 24% of the L'Hoest's monkey diet; terrestrial herbaceous vegetation composed 35% of the diet of the latter. While overall abundance of fruit resources in the home range and overall proportion of fruit in the diet were not related to ranging behavior in either group, temporal and spatial availability of specific fruit species was related. Measures of ranging behavior indicated a more concentrated ranging pattern when fruit resources were scarce and dietary diversity increased and when fruit resources were abundant and the groups focused on a few abundant fruit species. Current hypotheses concerning primate ranging behavior suggest that frugivorous species are expected to have greater day ranges and larger home ranges than folivorous species, and invertebrate consumption is expected to produce a more wide-ranging pattern. However, the L'Hoest's monkey group, which was more folivorous and consumed fewer invertebrates, traveled greater daily distances, had a more diverse and longer ranging pattern, and had larger home range areas than the blue monkey group in every month of the study. Both species were highly selective of forest habitats; L'Hoest's monkeys used secondary forest, while blue monkeys preferred primary forest.  相似文献   

This study focuses on knowledge of medicinal plants among the Caiçaras (rural inhabitants of the Atlantic Forest coast, Brazil). In particular, we examine the use of medicinal plants according to sex and age to reveal general patterns of Caiçara knowledge and use of plant resources. Data collected through 449 interviews at 12 Caiçara communities (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo coastal sites) include citations of 249 plants and identification of 227 species. We show the importance of introduced as opposed to native plants and of key individuals for the conservation of the Caiçaras-Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Although many animal species consume herbaceous vegetation found in African tropical forests, little is known of the temporal and spatial availability of these plants. From September 2004 to August 2005 we conducted a study that quantified the temporal and spatial biomass availability of 20 species of herbs frequently consumed by endangered mountain gorillas at two locations (Buhoma and Ruhija) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. In general, the biomass of herbs varied over the study period, but these changes were relatively small. For 12 of 18 and nine of 11 species in Buhoma and Ruhija, respectively, herb biomass differed significantly among habitat types. Of the nine species found in both locations, seven species had a higher biomass at Ruhija, one species had a higher biomass at Buhoma, and one species showed no difference. These results demonstrate that herb biomass varied little temporally but spatial differences in herb biomass were more pronounced. Future studies should investigate the variables that may influence herb phenological patterns such as rainfall, light, soil quality, previous disturbance regimes, and animal foraging and trampling damage.  相似文献   

1植物名称翅子罗汉果[Siraitia siamensis(Craib)C.Jeffrey ex Zhang et D.Fang]。2材料类别野生翅子罗汉果植株(由广西药用植物园仲仕强采自广西大新县)的新生藤蔓。3培养条件原始外植体腋芽启动培养基:(1)  相似文献   

Two new species of Mallomonas, M. ocalensis and M. caerula , are described from a clearwater, acidic and oligotrophic waterbody in the Ocala National Forest, Florida, U.S.A. Mallomonas ocalensis , in the Series Doignonianae of the Section Torquatae, consists of relatively small cells with scales that have a series of parallel shield ribs with alternating thicknesses, collar scales with very short bristles and posterior scales with small protruding spines. Mallomonas ocalensis is most similar to Mallomonas dickii , but is distinguished from the latter species based on the highly variable thicknesses of the shield ribs and significantly larger scales. Mallomonas caerula , in the Series Mallomonas of the Section Mallomonas, consists of relatively large cells that bear large domed and dorneless scales, and long, robust and ribbed bristles. Bristles with and without helmets can be found. The shield, especially the distal portion, and the posterior flange of scales consists of series of more or less parallel ribs. Mallomonas caerula appears to be most closely related to Mallomonas acaroides var. acaroides and Mallomonas acaroides var. muskokana , but can be distinguished from the latter taxa on the basis of scale type, scale structure and bristle morphology. Both new species were found in the plankton and surface sediments of Blue Sink Pond.  相似文献   

Summary Two NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases ADH-1 and ADH-2, under independent genetic control of genes designated as Adh-1 and Adh-2 located on chromosomes 4A, 4B and 4D, have been reported in aestivum wheat (Hart 1980). Only ADH-1 is expressed in developing seeds, dry seeds, pollen and germinating seedlings. ADH-2 can be induced in seedling roots or shoots under conditions of partial anaerobiosis or by certain chemicals. Expression of ADH-1 and ADH-2 isoenzymes was investigated in undifferentiated calli from aestivum and durum wheats, rye, triticale and also in in vitro regenerated roots and leaves from aestivum cultures. Wheat callus cultures originating from seed, mature and immature embryos, mesocotyl and root, as well as cultures grown on media containing different supplements did not show any variation in the overall expression of ADH-1 or ADH-2, although differences in the band intensities were observed. The callus isoenzyme pattern was similar to that observed in roots under anaerobic conditions. Both ADH-1 and ADH-2 were expressed in in vitro regenerated roots but were absent in regenerated leaves. Expression of ADH-1 and ADH-2 in wheat calli seems to be related to the type of differentiation.  相似文献   

Differences among sympatric lizard species usually result from differences in the use of three resources: space, time and food or some combination of these three. However, differences in resource utilization among sympatric species may simply reflect their specific ecological needs rather than competitive pressures. In this study, we analyzed the temporal, spatial and food niche of two congeneric teiids (Cnemidophorus abaetensis and C. ocellifer) living sympatrically in the "restinga" habitat of Abaeté in the Salvador Municipality, Bahia State, Brazil to assess the degree of niche differentiation among them. The whiptail species overlapped considerably in an hourly activity (Ojk = 0.93), in microhabitat use (Ojk = 0.97) and in the prey items consumed (Ojk = 0.89). Differences in amount of vegetation in the microhabitats used by both lizard species may have contributed to differences in the activity period and in the distribution of the main prey eaten by these lizards which may, in turn, facilitate their coexistence in Abaeté. Although sympatric C. ocellifer and C. abaetensis in Abaeté differed only slightly in their use of microhabitats, period of activity and diet, the most important niche dimension segregating the two species seemed to be the food niche.  相似文献   

The limited seed production of insect-depended plant, Liriodendron chinense was once considered to be pollen-limited and insufficient cross pollination. In this study, we counted pollen grains deposited on stigmas in three populations in Guizhou, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces of China respectively. Over 61.9% stigmas were pollinated. From 1994 to 1996, the mean number of pollen grains on each stigma ranged from 4.4 to 42.6, much more than ovules(2) in each pistil. Based on observations of three years, both the pollination rate and pollen quantity on stigmas significantly affected seed set. When flowers opened without stamens dehiscencing at the early stage of anthesis, stigmas received considerable quantity of pollen grains. Pollen grains from different sources were able to germinate and pollen tube growth rates were not greatly variable. It is very likely that pollen grains arrived first would fertilize eggs. Since only several pollen tubes went through the stylar canal, the potential pollen competition may exist. In this case, there would be strong selection on floral syndrome which benefit early insect visits. Pollen grains from the early visits would have a greater chance to fertilize ovules than those from later visits, which implies that cross pollination is the predominant breeding system of this plant. The conclusion was also confirmed by following four artificial experiments. Three treatments, including flowers bagged, netted or with the perianth removed, all reduced seed set clearly, but flowers with the stamens removed (emasculation)had a higher seed production by open pollination. As the rates of deposited stigmas in three populations were 6~8 times more than full seed set, we considerthat lower seed production in this plant may not mainly be due to pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Meiotic behaviour of hybrids between Coffea dewevrei var. excelsa and C. eugenioides, and between C. liberica and C. eugenioides, and of open pollinated progeny of these hybrids reveals a close genome relationship in spite of striking morphological differences and distinct geographic separation. In the cross C. dewevrei excelsa X C. eugenioides several maternal types occurred, attributed to parthenogenesis. The hybrids are self-sterile and set few seeds on open pollination, again partly involving parthenogenesis, and participation of some unreduced gametes in hybridization.Subdivision of the section Eucoffea into different subsections (C. dewevrei and C. liberica belonging to subsection Pachycoffea, C. eugenioides to Erythrocoffea) has no cytological basis.  相似文献   

The quantum yields of C3 and C4 plants from a number of genera and families as well as from ecologically diverse habitats were measured in normal air of 21% O2 and in 2% O2. At 30 C, the quantum yields of C3 plants averaged 0.0524 ± 0.0014 mol CO2/absorbed einstein and 0.0733 ± 0.0008 mol CO2/absorbed einstein under 21 and 2% O2. At 30 C, the quantum yields of C4 plants averaged 0.0534 ± 0.0009 mol CO2/absorbed einstein and 0.0538 ± 0.0011 mol CO2/absorbed einstein under 21 and 2% O2. At 21% O2, the quantum yield of a C3 plant is shown to be strongly dependent on both the intercellular CO2 concentration and leaf temperature. The quantum yield of a C4 plant, which is independent of the intercellular CO2 concentration, is shown to be independent of leaf temperature over the ranges measured. The changes in the quantum yields of C3 plants are due to changes in the O2 inhibition. The evolutionary significance of the CO2 dependence of the quantum yield in C3 plants and the ecological significance of the temperature effects on the quantum yields of C3 and C4 plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Evans  J. H. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):1-16
An account is given of the seasonal succession and spatial distributionof phytoplankton derived from a one-year sampling programme (1961–62)on Lake Albert, a large African rift lake. There is evidence of regulationby both physical and nutrient factors. These are influenced by a markedseasonality of temperature/density stratification (temperature range <3°C) and of water input that induces some polarizationalong the axis of the lake. Prevailing concentrations of soluble reactivephosphorus are high (>100 µg l-1), but those ofinorganic nitrogen are low and, with large depletions of silicate-silicon,may limit algal production. The diatom and cyanophyte components of thephytoplankton show different relationships to the seasonal cycle of limitedstratification and vertical mixing. There are possible relationships, bygrazing, to the described seasonal and spatial abundance of planktonicCladocera. Comparisons are made with other African lakes, especially LakeTurkana which is of similar shape and size and shows end to end polarizationof the aquatic biota.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability of arsenic (As) through cultured oyster Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea corteziensis from four coastal lagoons (SE Gulf of California). Organisms were collected in two seasons (rainy and dry season), and they were analyzed for total arsenic and chemical speciation of this element. The concentrations of As in oyster soft tissue fluctuated between 5.44 and 9.56 μg/g for rainy season and 6.46 and 8.33 μg/g for dry season (dry weight) in C. gigas. In C. corteziensis, the As concentrations were <5 μg/g for both seasons (dry weight). Arsenic speciation indicated arsenobetaine as the major arseno-compound accounting for 43.2–76.3 % of total content of As. Lower contributions were obtained for non-extractable As (11.3–17.5 %) and other molecules such as arsenocholine and methyl-arsonate (<5 %). Inorganic arsenic was detectable in only two samples, at concentrations lower than <0.1 μg/g. These As data are the first generated for these mollusks in NW Mexico and indicate that C. gigas and C. corteziensis farmed in this area are safe for human consumption in terms of arseno-compounds.  相似文献   

The effect of applied nitrogen (N) on the growth, leaf expansion rate, biomass partitioning and leaf N levels of Chenopodium album (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus (C4) were investigated. At a given applied N level, C. album had 50% greater leaf N per unit area (Na) than A. retroflexus. Nitrate accumulated at lower Na in A. retroflexus than C. album. A. retroflexus was more productive than C. album at high N, but C. album was more productive at low N. At high applied N, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), expressed either as net assimilation rate (NAR) per unit N or relative growth rate per unit N, was greater in A. retroflexus than C. album. However, at low applied N, C. album had a greater NUE on both an NAR and growth basis than A. retroflexus. The leaf area partitioning coefficient was similar in the species at high N, but was greater in A. retroflexus than C. album at low N. At low N, greater leaf area partitioning apparently lowered leaf N in A. retroflexus to levels at which necrosis occurred. In C. album by contrast, leaf area partitioning declined to a greater degree with declining N than it did in A. retroflexus, so that leaf N did not decline as much. Consequently, low N C. album plants did not lose leaf area to necrosis and had a greater NAR and NUE at low applied N than A. retroflexus.  相似文献   

Males of Zophobas aff. confusus and Nyctobates gigas (Tenebrionidae) collected in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were studied through conventional staining, C-banding, silver nitrate impregnation (AgNO(3)), and the base specific fluorochromes CMA(3) and DAPI. Z. aff. confusus was found to have 2n = 20 (9+Xyp) while N. gigas exhibited 2n = 18 (8+neoXY). Large pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) were detected throughout the autosomal complement of the two species, except in one autosomal pair of N. gigas in which no heterochromatic block was observed. The sex chromosomes of both species were almost totally heterochromatic. Double staining with CMA(3)/DA (distamycin) and DAPI/DA marked CH in Z. aff. confusus. However, DAPI staining was more intense. N. gigas was found to possess blocks of CH-positive CMA(3) and homogeneous DAPI. AgNO(3) staining also revealed differences between the two species. In Z. confusus an NOR was observed in the sexual bivalent Xyp and N. gigas was found to have an autosomal NOR.  相似文献   

Hematology and plasma biochemistry parameters are useful in the assessment and management of threatened and endangered species. Although reference ranges are readily available for many mammalian species, reference ranges for snakes are lacking for most species. We determined hematology and plasma biochemistry reference ranges for giant garter snakes (Thamnophis gigas) and valley garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi) living in four management areas in the Central Valley of California. White blood cell, heterophil, lymphocyte, and azurophil counts in giant garter snakes were approximately twice the values of valley garter snakes. Statistically significant differences in aspartate aminotransferase, globulin, and potassium between the two species did not appear clinically significant. No significant differences were found in the measured parameters between male and female giant garter snakes. Some differences were found among collection sites. These reference ranges provide baseline data for comparisons over time and between collection sites.  相似文献   

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