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正精准医疗概念的提出开启了一个医学新时代,其实质包括精准诊断和精准治疗。张文宏课题组围绕结核病治疗中的精准医疗进行了阐述,涉及结核病的精准诊断,包括结核病的临床诊断及结核分枝杆菌的检测(分子检测及耐药检测技术等)、特殊人群的药理学参数与药物代谢相关的分子标记、针对病原体生命周期分子靶点的直接作用药物研发、通  相似文献   

瞿涤 《微生物与感染》2017,12(6):327-327
精准医疗概念的提出开启了一个医学新时代,其实质包括精准诊断和精准治疗。张文宏课题组围绕结核病治疗中的精准医疗进行了阐述,涉及结核病的精准诊断,包括结核病的临床诊断及结核分枝杆菌的检测(分子检测及耐药检测技术等)、特殊人群的药理学参数与药物代谢相关的分子标记、针对病原体生命周期分子靶点的直接作用药物研发、通过正向调控或负向调控药物的使用实现宿主导向抗结核精准治疗。本期刊登了3篇关于结核病耐药的综述。鉴于耐药结核分枝杆菌的补偿性进化是其传播与流行的基础,高谦课题组从结核分枝杆菌的耐药分子机制、耐药突变的适应性代价与补偿性进化,以及补偿性进化如何影响耐药结核病传播等方面进行了综述。袁莉课题组就近年来结核分枝杆菌“毒素-抗毒素系统”(TAS)与生物膜的研究及抗结核药物对生物膜形成的影响进行综述......  相似文献   

自2015年精准医疗理念提出后,生物标记物与精准医疗愈加被人们重视。并被广泛应用于病毒、癌症等重大疾病的筛查与治疗研究中。新兴循环生物标记物的应用与开发,在HBV、HPV的检测和肿瘤的靶向药物治疗、细胞治疗、免疫抑制剂、癌症疫苗开发方向上都取得了重大成果。与传统的医疗方法相比,生物标记物为辅助精准医疗的检测治疗模式,无论是在研发还是治疗上都有着显著的优势。因此,综述了生物标记物与精准医疗的应用,并就最近的研究报告重点综述了生物标记物与精准医疗的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

对精准医疗即个体化医疗理念的探讨与实践是当下医学研究的热门课题,如果精准医疗的设想实现可为患者提供更加精确有效的治疗方案,而对癌症的研究是医学界尚未攻破且意义重大的研究课题,也是和精准医疗结合最密切的课题之一。应用生物信息学的计算方法可以通过分析患者的概况来为癌症患者的药物选择提供有效方案,从而提高癌症患者的生存率。通过参考多篇使用计算方法研究抗癌药物作用的研究成果,从数据源和网络分析、机器学习和深度学习等计算方法两个方面总结了当前的研究成果,并对该课题存在的问题与未来发展趋势做出了分析与展望。  相似文献   

<正>精准医疗(Precision Medicine)是一种将个人基因、环境与生活习惯差异考虑在内的疾病预防与处置的新兴方法。2015年1月20日,美国总统奥巴马在国情咨文中提出"精准医学计划",希望精准医学可以引领一个医学新时代。精准医学可以使医疗健康的概念发生本质变化,从医疗健康体系以诊断治疗为主,  相似文献   

结核病的高发已经给全球人类带来巨大的困扰。对结核病的预防和治疗越来越成为医疗工作者关注的问题,其中不同人群对结核杆菌的易感性引起了众多学者的关注。宿主基因的多态性可能影响宿主对结核杆菌的识别、吞噬及杀伤,进而影响结核病感染的发生和发展。认为此为结核病与宿主之间存在的重要内在联系。  相似文献   

精准医疗是近年来医学的发展方向,精准医疗依赖于精准的诊断,而精准诊断则需要高质量病理学切片技术作为支撑。武汉大学人民医院病理科将精细化管理理念融入病理学技术质控和管理工作的每一环节,通过采用不同颜色包埋框对组织分类、时间梯度法调控出片时间、根据人员资质及医疗风险对病理学技术人员分级授权、专人专机负责制、信息化管理、PDCA循环法持续改进等管理措施为精准病理学诊断打好基础,大大提高了诊断准确率和及时率,为临床病理学诊断提供了可靠的技术支撑。  相似文献   

肺癌是我国发病率和死亡率最高的肿瘤,属于基因型疾病,患者在分子遗传上具有很强异质性,临床表现复杂多样,相同病理类型的肺癌患者对同一种抗癌药物的治疗反应差异较大,因此,肺癌是在我国实施精准医疗的最佳领域之一。肺癌的发展进程与驱动基因密切相关,驱动基因突变状态为靶向治疗疗效的重要预测因子。随着对肺癌发病机制及其生物学行为研究的深入以及精准医疗的不断发展,以特异性高、不良反应小为特点的分子靶向治疗及免疫治疗成为关注的重点,促进了伴随诊断的发展,使得肺癌的个体化治疗成为可能。对精准医疗及伴随诊断在肺癌中的临床应用进行综述。  相似文献   

精准医疗是指针对每个病人的遗传特征量体裁衣式地制定医学治疗方案,这是以全基因组测序为基础的,通过分层将个体归入疾病的不同亚组,而后有的放矢地采取预防性或治疗性干预措施。表观遗传学对个体的影响、生物信息学人才的培养、表型资料的作用、生物样本库建设以及医学数据的有效利用等,都是精准医疗研究的发展过程中亟待解决的问题。需要充分重视并运用系统生物学及系统医学的理论和方法,通过整合分析多个维度与多个层次的生命组学的动态变化,从而整体地、精确地认识疾病,提高精准医疗研究的效率,为医学事业和人类健康做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

精准医学是健康卫生和医学科学的发展方向,是发展了一个多世纪的现代医学实践的升级版。本文研究了医学科研和医疗实践的发展趋势,从分子遗传、环境变迁及医疗信息管理等领域,分析和总结了影响精准医学发展的一些因素,提出了精准医学基础研究和临床实践的一些新思路,希望对精准医学的发展、医学科研实践及医疗卫生政策的制定产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

中医药具有精准医学的核心"个体化诊断和治疗"要素。基因组学技术在中医药基于体质的精准预防、个体化诊断与药物、针灸治疗、药物复杂性、包括中医药干预人体微生物环境等方面已经有较多应用。这与精准医学通过分析人群基因信息、生活方式、环境因素等了解疾病发生发展机制、针对相关靶点开发药物的方法及目标相匹配。未来将在整合各组学技术、结合中医药自身特色等方面应用于中医药精准医学研究,为实现中医药现代化及精准治疗的目标提供助力。  相似文献   

Precision medicine has been initiated and gains more and more attention from preclinical and clinical scientists. A number of key elements or critical parts in precision medicine have been described and emphasized to establish a systems understanding of precision medicine. The principle of precision medicine is to treat patients on the basis of genetic alterations after gene mutations are identified, although questions and challenges still remain before clinical application. Therapeutic strategies of precision medicine should be considered according to gene mutation, after biological and functional mechanisms of mutated gene expression or epigenetics, or the correspondent protein, are clearly validated. It is time to explore and develop a strategy to target and correct mutated genes by direct elimination, restoration, correction or repair of mutated sequences/genes. Nevertheless, there are still numerous challenges to integrating widespread genomic testing into individual cancer therapies and into decision making for one or another treatment. There are wide‐ranging and complex issues to be solved before precision medicine becomes clinical reality. Thus, the precision medicine can be considered as an extension and part of clinical and translational medicine, a new alternative of clinical therapies and strategies, and have an important impact on disease cures and patient prognoses.  相似文献   

Peirlinck  M.  Costabal  F. Sahli  Yao  J.  Guccione  J. M.  Tripathy  S.  Wang  Y.  Ozturk  D.  Segars  P.  Morrison  T. M.  Levine  S.  Kuhl  E. 《Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology》2021,20(3):803-831

Precision medicine is a new frontier in healthcare that uses scientific methods to customize medical treatment to the individual genes, anatomy, physiology, and lifestyle of each person. In cardiovascular health, precision medicine has emerged as a promising paradigm to enable cost-effective solutions that improve quality of life and reduce mortality rates. However, the exact role in precision medicine for human heart modeling has not yet been fully explored. Here, we discuss the challenges and opportunities for personalized human heart simulations, from diagnosis to device design, treatment planning, and prognosis. With a view toward personalization, we map out the history of anatomic, physical, and constitutive human heart models throughout the past three decades. We illustrate recent human heart modeling in electrophysiology, cardiac mechanics, and fluid dynamics and highlight clinically relevant applications of these models for drug development, pacing lead failure, heart failure, ventricular assist devices, edge-to-edge repair, and annuloplasty. With a view toward translational medicine, we provide a clinical perspective on virtual imaging trials and a regulatory perspective on medical device innovation. We show that precision medicine in human heart modeling does not necessarily require a fully personalized, high-resolution whole heart model with an entire personalized medical history. Instead, we advocate for creating personalized models out of population-based libraries with geometric, biological, physical, and clinical information by morphing between clinical data and medical histories from cohorts of patients using machine learning. We anticipate that this perspective will shape the path toward introducing human heart simulations into precision medicine with the ultimate goals to facilitate clinical decision making, guide treatment planning, and accelerate device design.


This article discusses the perspectives of Chinatown’s traditional Chinese medical practitioners on tuberculosis among New York City’s Chinese laborers. The practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the United States is neither regulated nor well understood. Some public health providers have expressed their concern that the use of TCM could prevent Chinese tuberculosis patients from receiving proper, biomedical treatment. Contrary to the suspicion of public health providers, the traditional Chinese medical practitioners in the context of New York City’s Chinatown provide diverse methods of health care, many being familiar with the biomedical explanation for tuberculosis. All TCM informants in this study stated that biomedicine is more effective than Chinese medicine in treating tuberculosis. TCM in tuberculosis therapy is said to complement biomedicine and to restore bodily balance and the general health of patients. This study discusses the political–economic context shaping the explanation and treatment of tuberculosis among traditional Chinese medical practitioners and broadens our understanding of the various contexts in which TCM and biomedicine can be integrated. Furthermore, it is suggested that an opportunity exists for tuberculosis control programs to incorporate TCM practitioners in the effort to control the disease within New York City.  相似文献   

Hard evidence on the prevention of drug resistant tuberculosis by using properly controlled treatment programs was gathered by the WHO. However, the WHO warned that a window of opportunity to prevent the spread of drug resistant strains will be missed if urgent action is not taken to persuade more health authorities to use its recommended treatment strategy. Reports from 58 countries have shown a disturbingly high prevalence of drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Asia, while countries that have used the recommended treatment strategy tend to have low rates of resistance. The WHO has been arguing for directly observed treatment, short course for years on the basis of small-scale studies that show it helps to prevent the emergence of resistance. In countries like India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, the scale of drug resistance is still unknown with high incidence of tuberculosis. Prevalence of tuberculosis is still high in Estonia, as well as in some provinces of India and China although the scale of the problem is small.  相似文献   

近年来国内、外文献报道高血压病的发生可能与肠道菌群失调相关。肠道菌群与高血压病主要危险因素(肥胖、高血脂、糖尿病、代谢综合征、动脉粥样硬化)具有一定的相关性,某些益生菌或其发酵产品可能通过改善肠道菌群的方式为高血压病的治疗提供新的思路和途径。近年来研究显示中药具有较长的肠道停留时间,从而有利于其发挥调节肠道菌群的作用,提示某些中药具有调节肠道菌群的作用。但目前国内、外尚无关于中药直接通过肠道菌群作用而干预高血压病的文献报道,而近年来国内有研究显示肠道菌群可能是中药干预高血压病主要危险因素的作用机制之一。  相似文献   

耐药结核病及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
易滨   《微生物学通报》2006,33(6):156-160
目前结核病呈现出高发病、高感染、高耐药、高死亡的特点。耐药结核病则是结核病防治工作的重点和难点。为有效控制其发展,本文分析了其产生和流行的医源性和社会性原因,并从7个方面阐述了耐药结核病的防治措施。即广泛普及结核病防治的知识;加强对流动人口的管理和监测;提高对耐药结核病的诊治水平;开展中西医结合和其他辅助治疗;预防社区和医院感染;完善结核病的耐药监测;积极开展抗结核新药、新手段和新方法的研究。  相似文献   

近年来,耐多药结核病(multidrug-resistant tuberculosis,MDR-TB)的出现及人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)与结核分枝杆菌合并感染日益增多,使结核病的防治面临更加严峻的挑战,人们急需开发新型抗结核药物及天然低毒的辅助治疗药物。绿茶中的儿茶素类化合物具有多种生物活性,对多种疾病有一定的辅助疗效。多项研究显示,儿茶素类化合物也具有抗结核活性,其机制包括抑制二氢叶酸还原酶活性、影响分枝菌酸及细胞壁的合成、下调富含色氨酸天冬氨酸的膜蛋白(tryptophan-aspartate containing coat protein,TACO)基因表达以抑制结核分枝杆菌的胞内寄生,降低氧化应激水平,下调结核分枝杆菌85B蛋白和宿主肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α)表达,从而改善炎症水平。有研究显示,喝绿茶可降低结核分枝杆菌感染风险,儿茶素类化合物可辅助治疗结核病并与抗结核药物有协同治疗作用,但目前对其作用机制的研究还不够深入,需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

精准医学集合了多种数据,包括组学、临床、环境和行为等,是对疾病进行个性化治疗、预防和管理的科学。随着基因测序费用的大幅下降,人们对肿瘤等疾病的认识从传统病理到分子水平的飞跃等,相关科学的发展和普及推动了精准医学的诞生和发展,将更加深远地影响着人类的健康。本文介绍了精准医学的概念、目的及应用,介绍了二代DNA测序技术在精准医学中的应用,认为基因组学数据、样本管理、数据质量控制标准以及数据管理平台等是实现精准医学的基础,智能化精准医疗将是来的发展方向。进行展望的同时,也认为基因组学海量数据的规模特点、各种健康应用在推动数据管理平台的发展的同时,也对其演进提出了挑战。  相似文献   

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