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The total diversity of the monogenean genus Gyrodactylus is evaluated. There are 409 potentially valid species names within the genus, recorded from c. 400 host species. Five species have been placed within Fundulotrema and an additional 51 Gyrodactylus species names represent synonyms, nomina nuda or have been reassigned to other non-viviparous monogenean genera. While the majority of Gyrodactylus species (59%) are recorded from single hosts, some have a much broader broad range.  相似文献   

Polystomatid flatworms of amphibians are represented in the Neotropical realm by species of Mesopolystoma, Nanopolystoma, Parapseudopolystoma, Polystoma, Riojatrema and Wetapolystoma but only species of Polystoma are known from Brazil, namely Polystoma cuvieri, P. knoffi, P. lopezromani and P. travassosi. During a survey of monogeneans infecting amphibians in the north-eastern region of Pará State, the Cayenne Caecilian Typhlonectes compressicauda was found to be infected with Nanopolystoma tinsleyi and the Veined Tree Frog Trachycephalus typhonius was found to harbor Polystoma lopezromani. A yet unknown species of Polystoma was also encountered in the urinary bladder of the Steindachner's Dwarf Frog, Physalaemus ephippifer. This new species, which is the second species reported from Physalaemus spp., is described herein as Polystoma goeldii n. sp. and its life cycle is also illustrated. The new species can be distinguished from Polystoma spp. from other neotropical realm by a combination of characteristics, including hamuli morphology, outer/inner hamuli length ratio, haptor/total body length ratio, genital bulb/total body length ratio, genital spine number and COI molecular characters.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus pictae n. sp. is recorded from Poecilia picta in heterospecific shoals with the guppy P.reticulata in Northern Trinidad. G. pictae is morphologically similar to G. turnbulli Harris, 1986, but the hamuli and marginal hooks are slightly smaller and more gracile. The toe and the point of the marginal hook have a distinctly different shape, providing the best morphological characters for distinguishing the two species. The rDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences differ from those of G. turnbulli (the closest relative) by >5, suggesting that these two taxa are not sibling species. The origin of the two species on poeciliids of the subgenus Micropoecilia is discussed, and it is suggested that this may represent a case of host–parasite co-evolution.  相似文献   

The present study describes Hoferellus jutubensis n. sp., a myxozoan parasite found in the urinary bladder of the driftwood catfish Ageneiosus inermis, captured on Jutuba Island in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. A total of 30 A. inermis specimens were examined, of which 26 (86.7%) had myxospores and polysporic plasmodia of varying shapes and sizes dispersed in the lumen of the urinary bladder, either floating freely or attached to the epithelium. In the apical view, the myxospores of Hoferellus jutubensis n. sp. are rounded, 6.1 ± 0.2 (5.7–6.3) μm long and 5.5 ± 0.3 (5.2–6.0) μm wide, with two sub-spherical polar capsules, equal in size and shape, 2.5 ± 0.2 (2.3–2.7) μm long and 1.7 ± 0.2 (1.4–2.2) μm wide. The phylogenetic analysis of a partial sequence of the SSU rDNA gene, indicated that the new species is the sister taxon of Hoferellus azevedoi, with these two species forming a Brazilian lineage of Hoferellus. The comparison of the morphological and molecular data with those of the existing members of the genus confirmed the species status of Hoferellus jutubensis n. sp., which adds one further Hoferellus taxon to the known myxosporean diversity of the Amazon basin.  相似文献   

Polystoma dawiekoki n. sp. is described as a new species of the Polystomatidae parasitic in the urinary bladder of the plain grass frog Ptychadena anchietae. This parasite was collected at Mkuze town and Mkuze Game Reserve in northern Kwazulu-Natal Province, in the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, and at Bulwa in Tanga Province, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. It is distinguished from other African Polystoma species by a combination of characters, including the body size, size and shape of marginal hooklets and the haptor length to body length ratio. The presence of adult, as well as subadult, parasites in the same individuals, as is known for Eupolystoma, represents a significant evolutionary departure from the pattern of transmission typical of Polystoma in most of the other anuran hosts.  相似文献   

Polystoma claudecombesi is described as a new species of the Polystomatidae (Monogenea) parasitic in the urinary bladder of the anuran host Rana angolensis. This parasite was collected at three localities in South Africa, namely Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve in Natal province, Witsieshoek Mountain Resort in the north-eastern Orange Free State and Bovenste Oog in the province of Transvaal. It is the largest African polystome described to date. Prevalence at Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve was 4.0% and 2.7% in two successive years, with a mean intensity of 1.0 (n=25 and 36, respectively). One of the two R. angolensis from Witsieshoek was infected with 5 parasites. The diversity and distribution of southern African polystomes is also discussed.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus mexicanus n. sp. and Gyrodactylus lamothei n. sp. are described from the fins and skin of Girardinichthys multiradiatus, an endemic freshwater fish from central Mexico. Gyrodactylus mexicanus is compared to other Gyrodactylus species that parasitize Fundulus spp., the phylogenetically closest group to the Goodeidae from North America. Gyrodactylus mexicanus is distinguished by having large anchors with well-developed superficial roots, enlarged hooks with a proximally disrupted shank (ligament), and a ventral bar with 2 poorly developed anterolateral projections and a small medial process. Gyrodactylus lamothei is distinguished from G. mexicanus and from other species of Gyrodactylus on the North American continent by having anchors with a sclerite on the superficial root and robust hooks with a straight shaft and a recurved point.  相似文献   

Eupolystoma vanasi is described as a new species of the Polystomatidae parasitic in the urinary bladder of Schismaderma carens in Northern Province and KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. This is the third Eupolystoma species described from Africa and the first polystomatid from Schismaderma, an anuran genus that is primitive with respect to the other African bufonids in which Eupolystoma has been recorded. The species is distinguished by body size (this is the largest Eupolystoma known; mean length of adults 6 mm), by genital spine number (4 in comparison with 6-9 in other species), marginal hooklet length (greater than in other African species), and by the small size of the ovary and testis. In a sample of 27 toads, 37% were infected with up to 130 parasites per host (mean intensity 37). Worm burdens of this magnitude are exceptional amongst polystomatids in general but are characteristic of Eupolystoma, where there may be repeated re-infection of adult hosts and, uniquely, a direct, internal cycle of auto-infection.  相似文献   

Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1938) has been recorded from a variety of hosts, mainly groupers. All type-specimens of Diplectanum epinepheli Yamaguti, 1938, Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli Yamaguti, 1958 and Cycloplectanum hongkongensis Beverley-Burton & Suriano, 1981 are figured: it is concluded, as did Kritsky & Beverley-Burton (1986), that the three species are synonymous. In addition, numerous monogenean specimens from a deep-sea grouper, Epinephelus chlorostigma, collected off New Caledonia, South Pacific, were prepared using various methods and described. These specimens are also conspecific with P. epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1938) and represent a new geographical record. This species has a sclerotised vagina with a very characteristic primary chamber. The simultaneous presence of P. lantauensis (Beverley-Burton & Suriano, 1981) and P. epinepheli was noted in both type-slides of D. epinepheli from Japan (host: E. akaara) and C. hongkongensis from Hong Kong (host: E. bruneus). Several causes are suspected for the alleged ‘generalist’ character of P. epinepheli, including the misidentification of either fish or monogeneans and the accidental exchanges of monogeneans between fishes of different species kept alive in the same tank. Finally, the confirmed list of hosts of P. epinepheli includes E. akaara, E. awoara and E. chlorostigma; it is suggested that the latter, a widespread deep-sea fish, serves as a reservoir for the infection of the other species, which are associated with shallow waters. P. satyui n. sp. is described from two specimens found on slides from E. akaara (from the Inland Sea of Japan) deposited by Yamaguti; the new species has a sclerotised vagina with characteristic spherical chambers.
Résumé   Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1938) a été mentionné chez différents h?tes, surtout des mérous. Tous les spécimens-types de Diplectanum epinepheli Yamaguti, 1938, Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli Yamaguti, 1958 et Cycloplectanum hongkongensis Beverley-Burton & Suriano, 1981 sont figurés, et on conclut, comme Kritsky & Beverley-Burton (1986), que les trois espèces sont synonymes. De plus, de nombreux spécimens de monogènes collectés chez un mérou de profondeur, Epinephelus chlorostigma, de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Pacifique Sud, ont été préparés avec des méthodes variées. Ces spécimens sont aussi conspécifiques de P. epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1938) et la Nouvelle-Calédonie représente une nouvelle mention géographique. L’espèce a une vagin sclérifié avec une chambre primaire très caractéristique. La présence simultanée de P. lantauensis (Beverley-Burton & Suriano, 1981) et P. epinepheli a été notée dans les lames-types de D. epinepheli du Japon (h?te, E. akaara) et de C. hongkongensis de Hong-Kong (h?te, E. bruneus). Plusieurs causes sont soup?onnées pour le caractère prétendument ‘généraliste’ de P. epinepheli, dont les mauvaises identifications de poissons, des monogènes, et l’échange accidentel de monogènes chez des poissons gardés vivants ensemble dans un même contenant. Finalement, la liste des h?tes confirmés de P. epinepheli comprend E. akaara, E. awoara et E. chlorostigma. On fait l’hypothèse que E. chlorostigma, espèce de profondeur, a servi de réservoir pour l’infestation des autres espèces, plus associées aux eaux peu profondes. P. satyui n. sp. est décrit de deux spécimens trouvés dans des lames de parasites de E. akaara (de la mer intérieure du Japon) déposées par Yamaguti. La nouvelle espèce a un vagin sclérifié avec des chambres sphériques caractéristiques.

The morphology of an unarmored chain-forming harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides and its similar species such as Cochlodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium fulvescens, and Cochlodinium convolutum was carefully observed, emphasizing the single cell stage for clarifying taxonomically important morphological features. To differentiate C. polykrikoides from C. convolutum, the shape and the position of the nucleus are useful characters. C. polykrikoides also differs from C. fulvescens in being smaller in size, possessing many rod-shaped chloroplasts and having the sulcus running just below the cingulum on the dorsal surface. Careful observation of the ichnotype of C. catenatum suggests that C. catenatum sensu Kofoid and Swezy collected from off La Jolla, CA, USA, is not identical to C. catenatum sensu Okamura and is probably a different species, in having no chloroplasts and a nucleus positioned at the center of the cell. In addition, C. polykrikoides has many morphological features in common with C. catenatum sensu Okamura except for slightly elongate cells and is probably a junior synonym of this species.  相似文献   

Diclidophora embiotocae sp. n. is described from adult specimens obtained from the gills of three species of embiotocid fishes from the central coast of Oregon. It differs from all other members of the genus in hosts, geographic location, and in possessing pre- and para-ovarian, as well as post-ovarian testes. Diagnosis of Diclidophora (Yamaguti 1963) is emended.  相似文献   

A new species of monogeneans, Euzetrema caucasica sp. n., from the urinary bladder of Mertensiella caucasica (Waga, 1876) is described. The new species differs from E. knoepffleri Combes, 1965 by greater sizes of the disc, median and marginal hooks and anterior suckers. Certain suggestions are made on the biology and life cycle of Euzetrema.  相似文献   

Rhabdias rhampholeonis n. sp. from Rhampholeon (Rh.) spectrum, Cameroon, and Rhabdias mariauxi n. sp. from Rieppeleon brevicaudatus, Tanzania, are the first lung worms from leaf chameleons. The new species are similar to the majority of species parasitic in chamaeleonids by having a long (≥10 mm) and thick body (≥500 µm), long oesophagus (≥800 µm), wide buccal capsule (≥40 µm) and low buccal ratio (<0.5). They most closely resemble Rhabdias chamaeleonis and Rhabdias cristati parasitic in Trioceros spp. from East Africa and Cameroon, respectively. Main distinctive characters are a buccal capsule composed of two segments and the head shape. The dorso-ventrally flattened buccal capsule of R. mariauxi n. sp. is unique in Rhabdias parasitising Chamaeleonidae. Sequences of the 12S rDNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coxI) genes were obtained and compared to those of Rhabdias okuensis, the only sequences published for chamaeleonid lung worms. The smallest nucleotide interspecific distances were found between R. mariauxi n. sp. and the former species of Trioceros from Cameroon. Hermaphroditism in females in the lungs, and R. mariauxi n. sp. free-living stages are like in other species from Chamaeleonidae, but the number of infective larvae produced per free-living female (one or two) was not fixed.  相似文献   

The examination of gill parasites from Pangasius polyuranodon Bleeker, 1852 (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) in Indonesia revealed the presence of a new species of Manogenea, belonging to a new genus: Pangasitrema camillae n. g., n. sp. (Ancylodiscoididae). Among Ancylodiscoididae, the genus has several distinguishing features: the reduced size of the haptor, the morphology and size of gripi, the absence of a ventral transversal bar and of a cuneus associated with dorsal gripi.  相似文献   

Two new species of Calicotyle (Monocotylidae: Calicotylinae) are described from elasmobranchs in the western Gulf of California. Calicotyle californiensis n. sp. is described from a single specimen collected from a gray smoothhound shark (Mustelus californicus, Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae). It is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of having vaginal pores opening within the intercecal space, distal regions of the vaginae twisting, proximal regions of the vaginae fusing medially to form a kidney bean-shaped structure, and a relatively long male copulatory organ recurving 3 times and passing between the distal penis bulb and the seminal vesicle. Calicotyle urobati n. sp. is described from 16 specimens collected from at least the cloaca and rectum of the round rays Urobatis halleri and Urobatis maculatus (Rajiformes: Urolophidae). It is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of having vaginal pores opening outside the intercecal space and proximal regions of the vaginae terminating at the level of the ceca. Members of Calicotyle have not been reported previously from the eastern Pacific Ocean or from these hosts. In the past, species of Calicotyle have been distinguished based primarily on the shape and length of the male copulatory organ and hamuli. Divisions of the vaginae and the positions of the vaginal pores are also useful in distinguishing members of the genus.  相似文献   

Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) is described from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea. The new species closely resembles Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945, M. helotes Sandars, 1944, M. caudata Goto, 1984 and M. sebastis Goto, 1984, which have also been found in the Indo-Pacific. Microcotyle omanae n. sp. differs from M. arripis, M. helotes and M. caudata by its greater number of testes, from M. arripis, M. helotes by its greater length of the genital atrium, length/width ratio of the genital atrium and length of the eggs, and from M. helotes also in greater width of the clamps, from M. caudata and M. sebastis in its greater number of clamps and additionally from M. sebastis by its smaller genital atrial spines and clamps and by the ratio between length and width of the genital atrium. Moreover, the mature specimens of the new species have greater average body length than all above mentioned species. Correlations between 15 morphometric characters and body length are analysed in the new species, and their significance for species differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus, Pseudokuhnia, is established for Kuhnia minor, family Mazocraeidae. It differs from Kuhnia in the presence of two dorso-lateral vaginae, supported by surface ridges; differently shaped large genital hooks, large hamuli and ovary; an opisthaptor which is ventral to and well separated from the body proper; and a rudimentary antero-supplementarium of the clamps. The Atlantic population of P. minor differs from the Pacific population mainly in the larger size of the hamuli and the smaller size of the large and small genital hooks.  相似文献   

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