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Six samples of tagged Colophospermum mopane were monitored for five years in locations with varying soil characteristics but with similar elephant densities. Physiognomic variation among the samples was related to soil differences, which also correlated with different browsing habits by elephants. The impact of elephant browsing further influenced both the physiognomy and demography of C. mopane. Results from this study suggest that the influence of soils and elephants on C. mopane alter successional transitions from grassland to woodland. Soils that promote coppicing of C. mopane yield less stable woodlands when associated with elephants than soils promoting woodlands with large bolus, non-coppicing trees. The dynamics of the latter are determined more by tree recruitment as influenced by such agents as other browsers or frequency and seasonality of bush fires. Implications for forest/elephant management are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the nutritional value of Colophospermum mopane to browser's diets, there is still insufficient knowledge on the effect of browsers on concentrations of these trace elements. A field experiment was conducted in Musina Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa, to determine the effect of pruning on the concentration of trace elements in mopane leaves. Samples were analysed for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), fluoride (F) and selenium (Se) using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry technique. The effect of pruning was tested using the two‐tailed t‐test: two‐sample assuming equal variance and two‐tailed Mann–Whitney U‐test. Results showed that the concentration of trace elements in the control and pruned trees varies slightly through the year. Fe, Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn and Se are higher during leaf flush, but declined as the leaves matured and aged. This study concluded that simulated browsing had no significant effect on the concentration of trace elements in the mopane leaves. Seasonal variation in the amount of trace elements has implications on the distribution of browsers in the mopane woodland.  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny of Colophospermum mopane (Kirk ex Benth.) Kirk ex J. Leonard, an apetalous member of the Crudia group with four sepals and a large number (20–25) of stamens, was studied as part of a larger project on reproductive biology of this much-utilized tree. The flowers have been described as being inserted in the axil of a bract, but lacking lateral bracteoles. Four outer, light cream or white 'sepals' are present. The first two sepals are initiated in a lateral position, where the bracteoles, if present, develop in other members of the Caesalpinioideae. The inner sepals arise simultaneously adaxially and abaxially. These four structures, conventionally regarded as sepals, enclose the bud. The outer two 'sepals' should be regarded as lateral bracteoles inserted at the apex of the pedicel. The inner structures represent the only two sepals. The large number of stamens arise on a large meristematic surface and different whorls were not observed. The filaments elongate within the bud and after anthesis become exposed outside the flowers. The filaments are of equal length and the large anthers form a suspended cluster. One carpel develops terminally and gives rise to an indehiscent one-seeded fruit.  相似文献   

Despite the nutritional value of Colophospermum mopane leaves to browser's diets, there is limited knowledge on the effect of browsers on the concentration of macronutrients in mopane leaves. A field experiment was conducted in Musina Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa to determine the effect of pruning, a proxy for browsing, on the concentration of macronutrients in mopane leaves. Samples were analysed for calcium (Ca), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulphur (S), chlorine (Cl), magnesium (Mg), nitrate (NO3), sodium (Na), protein and fibre, using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry techniques. The effect of pruning on the monthly concentration of macronutrients was tested using a two‐tailed t test: two‐sample assuming equal variance. The seasonal and annual effect of pruning on the concentration of macronutrients was tested using a one‐way ANOVA. Results showed that the amount of Ca, K, N, P, S, Cl, Na, protein and fibre increased during leaf flush in October and then declined as the leaves matured and aged. However, the concentration of Mg and NO3 increased when the leaves reached maturity in June, particularly during senescence stage, and declined thereafter. The concentration of macronutrients between the control and pruned trees was statistically insignificant for most samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mopane canopy cover on litter decomposition in a semi‐arid African savannah. We used a randomized block design with five blocks of 100 × 100 m demarcated in a 10‐ha pocket of open mopane woodland. Litterbags were placed beneath large (8.3 m crown diameter) and small mopane trees (2.7 m crown diameter) and in the intercanopy area. Decomposition was fastest in the intercanopy area exposed to solar radiation (k = 0.35 year?1), intermediate beneath small trees (k = 0.28 year?1) and slowest beneath large trees (k = 0.23 year?1). Soil temperatures beneath small and large trees were 3–5 and 6–9°C lower than in the intercanopy area, respectively. Bacterial and fungal counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intercanopy area. The amount of N and P released did not vary significantly among sampling sites. Soil moisture in the dry season was similar among sampling sites but rainy‐season soil moisture was significantly greater (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intecanopy area. Mopane canopy cover retarded litter decomposition suggesting that photodegradation could be an important factor controlling carbon turnover in semi‐arid African savannahs.  相似文献   

Mopane veld is of great value to the general ungulate spectrum in times of drought, and it is capable of retaining its dominance in a community even in the presence of extremely heavy browsing pressure imposed by large browsing mammals. Scrub mopane (hedges) has been regarded as resulting from excessive browsing pressure by large mammals, especially elephants. Both the nutrient and chemical composition of mopane twig bark were investigated, the seasonal results being related back to the seasonal utilization of branches by large mammals. Mopane twigs were most palatable in winter. Eland feed on mopane throughout the year irrespective of palatability. Elephants were rarely present in the scrub mopane area before the onset of spring rains, when the major mopane leaf flush occurs independently of rainfall. The impact of both species was not excessive and recruitment of mopane seedlings does occur. Herbivore browsing is responsible for a mopane morph which buds early and continues to produce accessible, nutritious leaves even when heavily browsed. Many browsing ungulates are reliant on this resource during the stressful transition from spring to summer in south-eastern Botswana.  相似文献   

The effects of available soil N and P and the effect of simulated browsing (leave removal) on foliar condensed tannin (CT) concentration were tested on young Colophospermum mopane (J. Kirk ex Benth) J. Leonard (Mopane) plants. Although clear differences in growth occurred between different levels of soil N, no differences in foliar CT concentration were found. Changes in available soil P and physical damage did not affect the plant growth or chemical composition. The complete absence of response of CT concentration to physical damage and soil nutrients may be related to the age of the trees in this study. It is proposed that existing theories on the interaction between soil properties and carbon based defences in trees are expanded, to include the potential responses of young trees to different soil nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Colophospermum mopane woodland covers large areas of dry lowland savanna in southeastern Africa. Dominant land usage is conservation (45%) with the remainder mostly modified by farming. Dung beetle responses to environment (dung type, habitat, weather) and land usage (conservation, farming, mining) were examined at Phalaborwa (23.9431°S 31.1411°E) in the Phalaborwa‐Timbavati Mopaneveld, South Africa. Partitioning of gamma species richness and diversity showed lower alpha values in mine areas than in farm and conserved areas. However, between‐land usage differences in species richness, alpha diversity, abundance and biomass, showed lower significance than those between dung type and different weather. At two sampling scales, three multivariate techniques variously separated assemblages according to land usage, dung type and weather. Analysis of 21 mean samples separated clusters according to dung type (Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA) or mine assemblages, conserved plus farm assemblages on pig plus elephant, or cattle dung (NMDS, Factor Analysis) with shared variance of >80% and unique variance of 16–18% per cluster. In analysis of 188 samples (CCA), each overlapping dung type cluster was offset in ordinal space with congruent patterns of separation according to land usage and weather (drier days distant from moister days; conserved plus farm areas distant from early succession mine areas, which were distant from disturbed and later succession mine areas). Mining, dung types, and moist conditions were the strongest contributors to between‐assemblage differences. Compared with conserved areas, dung beetle diversity is appreciably altered by mining but only slightly altered by intensive game farming or livestock ranching with subsistence agriculture.  相似文献   

蓝雨  席丽艳  张军民 《菌物学报》2019,38(8):1223-1229
随着近年来银屑病的发病率逐步增加,关于银屑病病因的研究更加深入。除了遗传、免疫和环境等相关因素,微生物与银屑病的关系也备受关注。关于真菌感染与银屑病的相关性研究始于19世纪,认为糠秕马拉色菌可能是银屑病的致病因子,与银屑病的发生发展密切相关。随后也有研究指出白念珠菌通过超抗原等作用诱发或加重银屑病。但银屑病患者依据自身IL-17增高的特点可以起到一定抵抗微生物感染的作用,因此真菌感染与银屑病的关系暂无定论。随着近年来关于两者之间关系的研究逐渐增多,真菌感染仍是银屑病患者不可忽视的诱发或加重因素之一。明确真菌感染在银屑病患者体内的作用有助于更好地研究银屑病的发病机制以及改善预后。  相似文献   

A.M. Madsen 《Aerobiologia》2003,19(2):97-105
Inhalation of airborne fungal spores or fungalenzymes may cause adverse pulmonary healtheffects. The enzyme NAGase(N-acetyl--D-glucosaminidase) is achitinase presumed to be secreted by all fungi. In this study, NAGase activities andconcentrations of fungi are estimated inairborne biomass dust to acquire knowledgeabout the level of NAGase activity and therelationship between NAGase activity andconcentrations of airborne fungal spores.NAGase was sampled on both teflon andpolycarbonate filters, and polycarbonatefilters proved to be better for extraction ofNAGase than teflon filters. NAGase was foundin airborne dust at a biofuel plant and in dustgenerated from biomass. At a biofuel plant, themedian level of exposure to NAGase was 21 pmols–1 m–3. Significant correlationswere found between NAGase activities, totalnumber of fungal spores and CFU of fungi, withthe highest degree of correlation being betweenthe total number of fungal spores and theNAGase activity (r = 0.802, n = 76). Furthermore,when dust was stored for different periods, theculturability of fungal spores was stronglyreduced and the NAGase activity was not or onlyslightly reduced after up to 40 days ofstorage. Accordingly, NAGase activity may beused as a rapid method to get an estimate ofthe exposure level to airborne fungal spores.Whether pure NAGase or the NAGaseconcentrations observed here cause any healtheffects is not known, although it has beenshown that other fungal enzymes can causerespiratory disorders and a chitinase isdescribed as an allergen.  相似文献   

In this study, the biodiversity of thermophilous fungi in two different commercial composts was investigated using culture-based methods, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and tag-encoded pyrosequencing. 454 pyrosequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region recovered a total of 175 OTUs between the two composts. The Ascomycota was the dominant phylum in both composts (90 % of all sequences recovered) with the thermophilic-rich orders Sordariales and Eurotiales being the most numerous. Molecular studies demonstrated the frequent presence of several thermophilic (Scytalidium thermophilum, Myriococcum thermophilum) and thermotolerant (Pseudallescheria boydii, Corynascus verrucosus and Coprinopsis sp.) fungi in the composts, despite the absence of these species from the culture-based analysis. Conversely, Aspergillus fumigatus and Mycocladus corymbifer, which were the dominant species in cultivation analyses, had very low representation in molecular studies. The results show that the previous picture of the dominant thermophilous fungi in compost communities derived from culture-based analysis has been biased, and that composting environments represent a potentially rich resource of novel fungi.  相似文献   

The effects of preservation regime on secondary metabolite production in two genera of economically important fungi, Metarhizium anisopliae and Fusarium oxysporum, was assessed using thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography over a 2-year testing period. Five preservation regimes, commonly used in microbial culture collections throughout the world were investigated: continual sub-culture, lyophilization, storage of mycelial plugs in water, storage at –20 °C and cryopreservation with liquid nitrogen. Preservation regime influenced secondary metabolite production in the test fungi. Changes in secondary metabolite profiles occurred after relatively short storage periods in most strains, irrespective of the preservation treatment used. Although no preservation treatment can be guaranteed to provide total stability of secondary metabolite production, cryopreservation was the best of the methods tested. Response to preservation and storage also differed between strains of the same species. Therefore, there is a need to develop new and existing preservation criteria with an emphasis on strain-specific criteria in order to reduce the prospects of instability in secondary metabolite production.  相似文献   

There is little research investigating relationships between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and athletic performance in female athletes. This study analyzed the relationships between FMS (deep squat; hurdle step [HS]; in-line lunge [ILL]; shoulder mobility; active straight-leg raise [ASLR]; trunk stability push-up; rotary stability) scores, and performance tests (bilateral and unilateral sit-and-reach [flexibility]; 20-m sprint [linear speed]; 505 with turns from each leg; modified T-test with movement to left and right [change-of-direction speed]; bilateral and unilateral vertical and standing broad jumps; lateral jumps [leg power]). Nine healthy female recreational team sport athletes (age = 22.67 ± 5.12 years; height = 1.66 ± 0.05 m; body mass = 64.22 ± 4.44 kilograms) were screened in the FMS and completed the afore-mentioned tests. Percentage between-leg differences in unilateral sit-and-reach, 505 turns and the jumps, and difference between the T-test conditions, were also calculated. Spearman''s correlations (p ≤ 0.05) examined relationships between the FMS and performance tests. Stepwise multiple regressions (p ≤ 0.05) were conducted for the performance tests to determine FMS predictors. Unilateral sit-and-reach positive correlated with the left-leg ASLR (r = 0.704-0.725). However, higher-scoring HS, ILL, and ASLR related to poorer 505 and T-test performance (r = 0.722-0.829). A higher-scored left-leg ASLR related to a poorer unilateral vertical and standing broad jump, which were the only significant relationships for jump performance. Predictive data tended to confirm the correlations. The results suggest limitations in using the FMS to identify movement deficiencies that could negatively impact athletic performance in female team sport athletes.  相似文献   

Many previous studies of relationships between weather and suicides have been inconclusive and contradictory. This study investigated the relationship between suicide frequency and meteorological conditions in people who are psychologically predisposed to commit suicide. Linear regressions of diurnal temperature change, departure of temperature from the climatic norm, mean daytime sky cover, and the number of hours of precipitation for each day were performed on daily suicide totals using standard computer methods. Statistical analyses of suicide data for days with and without frontal passages were also performed. Days with five or more suicides (clusterdays) were isolated, and their weather parameters compared with those of nonclusterdays. Results show that neither suicide totals nor clusterday occurrence can be predicted using these meteorological parameters, since statistically significant relationships were not found. Although the data hinted that frontal passages and large daily temperature changes may occur on days with above average suicide totals, it was concluded that the influence of the weather parameters used, on the suicide rate, is a minor one, if indeed one exists.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply reaction-diffusion models to explore the relationship between the rate of behavioural innovation and the level of cultural diversity. We investigate how both independent invention and the modification and refinement of established innovations impact on cultural dynamics and diversity. Further, we analyse these relationships in the presence of biases in cultural learning and find that the introduction of new variants typically increases cultural diversity substantially in the short term, but may decrease long-term diversity. Independent invention generally supports higher levels of cultural diversity than refinement. Repeated patterns of innovation through refinement generate characteristic oscillating trends in diversity, with increasing trends towards greater average diversity observed for medium but not low innovation rates. Conformity weakens the relationship between innovation and diversity. The level of cultural diversity, and pattern of temporal dynamics, potentially provide clues as to the underlying process, which can be used to interpret empirical data.  相似文献   

Aims To determine the relationship between satellite‐derived land cover data and distribution patterns of water beetle species pools. Location A total of 687 British national grid 10 km squares in Scotland and 588 1 km grid squares in 99 10 km grid squares in northeast England. Methods Multivariate classification and constrained ordination analyses were used with water beetle species and land cover data. Results The major variation in both the Scotland and northeast England 10 km species pools was from squares with upland acid water habitats to squares with lowland fens and ponds whilst for the 1 km northeast England data it was from squares dominated by fast‐flowing streams and rivers to those with fens and ponds. The secondary variations in the 10 and 1 km analyses were the primary ones juxtaposed. Constrained ordination of the Scottish 10 km data showed upland land cover types to be most influential in determining species pool distribution whilst lowland covers were more important with both the 10 and 1 km northeast England pools. The three analyses showed that coastal cover had a relatively high influence on species pool distribution but no species pool group was dominated by coastal species. Main conclusions There were strong relationships between water beetle species pool distributions and the satellite‐derived land cover types dominating upland and lowland areas. The major variation in the northeast England species pool data differed at the two scales analysed. Results indicated that there is considerable potential for the synthesis of water beetle distribution and land cover data for use in environmental and conservation monitoring at both the regional and national scales.  相似文献   

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