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Abstract. Differentiation of mammalian cells is accompanied by reduced rates of proliferation and an exit from the cell cycle. Human leukemic cells HL60 present a widely used model of neoplastic cell differentiation, and acquire the monocytic phenotype when exposed to analogs of vitamin D3 (VD3). The maturation process is accompanied by two blocks in the cell cycle: an arrest in the G1/G0 phase, and a recently described G2+ M block. In this study we have analyzed the traverse of the cell cycle phases of the well-differentiating HL60-G cells exposed to one of ten analogs of VD3, and compared the cell cycle effects of each compound with its potency as a differentiation-inducing agent. We found that in general there was a good correlation between the effects of these compounds on the cell cycle and on differentiation, but the best cell cycle predictor of differentiation potency was the extent of accumulation of the cells in the G2 compartment. All analogs induced a marked decrease in the mitotic index, and polynucleation of HL60 cells was produced, especially by compounds which were effective as inducers of differentiation. Time course studies showed that induction of differentiation was accompanied by a transient increase of the proportion of cells in the G2+ M compartment, but preceded the G1 to S, and the G2 compartment blocks. These studies indicate that complex changes in the cell cycle traverse accompany, but do not precede, the acquisition of the monocytic phenotype by HL60 cells.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibition of the synthesis of protein, mRNA or rRNA on the progression of the cell cycle have been analyzed in cultures of Catharanthus roseus in which cells were induced to divide in synchrony by the double phosphate starvation method. The partial inhibition of protein synthesis at the G1 phase by anisoniycio or cycloheximide caused the arrest of cells in the G1 phase or delayed the entry of cells into the S phase. When protein synthesis was partially inhibited at the S phase, cell division occurred to about the same extent as in the control. When asynchronously dividing cells were treated with cycloheximide, cells accumulated in the G1 phase, as shown by flow-cytometric analysis. The partial inhibition of mRNA synthesis by α-amanitin at the G1 phase caused the arrest of cells in the G1 phase, although partial inhibition of mRNA synthesis at the S phase had little effect on cell division. In the case of inhibition of synthesis of rRNA by actinomycin D at the G1 phase, initiation of DNA synthesis was observed, but no subsequent DNA synthesis or the division of cells occurred. However, the addition of actinomycin D during the S phase had no effect on cell division. These results suggest that specific protein(s), required for the progression of the cell cycle, are synthesized in the G1 phase, and that the mRNA(s) that encode these proteins are also synthesized at the G1 phase.  相似文献   

Abstract. Multivariate analysis of the expression of cyclin proteins and DNA content has opened new possibilities for the study of the cell cycle. By virtue of their cell cycle phase specificity, the expression of cyclins may serve, in addition to DNA content, as another marker of a cell's position in the cycle, and provide information about the proliferative potential of cell populations. Several applications of the methodology based on bivariate analysis of DNA content v . expression of B, E and D type cyclins are reviewed: 1 expression of cyclins by individual cells during their progression through the cycle can be studied, using exponentially growing cells without the necessity of cell synchronization or other perturbations of the cycle; 2 cells having the same DNA content but residing in different phases of the cycle (e.g. G2 diploid v. G1 tetraploid) can be distinguished; 3 cell transition from G0 to G1 and progression through G1 (e.g. mitogen stimulated lymphocytes) can be assayed; 4 the population of proliferating cells can be distinguished from noncycling cells based on dual cell labelling with a G1 and G2 cyclin antibody; 5 cyclin restriction points can serve as additional cell cycle landmarks to map the point of action of antitumour drugs; 6 unscheduled expression of cyclins (e.g. the presence of cyclin B1 during G1 and S) can be detected in several tumour transformed cell lines, possibly indicating disregulation of the machmery of cell cycle progression. The last finding 6 is of special importance, because such disregulation may be of prognostic consequence in human tumours.  相似文献   

Abstract. The retinoblastoma gene product (pRB) is a nuclear phosphoprotein with growth-suppressing effects. During early G, phase, pRB is underphosphorylated and bound in the nucleus. The association between the duration of the cell cycle/G, phase and the fraction of cells in GI with bound pRB was studied in the human pre-B cell line Reh. The cell-cycle duration was varied by growing cells at different concentrations (25, 10,2,0.5 and 0%) of fetal calf serum (FCS); pRB binding was studied by flow cytometry. The culture doubling time increased from 21 h in 25% FCS to 54 h in 0.5% FCS. Cell death occurred in the absence of FCS, and the culture doubling time therefore could not be defined. The fraction of cells in G, did not change significantly with decreasing FCS concentration (0.47 in 25% FCS, 0.52 in 0% FCS). In contrast, the fraction of G, cells with bound pRB increased from 0.12 in 25% FCS to 0.65 in 0% FCS. Continuous labelling with bromodeoxyuridine demonstrated that the growth fraction was close to unity at all FCS concentrations down to 0.5%, hence, the duration of the cell cycle was equal to the culture doubling time under these conditions. The duration of early G, phase (where pRB is underphosphorylated and bound) increased 10-fold, while the duration of late G, phase increased twofold, for Reh cells grown in 0.5% FCS compared with cells grown in 25% FCS. The increase in the duration of late G1, and the increased S and G,+M phase transit times, indicate that other factors, in addition to pRB kinase activity, regulate the duration of G, and the cell cycle of serum-deprived Reh cells.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The influence of temperature on the insect cell line, BmN, derived from the silkworm, Bombyx mori is investigated. These cells proliferate at an accelerated pace as the temperature increases from 22 to 30 °C, but the growth rate slows at 34 °C, and proliferation stops at 38 °C. At high temperatures, abnormal cellular morphology is observed. Cells treated at 38 °C have cytoplasmic bilateral protrusions and they gradually aggregate and float in the medium. BmN cells without proliferation at 38 °C are viable but have reduced DNA synthesis. At high temperatures, the cell cycle of BmN cells halts at the G2 phase. After heat treatment of the larvae, an accumulation of larval haemocytes with high DNA content is found, which suggests that the cell cycle arrest at G2 also occurs in the silkworm at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The authors would like to draw the readers' attention to the fact that in the above article, an incorrect version of Table 1 was published. The correct version of Table 1 is printed below:  相似文献   

The human promyelocytic leukaemia cell line HL-60 can be induced to differentiate towards mature granulocytes by treatment with dibutyryl cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (dbcAMP). Differentiation begins within 16-24 h of treatment and is associated with a time- and dose-dependent accumulation of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle with a concomitant decrease in the number of cells in the S and G2 + M phases. Using acridine orange staining, we found that the RNA content of the cells also decreased following differentiation. Stathmokinetic analysis of HL-60 cell populations following dbcAMP treatment showed no effect on the total number of cells in the G0/G1 or S phases, or the rate of progression of cells through these cell cycle compartments. In contrast, dbcAMP was found to induce a transient arrest of the cells in the G2 phase. We also found that differentiation induced by dbcAMP did not require progression of the cells through the cell cycle. Cells arrested in either G1/S by hydroxyurea or G2 + M by colcemid eventually expressed markers of mature granulocytes. These results demonstrate that dbcAMP modulates cell cycle progression. However, these cell cycle changes alone are insufficient to induce granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

The temporal determinants of the G1 cell cycle interval were investigated using nine mammalian cell lines. In each case, cells were allowed to proliferate for many cell cycles under conditions that slowed progress through S phase without an equivalent impairment of overall mass accumulation. This disproportionate inhibition of progress through the cell cycle caused newly produced cells to be more massive than usual. Under these growth conditions, the determinants of the length of the G1 interval became evident. For two cell lines, HeLa S3 and NIH 3T3, a protracted S phase, and the resultant increase in mass, resulted in a dramatically shortened G1 interval. Thus, for these cell lines, a major portion of G1 time exists to accommodate mass accumulation needed to initiate the subsequent S phase. Nevertheless, under conditions that protracted S phase and shortened the G1 interval, cells still exhibited a measurable G1 time, reflecting the stage-specific activities within G1. One activity that may be responsible for this obligatory G1 time is the synthesis of a labile protein. For other cells studied here, protraction of S phase also caused proliferating cells to become more massive, but in these cases there was no diminution of the G1 time. For these cells, the entire G1 interval must accommodate G1-specific activities necessary to initiate a new cell cycle. A unifying view of the G1 interval recognizes the two distinct influences that determine the time spent in G1: the need to accumulate sufficient mass to initiate a new DNA-division sequence; and the stage-specific events necessary for the subsequent S phase. The length of the G1 interval is dictated by the longer of these two time-consuming activities.  相似文献   

Abstract. A population of line CHO Chinese hamster cells was synchronized by mitotic selection and allowed to enter early G1, after which the largest and smallest cells in the population were sorted, irradiated, and their viability determined. Despite sizeable differences in volume, metabolic capability and cell cycle progression rates, an equivalent level of survival was obtained for the two populations, indicating that the factors responsible for the volume, metabolic and progression heterogeneity do not contribute greatly to radiation sensitivity.  相似文献   

The proliferation rate of mammalian cells is regulated normally in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, it is convenient to assign positive and negative roles to the molecular programs that regulate the duration of G1 and the phase transition from G1 to S phase. Density-dependent inhibition of cellular proliferation results in an increase in the duration of G1. This form of regulation is due to both secreted factors and cell—cell contact. Serum is mitogenic to a variety of mammalian cell types. Because quiescent cells enter S phase as a result of serum addition to culture media, serum is usually regarded as a source of positive regulatory growth factors. We have measured the length of the G1, S and G2+ M phases of NIH 3T3 cells during exponential growth as a function of cell density and serum concentration. The G1 length increases during exponential growth as a function of density while S and G2+ M are relatively constant. Further, this increase in G1 phase time, or density mediated negative regulation, is inhibited by increasing serum concentration. This phenotype is saturable between 10% to 20% serum. Serum concentrations above 2.5% are able to increase the rate of cell cycling (decrease the G1 phase time) by inhibiting density dependent negative regulation of NIH 3T3.  相似文献   

The relationship between mevalonate and cell cycling was investigated in developing glial cells. Primary cultures of newborn rat brains were serum-depleted (0.1%, vol/vol) for 48 h on days 4-6 in vitro, then returned to 10% calf serum (time 0). After 48 h, 70-80% of the cells were glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-negative by indirect immunofluorescence; 79 +/- 7% were GFAP-positive after an additional 3 days. Serum shift-up resulted in 12 h of quiescence, and then by 20 h (S phase) in increased proportions of cells synthesizing DNA (from 15 +/- 6% to 75 +/- 4% by bromodeoxyuridine immunofluorescence at 12 h and 20 h, respectively) and rates of DNA synthesis (42 +/- 6 versus 380 +/- 32 cpm/micrograms of protein/h of [3H]thymidine uptake). Additional mevalonate (25 mM) for 30 min at 10 h reversed the inhibition of DNA synthesis apparent with mevinolin (150 microM), an inhibitor of mevalonate synthesis, present from time 0. Cycloheximide added simultaneously with mevalonate prevented this reversal of inhibition. To cause arrest at G1/S, cultures were exposed to hydroxyurea between 10 and 22 h. By 3 h after hydroxyurea removal, bromodeoxyuridine-labeled nuclei increased from 0% to 75 +/- 9%, and DNA synthesis increased 10-fold. Mevinolin failed to inhibit these increases. Thus, primary astroglial precursors stimulated to progress through the cell cycle express a mevalonate requirement in late G1, but before the G1/S transition. The effect of mevalonate was characterized further as being brief (30 min) and as requiring polypeptides.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether endometrial cancer cell line HEC-1-A differ from nontransformed cells, in that the cAMP and protein kinase C pathways may enhance IGF-I effects in mitogenesis by acting at the G1 phase of the cell cycle instead of G0. Immunofluorescence staining of HEC-1-A cells using the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) monoclonal antibody and flow cytometric analysis determined that HEC-1-A cells do not enter the G0 phase of the cell cycle when incubated in a serum-free medium. Approximately 51% of the cells were in G1, 12% were in S and 37% in G2 phase of the cell cycle prior to treatment. Forskolin and phorbol-12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) were used to stimulate cAMP production and protein kinase C activity, respectively. IGF-I, forskolin and PMA each increased (P <0.01) [3H]-thymidine incorporation in a dose and time dependent manner. The interaction of forskolin and PMA with IGF-I was then determined. Cells preincubated with forskolin or PMA followed by incubation with IFG-I incorporated significantly more (P <0.01) [3H]-thymidine into DNA than controls or any treatment alone. It is concluded that forskolin and, to a lesser extent, PMA exert their effect at the G1 phase of the cycle to enhance IGF-I effects in cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nociceptin/OFQ is the endogenous ligand for the G protein-coupled opioid receptor-like (ORL1) receptor. To elucidate the cellular functions of the ORL1 receptor, we examined its ability to interact with Gz and G16, two pertussis toxin (PTX)-insensitive G proteins that are known molecular partners for the opioid receptors. In HEK 293 cells transiently expressing the ORL1 and dopamine D1 receptors, nociceptin/OFQ dose-dependently inhibited dopamine-stimulated cyclic AMP (cAMP) accumulation in a PTX-sensitive manner. However, PTX failed to block the nociceptin/OFQ-induced inhibition of dopamine-stimulated cAMP accumulation in HEK 293 cells co-expressing the α-subunit of Gz. This result indicates functional interaction between the ORL1 receptor and Gz. A similar result was obtained with retinoic acid-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, which endogenously express both the ORL1 receptor and Gz. When the ORL1 receptor was transiently co-expressed in COS-7 cells with the α-subunit of G16, nociceptin/OFQ dose-dependently stimulated the formation of inositol phosphates. Nociceptin-induced stimulation of phospholipase C was absolutely dependent on the co-expression of α16 and exhibited the appropriate ligand selectivity. In terms of its ability to interact with PTX-insensitive G proteins, the ORL1 receptor behaves very much like the opioid receptors.  相似文献   

The proliferation of normal non-tumourigenic mouse fibroblasts is stringently controlled by regulatory mechanisms located in the postmitotic stage of G1 (which we have designated G1 pm). Upon exposure to growth factor depletion or a lowered de novo protein synthesis, the normal cells leave the cell cycle from G1 pm and enter G0. The G1 pm phase is characterized by a remarkably constant length (the duration of which is 3 h in Swiss 3T3 cells), whereas the intercellular variability of intermitotic time is mainly ascribable to late G1 or pre S phase (G1 ps) (Zetterberg & Larsson (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82 , 5365). As shown in the present study two tumour-transformed derivatives of mouse fibroblasts, i.e. BPA31 and SVA31, did not respond at all, or only responded partially, respectively, to serum depletion and inhibition of protein synthesis. If the tumour cells instead were subjected to 25-hydroxycholesterol (an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3 methyglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity), their growth was blocked as measured by growth curves and [3H]-thymidine uptake. Time-lapse analysis revealed that the cells were blocked specifically in early G1 (3-4h after mitosis), and DNA cytometry confirmed that the arrested cells contained a G1 amount of DNA. Closer kinetic analysis revealed that the duration of the postmitotic phase containing cells responsive to 25-hydroxycholesterol was constant. These data suggest that transformed 3T3 cells also contain a ‘G1 pm program’, which has to be completed before commitment to mitosis. By repeating the experiments on a large number of tumour-transformed cells, including human carcinoma cells and glioma cells, it was demonstrated that all of them possessed a G1 pm-like stage. Our conclusion is that G1 pm is a general phenomenon in mammalian cells, independent of whether the cells are normal or neoplastic.  相似文献   

Synchronization of mammalian cells by starvation-refeeding or by inhibition-release are among the most commonly used techniques for division cycle analysis. An alternative analysis—in the form of a Gedanken or thought experiment—is presented, casting doubt on the utility of this synchronization method. Arresting cell growth produces a culture where all cells contain a G1 amount of DNA. However, these cells are not arrested at a particular point in the G1-phase. Analysis of 'G1 arrested cells' suggests that, upon resumption of growth, the cells are not synchronized.  相似文献   

Epidermal cell flux at the G1-S, S-G2 and G2-M transition was examined during the first 4 hr after injection of epidermis extract. the flux parameters were estimated by a combination of several methods. the G1-S and S-G2 transit rates were calculated on the basis of a double labelling technique with [3H]TdR, the G2-M flux by means of colcemid and the relative proportion of cells in the S or G2 phase by means of flow cytometry. All experiments were performed both in early morning and late evening, corresponding to maximum and minimum rates of epidermal cell proliferation in the hairless mouse. the epidermis extract inhibited the S-G and G2-M transit rates to the same degree, while the inhibition of cell flux at the G1-S transit was consistently stronger. In general, the inhibition of cell flux at the different transitions was most pronounced when the rate of cell proliferation was low and vice versa.  相似文献   

Six human colon carcinoma cell lines were induced to enter stationary phase of growth by nutrient deprivation and cell crowding. Growth kinetics parameters (cell number, flow cytometric analysis of DNA distribution, and labelling and mitotic indices) were measured sequentially for all lines during the various stages of in vitro growth. Our results demonstrated that a substantial fraction of cells (9–18%) were located in G2, phase when they changed from an exponential to a stationary mode of growth. Moreover, a large number of cells in stationary phase of growth had an S-phase DNA content, as determined by flow cytometry, but failed to incorporate radioactive DNA precursors (up to 15-fold difference). to substantiate these findings. cells in stationary phase of growth were induced to enter exponential growth by re-seeding in fresh medium at a lower density. Subsequently observed changes in DNA-compartment distribution, and in labelling and mitotic indices were those expected from cells that had been arrested at different stages of the cycle during their previous stationary phase. Thus, the non-proliferating quiescent state (Q), traditionally located ‘somewhere’ in G1, phase, appears to be composed also of cells that can be arrested at other stages of the cycle (Qs, and QG). Although the proportion of such cells is rather small, their contribution to the growth kinetics behaviour of human in vivo tumours will become apparent following ‘recruiting’ or ‘synchronizing’ clinical manoeuvres and will prevent the formation of a clear-cut wave of synchronized cells.  相似文献   

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