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【目的】铁硫簇是最古老的一种氧化还原中心,它普遍存在于所有生命体内,在光合作用、呼吸作用和固氮作用这三个地球生命最基本的代谢途径中扮演着重要的角色。【方法】以嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(A.ferrooxidans ATCC 23270)基因组为模板,克隆表达其ISC铁硫簇组装的3个核心蛋白,IscS(半胱氨酸脱硫酶蛋白)、IscU(支架蛋白)和IscA(铁供体蛋白)。【结果】研究发现IscS能催化半胱氨酸脱硫,为铁硫簇的组装提供硫,支架蛋白IscU不具备结合铁的能力,IscA具有较强的铁结合能力。【结论】铁硫簇体外组装证明Fe-IscA在体外能将结合的铁传递给IscS,并在IscU上进行铁硫簇的组装。  相似文献   

正交法优化嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌冷冻干燥保护剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用正交实验方法,以甘油、海藻糖、蔗糖和牛血清蛋白为因素,对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acididfiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.ferrooxidans)冷冻干燥保护剂的最优化配比进行了研究。直观分析、因素指标分析和方差分析的结果表明:由甘油、海藻糖、蔗糖和牛血清蛋白组成的冷冻干燥保护剂中,对存活率影响的主次顺序依次为:甘油〉海藻糖〉牛血清蛋白〉蔗糖。保护剂的最优化组合为甘油5%、海藻糖15%、蔗糖18%、牛血清蛋白10%。经过验证,该组合的保护剂可使冷冻干燥嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌的存活率达到94%。  相似文献   

嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌亚铁氧化酶基因分子多态性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨宇  彭宏  孙斌  王杰伟  胡岳华 《遗传》2005,27(5):787-791
嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, A.f)属于化能自养、革兰氏阴性细菌,好氧嗜酸,以氧化亚铁离子或还原态硫化物(S0&S2-)获得能量生长。在其Fe2+氧化系统中,亚铁氧化酶起重要作用。对不同硫化矿区分离得到的5株A.f进行生长动力学和对亚铁氧化活性的对比研究,结果显示不同菌株之间存在表型差异。提取A.f菌株的基因组DNA,设计引物,对亚铁氧化酶基因进行PCR扩增,同时对扩增产物直接进行测序,并同GenBank的参考序列进行比对分析,发现序列相似性在99%~97%之间,分析编码区域发现在第187~195位可能存在一个高变异区:在第187~189位,菌株YTW编码的氨基酸Thr→Pro;而在第193~195位,菌株TK是Met→Asn; 菌株BY则是Met→Ile。另外在位点第219位,所有菌株都是T→C,但编码的氨基酸未发生变化,属于同义密码子。对于编码区上游序列,比对后没有差异;而对于编码区下游序列,经比对发现存在一些差异位点。  相似文献   

目的:嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)硫氰酸酶是硫代谢中极其重要的酶,其作用主要包括氰化物的解毒,铁-硫蛋白的合成,以及硫胺、硫尿苷或烟碱乙酸胆碱的生物合成,硫氰酸酶的研究对揭示生物冶金机理具有重要的推动作用.方法:以A.ferrooxidans ATCC23270基因组为模板设计引物,通过PCR扩增得到编码硫氰酸酶的基因,目的基因片段与原核表达载体PLM1构建重组体,然后转入大肠杆菌(Eschcrichia coli,E.coli)DH5a感受态中,基因测序正确后,重组质粒再转入E.coli BL21感受态中,加IPTG诱导蛋白表达,用一步亲和层析法纯化出浓度和纯度都较高的硫氰酸酶.结果:SDS-PAGE分析证实蛋白分子量为21kD,紫外可见光分析,确定硫氰酸酶中含有铁硫簇,酶活测定发现重组硫氰酸酶在体外不具有酶活性,可能与酶反应条件及信号肽的切断有关.结论:体外成功克隆.表达,纯化出重组体硫氰酸酶,其基本性质也得到阐述.  相似文献   

从我国三大铜矿的酸性矿坑水中富集分离出9个具有较强活性的嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌菌株,经过Cu~(2 )的系列浓度梯度的培养,选出其中天然抗铜能力最强的菌株26~#,在Cu~(2 )浓度为0.20mol/L的9K培养基中能在72h内完全氧化培养基中的Fe~(2 ),在含0.22mol/L Cu2~(2 )的9K培养基中能在192h内完全氧化培养基中的Fe~(2 )。以CuSO_4·5H_2O为单变量驯化介质驯化该26~#抗铜菌株,26~#驯化菌株的Fe~(2 )氧化能力明显增强:在含0.25mol/LCu~(2 )的9K培养基中能在84h内完全氧化其中的Fe~(2 )。为了提高驯化菌的稳定性,将驯化后的26~#菌株用紫外线进行诱变。研究结果表明:驯化诱变对菌种的改良有重要的作用,诱变后菌株的生长性能稳定,氧化活性进一步提高,26~#驯化诱变菌在0.25mol/LCu~(2 )存在的条件下完全氧化9K培养基中Fe~(2 )的时间约为60h,对Fe~(2 )氧化能力明显强于驯化菌及野生菌。  相似文献   

基于Monod模型推导出了A.f的生长动力学方程模型,采用Gauss-Newton算法确定了在不同初始条件下细菌生长的动力学参数,即最大比生长速率‰、Monod常数K及R0。通过在不同初始条件下细菌生长特性的研究,得到了相应初始生长条件下以限制性底物亚铁离子浓度为表征的生长动力学方程,理论上揭示了动力学参数变化对细菌生长的影响规律,其中生长动力学方程的数值模拟与实验数据相吻合。  相似文献   

目的:为了研究嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)启动子结构与功能。方法:以pSV-β-galactosidase质粒为骨架,通过定点突变的方法引入一个新的BstBⅠ单酶切位点,构建能在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中正常复制的启动子探针载体。利用PCR的方法将A.ferrooxidans菌cycA2基因上游5'段上游DNA片段克隆到探针载体β-半乳糖苷酶基因上游以替代其原有启动子(gpt启动子),并将重组的质粒转化E.coliDH5α菌株。通过检测宿主细胞的β-半乳糖苷酶活性,来鉴定启动子片段,并分析了启动子探针质粒载体的功能及启动子的强度。结果:pSV-β-galactosidase质粒被正确突变,成功构建了启动子探针载体pSVB。来源于A. ferrooxidans菌的启动子片段可驱动β-半乳糖苷酶基因在E.coli细胞中表达,转化子酶活性约为gpt 启动子驱动下活性的70 %。结论:启动子探针载体(pSVB)可用于A. ferrooxidans菌或者其它原核生物启动子的分离及进一步的分析研究。酶活性分析结果表明,来源于A. ferrooxidans菌cycA2基因上游5'段上游DNA片段具有显著启动子活性。  相似文献   

【目的】深入了解自养的嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)与异养的Acidiphilium acidophilum之间的协同作用, 为嗜酸异养微生物在生物浸出体系和酸性矿坑水(AMD)等极端酸性环境中的生态功能研究提供基础, 并为AMD环境的修复提供参考。【方法】应用实时荧光定量PCR (RT-qPCR)及特异性引物, 定量At. ferrooxidans与Aph. acidophilum在类似自然状态下的共培养物受葡萄糖抑制时的生物量变化, 同时检测其生长过程中Fe2+氧化和pH值的变化。【结果】无论是否加入葡萄糖, 共培养对Fe2+氧化的效率均较At. ferrooxidans纯培养高。当葡萄糖浓度为5 g/L时, At. ferrooxidans纯培养失去对Fe2+的氧化能力, 而共培养仍能在100 h内将所有的Fe2+氧化完, 且加入葡萄糖越多的培养体系氧化终点的pH值也越高。在不加入葡萄糖的条件下, At. ferrooxidans 与Aph. acidophilum 数量比在100:1的数量级, 表明以这两种菌为代表的自养菌和异养菌在自然条件下生物量的比例。无论纯培养还是共培养的At. ferrooxidans数量均随葡萄糖浓度的提高而减少, 且延滞期则变长; 而异养生长的Aph. acidophilum则相反。【结论】适合进行Fe2+氧化的At. ferrooxidans与Aph. acidophilum的数量比例范围应在100:1的数量级。由于Aph. acidophilum能促进At. ferrooxidans对亚铁的氧化, 并能缓解或消除葡萄糖对At. ferrooxidans的抑制, 所以不能以加入类似于葡萄糖的有机物作为AMD环境生物修复的手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨硫酸铁对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌生长及铁代谢基因表达的影响.方法:用血细胞计数板和重铬酸钾滴定法研究了不同浓度硫酸铁对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌生长的影响,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术研究了硫酸铁对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌铁代谢基因表达的影响.结果:硫酸铁对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌的生长有抑制作用,随着培养基中硫酸铁浓度的增加,抑制作用也越来越明显.实时定量PCR结果表明,用0.15 M硫酸铁刺激细菌后,实验中所涉及的铁代谢相关基因表现出相似的表达趋势.刺激10 min后,基因均发生明显的的表达上调,且表现为最大值.刺激时间延长,上调幅度逐渐减小.不同的操纵子基因表现出不同的上调幅度.结论:硫酸铁对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌的生长有明显的抑制作用,铁代谢相关基因对硫酸铁的刺激有积极的反应.  相似文献   

采用向硫化矿培养基中补加FeSO4的方式以维持Fe2+ 浓度为4~8 g/L,可使嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌菌浓在培养39 h时达到6.25×108 cells/mL,并在比生长速率几乎不降低的前提下提高了转化率和生产强度.然后对低氧化还原电位下低品位黄铜矿的浸出进行初步研究,结果表明经过30 d浸出,铜的浸出率可达28.5%...  相似文献   

Cytochromes c of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chemolithoautotrophic Gram-negative bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is versatile and can grow on a number of electron donors and acceptors. In the A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 genome, computer analysis identified 11 genes encoding putative cytochromes c. At least eight putative cytochromes c were differentiated on gels in ATCC 33020 cells grown on ferrous iron or sulfur. All these cytochromes were associated with the inner or the outer membranes. Lower levels of total cytochromes c were observed in sulfur- than in ferrous iron-grown cells. One cytochrome c was specific for sulfur conditions while three were specific for iron conditions, suggesting that cytochrome c synthesis is modulated depending on the electron donor.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2008,35(7):1170-1170
用传统的选冶工艺很难对低品位及伴生硫化矿进行有效的提取,而硫化矿生物浸出技术特别适用于处理这类矿物资源;相对于传统选冶工艺,它具有流程短、能耗小、成本低、污染少等优点,具有广阔的工业应用前景.  相似文献   


The widely distributed Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) lives in extremely acidic conditions by fixing CO2 and nitrogen, and by obtaining energy from Fe2+ oxidation with either downhill or uphill electron transfer pathway and from reduced sulfur oxidation. A. ferrooxidans exists as different genomovars and its genome size is 2.89–4.18 Mb. The chemotactic movement of A. ferrooxidans is regulated by quorum sensing. A. ferrooxidans shows weak magnetotaxis due to formation of 15–70 nm magnetite magnetosomes with surface functional groups. The room- and low-temperature magnetic features of A. ferrooxidans are different from other magnetotactic bacteria. A. ferrooxidans has potential for removing sulfur from solids and gases, metals recycling from metal-bearing ores, electric wastes and sludge, biochemical production synthesizing, and metal workpiece machining.


《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(1):101-106
The oxidation of finely ground (−200 μm) bornite (Cu5FeS4) by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was evaluated in oxygen uptake and shake flasks experiments. The oxidation was a net acid-consuming reaction. Residual bornite was not detected by X-fray diffraction in solids after 2 days of contact in acid leach solution, indicating that the chemical and biological oxidation of bornite was relatively fast. Virtually 100% of copper solubilization was achieved in A. ferrooxidans cultures with or without ferrous iron, while in abiotic controls the copper extraction was around 30%. Bornite was not oxidized by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in respirometric or shake flasks experiments. Covellite (CuS) was detected as a secondary phase under all experimental conditions. Sulfur and jarosite were formed only in the presence of A. ferrooxidans.  相似文献   

Biotechnological leaching has been proposed as a suitable method for extraction of vanadium from spent catalysts and oil ash. In the biological leaching process, the vanadium(V) can be reduced to vanadium(IV), which is a less toxic and more soluble form of the vanadium. The present investigation showed that Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans efficiently reduced vanadium(V) in the form of vanadium pentaoxide, to vanadyl(IV) ions, and tolerated high concentrations of vanadium(IV) and vanadium(V). A. ferrooxidans was compared with Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, which has previously been utilized for vanadium leaching and reduction. Vanadium pentaoxide and sodium vanadate were used as model compounds. The results of this study indicate possibilities to develop an economical and technically feasible process for biotechnological vanadium recovery.  相似文献   

Plasmid profiles were studied in 27 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains isolated from different geographic zones and substrates differing in the composition of the main sulfide minerals, and also in experimentally obtained strains with acquired enhanced resistance to the ions of heavy metals (Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As). In 16 out of 20 strains isolated from different substrates, one to four 2- to 20-kb and larger plasmids were revealed. Plasmids were found in all five strains isolated from gold-containing pyrite-arsenopyrite ores and concentrates, in nine of 11 strains isolated from the ores and concentrates containing nonferrous metals, and in two of four strains isolated from the oxidation substrates of simple composition (mine waters, pyritized coals, active sludge). Changes in the plasmid profiles in some A. ferrooxidans strains (TFZ, TFI-Fe, TFV-1-Cu) with experimentally enhanced resistance to Zn2+, Fe3+, and Cu2+, respectively, were noted as compared with the initial strains. After 30 passages on S0-containing medium, strain TFBk showed changes in the copy number of plasmids. The role of plasmids in the processes of oxidation of energy substrates and in the acquired enhanced resistance to the heavy metal ions is discussed.  相似文献   

Plasmid profiles were studied in 27 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains isolated from different geographic zones and substrates differing in composition of the main sulfide minerals, and also in experimentally obtained strains with acquired enhanced resistance to the ions of heavy metals (Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As). In 16 out of 20 strains isolated from different substrates, one to four 2- to 20-kb and larger plasmids were revealed. Plasmids were found in all five strains isolated from gold-containing pyrite–arsenopyrite ores and concentrates, in nine of 11 strains isolated from the ores and concentrates containing nonferrous metals, and in two of four strains isolated from the oxidation substrates of simple composition (mine waters, pyritized coals, active sludge). Changes in the plasmid profiles in some A. ferrooxidans strains (TFZ, TFI-Fe, TFV-1-Cu) with experimentally enhanced resistance to Zn2+, Fe3+, and Cu2+, respectively, were noted as compared with the initial strains. After 30 passages on a S0-containing medium, strain TFBk showed changes in the copy number of plasmids. The role of plasmids in the processes of oxidation of energy substrates and in the acquired enhanced resistance to heavy metal ions is discussed.  相似文献   

Cell growth of three hundred iron-oxidizing bacteria isolated from natural environments was inhibited strongly by 0.05 mM, and completely by 0.2 mM of sodium tungstate (Na2WO4), respectively. Since no great difference in the level of tungsten inhibition was observed among the 300 strains tested, the mechanism of inhibition by Na2WO4 was studied with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain AP19-3. When resting cells of AP19-3 were incubated in 0.1 M beta-alanine-SO4(2-) buffer (pH 3.0) with 0.1 mM Na2WO4 for 1 h, the amount of tungsten bound to the cells was 12 microg/mg protein. The optimum pH for tungsten binding to the resting cells was 2 to approximately 3. Approximately 2 times more tungsten bound to the cells at pH 3.0 than at pH 6.0. The tungsten binding was specifically inhibited by sodium molybdenum. However, copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc, manganese, cobalt, and vanadate did not disturb tungsten binding to the resting cells. The iron-oxidizing activity of AP19-3 was inhibited 24, 62, and 77% by 1, 5, and 10 mM of Na2WO4, respectively. Among the components of iron oxidation enzyme system, iron:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity was not inhibited by 10 mM of Na2WO4. In contrast, the activity of cytochrome c oxidase purified highly from the strain was inhibited 50 and 72%, respectively, by 0.05 and 0.1 mM of Na2WO4. The amounts of tungsten bound to plasma membrane, cytosol fraction, and a purified cytochrome c oxidase were 8, 0.5, and 191 microg/mg protein, respectively. From the results, the growth inhibition by Na2WO4 observed in A. ferrooxidans is explained as follows: tungsten binds to cytochrome c oxidase in plasma membranes and inhibits cytochrome c oxidase activity, and as a results, the generation of energy needed for cell growth from the oxidation of Fe2+ is stopped.  相似文献   

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