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A genetic linkage map of the horse consisting of 742 markers, which comprises a single linkage group for each of the autosomes and the X chromosome, is presented. The map has been generated from two three-generation full-sibling reference families, sired by the same stallion, in which there are 61 individuals in the F2 generation. Each linkage group has been assigned to a chromosome and oriented with reference to markers mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The average interval between markers is 3.7 cM and the linkage groups collectively span 2772 cM. The 742 markers comprise 734 microsatellite and 8 gene-based markers. The utility of the microsatellite markers for comparative mapping has been significantly enhanced by comparing their flanking sequences with the human genome sequence; this enabled conserved segments between human and horse to be identified. The new map provides a valuable resource for genetically mapping traits of interest in the horse.  相似文献   

An amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) linkage map for coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) was constructed from eight full-sib families each consisting of 40 progeny. These families were part of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests second-generation progeny test program and represent typical family sizes used in progeny trials. For map construction, ten primer pairs using EcoRI+3 and MseI+4 were employed to identify and assay AFLP loci that segregated in backcross configurations. A new technique was used to obtain a single recombination rate for each pair of marker loci: for each locus pair, a recombination rate and log-odd value were estimated across all segregating families using a joint maximum likelihood function that considered the full dataset of segregating genotypes. The resulting matrix of recombination rates between all pairs of loci was used to construct an integrated linkage map using JoinMap. The final map consisted of 19 linkage groups spanning 938.6 cM at an average distance of 9.3 cM between markers. The simultaneous integration of data from multiple families may provide an effective way to construct a linkage map, using the genetic resources inherent in most tree improvement programs, where progeny tests of small size are conducted. The statistical property of number of families used is briefly discussed. For our data, at least three to four families greatly increased the chance of obtaining an informative locus in at least one family. Families as small as ten are adequate for closely linked loci (<10 cM), while the size used in our study (40) is adequate for loci within 30 cM.  相似文献   

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a long-cultivated, clonally propagated diploid plant (2n=2x=16). With routine seed production now underway, we used populations (MP1 and MP2) generated by self-pollination of unrelated plants to generate two low-density genetic maps of garlic, consisting of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and gene-specific markers. We did not observe any two plants with identical marker patterns in either population, indicating that they were the result of amphimixis rather than apomixis. This is an important finding, since several Alliums are facultative apomicts. A total of 360 markers segregated in MP1 (12.8 AFLP markers per primer combination) and 321 markers segregated in MP2 (13.9 per primer combination) to indicate a fairly high level of genetic heterozygosity in the garlic nuclear genome. Of these markers, 15.3% in MP1 and 24.3% in MP2 had segregation ratios distorted from the expected 3:1. Interestingly, 94.7% of those distorted segregations fit a 15:1 segregation ratio for duplicated loci, suggesting extensive levels of duplication in the garlic genome and supporting similar observations for onion. The genetic map for the MP1 family with 216 markers spanned 1,166 cM of the garlic genome (5.4 cM average), while 143 markers of MP2 spanned 862 cM (6.0 cM average). Gene-specific markers for alliinase, chitinase, sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (SST-1), and chalcone synthase (CHS) were mapped, demonstrating the immediate utility of the garlic genetic map. These two garlic families had relatively few segregating AFLP markers in common, which supports their relatively distant relationship based on diversity analysis. Of those markers that were conserved, linkages were also conserved.  相似文献   

A novel set of 50 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed and mapped on existing RAPD framework maps of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla. Together with the twenty previously developed microsatellite markers, these were used to align the existing maps for the two most commercially important Eucalyptus species in the tropics. Sixty-three microsatellite markers were placed on the E. grandis map in 11 linkage groups, and 53 on the E. urophylla map distributed in 10 linkage groups. Approximately 66% of the microsatellite markers segregated in a fully informative fashion, allowing the establishment of colinear syntenic linkage groups between the two maps. The 50 new microsatellite markers were highly informative, with an average of 14 alleles per locus, and average expected heterozygosity between 0.82 and 0.87. Furthermore, within the subgenus Symphyomyrtus, to which the vast majority of commercially important Eucalyptus species belong, these markers display on average 90% transportability. This set of 70 mapped microsatellite markers represents a significant step toward the development of a genus-wide reference linkage map for Eucalyptus. These highly multiallelic and transportable markers constitute a powerful tool for QTL discovery and validation, and can be used in directed searches for QTL allele variation across Eucalyptus pedigrees.  相似文献   

A comprehensive linkage map, including 236 linked markers with a total sex-average map length of about 2300 cM, covering nearly all parts of the pig genome has been established. Linkage groups were assigned to all 18 autosomes, the X chromosome and the X/Y pseudoautosomal region. Several new gene assignments were made including the assignment of linkage group U1 (EAK-HPX) to chromosome 9. The linkage map includes 77 type I loci informative for comparative mapping and 72 in situ mapped markers physically anchoring the linkage groups on chromosomes. A highly significant heterogeneity in recombination rates between sexes was observed with a general tendency towards an excess of female recombination. The average ratio of female to male recombination was estimated at 1–4:1 but this parameter varied between chromosomes as well as between regions within chromosomes. An intriguing finding was that blood group loci were overrepresented at the distal ends of linkage groups.  相似文献   

A composite genetic melon map was generated based on two recombinant inbred line (RI) populations. By analyzing the segregation of 346 AFLPs, 113 IMAs and phenotypic characters on a RI population of 163 individuals derived from the cross Védrantais x PI 161375, a first map was constructed. About 20% of the molecular markers were skewed, and the residual heterozygosity was estimated at 4.43% which was not significantly different from the theoretical value of 4.2%. The genome distribution of molecular markers among the 12 linkage groups was not different from a random distribution with the exception of linkage group XII which was found significantly less populated. The genome distributions of IMAs and AFLPs were complementary. AFLPs were found mainly in the middle of each linkage group and sometimes clustered, whereas IMAs were found mainly at the end. A total of 318 molecular markers, mainly AFLP and IMA markers, were mapped on 63 RIs of the second population, Védrantais x PI 414723. Comparison of the maps enables one to conclude that AFLPs and IMAs of like molecular size, amplified with the same primer combination, correspond to the same genetic locus. Both maps were joined through 116 common markers comprising 106 comigrating AFLPs/IMAs, plus five SSRs and five phenotypic markers. The integrated melon map contained 668 loci issuing from the segregation of 1,093 molecular markers in the two RI populations. The composite map spanned 1,654 cM on 12 linkage groups which is the haploid number of chromosomes in melon. Thirty two known-function probes, i.e. known-function genes (9) and morphological traits (23), were included in this map. In addition, the composite map was anchored to previously published maps through SSRs, RFLPs and phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

A detailed linkage map of lettuce based on SSAP, AFLP and NBS markers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Molecular markers based upon a novel lettuce LTR retrotransposon and the nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family of disease resistance-associated genes have been combined with AFLP markers to generate a 458 locus genetic linkage map for lettuce. A total of 187 retrotransposon-specific SSAP markers, 29 NBS-LRR markers and 242 AFLP markers were mapped in an F2 population, derived from an interspecific cross between a Lactuca sativa cultivar commonly used in Europe and a wild Lactuca serriola isolate from Northern Europe. The cross has been designed to aid efforts to assess gene flow from cultivated lettuce into the wild in the perspective of genetic modification biosafety. The markers were mapped in nine major and one minor linkage groups spanning 1,266.1 cM, with an average distance of 2.8 cM between adjacent mapped markers. The markers are well distributed throughout the lettuce genome, with limited clustering of different marker types. Seventy-seven of the AFLP markers have been mapped previously and cross-comparison shows that the map from this study corresponds well with the previous linkage map.  相似文献   

A consensus map for sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) was constructed by integrating linkage data from two unrelated third-generation pedigrees, one derived from a full-sib cross and the other by self-pollination of F1 individuals. The progeny segregation data of the first pedigree were derived from cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences, microsatellites, restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and single nucleotide polymorphisms. The data of the second pedigree were derived from cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences, isozyme markers, morphological traits, random amplified polymorphic DNA markers, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Linkage analyses were done for the first pedigree with JoinMap 3.0, using its parameter set for progeny derived by cross-pollination, and for the second pedigree with the parameter set for progeny derived from selfing of F1 individuals. The 11 chromosomes of C. japonica are represented in the consensus map. A total of 438 markers were assigned to 11 large linkage groups, 1 small linkage group, and 1 nonintegrated linkage group from the second pedigree; their total length was 1372.2 cM. On average, the consensus map showed 1 marker every 3.0 cM. PCR-based codominant DNA markers such as cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences and microsatellite markers were distributed in all linkage groups and occupied about half of mapped loci. These markers are very useful for integration of different linkage maps, QTL mapping, and comparative mapping for evolutional study, especially for species with a large genome size such as conifers.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has been constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree. A total of 208 loci were analyzed including 165 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 41 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 2 microsatellite markers. The markers were assembled into 22 linkage groups of 2 or more loci and covered a total distance of 1382 cM. Thirteen loci were unlinked to any other marker. Of the RFLP loci that were mapped, 93 were detected by loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) cDNA probes that had been previously mapped or evaluated in that species. The remaining 72 RFLP loci were detected by radiata pine probes from a PstI genomic DNA library. Two hundred and eighty RAPD primers were evaluated, and 41 loci which were segregating in a 11 ratio were mapped. Two microsatellite markers were also placed on the map. This map and the markers derived from it will have wide applicability to genetic studies in P. radiata and other pine species.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of an intraspecific cross between 2 Silene vulgaris s.l. ecotypes is presented. Three-hundred AFLP markers from 2 different restriction enzyme combinations were used to genotype an F2 mapping population. Maternal and paternal pure-coupling phase maps with 114 and 186 markers on 12 and 13 linkage groups, respectively, were constructed. Total map length of the paternal and maternal maps are 547 and 446 Kosambi cM, respectively. Nearly half of the markers (49%) exhibited significant transmission ratio distortion. Genome coverage and potential causes of the observed segregation ratio distortions are discussed. The maps represent a first step towards the identification of quantitative trait loci associated with habitat adaptation in the non-model species Silene vulgaris.  相似文献   

Clustering has been reported for conifer genetic maps based on hypomethylated or low-copy molecular markers, resulting in uneven marker distribution. To test this, a framework genetic map was constructed from three types of microsatellites: low-copy, undermethylated, and genomic. These Pinus taeda L. microsatellites were mapped using a three-generation pedigree with 118 progeny. The microsatellites were highly informative; of the 32 markers in intercross configuration, 29 were segregating for three or four alleles in the progeny. The sex-averaged map placed 51 of the 95 markers in 15 linkage groups at LOD > 4.0. No clustering or uneven distribution across the genome was observed. The three types of P. taeda microsatellites were randomly dispersed within each linkage group. The 51 microsatellites covered a map distance of 795 cM, an average distance of 21.8 cM between markers, roughly half of the estimated total map length. The minimum and maximum distances between any two bins was 4.4 and 45.3 cM, respectively. These microsatellites provided anchor points for framework mapping for polymorphism in P. taeda and other closely related hard pines.  相似文献   

A linkage map for sugi was constructed on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and isozyme loci using a three-generation pedigree prepared for genetic analysis of heartwood color. A total of 128 RFLP (123 cDNA and 5 genomic probes), 33 RAPD, 2 isozyme, and 1 morphological (dwarf) loci segregated in 73 progeny. Of the 164 segregating loci, 145 loci were distributed in 20 linkage groups. Of these loci, 91 with confirmed map positions were assigned to 13 linkage groups, covering a total of 887.3 cM. A clustering of markers with distorted segregation was observed in 6 linkage groups. In the four clusters, distortions with a reduction in the number of homozygotes from one parent only were found.Abbreviations MAS marker-assisted selection - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - QTL quantitative traits of loci - RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Integrated Research Program for the Use of Biotechnological Procedures for Plant Breeding) and by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Cooperative Research, no. 04304017)  相似文献   

结合SADF与RAPD标记构建家蚕连锁图   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用40个选择性扩增多态性引物和137个随机性扩增多态性引物对家蚕Bombyx mori F2群体进行分子标记的筛选。获得544个符合遗传分离比的多态性位点,并用Mapmaker软件进行连锁分析。在最小LOD值为4,最大重组值为0.2条件下拆分连锁群,并对处于同一连锁群的位点进行合理排序,计算出位点间的重组值后转换为图谱距离,构建了一个家蚕的分子连锁图。  相似文献   

Construction of the first mitotic linkage map of the asexual fungus Fusarium oxysporum, based on a population of 32 parasexual fusion products, is reported. Molecular markers were developed using a modified AFLP technique which combines a Foxy-specific primer with standard adapter primers. The retroposon Foxy is abundantly present and highly variable in location in F. oxysporum isolates: 43% of the Foxy-AFLP markers tested appeared to be polymorphic between the strains Fol004 and Fol029. Of the 102 Foxy markers obtained, 83 segregated in a 1:1 ratio. The remaining fragments showed a skewed segregation pattern in which the Fol004 derived Foxy fragments were overrepresented. Foxy markers were observed to be clustered, suggesting that active Foxy elements may not transpose very far from their initial insertion sites, or that hotspots for insertion may exist. Linkage analysis revealed 23 linkage groups. Physical linkage between segregating markers predicted to be 20 cM apart was confirmed, indicating that the mitotic linkage map is reliable.  相似文献   

A first linkage map of pecan cultivars based on RAPD and AFLP markers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We report here the first genetic linkage maps of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch], using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Independent maps were constructed for the cultivars Pawnee and Elliot using the double pseudo-testcross mapping strategy and 120 F1 seedlings from a full-sib family. A total of 477 markers, including 217 RAPD, 258 AFLP, and two morphological markers were used in linkage analysis. The Pawnee linkage map has 218 markers, comprising 176 testcross and 42 intercross markers placed in 16 major and 13 minor (doublets and triplets) linkage groups. The Pawnee linkage map covered 2,227 cM with an average map distance of 12.7 cM between adjacent markers. The Elliot linkage map has 174 markers comprising 150 testcross and 22 intercross markers placed in 17 major and nine minor linkage groups. The Elliot map covered 1,698 cM with an average map distance of 11.2 cM between adjacent markers. Segregation ratios for dichogamy type and stigma color were not significantly different from 1:1, suggesting that both traits are controlled by single loci with protogyny and green stigmas dominant to protandry and red stigmas. These loci were tightly linked (1.9 cM) and were placed in Elliot linkage group 16. These linkage maps are an important first step towards the detection of genes controlling horticulturally important traits such as nut size, nut maturity date, kernel quality, and disease resistance.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) was constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree consisting of four grandparents, two parents, and 95 F2 progeny. The map was based predominantly on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci detected by cDNA probes. Sixty-five cDNA and three genomic DNA probes revealed 90 RFLP loci. Six polymorphic isozyme loci were also scored. One-fourth (24%) of the cDNA probes detected more than 1 segregating locus, an indication that multigene families are common in pines. As many as six alleles were observed at a single segregating locus among grandparents and it was not unusual for the progeny to segregate for three or four alleles per locus. Multipoint linkage analysis placed 73 RFLP and 2 isozyme loci into 20 linkage groups; the remaining 17 RFLP and 4 isozyme loci were unlinked. The mapped RFLP probes provide a new set of codominant markers for genetic analyses in loblolly pine.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of papaya (Carica papaya L.) was constructed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and a F2 population derived from a University of Hawaii UH breeding line 356 x Sunrise cross. A total of 596 10-mer primers were screened, and 96 polymorphisms were detected. At LOD 4.0, 62 of these markers mapped to 11 linkage groups comprising 999.3 cM. About 80% of the markers conformed to expected Mendelian segregation ratios. We have mapped the locus that determines sex to a 14-cM region flanked by RAPD markers. The results demonstrate the usefulness of RAPD markers for developing a basic genetic linkage map in papaya.Journal series No. 4146 of the Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources  相似文献   

We have characterized two novel mouse VH gene families, VH3609N and VHSM7. These VH families have recently diverged from previously defined VH families. The VH3609N family, which may contain only one member in most inbred strains of mice, shares sequence similarity with the VHJ606 family and is located to the 3' side of VHJ606. VHSM7, with at least three members, is related to the VHJ558 family but maps 3' of VHJ558. These findings suggest that physical displacement of VH sequences may facilitate their subsequent divergence. During the early stages of VH gene family evolution that are exemplified by these new families, amino acid replacements have been selected against in frame-work regions and selected for in complementarity-determining regions. This pattern of nucleotide substitution appears to reflect evolutionary pressures to maintain germ-line VH diversity and, possibly, to select for new antibody specificities, as well as to select against mutations resulting in aberrant Ig. The classification of VH sequences with borderline similarity to previously defined VH families is discussed.  相似文献   

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