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The lordotic curvature of the lumbar spine (lumbar lordosis) in humans is a critical component in the ability to achieve upright posture and bipedal gait. Only general estimates of the lordotic angle (LA) of extinct hominins are currently available, most of which are based on the wedging of the vertebral bodies. Recently, a new method for calculating the LA in skeletal material has become available. This method is based on the relationship between the lordotic curvature and the orientation of the inferior articular processes relative to vertebral bodies in the lumbar spines of living primates. Using this relationship, we developed new regression models in order to calculate the LAs in hominins. The new models are based on primate group-means and were used to calculate the LAs in the spines of eight extinct hominins. The results were also compared with the LAs of modern humans and modern nonhuman apes. The lordotic angles of australopithecines (41° ± 4), H. erectus (45°) and fossil H. sapiens (54° ± 14) are similar to those of modern humans (51° ± 11). This analysis confirms the assumption that human-like lordotic curvature was a morphological change that took place during the acquisition of erect posture and bipedalism as the habitual form of locomotion. Neandertals have smaller lordotic angles (LA = 29° ± 4) than modern humans, but higher angles than nonhuman apes (22° ± 3). This suggests possible subtle differences in Neandertal posture and locomotion from that of modern humans.  相似文献   

Evolution of the sacrum in hominoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the formation of the sacrum during the primate evolution, a new way of numbering mammalian vertebrae is presented; this demonstrates that the thoracolumbosacral complex is fixed at 22 vertebrae in 80% and at 22 +/- 1 in 100% of the cases. The shift of a vertebra from one type to another occurs either at the thoracolumbar or at the lumbosacral junction and not at the cervicothoracic junction. Rarely does the shift take place at the sacrococcygeal junction. Data from 318 primates reveal that the seven original lumbar vertebrae of the Old World monkeys are reduced in the great apes by a caudad "thoracization" of one to two lumbar vertebrae and a cephalad sacralization of one to four lumbar vertebrae. In the apes, sacralization is not total and different stages that are intermediate between lumbar and sacral are described. In Homo sapiens there is a total sacralization of the last two original lumbar vertebrae. In addition, development of the sacral wings (alae) is minimal in apes and reaches its maximum in hominids. The tendency of the hominoid sacrum to incorporate the last lumbar vertebrae and to widen markedly provides for an enhanced articulation of the sacrum with the ilium and offers a firm base of support for the trunk during erect posture. This is necessary for the support of the weight of the trunk above the sacrum and for the stabilization of the body during bipedal posture and locomotion. Encephalization did not play any major role in the widening of the sacrum since the former by far preceded the latter.  相似文献   

Lacking an external shell and a rigid endoskeleton, octopuses exhibit a remarkable flexibility in their movements. Bipedal locomotion is perhaps the most iconic example in this regard. Until recently, this peculiar mode of locomotion had been observed only in two species of tropical octopuses: Amphioctopus marginatus and Abdopus aculeatus. Yet, recent evidence indicates that bipedal walking is also part of the behavioral repertoire of the common octopus, Octopus vulgaris. Here we report a further observation of a defense behavior that encompasses both postural and locomotory elements of bipedal locomotion in this cephalopod. By highlighting differences and similarities with the other recently published report, we provide preliminary considerations with regard to bipedal locomotion in the common octopus.  相似文献   

This study deals with maturation and aging of the vertebrae in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata) of known chronological age. The samples used were 103 skeletons of captive raised Japanese macaques varying in age from 6-23 years. Epiphyseal union between the vertebral body and the epiphyseal disk (epiphyseal ring, annular epiphysis) and degenerative changes of the vertebrae were macroscopically examined. It was revealed that vertebral epiphyseal union develops comparatively rapidly in the sacral and cervical vertebrae, moderately in the lumbar vertebrae, and slowly in the thoracic vertebrae. It was found that, as a central tendency, the vertebral epiphyseal union begins at about 6 years of age, progresses lineally in proportion to age, and completes at about 23 years of age. However, considerable variation in developmental states of union was observed among individuals of the same age. Concerning vertebral degenerative changes, few were observed among the present samples. Compared with the other primates with regard to the timing of vertebral maturation, shortening of duration of maturation was found among humans. Human vertebrae may have become an early-maturing organ in order to sustain the increased loading that is accompanied by the adoption of habitual erect posture and bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   

High assimilation sacrum is fusion of the caudal‐most lumbar vertebra to the first sacral vertebra. Previous studies have shown that high assimilation is associated with clinical problems, including obstetrical difficulty. This study used adult American males (n = 1,048) and females (n = 1,038) of the Hamann–Todd and Terry skeletal collections to determine the prevalence of high assimilation and its effect on pelvic size, and to consider the obstetrical and evolutionary implications of high assimilation. The prevalence of high assimilation in this sample is 6.3%, with males and females not differing significantly from one another in their prevalence. This prevalence is near the median for that reported in 41 other samples. In both males and females, individuals with high assimilation have significantly longer anteroposterior and posterior sagittal diameters of the inlet, and shorter sacrum compared to those with a nonassimilated sacrum. Females with high assimilation have a significantly narrower sacral angulation (i.e., reduced inclination of ventral axis of sacrum), and shorter posterior sagittal diameter of the outlet compared to those with a nonassimilated sacrum. A short posterior sagittal diameter of the outlet is associated with childbirth difficulty. As high assimilation is partial homeotic transformation of a lumbar vertebra, this study supports previous research that homeotic transformation of vertebrae is selectively disadvantageous. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Evolution of the lumbosacral angle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lumbosacral angle (LSA) was studied in 131 children ranging in age from birth to 5 years. This angle increases from an average of 20 degrees at birth to an average of 70 degrees at the age of 5 years; it remains at that level thereafter. This study demonstrates that the formation of the LSA is not related to increasing age, height, or weight. Nor do obstetrical requirements seems to play any major role in the formation of the lumbosacral angle. Rather, it appears that the development of the LSA is related to the progressive acquisition of erect posture and the ontogeny of bipedal locomotion. This angle is almost nil in the nonprimate mammals (who only infrequently stand erect). It is minimal in monkeys who occasionally assume bipedal postures and increases somewhat in living apes who engage in facultative bipedal positional behavior. In the early australopithecines, the LSA is increased over that in apes, and it reaches its maximum in Homo sapiens. Deviations from normal and healthy erect posture in Homo sapiens result in corresponding changes in the lumbosacral angle. Lumbar and sacral angles (both forming the lumbosacral angle) are almost equal in all mammalian species. Since the sacral angle of Australopithecus afarensis is approximately 15 degrees, it can be implied that its lumbosacral angle was small, thus attesting to its "imperfect" erect posture and "primitive" form of bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   

New material of Natchitochia from the Bartonian Archusa Marl Member is described here, including thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, an innominate, proximal femur, and pedal? phalanx. The vertebrae and innominate are similar to those of Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus. The structure of the caudal vertebrae support previous observations that as sacral vertebrae disconnect from the sacrum, they become caudalized, developing hemal processes on the posteroventral margins of the bodies, reminiscent of chevron bones associated with true caudal vertebrae. The innominate of Natchitochia shares an elongate ilium and pubis with Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus, which differ from the innominata of the more apomorphic archaeocetes. Comparison of archaeocete innominata and sacra in a phylogenetic context indicates that the apomorphic sacrum composed of 4 vertebrae (Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rodhocetus, Maiacetus) was reduced to 3 (Qaisracetus) to 2 (Protocetus?, Natchitochia) to 0 (Georgiacetus, Basilosauridae), while the innominata remained robust, supporting a large hind limb until the origin of the Basilosauridae. In Georgiacetus, the innominate is large but detached from the vertebral column, preventing the use of the hind limb in terrestrial locomotion. More crownward cetaceans for which the innominate is known display greatly reduced innominata and hind limbs are disconnected from the vertebral column.  相似文献   

As early as the 1970s, Robinson defined lumbar vertebrae according to their zygapophyseal orientation. He identified six lumbar elements in fossil Sts 14 Australopithecus africanus, one more than is commonly present in modern humans. It is now generally inferred that the modal number of lumbar vertebrae for australopiths and early Homo was six, from which the mode of five in later Homo is derived. The two central questions this study investigates are (1) to what extent do differences in human lumbar vertebral count affect lordotic shape and lumbar function, and (2) what does lumbar number variation imply about lumbar spine function in early hominins? To address these questions, I first outline a biomechanical model of lumbar number effect on lordotic function. I then identify relevant morphological differences in the human modal and extra-modal variants, which I use to test the model. These tests permit evaluation of the human L6 variant as a model for reconstructing early hominin modal number and spine function. Application of the biomechanical model in reconstructing australopith/early Homo lumbar spines highlights shared principles of Euler column strength and sagittal spine flexibility among early and modern hominins. Within modern humans, the extra-modal L6 variant has an extended series of three cranially positioned kyphotic vertebrae and strongly oblique zygapophyseal facets at the last lumbar level. Although they share the same radius and length of lumbar curvature, the L6 variant differs functionally from the L5 mode in its expanded range of sagittal flexion/extension and enhanced resistance to shear. Given the modal number of six lumbar vertebrae in australopiths and early Homo, lumbar spine mobility and strength would have been key properties of vertebral function in early bipeds whose upper and lower body segments were coupled by close approximation of the thorax and iliac crests.  相似文献   



Hueter-Volkmann's law regarding growth modulation suggests that increased pressure on the end plate of bone retards the growth (Hueter) and conversely, reduced pressure accelerates the growth (Volkmann). Literature described the same principle in Rat-tail model. Human spine and its deformity i.e. scoliosis has also same kind of pattern during the growth period which causes wedging in disc or vertebral body.


This cross sectional study in 150 patients of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was done to evaluate vertebral body and disc wedging in scoliosis and to compare the extent of differential wedging of body and disc, in thoracic and lumbar area. We measured wedging of vertebral bodies and discs, along with two adjacent vertebrae and disc, above and below the apex and evaluated them according to severity of curve (curve < 30° and curve > 30°) to find the relationship of vertebral body or disc wedging with scoliosis in thoracic and lumbar spine. We also compared the wedging and rotations of vertebrae.


In both thoracic and lumbar curves, we found that greater the degree of scoliosis, greater the wedging in both disc and body and the degree of wedging was more at apex supporting the theory of growth retardation in stress concentration area. However, the degree of wedging in vertebral body is more than the disc in thoracic spine while the wedging was more in disc than body in lumbar spine. On comparing the wedging with the rotation, we did not find any significant relationship suggesting that it has no relation with rotation.


From our study, we can conclude that wedging in disc and body are increasing with progression on scoliosis and maximum at apex; however there is differential wedging of body and disc, in thoracic and lumbar area, that is vertebral body wedging is more profound in thoracic area while disc wedging is more profound in lumbar area which possibly form 'vicious cycle' by asymmetric loading to spine for the progression of curve.  相似文献   

Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described based on isolated but possibly associated cervical and dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, and previously published pedal elements from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian?) Ilek Formation at Shestakovo 1 locality (Kemerovo Province, Western Siberia, Russia). Some isolated sauropod teeth from the Shestakovo 1 locality are referred to the same taxon. The phylogenetic parsimony analyses place Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., as a non-titanosaurian somphospondyl titanosauriform. The new taxon exhibits four titanosauriform and one somphospondylan synapomorphies, and one autapomorphy – a hyposphene ridge that extends between the neural canal and the postzygapophyses. It differs from all other Somphospondyli by having only five sacral vertebrae. The new taxon shares with Euhelopus and Epachtosaurus sacral ribs that converge towards the middle of the sacrum in dorsal view. Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is only the second sauropod taxon from Russia and one of the oldest titanosauriform described so far in Asia.  相似文献   

Eleven non-lactating Holstein cows of 8–10 years of age and 12 female Holstein calves of 5–6 months of age were maintained, during winter season, in the climatic laboratory for 3 days at thermoneutral climate (18.3°C, 50% RH) followed by 3 days at hot climate (32.2°C, 50% RH). Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Whole body40K counting, nitrogen balance, body weight and rectal temperature were taken on the third day on each animal at the climatic exposures mentioned above. Body potassium decreased significantly in cows (p < 0.01) but not in calves. Nitrogen retention decreased with heat exposure in cows and calves (p < 0.01) and the balance was negative in cows but positive in calves. In cows, body weight decreased with heat exposure 1.81%, significantly (p < 0.05), but it did not change significantly in calves. The final rise in body temperature under hot climate was significant in cows and calves (p < 0.01), being 0.82°C and 1.07°C, respectively. The heat-induced changes, except the rise in body temperature, were significantly different in cows from those in calves. These results indicate that calves are more heat tolerant than cows on the basis of catabolic reactions but not on rectal temperature rise.
Zusammenfassung Während des Winters wurden 11 nicht laktierende Holstein Kühe im Alter von 8–10 Jahren und 12 Holstein Kälber im Alter von 5–6 Monaten 3 Tage lang zunächst in thermoneutralem Klima (18,3°C, 50% RF) und danach 3 Tage in der Hitze bei 32,2°C und 50% RF gehalten. In der Hitze fiel das Körper-Kalium bei den Kühen signifikant (p < 0,01) ab, nicht aber bei den Kälbern. Bei beiden fiel die Stickstoffretention signifikant (p < 0,01) ab, und die Bilanz wurde bei den Kühen negativ, nicht aber bei den Kälbern. Das Körpergewicht der Kühe fiel 1,81% (p < 0,05), das der Kälber blieb unbeeinflusst. Die Körpertemperatur war am Ende bei den Kühen 0,82°C und bei den Kälbern 1,07°C höher (p < 0,01). Dies spricht dafür, dass die Kälber in Hinsicht auf die katabolischen Reaktionen eine höhere Hitzetoleranz haben als die Kühe.

Resume 11 vaches de race Holstein âgées de 8 à 10 ans, mais hors de lactation et 12 génisses de 5 à 6 mois de la même race ont été placées, durant l'hiver, en atmosphère contrôlée. Elles ont passé tout d'abord 3 jours en climat neutre (18,3°C et 50% d'humidité relative), puis 3 jours dans une atmosphère chaude (32,2°C et 40% h.r.). On leur a donné à manger et à boire ad libitum. A la fin de chacune de ces périodes, on a mesuré pour chaque animal la teneur en40K, le bilan d'azote, le poids et la température rectale. Le taux de potasse a diminué de façon significative chez les vaches (p < 0,01), mais pas chez les génisses. La rétention d'azote décrofît avec le chaud tant chez les vaches que chez les génisses (p <0,01) et son bilan est négatif chez les vaches, positif chez les génisses. Le poids des vaches a diminué de 1,81% (significatif à p < 0,05), mais ne s'est pas modifié de façon significative chez les génisses. La température s'est élevée de 0,82°C chez les vaches et de 1,07°C chez les génisses (significatif tous les deux à p < 0,01). Toutes les répercussions d'une exposition au chaud on été significatives entre vaches et génisses, à l'exception de la température du corps. Ceci montre que les génisses offrent une plus grande tolérance à la chaleur que les vaches si l'on se base sur leurs réactions cataboliques, mais pas selon la température rectale.

Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 6037.

On a leave at the University of Missouri.  相似文献   

The long-unresolved and much publicized puzzle of how human ancestors could have ventured upon habitual bipedalism without making themselves highly vulnerable to predation derives from a misunderstanding of the principles upon which predator-prey relations work. Erect stature, regardless of locomotion proficiency, in fact enhances passive, and not simply active, defence against predators. This was the necessary condition, the security ‘cover’, for selection for the elaboration of bipedal behavior. As illustration, I analyse the defence systems ofPan troglodytes and the hunting techniques of their predators, known and potential, in order to hypothesize the defence impact of bipedal selection on the former; the relevance of human experience with felid predators, in particular, is also then explored. Despite known major differences in the late Miocene mammalian predator guild, the predator-prey framework is likely to have been much the same as to-day, making the findings applicable to the situation of proto-hominids. Once it is accepted selection pressure for bipedalism was originally focused on posture and not locomotion, the mystery of its emergence disappears.  相似文献   

Setups that integrate both kinematics and morpho-functional investigations of a single sample constitute recent developments in the study of nonhuman primate bipedalisms. We introduce the integrated setup built at the Primatology Station of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), which allows analysis of both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in a population of 55–60 captive olive baboons. As a first comparison, we present the hind limb kinematics of both locomotor modalities in 10 individuals, focusing on the stance phase. The main results are: 1) differences in bipedal and quadrupedal kinematics at the hip, knee, and foot levels; 2) a variety of foot contacts to the ground, mainly of semiplantigrade type, but also of plantigrade type; 3) equal variations between bipedal and quadrupedal foot angles; 4) the kinematics of the foot joints act in coordinated and stereotyped manners, but are triggered differently according to whether the support is bipedal or quadrupedal. Although very occasionally realized, the bipedal walk of olive baboon appears to be a habitual and nonerratic locomotor modality.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Drohnenbrütigen Völkern können bei gleichzeitiger Zugabe einer geringen Menge von reinem Alkohol (95 Vol.-%) Königinnen zugesetzt werden. Dabei ist entgegen österreichischen Erfahrungen ein Zusatz von Morphin zum Alkohol, also ein ausPapaver somniferum hergestellter Morphinextrakt, nicht notwendig. Die betr. Völker nehmen zu jeder Jahreszeit innerhalb der Vegetationsperiode und bei jeder Witterung Königinnen jeglichen physiologischen Zustandes, begattet oder unbegattet bzw. sogar selbst drohnenbrütig, an.Unter dem Einfluss des Pheromons der zugesetzten Königin setzen sehr bald Degenerationserscheinungen in den Ovarien der Arbeiterinnen ein. Nach sechs Tagen Kontaktzeit mit der neuen Königin sind kaum noch Drohnenmütterchen vorhanden. Das Volk ist also weitgehend in den Normalzustand hinsichtlich seiner Ovarialausbildung überführt.
Summary It is possible to heal a honeybee colony containing laying workers giving a new queen-bee to such a colony simultaneously with pure alcohol (95 vol. %). These honeybee colonies accept at any season of the vegetation periode and at any meterological conditions queens in every physiological situation. Below the influence of the queens pheromon the honeybee workers are regressing to the normal situation of colony. The eggs in the laying workers ovaries are degenerating soon, after a few days.

Résumé Il est possible de ramener à l'état normal une colonie d'abeilles comprenant des ouvrières pondeuses. On introduit une reine nouvelle dans une telle colonie en même temps que de l'alcool pur (95 vol. %). Ces colonies acceptent la reine nouvelle à chaque saison de la période de végétation et dans chaque situation météorologique. Les ouvrières acceptent aussi une reine dans n'importe quelle situation physiologique. Sous l'influence de la phérormone de la reine la colonie d'abeilles revient à la situation normale. Les ufs dans les ovaries dégénèrent très vite, en peu de jours.

Recent functional studies of human vertebrae have revealed that loads borne by the axial skeleton during bipedal postures and locomotion pass through the pedicles and posterior elements as well as through the bodies and discs. Accordingly, particular morphological attributes of these vertebral elements have been linked exclusively with bipedalism. In order to test the validity of current form-function associations in human vertebral anatomy, this study considers the morphology of human thoracolumbar vertebral bodies and pedicles in the context of a wide comparative primate sample. The last lumbar vertebra of STS 14 (Australopithecus africanus) is also included in the analysis. Results indicate that certain features of human vertebrae previously thought to reflect bipedalism are characteristic of several nonhuman primates, including those whose posture is habitually pronograde. These features include the decrease in vertebral body surface area and the increase in cross-sectional area of the pedicle between the penultimate and last lumbar vertebra. In addition, although humans have relatively large and wide last lumbar pedicles, the enlargement and widening of the pedicle between the penultimate and last lumbar vertebra is not unique to humans. On the other hand, human vertebrae do exhibit several unique adaptations to bipedal posture and locomotion: (1) the vertebral body surface areas of the lower lumbar vertebrae and the cross-sectional areas of the last lumbar pedicles are large relative to body size, and (2) the last lumbar pedicles are wider relative to length and to body size than are those of nonhuman primates. The last lumbar vertebra of STS 14 does not exhibit any of these human-like vertebral features—its pedicles and body surface areas are relatively small, and its pedicles are not relatively wide, but relatively short.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Arbeiterinnen vonMyrmica ruginodis Nyl. werden im weisellosen Zustand fertil. Sie legen aber keine Eier, wenn sie mehr als 3 Larven je Arbeiterin zu versorgen haben (Mamsch, 1965). Arbeiterinnengruppen wurden mit und ohne Larven von der Königin abgetrennt. In den eierlegenden Gruppen wurde die erneut zugesetzte eigene Königin entweder nicht beachtet oder angegriffen. In den Gruppen, in denen die Arbeiterinnen durch Larvenpflege unfruchtbar blieben, wurde die Königin intensiv beleckt und in das engere Nest eingetragen. Isolierte eierlegende Arbeitergruppen zeigten im Gegensatz zu Arbeiterinnen mit inaktiven Ovarien keine Tendenz, sich mit der Königingruppe zu vereinigen. Das veränderte Verhalten der Arbeiterinnen gegenüber der Königin ist demnach nicht vom Zeitraum der Weisellosigkeit abhängig. Es wurde nur bei eierlegenden Arbeiterinnen beobachtet.
Summary Workers ofMyrmica ruginodis Nyl. start laying eggs after being separated from their queen. No deposition of eggs occurs in groups in which each worker has to feed 3 or more larvae (Mamsch, 1965). Worker groups rearing larvae and those without brood were separated from the queen.When the queen was put again into an egg-laying worker group, either no attention was paid to her or she was attacked. In groups of workers sterile due to rearing larvae the queen was licked intensively and carried into the nest cavity. Fertile worker groups showed no tendency to join the queen group. The change in the workers' behaviour does not depend on the time of the separation from the queen. It only occurs in groups of fertile workers.

Résumé Des ouvrières deMyrmica ruginodis Nyl. deviennent fertiles après avoir été séparées de la reine. Mais elles ne pondent pas d'ufs, si elles ont chacune trois larves ou plus à nourrir (Mamsch, 1965). Des groupes d'ouvrières, d'une part avec larves et d'autre part sans, ont été séparés de la reine. Les groupes d'ouvrières pondeuses n'attachaient pas d'attention à la reine replacée dans le nid ou encore l'attaquaient. Dans les groupes où les ouvrières étaient restées infertiles à cause du nourrissement du couvain, la reine était léchée d'une façon intensive et portée à l'intérieur du nid. A l'opposé des ouvrières stériles, les groupes d'ouvrières pondeuses isolées ne montraient aucune tendance à joindre le groupe de la reine. Le changement du comportement des ouvrières ne dépend donc pas de la durée de l'état orphelin; il n'est observé que chez les ouvrières pondeuses.

Herrn Prof. Dr.K. Gösswald, zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Oreopithecus bambolii is a Late Miocene hominoid with an extensive fossil record in the Baccinello Basin (Tuscany, Italy), and was the only western European hominoid to survive a major extinction event ca. 9.6 Ma (millions of years ago). Oreopithecus lived in the insular Tusco-Sardinian paleobioprovince, where it evolved many unique anatomical specializations that make it important for understanding the mechanisms and history of Late Miocene hominoid evolution. The eventual extinction of Oreopithecus and its associated fauna ca. 6.5 Ma has generally been attributed to interaction with species that arrived from continental Europe following tectonic collision of the Tusco-Sardinian province with mainland Italy, but palynological, paleontological, and sedimentological records indicate an environmental shift toward more variable climate across the extinction event.To explore the possibility of environmental change as a contributing factor in the extinction of Oreopithecus, we developed a stable carbon and oxygen isotope record from organic matter in paleosols from the Baccinello Basin. These data show very low temporal and spatial variability (indicating plant ecosystem stability through time and space) and provide no evidence for ecologically significant changes in floral composition spanning the extinction event, suggesting that environmental change was not an underlying cause for the extinction of Oreopithecus and its associated fauna. The carbon isotope values fall entirely within the range of isotopic variability for modern plants following the C3 photosynthetic pathway (trees, shrubs, cool-season grasses), indicating that C4 vegetation (warm-season grasses) was not an important component of biomass. When corrected for temporal variation in the carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the paleosol carbon isotope values are consistent with predicted values based on modern plants and the Baccinello palynoflora, supporting the reliability of paleosol isotopic records as paleoecological proxies.  相似文献   

Natural selection for positional behavior (posture and locomotion) has at least partially driven the evolution of anatomical form and function in the order Primates. Examination of bipedal behaviors associated with daily activity patterns, foraging, and terrestrial habitat use in nonhuman primates, particularly those that adopt bipedal postures and use bipedal locomotion, allows us to refine hypotheses concerning the evolution of bipedalism in humans. This study describes the positional behavior of wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus), a species that is known for its use of terrestrial substrates and its habitual use of stones as tools. Here, we test the association of terrestrial substrate use with bipedal posture and locomotion, and the influence of sex (which co‐varies with body mass in adults of this species) on positional behavior and substrate use. Behavior and location of 16 wild adult bearded capuchins from two groups were sampled systematically at 15 s intervals for 2 min periods for 1 year (10,244 samples). Despite their different body masses, adult males (average 3.5 kg) and females (average 2.1 kg) in this study did not differ substantially in their positional behaviors, postures, or use of substrates for particular activities. The monkeys used terrestrial substrates in 27% of samples. Bipedal postures and behaviors, while not a prominent feature of their behavior, occurred in different forms on the two substrates. The monkeys crouched bipedally in trees, but did not use other bipedal postures in trees. While on terrestrial substrates, they also crouched bipedally but occasionally stood upright and moved bipedally with orthograde posture. Bearded capuchin monkeys' behavior supports the suggestion from anatomical analysis that S. libidinosus is morphologically better adapted than its congeners to adopt orthograde postures.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous avons montré que les Abeilles sont capables de changer de place les réserves sucrées et le couvain. Ces comportements ne correspondent pas à des conditions de vie normales de la colonie.Cependant, le transport des réserves indique la possibilité, pour les Abeilles, de réagir à une perturbation importante selon un ordre que nous avions déjà établi dans l'élevage des larves (Montagner, 1962). C'est ainsi qu'en cas de nourrissement brutal et pendant une période de disette, elles tendent à grouper la majeure partie des réserves près de la reine, tout en laissant une place sur un cadre pour la ponte. La reine représenterait donc bien, dans la ruche, le potentiel survie à partir duquel les ouvrières auraient tendance à répartir leurs activités de façon décroissante.Par contre, les transports de couvain ne semblent répondre à aucun plan d'organisation comme chez les Fourmis. Nous avons montré qu'ils étaient associés à de profondes perturbations, telles que le manque de nourriture ou la perte de la reine.
Summary The results of these studies indicate that bees are able to remove sugary stores and brood.We have established that bees remove their stores according to a certain order that we also made evident when studying brood rearing (Montagner, 1962). So, the bees hoarded the most part of their stores in the side of the hive where the queen stood, when we fed them suddenly during a dearth time.Then, the queen would be in beehive the attractive center from which the workers would share theirs activities in a decreasing way.On the contrary, it never seemed to us that the removals of brood were connected to any right order as for ants. We have established that they were associated to great troubles in beehive such as a want of food or the death of the queen.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Bericht haben wir bewiesen, dass die Bienen die Zuckervorräte und die Brut an andere Plätze zu bringen vermögen. Dieses Verhalten entspricht nich den normalen Lebenszuständen der Kolonie.Soch bezeugt der Transport der Vorräte die Möglichkeit für die Bienen, gegen eine erhebliche Störung, nach einer bestimmten Regel zu reagieren, die wir schon bei der Aufzucht der Larven festgestellt haben (Montagner, 1962).Also, im Falle einer plötzlich verstärkten Zufuhr und während einer Mangelperiode haben sie die Neigung, den grössten Teil der Vorräte um die Königin zu sammeln, indem sie aber einen Platz für das Eierlegen auf einem Rahmen frei lassen. Die Königin würde also im Bienenstock die Möglichkeit der Fortdauer darstellen. Von dieser Tatsache ausgehend würden die Arbeiterinnen also ihre Tätigkeit in abnehmender Weise ausüben.Im Gegenteil scheinen die Brutversetzungen keinem Organisationsplan zu entsprechen, wie es bei den Ameisen der Fall ist. Wir haben gezeigt, dass sie mit schwerwiegenden Störungen, wie z. B. dem Nahrungsmangel oder dem Tod der Königin, in Verbindung stehen.

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