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After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Pisum sativum,the ‘empty’ ovules (seed coats without enclosedembryo) were filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing mannitol(usually 400 mM) to which various salts were added. A solutioncontaining two isotopes ((a) [2H]-sucrose/[–14C]aminoisobutyricacid (AIB) or (b) [3H]valine/[14C]asparagine mixture) was administeredto the plant via the petiole subtending the fruiting node, and[2H]solute and [14C]solute unloading from the seed coat wasmeasured, in pulse-labelling experiments of about 5 h. The presenceof 25 or 50 mM K+ in the ‘empty’ ovule enhancedthe release of sucrose from the seed coat particularly duringthe first hours of the experiment, but the stimulating effectof K+ on the release of labelled solutes derived from aminoacids was much smaller. The presence of 25 mM CaCl2 did notaffect the release of sucrose or amino acids from the seed coat.The effect of K+ on sucrose and amino acid release is explainedas an inhibition of sucrose and amino acid resorption from theseed coat apoplast into seed coat cells, after unloading fromthe seed coat unloading sites. It is suggested that amino acidrelease is much less affected by K+ than sucrose release, becausefar less resorption of amino acids by seed coat parenchyma cellstakes place during amino acid transport into the seed coat cavity. Pisum sativum, pea, assimilate transport, assimilate unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development, sucrose resorption, surgical treatment  相似文献   

Photosynthate unloading in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed coatswas studied by treating perfused seed coats with differing concentrationsof an osmoticum and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Largechanges in osmoticum concentration typically produced rapidchanges in efflux of unlabelled sugar and steady-state-labelled14C-photosynthate. Osmoticum-induced changes in photosynthateefflux were caused by phloem import stimulation at low cellturgor and net efflux stimulation by high cell turgor. Eventhough rapid changes in sugar and tracer efflux were often inducedby osmoticum treatments, the specific activity of sugar releasedfrom seed coats was not greatly affected by these treatmentsand was similar to the specific activity of sugar remainingin the seed coat after perfusion. Thus, tracer was transportedfrom the phloem throughout the seed coat sugar pool before itwas released to the apoplast. This result is most consistentwith symplastic phloem unloading throughout perfused seed coats,because apoplastic transport between cells within the seed coatwas blocked by perfusion. Photosynthate efflux was stimulatedby simultaneous treatment of seed coats with EDTA and differentconcentrations of an osmoticum; loss of photosynthate from seedcoats did not appear to be tissue-specific. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, seed coat, photosynthate unloading, turgor, EDTA  相似文献   

Phloem unloading in pea seed coats was observed by removingthe embryos from developing seeds and washing the attached coatswith a weakly buffered solution. The quantity of labelled photosynthateappearing in the washing solution varied immediately when thesolute concentration was changed, and is shown to be an osmoticresponse. This response is predicted by the Münch theoryof phloem transport with concentration dependent unloading.Respiratory inhibitors and the sulphydryl modifying reagentPCMBS had a slow effect upon the washout of tracer, which arrivedwithin the seed coat prior to inhibitor application, but completelystopped any washout of tracer arriving after its application.This time-course suggests that the inhibitors were not directlyinhibiting unloading, but preventing further tracer from enteringthe region of unloading within the seed coat. Phloem unloadingwithin the seed coats of Pisum appears to be passive and notdependent upon a PCMBS-sensitive carrier. Key words: Pisum sativum, seeds, phloem unloading  相似文献   

Interpretation of tracer washout from an attached empty seedcoat depends on whether photoassimilate within the apoplastof the seed coat is absorbed by the seed coat tissues. Usingsucrose trapping procedures, we were unable to see any evidencefor sucrose uptake from the seed coat apoplast which would beneeded to provide the seed coat with its carbohydrate requirementsif phloem unloading were into the apoplast. Once released intothe apoplast photoassimilate is unavailable to the seed coattissue. Changes between equimolar solutions of sorbitol andsorbitol/sucrose mixes induced small transient responses inseed coat unloading which suggest that sorbitol and sucrosehad different reflection coefficients and gave water relationresponses with rapid, and fatiguable, osmoregulation withinthe seed coat. Immediate inhibition of seed coat unloading with PCMBS is reported,followed by inhibition of import into the entire pod. PCMBSappears to be xylem mobile, thereby quickly being dispersedthroughout the entire experimental pod. A complex CCCP responseis reported, which is consistent with immediate inhibition ofsymplastic transport followed by membrane disruption. AlthoughCCCP inhibited seed coat unloading, there was no effect on ovuleimport. This has been interpreted as evidence that the seedcoat has an active role in control of photoassimilate importinto ovules. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem unloading, seed coat unloading  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a standard solution (pH 5.5). Seed coat exudatesof both species were collected during relatively long experiments(up to about 12 h) and the concentration of sugar (mainly sucrose),amino acids and phosphate in the exudate measured. A discussionis presented on the amino acid/sugar ratio and the phosphate/sugarratio in the seed coat exudate. A pretreatment (15 min) withp-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS) reduced the releaseof sugar, amino acids and phosphate from broad bean seed coats.After excision of ‘empty’ ovules of Vicia faba andPisum sativum from the maternal plant, 2–4 h after thistreatment a strong difference became visible between sucroserelease from excised seed coats and sucrose release from attachedseed coats. Similarly, when the rate of phloem transport ofsucrose into an ‘empty’ ovule of Vicia faba or Pisumsativum was reduced by a sub-optimal mannitol concentrationin the solution, a reduced rate of sugar release from the seedcoat could be observed. Excision and treatment with a sub-optimalmannitol concentration reduced the release of amino acids toa lesser extent than for sucrose. These treatments did not reducethe rate of phosphate release from the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, Seed coat exudate, Phloem transport  相似文献   

The extent of post-phloem solute transport through the coatsymplasts of developing seeds of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. was evaluated. For Vicia seed coats, the membrane-impermeantfluorochrome, CF, moved radially from the chalazal vein to reachthe chlorenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layers.Thereafter, the fluorochrome moved laterally in these two celllayers around the entire circumference of the seed coat. Transferof CF from the chalazal vein was inhibited by plasmolysis ofattached ‘empty’ seed coats. In contrast, the spreadof phloem imported CF was restricted to the ground parenchymaof Phaseolus seed coats. Fluorochrome loaded into the outermostground parenchyma cell layer was rendered immobile followingplasmolysis of excised seed-coat halves. Phloem-imported [14C]sucroseand the slowly membrane permeable sugar, L-[14C]glucose, werepartitioned identically between the vascular and non-vascularregions of intact Vicia seed coats. For 14C-photosynthates,these partitioning patterns in attached ‘empty’Vicia seed coats were unaffected by PCMBS, but inhibited byplasmolysis. Tissue autoradiographs of intact Phaseolus seedcoats demonstrated that a pulse of 14C-photosynthate moved fromthe veins to the grounds tissues. In excised Vicia seed coats,preloaded with 14C-photosynthates, the cellular distributionof residual 14C-label was unaffected by PCMBS. In contrast,PCMBS caused the 14C-photosynthate levels to be elevated inthe veins and ground parenchyma relative to the branch parenchymaof Phaseolusseed coat halves. Based on the above findings, itis concluded that the phloem of Vicia seed coats is interconnectedto two major symplastic domains; one comprises the chlorenchyma,the other the thin-walled parenchyma plus thin-walled parenchymatransfer cells. For Phaseolusseed coats, the phloem forms amajor symplastic domain with the ground parenchyma. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris L, phloem unloading, photosynthate transport, seed coat, symplast, Vicia faba L  相似文献   

The effect of sink strength reduction in developing seeds onvein loading of photoassimilate has been studied in Pisum sativumL. The sink strength was manipulated by means of the ‘openseed coat technique’. Sink strength of the operated ovuleswas controlled by the osmolality of a substitute medium replacingthe embryo. A high osmolality of the medium (400 mM mannitol)or a low osmolality of the medium (without mannitol) was usedto maintain a high or low sink strength, respectively. To studythe effect of sink strength reduction on vein loading, macro-autoradiographywas used. After applying 14CO2 to the source leaf for 10 to20min autoradiographs of plants with different sink strengthshowed differences in distribution of 14C-photoassimilate overthe mesophyll and the veins. Under low sink strength conditionsvein loading of 14C-photoassimilate was reduced. After longertime spans (40 to 60 min) no clear differences in vein loadingwere visible in the autoradiographs. However, measurement of14C in plant parts along the path of transport from source tosink showed a decrease of the rate of export of 14C from thesource leaf under low sink strength conditions. Apparently,accumulation of 14C-photoassimilate into the phloem and exporttowards sink regions can be reduced by lowering the sink strength.A signal must have been transferred from sink all the way tothe source regions. The mechanism of such a signal is discussed. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem loading, photoassimilate transport, seed development, sink-source interactions  相似文献   

In developing seed ofVicia faba L., solutes imported throughthe phloem of the coats move symplastically from the sieve elementsto a specialized set of cells (the thin-walled parenchyma transfercells) for release to the seed apoplast. Potassium (K+) is thepredominant cation released from the seed coats. To elucidatethe mechanisms of K+ efflux from seed coat to seed apoplast,whole-cell currents across the plasma membranes of protoplastsof thin-walled parenchyma transfer cells were measured usingthe whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Membrane depolarizationelicited a time-dependent and an instantaneous outward current.The reversal potential (ER of the time-dependent outward currentwas close to the potassium equilibrium potential (EK and itshifted in the same direction as EK upon changing the externalK+ concentration, indicating that this current was largely carriedby an efflux of K+. The activation of the time-dependent outwardK+ current could be well fitted by two exponential componentsplus a constant. The instantaneous outward current could alsobe carried by K+ efflux as suggested by ion substitution experiments.These K+ outward rectifier currents elicited by membrane depolarizationare probably too small to represent the mechanism for the normalK+ efflux from seed coat cells. Membrane hyperpolarization morenegative than –80 mV activated a time-dependent inwardcurrent. K+ influx was responsible for the inward current asthe current reversed at membrane voltage close to EK and shiftedin the same direction as EK when external [K+] was varied. Activationof this K+inward rectifier current was well fitted with twoexponential components plus a constant. A regulating functionfor this current is suggested. Key words: Potassium outward rectifier, potassium inward rectifier, transfer cell protoplast, seed coat, Vicia faba L  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a substitute medium (pH 5.5) and the effect of theosmolality of the medium on K+ and Mg2+ release from the seedcoat was examined. In long-term experiments (12 h or longer),with both attached and detached seed coats, the rate of K+ andMg2+ release from seed coats filled with a solution withoutosmoticum was enhanced, in comparison with release from seedcoats filled with a solution containing 400 mol m  相似文献   

Excised seed-coat halves and cotyledons of developing seedsof Pisum sativum L. were incubated in a bathing medium (pH 5·5),in order to measure the release or uptake of sucrose and aminoacids. Net efflux of sucrose and amino acids was reduced bya 250 mol m –3 mannitol solution and a 400 mol m –3solution, in comparison with a 100 mol m–3 control. Thiseffect could not be observed in the case of the amino acid analogue-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB). Net uptake of labelled sucroseor valine by cotyledons and seed coats was enhanced by a highosmolality of the bathing medium. The data on AIB and the datafrom uptake experiments support the view that net efflux ofassimilates is reduced by a high solute concentration in theapoplast (e.g. 400 mol m–3 mannitol), via a stimulationof carrier-mediated sucrose and amino acid uptake into cotyledonaryand seed coat tissues. In experiments with attached empty ovulesof pea in a very early stage of development, sugar release fromthe seed coat was enhanced by a low osmolality of the apoplastsolution (e.g. 100 mol m–3 mannitol, in comparison witha 400 mol m –3 control). This paradoxical effect may beobserved when the stimulatory effect on net assimilate effluxfrom seed coat tissues is exceeding the inhibitory effect onassimilate import into the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, turgor-sensitive transport, assimilate transport  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the transport of carbon to developingpea ovules is controlled by the water potential of the seedcoat, in both the short-term (minutes to hours) and long-term(days). At 14 d after anthesis, when the embryo just fills theseed coat, the osmotic pressure of seed coat apoplast solutionwas about 1 MPa (equivalent to 400 mOsmol kg–1). Transportof carbon into perfused attached seed coats at this stage ofdevelopment was monitored with radioactive carbon-11. Aftera small (50 mOsmol kg–1) increment in the osmotic pressureof the bathing solution, transport of carbon increased abruptly,but after about 100 min it returned towards pretreatment values.Therefore, although osmotic pressure in the sink apoplast initiallyaffected carbon import, as expected from the M  相似文献   

Systems identification techniques were used to calculate photo-assimilatetransport characteristics in Beta vulgaris and Pisum sativum,before and after the application of localized perturbationsto the transport path. Changes in photo-assimilate partitioningto various monitored sinks were found to be promoted by slowcool (25 ?C to 1 ?C in 40 min), quick cool (25 ?C to 1 ?C in2 min)/quick warm, and apoplastic osmotic treatments of a localizedregion of the source leaf petiole in Beta. Photo-assimilatepartitioning into both intact and surgically modified (embryo-less)ovules of Pisum was also observed to change following quickcool/quick warm treatments applied to a 2.0 cm region of thepeduncle leading to the monitored pod. No changes in transportproperties were observed through the treated petiole regionof Beta during or following the slow cool treatment (i.e. transittime or system gain). High apoplastic osmolality (addition of1 000 mol m–3 sorbitol) reduced the transit time of tracermovement through the treated petiole of Beta, while enhancingtracer washout from the bathed tissue region. Our modellingtechniques have shown that the physical or physiological basisfor the sink partitioning changes must be due to alterationsdownstream of the treated pathway zone, suggesting the involvementof physical signals transmitted from the treated region. Theseresults support the previously presented cooling-induced repartitioninghypothesis (Grusak and Lucas, 1986) and demonstrate that pathway-originatedstimuli can alter source-sink photo-assimilate partitioning. Key words: Photo-assimilate partitioning, phloem translocation, Beta vulgaris, Pisum sativum  相似文献   

Patrick, J. W., Jacobs, E., Offler, C. E. and Cram, W. J. 1986.Photosynthate unloading from seed coats of Phaseolus vulgarisL.—Nature and cellular location of turgor-sensitive unloading—J.exp. Bot. 37: 1006–1019. Unloading rates of 14C-Photosynthates from excised seed-coathalves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants were sharply increasedat cell turgor potentials in excess of 5 ? 105 Pa. Turgor-sensitiveunloading occurred in the absence of any change in the passivepermeability of, and active sucrose influx across, the plasmalemmaand tonoplast membranes. The proton ionophore CCCP, and lowtemperature significantly slowed turgor-sensitive unloadingwhile PCMBS, a non-permeating sulphydryl-modifying compound,was without effect. Turgor-sensitive unloading significantlydepressed the 14C-Photosynthate content of the ground and branchparenchyma, but had no effect on the 14C-Photosynthate levelsin the vascular tissues. Cycling of cell turgor potentials aboveand below 5 ? 105 Pa elicited reproducible responses in theunloading rate of 14C-Photosynthates. Increasing turgor above5 ? 105 Pa resulted in a burst of 14C-Photosynthate unloading.Reversal to turgors less than 5 ? 105 Pa caused a rapid depressionin unloading rate. It is proposed that turgor-sensitive unloadingis facilitated by a specific turgor-sensitive porter locatedon the plasmalemma of the ground and/or branch parenchyma cellsof bean seed coats. Key words: Bean, seed coat, turgor-sensitive unloading, phloem  相似文献   

Ellis, E. C. and Spanswick, R. M. 1987. Sugar efflux from attachedseed coats of Glycine max (L.) Merr.—J. exp. Bot. 38:1470—1483. Sugar efflux (sucrose + glucose) from attached seed coats ofGlycine max (L.) Merr. was measured at high sampling rates toimprove the kinetic characterization of seed coat exudation.This study confirms that sugar efflux in seed coats has at leasttwo components, and demonstrates that the concentration of mannitolosmoticum bathing the seed coat may influence one or both ofthese components. High leaf irradiance increased sugar effluxrelative to a low leaf irradiance at the same mannitol concentration.A high concentration of mannitol (500 mol m3) enhanced sugarefflux relative to a medium concentration (100 mol m3) underboth high and low leaf irradiance. A low mannitol concentration(10 mol m3) stimulated sugar efflux (relative to 100 mol m3)to a greater extent when leaf irradiance was high. Rapid changesin mannitol concentration produced immediate stimulations ofsugar efflux. Effects of osmoticum on sugar efflux are explainedby simultaneous turgor-mediated effects on import of sucroseby the phloem and retrieval of apoplastic sucrose, presumablyby seed coat parenchyma.  相似文献   

Phloem import and unloading in perfused bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed coats were investigated using steady-state labeling. Though photosynthate import and unloading were significantly reduced by perfusion, measurements of photosynthate fluxes in perfused seed coats proved useful for the study of unloading mechanisms in vivo. Phloem import was stimulated by lowered seed coat cell turgor, as demonstrated by an increase in tracer and sucrose import to seed coats perfused with high concentrations of an osmoticum. The partitioning of photosynthates between retention in the seed coat and release to the perfusion solution also was turgor sensitive; increases in seed coat cell turgor stimulated photosynthate release to the apoplast at the expense of photosynthate retention within the seed coat. There was no evidence of a turgor-sensitive sucrose uptake mechanism in perfused seed coats. Thus, the turgor sensitivity of photosynthate partitioning within perfused seed coats was consistent with a turgor-sensitive efflux control mechanism. Measurements of tracer equilibration and sugar partitioning in perfused seed coats provided strong evidence for symplastic phloem unloading in seed coats.  相似文献   

Seed coat development was studied on two nearisogenic linesof peas (Pisum sativum L.): RbRb (wild type, round seed) andrbrb (wrinkled seed). A mutation at the rb locus modifies thedry seed shape and reduces the starch content of the embryo.This mutation is now known to affect the activity of ADPGlucosepyrophosphorylase, a key enzyme in the starch biosynthetic pathway.We have investigated the effects of the rb mutation on seedcoat development and found that the mutation reduces the growthrate and starch content in this organ. However, experimentson the kinetics of 14C-sucrose loading showed that starch synthesisfrom unloaded sucrose occurred in the seed coat for both mutantand wild-type lines. In addition, the sucrose concentrationwas increased and amino acid concentration decreased such thatthe nutritional balance of the embryos was affected. However,osmolality of the seed coat cells was not affected, suggestinga regulatory process which allows the maintenance of the importof assimilates in the seeds of either line. Key words: ADPGlucose pyrophosphorylase, seed coat, seed development, starch metabolism, wrinkled seed  相似文献   

Mechanism of Photosynthate Efflux from Vicia faba L. Seed Coats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to develop a tentative model of the mechanism of photosynthateefflux from the vascular region of Vicia faba L. seed coats,wash-out experiments were performed after removal of the embryo. The sulphydryl group modifiers, pCMBS and NEM, reduced 14C-photosynthateefflux by 40% and 50%, respectively. Their inhibitory effectcould be prevented or reduced (in the latter case) by includingDTT in the bathing solution. Maltose competed with sucrose forefflux; a concentration of 300 mol m–3 inhibited 14C-photosynthaterelease by 35%. The cations K+ , Na+ Mg2+ and TPP+ enhancedefflux significantly, whereas the countenon Cl had noeffect. The presence of the protonophore CCCP (0·1 molm–3) led to a reduction of efflux by 50% net proton extrusiondropped by 34%. To a lesser extent, an efflux inhibition wasalso achieved by decreasing the cytoplasmic pH with the weakacid DM0. In contrast, alterations in the external pH causedonly a feeble response. The ATPase inhibitor, EB, decreasedphotosynthate efflux and H+ extrusion. DES reduced efflux slightly,presumably by affecting ATPase activity as well as energy metabolism. Based on these findings, it is proposed that a sucrose/protonantiport mechanism could be responsible for photosynthate effluxfrom Vicia faba seed coats. Key words: Photosynthate efflux, proton extrusion, proton/sucrose antiport, seed coat, Vicia faba L.  相似文献   

Sugar and amino acid transport into empty ovules of Pisum sativum L. cv. Marzia was examined. In fruits containing 4–6 developing seeds, the embryo was removed from four ovules. After this surgical treatment, each empty seed coat was filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing a low (0, 50 or 200 m M ), medium (350, 400 or 500 m M ) or high (0.7 or 1 M ) concentration of sucrose and/or mannitol. In pulse-labelling experiments with sucrose and α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), transport of sucrose and AIB into an empty ovule filled with a solution containing a high sucrose concentration was the same as transport into an ovule filled with a mannitol solution of similar osmolarity, demonstrating that a high sucrose concentration in the seed coat apoplast affects phloem transport of sucrose and AIB into the seed coat only by the osmotic effect. The osmolarity of a given solution filling the seed coat cavity appeared to be important for phloem transport of sucrose and AIB into empty ovules.
In our experiments, 350 m M appeared to be the optimal concentration for sucrose and AIB transport into the cavity within an empty ovule, giving results comparable with transport into intact ovules. A lower osmolarity of the solution induced less transport. Very high sucrose or mannitol concentrations caused a strong inhibition of sucrose and AIB unloading from the seed coat, so that transport into the empty ovules was inhibited. A low (strongly negative) but not too low osmotic potential of the solution in the seed coat apoplast seems necessary to maintain a normal rate of phloem transport into developing seeds. Apparently, the "sink strength" of developing seeds is turgor-sensitive.  相似文献   

The seed coat vascular system of the developing seed of Viciafaba consists of a chalazal and two lateral veins. The veinsare embedded in parenchymatous tissue which lies beneath thehypodermis and is divided into chlorenchyma, ground parenchymaand thin-walled parenchyma. The thin-walled parenchyma cellsand, in old seed coats, the vascular parenchyma of the veinsundergo additional secondary wall development to form transfercells. Thus, transfer cells line the entire inner surface ofthe seed coat. Initial distribution of 14C-photosynthates andsodium fluorescein within the seed coat was in the vascularsystem. Subsequent transfer towards the embryo was either radiallythrough vascular parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma to thin-walledparenchyma/transfer cells, or by lateral spread within the groundand thin-walled parenchyma/transfer cells of the non-vascularregion of the seed coat prior to radial transfer. One-thirdof the 14C-photosynthate delivered to the enclosed embryo wasestimated to be transferred via the non-vascular region of theseed coat. The cotyledons consist of a single-layered epidermisenclosing storage parenchyma in which a differentiating reticulatevascular system is embedded. Epidermal cells juxtaposed to theseed coat develop wall ingrowths characteristic of transfercells. Initial distribution of 14C-photosynthate within thecotyledons reflected the unequal delivery to the seed apoplastfrom the vascular and non-vascular regions of the seed coat.Subsequent even distribution of photosynthate within the cotyledonspossibly occurred by transfer within their vascular system. Key words: Cellular pathway, photosynthate transfer, seed anatomy, transfer cell  相似文献   

The process of sugar and amino acid release by the seed coat of Pisum sativum L. cv. Marzia was studied. Prior to measuring the release of solutes by the seed coat of developing ovules, the embryo was removed from each ovule studied. After this surgical treatment, each "empty" seed coat was filled with the appropriate solution (pH 5.5) with or without inhibitor. Both KCN and p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS) strongly inhibited the release of sucrose and p -aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) by the seed-coat. These data support the view that phloem unloading is an energy-dependent process sensitive to the sulfhydryl group modifier PCMBS. In pulse-labelling experiments, addition of high concentrations of unlabelled sucrose (200 m M ) and AIB (25 m M ) to the solution filling the seed coat cavity did not diminish the release of labelled solutes by the unloading sites of the seed coat. This observation presents evidence against the view that phloem unloading into a strong sink is related to low sugar concentrations in the apoplast.  相似文献   

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