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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA thereby playing a key role in many aspects of nucleic acid metabolism. Recently determined crystal structures of topoisomerase fragments, representing nearly all the known subclasses, have been solved. The type IB enzymes are structurally distinct from other known topoisomerases but are similar to a class of enzymes referred to as tyrosine recombinases. A putative topoisomerase I open reading frame from the kinetoplastid Leishmania donovani was reported which shared a substantial degree of homology with type IB topoisomerases but having a variable C-terminus. Here we present a molecular model of the above parasite gene product, using the human topoisomerase I crystal structure in complex with a 22 bp oligonucleotide as a template. Our studies indicate that the overall structure of the parasite protein is similar to the human enzyme; however, major differences occur in the C-terminal loop, which harbors a serine in place of the usual catalytic tyrosine. Most other structural themes common to type IB topoisomerases, including secondary structural folds, hinged clamps that open and close to bind DNA, nucleophilic attack on the scissile DNA strand and formation of a ternary complex with the topoisomerase I inhibitor camptothecin could be visualized in our homology model. The validity of serine acting as the nucleophile in the case of the parasite protein model was corroborated with our biochemical mapping of the active site with topoisomerase I enzyme purified from L.donovani promastigotes.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani, the causative organism of visceral leishmaniasis, contains a unique heterodimeric DNA topoisomerase IB (LdTop1). The catalytically active enzyme consists of a large subunit (LdTop1L), which contains the non-conserved N-terminal end and a phylogenetically conserved core domain, and of a small subunit (LdTop1S) which harbours the C-terminal region with a characteristic tyrosine residue in the active site. Heterologous co-expression of LdTop1L and LdTop1S in a topoisomerase I deficient yeast strain, reconstitutes a fully functional enzyme which can be used for structural studies. The role played by the non-conserved N-terminal extension of LdTop1S in both relaxation activity and CPT sensitivity of LdTop1 has been examined co-expressing the full-length LdTop1L with several deletions of LdTop1S lacking growing sequences of the N-terminal end. The sequential deletion study shows that the first 174 amino acids of LdTop1S are dispensable in terms of relaxation activity and DNA cleavage. It is also described that the trapping of the covalent complex between LdTop1 and DNA by CPT requires a pentapeptide between amino acid residues 175 and 179 of LdTop1S. Our results suggest the crucial role played by the N-terminal extension of the small subunit of DNA topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

DIM (3,3'-di-indolylmethane), an abundant dietary component of cruciferous vegetables, exhibits a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties. In the present study, we show that DIM is a potent inhibitor of Leishmania donovani topoisomerase I with an IC50 of 1.2 microM. Equilibrium dialysis shows that DIM binds strongly to the free enzyme with a binding constant of 9.73x10(-9) M. The binding affinity of DIM to the small subunit is 8.6-fold more than that of the large subunit of unusual LdTOP1LS (bi-subunit L. donovani topoisomerase I). DIM stabilizes topoisomerase I-DNA cleavage complexes in vitro and also in vivo. Like CPT (camptothecin), DIM inhibits the religation step when the drug was added to preformed topoisomerase I-DNA binary complex. Hence, DIM is similar to CPT with respect to its ability to form the topoisomerase I-mediated 'cleavable complexes' in vitro and in vivo. But unlike CPT, DIM interacts with both free enzyme and substrate DNA. Therefore DIM is a non-competitive class I inhibitor of topoisomerase I. DIM also inhibits the relaxation activity of the CPT-resistant mutant enzyme LdTOP1Delta39LS (N-terminal deletion of amino acids 1-39 of LdTOP1LS). The IC50 values of DIM in simultaneous and enzyme pre-incubation relaxation assays were 3.6 and 2.9 muM respectively, which are higher than that of wild-type topoisomerase I (LdTOP1LS), indicating that the affinity of DIM to LdTOP1Delta39LS is less than that for LdTOP1LS. This is the first report on DIM as an L. donovani topoisomerase I poison. Our study illuminates a new mode of action of enzyme inhibition by DIM that might be exploited for rational drug design in human leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani topoisomerase I is an unusual bisubunit enzyme. We have demonstrated earlier that the large and small subunit could be reconstituted in vitro to show topoisomerase I activity. We extend our biochemical study to evaluate the role of the large subunit in topoisomerase activity. The large subunit (LdTOP1L) shows a substantial degree of homology with the core DNA binding domain of the topoisomerase IB family. Two N-terminal truncation constructs, LdTOP1Delta39L (lacking amino acids 1-39) and LdTOP1Delta99L (lacking amino acids 1-99) of the large subunit were generated and mixed with intact small subunit (LdTOP1S). Our observations reveal that residues within amino acids 1-39 of the large subunit have significant roles in modulating topoisomerase I activity (i.e. in vitro DNA relaxation, camptothecin sensitivity, cleavage activity, and DNA binding affinity). Interestingly, the mutant LdTOP1Delta99LS was unable to show topoisomerase I activity. Investigation of the loss of activity indicates that LdTOP1Delta99L was unable to pull down glutathione S-transferase-LdTOP1S in an Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid co-immobilization experiment. For further analysis, we co-expressed LdTOP1L and LdTOP1S in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS cells. The lysate shows topoisomerase I activity. Immunoprecipitation revealed that LdTOP1L could interact with LdTOP1S, indicating the subunit interaction in bacterial cells, whereas immunoprecipitation of bacterial lysate co-expressing LdTOP1Delta99L and LdTOP1S reveals that LdTOP1Delta99L was significantly deficient at interacting with LdTOP1S to reconstitute topoisomerase I activity. This study demonstrates that heterodimerization between the large and small subunits of the bisubunit enzyme appears to be an absolute requirement for topoisomerase activity. The residue within amino acids 1-39 from the N-terminal end of the large subunit regulates DNA topology during relaxation by controlling noncovalent DNA binding or by coordinating DNA contacts by other parts of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Different classes of topoisomerase (TOP) inhibitors and antitrypanosomatid agents exhibited variable efficacies against Leishmania donovani parasites and human mononuclear cells both at the level of DNA topoisomerase I (TOPI) catalytic activity and in cytotoxicity assays. Bis-benzimidazoles and the diamidine diminazene aceturate exhibited uniformly high efficacies against parasite and host enzymes as well as against parasite and mononuclear cells, but pentamidine showed around 2 orders of magnitude greater specificity for Leishmania TOPI and amastigote cells (P<0.05). The protoberberine coralyne and the flavonoid quercetin were highly potent, but non-selective, inhibitors in vitro, although the latter showed slight selectivity for parasite TOPI. Camptothecin was selective for mononuclear cells at both levels (P<0.05) and sodium stibogluconate was selective only at the enzyme level displaying 30-fold greater potency against parasite TOPI (P<0.05). These data suggest that at least part of pentamidines' leishmanicidal activity may be mediated through TOPI inhibition, and support the feasibility of exploiting differences between Leishmania and human TOPs to develop modified compounds with improved selectivity.  相似文献   

The complex N-glycan structures on glycoproteins play important roles in cell adhesion and recognition events in metazoan organisms. A critical step in the biosynthetic pathway leading from high mannose to these complex structures includes the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to a mannose residue by the inverting N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnT-I). The catalytic mechanism of this enzymatic reaction is explored herein using DFT quantum chemical methods. The computational model used to follow the reaction is based on the X-ray crystallographic structure of GnT-I and contains 127 atoms that represent fragments of residues critical for the substrate binding and catalysis. The mechanism of the catalytic reaction was monitored by means of a 2D potential energy map calculated as a function of predefined reaction coordinates at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. This potential energy surface revealed one transition state associated with a reaction pathway following a concerted mechanism. The reaction barrier was estimated, and the structure of the transition state was characterized at the B3LYP/6-311++G**// B3LYP/6-31G** level.  相似文献   

I257E was obtained by site directed mutagenesis of nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes. The mutant has no enzyme activity. Its crystal structure determined at 1.65A resolution shows that the side-chain carboxyl group of the mutated residue, Glu257, coordinates with the type 2 copper in the mutant and blocks the contact between the type 2 copper and its solvent channel, indicating that the accessibility of the type 2 copper is essential for maintaining the activity of nitrite reductase. The carboxylate is an analog of the substrate, nitrite, but the distances between the type 2 copper and the two oxygen atoms of the side-chain carboxyl group are reversed in comparison to the binding of nitrite to the native enzyme. In the mutant, both the type 2 copper and the N epsilon atom on the imidazole ring of its coordinated residue His135 move in the substrate binding direction relative to the native enzyme. In addition, an EPR study showed that the type 2 copper in the mutant is in a reduced state. We propose that mutant I257E is in a state corresponding to a transition state in the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

Glucophenylimidazole (PheGlcIm), a tetrahydroimidazopyridine-type inhibitor and 4H3 conformer mimic of a glucoside, binds very tightly to a barley beta-d-glucan glucohydrolase, with a Ki constant of 2 x 10(-9) m and a DeltaG of 51 kJ mol(-1). PheGlcIm binds to the barley beta-d-glucan glucohydrolase approximately 2 x 10(5) times tighter than laminarin, which is the best non-synthetic ground-state substrate found so far for this enzyme, 10(6) times tighter than 4-nitrophenyl beta-d-glucopyranoside, and 2 x 10(7) tighter than glucose. The three-dimensional structure of the beta-d-glucan glucohydrolase with bound PheGlcIm indicates that the complex resembles a hypothetical transition state during the hydrolytic cycle, that the enzyme derives substrate binding energy from the "aglycone" portion of the ligand, and that it also reveals an anti-protonation trajectory for hydrolysis. Continuous electron densities at the 1.6 sigma level form between the three active site residues Asp95, His207, and Asp285, and the C6OH, C7OH, C8OH, and C9OH groups of PheGlcIm. These electron densities correspond to the most favorable interactions in the three-dimensional structure of the beta-d-glucan glucohydrolase-PheGlcIm complex and indicate atomic distances equal to or less than 2.55 A. The crystallographic data were corroborated with ab initio molecular orbital calculations. The data indicate that the 4E conformation of the glucose part of PheGlcIm is critical for tight binding and provide the first evidence for probable substrate distortion during catalysis by this enzyme.  相似文献   

Developing a detailed understanding of the structure and energetics of protein folding transition states is a key step in describing the folding process. The phi-value analysis approach allows the energetic contribution of side-chains to be mapped out by comparing wild-type with individual mutants where conservative changes are introduced. Studies where multiple substitutions are made at individual sites are much rarer but are potentially very useful for understanding the contribution of each element of a side-chain to transition state formation, and for distinguishing the relative importance of specific packing versus hydrophobic interactions. We have made a series of conservative mutations at multiple buried sites in the N-terminal domain of L9 in order to assess the relative importance of specific side-chain packing versus less specific hydrophobic stabilization of the transition state. A total of 28 variants were prepared using both naturally occurring and non-naturally occurring amino acids at six sites. Analysis of the mutants by NMR and CD showed no perturbation of the structure. There is no correlation between changes in hydrophobicity and changes in stability. In contrast, there is excellent linear correlation between the hydrophobicity of a side-chain and the log of the folding rate, ln(k(f)). The correlation between ln(k(f)) and the change in hydrophobicity holds even for substitutions that change the shape and/or size of a side-chain significantly. For most sites, the correlation with the logarithm of the unfolding rate, ln(k(u)), is much worse. Mutants with more hydrophobic amino acid substitutions fold faster, and those with less hydrophobic amino acid substitutions fold slower. The results show that hydrophobic interactions amongst core residues are an important driving force for forming the transition state, and are more important than specific tight packing interactions. Finally, a number of substitutions lead to negative phi-values and the origin of these effects are described.  相似文献   

The denaturant dependencies of the folding and unfolding kinetics were used to characterize the structure of the transition state for folding of E3BD, a peripheral subunit-binding domain. For the majority of E3BD mutants, the Phi-values calculated at 298 K from the analysis of chevron plots were in good agreement with those previously determined at 325 K using Arrhenius analysis. This agreement further demonstrates the general robustness of Phi-value analyses, since different experiments, methods of denaturation and thermodynamic assumptions were used to determine each set of Phi(F) values. The structure of the transition state for folding was grossly conserved at 298 K and 325 K, with residues in Helix I playing a lesser role in folding than those located in the 3(10) helix, disordered loop and Helix II. However, the energetic contributions of a cluster of basic residues close to the N-terminus and Helix I, which are an integral part of the ligand-binding site, were susceptible to ionic strength effects because of electrostatic strain in native and transition states of E3BD at low ionic strength. We found no evidence of the downhill folding previously proposed for E3BD, even though the conditions employed in this study significantly increased the energetic bias towards the native state.  相似文献   

Under natural environments, plants and algae have evolved various photosynthetic acclimation mechanisms in response to the constantly changing light conditions. The state transition and long-term response processes in photosynthetic acclimation involve remodeling and composition alteration of thylakoid membrane. A chloroplast protein kinase named Stt7/STN7 has been found to have pivotal roles in both state transition and longterm response. Here we report the crystal structures of the kinase domain of a putative Stt7/STN7 homolog from Micromonas sp. RCC299 (MsStt7d) in the apo form and in complex with various nucleotide substrates. MsStt7d adopts a canonical protein kinase fold and contains all the essential residues at the active site. A novel hairpin motif, found to be a conserved feature of the Stt7/STN7 family and indispensable for the kinase stability, interacts with the activation loop and fi xes it in an active conformation. We have also demonstrated that MsStt7d is a dualspecifi city kinase that phosphorylates both Thr and Tyr residues. Moreover, preliminary in vitro data suggest that it might be capable of phosphorylating a consensus N-terminal pentapeptide of light-harvesting proteins Micromonas Lhcp4 and Arabidopsis Lhcb1 directly. The potential peptide/protein substrate binding site is predicted based on the location of a pseudo-substrate contributed by the adjacent molecule within the crystallographic dimer. The structural and biochemical data presented here provide a framework for an improved understanding on the role of Stt7/STN7 in photosynthetic acclimation.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(18):3350-3365.e7
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The role of hydrophobic interactions established by the residues that belong to the main hydrophobic core of ribonuclease A in its pressure-folding transition state was investigated using the Phi-value method. The folding kinetics was studied using pressure-jump techniques both in the pressurization and depressurization directions. The ratio between the folding activation volume and the reaction volume (beta p-value), which is an index of the compactness or degree of solvation of the transition state, was calculated. All the positions analyzed presented fractional Phi f-values, and the lowest were those corresponding to the most critical positions for the ribonuclease A stability. The structure of the transition state of the hydrophobic core of ribonuclease A, from the point of view of formed interactions, is a relatively, uniformly expanded form of the folded structure with a mean Phi f-value of 0.43. This places it halfway between the folded and unfolded states. On the other hand, for the variants, the average of beta p-values is 0.4, suggesting a transition state that is 40% native-like. Altogether the results suggest that the pressure-folding transition state of ribonuclease A looks like a collapsed globule with some secondary structure and a weakened hydrophobic core. A good correlation was found between the Phi f-values and the Deltabeta p-values. Although the nature of the transition state inferred from pressure-induced folding studies and the results of the protein engineering method have been reported to be consistent for other proteins, to the best of our knowledge this is the first direct comparison using a set of mutants.  相似文献   

Protein engineering techniques have emerged as powerful tools for characterizing transition states (TSs) for protein folding. Recently, the Ψ analysis, in which double-histidine mutations create the possibility of reversible crosslinking in the native state, has been proposed as an additional approach to the well-established Φ analysis. We present here a combination of these two procedures for defining the structure of the TS of ubiquitin, a small α/β protein that has been used extensively as a model system for both experimental and computational studies of the protein-folding process. We performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations in which Φ and Ψ values were used as ensemble-averaged structural restraints to determine an ensemble of structures representing the TS of ubiquitin. Although the available Ψ values for ubiquitin did not, by themselves, generate well-defined TS ensembles, the inclusion of the restricted set of zero or unity values, but not fractional ones, provided useful complementary information to the Φ analysis. Our results show that the TS of ubiquitin is formed by a relatively narrow ensemble of structures exhibiting an overall native-like topology in which the N-terminal and C-terminal regions are in close proximity.  相似文献   

It is standard practice to compare the status of performance indicators between restoration and reference sites to monitor restoration progress and demonstrate restoration success. However, standard methods for defining the reference ecosystem, selecting reference sites, and measuring success are surprisingly lacking. Our study develops these methods based on the acceptable range of variation (ARV) within the desirable stable (reference) state as a measure of restoration success. The method (1) constrains application to the contemporary landscape to avoid the problematic historical range of variation concept and idealized restoration targets; (2) acknowledges the theory of alternative stable states and ecosystem dynamics and posits that the reference ecosystem should be clearly defined as a desirable stable (reference) state; and (3) shows that identifying an acceptable thematic (classification) scale and an acceptable management timeframe is essential to defining the desirable stable (reference) state. We present two approaches to calculating an ARV and a simulation method to explore reference site replication sufficiency. We apply the methods to two contrasting Australian restoration case studies and recommend that routine adoption of these methods would make a significant contribution to the science and practice of restoration ecology and to the assessment of restoration success.  相似文献   

Phosphagen kinases catalyze the reversible transfer of a phosphoryl group between guanidino phosphate compounds and ADP, thereby regenerating ATP during bursts of cellular activity. Large quantities of highly pure arginine kinase (EC, the phosphagen kinase present in arthropods, have been isolated from E. coli, into which the cDNA for the horseshoe crab enzyme had been cloned. Purification involves size exclusion and anion exchange chromatographies applied in the denatured and refolded states. The recombinant enzyme has been crystallized as a transition state analog complex. Near complete native diffraction data have been collected to 1.86 A resolution. Substitution of a recombinant source for a natural one, improvement in the purification, and data collection at cryo temperatures have all yielded significant improvements in diffraction.  相似文献   

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