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We have investigated the morphology and migratory behavior of quail neural crest cells on isolated embryonic basal laminae or substrata coated with fibronectin or tenascin. Each of these substrata have been implicated in directing neural crest cell migration in situ. We also observed the altered behavior of cells in response to the addition of tenascin to the culture medium independent of its effect as a migratory substratum. On tenascin-coated substrata, the rate of neural crest cell migration from neural tube explants was significantly greater than on uncoated tissue culture plastic, on fibronectin-coated plastic, or on basal lamina isolated from embryonic chick retinae. Neural crest cells on tenascin were rounded and lacked lamellipodia, in contrast to the flattened cells seen on basal lamina and fibronectin-coated plastic. In contrast, when tenascin was added to the culture medium of neural crest cells migrating on isolated basal lamina, a significant reduction in the rate of cell migration was observed. To study the nature of this effect, we used human melanoma cells, which have a number of characteristics in common with quail neural crest cells though they would be expected to have a distinct family of integrin receptors. A dose-dependent reduction in the rate of translocation was observed when tenascin was added to the culture medium of the human melanoma cell line plated on isolated basal laminae, indicating that the inhibitory effect of tenascin bound to the quail neural crest surface is probably not solely the result of competitive inhibition by tenascin for the integrin receptor. Our results show that tenascin can be used as a migratory substratum by avian neural crest cells and that tenascin as a substratum can stimulate neural crest cell migration, probably by permitting rapid detachment. Tenascin in the medium, on the other hand, inhibits both the migration rates and spreading of motile cells on basal lamina because it binds only the cell surface and not the underlying basal lamina. Cell surface-bound tenascin may decrease cell-substratum interactions and thus weaken the tractional forces generated by migrating cells. This is in contrast to the action of fibronectin, which when added to the medium stimulates cell migration by binding both to neural crest cells and the basal lamina, thus providing a bridge between the motile cells and the substratum.  相似文献   

We investigated whether turnover of basal lamina glycosaminoglycan (GAG), an active process during epithelial morphogenesis, involves the mesenchyme. Fixed, prelabeled, isolated mouse embryo submandibular epithelia were prepared retaining radioactive surface components, as determined by autoradiographic and enzymatic studies, and a basal lamina, as assessed by electron microscopy. Recombination of mouse embryo submandibular mesenchyme with these epithelia stimulates the release of epithelial radioactivity when the labeled precursor is glucosamine or glucose but not when it is amino acid. The release is linear with time during 150 min incubation. Augmented release of epithelial label requires living mesenchyme which must be close proximity with the epithelia. Although heterologous mesenchymes, including lung, trachea, and jaw, stimulate the release of submandibular epithelial label, epithelial tissues do not. The label released by intact submandibular mesenchyme from prelabeled epithelia is in GAG and in two unique fractions: heterogeneous materials of tetrasaccharide or smaller size and N-acetylglucosamine. Enzymatic treatment of the heterogeneous materials revealed the presence of glycosaminoglycan-derived oligosaccharides. These unique products were not obtained by incubating prelabeled epithelia with a mesenchymal cell extract, suggesting that intact mesenchymal cells are required. N-Acetylglucosamine was also released when mesenchyme was recombined with living prelabeled epithelia which contained labeled basal laminar GAG. Our results establish that submandibular epithelial basal lamina GAGs are degraded by submandibular mesenchyme. We propose that one mechanism of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction is the degradation of epithelial basal laminar GAG by mesenchyme.  相似文献   

In order to determine the role of the extracellular matrix in regulating the directed growth of embryonic neurites, antisera to retina (a-RBL I and II), to pigment epithelium (a-PBL) and to glomerular (a-GBL) basal lamina were probed for an effect on the ordered extension of neurites. In the assays, retina explants from chick and quail were cultured on basal lamina from embryonic chick retina and pigment epithelium either in the presence of anti-basal lamina antisera or in the presence of the corresponding preimmune sera. In the presence of all anti-basal lamina antisera, normal extension of axons was greatly inhibited both on retina and on pigment epithelium basal lamina. The antisera affected the growth pattern and the morphology of the individual axons in two ways: in the presence of a-RBL I the short axons were less directed, developed more and longer side branches, and the lamellipodia of the growth cones were reduced in size compared to axons from control cultures. In the presence of a-RBL II and a-GBL, axons grew slowly out from the explants as very thick bundles, strikingly different from axons in control cultures. The antiserum to pigment epithelium basal lamina induced both strong fasciculation and disorganization of the linear fiber extension, being intermediate between the two types of effects observed after antiserum addition. The results suggest that adhesive matrix molecules in basal laminae have important functions in elongation, fasciculation and in the morphology of growing axons.  相似文献   

Each vertebrate skeletal muscle fiber is ensheathed by a basal lamina (BL) which passes through the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction. In the adult, the synaptic portion of the BL is both functionally and chemically specialized. We have used an immunofluorescence method to compare the development of synaptic and extrasynaptic portions of BL in embryonic rat intercostal muscles. Immunohistochemical staining of adult muscle fibers with monoclonal and serum antibodies defines "synaptic" antigens (including acetylcholinesterase) that are concentrated in synaptic BL, "extrasynaptic" antigens that are concentrated in extrasynaptic regions, and "shared" antigens (including collagen IV, fibronectin, laminin, and a heparan sulfate proteoglycan) that are present in both synaptic and extrasynaptic BL ( Sanes and Chiu , 1983). Synapses appear on newly formed myotubes on embryonic Day 14 (E14; birth is on E22 ). Patches of BL that contain shared and extrasynaptic antigens are present on myotube surfaces by E15, and BL forms a continuous sheath by E17. Shared antigens are present at but not confined to synaptic areas by E15. Two synaptic antigens appear in synaptic areas a day later, and are not detectable extrasynaptically . At least one extrasynaptic antigen is present at immature synapses, and lost or masked by E19 . Thus synaptic BL is not assembled as a unit; rather, components are added, lost, or modified as synaptogenesis proceeds.  相似文献   

To study the biology of basal laminae in the developing nervous system the protein composition of the embryonic retinal basal lamina was investigated, the site of synthesis of its proteins in the eye was determined, and basal lamina assembly was studied in vivo in two assay systems. Laminin, nidogen, agrin, collagen IV, and XVIII are major constituents of the retinal basal lamina. However, only agrin is synthesized by the retina, whereas the other matrix constituents originate from cells of the ciliary body, the lens, or the optic disc. The synthesis from extraretinal tissues infers that the retinal basal lamina proteins must be shed from their tissues of origin into the vitreous body and from there bind to receptor proteins provided by the retinal neuroepithelium. The fact that all proteins typical for the retinal basal lamina are abundant in the vitreous body and a new basal lamina is only formed when the vitreous body was directly adjacent to the retina is consistent with the contention of the vitreous body having a function in retinal basal lamina formation. Basal lamina assembly was also studied after disrupting the retinal basal lamina by intraocular injection of collagenase. The basal lamina regenerated after chasing the collagenase with Matrigel, which served as a collagenase inhibitor. The basal lamina was reconstituted within 6 h. However, the regenerated basal lamina was located deeper in the retina than normal by reconstituting along the retracted neuroepithelial endfeet demonstrating that these endfeet are the preferred site of basal lamina assembly.  相似文献   

Trypsin-isolated dental epithelia, cultured on top of plasma or agar coagulum synthesized a new lamina densa-like structure. If enamel organs were cultured on Millipore filters or immersed in liquid medium at the bottom of plastic dishes, no basal lamina was deposited.  相似文献   

视网膜退行性病变影响着全世界数百万人。然而,视网膜是人体再生能力很差的一类组织,成年机体无法自我更新那些病变中丢失的视网膜细胞,导致视网膜退行性病变的不可逆性。因此,恢复患者视觉将依赖于引入外源细胞替代丢失的视网膜神经元。胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)具有无限的自我更新能力和形成机体所有类型细胞的巨大分化潜力。这两个特性使得ES细胞成为细胞替代疗法的理想供体细胞。近年来,人们在探索将ES和诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)体外定向诱导分化为视网膜神经元,甚至整个视网膜方面已取得多项进展,并且体外形成的视网膜细胞可以与宿主视网膜整合。在此篇综述中,首先简要概括哺乳动物视网膜的组织结构、发育过程和调控机制,然后,重点阐述近年来科研工作者探索ES/iPS细胞体外诱导分化为视网膜细胞和组织的研究进展。  相似文献   

Neural crest cells separate from the neural epithelium in a region devoid of a basal lamina and migrate along pathways bordered by intact basal laminae. The distribution of basal laminae suggests that they might have an important role in the morphogenesis of the neural crest by acting as a barrier to migration. The experiments reported here have tested directly whether neural crest cells can penetrate a basal lamina. Isolated neural tubes, neural crest cells cultured for 24 hr, or pigmented neural crest cells were explanted onto human placental amnions from which the epithelium had been removed to expose the basal lamina. In no case did neural crest cells or crest derivatives penetrate the basal lamina to invade the underlying stroma. If crest cells were grown on the stromal side of the amnion, they invaded the connective tissue. Pigmented neural crest derivative and [3H]thymidine-labeled nonpigmented crest cells were also confronted with chick embryonic basal laminae by grafting the cells into the lumen of the neural tube at the axial levels where host crest migration had commenced. Most of the grafted cells invaded the neural epithelium and accumulated after 24 hr at the basal surface of the neural tube. A few crest cells escaped through the dorsal surface of the neural tube and entered the overlying ectoderm, presumably through the wound created during the grafting procedure. Some of these grafted cells, located initially by light microscopy, were examined at the higher magnification and resolution offered by the transmission electron microscope to determine the relationship of the grafted cells to the basal lamina. In 50% (14 total) of the cases, the crest cells never reached the basal lamina of the neural tube, but were trapped by cell junctions between the neural epithelial cells. Of the remaining grafted cells that were relocated in the TEM (50%, total 15) all were spread on the basal lamina, but were not seen penetrating it. Likewise, in the three cases where crest cells were found in the epidermal ectoderm, all were in contact with the basal lamina of the ectoderm but did not have any processes extending through it. In three cases, at the level of the light microscope, crest cells were found to extend through the basal surface of the neural tube. In all these instances, the cells followed the dorsal root nerve exiting through a region of the neural tube that is devoid of a basal lamina.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

During axonogenesis, contacts made by the growth cone with its substratum are important in guiding the direction of neurone outgrowth. This study examines the contacts made by the growth cones of pioneer neurones in the embryonic grasshopper limb. Individual pioneer neurones at different stages of development were injected with horseradish peroxidase and the contacts made by the filopodia at the tip of their growth cones were examined by electron microscopy. Filopodia made few contacts with mesodermal cells, some contacts with ectodermal cells and very frequent contacts with basal lamina underlying the ectoderm. Components of the basal lamina may therefore play a role in guiding pioneer axon outgrowth.  相似文献   

The retina cell-aggregating glycoprotein, referred to as the retina cognin, has been demonstrated to be located at the surface of embryonic neural retina cells. The term cognin is used to indicate its postulated role in the mechanism of mutual recognition and morphogenetic association of embryonic cells. Antiserum was prepared to the highly purified retina cognin derived from isolated cell membranes of chick embryo retina, and it was used to detect the cognin on cells from chick embryos by means of complement-mediated cell lysis. Retina cells (from 10-day embryos) freshly dissociated with trypsin showed little—if any—lysis by the cognin antiserum; this is consistent with the sensitivity of the cognin to trypsin. However, the cells became susceptible to immunolysis after a period of incubation at 37 °C, which indicates regeneration of the cognin at the cell surface during the recovery period. This regeneration required protein synthesis. Immunofluorescence tests showed binding of the antiserum to the surface of the recovered cells, thereby further demonstrating the surface location of the cognin. The presence, availability or ability to regenerate the cognin, as assayed here, declined sharply with the embryonic age of the cells. Addition of exogenous cognin to freshly trypsin-dissociated retina cells (from 10-day embryos) markedly increased their susceptibility to immunolysis by the cognin antiserum, which indicates that the added cognin becomes associated with the surface of these cells. In contrast, addition of retina cognin to cells freshly trypsinized from 10-day embryo optic tectum and cerebrum, or from 14-day retina did not increase their susceptibility to immunolysis by the cognin antiserum. These results are consistent with earlier findings that enhancement of cell aggregation by the retina cognin is tissue-specific and stage-specific. Cells from non-neural tissues of the chick embryo were not lysed by the retina cognin antiserum. However, neural tissues, such as optic tectum, were found to contain cells which showed surface cross-reaction with the retina cognin antiserum.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing and surface labelling of embryonic neural retina cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freeze-fracturing of dissociated and aggregating neural retina cells from 7-day chick embryos revealed on the inner faces (PF) of the cell membrane numerous particles 6–20 nm in size. In contrast, the PF faces of blebs and some of the lobopodia that project from the cell surface were practically devoid of such particles. However, the elongated filopodia that abound on these cells showed numerous particles on their PF faces. These regional differences in the distribution of particles on PF faces of these cells are interpreted as reflecting membrane activity that leads to the formation of blebs and lobopodia. The frequent presence of “pits” at the basis of blebs and lobopodia is described. It is suggested that the “pits” are associated with the formation of these membrane projections; they may represent anchoring sites for microfilaments and for microtubules involved in the dynamic structure of the cell surface. ConA-binding sites on these cells were studied by scanning electron microscopy, using labeling with hemocyanin. The distribution of these sites on different regions of the cell surface coincided with the regional differences in the distribution of the inner membrane particles.  相似文献   

Primary cultures that contain only Schwann cells and sensory nerve cells synthesize basal lamina. The assembly of this basal lamina appears to be essential for normal Schwann cell development. In this study, we demonstrate that Schwann cells synthesize two major heparan sulfate-containing proteoglycans. Both proteoglycans band in dissociative CsCl gradients at densities less than 1.4 g/ml, and therefore, presumably, have relatively low carbohydrate-to-protein ratios. The larger of these proteoglycans elutes from Sepharose CL-4B in 4 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) at a Kav of 0.21 and contains heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate chains of Mr 21,000 in a ratio of approximately 3:1. This proteoglycan is extracted from cultures by 4 M GuHCl but not Triton X-100 and accumulates only when Schwann cells are actively synthesizing basal lamina. The smaller proteoglycan elutes from Sepharose CL-4B at a Kav of 0.44 and contains heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate chains of Mr 18,000 in a ratio of approximately 4:1. This proteoglycan is extracted by 4 M GuHCl or by Triton X-100. The accumulation of this proteoglycan is independent of basal lamina production.  相似文献   

Previous work demonstrated that Schwann cells (SCs) must interact with nerve cells (NCs) in order to generate their basal lamina (BL) in culture (M. B. Bunge, A. K. Williams, and P. M. Wood, 1982, Dev. Biol. 92, 449-460). The present study was undertaken to determine if this interaction requires proximity of NCs to SCs. Coverslips carrying isolated SCs were placed into culture dishes containing normally contacting SCs + NCs, NCs alone, or SCs alone and were maintained in these dishes for 3-4 weeks in medium known to foster the differentiation of axon-related SCs (BL formation, myelination). The SCs on the coverslip were not allowed to contact the cells in the culture dish. In other experiments, SCs isolated on coverslips were simply cultured in medium conditioned by contacting SCs + NCs, NCs alone, or SCs alone. The accumulation of BL components was monitored by light microscopic immunocytochemistry and the assembly of BL structure assessed by electron microscopy. When SCs were cocultured with but not contacted by neurons, immunostaining for BL constituents revealed a patchy deposition of material in sharp contrast to the linear deposition observed on axon-related SCs. Electron microscopy of these isolated SCs revealed short segments of BL, strands or clumps of BL-like material extending away from the cell surface, and accumulation of this material between cells. A greater number of isolated SCs were immunostained when grown with contacting SCs + NCs than with NCs or SCs. The conditioned medium experiments yielded similar results; only patchy BL was observed and more immunostaining was detected on isolated SCs when the medium had been conditioned by contacting SCs + NCs than by NCs alone or SCs alone. Immunostaining was less overall in the conditioned medium experiments than in the cell coculture work. In addition, standard SC + NC cultures grown in differentiation-supporting medium were studied by electron microscopy. SCs that were not contacted by axons but were positioned between fascicles of normally contacting SCs + NCs were identified under phase microscopy and then examined for the presence of BL. These SCs exhibited only occasional segments of BL or detached BL-like material. Lastly, within differentiated fascicles, nonensheathing SCs were compared with neighboring myelinating SCs that were in substantial contact with axons. BL-deficient nonensheathing SCs were found directly adjacent to axons and BL-coated myelinating SCs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Three lectins, Wheat germ agglutinin, succinyl Concanavalin A and Ricinus communis agglutinin were used to block specific sugar moieties in the basal lamina. Corneal epithelial basal cells were plated onto freshly denuded basal lamina. Attachment was studied by quantifying the adherence of prelabeled cells and by examining attachment sites using transmission electron microscopy. Spreading was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Attachment of the cells occurred within 15 min and spreading was apparent after 45 min. Both Wheat germ agglutinin and -N-acetylglucosaminidase inhibited cellular attachment. Succinyl Concanavalin A and Ricinus Communis agglutinin permitted attachment, but inhibited extensive cellular spreading. The results indicate that the attachment of basal cells is dependent on N-acetylglucosamine residues, and spreading is mediated by alpha methylmannoside, glucose, and galactose residues.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of in vitro reaggregation of trypsin-dissociated neural retina cells from 10-day chick embryos revealed that filopodial projections participate in the assembly of the dispersed cells into clusters. Freshly dissociated cells displayed numerous elongated, randomly projecting filopodia. With the onset of cell reaggregation these filopodia bridged and connected distant cells becoming shorter as the cells came together and formed aggregates. In 24-h cell aggregates only short microvilli were seen, mostly on cell surfaces facing the periphery of the aggregate. Cells dissociated from retina tissue pre-treated with inhibitors of protein synthesis, or cells exposed to these inhibitors immediately after dissociation were mostly devoid of filopodial projections; such cells failed to re-aggregate histotypically. Thus, metabolic and biosynthetic processes are required for the changes in the cell periphery which result in formation or maintenance of filopodia, and which enable trypsin-dissociated cells to reform histotypic associations. Possible relationships between the formation of filopodia and histotypic reaggregation of cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior of related moose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a Swedish moose population containing both migratory and non-migratory individuals, 15 cows, 19 first generation and 2 second generation offspring were radiocollared and monitored during 1980–87 to determine their migratory behavior. The migratory behavior of offspring was evaluated when they were > 1 year old and independent of their dams. All 11 migratory cows produced migratory offspring (10♀, 3♂). Two migratory offspring produced female calves (grandchildren to the originally sampled cows) that were also migratory. Four of the originally sampled cows were non-migratory and they produced six non-migratory offspring (3♀, 3♂). Distances migrated by independent offspring were related to those of their dam. No moose changed its migrant or non-migrant nature during the study. Results indicate that the proportion of migratory moose in the population is determined by the survival and reproductive success of migratory versus non-migratory cows. Migratory and non-migratory moose may be regarded as two distinct phenotypes in this population.  相似文献   

The availability of tissue culture systems that allow the growth of nerve cells, Schwann cells, and fibroblasts separately or in various combinations now makes possible investigation of the role of cell interactions in the development of the peripheral nervous system. Using these systems it was earlier found that basal lamina is formed on the Schwann cell surface in cultures of sensory ganglion cells and Schwann cells without fibroblasts. It is here reported that the presence of nerve cells is required for the generation of basal lamina on the Schwann cell plasmalemma. Utilizing nerve cell-Schwann cell preparations devoid of fibroblasts, this was found in the following ways. (1) When nerve cells are removed from 3- to 5-week-old cultures, the basal lamina disappears from Schwann cells. (2) If nerve cells are added back to such Schwann cell populations, Schwann cell basal lamina reappears. (3) Removal of nerve cells from older (3–4 months) cultures does not lead to basal lamina loss; areas presumed not to have been coated with lamina before neurite degeneration remain so, suggesting that the lamina persists but is not reformed. (4) If basal lamina is removed with trypsin, it is reformed in neuron plus Schwann cell cultures but not in Schwann cell populations alone. Thus, the formation but not the persistence of Schwann cell basal lamina requires the presence of nerve cells.  相似文献   

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