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Maltman DJ  Gadd SM  Simon WJ  Slabas AR 《Proteomics》2007,7(9):1513-1528
The endoplasmic reticulum is a major compartment of storage protein and lipid biosynthesis. Maximal synthesis of these storage compounds occurs during seed development with breakdown occurring during germination. In this study, we have isolated four independent preparations of ER from both developing and germinating seeds of castor bean (Ricinus communis) and used 2-D DIGE, and a combination of PMF and MS/MS sequencing, to quantify and identify differences in protein complement at both stages. Ninety protein spots in the developing seeds are up-regulated and 19 individual proteins were identified, the majority of these are intermediates of seed storage synthesis and protein folding. The detection of these transitory storage proteins in the ER is discussed in terms of protein trafficking and processing. In germinating seed ER 15 spots are elevated, 5 of which were identified, amongst them was malate synthetase which is a component of the glyoxysome which is believed to originate from the ER. Notably no proteins involved in complex lipid biosynthesis were identified in the urea soluble ER fraction indicating that they are probably all integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

In previous experiments it was shown that Castor-bean (Ricinus communis) endosperm releases carbohydrates, amino acids and nucleoside derivatives, which are subsequently imported into the developing cotyledons (Kombrink and Beevers in Plant Physiol 73:370-376, 1983). To investigate the importance of the most prominent nucleoside adenosine for the metabolism of growing Ricinus seedlings, we supplied adenosine to cotyledons of 5-days-old seedlings after removal of the endosperm. This treatment led to a 16% increase in freshweight of intact seedlings within 16 h, compared to controls. Using detached cotyledons, we followed uptake of radiolabelled adenosine and identified 40% of label in solubles (mostly ATP and ADP), 46% incorporation in RNA and 2.5% in DNA, indicating a highly active salvage pathway. About 7% of freshly imported adenosine entered the phloem, which indicates a major function of adenosine for cotyledon metabolism. Import and conversion of adenosine improved the energy content of cotyledons as revealed by a substantially increased ATP/ADP ratio. This effect was accompanied by slight increases in respiratory activity, decreased levels of hexose phosphates and increased levels of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and triose phosphates. These alterations indicate a stimulation of glycolytic flux by activation of phosphofructokinase, and accordingly we determined a higher activity of this enzyme. Furthermore the rate of [(14)C]-sucrose driven starch biosynthesis in developing castor-bean is significantly increased by feeding of adenosine. In conclusion, our data indicate that adenosine imported from mobilizing endosperm into developing castor-bean cotyledons fulfils an important function as it promotes anabolic reactions in this rapidly developing tissue.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction has been identified as one of the most propitious methods of phytoremediation. This pot experiment were treated with varying amounts of (ethylenediamine triacetic acid) EDTA 3–15, (Nitriloacetic acid) NTA 3–10, (Ammonium citrate) NH4 citrate 10 – 25 mmol and one mg kg–1Cd, filled with 5 kg soil. The addition of chelators significantly increased Cd concentration in soil and plant. The results showed that maximum Cd uptake was noted under root, shoot and leaf of castor plant tissue (2.26, 1.54, and 0.72 mg kg–1) under EDTA 15, NTA 10, and NH4 citrate 25 mmol treatments respectively, and in soil 1.08, 1.06 and 0.52 mg kg–1 pot–1 under NH4 citrate 25, NTA 10 and EDTA 15 mmol treatments respectively, as against to control (p < 0.05). Additions of chelators reduction biomass under the EDTA 15 mmol as compared to other treatments, However, Bioconcentration factor (BCF), translocation factor (TF) and remediation factor (RF) were significantly increased under EDTA 15 and NH4 citrate 25 mmol as against control. Our results demonstrated that castor plant proved satisfactory for phytoextraction on contaminated soil, and EDTA 15 and NH4 citrate 25 mmol had the affirmative effect on the Cd uptake in the artificial Cd-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of nucellus from two developmental stages of Ricinus communis seeds by a GeLC-MS/MS approach, using of a high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer, which resulted in the identification of a total of 766 proteins that were grouped into 553 protein groups. The distribution of the identified proteins in stages III and IV into different Gene Ontology categories was similar, with a remarkable abundance of proteins associated with the protein synthesis machinery of cells, as well as several classes of proteins involved in protein degradation, particularly of peptidases associated with programmed cell death. Consistent with the role of the nucellus in mediating nutrient transfer from maternal tissues to the endosperm and embryo, a significant proportion of the identified proteins are related to amino acid metabolism, but none of the identified proteins are known to have a role as storage proteins. Moreover for the first time, ricin isoforms were identified in tissues other than seed endosperm. Results are discussed in the context of the spatial and temporal distribution of the identified proteins within the nucellar cell layers.  相似文献   

Manuel Mancha  Sten Stymne 《Planta》1997,203(1):51-57
Microsomal preparations from developing castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) endosperm catalyzed remodelling of in-situ-formed triacylglycerol (TAG) species. Castor bean microsomal membranes synthesized [14C]TAGs from either glycerol 3-phosphate and [14C]ricinoleoyl-CoA or [14C]glycerol 3-phosphate and ricinoleoyl-CoA. Upon repelleting and subsequent incubation of the microsomes a redistribution occurred of both the [14C]glycerol and [14C]ricinoleoyl moieties of the in-situ-synthesized [14C]TAGs. Radioactivity was transferred from TAG species with three (3HO-TAG) or two (2HO-TAG)ricinoleoyl groups into species with two or one (HO-TAG) ricinoleoyl groups. Mass analysis of the lipid and fatty acid movements in the membranes showed that a net synthesis of TAGs with no, one and two ricinoleoyl groups occurred at the expense of 3HO-TAG and polar lipids. Thus, the non-hydroxylated acyl groups from polar lipids were used in the remodelling of TAGs. In-vivo feeding of [14C]ricinoleic acid to slices of castor bean endosperm demonstrated the presence of two radioactive pools of TAGs one in the oil bodies, which was rich in [14C]3HO-TAG, and one associated with the microsomal membranes, which was dominated by radioactive 1HO-TAG and 2HO-TAG. The microsomal TAG pool was remodelled in vivo in a similar way as in the in-vitro experiments with microsomal membranes. Received: 8 November 1996 / Accepted: 5 February 1997  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolase (EC activity was measured with [1-14C]cis-9,10-epoxystearic acid as the substrate. Homogenates were prepared from the endosperm tissue of germinating seeds of castor bean (Ricinus communis L. zanzibariensis). The activity of fatty-acid epoxide hydrolase was characterized with respect to dependence on time, amount of protein, pH and temperature. Analyses of enzyme distribution in endosperm, cotyledons, root and hypocotyl showed the highest total activity in the endosperm, less in the cotyledons and low activity in the root and hypocotyl. The specific activity was similar for cotyledons and endosperm. Analysis of the temporal expression of the enzyme in the endosperm during germination revealed high activity already in the imbibed seed. Activity was maximal between days four to six and then decreased at the end of one week. Subcellular fractionation of endosperm revealed a dual distribution of activity between the glyoxysomal and the cytosolic fractions.  相似文献   

Diseased castor leaves were collected from the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) fields and taken to the laboratory for isolation. Leaves were grown on Potato Dextrose Agar with Streptomycin and incubated for seven days. Grown cultures were observed under microscope and Fusarium pallidoroseum was isolated as confirmed by IMI. Inoculated leaves showed symptoms of wilts and blight.  相似文献   

The metal micronutrients (MN) copper, iron, manganese, and zinc are transported via the phloem in the course of remobilization and circulation. The extent of these processes and transport species are still largely unknown. The Ricinus seedling was used to study the transport of these metal micronutrients as well as their interactions with the plant-endogenous chelator nicotianamine (NA) by daily measurements of the concentrations in the seedling parts and in the sieve tube sap obtained from a cut at the hypocotyl hook. The concentrations of these micronutrients in the phloem exudate decreased slightly from day 4 to day 8 of seedling development. Maximum values at day 4 were 65 μM for Zn, 63 μM for Fe, 27 μM for Cu, and 12 μM for Mn. The phloem transport rates reached maxima of 0.12 nmol cm?2h?1 for Zn and Fe at days 6 and 7, corresponding to the maximum exudation rates. The magnitude of these transport rates were in agreement with the net translocation rates estimated by analyses of the concentrations in the individual seedling parts. The NA content of the seedlings increased from day 0 (seed before sowing) until day 8, from 16 nmol to 474 nmol, which corresponds to an average net synthesis rate of about 100 nmol day?1 between the days 4 and 8. The NA:MN ratio was constant at 0.5 in the seedlings within this period. The NA concentrations and the sum of the concentrations of all four micronutrients in the sieve tube sap showed a constant ratio of 1.25 over the entire experimental period. Thus, both complex partners were subject to a cotransport in the phloem. Removal of the supplying endosperm led to a decrease in MN and NA concentrations in the sieve tube sap to about 80% while an average excess of NA of 1.1 was maintained. Since the concentrations of other amino acids, also possible chelators of metal micronutrients, fall to about 10% after removal of the endosperm, their role seems to be negligible as vehicles of MN transport in the phloem. Thus it is suggested that the divalent micronutrients considered in this study are loaded and maybe transported as NA complexes.  相似文献   

Metabolomics - Up to now, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) in metabolomics are procedures that most labs did using their own in-house developed procedures and rules since there was...  相似文献   

C. A. Jakob  P. Burda 《Protoplasma》1999,207(1-2):1-7
Summary The initial steps in N-glycosylation involve the synthesis of dolichol-linked Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 oligosaccharides and the transfer of these oligosaccharides to nascent polypeptides. These processes take place at the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and are conserved among eukaryotes. Once transferred to the protein the N-linked oligosaccharides are immediately trimmed by glycosidases located in the ER. This review focuses on the N-linked glycosylation pathway in the ER ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae andSchizosaccharomyces pombe. In particular, we outline how yeast cells ensure that only completely assembled lipid-linked oligosaccharides are transferred to nascent polypeptides. We will discuss the oligosaccharide trimming of glycoproteins with respect to glycoprotein quality control and degradation, focusing on the two different quality control mechanisms ofS. cerevisiae andS. pombe.Abbreviations CPY carboxypeptidase Y - ER endoplasmic reticulum - LLO lipid-linked oligosaccharide - NLO protein-linked oligosaccharide - OTase oligosaccharyltransferase  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA; free form) is a naturally occurring physiological growth hormone of higher plants. A detailed study involving the time course growth of developing seed tissues associated with endogenous levels of free ABA were investigated using a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Seed filling in castor (Ricinuc communis L.) endosperm, embryo, and pod is marked with a rapid increase in fresh weight during the mid-developmental stages [21–42 days after pollination (DAP)], followed by a steady decline at the maturation stages (42–63 DAP) accompanied with a rapid lipid synthesis (in endosperm and embryo) during the same period, except for in pod. Endogenous ABA levels in endosperm (0.001–0.32 μg/g) and embryo (0.003–0.13 μg/g) followed a concurrent pattern with seed reserve filling, showing a rapid increase during the mid-developmental stages 21–42 DAP, whereas ABA levels in seed pod (0.2–22.9 μg/g) showed a different accumulation pattern with rapid increase and decline during the early-mid developmental stages, preceded by the maximal increase during the maturation stage (63 DAP). Together, our results provide evidence for the association of endogenous ABA in seed filling as well as in reserve deposition and provides clue for the effective usage of exogenous ABA concentrations in developing seeds with a focus, on improving seed reserve complex in castor.  相似文献   

Studies of the sub-cellular location of storage triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis in developing embryos of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) show that there is heterogeneity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with respect to the enzymes of lipid synthesis. The enzymes of TAG synthesis were detected in two membrane fractions (equilibrium densities 1.05 and 1.10 g· ml?1) isolated by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation of homogenates from developing rape embryos. The synthesis of TAG by the lowdensity membranes has not been reported previously and was found in this study because the sucrose density gradients began at only 10% (w/w) sucrose. The pattern of activity of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of TAG in the higher-density fraction closely matched the marker enzymes for the ER; lyso-phosphatidylcholine acyltransferase and cytidine diphosphate-choline:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase. The activity of the ER marker enzymes in the low-density membrane fraction, however, was very much lower when compared to those involved in the synthesis of TAG. Analysis of the lipids extracted from the low-density fraction revealed it contained about 50 mol% TAG compared with 15 mol% in the bulk ER, which may account for the low density of the membranes in this fraction. The possibility that the low-density membranes were the result of contamination of ER by oil bodies was ruled out by the use of oleosins as a marker for oil bodies. It is suggested that the low-density membranes are derived from a domain of the ER which is involved in the formation and secretion of TAG.  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Ricinus communis L. in northeastern China plants. We selected ten primers that produced clear, reproducible and multiple bands for these experiments and 179 bands were obtained across 39 genotypes. Polymorphic band ratios ranged from 100% to a minimum of 78.9% with an average of 96.4% while band numbers were comprised between 13 (UBC823) and 23 (UBC856). The results obtained from UPGMA clustering dendrogram and PCoA lead to 39 distinct castor bean accessions belonging to four major groups. We found that all groups shared a common node with 66% similarity while Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.58 to 0.92. Compatible inference was also observed from the high values of heterozygosity (Ht = 0.3378 ± 0.0218), Nei's genetic diversity (H = 0.1765 ± 0.2090), and Shannon's information index (I = 0.4942 ± 0.1872). In addition, our data reveal a Nei's genetic differentiation index (GST) of 0.3452 and estimated the gene flow (Nm) at 0.9482. These findings clearly suggest a genetic diversity in castor bean germplasms from various geographic origins and contribute to our understanding of breeding and conservation of castor beans.  相似文献   

Previous histochemical studies have demonstrated disparities in the binding of two lectins with a nominal specificity for terminal beta-D-galactose. Biochemical studies have shown that the most complementary structure for binding peanut agglutinin (PNA) is the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc, whereas the most complementary structure for binding Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA I) is the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc. However, it is not known if only these differences in affinity account for the different histochemical staining reactions observed on tissue sections. In the present study we compared the staining patterns of PNA and RCA I by inhibiting in situ the binding of each lectin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with increasing concentrations of unlabeled PNA or RCA I. The PNA-HRP conjugate did not stain most tissue sites suspected of containing an abundance of glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc. Moreover, unlabeled PNA failed to significantly inhibit strong RCA I-HRP staining in these sites. In loci thought to contain variable amounts of glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc, unlabeled RCA I decreased PNA-HRP reactivity only slightly or not at all, whereas weak to strong RCA I-HRP staining was diminished or abolished by unlabeled PNA. The results suggest that PNA staining is restricted to glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc. RCA I apparently reacts most strongly with glycoconjugates having the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc, but also stains sites containing a moderate to abundant amount of glycoconjugates with the terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc sequence.  相似文献   

A protocol for the transformation of castor embryo axes using the pCAMBIA vector 1304 in disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 is presented. Co-cultivated explants were initially subjected to expansion and proliferation on MS medium with 0.5 mg l–1 TDZ followed by three cycles of selection on medium with 0.5 mg l–1 BA and increasing concentrations of hygromycin (20–40–60 mg l–1). Selected shoot clusters were transferred to medium with 0.5 mg l–1 BA for proliferation and 0.2 mg l–1 BA for shoot elongation. Elongated shoots were rooted on half-strength MS medium with 2.0 mg l–1 NAA. The presence and stable integration of the hpt gene was confirmed through PCR, RT-PCR, PCR-Southern blot, sequence analysis, Southern blot analysis and PCR analysis of progeny. Southern blot analysis of the primary transformants showed single copy integration and progeny analysis revealed monogenic inheritance of the introduced gene. This paper reports the first successful attempt at producing transgenic castor.  相似文献   

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