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目的对内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌拉特前旗一起麻疹暴发疫情进行流行病学调查,为今后麻疹疫情的防控提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法分析本次麻疹病例在时间、地区、人群、职业、免疫史及就诊情况方面的分布特征,用Excel 2010对有关数据进行统计学分析。结果≤6岁和≥15岁人群是本次麻疹疫情的主要人群,分别占43.08%和47.69%。含麻疹成分疫苗免疫空白与医院院内感染是造成本次麻疹暴发的主要原因。结论加强麻疹疫苗查漏补种和巩固基础免疫是防止麻疹疫情暴发的重要措施。  相似文献   

对青海省1~14岁健康儿童麻疹抗体水平进行了调查,抽样分析并评价其预防接种质量.在全省六州一地一市各选择1个县,对1~14岁健康儿童进行抗体检测.结果显示,麻疹疫苗抗体阳性(≥1∶200)率为89.90%,保护率(≥1∶800)为81.91%,几何平均滴度GMT为1∶1551.76.不同性别、民族及年龄间麻疹抗体阳性率和GMT无显著的统计学意义.麻疹疫苗抗体阳性率除化隆县为79.41%外,其它各地均在85%以上,不同地区麻疹抗体阳性率仍有差别,保护率距消灭麻疹尚有较大差距,还应进一步提高疫苗接种率.  相似文献   

研究许昌市麻疹流行特征,为消除麻疹提供科学依据.对许昌市2010年麻疹疫情进行描述流行病学分析.结果显示2010年全市共报告麻疹确诊病例158例,报告发病率为3.74/10万;流行毒株为麻疹病毒H1a基因型.3-5月份是发病高峰;0~3岁龄儿童为主,其中小于8月龄病例占报告发病数的32.91%;8- 17月龄病例,68...  相似文献   

分析克拉玛依市麻疹流行状况及预防控制措施,为消除麻疹提供依据。采用描述流行病学分析方法,对2008年克拉玛依市麻疹资料进行分析。结果显示,克拉玛依市2008年麻疹发病率为38.83/10万(138/355381),呈高度散发,较2007年有所上升。发病高峰在3~5月,发病数占全年的83.33%。年龄分布大年龄组高于小年龄组,>20岁年龄组病例占50.00%,<1岁病例占18.84%;流动人口发病占51.11%。应切实提高麻疹常规免疫接种率和做好入托、入学儿童查验预防接种证工作,加强麻疹监测,提高实验室确诊病例的比例。  相似文献   

了解沭阳县2007年1月至8月份麻疹流行病学特征,为制订消除麻疹策略提供依据。采用描述流行病学方法对法定传染病报告系统和麻疹监测系统资料进行分析。结果显示,沭阳县2007年1月至8月份共发生麻疹150例,其中≤8月龄、8月~15岁、15~19岁、≥20岁成人,分别占26.00%、44.66%、12.67%和16.67%;无免疫史、有1次免疫史、有2次免疫史和免疫史不详的病例分别占46.67%、10.67%、8.00%和34.66%。因此,适时在重点人群中强化麻疹免疫,是短期内迅速提高人群免疫水平,降低发病率乃至阻断麻疹病毒传播的有效手段。  相似文献   

为了客观评价宁夏麻疹监测系统现状,探讨控制和消除麻疹的策略。对宁夏2004—2007年麻疹流行病学和实验室监测工作进行分析。结果显示,宁夏麻疹监测系统的灵敏性较高,疑似麻疹病例标本采集率和血清学诊断率等主要监测指标已达较高水平。同时,对监测到的36株麻疹野病毒基因型进行了探讨,全部为H1基因型H1a亚型,未发现其它基因亚型。因此,宁夏亟需加速控制麻疹,应继续做好麻疹监测和麻疹疫苗免疫接种。  相似文献   

目的:分析南山区学校幼儿园2010-2012年传染病暴发疫情流行情况,探讨预防及控制疫情暴发的策略及方法.方法:以2010年南山区区级研究课题《学校传染病监测和预警系统研究》中开发的《学校传染病监测和预警系统》中的监测数据为基础数据,同时结合现场流行病学调查结果,采用MS Excel和SPSS对数据进行统计分析.结果:2010-2012年南山区学校及托幼机构共发生519起暴发疫情,其中甲类传染病疫情0起,乙类疫情56起,丙类传染病暴发疫情428起,其他传染病暴发疫情35起.暴发疫情种类以流感、手足口病、流行性出血热、感染性腹泻、水痘等为主,罹患人群共4227人,全区8个街道均有疫情发生,春秋季节暴发疫情较多,尤以3月份和9月份居多.结论:应重点加强学校和托幼机构等易感人群密集场所的传染病监测及疫情报告机制,落实晨检和因病缺课报告工作,提高疫情预警效率并及时采取防控措施,预防及控制流感、感染性腹泻、手足口病、水痘等常见传染病暴发疫情的发生,保护学生及幼儿的身体健康.  相似文献   

分析正阳县2007年麻疹的流行病学特点,为有效的控制麻疹发病提供依据。按卫生部《全国麻疹检测方案(试行)》规定的诊断标准进行诊断,并采用描述流行病学方法进行研究。2007年1月份发现麻疹病人51例,2月份302例,3月份20例,4月份1例,5月份7例,6月份3例,分别占总病例的13.25%、78.44%、5.19%、0.26%、1.82%、0.78%。0-7月龄婴儿发病人数为52人,占所有发病人数的13.51%;大于20岁的人群中共发病59例,其中男30例,女29例,发病人数较多。提示搞好基础免疫提高人群免疫力仍是当前的主要任务,特别是对育龄妇女的疫苗接种,一方面可以降低成人感染麻疹的机会,另一方面也可以降低0-7月龄婴儿的发病率。  相似文献   

深圳市南山区西丽人民医院辖区2005-2009年麻疹疫情分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了掌握深圳市南山区西丽人民医院辖区内麻疹病毒流行现状,评价该院辖区麻疹疫苗接种效果,为今后制订麻疹预防控制策略提供依据。采用回顾性调查方法,将2005-2009年间的麻疹发病情况作了分析。2005、2007两年发病人数最多,发病率较高,随着麻疹疫苗强化免疫活动的开展,使疫情有了较大的下降趋势。结果表明,接种麻疹疫苗是最有效地预防麻疹疫情的手段。  相似文献   

目的分析日照市2005—2011年麻疹流行病学特征,为制定消除麻疹策略及措施提供依据。方法对日照市2005—2011年麻疹监测系统资料进行描述流行病学分析。结果日照市2005—2011年共报告麻疹病例193例,其中2011年无病例报告,年平均报告发病率0.97/100 000。麻疹病例分布各区县,但不同区县之间存在差异,发病高峰在3—6月,以15岁以上大年龄组发病为主;散发和暴发并存,散发以本土病例为主,共暴发疫情3起,均为输入性病例。结论日照市消除麻疹已取得显著进展,应继续保持和巩固高水平儿童基础免疫接种率,高质量地完成MV SIA,加强监测和风险评估,做好暴发疫情的预警与控制工作,实现消除麻疹。  相似文献   

为探索东莞市桥头镇的农业现代化,运用面上调查和定点分析的研究方法,概括了全镇现有的4大类农业生态系统模式,对其进行了能流和磷流分析,得到如下结果:规模经营的综合种养场水稻产出较高,纯收益较好,光能利用和辅助能能效较高,而传统小规模水稻则有机肥投入比例大,磷效高;单-蔬菜种植模式的菜场,干物产量低,光能利用率和辅能能效低,磷素投入高,但有机磷比例低,故磷效低,但经济效益好。综合种养场猪和鱼的养殖,生产成本低,经济效益好,养猪和鱼分别可将生活废弃物中39.62%和12.68%的磷转化为产品磷。农科园集约化鸡场能量产投比低,但对全价饲料中磷素的转化率高达62.65%。本文还就该镇在新的经济环境下,调整农业布局、采纳王高农业模式方面展开了论述。  相似文献   

In a two year prospective survey of outbreaks of salmonella infection in hospitals in England and Wales 55 outbreaks were identified. Reports of investigation of these outbreaks were reviewed for evidence of food borne infection and cross infection. Food borne infection probably accounted for only six outbreaks, but these made up 40% of the 15 outbreaks in which there were more than five patients and staff with symptoms. Person to person transmission was the probable mode of spread in most outbreaks. It is recommended that in addition to bacteriological investigations clinical and epidemiological data should be collected to implicate food or other possible common vehicles of infection. Bacteriological screening of patients and staff who do not have symptoms may be unrewarding in the absence of epidemiological data to define groups at risk of infection.  相似文献   

The Hasidic and non-Hasidic Jewish communities of New York City represent two subpopulations with long-documented histories of restrictive marriage patterns and a high degree of endogamy. As part of a continuing study into their genetic structure, allele frequencies were determined for the six tetrameric short tandem repeat (STR) loci: FESFPS, F13AO1, vWA, CSF1PO, TPOX, and THO1. All loci were tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) by three tests: chi-square analysis, Monte Carlo chi-square analysis. and the exact test. The non-Hasidic population failed to meet HWE at the F13A01, FESFPS, and CSF1PO loci by all three tests. The Hasidic population also failed to meet HWE at the same loci by some of the tests. Comparison of the Hasidic to the non-Hasidic population using an R x C contingency table demonstrated a similarity at only the vWA locus. Significant differences exist when comparing the two Jewish populations to a reference Caucasian population.  相似文献   

J W Osterman  D Melnychuk 《CMAJ》1992,146(6):929-936
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential impact of revaccination on measles outbreak control during school-based epidemics. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Thirty-two public elementary and high schools in 14 communities on the west island of Montreal. PARTICIPANTS: All 19,439 children attending these schools during the 1989 measles epidemic in Quebec. INTERVENTION: After notification of a case children with provider-verified records of vaccination on or after their first birthday were identified; the remaining children were vaccinated or excluded from school. OUTCOME MEASURE: Clinical or confirmed measles cases not prevented by this intervention that could have been prevented had revaccination been included during the outbreak. RESULTS: Of the 88 measles cases (74 confirmed) proof of one adequate vaccination was present in 48 (55%). Intervention generally occurred within 5 school days after case notification. The nonpreventable cases involved 75 children who had measles onset before the intervention and 11 (7 vaccinated) who had onset within 8 days after the intervention. The two remaining cases occurred 20 and 25 days after the intervention among nonvaccinated students who refused to be vaccinated. Except for these two cases measles was eliminated at every school. Application of the new Canadian guidelines for measles outbreak control would have required the administration of at least 10,000 additional doses during the outbreak to students vaccinated before 1980; implementation of the new US guidelines would have required the administration of 16,629 additional doses to children previously vaccinated only once. Well-enforced provincial regulations ensuring vaccination of every student upon school entry might have prevented 38 (43%) of the cases. The US recommendation of two routine doses of vaccine before school entry might have prevented 86 (98%) of the cases. However, revaccination during the outbreak would not have prevented a single additional case. CONCLUSION: Revaccination of previously vaccinated students during a measles outbreak would have been costly and of little benefit.  相似文献   

Epidemic dynamics pose a great challenge to stochastic modelling because chance events are major determinants of the size and the timing of the outbreak. Reintroduction of the disease through contact with infected individuals from other areas is an important latent stochastic variable. In this study we model these stochastic processes to explain extinction and recurrence of epidemics observed in measles. We develop estimating functions for such a model and apply the methodology to temporal case counts of measles in 60 cities in England and Wales. In order to estimate the unobserved spatial contact process we suggest a method based on stochastic simulation and marginal densities. The estimation results show that it is possible to consider a unified model for the UK cities where the parameters depend on the city size. Stochastic realizations from the dynamic model realistically capture the transitions from an endemic cyclic pattern in large populations to irregular epidemic outbreaks in small human host populations.  相似文献   

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