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Gene flow can inhibit evolutionary divergence by eroding genetic differences between populations. A current aim in speciation research is to identify conditions in which selection overcomes this process. We focused on a state of limited differentiation, asking whether selection enables divergence with gene flow in a set of Habronattus americanus jumping spider populations that exhibit three distinct male sexual display morphs. We found that each population is at high frequency or fixed for a single morph. These strong phenotypic differences contrast with low divergence at 210 AFLP markers, suggesting selection has driven or maintains morph divergence. Coinciding patterns of isolation by distance and ‘isolation by phenotype’ (i.e. increased genetic divergence among phenotypically contrasting populations) across the study area support several alternative demographic hypotheses for display divergence, each of which entails gene flow. Display‐associated structure appears broadly distributed across the genome and the markers producing this pattern do not stand out from background levels of differentiation. Overall, the results suggest selection can promote stark sexual display divergence in the face of gene flow among closely related populations.  相似文献   

1. The causes of distribution patterns of stygobionts (obligate subterranean-dwelling aquatic species) were examined with special emphasis on vicariance and dispersal.
2. Dispersal was investigated on the premise that if migration is important, then migration at small scales should predict patterns at larger scales. Data on the copepod fauna of epikarst in Slovenia were especially useful for the study of migration, because data on habitat occupancy could be collected at scales of individual drips located metres apart to the scale of individual caves to entire karst regions. Occupancy of drips in one cave was a remarkably good predictor of occupancy of caves in a region, although not of the overall range of a given species. These results were also supported by occupancy patterns of the general stygobiotic fauna of West Virginia caves, compared at different scales.
3. Vicariance was investigated by noting that proximity to marine embayments increases the likelihood of vicariant speciation. In the U.S.A., only the fauna of the Edwards Aquifer of Texas has a significant component of marine-derived species. Differences in shape of the relationship between species number and number of caves in a county indicated that the marine-derived component represented an addition to rather than a replacement of the other stygobiotic species.
4. Thus, we found evidence for the importance of both vicariance and dispersal. The techniques employed could be used to study these patterns more generally, as more data become available.  相似文献   

Widespread fish clades that occur mainly or exclusively in fresh water represent a key target of biogeographical investigation due to limited potential for crossing marine barriers. Timescales for the origin and diversification of these groups are crucial tests of vicariant scenarios in which continental break‐ups shaped modern geographic distributions. Evolutionary chronologies are commonly estimated through node‐based palaeontological calibration of molecular phylogenies, but this approach ignores most of the temporal information encoded in the known fossil record of a given taxon. Here, we review the fossil record of freshwater fish clades with a distribution encompassing disjunct landmasses in the southern hemisphere. Palaeontologically derived temporal and geographic data were used to infer the plausible biogeographic processes that shaped the distribution of these clades. For seven extant clades with a relatively well‐known fossil record, we used the stratigraphic distribution of their fossils to estimate confidence intervals on their times of origin. To do this, we employed a Bayesian framework that considers non‐uniform preservation potential of freshwater fish fossils through time, as well as uncertainty in the absolute age of fossil horizons. We provide the following estimates for the origin times of these clades: Lepidosireniformes [125–95 million years ago (Ma)]; total‐group Osteoglossomorpha (207–167 Ma); Characiformes (120–95 Ma; a younger estimate of 97–75 Ma when controversial Cenomanian fossils are excluded); Galaxiidae (235–21 Ma); Cyprinodontiformes (80–67 Ma); Channidae (79–43 Ma); Percichthyidae (127–69 Ma). These dates are mostly congruent with published molecular timetree estimates, despite the use of semi‐independent data. Our reassessment of the biogeographic history of southern hemisphere freshwater fishes shows that long‐distance dispersals and regional extinctions can confound and erode pre‐existing vicariance‐driven patterns. It is probable that disjunct distributions in many extant groups result from complex biogeographic processes that took place during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Although long‐distance dispersals likely shaped the distributions of several freshwater fish clades, their exact mechanisms and their impact on broader macroevolutionary and ecological dynamics are still unclear and require further investigation.  相似文献   

Molecular methods as applied to the biogeography of single species (phylogeography) or multiple codistributed species (comparative phylogeography) have been productively and extensively used to elucidate common historical features in the diversification of the Earth's biota. However, only recently have methods for estimating population divergence times or their confidence limits while taking into account the critical effects of genetic polymorphism in ancestral species become available, and earlier methods for doing so are underutilized. We review models that address the crucial distinction between the gene divergence, the parameter that is typically recovered in molecular phylogeographic studies, and the population divergence, which is in most cases the parameter of interest and will almost always postdate the gene divergence. Assuming that population sizes of ancestral species are distributed similarly to those of extant species, we show that phylogeographic studies in vertebrates suggest that divergence of alleles in ancestral species can comprise from less than 10% to over 50% of the total divergence between sister species, suggesting that the problem of ancestral polymorphism in dating population divergence can be substantial. The variance in the number of substitutions (among loci for a given species or among species for a given gene) resulting from the stochastic nature of DNA change is generally smaller than the variance due to substitutions along allelic lines whose coalescence times vary due to genetic drift in the ancestral population. Whereas the former variance can be reduced by further DNA sequencing at a single locus, the latter cannot. Contrary to phylogeographic intuition, dating population divergence times when allelic lines have achieved reciprocal monophyly is in some ways more challenging than when allelic lines have not achieved monophyly, because in the former case critical data on ancestral population size provided by residual ancestral polymorphism is lost. In the former case differences in coalescence time between species pairs can in principle be explained entirely by differences in ancestral population size without resorting to explanations involving differences in divergence time. Furthermore, the confidence limits on population divergence times are severely underestimated when those for number of substitutions per site in the DNA sequences examined are used as a proxy. This uncertainty highlights the importance of multilocus data in estimating population divergence times; multilocus data can in principle distinguish differences in coalescence time (T) resulting from differences in population divergence time and differences in T due to differences in ancestral population sizes and will reduce the confidence limits on the estimates. We analyze the contribution of ancestral population size (theta) to T and the effect of uncertainty in theta on estimates of population divergence (tau) for single loci under reciprocal monophyly using a simple Bayesian extension of Takahata and Satta's and Yang's recent coalescent methods. The confidence limits on tau decrease when the range over which ancestral population size theta is assumed to be distributed decreases and when tau increases; they generally exclude zero when tau/(4Ne) > 1. We also apply a maximum-likelihood method to several single and multilocus data sets. With multilocus data, the criterion for excluding tau = 0 is roughly that l tau/(4Ne) > 1, where l is the number of loci. Our analyses corroborate recent suggestions that increasing the number of loci is critical to decreasing the uncertainty in estimates of population divergence time.  相似文献   

Adaptive diversification is driven by selection in ecologically different environments. In absence of geographical barriers to dispersal, this adaptive divergence (AD) may be constrained by gene flow (GF). And yet the reverse may also be true, with AD constraining GF (i.e. 'ecological speciation'). Both of these causal effects have frequently been inferred from the presence of negative correlations between AD and GF in nature - yet the bi-directional causality warrants caution in such inferences. We discuss how the ability of correlative studies to infer causation might be improved through the simultaneous measurement of multiple ecological and evolutionary variables. On the one hand, inferences about the causal role of GF can be made by examining correlations between AD and the potential for dispersal. On the other hand, inferences about the causal role of AD can be made by examining correlations between GF and environmental differences. Experimental manipulations of dispersal and environmental differences are a particularly promising approach for inferring causation. At present, the best studies find strong evidence that GF constrains AD and some studies also find the reverse. Improvements in empirical approaches promise to eventually allow general inferences about the relative strength of different causal interactions during adaptive diversification.  相似文献   

This study investigated the biogeography and genetic variation in the antitropically distributed Micromesistius genus. A 579 bp fragment of the mitochondrial coI gene was analysed in 279 individuals of Micromesistius poutassou and 163 of Micromesistius australis. The time since divergence was estimated to be c. 2 million years before present (Mb.p.) with an externally derived clock rate by Bayesian methods. Congruent estimates were obtained with an additional data set of cytochrome b sequences derived from GenBank utilizing a different clock rate. The divergence time of 2 Mb.p. was in disagreement with fossil findings in New Zealand and previous hypotheses which suggested the divergence to be much older. It, therefore, appears likely that Micromesistius has penetrated into the southern hemisphere at least two times. Paleoceanographic records indicate that conditions that would increase the likelihood for transequatorial dispersals were evident c. 2-1·6 Mb.p.. Haplotype frequency differences, along with pairwise F(ST) values, indicated that Mediterranean M. poutassou is a genetically isolated population.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, variation in life history traits among populations is common and suggests local adaptation. However, geographic variation itself is not a proof for local adaptation, as genetic drift and gene flow may also shape patterns of quantitative variation. We studied local and regional variation in means and phenotypic plasticity of larval life history traits in the common frog Rana temporaria using six populations from central Sweden, breeding in either open‐canopy or partially closed‐canopy ponds. To separate local adaptation from genetic drift, we compared differentiation in quantitative genetic traits (QST) obtained from a common garden experiment with differentiation in presumably neutral microsatellite markers (FST). We found that R. temporaria populations differ in means and plasticities of life history traits in different temperatures at local, and in FST at regional scale. Comparisons of differentiation in quantitative traits and in molecular markers suggested that natural selection was responsible for the divergence in growth and development rates as well as in temperature‐induced plasticity, indicating local adaptation. However, at low temperature, the role of genetic drift could not be separated from selection. Phenotypes were correlated with forest canopy closure, but not with geographical or genetic distance. These results indicate that local adaptation can evolve in the presence of ongoing gene flow among the populations, and that natural selection is strong in this system.  相似文献   

The genus Caragana Fabr., consisting of approximately 70 species, has a temperate Asian distribution and occurs mainly in the drought and cold regions of the northwestern and southwestern Tibetan Plateau of China. The distribution pattern of the genus was investigated using dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA), The results indicate that vicariance versus dispersal plays a major role in the evolution of the genus and that short-distance dispersal also exists. There is no fossil record of this genus. Therefore, Caragana is inferred as an advanced taxon in terms of its limited temperate Asian distribution. Based on the morphological variation and ecological adaptation in Caragana, the generic speciation is postulated to be related to the uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau and to the increasing arid conditions of Central Asian lands since the Neogene. The Mongolian Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau are hypothesized as the barriers of vicariance between East Asia and western Central Asia.  相似文献   

The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, is a large, cosmopolitan, coastal species. Females are thought to show philopatry to nursery grounds while males potentially migrate long distances, creating an opportunity for male‐mediated gene flow that may lead to discordance in patterns revealed by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. While this dynamic has been investigated in elasmobranchs over small spatial scales, it has not been examined at a global level. We examined patterns of historical phylogeography and contemporary gene flow by genotyping 329 individuals from nine locations throughout the species’ range at eight nuclear microsatellite markers and sequencing the complete mtDNA control region. Pairwise comparisons often resulted in fixation indices and divergence estimates of greater magnitude using mtDNA sequence data than microsatellite data. In addition, multiple methods of estimation suggested fewer populations based on microsatellite loci than on mtDNA sequence data. Coalescent analyses suggest divergence and restricted migration among Hawaii, Taiwan, eastern and western Australia using mtDNA sequence data and no divergence and high migration rates, between Taiwan and both Australian sites using microsatellite data. Evidence of secondary contact was detected between several localities and appears to be discreet in time rather than continuous. Collectively, these data suggest complex spatial/temporal relationships between shark populations that may feature pulses of female dispersal and more continuous male‐mediated gene flow.  相似文献   

We analysed the phylogenetic relationships of ten of the 13 known species of the genus Apomys using DNA sequences from cytochrome b . Apomys, endemic to oceanic portions of the Philippine archipelago, diversified during the Pliocene as these oceanic islands arose de novo . Several of the speciation events probably took place on Luzon or Mindanao, the two largest, oldest, and most topographically complex islands. Only one speciation event is associated with vicariance due to Pleistocene sea-level fluctuation, and a Pleistocene diversification model in which isolation is driven by sea-level changes is inconsistent with the data. Tectonic vicariance is nearly absent from the Philippines, in which tectonic coalescence plays a significant role. Most speciation events (about two-thirds) are associated with dispersal to newly developed oceanic islands. The data imply that the species have persisted for long periods, measured in millions of years after their origins; further implications therefore are that faunal turnover is very slow, and persistence over geological time spans is more prominent than repeated colonization and extinction. Neither the equilibrium nor the vicariance model of biogeography adequately encompasses these results; a model incorporating colonization, extinction, and speciation is necessary and must incorporate long-term persistence to accommodate our observations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80 , 699–715.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were used to obtain direct and indirect estimates of gene flow in populations of Polaskia chichipe under different management regimes, in order to understand the genetic consequences of gene flow in the evolutionary process of domestication. P. chichipe is a columnar cactus endemic to the Tehuacan Valley, Central Mexico, and has come under domestication for its edible fruit. Morphological, phenological, physiological, and reproductive differences, apparently attributable to artificial selection, exist between wild and managed populations, which grow sympatrically. However, strong gene flow may counteract the effects of this selection. In this study, we used paternity analysis to demonstrate that although most of the pollinations occur among individuals within the same population at distances < 40 m, pollen flow from other populations is considerable (27 +/- 5%). Heterogeneity in pollen clouds sampled by mother plants (FST = 0.12) indicated nonrandom mating, which is probably due to temporal heterogeneity in pollen movement. Spatial structure on local and regional scales is consistent with an isolation-by-distance model. The similarity of indirect, direct and demographic estimates of neighbourhood size (74-250 individuals) suggests that this genetic structure is representative of an equilibrium state. These results suggest that traditional management practices have conserved the genetic resources of this species in situ, but also that gene flow is counteracting the effect of domestication to some degree. We discuss our results in the general context of genetic exchange between cultivated and wild populations during the domestication process.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and demographic history of an endemic Chinese gecko, Gekko swinhonis, were investigated by analysing the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and 10 microsatellite loci for samples collected from 27 localities. Mitochondrial DNA data provided a detailed distribution of two highly divergent evolutionary lineages, between which the average pairwise distance achieved was 0.14. The geographic division of the two lineages coincided with a plate boundary consisting of the Qinling and Taihang Mts, suggesting a historical vicariant pattern. The orogeny of the Qinling Mts, a dispersal and major climatic barrier of the region, may have launched the independent lineage divergence. Both lineages have experienced recent expansion, and the current sympatric localities comprised the region of contact between the lineages. Individual‐based phylogenetic analyses of nucDNA and Bayesian‐clustering approaches revealed a deep genetic structure analogous to mtDNA. Incongruence between nucDNA and mtDNA at the individual level at localities outside of the contact region can be explained by the different inheritance patterns and male‐biased dispersal in this species. High genetic divergence, long‐term isolation and ecological adaptation, as well as the morphological differences, suggest the presence of a cryptic species.  相似文献   

Cave organisms occupy a special place in evolutionary biology because convergent morphologies of many species demonstrate repeatability in evolution even as they obscure phylogenetic relationships. The origin of specialized cave-dwelling species also raises the issue of the relative importance of isolation vs. natural selection in speciation. Two alternative hypotheses describe the origin of subterranean species. The 'climate-relict' model proposes allopatric speciation after populations of cold-adapted species become stranded in caves due to climate change. The 'adaptive-shift' model proposes parapatric speciation driven by divergent selection between subterranean and surface habitats. Our study of the Tennessee cave salamander complex shows that the three nominal forms (Gyrinophilus palleucus palleucus, G. p. necturoides, and G. gulolineatus) arose recently and are genealogically nested within the epigean (surface-dwelling) species, G. porphyriticus. Short branch lengths and discordant gene trees were consistent with a complex history involving gene flow between diverging forms. Results of coalescent-based analysis of the distribution of haplotypes among groups reject the allopatric speciation model and support continuous or recurrent genetic exchange during divergence. These results strongly favour the hypothesis that Tennessee cave salamanders originated from spring salamanders via divergence with gene flow.  相似文献   

To demonstrate that parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) can be a method implementing the panbiogeographic approach, we analyzed two data matrices of 40/38 biogeographic provinces × 148 plant species from the Caribbean subregion of the Neotropical region, one where taxa are represented by individual tracks and the other where taxa are represented by single sample localities. We obtained six generalized tracks resulted from the PAE of the areas × individual tracks matrix, and one generalized track from the PAE of the areas × single sample localities matrix, with the latter nested within the former tracks. The results obtained show that PAE works as a panbiogeographical tool if it is based on an areas × individual tracks matrix. When performed in this way, PAE retrieves spatial information that is lost when it is based on an areas × single sample localities matrix, raising doubts regarding the conclusions derived from this latter type of analysis. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 961–976.  相似文献   

The fauna of oceanic islands provide exceptional models with which to examine patterns of dispersal, isolation and diversification, from incipient speciation to species level radiations. Here, we investigate recent differentiation and microevolutionary change in Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii), an endemic bird species inhabiting three Atlantic archipelagos. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data and microsatellite markers were used to deduce probable colonization pathway, genetic differentiation, and gene flow among the 12 island populations. Phenotypic differentiation was investigated based on eight biologically important morphological traits. We found little mitochondrial DNA variability, with only one and four haplotypes for the control region and cytochrome b, respectively. However, microsatellite data indicated moderate population differentiation (FST=0.069) between the three archipelagos that were identified as genetically distinct units with limited gene flow. Both results, combined with the estimated time of divergence (2.5 millions years ago) from the Anthus campestris (the sister species), suggest that this species has only recently dispersed throughout these islands. The genetic relationships, patterns of allelic richness and exclusive alleles among populations suggest the species originally colonized the Canary Islands and only later spread from there to the Madeiran archipelago and Selvagen Islands. Differentiation has also occurred within archipelagos, although to a lesser degree. Gene flow was observed more among the eastern and central islands of the Canaries than between these and the western islands or the Madeiran Islands. Morphological differences were also more important between than within archipelagos. Concordance between morphological and genetic differentiation provided ambiguous results suggesting that genetic drift alone was not sufficient to explain phenotypic differentiation. The observed genetic and morphological differences may therefore be the result of differing patterns of selection pressures between populations, with Berthelot's pipit undergoing a process of incipient differentiation.  相似文献   

Colonization of an archipelago sets the stage for adaptive radiation. However, some archipelagos are home to spectacular radiations, while others have much lower levels of diversification. The amount of gene flow among allopatric populations is one factor proposed to contribute to this variation. In island colonizing birds, selection for reduced dispersal ability is predicted to produce changing patterns of regional population genetic structure as gene flow-dominated systems give way to drift-mediated divergence. If this transition is important in facilitating phenotypic divergence, levels of genetic and phenotypic divergence should be associated. We consider population genetic structure and phenotypic divergence among two co-distributed, congeneric (Genus: Zosterops) bird species inhabiting the Vanuatu archipelago. The more recent colonist, Z. lateralis, exhibits genetic patterns consistent with a strong influence of distance-mediated gene flow. However, complex patterns of asymmetrical gene flow indicate variation in dispersal ability or inclination among populations. The endemic species, Z. flavifrons, shows only a partial transition towards a drift-mediated system, despite a long evolutionary history on the archipelago. We find no strong evidence that gene flow constrains phenotypic divergence in either species, suggesting that levels of inter-island gene flow do not explain the absence of a radiation across this archipelago.  相似文献   

It has long been maintained that the majority of terrestrial Antarctic species are relatively recent, post last glacial maximum, arrivals with perhaps a few microbial or protozoan taxa being substantially older. Recent studies have questioned this 'recolonization hypothesis', though the range of taxa examined has been limited. Here, we present the first large-scale study for mites, one of two dominant terrestrial arthropod groups in the region. Specifically, we provide a broad-scale molecular phylogeny of a biologically significant group of ameronothroid mites from across the maritime and sub-Antarctic regions. Applying different dating approaches, we show that divergences among the ameronothroid mite genera Podacarus, Alaskozetes and Halozetes significantly predate the Pleistocene and provide evidence of independent dispersals across the Antarctic Polar Front. Our data add to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that many taxa have survived glaciation of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic islands. Moreover, they also provide evidence of a relatively uncommon trend of dispersals from islands to continental mainlands. Within the ameronothroid mites, two distinct clades with specific habitat preferences (marine intertidal versus terrestrial/supralittoral) exist, supporting a model of within-habitat speciation rather than colonization from marine refugia to terrestrial habitats. The present results provide additional impetus for a search for terrestrial refugia in an area previously thought to have lacked ice-free ground during glacial maxima.  相似文献   

The complex interactions of historical, geological and climatic events on plant evolution have been an important research focus for many years. However, the role of desert formation and expansion in shaping the genetic structures and demographic histories of plants occurring in arid areas has not been well explored. In the present study, we investigated the phylogeography of Arnebia szechenyi, a desert herb showing a near-circular distribution surrounding the Tengger Desert in Northwest China. We measured genetic diversity of populations using three maternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments and seven bi-paternally inherited nuclear DNA (nDNA) loci that were sequenced from individuals collected from 16 natural populations across its range and modelled current and historical potential habitats of the species. Our data indicated a considerably high level of genetic variation within A. szechenyi and noteworthy asymmetry in historical migration from the east to the west. Moreover, two nuclear genetic groups of populations were revealed, corresponding to the two geographic regions separated by the Tengger Desert. However, analysis of cpDNA data did not show significant geographic structure. The most plausible explanation for the discrepancy between our findings based on cpDNA and nDNA data is that A. szechenyi populations experienced long periods of geographic isolation followed by range expansion, which would have promoted generalized recombination of the nuclear genome. Our findings further highlight the important role that the Tengger Desert, together with the Helan Mountains, has played in the evolution of desert plants and the preservation of biodiversity in arid Northwest China.  相似文献   

The Andes are the world's longest mountain chain, and the tropical Andes are the world's richest biodiversity hot spot. The origin of the tropical Andean cordillera is relatively recent because the elevation of the mountains was relatively low (400–2500 m palaeoelevations) only 10 MYA with final uplift being rapid. These final phases of the Andean orogeny are thought to have had a fundamental role in shaping processes of biotic diversification and biogeography, with these effects reaching far from the mountains themselves by changing the course of rivers and deposition of mineral‐rich Andean sediments across the massive Amazon basin. In a recent issue of Molecular Ecology, Oswald, Overcast, Mauck, Andersen, and Smith (2017) investigate the biogeography and diversification of bird species in the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. Their study is novel in its focus on tropical dry forests (Figure 1) rather than more mesic biomes such as rain forests, cloud forests and paramos, which tend to be the focus of science and conservation in the Andean hot spot. It is also able to draw powerful conclusions via the first deployment of genomic approaches to a biogeographic question in the threatened dry forests of the New World.  相似文献   

Abstract The knowledge of dispersal is essential to understand the ecology of any species, since population dynamics, spatial distribution and genetic structure are closely tied to patterns of movement. In this paper we estimate dispersal patterns in natural populations of the endangered snake Boa constrictor occidentalis (Serpentes, Boidae), using allozymes as genetic markers. Blood samples were obtained from a total of 120 adult individuals of nine localities from two areas, Sobremonte and Pocho, in Argentina. Only four out of a total of 24 loci were polymorphic: 6‐Pgdh‐1, Cat‐1, Ldh and Hp. The values of expected and observed mean heterozygosities, the percentage of polymorphic loci and mean number of alleles per locus for each population confirm the low levels of genetic variability in this snake. FST and Nem mean values were 0.0089 and 46.1 for Sobremonte and 0.0379 and 7.46 for Pocho, indicating important levels of gene flow. A comparison of FST between genders in both areas suggests a male‐biased dispersal, which could be explained by the characteristics of the mating system: males carry out an active mate search of receptive females, and philopatry could be selected in females due to the benefits of the familiarity with the natal area in the use of local resources.  相似文献   

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