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Wolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbionts that can invade arthropod populations through manipulation of their reproduction. In mosquitoes, Wolbachia induce embryonic death, known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), whenever infected males mate with females either uninfected or infected with an incompatible strain. Although genetic determinants of CI are unknown, a functional model involving the so-called mod and resc factors has been proposed. Natural populations of Culex pipiens mosquito display a complex CI relationship pattern associated with the highest Wolbachia (wPip) genetic polymorphism reported so far. We show here that C. pipiens populations from La Réunion, a geographically isolated island in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, are infected with genetically closely related wPip strains. Crossing experiments reveal that these Wolbachia are all mutually compatible. However, crosses with genetically more distant wPip strains indicate that Wolbachia strains from La Réunion belong to at least five distinct incompatibility groups (or crossing types). These incompatibility properties which are strictly independent from the nuclear background, formally establish that in C. pipiens, CI is controlled by several Wolbachia mod/resc factors.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a group of maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect and induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in a wide range of arthropods. In contrast to other species, the mosquito Culex pipiens displays an extremely high number of CI types suggesting differential infection by multiple Wolbachia strains. Attempts so far failed to detect Wolbachia polymorphism that might explain this high level of CI diversity found in C. pipiens populations. Here, we establish that Wolbachia infection is near to or at fixation in worldwide populations of the C. pipiens complex. Wolbachia polymorphism was addressed by sequence analysis of the Tr1 gene, a unique transposable element of the IS5 family, which allowed the identification of five C. pipiens Wolbachia strains, differing either by nucleotide substitution, presence or absence pattern, or insertion site. Sequence analysis also showed that recombination, transposition and superinfection occurred at very low frequencies. Analysis of the geographical distributions of each Wolbachia strain among C. pipiens populations indicated a strong worldwide differentiation independent from mosquito subspecies type, except in the UK. The availability of this polymorphic marker now opens the way to investigate evolution of Wolbachia populations and CI dynamics, in particular in regions where multiple crossing types coexist among C. pipiens populations.  相似文献   

我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫的杂交及其与Wolbachia感染的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了了解我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫间杂交卵的不孵化现象和明确该现象与共生微生物Wolbachia感染的关系,对该复合组实验室种群4个亚种进行了笼内杂交和抗生素处理后的杂交。试验表明: 在复合组蚊虫中骚扰库蚊Culex pipiens molestus与淡色库蚊Cx. Pipiens pallens、致倦库蚊Cx. Ipiens quinquefasciatus与尖音库蚊Cx. Pipiens pipiens之间存在有单向胞质不融合现象,骚扰库蚊的雄虫与尖音库蚊、致倦库蚊和淡色库蚊的雌虫杂交卵的孵化率分别为0.06%、0.46%和0.19%;该胞质不融合现象可以通过抗生素处理而消除,处理后骚扰库蚊雄虫与其余3个亚种雌虫F3杂交卵的孵化率均有提高,分别为89.49%(t=3.90×10-28t0.01=2.704)、23.39%(t=9.15×10-7t0.01=2.660和22.27%(t=5.08×10-4t0.01=2.750),并可因抗生素处理而产生新的不融合类型。  相似文献   

Although cytoplasmic incompatibilities have been used as a means of eradicating the mosquito Culex pipiens, the population dynamics of these sterilities in relation to the coexistence of multiple incompatible cytotypes in a single area has not been investigated, except in the case of two unidirectionally incompatible cytotypes. An analytical model of the evolution of n cytotypes in an infinite panmictic population has been developed in order to investigate polymorphic equilibrium. A necessary criterion for the stability of such an equilibrium is established; it is shown that a stable polymorphism cannot exist between incompatible cytotypes. This result is discussed in the light of population dynamics and genetics of Culex pipiens, and of our present knowledge on incompatibilities. The consequences of a geographic structuring and of homogamy are considered. A careful reconsideration of previous experimental results disclosed probable nuclear effects and a serious experimental weakness: with the common procedure of backcrossing hybrid females to males of constant genotype it is not possible to rule out probable nuclear effects with paternal expression. It is concluded that incompatibilities in Culex pipiens may have a nuclear-cytoplasmic determinism.  相似文献   

In arthropods, the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia often induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) between sperm and egg, which causes conditional embryonic death and promotes the spatial spread of Wolbachia infections into host populations. The ability of Wolbachia to spread in natural populations through CI has attracted attention for using these bacteria in vector‐borne disease control. The dynamics of incompatible Wolbachia infections have been deeply investigated theoretically, whereas in natural populations, there are only few examples described, especially among incompatible infected hosts. Here, we have surveyed the distribution of two molecular Wolbachia strains (wPip11 and wPip31) infecting the mosquito Culex pipiens in Tunisia. We delineated a clear spatial structure of both infections, with a sharp contact zone separating their distribution areas. Crossing experiments with isofemale lines from different localities showed three crossing types: wPip11‐infected males always sterilize wPip31‐infected females; however, while most wPip31‐infected males were compatible with wPip11‐infected females, a few completely sterilize them. The wPip11 strain was thus expected to spread, but temporal dynamics over 7 years of monitoring shows the stability of the contact zone. We examined which factors may contribute to the observed stability, both theoretically and empirically. Population cage experiments, field samples and modelling did not support significant impacts of local adaptation or assortative mating on the stability of wPip infection structure. By contrast, low dispersal probability and metapopulation dynamics in the host Cx. pipiens probably play major roles. This study highlights the need of understanding CI dynamics in natural populations to design effective and sustainable Wolbachia‐based control strategies.  相似文献   

Establishing reliable risk projection information about the distribution pattern of members of the Culex pipiens complex is of particular interest, as these mosquitoes are competent vectors for certain disease‐causing pathogens. Wolbachia, a maternally inherited bacterial symbiont, are distributed in various arthropod species and can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, i.e., reduced egg hatch, in certain crosses. It is being considered as a tool for population control of mosquito disease vectors. The Aegean region is characterized by highly populated, rural, and agricultural areas and is also on the route of the migratory birds. In this study, a fragment of the 658 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, which includes the barcode region, was employed to differentiate Cx. pipiens complex species found in this region. Moreover, for the first time, the prevalence of Wolbachia endobacteria in these natural populations was examined using PCR amplification of a specific wsp gene. Our results revealed a widespread (more than 90%, n=121) presence of the highly efficient West Nile virus vector Cx. quinquefasciatus in the region. We also found that Wolbachia infection is widespread; the average prevalence was 62% in populations throughout the region. This study provided valuable information about the composition of Cx. pipiens complex mosquitoes and the prevalence of Wolbachia infection in these populations in the Aegean region. This information will be helpful in tracking mosquito‐borne diseases and designing and implementing Wolbachia‐based control strategies in the region.  相似文献   

An analysis of cytoplasmic crossing type variation in Australian populations of Culex quinquefasciatus, a member of the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes, revealed high levels of variability causing partial incompatibility between natural populations. Segregating crossing types were commonly found together within sampled sites. No correlation was evident between similarity of crossing type and environmental parameters of the sites, nor distance between sites. The nature of the observed variation did not support the hypothesis of paternally expressed nuclear 'restorer' genes. Such high levels of crossing type variation would be likely to impede attempts to control populations of the Culex pipiens complex using cytoplasmic incompatibility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Analysis of video recordings of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say swarms showed that the overall swarming patterns of males and virgin females are similar, even though the short-term characteristics of their flight, such as speed and turning angle, differ. This suggests they have the same response to the visual cue of the swarm 'marker'. The swarming pattern of an individual consists of elliptical loops which, in the short-term, define an area smaller than the swarm as a whole. The foci of these ellipses drift gradually with respect to the marker; individuals do not seem to have preferred positions within the swarm, but drift at random. Male mosquitoes identify and locate females by the sound of their wing-beats. Diffuse sound at the wing-beat frequency of female C.p. quinquefasciatus (500–600 Hz) caused males within the swarm to slow down significantly. Their turning behaviour remained unchanged, so the ellipses decreased in size. The swarm as a whole collapsed into a smaller volume, centred over the marker. Apparently, the response of males to sound consists of at least two parts: initially they alter their flight speed, and then alter their turning behaviour once they have located the source of the sound.  相似文献   

Ecotypic differentiation is well described in the mosquito Culex pipiens , separating populations breeding in subterranean and human-made sites (hypogeous habitat) from those in open-air sites (epigeous habitat). The pattern of population differentiation observed at the Aat-1 locus has been suspected to be associated with such ecotypic differentiation via habitat-dependent selection, but this supposition is still the subject of debate in the literature. We analysed differentiation patterns for Aat-1 and another four loci among populations from both habitat types in the French Alps. We showed that the Aat-1A allele is favoured within hypogeous habitats but selected against within epigeous habitats. Comparisons of our results with other data reported in the literature indicate that the Aat-1A allele is generally evolving under habitat-differential selection, but that the precise balance of migration and selection that determines equilibrium allele frequencies varies greatly across Europe. The nature of this habitat-dependent selection, and its resulting (geographically varying) equilibrium point, are discussed in relation to the biology of this mosquito species.  相似文献   

In the mosquito Culex pipiens, insecticide resistance genes alter many life-history traits and incur a fitness cost. Resistance to organophosphate insecticides involves two loci, with each locus coding for a different mechanism of resistance (degradation vs. insensitivity to insecticides). The density of intracellular Wolbachia bacteria has been found to be higher in resistant mosquitoes, regardless of the mechanism involved. To discriminate between costs of resistance due to resistance genes from those associated with elevated Wolbachia densities, we compared strains of mosquito sharing the same genetic background but differing in their resistance alleles and Wolbachia infection status. Life-history traits measured included strength of insecticide resistance, larval mortality, adult female size, fecundity, predation avoidance, mating competition, and strength of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). We found that: (1) when Wolbachia are removed, insecticide resistance genes still affect some life-history traits; (2) Wolbachia are capable of modifying the cost of resistance; (3) the cost of Wolbachia infections increases with their density; (4) different interactions occurred depending on the resistance alleles involved; and (5) high densities of Wolbachia do not increase the strength of CI or maternal transmission efficiency relative to low Wolbachia densities. Insecticide resistance genes generated variation in the costs of Wolbachia infections and provided an interesting opportunity to study how these costs evolve, a process generally operating when Wolbachia colonizes a new host.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is thought to be the main potential source of material for the evolution of new gene functions. Several models have been proposed for the evolution of new functions through duplication, most based on ancient events (Myr). We provide molecular evidence for the occurrence of several (at least 3) independent duplications of the ace-1 locus in the mosquito Culex pipiens, selected in response to insecticide pressure that probably occurred very recently (<40 years ago). This locus encodes the main target of several insecticides, the acetylcholinesterase. The duplications described consist of 2 alleles of ace-1, 1 susceptible and 1 resistant to insecticide, located on the same chromosome. These events were detected in different parts of the world and probably resulted from distinct mechanisms. We propose that duplications were selected because they reduce the fitness cost associated with the resistant ace-1 allele through the generation of persistent, advantageous heterozygosis. The rate of duplication of ace-1 in C. pipiens is probably underestimated, but seems to be rather high.  相似文献   

不同地区库蚊复组群体的同工酶遗传多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张柯  叶镇清  乔传令 《遗传》2004,26(2):172-176
采用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳的方法,对分布于我国5省的8个库蚊复组(Culex pipiens complex)野生群体的遗传多样性进行研究,分析了4个酶系统7个基因座(ME、MDH-1、MDH-2、MDH-3、GPD、EST-2、EST-3)的酶谱资料。结果显示:(1)群体内存在不同程度的遗传变异(He为0.098~0.41);(2)较低的基因流水平(Nm=0.64)使遗传漂变起主要作用,造成群体之间的遗传分化(Gst=0.303),而总群体的遗传多样性相对富集于群体之内(Hs/Dst=2)。(3)库蚊群体的遗传结构属于距离隔离模式。(4)群体间的遗传一致性(或遗传距离)反映出群体间的遗传分化程度,也表明与地理位置存在对应关系。Abstract: Eight field populations of Culex pipiens complex collected from five provinces (Guangdong, Henan, Shandong, Beijing and Yunnan) in 2001 were used to study genetic diversity by starch gel electrophoresis. Data from seven loci (ME、MDH-1、MDH-2、MDH-3、GPD、EST-2、EST-3) of four isozymes were analyzed by software Biosys2.0 and FSTAT(Version 2.9.3). The results were as follows: (1) The values of He (from 0.098 to 0.41) indicated genetic variabilities of different degree in populations.(2)The low level of gene flow (Nm=0.64) could not prevent genetic drift to cause the gene differentiation between populations. The genetic diversity between populations attributed to the genetic diversity of total populations is small (Gst =0.303), and the great part is accumulated within populations (Hs/Dst=2). (3) The genetic structure of Culex pipiens complex population was the isolation-by-distance model. (4) The genetic identity (or genetic distance) revealed the scale of genetic differentiation between populations which related to the collection sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Surgical manipulation was used to show that in the mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens , the circadian pacemaker is probably not located in the optic lobes. Mosquitoes deprived of the greater part of their optic lobes still maintained a circadian activity rhythm: in DD with τ= c . 20–23 h, in LL with τ= c . 14–15 h. The operated mosquitoes showed diphasic activity which entrained to LD 16:8 h (at 200 lux), implying the existence of an extraocular photoreceptive pathway.  相似文献   

The genetics of two esterase loci active in autogenous adults of the mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens L. has been studied by means of starch gel electrophoresis. Three alleles at the Est-1 locus and eight at the Est-2 locus are described. Both loci have a null allele. Active alleles are codominant and there is no hybrid enzyme in heterozygotes. The Est-1 locus codes esterases preferentially hydrolyzing -naphthylacetate and the Est-2 locus esterases preferentially hydrolyzing -naphthylacetate. Strains homozygous for both loci were selected. Linkage studies of the two loci have shown that they are not sex linked but are linked to each other, the crossover frequency being 8.6%. The polymorphism of two laboratory and two natural populations is described for both loci. Phenotypic distributions are in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg expectations.This work was conducted at the Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Laboratoire de Génétique Expérimentale des Populations), Montpellier, France, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Docteur de spécialité.  相似文献   

淡色库蚊中抗性相关羧酸酯酶的纯化及其生化性质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在库蚊Culex pipiens品系中,非专一性酯酶活性的升高是对有机磷杀虫剂产生抗性的重要机理之一。应用SDS/PAGE,比较淡色库蚊Culex pipiens pallens抗敌百虫品系(RD)、敏感型品系(S)和抗苄呋菊酯品系(PY)中可溶性总蛋白质带型,显示RD中含有一条特异蛋白带,其它两个品系中未检出。在RD成虫匀浆液总蛋白中含量高达2.1%。分子量测定为66 kD。应用柱层析法分离得到了较纯的纯品。以α-NA为底物测得Km=64.1 mmol/L,Vmax=249.8 mmol/(L·mg·min)。与羧酸酯酶相比较:其Km值小于已报道的抗性品系及非抗性品系A-酯酶和B-酯酶。Vmax值比已报道抗性品系A-酯酶低,比B-酯酶高。较高浓度的敌百虫并不能抑制其酶活,属于A-酯酶。在昆虫体内可能主要通过结合隔离作用(sequestration)提高昆虫对有机磷的耐受性,对有机磷杀虫剂水解作用的可能性也不能排除。  相似文献   

Microsatellites were isolated and characterized in the northern house mosquito, Culex pipiens, a widespread pest species and important vector of diseases such as West Nile virus. An enrichment protocol yielded 150 positive clones. We designed primers to amplify 17 unique (GT)n microsatellites, eight of which amplified cleanly and were polymorphic. A survey of 29 individuals showed that these loci are highly variable with the number of alleles ranging from seven to 19 and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.66 to 0.93. These markers will be useful for studies of population structure and intraspecific variation in epidemiological characteristics of Cx. pipiens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In both virgin and inseminated female Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say, circadian flight-activity has two major components: evening (E) and morning (M) in virgins, and evening (E) and night (N) in inseminated females. These components probably represent the activity of constituent oscillators of the underlying pacemaker system. In DD (constant dark) the E and M peaks are approximately 12 h apart in virgins, the E and N peaks 6–7 h apart in inseminated females. Entrainment to regimes between LD 6:18 and 18:6 appears to have only small effects on the relative position of these components, and after a change to DD they quickly relax towards a common phase-relation. Entrainment to LD 12:12 followed by release into DD or constant dim light (intensities 0.005-5 be) showed that light has a differential effect on the components, initially increasing the period of the E component more than that of the apparently more stable M and N components. Thus with increasing light intensity a bimodal cycle fuses into a unimodal cycle. Light also affected the level of activity, causing big increases in the activity of both virgin and inseminated females at 0.05 lx, but depressing activity, at least initially, at 5 lx. These results indicate that, under natural conditions, moonlight may have big effects, both on the level of activity and on the underlying circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Duron O  Raymond M  Weill M 《Heredity》2011,106(6):986-993
Maternally inherited Wolbachia often manipulate the reproduction of arthropods to promote their transmission. In most species, Wolbachia exert a form of conditional sterility termed cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), characterized by the death of embryos produced by the mating between individuals with incompatible Wolbachia infections. From a theoretical perspective, no stable coexistence of incompatible Wolbachia infections is expected within host populations and CI should induce the invasion of one strain or of a set of compatible strains. In this study, we investigated this prediction on CI dynamics in natural populations of the common house mosquito Culex pipiens. We surveyed the Wolbachia diversity and the expression of CI in breeding sites of the south of France between 1990 and 2005. We found that geographically close C. pipiens populations harbor considerable Wolbachia diversity, which is stably maintained over 15 years. We also observed a very low frequency of infertile clutches within each sampled site. Meanwhile, mating choice experiments conducted in laboratory conditions showed that assortative mating does not occur. Overall, this suggests that a large set of compatible Wolbachia strains are always locally dominant within mosquito populations thus, fitting with the theoretical expectations on CI dynamics.  相似文献   

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