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Optimal operational factors for nitrite accumulation in batch reactors 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
The environmental factors that affected the accumulation of nitrite in nitrifying reactors were investigated using a mixed culture. A batch reactor with 50 mg-N/l of ammonia was used. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration were varied. The concentration of unionized free ammonia also changed with the oxidation of ammonia and the variation of pH and temperature. The accumulation of nitrite was affected sensitively by pH and temperature. A higher nitrite concentration was observed at pH 8-9 or temperature around 30 °C. The dissolved oxygen also affected, giving the highest nitrite accumulation at around 1.5 mg/l. These were the favoredconditions for nitrite production. The free ammonia concentration influenced thenitrite accumulation also, by inhibiting nitrite oxidation. The inhibition becameapparent at a concentration of approximately 4 mg/l or above, but insignificant atbelow 1 mg/l. Thus, simultaneously high free ammonia concentration and maximumspecific ammonia-oxidation rate (above 15 × 10-3 mg-N/mg-VSSh)were needed for a significant nitrite accumulation. When the two conditions were met, thenthe highest accumulation was observed when the ratio of the maximum specific oxidationrate of ammonia to the maximum specific oxidation rate of nitrite (ka/kn) was highest.Under the optimal operating conditions of pH 8, 30 °C and 1.5 mg/l of dissolvedoxygen, as much as 77% of the removed ammonia accumulated in nitrite. 相似文献
Nitrogen removal via nitrite in a sequencing batch reactor treating sanitary landfill leachate 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The present paper reports the results of the application of a control system, based on artificial intelligence concepts, for the automation of a bench-scale SBR treating leachate generated in old landfills. Attention was given to the nitritation and denitritation processes in order to enhance the nitrogen removal efficiency. Nitrification and nitrogen removal were usually higher than 98% and 95%, respectively, whereas COD removal was approximately 20-30% due to the low biodegradability of organic matter in the leachate from old landfills; therefore, external COD was added to accomplish the denitrification process. Adjusting the length of the oxic phase, almost complete inhibition of the nitrite oxidizing organisms was observed. The results confirm the effectiveness of the nitrite route for nitrogen removal optimisation in leachate treatment. A significant saving of approximately 35% in external COD addition was achieved. 相似文献
Hydraulic selection pressure-induced nitrifying granulation in sequencing batch reactors 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
The effect of hydraulic selection pressure on the development of nitrifying granules was investigated in four column-type sequencing batch reactors (SBR). The nature of SBR is cycle operation, thus SBR cycle time can serve as a main hydraulic selection pressure imposed on the microbial community in the system. No nitrifying granulation was observed in the SBR operated at the longest cycle time of 24 h, due to a very weak hydraulic selection pressure, while the washout of nitrifying sludge was found in the SBR run at the shortest cycle time of 3 h, and led to a failure of nitrifying granulation. Excellent nitrifying granules with a mean diameter of 0.25 mm and specific gravity of 1.014 were developed in a SBR operated at cycle times of 6 h and 12 h, respectively. The results further showed that a short cycle time would stimulate microbial activity, production of cell polysaccharides and also improve the cell hydrophobicity. These hydraulic selection pressure-induced microbial changes favour the formation of nitrifying granules. This work, probably for the first time, shows that nitrifying granules can be developed at a proper hydraulic selection pressure in terms of SBR cycle time. Nitrifying granulation is a novel biotechnology which has a great potential for wastewater nitrification. 相似文献
Structure and stability of aerobic granules cultivated under different shear force in sequencing batch reactors 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The cultivation of stable aerobic granules as well as granular structure and stability in sequencing batch reactors under
different shear force were investigated in this study. Four column sequencing batch reactors (R1–R4) were operated under various
shear force, in terms of superficial upflow air velocity of 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively. Aerobic granules were formed in all reactors in the experiment. It was found that the magnitude of shear force
has an important impact on the granule stability. At shear force of 2.4 and 3.2 cm s−1, granules can maintain a robust structure and have the potential of long-term operation. Granules developed in low shear
force (R1, 0.8 cm s−1 and R2, 1.6 cm s−1) deteriorated to large-sized filamentous granules with irregular shape, loose structure and resulted in poor performance
and operation instability. Granules cultivated under high shear force (R3, 2.4 cm s−1 and R4, 3.2 cm s−1) stabilized to clear outer morphology, dense and compact structure, and with good performance in 120 days operation. Fractal
dimension (Df) represents the internal structure of granules and can be used as an important indicator to describe the structure and stability
of granules. Due to the combined effects of shear force and growth force, the mature granules developed in R3 and R4 also
displayed certain differences in granular structure and characteristics. 相似文献
A laboratory scale experiment was described in this paper to enhance biological nitrogen removal by simultaneous nitrification
and denitrification (SND) via nitrite with a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR). Under conditions of total nitrogen (TN)
about 30 mg/L and pH ranged 7.15–7.62, synthetic wastewater was cyclically operated within the reactor for 110 days. Optimal
operation conditions were established to obtain consistently high TN removal rate and nitrite accumulation ratio, which included
an optimal temperature of 31 °C and an aeration time of 5 h under the air flow of 50 L/h. Stable nitrite accumulation could
be realized under different temperatures and the nitrite accumulation ratio increased with an increase of temperature from
15 to 35 °C. The highest TN removal rate (91.9%) was at 31 °C with DO ranged 3–4 mg/L. Process control could be achieved by
observing changes in DO and pH to judge the end-point of oxidation of ammonia and SND. 相似文献
The present investigation examines the way to enhance aerobic granulation by controlling the microbial communities via applying different settling times. Early granulation of aerobic granules is noticeable at a settling time of 5 min. The functional strains are enriched in granules without challenge of non-flocculating strains. Short settling times at initial stage principally determine the efficiency of subsequent granulation processes. 相似文献
Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on nitrite accumulation in a biofilm airlift suspension reactor 总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38
Garrido JM van Benthum WA van Loosdrecht MC Heijnen JJ 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》1997,53(2):168-178
The biofilm airlift suspension (BAS) reactor can treat wastewater at a high volumetric loading rate combined with a low sludge loading. Two BAS reactors were operated, with an ammonium load of 5 kg N/(m(3) d), in order to study the influence of biomass and oxygen concentration on the nitrification process. After start-up the nitrifying biomass in the reactors gradually increased up to 30 g VSS/L. Due to this increased biomass concentration the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient was negatively influenced. The resulting gradual decrease in dissolved oxygen concentration (over a 2-month period) was associated with a concomitantly nitrite build-up. Short term experiments showed a similar relation between dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) and nitrite accumulation. It was possible to obtain full ammonium conversion with approximately 50% nitrate and 50% nitrite in the effluent. The facts that (i) nitrite build up occurred only when DO dropped, (ii) the nitrite formation was stable over long periods, and (iii) fully depending on DO levels in short term experiments, led to the conclusion that it was not affected by microbial adaptations but associated with intrinsic characteristics of the microbial growth system. A simple biofilm model based on the often reported difference of oxygen affinity between ammonium and nitrite oxydizers was capable of adequately describing the phenomena.Measurements of biomass density and concentration are critical for the interpretation of the results, but highly sensitive to sampling procedures. Therefore we have developed an independent method, based on the residence time of Dextran Blue, to check the experimental methods. There was a good agreement between procedures.The relation between biomass concentration, oxygen mass transfer rate and nitrification in a BAS reactor is discussed. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Development and characteristics of phosphorus-accumulating microbial granules in sequencing batch reactors 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
Phosphorus (P)-accumulating microbial granules were developed at different substrate P/chemical oxygen demand (COD) ratios in the range of 1/100 to 10/100 by weight in sequencing batch reactors. The soluble COD and PO4-P profiles showed that the granules had typical P-accumulating characteristics, with concomitant uptake of soluble organic carbon and the release of phosphate in the anaerobic stage, followed by rapid phosphate uptake in the aerobic stage. The size of P-accumulating granules exhibited a decreasing trend with the increase in substrate P/COD ratio, while the structure of the granules became more compact and denser as the substrate P/COD ratio increased. The P uptake by granules fell within the range of 1.9% to 9.3% by weight, which is comparable with uptake obtained in conventional enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes. It was further found that low aerobic respirometric activity of granules in terms of specific oxygen utilization rate favors P uptake by granules. The results presented would be useful for the further development of a novel granule-based EBPR technology. 相似文献
Anammox start-up in sequencing batch biofilm reactors using different inoculating sludge 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this study, anammox bacteria were rapidly enriched in sequencing batch biofilm reactors (SBBRs) with different inoculations. The activated sludge taken from a sequencing batch reactor was used and inoculated to SBBR1, while SBBR2 was seeded with stored anaerobic sludge from an upflow anaerobic fixed bed (2-year stored at 5–15 °C). Nitrogen removal performance, anammox activity, biofilm characteristics and variation of the microbial community were evaluated. The maximum total nitrogen loading rate (NLR) of SBBR1 gradually reached to 1.62 kg?N/(m3/day) with a removal efficiency higher than 88 % and the NLR of SBBR2 reached to 1.43 kg?N/(m3/day) with a removal efficiency of 86 %. SBBR2 was more stable compared to SBBR1. These results, combined with molecular techniques such as scanning electron microscope, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, indicated that different genera of anammox bacteria became dominant. This research also demonstrates that SBBR is a promising bioreactor for starting up and enriching anammox bacteria. 相似文献
Effect of pH and nitrite concentration on nitrite oxidation rate 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effect of pH and nitrite concentration on the activity of the nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in an activated sludge reactor has been determined by means of laboratory batch experiments based on respirometric techniques. The bacterial activity was measured at different pH and at different total nitrite concentrations (TNO?). The experimental results showed that the nitrite oxidation rate (NOR) depends on the TNO? concentration independently of the free nitrous acid (FNA) concentration, so FNA cannot be considered as the real substrate for NOB. NOB were strongly affected by low pH values (no activity was detected at pH 6.5) but no inhibition was observed at high pH values (activity was nearly the same for the pH range 7.5-9.95). A kinetic expression for nitrite oxidation process including switch functions to model the effect of TNO? concentration and pH inhibition is proposed. Substrate half saturation constant and pH inhibition constants have been obtained. 相似文献
The design and development of the neural network (NN)-based controller performance for the activated sludge process in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is presented in this paper. Here we give a comparative study of various neural network (NN)-based controllers such as the direct inverse control, internal model control (IMC) and hybrid NN control strategies to maintain the dissolved oxygen (DO) level of an activated sludge system by manipulating the air flow rate. The NN inverse model-based controller with the model-based scheme represents the controller, which relies solely upon the simple NN inverse model. In the IMC, both the forward and inverse models are used directly as elements within the feedback loop. The hybrid NN control consists of a basic NN controller in parallel with a proportional integral (PI) controller. Various simulation tests involving multiple set-point changes, disturbances rejection and noise effects were performed to review the performances of these various controllers. From the results it can be seen that hybrid controller gives the best results in tracking set-point changes under disturbances and noise effects. 相似文献
Sphingomonas xenophaga QYY with the ability to degrade bromoamine acid (BAA) was previously isolated from sludge samples. The enhancement of BAA removal by strain QYY in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) was investigated in this study. The results showed that augmented SBRs exhibited stronger abilities to degrade BAA than the non-augmented control one. In order to estimate the relationship between community dynamics and function of augmented SBRs, a combined method based on fingerprints (ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis, RISA) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used. The results indicated that the microbial community dynamics were substantially changed, and the introduced strain QYY was persistent in the augmented systems. This study suggests that it is feasible and potentially useful to enhance BAA removal using BAA-degrading bacteria, such as S. xenophaga QYY. 相似文献
Aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are a promising technology for treating wastewater. Increasing evidence suggests that aerobic granulation in SBRs is driven by selection pressures exerted on microorganisms. Three major selection pressures have been identified as follows: settling time, volume exchange ratio and discharge time. This review demonstrates that these three major selection pressures can all be unified to one, the minimal settling velocity of bio-particles, that determines aerobic granulation in SBRs. The unified selection pressure theory is a useful guide for manipulating and optimizing the formation and characteristics of aerobic granules in SBRs. Furthermore, the unified theory provides a single engineering basis for scale up of aerobic granular sludge SBRs. 相似文献
Anaerobic sequencing batch reactors for wastewater treatment: a developing technology 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Zaiat M Rodrigues JA Ratusznei SM de Camargo EF Borzani W 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2001,55(1):29-35
This paper describes and discusses the main problems related to anaerobic batch and fed-batch processes for wastewater treatment.
A critical analysis of the literature evaluated the industrial application viability and proposed alternatives to improve
operation and control of this system. Two approaches were presented in order to make this anaerobic discontinuous process
feasible for industrial application: (1) optimization of the operating procedures in reactors containing self-immobilized
sludge as granules, and (2) design of bioreactors with inert support media for biomass immobilization.
Received: 22 May 2000 / Received revision: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 21 July 2000 相似文献
Ammonium exchange and bioregeneration of bio-flocculated zeolite in a sequencing batch reactor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jin-Young Jung Daewon Pak Hang-Sik Shin Yun-Chul Chung Sang-Min Lee 《Biotechnology letters》1999,21(4):289-292
Natural zeolite was added to the sequencing batch reactors to assess its role in ammonium exchange. Even though the biofilm was fully developed on the zeolite surface, ammonium removal and the biological regeneration of the zeolite occurred constantly during the anoxic-fill phase and the reaction phase, respectively. However, the specific nitrification rate of the bio-flocculated zeolite was lower than that observed in the control on account of the limited ammonium release to the liquid phase. 相似文献
The simultaneous removal of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) and phenol in lab-scale sequencing batch reactors at different temperatures has been studied. Phenol feed concentration was fixed at 525 mg/L and 4-CP concentration was increased from 105 to 2100 mg/L at a constant hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 10.5 d. Complete phenol and 4-CP biodegradation was achieved during the aerobic stage working with 4-CP concentrations up to 1470 mg/L in the feed. Both 4-CP and phenol specific initial removal rates were strongly affected by 4-CP feed concentration and temperature. Only at the highest temperature tested (35 °C) it was possible to increase the maximum assimilative 4-CP concentration by the biological sludge up to 2100 mg/L, and a significant reduction of the ecotoxicity of the effluents was observed. 4-chlorocatechol (4-CC) was identified as the major intermediate in the aerobic cometabolic 4-CP degradation, being the ecotoxicity of that species substantially lower than that of 4-CP. 相似文献
Denecke M Eilmus S Röder N Roesch C Bothe H 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2012,93(4):1725-1734
The diversity of the microbial community was identified in two lab-scale, ideally mixed sequencing batch reactors which were
run for 115 days. One of the reactors was intermittently aerated (2 h aerobically/2 h anaerobically) whereas the other was
consistently aerated. The amount of biomass as dry matter, the degradation of organic carbon determined by chemical oxygen
demand and nitrogen-degradation activity were followed over the operation of the two reactors and did not show significant
differences between the two approaches at the end of the experiment. At this point, the composition of the microbial community
was determined by a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism approach using multiple restriction enzymes by which
organisms were retrieved to the lowest taxonomic level. The microbial composition was then significantly different. The species
richness was at least five-fold higher in the intermittently aerated reactor than in the permanently kept aerobic approach
which is in line with the observation that ecosystem disturbances result in higher diversity. 相似文献