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Telomere-independent cellular senescence in human fetal cardiomyocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ball AJ  Levine F 《Aging cell》2005,4(1):21-30

How much do we know about the biology of aging from cell culture studies? Most normal somatic cells have a finite potential to divide due to a process termed cellular or replicative senescence. A growing body of evidence suggests that senescence evolved to protect higher eukaryotes, particularly mammals, from developing cancer. We now know that telomere shortening, due to the biochemistry of DNA replication, induces replicative senescence in human cells. However, in rodent cells, replicative senescence occurs despite very long telomeres. Recent findings suggest that replicative senescence is just the tip of the iceberg of a more general process termed cellular senescence. It appears that cellular senescence is a response to potentially oncogenic insults, including oxidative damage. In young organisms, growth arrest by cell senescence suppresses tumor development, but later in life, due to the accumulation of senescent cells which secret factors that can disrupt tissues during aging, cellular senescence promotes tumorigenesis. Therefore, antagonistic pleiotropy may explain in part, if not in whole, the apparently paradoxical effects of cellular senescence, though this still remains an open question.  相似文献   

端粒、端粒酶与细胞衰老   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
端粒和端粒酶是现代生物学研究的热点,端粒的缺失与细胞的衰老,端粒酶的活性与细胞的老化及癌化均有密切的关系。章综述了端粒和端粒酶的结构和功能,及其与细胞衰老的关系,并在此基础之上展望了端粒酶在抗衰老、抑制肿瘤等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Cellular senescence limits the replicative capacity of normal cells and acts as an intrinsic barrier that protects against the development of cancer. Telomere shortening–induced replicative senescence is dependent on the ATM‐p53‐p21 pathway but additional genes likely contribute to senescence. Here, we show that the p53‐responsive gene BTG2 plays an essential role in replicative senescence. Similar to p53 and p21 depletion, BTG2 depletion in human fibroblasts leads to an extension of cellular lifespan, and ectopic BTG2 induces senescence independently of p53. The anti‐proliferative function of BTG2 during senescence involves its stabilization in response to telomere dysfunction followed by serum‐dependent binding and relocalization of the cell cycle regulator prolyl isomerase Pin1. Pin1 inhibition leads to senescence in late‐passage cells, and ectopic Pin1 expression rescues cells from BTG2‐induced senescence. The neutralization of Pin1 by BTG2 provides a critical mechanism to maintain senescent arrest in the presence of mitogenic signals in normal primary fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Replicative senescence is accompanied by a telomere-specific DNA damage response (DDR). We found that DDR+ telomeres occur spontaneously in early-passage normal human cells and increase in number with increasing cumulative cell divisions. DDR+ telomeres at replicative senescence retain TRF2 and RAP1 proteins, are not associated with end-to-end fusions and mostly result from strand-independent, postreplicative dysfunction. On the basis of the calculated number of DDR+ telomeres in G1-phase cells just before senescence and after bypassing senescence by inactivation of wild-type p53 function, we conclude that the accrual of five telomeres in G1 that are DDR+ but nonfusogenic is associated with p53-dependent senescence.  相似文献   

The role of ambient (21%) and physiological oxygen (2-5%) in the immortalization of fetal vs. adult human lung fibroblasts was examined. Growth in low oxygen and antioxidants extended the lifespan of both fetal and adult strains. As the ectopic expression of telomerase could immortalize adult lung fibroblasts cultured in ambient oxygen, the lifespan-shortening effects of 21% oxygen must have been largely limited to telomeres. By contrast, fetal lung fibroblasts could not be immortalized in ambient oxygen in spite of telomere elongation by telomerase, suggesting more widespread oxidative damage. The long-term culture requirements for the immortalization of WI-38 fetal lung fibroblasts included supplementation with N-(tert) butyl hydroxylamine, dexamethasone, zinc and vitamin B12, in addition to growth in physiological oxygen. The mechanisms regulating telomere shortening remain controversial. The present results suggest that both end-replication and oxidative damage events contribute to telomere shortening in lung fibroblasts in vitro. These observations emphasize the need for better analytical techniques to distinguish whether the correlation of short telomeres with disease and mortality in humans reflects the consequences of increased proliferation, telomere shortening as a result of oxidative damage or some combination of these processes.  相似文献   

Cultured human myoblasts fail to immortalize following the introduction of telomerase. The availability of an immortalization protocol for normal human myoblasts would allow one to isolate cellular models from various neuromuscular diseases, thus opening the possibility to develop and test novel therapeutic strategies. The parameters limiting the efficacy of myoblast transfer therapy (MTT) could be assessed in such models. Finally, the presence of an unlimited number of cell divisions, and thus the ability to clone cells after experimental manipulations, reduces the risks of insertional mutagenesis by many orders of magnitude. This opportunity for genetic modification provides an approach for creating a universal donor that has been altered to be more therapeutically useful than its normal counterpart. It can be engineered to function under conditions of chronic damage (which are very different than the massive regeneration conditions that recapitulate normal development), and to overcome the biological problems such as cell death and failure to proliferate and migrate that limit current MTT strategies. We describe here the production and characterization of a human myogenic cell line, LHCN-M2, that has overcome replicative aging due to the expression of telomerase and cyclin-dependent kinase 4. We demonstrate that it functions as well as young myoblasts in xenotransplant experiments in immunocompromized mice under conditions of regeneration following muscle damage.  相似文献   

We attempted to identify the genes involved in cellularsenescence, telomere maintenance and telomerase regulationthrough subtractive screening of cDNA libraries prepared froma human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 and its sublinesnamed A5DC7, CK and AST-9. Cell phenotypes of A5DC7, CK andAST-9 are normal cell-like, cancer cell-like and intermediate,respectively. These cell lines have different phenotypes interms of telomerase activity and telomere maintenance, andthus are thought to be useful for identifying the genesinvolved in cellular senescence and telomerase regulation. In this study, we identified 86 independent cDNA clones bysubtractive screening. Among these cDNA clones, subtractingA5DC7 cDNAs from A549 cDNAs and CK cDNAs gave 7 and 3 cDNAclones which highly and specifically expressed in tester celllines. Genes corresponding to these 10 cDNA clones mightparticipate in maintaining cancer-cell phenotypes. As aresult of database searching, each four of A549 specific cDNAclones are found to correspond to known cDNAs. Each two ofA549 specific and two of CK specific cDNA clones have highhomology to independent ESTs. Sequences having homology toeach one of A549 specific and one of CK specific cDNA cloneshave not been deposited in the Genbank database, indicatingthat these two cDNA clones are part of novel genes. Weanticipate that their involvement in telomerase regulationand/or senescence program can be clarified by functionalanalysis using each full-length cDNA.  相似文献   

Senescence is thought to be triggered by DNA damage, usually indirectly assessed as activation of the DNA damage response (DDR), but direct surveys of genetic damage are lacking. Here, we mitotically reactivate senescent human fibroblasts to evaluate their cytogenetic damage. We show that replicative senescence is generally characterized by telomeric fusions. However, both telomeric and extratelomeric aberrations are prevented by hTERT, indicating that even non‐telomeric damage descends from the lack of telomerase. Compared with replicative senescent cells, oncogene‐induced senescent fibroblasts display significantly higher levels of DNA damage, depicting how oncogene activation can catalyze the generation of further, potentially tumorigenic, genetic damage.  相似文献   

Putting the stress on senescence   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Cultivation of primary cells over many generations eventually results in a reproducible loss of proliferative potential that has been termed 'replicative senescence'. Recent work has revealed the heterogeneity of senescence. Importantly, the analysis of the various aspects and types of senescence has turned out to be very informative about numerous in vivo processes, and particularly about carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Progressive telomere shortening from cell division (replicative aging) provides a barrier for human tumor progression. This program is not conserved in laboratory mice, which have longer telomeres and constitutive telomerase. Wild species that do/do not use replicative aging have been reported, but the evolution of different phenotypes and a conceptual framework for understanding their uses of telomeres is lacking. We examined telomeres/telomerase in cultured cells from > 60 mammalian species to place different uses of telomeres in a broad mammalian context. Phylogeny‐based statistical analysis reconstructed ancestral states. Our analysis suggested that the ancestral mammalian phenotype included short telomeres (< 20 kb, as we now see in humans) and repressed telomerase. We argue that the repressed telomerase was a response to a higher mutation load brought on by the evolution of homeothermy. With telomerase repressed, we then see the evolution of replicative aging. Telomere length inversely correlated with lifespan, while telomerase expression co‐evolved with body size. Multiple independent times smaller, shorter‐lived species changed to having longer telomeres and expressing telomerase. Trade‐offs involving reducing the energetic/cellular costs of specific oxidative protection mechanisms (needed to protect < 20 kb telomeres in the absence of telomerase) could explain this abandonment of replicative aging. These observations provide a conceptual framework for understanding different uses of telomeres in mammals, support a role for human‐like telomeres in allowing longer lifespans to evolve, demonstrate the need to include telomere length in the analysis of comparative studies of oxidative protection in the biology of aging, and identify which mammals can be used as appropriate model organisms for the study of the role of telomeres in human cancer and aging.  相似文献   

Most human tissues express low levels of telomerase and undergo telomere shortening and eventual senescence; the resulting limitation on tissue renewal can lead to a wide range of age‐dependent pathophysiologies. Increasing evidence indicates that the decline in cell division capacity in cells that lack telomerase can be influenced by numerous genetic factors. Here, we use telomerase‐defective strains of budding yeast to probe whether replicative senescence can be attenuated or accelerated by defects in factors previously implicated in handling of DNA termini. We show that the MRX (Mre11‐Rad50‐Xrs2) complex, as well as negative (Rif2) and positive (Tel1) regulators of this complex, comprise a single pathway that promotes replicative senescence, in a manner that recapitulates how these proteins modulate resection of DNA ends. In contrast, the Rad51 recombinase, which acts downstream of the MRX complex in double‐strand break (DSB) repair, regulates replicative senescence through a separate pathway operating in opposition to the MRX‐Tel1‐Rif2 pathway. Moreover, defects in several additional proteins implicated in DSB repair (Rif1 and Sae2) confer only transient effects during early or late stages of replicative senescence, respectively, further suggesting that a simple analogy between DSBs and eroding telomeres is incomplete. These results indicate that the replicative capacity of telomerase‐defective yeast is controlled by a network comprised of multiple pathways. It is likely that telomere shortening in telomerase‐depleted human cells is similarly under a complex pattern of genetic control; mechanistic understanding of this process should provide crucial information regarding how human tissues age in response to telomere erosion.  相似文献   

Maejima Y  Adachi S  Ito H  Hirao K  Isobe M 《Aging cell》2008,7(2):125-136
Cellular senescence is an important phenomenon in decreased cellular function. Recently, it was shown that cellular senescence is induced in proliferating cells within a short period of time by oxidative stresses. This phenomenon is known as premature senescence. However, it is still unknown whether premature senescence can be also induced in cardiomyocytes. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a senescence-like phenotype can be induced in cardiomyocytes by oxidative stress. In cardiomyocytes obtained from aged rats (24 months of age), the staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase increased significantly and the protein or RNA levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors increased compared to those of young rats. Decreased cardiac troponin I phosphorylation and telomerase activity were also observed in aged cardiomyocytes. Treatment of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with a low concentration of doxorubicin (DOX) (10(-7) mol L(-1)) did not induce apoptosis but did induce oxidative stress, which was confirmed by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate staining. In DOX-treated neonatal cardiomyocytes, increased positive staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase, cdk-I expression, decreased cardiac troponin I phosphorylation, and decreased telomerase activity were observed, as aged cardiomyocytes. Alterations in mRNA expression typically seen in aged cells were observed in DOX-treated neonatal cardiomyocytes. We also found that promyelocytic leukemia protein and acetylated p53, key proteins involved in stress-induced premature senescence in proliferating cells, were associated with cellular alterations of senescence in DOX-treated cardiomyocytes. In conclusion, cardiomyocytes treated with DOX showed characteristic changes similar to cardiomyocytes of aged rats. promyelocytic leukemia-related p53 acetylation may be an underlying mechanism of senescence-like alterations in cardiomyocytes. These findings indicate a novel mechanism of myocardial dysfunction induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Cellular lifespan and senescence signaling in embryonic stem cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Miura T  Mattson MP  Rao MS 《Aging cell》2004,3(6):333-343
Most mammalian cells when placed in culture will undergo a limited number of cell divisions before entering an unresponsive non-proliferating state termed senescence. However, several pathways that are activated singly or in concert can allow cells to bypass senescence at least for limited periods. These include the telomerase pathway required to maintain telomere ends, the p53 and Rb pathways required to direct senescence in response to DNA damage, telomere shortening and mitogenic signals, and the insulin-like growth factor--Akt pathway that may regulate lifespan and cell proliferation. In this review, we summarize recent findings related to these pathways in embryonic stem (ES) cells and suggest that ES cells are immortal because these pathways are tightly regulated.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (TRX) is a ubiquitous multifunctional thiol protein that is critically involved in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Levels of thioredoxin-1 (TRX1), the major isoform of TRX, have been shown to correlate with organismal lifespan and age-associated tissue deterioration. Accordingly, we investigated the direct functional effects of suppressing TRX1 levels on cellular senescence, a phenomenon intimately linked with tissue degeneration and aging. Here we find that suppression of TRX1 expression via shRNA rapidly induces premature senescence in young human skin fibroblasts through upregulation of the p53/p21Cip1/Waf1 and p16INK4a tumor suppressor pathways. Moreover, inhibition of these pathways by introduction of SV40 Large T Antigen prevents TRX1 suppression-induced premature senescence but not susceptibility to oxidative stressors. Thus our results suggest that TRX1 has a role in suppressing senescence in normal cells in addition to its function as a redox-protective protein.  相似文献   

The p16(INK4a)-Rb tumour suppressor pathway is required for the initiation and maintenance of cellular senescence, a state of permanent growth arrest that acts as a natural barrier against cancer progression. Senescence can be overcome if the pathway is not fully engaged, and this may occur when p16(INK4a) is inactivated. p16(INK4a) is frequently altered in human cancer and germline mutations affecting p16(INK4a) have been linked to melanoma susceptibility. To characterize the functions of melanoma-associated p16(INK4a) mutations, in terms of promoting proliferative arrest and initiating senescence, we utilized an inducible expression system in a melanoma cell model. We show that wild-type p16(INK4a) promotes rapid cell cycle arrest that leads to a senescence programme characterized by the appearance of chromatin foci, activation of acidic beta-galactosidase activity, p53 independence and Rb dependence. Accumulation of wild-type p16(INK4a) also promoted cell enlargement and extensive vacuolization independent of Rb status. In contrast, the highly penetrant p16(INK4a) variants, R24P and A36P failed to arrest cell proliferation and did not initiate senescence. We also show that overexpression of CDK4, or its homologue CDK6, but not the downstream kinase, CDK2, inhibited the ability of wild-type p16(INK4a) to promote cell cycle arrest and senescence. Our data provide the first evidence that p16(INK4a) can initiate a CDK4/6-dependent autonomous senescence programme that is disabled by inherited melanoma-associated mutations.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence has been implicated in normal aging, tissue homeostasis, and tumor suppression. Although p53 has been shown to be a central mediator of cellular senescence, the signaling pathway by which it induces senescence remains incompletely understood. In this study, we have shown that both Akt and p21 are required to induce cellular senescence in response to p53 expression. In a p53‐induced senescence model, we found that Akt activation was essential for inducing a cellular senescence phenotype. Surprisingly, Akt inhibition did not abolish p53‐induced cell cycle arrest, but it suppressed the increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. The results of the cell cycle and morphological analysis suggest that p53 induced quiescence, not senescence, following Akt inhibition. Conversely, the inhibition of p21 induction abolished cell cycle arrest but did not affect the p53‐induced increase in ROS levels. Additionally, p21 and Akt separately controlled cell cycle arrest and ROS levels, respectively, during H‐Ras‐induced senescence in human normal fibroblasts. The mechanistic analysis revealed that Akt increased ROS levels through NOX4 induction, and increased Akt‐dependent NF‐κB binding to the NOX4 promoter is responsible for NOX4 induction upon p53 expression. We further showed that Akt activation upon p53 expression is mediated by mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2. In addition, p53‐mediated IL6 and IL8 induction was abrogated by Akt inhibition, suggesting that Akt activation is also required for the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype. Collectively, these results suggest that p53 simultaneously controls multiple pathways to induce cellular senescence through p21 and Akt.  相似文献   

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