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The Late Ordovician mass extinction was an interval of high extinction with inferred low ecological selectivity, resulting in little change in community structure after the event. In contrast, the mass extinction may have fundamentally changed evolutionary dynamics in the surviving groups. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among strophomenoid brachiopods, a diverse brachiopod superfamily that was a primary component of Ordovician ecosystems. Four Ordovician families/subfamilies sampled in the analysis (Rafinesquinidae, Strophomeninae, Glyptomenidae and Furcitellinae) were reconstructed as monophyletic groups, and the base of the strophomenoid clade that dominated the Silurian recovery was reconstructed as diversifying alongside these families during the Middle Ordovician. We time‐calibrated the phylogeny and used geographical occurrences to investigate biogeographical changes in the strophomenoids through time with the R package BiogeoBEARS . Our results indicate that extinction was higher in taxa whose ranges were constrained to tropical or subtropical regions. Furthermore, our results suggest important shifts in the diversification patterns of these brachiopods after the mass extinction. While most of the strophomenoid families survived the Late Ordovician event, ecologically abundant taxonomic groups during the Ordovician were either driven to extinction, reduced in diversity, or slowly died off during the Silurian. The new abundant strophomenoid taxa derived from one clade (consisting of Silurian–Devonian groups such as Douvillinidae, Strophodontidae and Amphistrophiidae) that diversified during the post‐extinction radiation. Our results suggest the selective diversification during the Silurian radiation, rather than selective extinction in the Late Ordovician, had a greater impact on the evolutionary history of strophomenoid brachiopods.  相似文献   

Mass extinctions can have dramatic effects on the trajectory of life, but in some cases the effects can be relatively small even when extinction rates are high. For example, the Late Ordovician mass extinction is the second most severe in terms of the proportion of genera eliminated, yet is noted for the lack of ecological consequences and shifts in clade dominance. By comparison, the end-Cretaceous mass extinction was less severe but eliminated several major clades while some rare surviving clades diversified in the Paleogene. This disconnect may be better understood by incorporating the phylogenetic relatedness of taxa into studies of mass extinctions, as the factors driving extinction and recovery are thought to be phylogenetically conserved and should therefore promote both origination and extinction of closely related taxa. Here, we test whether there was phylogenetic selectivity in extinction and origination using brachiopod genera from the Middle Ordovician through the Devonian. Using an index of taxonomic clustering (RCL) as a proxy for phylogenetic clustering, we find that A) both extinctions and originations shift from taxonomically random or weakly clustered within families in the Ordovician to strongly clustered in the Silurian and Devonian, beginning with the recovery following the Late Ordovician mass extinction, and B) the Late Ordovician mass extinction was itself only weakly clustered. Both results stand in stark contrast to Cretaceous-Cenozoic bivalves, which showed significant levels of taxonomic clustering of extinctions in the Cretaceous, including strong clustering in the mass extinction, but taxonomically random extinctions in the Cenozoic. The contrasting patterns between the Late Ordovician and end-Cretaceous events suggest a complex relationship between the phylogenetic selectivity of mass extinctions and the long-term phylogenetic signal in origination and extinction patterns.  相似文献   

The Ampulicidae are one of the most basal groups within the apoid wasps, the paraphyletic assemblage of wasps previously known as Sphecidae. The morphology and taxonomy of the Ampulicidae are poorly studied, and there is no strict cladistic approach on their phylogeny yet. Here we assemble morphological characters of phylogenetic significance and submit them to parsimony analyses using modern cladistic methods. This produces a well-resolved and firmly supported phylogenetic hypothesis on the generic relationships within the group. Based on our phylogenetic results a revised classification is provided, subdividing the Ampulicidae into two monophyletic subfamilies, Ampulicinae ( Ampulex and Trirogma ) and Dolichurinae, the latter comprising two monophyletic tribes, Dolichurini ( Dolichurus and Paradolichurus ) and Aphelotomini, new tribe ( Aphelotoma and Riekefella ). Based on the resulting cladogram, the historical biogeography and the fossil record of Ampulicidae are briefly discussed.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌海市以南约25km的桌子山地区中奥陶世(earlylateArenig)三道坎组底部产一种原始的扭月贝类腕足动物,经笔者鉴定,为中华西方贝(新种)(Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.),系统切片研究证实其为迄今所知最古老的一种扭月贝类,其双叶型主突起略突伸于铰合缘的后方、低而较弱的铰窝脊向侧后方延伸靠近铰合缘等特征都表明该种属于扭月贝科(Strophomenidae)。实现从褶脊贝类向扭月贝类的演化需要在背壳内部建立这样一些形态上的演化新质:双叶型主突起,一对朝后侧方略弯曲的铰窝脊,横肌脊,以及侧隔板,所有这些构造特征,Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.均已具备,因此,这表明了扭月贝类与褶脊贝类的分化要早于晚Arenig。除H.sinensis外,世界其它地区也有早期扭月贝类的报道,但多产于Llanvirn或更新的一些地层中,如发现于挪威Whiterock组的TrotlandelalokiNeuman(NeumanandBruton,1974),英国威尔士中部Llanvirn地层中的Murinelasp.,‘Macrocoelia’landeiloensiselon  相似文献   

Siphonaptera (fleas) is a highly specialized order of holometabolous insects comprising ~2500 species placed in 16 families. Despite a long history of extensive work on flea classification and biology, phylogenetic relationships among fleas are virtually unknown. We present the first formal analysis of flea relationships based on a molecular matrix of four loci (18S ribosomal DNA, 28S ribosomal DNA, Cytochrome Oxidase II, and Elongation Factor 1‐alpha) for 128 flea taxa from around the world representing 16 families, 25 subfamilies, 26 tribes, and 83 flea genera with eight outgroups. Trees were reconstructed using direct optimization and maximum likelihood techniques. Our analysis supports Tungidae as the most basal flea lineage, sister group to the remainder of the extant fleas. Pygiopsyllomorpha is monophyletic, as are the constituent families Lycopsyllidae, Pygiopsyllidae, and Stivaliidae, with a sister group relationship between the latter two families. Macropsyllidae is resolved as sister group to Coptopsyllidae with moderate nodal support. Stephanociricidae is monophyletic, as are the two constituent subfamilies Stephanocircinae and Craneopsyllinae. Vermipsyllidae is placed as sister group to Jordanopsylla. Rhopalopsyllidae is monophyletic as are the two constituent subfamilies Rhopalopsyllinae and Parapsyllinae. Hystrichopsyllidae is paraphyletic with Hystrichopsyllini placed as sister to some species of Anomiopsyllini and Ctenopariini placed as sister to Carterettini. Ctenophthalmidae is grossly paraphyletic with the family broken into seven lineages dispersed on the tree. Most notably, Anomiopsyllini is paraphyletic. Pulicidae and Chimaeropsyllidae are both monophyletic and these families are sister groups. Ceratophyllomorpha is monophyletic and includes Ischnopsyllidae, Ceratophyllidae, and Leptopsyllidae. Leptopsyllidae is paraphyletic as are its constituent subfamilies Amphipsyllinae and Leptopsyllinae and the tribes Amphipsyllini and Leptopsyllini. Ischnopsyllidae is monophyletic. Ceratophyllidae is monophyletic, with a monophyletic Dactypsyllinae nested within Ceratophyllinae, rendering the latter group paraphyletic. Mapping of general host associations on our topology reveals an early association with mammals with four independent shifts to birds. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   



Sphaerexochinae is a speciose and widely distributed group of cheirurid trilobites. Their temporal range extends from the earliest Ordovician through the Silurian, and they survived the end Ordovician mass extinction event (the second largest mass extinction in Earth history). Prior to this study, the individual evolutionary relationships within the group had yet to be determined utilizing rigorous phylogenetic methods. Understanding these evolutionary relationships is important for producing a stable classification of the group, and will be useful in elucidating the effects the end Ordovician mass extinction had on the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the group.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Cladistic parsimony analysis of cheirurid trilobites assigned to the subfamily Sphaerexochinae was conducted to evaluate phylogenetic patterns and produce a hypothesis of relationship for the group. This study utilized the program TNT, and the analysis included thirty-one taxa and thirty-nine characters. The results of this analysis were then used in a Lieberman-modified Brooks Parsimony Analysis to analyze biogeographic patterns during the Ordovician-Silurian.


The genus Sphaerexochus was found to be monophyletic, consisting of two smaller clades (one composed entirely of Ordovician species and another composed of Silurian and Ordovician species). By contrast, the genus Kawina was found to be paraphyletic. It is a basal grade that also contains taxa formerly assigned to Cydonocephalus. Phylogenetic patterns suggest Sphaerexochinae is a relatively distinctive trilobite clade because it appears to have been largely unaffected by the end Ordovician mass extinction. Finally, the biogeographic analysis yields two major conclusions about Sphaerexochus biogeography: Bohemia and Avalonia were close enough during the Silurian to exchange taxa; and during the Ordovician there was dispersal between Eastern Laurentia and the Yangtze block (South China) and between Eastern Laurentia and Avalonia.  相似文献   

The oestroid family Tachinidae represents one of the most diverse lineages of insect parasitoids. Despite their broad distribution, diversity and important role as biological control agents, the phylogeny of this family remains poorly known. Here, we review the history of tachinid systematics and present the first quantitative phylogenetic analysis of the family based on morphological data. Cladistic analyses were conducted using 135 morphological characters from 492 species belonging to 180 tachinid genera, including the four currently recognized subfamilies (Dexiinae, Exoristinae, Phasiinae, Tachininae) and all major tribes. We used characters of eggs, first‐instar larvae and adults of both sexes. We examined the effects of implied weighting by reanalysing the data with varying concavity factors. Our analysis generally supports the subfamily groupings Dexiinae + Phasiinae and Tachininae + Exoristinae, with only the Exoristinae and the Phasiinae reconstructed as monophyletic assemblages under a wide range of weighting schemes. Under these conditions, the Dexiinae, which were previously considered a well‐established monophyletic assemblage, are reconstructed as being paraphyletic with respect to the Phasiinae. The Tachininae are reconstructed as a paraphyletic grade from which the monophyletic Exoristinae arose. The Exoristinae are reconstructed as a monophyletic lineage, but phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily are largely unresolved. We further explored the evolution of oviposition strategy and found that the oviparous groups are nested within ovolarviparous assemblages, suggesting that ovipary may have evolved several times independently from ovolarviparous ancestors. This counterintuitive pattern is a novel hypothesis suggested by the results of this analysis. Finally, two major patterns emerge when considering host associations across our phylogeny under equal weights: (i) although more than 60% of tachinids are parasitoids of Lepidoptera larvae, none of the basal clades is unambiguously associated with Lepidoptera as a primitive condition, suggesting that tachinids were slow to colonize these hosts, but then radiated extensively on them; and (ii) there is general agreement between host use and monophyly of the major lineages.  相似文献   

Of all the superfamilies within the megadiverse order Coleoptera (Insecta), Cucujoidea (Cucujiformia) is arguably the most problematic taxonomically. The families comprising Cucujidae s.l. (Silvanidae, Laemophloeidae, Passandridae and Cucujidae s.s. represent a large portion of cucujoid diversity. Herein we present the results of a rigorous molecular phylogenetic analysis of Cucujidae s.l. using maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian analyses of seven genes. Representatives of over half of the families of Cucujoidea (excluding the cerylonid series), as well as a broad sampling of Silvanidae and Laemophloeidae, were analysed. The monophyly of Cucujidae s.l. is rejected but a subgrouping of taxa that may form the core of a natural cucujoid lineage is recovered. This clade consists of two large monophyletic groups including several families each. Relationships among these smaller cucujoid groups are discussed, including several novel phylogenetic hypotheses, whereas morphological characters considered significant for classification in Cucujidae s.l. are evaluated in light of these phylogenetic hypotheses. Silvaninae, Telephanini, Brontini and Brontinae are recovered as monophyletic in the Bayesian analysis, but the former two are recovered as paraphyletic in the maximum‐likelihood analysis. Our results support the placement of Psammoecus Latreille within Telephanini and also recover a paraphyletic Telephanus Erichson. Silvaninae is divided into three lineages, each representing a potential tribal lineage. Laemophloeidae is rendered paraphyletic in all analyses by Propalticidae and the latter is herein formally transferred to Laemophloeidae stat.n . Several suprageneric laemophloeid clades are recovered and discussed as potential higher‐level groups. Laemophloeus Dejean is not recovered as monophyletic.  相似文献   

本研究选取优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae(膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)的8族19属23种作为内群,茧蜂其它6个亚科的8属8种作外群,首次结合同源核糖体28S rDNA D2基因序列片段和41个形态学特征对该亚科进行了系统发育学研究。利用"圆口类"的内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae、茧蜂亚科Braconinae、矛茧蜂亚科Doryctinae的3个亚科为根,以PAUP*4.0和MrBayes3.0B4软件分别应用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法对优茧蜂亚科的分子数据和分子数据与非分子数据的结合体进行了分析;并以PAUP*4.0对优茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列的片段的碱基组成与碱基替代情况进行了分析。结果表明:优茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的GC%含量在40.00%~49.25%之间变动,而对于碱基替代情况来讲,优茧蜂亚科各个成员间序列变异位点上颠换(transversion)大于转换(transition);不同的分析和算法所产生的系统发育树都表明目前根据形态定义出的优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae不是一个单系群,而是一个与蚁茧蜂亚科Neoneurinae和高腹茧蜂亚科Cenocoelinae混杂在一起的并系群;在优茧蜂亚科内部,悬茧蜂族Meterorini和食甲茧蜂族Microctonini(排除猎户茧蜂属Orionis)为单系群,而宽鞘茧蜂族Centistini、大颚茧蜂族Cosmophorini、优茧蜂族Euphorini、瓢虫茧蜂族Dinocampini为并系群;悬茧蜂族Meterorini在优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae内位于基部位置的观点得到部分的支持,同时食甲茧蜂族Microctonini被判定为相对进化的类群。此外对于优茧蜂亚科内各属之间的相互亲缘关系,不同算法所得到的系统发育属的结果不完全一致,这表明优茧蜂亚科内(属及族)的系统发育关系还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

The Asteraceae are commonly divided into two large subfamilies, the Cichorioideae (syn. Lactucoideae; Mutisieae, Cardueae, Lactuceae, Vernonieae, Liabeae, Arctoteae) and the Asteroideae (Inuleae, Astereae, Anthemideae, Senecioneae, Calenduleae, Heliantheae, Eupatorieae). Recent phylogenetic analyses based on morphological and chloroplast DNA data conclusively show that the Mutisieae-Barnadesiinae are the sister group to the rest of the family and that the Asteroideae tribes form a monophyletic group. The Vernonieae and Liabeae are sister tribes and the Eupatorieae are nested within a paraphyletic Heliantheae; otherwise tribal interrelationships are still largely uncertain. The Mutisieae-Barnadesiinae are excluded from the Mutisieae and elevated to the new subfamily Barnadesioideae. The two subfamilies Barnadesioideae and Asteroideae are monophyletic, whereas the status of the Cichorioideae remains uncertain. Analyses of chloroplast DNA data support the monophyly of the Cichorioideae; however, morphological data indicate that the subfamily is paraphyletic. Further studies are needed to test the monophyly of the Cichorioideae, as well as to further resolve tribal interrelationships in the two larger subfamilies.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of the Pectinidae were examined using two mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) and one nuclear gene (Histone H3) for 46 species. Outgroup taxa from Propeamussidae, Spondylidae and Limidae were also sequenced to examine the impact of outgroup choice on pectinid topologies. Our phylogenetic analyses resolved the Pectinidae as monophyletic, but many of the subfamilies and tribes within the family do not form monophyletic clades. The paraphyletic Aequipectinini group is the most basal member of the Pectinidae, with the Chlamydinae and Palliolinae representing the most recently derived pectinid groups. These results are in contrast with the current morphological hypothesis of Pectinidae evolution, which suggests the Chlamydinae and Pallioline are basal groups within the Pectinidae. Ingroup topology was found to be sensitive to outgroup choice and increasing taxon sampling within the Pectinidae resulted in more robust phylogenies.  相似文献   

The family Cyprinidae is the largest freshwater fish group in the world, including over 200 genera and 2100 species. The phylogenetic relationships of major clades within this family are simply poorly understood, largely because of the overwhelming diversity of the group; however, several investigators have advanced different hypotheses of relationships that pre- and post-date the use of shared-derived characters as advocated through phylogenetic systematics. As expected, most previous investigations used morphological characters. Recently, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and combined morphological and mtDNA investigations have been used to explore and advance our understanding of species relationships and test monophyletic groupings. Limitations of these studies include limited taxon sampling and a strict reliance upon maternally inherited mtDNA variation. The present study is the first endeavor to recover the phylogenetic relationships of the 12 previously recognized monophyletic subfamilies within the Cyprinidae using newly sequenced nuclear DNA (nDNA) for over 50 species representing members of the different previously hypothesized subfamily and family groupings within the Cyprinidae and from other cypriniform families as outgroup taxa. Hypothesized phylogenetic relationships are constructed using maximum parsimony and Basyesian analyses of 1042 sites, of which 971 sites were variable and 790 were phylogenetically informative. Using other appropriate cypriniform taxa of the families Catostomidae (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), Gyrinocheilidae (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri), and Balitoridae (Nemacheilus sp. and Beaufortia kweichowensis) as outgroups, the Cyprinidae is resolved as a monophyletic group. Within the family the genera Raiamas, Barilius, Danio, and Rasbora, representing many of the tropical cyprinids, represent basal members of the family. All other species can be classified into variably supported and resolved monophyletic lineages, depending upon analysis, that are consistent with or correspond to Barbini and Leuciscini. The Barbini includes taxa traditionally aligned with the subfamily Cyprininae sensu previous morphological revisionary studies by Howes (Barbinae, Labeoninae, Cyprininae and Schizothoracinae). The Leuciscini includes six other subfamilies that are mainly divided into three separate lineages. The relationships among genera and subfamilies are discussed as well as the possible origins of major lineages.  相似文献   

The Stichotrichia, known as an especially various and taxonomically difficult group, were intensely studied with morphological, morphogenetic, and molecular methods in the last years. Nevertheless, a consistent classification is lacking and several important questions about the phylogenetic relationships within this group remain unsolved. In order to gain deeper insights into these relationships, the nuclear small subunit rRNA genes of seven species of the Stichotrichia, representatives of the families Oxytrichidae, Amphisiellidae, and Pseudourostylidae, were phylogenetically analysed. Although our analyses resulted in a poor resolution of the phylogenetic relationships, some conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, following the current classification systems the Oxytrichidae as well as their subfamilies seem to be paraphyletic and the basic 18 FVT cirral pattern has been modified several times independently. Secondly, sequence analyses of several Oxytricha species resulted in a high molecular diversity, which does not support monophyly of this genus. Thirdly, several families of the order Urostylida (Urostylidae, Pseudokeronopsidae, and Pseudourostylidae) also do not form monophyletic groups.  相似文献   

Tiger beetles are a remarkable group that captivates amateur entomologists, taxonomists and evolutionary biologists alike. This diverse clade of beetles comprises about 2300 currently described species found across the globe. Despite the charisma and scientific interest of this lineage, remarkably few studies have examined its phylogenetic relationships with large taxon sampling. Prior phylogenetic studies have focused on relationships within cicindeline tribes or genera, and none of the studies have included sufficient taxon sampling to conclusively examine broad species patterns across the entire subfamily. Studies that have attempted to reconstruct higher‐level relationships of Cicindelinae have yielded conflicting results. Here, we present the first taxonomically comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Cicindelinae to date, with the goal of creating a framework for future studies focusing on this important insect lineage. We utilized all available published molecular data, generating a final concatenated dataset including 328 cicindeline species, with molecular data sampled from six protein‐coding gene fragments and three ribosomal gene fragments. Our maximum‐likelihood phylogenetic inferences recover Cicindelinae as sister to the wrinkled bark beetles of the subfamily Rhysodinae. This new phylogenetic hypothesis for Cicindelinae contradicts our current understanding of tiger beetle phylogenetic relationships, with several tribes, subtribes and genera being inferred as paraphyletic. Most notably, the tribe Manticorini is recovered nested within Platychilini including the genera Amblycheila Say, Omus Eschscholtz, Picnochile Motschulsky and Platychile Macleay. The tribe Megacephalini is recovered as paraphyletic due to the placement of the monophyletic subtribe Oxycheilina as sister to Cicindelini, whereas the monophyletic Megacephalina is inferred as sister to Oxycheilina, Cicindelini and Collyridini. The tribe Collyridini is paraphyletic with the subtribes Collyridina and Tricondylina in one clade, and Ctenostomina in a second one. The tribe Cicindelini is recovered as monophyletic although several genera are inferred as para‐ or polyphyletic. Our results provide a novel phylogenetic framework to revise the classification of tiger beetles and to encourage the generation of focused molecular datasets that will permit investigation of the evolutionary history of this lineage through space and time.  相似文献   

The Cheiruridae are a diverse group of trilobites and several subfamilies within the clade have been the focus of recent phylogenetic studies. This paper focuses on the relationships of one of those subfamilies, the Ordovician Eccoptochilinae. We analyze sixteen species from six genera within the traditionally defined group, using the pilekiid Anacheirurus frederici as an outgroup. To assess the monophyly of the Eccoptochilinae seven sphaerexochine species, Kawina arnoldi, Sphaerexochus arenosus, S. atacius, S. latifrons, S. mirus, S. parvus, and S. scabridus were included in the analysis as well. The results of this analysis show that the genus Eccoptochile represents a paraphyletic grade and species traditionally assigned to Parasphaerexochus and Skelipyx plot within Pseudosphaerexochus. Also, representative species of Sphaerexochinae plot within the traditionally defined Eccoptochilinae, suggesting Eccoptochilinae itself is paraphyletic. To resolve this, we propose all species of Pseudosphaerexochus be placed within Sphaerexochinae and Eccoptochilinae be restricted to a monotypic Eccoptochile clavigera.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing technologies (NGS) allow systematists to amass a wealth of genomic data from non‐model species for phylogenetic resolution at various temporal scales. However, phylogenetic inference for many lineages dominated by non‐model species has not yet benefited from NGS, which can complement Sanger sequencing studies. One such lineage, whose phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain, is the diverse, agriculturally important and charismatic Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Given the lack of consensus on higher‐level relationships and the importance of a robust phylogeny for evolutionary hypothesis testing, we use a large data set comprised of hundreds of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci to infer the phylogeny of Coreoidea (excluding Stenocephalidae and Hyocephalidae), with emphasis on the families Coreidae and Alydidae. We generated three data sets by including alignments that contained loci sampled for at least 50%, 60%, or 70% of the total taxa, and inferred phylogeny using maximum likelihood and summary coalescent methods. Twenty‐six external morphological features used in relatively comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of coreoids were also re‐evaluated within our molecular phylogenetic framework. We recovered 439–970 loci per species (16%–36% of loci targeted) and combined this with previously generated UCE data for 12 taxa. All data sets, regardless of analytical approach, yielded topologically similar and strongly supported trees, with the exception of outgroup relationships and the position of Hydarinae. We recovered a monophyletic Coreoidea, with Rhopalidae highly supported as the sister group to Alydidae + Coreidae. Neither Alydidae nor Coreidae were monophyletic; the coreid subfamilies Hydarinae and Pseudophloeinae were recovered as more closely related to Alydidae than to other coreid subfamilies. Coreinae were paraphyletic with respect to Meropachyinae. Most morphological traits were homoplastic with several clades defined by few, if any, synapomorphies. Our results demonstrate the utility of phylogenomic approaches in generating robust hypotheses for taxa with long‐standing phylogenetic problems and highlight that novel insights may come from such approaches.  相似文献   

A recent phylogenetic study based on morphological, biochemical and early life history characters resurrected the genus Scartomyzon (jumprock suckers, c . eight−10 species) from Moxostoma (redhorse suckers, c . 10–11 species) and advanced the understanding of relationships among species in these two genera, and the genealogical affinities of these genera with other evolutionary lineages within the tribe Moxostomatini in the subfamily Catostominae. To further examine phylogenetic relationships among moxostomatin suckers, the complete mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene was sequenced from all species within this tribe and representative outgroup taxa from the Catostomini and other catostomid subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences yielded two monophyletic clades within Catostominae: Catostomus + Deltistes + Xyrauchen + Erimyzon + Minytrema and Moxostoma + Scartomyzon + Hypentelium + Thoburnia . Within the Moxostomatini, Thoburnia was either unresolved or polyphyletic; Thoburnia atripinnis was sister to a monophyletic Hypentelium . In turn, this clade was sister to a monophyletic clade containing Scartomyzon and Moxostoma . Scartomyzon was never resolved as monophyletic, but was always recovered as a polyphyletic group embedded within Moxostoma , rendering the latter genus paraphyletic if ' Scartomyzon ' continues to be recognized. Relationships among lineages within the Moxostoma and' Scartomyzon 'clade were resolved as a polytomy. To better reflect phylogenetic relationships resolved in this analysis, the following changes to the classification of the tribe Moxostomatini are proposed: subsumption of' Scartomyzon 'into Moxostoma ; restriction of the tribe Moxostomatini to Moxostoma ; resurrect the tribe Erimyzonini, containing Erimyzon and Minytrema , classified as incertae sedis within Catostominae; retain the tribe Thoburniini.  相似文献   

The problem of how accurately paraphyletic taxa versus monophyletic (i.e., holophyletic) groups (clades) capture underlying species patterns of diversity and extinction is explored with Monte Carlo simulations. Phylogenies are modeled as stochastic trees. Paraphyletic taxa are defined in an arbitrary manner by randomly choosing progenitors and clustering all descendants not belonging to other taxa. These taxa are then examined to determine which are clades, and the remaining paraphyletic groups are dissected to discover monophyletic subgroups. Comparisons of diversity patterns and extinction rates between modeled taxa and lineages indicate that paraphyletic groups can adequately capture lineage information under a variety of conditions of diversification and mass extinction. This suggests that these groups constitute more than mere "taxonomic noise" in this context. But, strictly monophyletic groups perform somewhat better, especially with regard to mass extinctions. However, when low levels of paleontologic sampling are simulated, the veracity of clades deteriorates, especially with respect to diversity, and modeled paraphyletic taxa often capture more information about underlying lineages. Thus, for studies of diversity and taxic evolution in the fossil record, traditional paleontologic genera and families need not be rejected in favor of cladistically-defined taxa.  相似文献   

In the immediate aftermath of global extinctions, organisms were normally much smaller than those prior to these events. This ‘Lilliput Effect’ can be subdivided into two types: 1) a specific type, following the original definition of the effect which targets species-level taxa associated with inhospitable environments, and 2) a more general type, related to the reactions of higher-rank taxa above the species-level. The body sizes of brachiopods from South China through the Ordovician and Silurian transition (Late Katian, Hirnantian, and earliest Rhuddanian) are compared at generic, superfamilial, ordinal, and class levels. The results indicate that the body sizes of the taxa of lower rank (e.g. genus-level) are highly variable within these different intervals. The type of evidence for the Lilliput Effect through the end Ordovician mass extinction is thus quite different from that of the end Permian mass extinction probably reflecting differences in the intensity of these two major bioevents. However, the relationships between the contrasting trends in body-size change of some taxa of higher rank (e.g. at the ordinal-level) and the relative dominance of these taxa in the latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian suggest that the brachiopods of the two major Ordovician groups, the strophomenoids and orthoids, adopted different survival strategies during and immediately after the crisis from those of the pentamerides and rhynchonellides, that were common in Silurian assemblages.  相似文献   

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