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The effect of temperature between 0 °C and 51 °C oncold and heat resistance of chilling-sensitive plants has beenstudied in maize, cucumber and tomato growing in controlledgrowth chambers. It has been shown that the normal temperaturerange (the background range) specific for each species doesnot affect their thermo-resistance. Temperatures outside thisbackground range induced the development of cold and heat resistancein leaves (these are the temperature ranges of cold and heathardening). Temperatures below + °9C and above +49 °Cfor maize, +8 °C and + 40°C for cucumber and +6 °Cand +42°C for tomato resulted in a decrease in leaf thermo-resistanceand injury (these are the temperature ranges of cold and heatinjury). At gradually declining or rising temperatures the initialpoints of plant injury were shifted slightly towards more extremetemperatures. The time necessary for dehardening of plants dependedon the degree of hardening. Dehardening is complete only atthe background temperatures. It has been assumed that the responsesto temperature of chilling-sensitive and chilling-resistantgrowing species belong qualitatively to the same type. Key words: Temperature, Thermo-resistance, Plants  相似文献   

Márquez EJ  Rada F  Fariñas MR 《Oecologia》2006,150(3):393-397
The tropical high Andes experience greater daily temperature oscillations compared to seasonal ones as well as a high frequency of night frost occurrence year round. Survival of organisms, under such environmental conditions, has been determined by selective forces which have evolved into adaptations including avoidance or tolerance to freezing. These adaptations have been studied in different species of trees, shrubs and perennial herbs in páramo ecosystems, while they have not been considered in grasses, an important family of the páramo. In order to understand survival of Poaceae, resistance mechanisms were determined. The study was performed along an altitudinal gradient (2,500–4,200 m a.s.l.) in the páramo. Supercooling capacity and frost injury temperature were determined in nine species in order to establish cold resistance mechanisms. Grasses registered a very low supercooling capacity along the altitudinal gradient, with ice formation between −6 and −3°C. On the other hand, frost injury temperature oscillated between −18 and −7°C. Our results suggest that grasses exhibit freezing tolerance as their main cold resistance mechanism. Since grasses grow at ground level, where greatest heat loss takes place, tolerance may be related to this life form as reported for other small life forms.  相似文献   

Low temperature is one of the important environmental changes that affect plant growth. The cold resistance capabilities of evergreen plants are the result of long-term adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. To investigate the responses of Ammopiptanthus nanus, a rare stress-tolerant evergreen plant, to extreme cold stress, we analyzed the proteome expression patterns of stressed plants; this is the first study to report these patterns for A. nanus. We collected adult A. nanus leaves under two conditions of cold stress: extreme cold (−29°C) and relatively less extreme cold (−5°C). Total crude proteins were extracted from leaf blades, separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. Of the 500 protein spots detected in each of the samples, eight of the spots that exhibited clear changes under the different conditions were identified by MALDI-TOF analyses. Our results suggest that cold stress-related proteins may play diverse roles in the resistance to multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

The activity of alternative oxidase (AOX) and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. isolated from seedlings subjected to one (7-day exposure to 2–3°C) and two (7-day exposure to 2–3°C and 2-day exposure to −2°C) phases of a cold hardening has been studied. The antioxidant role of AOX in the first phase of the cold hardening has been determined using inhibitors of respiratory chain. Exposure to low temperature was shown to lead to inhibition of cytochrome pathway in mitochondria, increase of ROS production, and switching of the electron transport to the alternative pathway. Decrease in succinate- and antimycin A-induced ROS generation was found during two phases of cold hardening. This fact may point out to functioning of uncoupling proteins under these conditions. Thus, antioxidant function of AOX during the first phase of cold hardening may be an important component of the cold adaptation mechanism in winter crops. The data suggest that ROS and free fatty acids may be signal molecules regulating the activity of two energy-dissipation systems (AOX and uncoupling proteins).  相似文献   

The predominant emphasis on harmful effects of environmental stresses on growth of woody plants has obscured some very beneficial effects of such stresses. Slowly increasing stresses may induce physiological adjustment that protects plants from the growth inhibition and/or injury that follow when environmental stresses are abruptly imposed. In addition, short exposures of woody plants to extreme environmental conditions at critical times in their development often improve growth. Furthermore, maintaining harvested seedlings and plant products at very low temperatures extends their longevity. Drought tolerance: Seedlings previously exposed to water stress often undergo less inhibition of growth and other processes following transplanting than do seedlings not previously exposed to such stress. Controlled wetting and drying cycles often promote early budset, dormancy, and drought tolerance. In many species increased drought tolerance following such cycles is associated with osmotic adjustment that involves accumulation of osmotically active substances. Maintenance of leaf turgor often is linked to osmotic adjustment. A reduction in osmotic volume at full turgor also results in reduced osmotic potential, even in the absence of solute accumulation. Changes in tissue elasticity may be important for turgor maintenance and drought tolerance of plants that do not adjust osmotically. Water deficits and nutrient deficiencies promote greater relative allocation of photosynthate to root growth, ultimately resulting in plants that have higher root:shoot ratios and greater capacity to absorb water and minerals relative to the shoots that must be supported. At the molecular level, plants respond to water stress by synthesis of certain new proteins and increased levels of synthesis of some proteins produced under well-watered conditions. Evidence has been obtained for enhanced synthesis under water stress of water-channel proteins and other proteins that may protect membranes and other important macromolecules from damage and denaturation as cells dehydrate. Flood tolerance: Both artificial and natural flooding sometimes benefit woody plants. Flooding of orchard soils has been an essential management practice for centuries to increase fruit yields and improve fruit quality. Also, annual advances and recessions of floods are crucial for maintaining valuable riparian forests. Intermittent flooding protects bottomland forests by increasing groundwater supplies, transporting sediments necessary for creating favorable seedbeds, and regulating decomposition of organic matter. Major adaptations for flood tolerance of some woody plants include high capacity for producing adventitious roots that compensate physiologically for decay of original roots under soil anaerobiosis, facilitation of oxygen uptake through stomata and newly formed lenticels, and metabolic adjustments. Halophytes can adapt to saline water by salt tolerance, salt avoidance, or both. Cold hardiness: Environmental stresses that inhibit plant growth, including low temperature, drought, short days, and combinations of these, induce cold hardening and hardiness in many species. Cold hardiness develops in two stages: at temperatures between 10° and 20°C in the autumn, when carbohydrates and lipids accumulate; and at subsequent freezing temperatures. The sum of many biochemical processes determines the degree of cold tolerance. Some of these processes are hormone dependent and induced by short days; others that are linked to activity of enzyme systems are temperature dependent. Short days are important for development of cold hardiness in species that set buds or respond strongly to photoperiod. Nursery managers often expose tree seedlings to moderate water stress at or near the end of the growing season. This accelerates budset, induces early dormancy, and increases cold hardiness. Pollution tolerance: Absorption of gaseous air pollutants varies with resistance to flow along the pollutant’s diffusion path. Hence, the amount of pollutant absorbed by leaves depends on stomatal aperture, stomatal size, and stomatal frequency. Pollution tolerance is increased when drought, dry air, or flooding of soil close stomatal pores. Heat tolerance: Exposure to sublethal high temperature can increase the thermotolerance of plants. Potential mechanisms of response include synthesis of heat-shock proteins and isoprene and antioxidant production to protect the photosynthetic apparatus and cellular metabolism. Breaking of dormancy: Seed dormancy can be broken by cold or heat. Embryo dormancy is broken by prolonged exposure of most seeds to temperatures of 1° to 15°C. The efficiency of treatment depends on interactions between temperature and seed moisture content. Germination can be postponed by partially dehydrating seeds or altering the temperature during seed stratification. Seed-coat dormancy can be broken by fires that rupture seed coats or melt seedcoat waxes, hence promoting water uptake. Seeds with both embryo dormancy and seed-coat dormancy may require exposure to both high and low temperatures to break dormancy. Exposure to smoke itself can also serve as a germination cue in breaking seed dormancy in some species. Bud dormancy of temperate-zone trees is broken by winter cold. The specific chilling requirement varies widely with species and genotype, type of bud (e.g., vegetative or floral bud), depth of dormancy, temperature, duration of chilling, stage of plant development, and daylength. Interruption of a cold regime by high temperature may negate the effect of sustained chilling or breaking of bud dormancy. Near-lethal heat stress may release buds from both endodormancy and ecodormancy. Pollen shedding: Dehiscence of anthers and release of pollen result from dehydration of walls of anther sacs. Both seasonal and diurnal pollen shedding are commonly associated with shrinkage and rupture of anther walls by low relative humidity. Pollen shedding typically is maximal near midday (low relative humidity) and low at night (high relative humidity). Pollen shedding is low or negligible during rainy periods. Seed dispersal: Gymnosperm cones typically dehydrate before opening. The cones open and shed seeds because of differential shrinkage between the adaxial and abaxial tissues of cone scales. Once opened, cones may close and reopen with changes in relative humidity. Both dehydration and heat are necessary for seed dispersal from serotinous (late-to-open) cones. Seeds are stored in serotinous cones because resinous bonds of scales prevent cone opening. After fire melts the resinous material, the cone scales can open on drying. Fires also stimulate germination of seeds of some species. Some heath plants require fire to open their serotinous follicles and shed seeds. Fire destroys the resin at the valves of follicles, and the valves then reflex to release the seeds. Following fire the follicles of some species require alternate wetting and drying for efficient seed dispersal. Stimulation of reproductive growth: Vegetative and reproductive growth of woody plants are negatively correlated. A heavy crop of fruits, cones, and seeds is associated with reduced vegetative growth in the same or following year (or even years). Subjecting trees to drought during early stages of fruit development to inhibit vegetative growth, followed by normal irrigation, sometimes favors reproductive growth. Short periods of drought at critical times not only induce formation of flower buds but also break dormancy of flower buds in some species. Water deficits may induce flowering directly or by inhibiting shoot flushing, thereby limiting the capacity of young leaves to inhibit floral induction. Postharvest water stress often results in abundant return bloom over that in well-irrigated plants. Fruit yields of some species are not reduced or are increased by withholding irrigation during the period of shoot elongation. In several species, osmotic adjustment occurs during deficit irrigation. In other species, increased fruit growth by imposed drought is not associated largely with osmotic adjustment and maintenance of leaf turgor. Seedling storage: Tree seedlings typically are stored at temperatures just above or below freezing. Growth and survival of cold-stored seedlings depend on such factors as: date of lifting from the nursery; species and genotype; storage temperature, humidity, and illumination; duration of storage; and handling of planting stock after storage. Seedlings to be stored over winter should be lifted from the nursery as late as possible. Dehydration of seedlings before, during, and after storage adversely affects growth of outplanted seedlings. Long-term storage of seedlings may result in depletion of stored carbohydrates by respiration and decrease of root growth potential. Although many seedlings are stored in darkness, a daily photoperiod during cold storage may stimulate subsequent growth and increase survival of outplanted seedlings. For some species, rapid thawing may decrease respiratory consumption of carbohydrates (over slowly thawed seedlings) and decrease development of molds. Pollen storage: Preservation of pollen is necessary for insurance against poor flowering years, for gene conservation, and for physiological and biochemical studies. Storage temperature and pollen moisture content largely determine longevity of stored pollen. Pollen can be stored successfully for many years in deep freezers at temperatures near −15°C or in liquid nitrogen (−196°C). Cryopreservation of pollen with a high moisture content is difficult because ice crystals may destroy the cells. Pollens of many species do not survive at temperatures below −40°C if their moisture contents exceed 20–30%. Pollen generally is air dried, vacuum dried, or freeze dried before it is stored. To preserve the germination capacity of stored pollen, rehydration at high humidity often is necessary. Seed storage: Seeds are routinely stored to provide a seed supply during years of poor seed production, to maintain genetic diversity, and to breed plants. For a long time, seeds were classified as either orthodox (relatively long-lived, with capacity for dehydration to very low moisture contents without losing viability) or recalcitrant (short-lived and requiring a high moisture content for retention of viability). More recently, some seeds have been reclassified as suborthodox or intermediate because they retain viability when carefully dried. True orthodox seeds are preserved much more easily than are nonorthodox seeds. Orthodox seeds can be stored for a long time at temperatures between 2° and −20°C, with temperatures below −5°C preferable. Some orthodox seeds have been stored at superlow temperatures, although temperatures of −40°, −70°, or −196°C have not been appreciably better than −20°C for storage of seeds of a number of species. Only relatively short-term storage protocols have been developed for nonorthodox seeds. These treatments typically extend seed viability to as much as a year. The methods often require cryopreservation of excised embryos. Responses to cryopreservation of nonorthodox seeds or embryos vary with species and genotype, rate of drying, use of cryoprotectants, rates of freezing and thawing, and rate of rehydration. Fruit storage: Storing fruits at low temperatures above freezing, increasing the CO2 concentration, and lowering the O2 concentration of fruit storage delays senescence of fruits and prolongs their life. Fruits continue to senesce and decay while in storage and become increasingly susceptible to diseases. Both temperate-zone and tropical fruits may develop chilling injury characterized by lesions, internal discoloration, greater susceptibility to decay, and shortened storage life. Chilling injury can be controlled by chemicals, temperature conditioning, and intermittent warming during storage. Stored fruits may become increasingly susceptible to disease organisms. Fruit diseases can be controlled by cold, which inhibits growth of microorganisms and maintains host resistance. Exposure of fruits to high CO2 and low O2 during storage directly suppresses disease-causing fungi. Pathogens also can be controlled by exposing fruits to heat before, during, and after storage. Scald that often develops during low-temperature storage can be controlled by chemicals and by heat treatments.  相似文献   

The occurrence of summer heat waves is predicted to increase in amplitude and frequency in the near future, but the consequences of such extreme events are largely unknown, especially for belowground organisms. Soil organisms usually exhibit strong vertical stratification, resulting in more frequent exposure to extreme temperatures for surface‐dwelling species than for soil‐dwelling species. Therefore soil‐dwelling species are expected to have poor acclimation responses to cope with temperature changes. We used five species of surface‐dwelling and four species of soil‐dwelling Collembola that habituate different depths in the soil. We tested for differences in tolerance to extreme temperatures after acclimation to warm and cold conditions. We also tested for differences in acclimation of the underlying physiology by looking at changes in membrane lipid composition. Chill coma recovery time, heat knockdown time and fatty acid profiles were determined after 1 week of acclimation to either 5 or 20 °C. Our results showed that surface‐dwelling Collembola better maintained increased heat tolerance across acclimation temperatures, but no such response was found for cold tolerance. Concordantly, four of the five surface‐dwelling Collembola showed up to fourfold changes in relative abundance of fatty acids after 1 week of acclimation, whereas none of the soil‐dwelling species showed a significant adjustment in fatty acid composition. Strong physiological responses to temperature fluctuations may have become redundant in soil‐dwelling species due to the relative thermal stability of their subterranean habitat. Based on the results of the four species studied, we expect that unless soil‐dwelling species can temporarily retreat to avoid extreme temperatures, the predicted increase in heat waves under climatic change renders these soil‐dwelling species more vulnerable to extinction than species with better physiological capabilities. Being able to act under a larger thermal range is probably costly and could reduce maximum performance at the optimal temperature.  相似文献   

Changes in the freezing tolerance for Silene acaulis L., a subarcticand arctic species of circumpolar distribution, were examinedto understand the extent of cold hardening and dehardening thatoccurs seasonally and with changes in plant phenology. Shootsof whole plants collected on a mountain ridge near Tromsø,Norway (69° N, 700 m above sea level) were frozen undercontrolled conditions at cooling rates of 3 to 4°C h-1.The extent of freezing-induced injury was examined both by chlorophyllfluorescence and by visual inspection with a microscope. A freezingtolerance level of -30°C was observed in mid-winter, basedon a 50% lethal point for freezing injury. Loss of cold hardinesswas substantial in mid-summer, with freezing tolerance of -8·5to -9°C observed in mid-July. Plants still covered by snowin mid-July had a freezing tolerance of -12·5 to -13°C.The maintenance of a basic level of freezing tolerance throughoutthe summer may be adaptive in the northern latitude-regionsbecause of the occurrence of episodic frosts during the growingseason.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Silene acaulis L., Caryophyllaceae, freezing tolerance, chlorophyll fluorescence, cushion plant  相似文献   

The cold tolerance abilities of only a few nematode species have been determined. This study shows that the oatmeal nematode, Panagrellus redivivus, has modest cold tolerance with a 50% survival temperature (S 50) of −2.5°C after cooling at 0.5°C min−1 and freezing for 1 h. It can survive low temperatures by freezing tolerance and cryoprotective dehydration; although freezing tolerance appears to be the dominant strategy. Freezing survival is enhanced by low temperature acclimation (7 days at 5°C), with the S 50 being lowered by a small but significant amount (0.42°C). There is no cold shock or rapid cold hardening response under the conditions tested. Cryoprotective dehydration enhances the ability to survive freezing (the S 50 is lowered by 0.55°C, compared to the control, after 4 h freezing at −1°C) and this effect is in addition to that produced by acclimation. Breeding from survivors of a freezing stress did not enhance the ability to survive freezing. The cold tolerance abilities of this nematode are modest, but sufficient to enable it to survive in the cold temperate environments it inhabits.  相似文献   

Heat tolerance of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes was evaluated by solute leakage and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques in heat-hardened and non-hardened plants. To determine the appropriate hardening treatment, 1-month-old plants of two groundnut genotypes, ICGV 86707 and Chico were conditioned at five combinations of hardening (37°C) and non-hardening (30°C) air temperatures over a 5-day period. Heat injury, was assessed through measurements of electrolyte leakage after stressing leaf discs to 55°C for 15 min. The relative injury was significantly influenced by the conditioning temperatures and by the temperature during 24 h prior to measurement if those involved non-hardening conditions. Relative injury and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured after stressing leaves of six genotypes at a range of temperatures between 49°C and 55°C. Significant genotype × hardening treatment interactions were observed in relative injury and chlorophyll fluorescence. Chico was susceptible to heat stress, the relative injury test identified ICGV 86707 as tolerant, and the chlorophyll fluorescence test identified ICGV 86707 as tolerant under hardened conditions and ICGV 87358 as tolerant when non-hardened. When expressed as percentage of control values, the relative injury and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements over the 49–53°C stress temperature range were strongly correlated. Chlorophyll concentrations were increased by hardening in all genotypes except Chico. In Chico, chlb concentration was decreased and the chla/b ratio increased by hardening, and chlorophyll concentrations were correlated with chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Chlorophyll concentration may therefore provide an alternative means of screening for heat tolerance.  相似文献   

The concept of physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) has been applied to the analysis of thermal bioclimatic conditions in Freiburg, Germany, to show if days with extreme bioclimatic conditions will change and how extreme thermal conditions can be modified by changes in mean radiant temperature and wind speed. The results show that there will be an increase of days with heat stress (PET > 35°C) in the order of 5% (from 9.2% for 1961–1990) and a decrease of days with cold stress (PET < 0°C) from 16.4% to 3.8% per year. The conditions can be modified by measures modifying radiation and wind speed in the order of more than 10% of days per year by reducing global radiation in complex structures or urban areas.  相似文献   

Rising environmental temperatures have become a global threat for ectotherms, with the increasing risk of overheating promoting population declines. Flexible thermoregulatory behavior might be a plausible mechanism to mitigate the effects of extreme temperatures. We experimentally evaluated thermoregulatory behavior in the bunchgrass lizard, Sceloporus aeneus, at three different environmental temperatures (25, 35 and 45 °C) both with and without a thermal refuge. We recorded themoregulatory behaviors (body posture and movement between hot and cold patches) and compared individual lizards across all experimental temperature and shelter combinations. Behavioral thermoregulation in S. aeneus was characterized by the expression of five body postures, whose frequencies varied based on environmental temperature and microthermal conditions. Behavioral responses allowed lizards to maintain a mean body temperature <40 °C, the critical thermal maximum for temperate species, even at extreme environmental temperatures (45 °C). Although S. aeneus express an array of behavioral postures that provide an effective mechanism to cope with elevating temperatures, the presence of a thermal refuge was important to better achieve this. Together, our study offers a novel method to evaluate microhabitat preference that encompasses both behavioral observations and time-space analysis based on the ambient thermal distribution, a consideration that can aid in the formulation of more accurate predictions on ectotherm vulnerability related to increasing global environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of thermal preconditioning on a simple form of learning and memory, habituation, we preconditioned crayfish with extreme temperatures and subsequently analysed their effects on mechanosensory input that evokes a response in the lateral giant interneurons, within the normal temperature range of the animal. We found that repetitive stimulation with a 1 s interstimulus interval led to habituation of the response the lateral giant in control animals at 22°C. Neither heat nor cold preconditioning had any effect on the probability of evoking a response in the lateral giant nor on the rate at which habituation occurred. With a 1 min interstimulus interval, however, the rate of habituation of the lateral giant in the heat-preconditioned group was less than either the control or cold-preconditioned animals. The effect of heat or cold pre-exposure was specific to the input to the lateral giant at control temperatures. For example, at 22°C prior heat and cold preconditioning had no effect on spontaneous reductor motor neurone activity. They did, however, provide thermoprotection at extreme temperatures, with the probability of spontaneous activity higher in the cold-preconditioned group at low temperatures but higher in the heat-preconditioned group at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The Polylepis tarapacana forests found in Bolivia are unique with respect to their altitudinal distribution (4200–5200 m). Given the extreme environmental conditions that characterize these altitudes, this species has to rely on distinct mechanisms to survive stressful temperatures. The purpose of this study was to determine low‐temperature resistance mechanisms in P. tarapacana. Tissue was sampled for carbohydrate and proline contents and micro‐climatic measurements were made at two altitudes, 4300 and 4850 m, during both the dry cold and wet warm seasons. Supercooling capacity (?3 to ?6 °C for the cold dry and ?7 to ?9 °C for the wet warm season) and injury temperatures (?18 to ?23 °C for both seasons), determined in the laboratory, indicate that P. tarapacana is a frost‐tolerant species. On the other hand, an increase in supercooling capacity, as the result of significant increase in total soluble sugar and proline contents, occurs during the wet warm season as a consequence of higher metabolic activity. Hence, P. tarapacana, a frost‐tolerant species during the colder unfavourable season, is able to avoid freezing during the more favourable season when minimum night‐time temperatures are not as extreme.  相似文献   

This study of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius, examines tolerance of adult females to extremes in temperature and loss of body water. Although the supercooling point (SCP) of the bed bugs was approximately −20°C, all were killed by a direct 1 h exposure to −16°C. Thus, this species cannot tolerate freezing and is killed at temperatures well above its SCP. Neither cold acclimation at 4°C for 2 weeks nor dehydration (15% loss of water content) enhanced cold tolerance. However, bed bugs have the capacity for rapid cold hardening, i.e. a 1‐h exposure to 0°C improved their subsequent tolerance of −14 and −16°C. In response to heat stress, fewer than 20% of the bugs survived a 1‐h exposure to 46°C, and nearly all were killed at 48°C. Dehydration, heat acclimation at 30°C for 2 weeks and rapid heat hardening at 37°C for 1 h all failed to improve heat tolerance. Expression of the mRNAs encoding two heat shock proteins (Hsps), Hsp70 and Hsp90, was elevated in response to heat stress, cold stress and during dehydration and rehydration. The response of Hsp90 was more pronounced than that of Hsp70 during dehydration and rehydration. Our results define the tolerance limits for bed bugs to these commonly encountered stresses of temperature and low humidity and indicate a role for Hsps in responding to these stresses.  相似文献   

Gerhard Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1989,184(1-2):79-88
The duration times of eggs, combined naupliar instars and of the different copepodite stages of five species of cyclopoid copepods — Acanthocyclops robustus, Cyclops vicinus, Diacyclops bicuspidatus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, and Thermocyclops crassus — were investigated at five different temperatures. The five species can be divided in two groups: two species, C. vicinus and D. bicuspidatus, adapted to cold water conditions and three species, A. robustus, M. leuckarti and T. crassus adapted to warm water conditions. The cold water species showed a faster egg development than M. leuckarti and T. crassus at 5–15 °C. The eggs and instars of the warm water species M. leuckarti tend to develop faster than those of the former two species at higher temperatures. A. robustus showed the shortest egg and instar development at 10–25 °C. The warm water species T. crassus produced no eggs at 10 °C and temperatures below. At higher temperatures (20, 25 °C) the egg and instar duration times were similar or longer than those of the other species. When cultured in total darkness a great part of the CIV respectively CV copepodites of the summer forms entered arrest and the percentage of copepodites that showed an arrest of development was highest at lowest temperatures. The present results are compared with data from literature and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Little is known about how adults of the corn leafhopper,Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott), and its congeners survive subfreezing temperatures at high elevations during the dry winter in Mexico. In the laboratory, duration of survival at −5°C was measured for four MexicanDalbulus species:D. maidis, D. elimatus (Ball),D. gelbus DeLong andD. quinquenotatus DeLong & Nault; and a closely related North American species,Baldulus tripsaci Kramer & Whitcomb. Adult leafhoppers reared under environmental conditions that simulated the beginning of the dry winter season during October in Mexico (‘October-reared’) were at least twice as tolerant of −5°C than adults reared under environmental conditions that simulated the beginning of the wet summer season during June (‘June-reared’).Dalbulus species found primarily at high elevations, such asD. elimatus, were seven times more tolerant of −5°C thanD. quinquenotatus, a species which overwinters at low to mid elevations on itsTripsacum hosts. October-rearedD. maidis adults survived relatively short periods at −5°C (LT50=8.9h) compared to October-rearedD. elimatus adults (LT50=42.3h). This suggests that in Mexico,D. maidis either overwinters in protected habitats at higher elevations or it migrates to lower, frost-free regions. October-rearedB. tripsaci adults, which overwinter in the egg stage, were intolerant of −5°C (LT50=2.6h). A conditioning period for 1 h at +5°C before and after exposure to −5°C significantly improved survival forD. maidis. Supercooling points (SCPs) were between −23 and −20°C, indicating that mortality of these leafhoppers at −5°C was due to cold shock injury rather than internal ice formation.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis, is an invasive worldwide pest that causes great economic loss. Temperature plays an important role in shaping insect distributions. In this study, we report the survival rates of 3-day-old WFT exposed to rapid changes in extreme high and low temperatures. Temperature, exposure time, and gender all significantly affected the survival of adult WFT, with the lowest survival associated with more extreme temperatures and/or longer exposures. The temperature required to kill 50% of exposed WFT individuals (LT50) decreased with extended exposure time, but females were more tolerant to extreme temperature than males. Investigation of rapid cold or heat hardening suggested that a short prior exposure to a sub-lethal low or high temperature increased WFT survival during a subsequent exposure to a lethal temperature. Tolerance of extreme temperatures and an ability to undergo rapid hardening are of great ecological relevance in determining the geographic distribution of WFT, allowing it to survive better in temporary bouts of extreme temperature stress. Our findings provide useful information on the environmental limits on the distribution of WFT, which have implications for control of this pest.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Biochemical adaptation to environmental parameterssuch as temperature appears to involve two distinct types ofchanges in the organism's chemistry. On the one hand, the quantitiesof certain molecular species present in the cells may change.Alternatively, the actual types of molecules present may vary.Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) acclimated to warm and coldtemperatures exhibit a striking example of this latter typeof adaptation. For all enzymes we have examined in this species,distinct "warm" and "cold" isozymes are present. The isozymesfound in warmacclimated (18°C) trout function well onlyat temperatures above 10–12°C. The isozymes presentin cold-acclimated (4°C) trout function optimally at 2-5°C,temperatures this species normally encounters in winter. Thesedata, plus information on comparable changes in membrane lipids,lead us to propose that adult poikilotherms may undergo a considerabledegree of "biochemical restructuring" on a seasonal basis. Thefactors which control this "restructuring," and the rates atwhich the process occurs at high and low temperatures, are topicsfor future investigation.  相似文献   

Deviations from typical environmental conditions can provide insight into how organisms may respond to future weather extremes predicted by climate modeling. During an episodic and multimonth heat wave event (i.e., ambient temperature up to 43.4°C), we studied the thermal ecology of a ground‐dwelling bird species in Western Oklahoma, USA. Specifically, we measured black bulb temperature (Tbb) and vegetation parameters at northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhite) adult and brood locations as well as at stratified random points in the study area. On the hottest days (i.e., ≥39°C), adults and broods obtained thermal refuge using tall woody cover that remained on average up to 16.51°C cooler than random sites on the landscape which reached >57°C. We also found that refuge sites used by bobwhites moderated thermal conditions by more than twofold compared to stratified random sites on the landscape but that Tbb commonly exceeded thermal stress thresholds for bobwhites (39°C) for several hours of the day within thermal refuges. The serendipitous high heat conditions captured in our study represent extreme heat for our study region as well as thermal stress for our study species, and subsequently allowed us to assess ground‐dwelling bird responses to temperatures that are predicted to become more common in the future. Our findings confirm the critical importance of tall woody cover for moderating temperatures and functioning as important islands of thermal refuge for ground‐dwelling birds, especially during extreme heat. However, the potential for extreme heat loads within thermal refuges that we observed (albeit much less extreme than the landscape) indicates that the functionality of tall woody cover to mitigate heat extremes may be increasingly limited in the future, thereby reinforcing predictions that climate change represents a clear and present danger for these species.  相似文献   

How salmonids adjust to the cost of chronic exposure to warm water in nature, particularly in habitats where areas of cold water are unavailable, is largely unknown. In the hot dry climate of southern California, oversummering juvenile steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, can experience a continual warm-water environment. Studies were performed in three streams (34°N) during the summers of 2002–2004 to assess how steelhead (10–28 cm total length) exploit the thermal environment and to develop an understanding of how existing preference and heat tolerance information reported for the species relate to the actual temperatures the local population experiences. Analyses of achievable body temperatures, an index of observed body temperatures, and behavioral time budgets, indicate steelhead did not behaviorally thermoregulate. Findings from associated field surveys suggest areas of cold water were not available. Steelhead held focal points at temperatures (17.4–24.8°C) that were at times higher than the temperature preferences and heat tolerances reported for the species. Oversummering juvenile steelhead accept an elevated body temperature and remain active and forage throughout the day, apparently as a means for coping with warm water at the southern extent of their range. The relatively high body temperatures that steelhead accept appear to represent a compromise in exchange for maintaining an expanded geographic (latitudinal) range.  相似文献   

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