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缺瓣牛姆瓜Holboellia apetala Q.Xia,J.Z.Suen et Z.X.Peng在一系列特征上与牛姆瓜属Holboellia植物不同,不应隶属于该属,而代表了一个未被描述过的新属—长萼木通属。新属在茎、叶、果实和花的大部分特征上与木通属Akebia相似,但花萼特征又与野木瓜属Stauntonia接近,其系统位置介于这两个属之间,并偏于前者。  相似文献   

报道了海南兰科植物1个新记录属—金唇兰属(基于金唇兰,并提供简要的描述、照片及属的分布图。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属植物区系成份分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
杨昌友  李楠 《植物研究》1990,10(4):93-99
锦鸡儿属(Caragana Fabr.)属蝶形花科山羊豆族,是温带亚洲的代表属之一。本文对锦鸡儿属已知种类的区系成份进行了研究,将105种植物共划分为20个分布区类型,其中包括:(1)青藏高原分布;(2)沿喜马拉雅分布;(3)云贵高原分布;(4)云贵高原—华北分布;(5)秦岭山地分布;(6)华北分布;(7)中国东北分布;(8)蒙古高原分布;(9)西伯利亚阿尔泰分布;(10)亚洲中部分布;(11)西亚分布;(12)天山山地分布;(13)帕米尔—阿赖依分布;(14)小亚细亚—里海—哈萨克斯坦分布;(15)准噶尔—哈萨克斯坦分布;16)塔尔巴哈台—准噶尔—蒙古分布;(17)准噶尔特有分布;(18)昆仑山特有分布;(19)黑海—西西伯利亚分布;(20)欧洲—高加索分布。统计结果表明:属青藏高原分布的种类最为丰富,有18种,占总数的17.16%,沿喜马拉雅分布次之,共计12种,占总数的11.45%;再次之是中国华北分布和天山山地分布,均为10种,占总数的9.54%。通过区系分析可以清晰地看出:本属在中国,的分布很广,种类也很多,共计80种,约占全属总数的76.32%。中国特有种也很丰富,共计43种,占全国分布总数的一半以上(53.75%),占本属总数的40.95%。  相似文献   

陈汉彬 《四川动物》1989,8(2):28-29
在整理云南蚊类标本过程中,发观库蚊属(Culex)4种新纪录,分别隶属于库状蚊亚属(Culiciomyia)1种、簇角蚊亚属(Lophoceraomyia)2种和库蚊亚属(Culex)1种。一、佛氏库蚊Culex(Cui.)fragilis Ludlow,1903检视标本:云南,勐腊。1985,Ⅷ,10—4,14,4L,采自木槽积水。鉴别特征:腹节背板全暗。雄蚊抱肢端节齿脊自亚端部伸达亚基部。幼虫头毛5,6—C从亚基部各分出5—7芒支。前胸毛1—3P均不分支。呼吸管较短,自基部向端部渐变细。呼吸管毛1—S3对,每分2—3支。本种幼虫特征突出,不难与我国已知的库状蚊相区别。本种在国外分布于泰国、菲律宾、印…  相似文献   

俞藤属—葡萄科一新属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在研究中国葡萄科植物过程中发现分布于中国亚热带、尼泊尔和印度卡西山区一些植物种自成一类,与葡萄科现有属的定义不符,命名为一新属-愈藤属(YuaC.L.Li)。文中讨论了它与爬山虎属(Parthenocissus Planch.)、崖爬藤属(TetrastigmaPlanch.)、乌蔹莓属(CayratiaJuss.)和蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis Michx.)的区别,并在野外和栽培条件下观察了某些重要属级鉴定性状在个体发育过程中的表现,以证明其可靠。为了正确鉴定这个属和种类,给出了包括这些属在内的国产葡萄科植物分属检索表和该属的分种检索表,最后,讨论了俞藤属的地理分布及其意义。  相似文献   

山白树属及其近缘属聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用系统聚类分析法,对山白树属及其近缘属进行定量分析,结果表明山白树属与牛鼻栓属亲缘关系密切,可组成一族,该族与蚊母树族有着较近的亲缘。  相似文献   

陈斌  周尧 《昆虫分类学报》1996,18(4):265-269
本文记述了采自于四川西部的角伪叶甲属CerogriaBorchmann1909一新亚属及二新种。模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫研究所。畸角伪叶甲亚属Aeschrocera,新亚属该亚属的触角(图2~5)基节强烈地呈球状膨大,除第7和9节强烈呈锯齿状膨大外,第4~6节也明显呈锯齿状膨大,第8和10节中部呈尖锐的角状突出,端节也向一侧扩宽;阳基侧突强烈地叶状扩宽。这些特征易与其它亚属区别。模式种;褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,sp.nov.1.褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,新种(图1~5)该种触角端节腹面常形,端节直;前胸背板褐色;额侧突基瘤间的分界沟不清楚。正模,西康日地,1939—Ⅸ—1。副模1,1♀,同正模;3,3♀♀,西康康定,1939—Ⅷ—9(3),1939—Ⅷ—18(1♀),1939—Ⅷ—28(1♀),1931—Ⅷ—28(1♀);1,西康丹巴,1939—Ⅹ—3;1,西康榆林宫,1939—Ⅸ—7;1,西康瓦斯井,1939—Ⅸ—2;1♀,西康旋牛,1939—Ⅹ—6,周尧采。2.钩畸角  相似文献   

作者在前两篇文章里报道了湖北省神农架产的尾孢菌属及其近似属的22个种,本文再报道这一地区的尾孢菌属、短胖孢属及色链隔孢属的4个种,其中1个是新种,即李色链隔孢(Phaeoramularia pruni Guo et Liu,sp.nov.),其模式标本收藏于中国科学院真菌标本室(HMAS)。该新种与寄生于李属(Prunus sp.)植物上的变红尾孢(Cercospora rubrotincta)接近,但后者分生孢子梗窄(2—4.5μm),不分枝,曲膝状折点少(0—1个),分生孢子向顶渐狭,不链生,隔膜多(1—5隔),因此易于区别。  相似文献   

栓菌属和它的亲缘属属界划分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栓菌属(Trametes) 自Fries(1835)建立迄今已有近150年的历史。Fries(1835),Patouillard(1900),Kotlaba & Pouzar(1957),的工作代表了对本属研究的三个比较重要的发展阶段。许多分类学家都认为栓菌属是多孔菌科(Polyporaceae,Basidiomycetes)中最混乱、最不易划清属间界限的一个类群。研究清楚这一属和它的亲缘属的属界以及它们之间的相互关系是研究多孔菌科分类中十分重要的课题。作者多年来在研究这一类群的过程中,常常遇到属界不清,它们之间的相互关系也不易搞清楚等问题。从文献中可以看出,有的种类似乎可以随便地从一个属转移到另一个属,正确与否不易确定。因此,感到搞清楚本属的属界是十分重要的。作者即是在这一情况下进行这一课题研究的。首先搞清楚栓菌属的发展历史,各分类学家对它的不同概念,最后提出作者对本属的概念。然后再搞清楚各亲缘属的属界与其相互关系。凡是作者承认的属都提出自己的概念。  相似文献   

综述了番茄属和茄属的属间细胞杂交研究进展,并对植物细胞杂交研究的发展和存在问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

啮齿动物作用下退耕地山杏种子扩散与贮藏的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
啮齿动物对植物种子的取食和扩散影响种子的时空分布,继而影响种子的萌发和幼苗建成,因而在森林更新中起着重要作用.在国有济源市愚公林场,选择退耕地生境,于春季、夏季、秋季分别释放人工标记的山杏种子,观察啮齿动物扩散与埋藏山杏种子的季节性差异.结果表明:1)退耕地中的啮齿动物主要包括大林姬鼠、社鼠、黑线姬鼠;2)山杏种子扩散速率在春季显著慢于夏季,夏季显著慢于秋季;3)种子搬运量受季节和种子状态交互作用影响,春季显著少于夏季,夏季显著少于秋季;4)不同季节种子平均搬运距离不同,秋季不同状态种子的搬运距离均大于春季和夏季;5)啮齿动物对山杏种子的贮藏点大小多为1粒种子,少量为2、3粒种子,且贮藏点大小与季节间存在显著的交互作用,春季单粒种子的贮藏点数量显著少于夏季和秋季,而夏季与秋季的贮藏点则倾向于多粒种子;6)在夏季和秋季各有5枚(共释放1800枚)被啮齿动物分散贮藏的山杏种子建成幼苗.  相似文献   

社鼠组织器官同工酶的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
傅必谦  袁虹 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):141-145
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳方法,分析了社鼠的肝、肾、心肌、骨骼肌、肺、脾和脑等多种组织器官的LDH、ADH、EST、和SOD4种同工酶,对各组织器官的酶带数目和分布,以及酶活性进行了比较研究。结果表明,社鼠的LDH同工酶、ADH同工酶和EST同工酶具有比较明显的组织特异性,而SOD同工酶的组织特异性较低。肺和脾除EST同工酶活性较高外,脑除LDH同工酶活性较高外,其它3种同工酶的活性均较低;而肝和肾中4种同工酶的活性普遍很高。心肌和骨骼肌因氧张力不同而使LDH同工酶酶谱存在明显差异,但其它3种同工酶酶谱却非常相似。同工酶的组织特异性与各组织器官所执行的生理功能是相一致的  相似文献   

S. Xie  Y. Cui    T. Zhang  Z. Li 《Journal of fish biology》2000,57(4):867-880
Feeding ecology of three small fish species, Hypseleotris swinhonis, Ctenogobius giurinus and Pseudorasbora parva was studied seasonally in the Biandantang Lake, a small, shallow lake in central China. Gut length, adjusted for total body length, was significantly higher in spring than in other seasons for all the three species. Seasonal changes in gut length were not associated with changes in food quality. Weight of fore-gut contents, adjusted for body weight, was significantly higher in winter and spring than in summer and autumn in H. swinhonis and C. giurinus , and significantly higher in autumn than in spring and summer for P. parva. Percentage of empty fore-guts was highest in summer and lowest in spring for H. swinhonis and C. giurinus , and highest in winter and lowest in autumn for P. parva. Diet of the three small fishes showed apparent seasonal changes, and these changes reflected partly the seasonal fluctuations of food resources in environment. Diet breadth was high in winter and low in autumn for H. swinhonis , high in winter and low in spring and summer for C. giurinus , and high in autumn and low in spring for P. parva. Diet overlaps between pairs of species were biologically significant in most cases, except between H. swinhonis and P. parva in summer and autumn and between C. giurinus and P. parva in autumn.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide oxytocin has been implicated in the regulation of affiliative behavior and maternal responsiveness in several mammalian species. Rodent species vary considerably in the expression of juvenile alloparental behavior. For example, alloparental behavior is spontaneous in juvenile female prairie voles (approximately 20 days of age), takes 1-3 days of pup exposure to develop in juvenile rats, and is nearly absent in juvenile mice and meadow voles. Here, we tested the hypothesis that species differences in pup responsiveness in juvenile rodents are associated with oxytocin receptor (OTR) density in specific brain regions. We found that OTR density in the nucleus accumbens (NA) is highest in juvenile prairie voles, intermediate in juvenile rats, and lowest in juvenile mice and meadow voles. In the caudate putamen (CP), OTR binding was highest in prairie voles, intermediate in rats and meadow voles, and lowest in mice. In contrast, the lateral septum (LS) shows an opposite pattern, with OTR binding being high in mice and meadow voles and low in prairie voles and rats. Thus, alloparental responsiveness in juvenile rodents is positively correlated with OTR density in the NA and CP and negatively correlated with OTR density in the LS. We then investigated whether a similar receptor-behavior relationship exists among juvenile female prairie voles by correlating individual variation in alloparental behavior with variation in OTR density. The time spent adopting crouching postures, the most distinctive component of alloparental behavior in juveniles, was positively correlated with OTR density in the NA (r = 0.47) and CP (r = 0.45) and negatively correlated with OTR density in the lateral septum (r = -0.53). Thus, variation in OTR density in the NA, CP, and LS may underlie both species and individual differences in alloparental care in rodents.  相似文献   

Null mutations in the Drosophila gene, slowmo (slmo), result in reduced mobility and lethality in first-instar larvae. Slowmo encodes a mitochondrial protein of unknown function, as do the two other homologs found in Drosophila. Here, we have studied a hypomorphic P-element allele of slmo demonstrating its effects on germline divisions in both testes and ovaries. Using in situ studies, enhancer-trap activity, and promoter fusions, we have shown that slmo expression in testes is found in the somatic cyst cells (SCC). The hypomorphic allele for Slmo revealed apoptotic loss of germline cells in the larval germline, culminating in a complete absence of the germline in adult flies. In females, a similar degeneration of the germarium is observed, while reporter gene expression is found in both germline and somatic cells. Using a null mutation in female germline clones, we find slmo is dispensable from the germline cells. Our results suggest that Slowmo is not required in germline cells directly, but is required in SCCs responsible for maintaining germline survival in both sexes.  相似文献   

自第一批种子于1947年12月底走出中国国门,著名‘活化石’水杉已在世界上栽培了60年。过去的5年间通过各种调查方式获得了6大洲近50个国家的2535份资料。调查结果显示,水杉除在欧美及东亚等国家栽培非常普遍外,阿根廷、澳大利亚、智利、印度、墨西哥、尼泊尔、新西兰、南非、泰国、土耳其、津巴布韦等国也有成功的栽培。生长最好的是北美植物耐寒带5-9及欧洲和东亚相似气候地区的栽培水杉,植株最高已达38m,最大胸围已达6.2m。调查内容包括引种的时间、栽培地点、株数、高度及胸围,调查单位不仅包括公立的单位,还包括不对外开放的私人住宅。另外,还讨论了栽培用途、限制因子以及原生种群的资源保护等。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of whole-plant nutrient-availability on the degree of distribution of some plant primary and secondary (nitrogen, fibre, flavonols, gallotannins and cineole) chemicals across young, mature and old leaves of seedlings of Eucalyptus nitens. Four treatments that ranged from low to high nutrient-application rates resulted in mean whole-plant foliar concentrations of 0.63%, 0.85%, 1.11% and 1.82% nitrogen dry matter (N%DM) for treatments A, B, C and D, respectively. Within-plant distribution (across the leaf age profile of young, mature and old leaves within a eucalypt seedling) of N%DM ranged from zero in treatment A to a wide range of distribution in treatment D (low N%DM concentrations in old leaves to high N%DM concentrations in young leaves). Similarly, the distribution of fibre ranged from zero in treatment A to a wide range of distribution in treatment D, but with high concentrations in old leaves and low concentrations in young leaves. In contrast, flavonols (weakly) and gallotannins had a wide range of distribution in treatment A (low concentrations in old leaves to high concentrations in young leaves) but were little or not distributed in the other treatments. Again in contrast, cineole was strongly distributed between old and young leaves (low concentrations in old leaves to high concentrations in young leaves) across all treatments while concentrations in mature leaves reflected one or other leaf age depending on treatment. Protein precipitable phenols in treatments A, B and C were high in young, and low in old leaves; whereas in treatment D they were low and similar between leaves of different ages.  相似文献   

A time-of-day-dependent variation in IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis was previously reported in ICR mice. In the present study, we investigated time-of-day-dependent variations in IgE-, histamine-, and platelet-activating factor (PAF)-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in C57BL/6, BALB/c, and NC/Nga mice at 9:00?h and 21:00?h, and evaluated the potential influence of glucocorticoids (GCs) on these variations. We found significant time-of-day-dependent variations in IgE-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in C57BL/6 mice, and in histamine- and PAF-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in BALB/c mice. Significant daily variations in IgE-, histamine-, and PAF-mediated systemic anaphylaxis were not observed in NC/Nga mice. Pretreatment with dexamethasone and adrenalectomy abolished the daily variations in IgE-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in C57BL/6 mice and in PAF-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in BALB/c mice, suggesting that GCs from adrenal glands are pivotal in regulating these variations. In contrast, pretreatment with dexamethasone and adrenalectomy did not abolish the daily variation in histamine-mediated systemic anaphylaxis in BALB/c mice, suggesting that GC-independent and adrenal gland-independent mechanisms are important for the variation. The present study demonstrated that time-of-day-dependent variations in systemic anaphylaxis differed among inbred mouse strains and with anaphylaxis-inducing substances. Thus, mouse strains, time of experiment, and anaphylaxis-inducing substances used must be considered to obtain appropriate experimental results.  相似文献   

We have measured the endogenous TRH concentration in the pineal and 9 brain regions of a seasonal hibernator, the golden-mantled ground squirrel, during euthermia and hibernation in order to investigate the possibility that changes in TRH concentration might occur in association with naturally-occurring changes in CNS-mediated physiological and behavioral processes. Regional TRH content was assessed by radioimmunoassay in adult animals that were killed during euthermia in the mid-portion of each season and during hibernation in mid-winter. No significant changes in TRH concentration related to season or to hibernation versus euthermic state were noted in the hippocampus, brainstem, or cerebellum. In the olfactory bulb, preoptic area, and pineal, seasonal variation within euthermic groups was evident. During hibernation, statistically significant decreases in TRH content occurred in the forebrain, olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, septum, preoptic area, and midbrain. Significant fluctuations during hibernation were also observed in the pineal. In this structure, TRH concentration varied in relation to the phase of the hibernation bout. TRH content in the last quarter of the bout was three times greater when compared to values observed in the first quarter of the bout. These results suggest that TRH may be involved in the control processes attributed to these regions and support a role for TRH in the neural control of hibernation.  相似文献   

Seneca Valley virus (SVV), a newly determined etiological agent of vesicular disease in swine, causes porcine idiopathic disease and occasional acute death in piglets. Recently, an increased number of SVV infection cases have been reported in the United States (US) and China, resulting in significant economic losses to the swine industry. The first identification of SVV in China was reported in Guangdong Province, a major swine producing province. The cases of SVV were continuously reported in Guangdong in 2015 and 2016. However, the spread of SVV in Guangdong in 2017 remains unknown.In this study, we determined two new SVV strains, CH-GD-2017-1 and CH-GD-2017-2, from Guangdong. The genetic analysis suggested that the two Guangdong strains showed different characteristics to previous Guangdong strains. They showed lower nucleotide similarity with strains isolated in 2015 and 2016, and were more similar to the US strains.Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the new strains were clustered in a different clade with previous Guangdong strains.We found 28 mutated amino acids in the new strains, compared with the first Guangdong strain, SVV CH-01-2015. In the geographic analysis, we found that the US and China reported more SVV cases than other countries, and most of the SVV cases were reported in east and central China—of which, Guangdong Province is one of the major epidemic regions. In conclusion, our findings indicate that SVV continued to spread in Guangdong Province in 2017, and two different clades of SVVs have emerged in this region.  相似文献   

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