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A marine microorganism, Sphingomonas echinoides EH-983, which possesses epoxide hydrolase (EH) activity was isolated from seawater and characterized. The EH of S. echinoides EH-983 preferentially metabolized (R)-enantiomer when the racemic styrene oxides were supplied as substrates. The optimal pH and temperature for the enantioselective hydrolysis by whole-cells ofS. echinoides EH-983 were 7.0 and 20 °C, respectively. When kinetic resolution was conducted with a racemic mixture of styrene oxides at an initial concentration of 40 mM, enantiopure (S)-styrene oxide was obtained in 180 min with a yield of 21.3%. To our best knowledge, S. echinoides EH-983 is the first marine microorganism that is reported to have EH activity.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain (ECU1001) capable of utilizing phenyl glycidyl ether as sole carbon source and energy source was isolated from soil samples through two steps of screening and was identified as a Bacillus megaterium. The epoxide hydrolase from Bacillus megaterium ECU1001 was biosynthesized in parallel with cell growth and a maximum activity of 31.0 U/l was reached after 30 h of culture when the biomass (DCW) was 9.1 g/l. A temperature of 35°C and pH 8.0 were optimal for the bioconversion. The lyophilized whole cells of Bacillus megaterium ECU1001 could preferentially hydrolyze the (R)-enantiomer of phenyl glycidyl ether, yeilding (S)-epoxide and (R)-diol with high enantioselectivity (E=47.8). The (S)-enantiomer of the epoxide remained in the reaction mixture with >99.5% ee (enantiomeric excess) at a conversion of 55.9%. The substrate concentration could be increased up to 60 mM without affecting the ee and (S)-phenyl glycidyl ether could be obtained with an optical purity of 100% ee and 25.6% yield. Therefore, the method is potentially useful for the preparative resolution of epoxides.  相似文献   

Biocatalytic resolution of 3-(2′-nitrophenoxy)propylene oxide (1a), 3-(3′-nitrophenoxy)propylene oxide (1b) and 3-(4′-nitrophenoxy)propylene oxide (1c) were exploited by using lyophilized cells of yeast Trichosporon loubierii ECU1040 with epoxide hydrolase (EH) activity, which preferentially hydrolyzes (S)-enantiomers of the epoxides (1a–c), yielding (S)-diols and (R)-epoxides. The activity increased as the nitro group in the phenyl ring was shifted from 4′-position (1c) to 2′-position (1a). When the substrate concentration of 1a was increased from 10 to 80 mM, the E-value increased at first, until reaching a peak at 40 mM, and then decreased at higher concentrations (>40 mM). The optically active epoxide (R)-1a was prepared at gram-scale (97% ee, 41% yield). Furthermore, a simple method was developed to predict the enantiomeric excess of substrate (ees) at any time of the whole reaction course based on the ees value determined at a certain reaction time at a relatively lower substrate concentration. This will be helpful for terminating the reaction at a proper time to get both higher optical purity and higher yield of the remaining epoxides.  相似文献   

Esterase PF1-K from Pseudomonas sp. KTCC 10122BP was overproduced by the fed-batch culture of Escherichia coli. The soluble expression of esterase PF1-K was achieved by shifting the culture temperature from 37 to 25 °C at the time of IPTG induction. The enzyme was partially purified to about 75% purity by a single-step hydrophobic interaction column chromatography. The purified enzyme exhibited a fairly high enantioselectivity towards the hydrolysis of rac-flurbiprofen ethyl ester. The enzymatic chiral resolution was further improved by optimizing the reaction conditions in terms of reaction rate and enantioselectivity. The optimal reaction conditions were found to be 40 °C, pH 10.5 and 600 mM of initial rac-flurbiprofen ethyl ester. After 90 min of batch reaction under the optimal conditions, 50% of the initial rac-flurbiprofen was hydrolyzed with an enantiomeric excess of 99%.  相似文献   

The lipase-catalyzed production of optically active (S)-flurbiprofen was carried out in a dispersion reaction-system induced by chiral succinyl β-cyclodextrin (suβ-CD). The optimal reaction conditions were 500 mM (R,S)-flurbiprofen ethyl ester ((R,S)-FEE), 600 units of Candida rugosa lipase per 1 mmol of (R,S)-FEE, and 1000 mM suβ-CD at 37 °C for 72 h. An extremely high enantiomeric excess of 0.98 and conversion yield of 0.48 were achieved in the dispersed aqueous phase reaction system containing chiral suβ-CD added as a dispenser and chiral selector. The inclusion complex formability of the immiscible substrate (S)- and (R)-form of FEE with suβ-CD was compared using a phase-solubility diagram, DSC, and 1H NMR. (S)-Isomer formed a more stable and selective inclusion complex with chiral suβ-CD. It was hydrolyzed much more selectively by lipase from C. rugosa, due to the selective structural modification through inclusion complexation with chiral suβ-CD.  相似文献   

目的:优化人乳头瘤病毒16型主要衣壳蛋白L1(human papillomavirus type 16 major capsid protein L1,HPV16L1)在毕赤酵母中的表达,并考察可能的影响因素。方法:四个不同序列特征的HPV16L1基因M16、Y16、P16、W16(其中,M16和Y16按酵母密码子优化,P16为哺乳动物细胞密码子优化,而W16为野生型序列)分别克隆于毕赤酵母表达质粒p PinkTM-HC(高基因拷贝菌落筛选)和p PinkTM-LC(低基因拷贝菌落筛选),并转化不同蛋白酶缺陷的宿主菌。甲醇诱导24小时后,取菌体样品经Western blot分析L1蛋白的表达。结果:M16显示了最高的表达水平,其次是Y16与P16,而W16几乎无表达。基因序列密码子应用特征分析显示,4个基因的密码子适应指数从高到低依次为Y16、M16、W16和P16。通过自由能和GC含量分析4个序列的mRNA二级结构,Y16为-409.40 kcal/mol和43.85%;M16为-451.50 kcal/mol和47.83%;P 16为-606.50kcal/mol and 64.10%;W16为-384.70 kcal/mol and 38.01%。蛋白酶缺陷菌株L1表达高于野生型菌株,质粒p PinkTM-HC与p PinkTM-LC介导的表达无明显区别。结论:密码子优化操作显著改善了HPV16L1在毕赤酵母中的表达,但表达水平与密码子利用优劣并不完全对应,提示密码子优化仅是部分原因,而mRNA结构与稳定性变化值得探讨。蛋白酶缺陷菌株提高了HPV16L1蛋白的稳定性,显著影响了表达水平。研究证明基因剂量对HPV16L1的表达未产生明显影响。  相似文献   

The human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) has been shown to possess anti-protease, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Its presence in saliva is believed to be a major deterrent to oral transmission of human immunodeficiency virus-1. The 11.7 kDa peptide is a secreted, nonglycosylated protein rich in disulfide bonds. Currently, recombinant SLPI is only available as an expensive bacterial expression product. We have investigated the utility of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris to produce and secrete SLPI with C-terminal c-myc and polyhistidine tags. The post-transformational vector amplification protocol was used to isolate strains with increased copy number, and culturing parameters were varied to optimize SLPI expression. Modification of the purification procedure allowed the secreted, recombinant protein to be isolated from the cell-free fermentation medium with cobalt affinity chromatography. This yeast-derived SLPI was shown to have an anti-protease activity comparable to the commercially available bacterial product. Thus, P. pastoris provides an efficient, cost-effective system for producing SLPI for structure function analysis studies as well as a wide array of potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The enantioselective hydrolysis of eight racemic styrene oxide derivatives has been investigated by using the recombinant cell containing epoxide hydrolase (EH) of Caulobacter crescentus. Some styrene oxide derivatives were hydrolyzed via enantioconvergent manner so that enantiopure diol products could be prepared with a 100% theoretical yield. The recombinant cell containing C. crescentus EH exhibited an ability to hydrolyze racemic p-chlorostyrene oxide the most enantioconvergently, thus affording the formation of the corresponding (R)-diol with enantiomeric excess (ee) as high as 95% and a 72% yield in preparative-scale (16.8 g/l) bioconversion.  相似文献   

目的:研究R122位点突变重组猪胰蛋白酶,与野生型酶相比较,该位点对重组猪胰蛋白酶(RPT)性质的影响。方法:以毕赤酵母GS115作为表达宿主,对RPT、突变体mRPT(R122H)和 mRPT(R122H/R73G/R130T)进行表达及纯化。并对其性质和稳定进行对比研究。结果:重组胰蛋白酶及其突变体在毕赤酵母中均获得了高效表达。相对于RPT,突变体mRPT(R122H)和 mRPT(R122H/R73G/R130T)在以N-苯甲酰-L-精氨酸乙酯 (BAEE)为底物时,具有更强底物结合力,三者的米氏常数分别为18.8μmol/L、9.0μmol/L和11.0μmol/L;两突变体耐高温耐碱能力增强;在Ca 2+存在及去除的条件下,突变体具有更强的抗自降解能力。 结论:可以利用毕赤酵母高效表达重组胰蛋白酶及其突变体。mRPT(R122H)和mRPT(R122H/R73G/R130T) 相对于野生型RPT,对高pH条件和高温的耐受性增强,该稳定性的提高主要归因于R122位点的突变。  相似文献   

石化来源的聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(polyethylene terephthalate,PET)被广泛用于矿泉水瓶、食品包装和纺织品等领域,因其在自然界中不易分解,大量使用后的PET废弃物造成了严重的环境污染与资源浪费。使用生物酶法对PET废弃物进行解聚,并对解聚产物进行升级循环利用是进行塑料污染治理的重要方向之一,其中关键的是PET水解酶的解聚效率。对苯二甲酸双(羟乙基)酯(bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate,BHET)是PET生物酶解的中间产物,其累积是限制PET水解酶催化效率的一个重要因素,BHET水解酶和PET水解酶的联用能提升PET的整体水解效率。来源于嗜热氢化杆菌(Hydrogenobacter thermophilus)的双烯内酯酶(HtBHETase)对BHET有显著水解效果,将该酶在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中进行重组表达并纯化后,对其酶学性质进行了研究。结果显示,HtBHETase对短碳链的酯类如对硝基苯酚乙酸酯催化活性较高,HtBHETase以BHET为底物时的最适反应pH值和最适反应温度分别为5.0和55℃;该酶有较好的热稳定性,经80℃的条件处理1 h仍能保持80%以上活性,显示出了良好的热稳定性,HtBHETase有在PET塑料生物解聚中使用的潜力,本研究为推动生物酶法降解PET提供了新的参考。  相似文献   

Recombinant Escherichia coli JM101(pSPZ10) cells produce the styrene monooxygenase of Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120, which catalyzes the oxidation of styrene to (S)-styrene oxide at an enantiomeric excess larger than 99%. This biocatalyst was used to produce 388 g of styrene oxide in a two-liquid phase 30-L fed-batch bioconversion. The average overall volumetric activity was 170 U per liter over a period of more than 10 h, equivalent to mass transfer rates of 10.2 mmoles per liter per hour at a phase ratio of 0.5. At this transfer rate, the biotransformation system appeared to be substrate mass-transfer limited. The reactor had an estimated power input in the order of 5 W. L(-1), which is close to values typically obtained with commercially operating units. The product could be easily purified by fractional distillation to a purity in excess of 97%. The process illustrates the feasibility of recombinant whole cell biotransformations in two-liquid phase systems with toxic substrates and products.  相似文献   

The quantitative carotenoid composition of the red flower petals of Adonis annua is reported. Optically pure (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin occurs both as a diester (64% of total carotenoid) and as a monoester (11%). The optical purity was determined by hydrolysis of the natural esters in the absence of oxygen and subsequent HPLC analysis of the paren -ketol esterified with (−)-camphanic acid. All non-animal sources hitherto examined synthesize pure 3S,3′S- or 3R,3′R-isomers of astaxanthin, whereas marine animal sources contain mixtures of all three optical isomers, including the meso form.  相似文献   

Enantio-convergent hydrolysis of racemic styrene oxides was achieved to prepare enantiopure (R)-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol by using two recombinant epoxide hydrolases (EHs) of a bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, and a marine fish, Mugil cephalus. The recombinant C. crescentus EH primarily attacked the benzylic carbon of (S)-styrene oxide, while the M. cephalus EH preferentially attacked the terminal carbon of (R)-styrene oxide, thus leading to the formation of (R)-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol as the main product. (R)-Phenyl-1,2-ethanediol was obtained with 90% enantiomeric excess and yield as high as 94% from 50 mM racemic styrene oxides in a one-pot process.  相似文献   

Various yeast strains were examined for the microbial reduction of ethyl-3-oxo-3-phenylpropanoate (OPPE) to ethyl-(S)-3-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoate (S-HPPE), which is the chiral intermediate for the synthesis of a serotonin uptake inhibitor, Fluoxetine. Kluyveromyces lactis KCTC 7133 was found as the most efficient strain in terms of high yield (83% at 50 mM) and high optical purity ee > 99% of S-HPPE. Based on the protein purification, activity analysis and the genomic analysis, a fatty acid synthase (FAS) was identified as the responsible β-ketoreductase. To increase the productivity, a recombinant Pichia pastoris GS115 over-expressing FAS2 (α-subunit of FAS) of K. lactis KCTC7133 was constructed. In the optimized media condition, the recombinant P. pastoris functionally over-expressed the FAS2. Recombinant P. pastoris showed 2.3-fold higher reductase activity compared with wild type P. pastoris. With the recombinant P. pastoris, the 91% yield of S-HPPE was achieved at 50 mM OPPE maintaining the high optical purity of the product (ee > 99%).  相似文献   

A crude lipase prepared from Carica pentagona Heilborn latex was explored as an effective enantioselective biocatalyst for the hydrolytic resolution of (R,S)-naproxen 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl ester in water-saturated organic solvents. Comparisons of the enzyme performance with that from Carica papaya lipase indicated that both lipases showed low tolerance to the hydrophilic solvent and were inhibited by (S)-naproxen and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol. Improvements on the enzyme activity and enantioselectivty were demonstrated when both lipases in partially purified forms were employed. By using the thermodynamic analysis, the enantiomeric discrimination was mainly driven by the difference of activation enthalpy for all reaction systems except for employing Carica papaya lipase as the biocatalyst for (R,S)-fenoprofen 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl thioester.  相似文献   

聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯[poly(ethylene terephthalate),PET]降解酶的发掘是国内外研究的热点。双(2-羟乙基)对苯二甲酸酯[bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalic acid,BHET]是PET降解过程的一种中间化合物,会与PET竞争酶的底物结合位点,从而抑制PET进一步降解。因此,探寻新型BHET降解酶,对进一步提高PET的降解效率具有促进作用。本研究通过基因挖掘发现了一种来源于浅黄糖丝菌(Saccharothrix luteola)参与PET降解过程的水解酶基因sle(ID:CP064192.1,5085270–5086049),其编码的蛋白质可以将BHET水解为单(2-羟乙基)对苯二甲酸酯[mono-(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate,MHET]和对苯二甲酸(terephthalic acid,TPA)。将BHET水解酶(Sle)通过重组质粒在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中异源表达,结果表明,在异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside,IPTG)诱导终浓度为0.4 mmol/L,诱导时长为12 h,诱导温度为20℃时蛋白的表达量最高。通过镍亲和层析、阴离子交换层析和凝胶过滤层析3步分离纯化,获得了高纯度的Sle重组蛋白;同时对其酶学性质进行了表征,Sle最适温度和pH分别为35℃和8.0,在25–35℃和pH 7.0–9.0区间内能保持80%以上的残余酶活,且金属离子Co^(2+)能提高酶活力;进一步通过同源序列及Sle复合物结构分析得知,该酶属于二烯酸内酯水解酶(dienelactone hydrolase,DLH)家族,具备该家族典型的催化三联体,预测其催化位点分别为S129、D175和H207,并初步分析了其催化机理。最后,利用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)鉴定了该酶能够特异性降解BHET生成MHET和TPA,属于BHET降解酶。本研究为生物酶法高效降解PET塑料提供了新的酶资源。  相似文献   

Several new microorganisms have been isolated from soil samples with high epoxide hydrolase activity toward ethyl 3,4-epoxybutyrate. Screening was performed by enrichment culture on alkenes as sole carbon source, followed by chiral gas chromatography. Eight strains were discovered with enantioselectivity from moderate to high level and identified as bacterial and yeast species. Cells were cultivated under aerobic condition at 30°C using glucose as carbon source and resting cells were used as biocatalysts for kinetic resolution of ethyl 3,4-epoxybutyrate. Among isolated microorganisms, Acinetobacter baumannii showed highest enantioselectivity for (S)-enantiomer, resulting in (R)-ethyl-3,4-epoxybutyrates (>99%ee, 46% yield). It is the first report on the fact that epoxide hydrolases originating from bacterial species of A. baumannii was applied to kinetic resolution of ethyl 3,4-epoxybutyrate in order to obtain enantiopure high-value-added (R)-ethyl-3,4-epoxybutyrate.  相似文献   

Optically active (S)-flurbiprofen was produced fed-batch-wisely in a lipase-catalyzed dispersed aqueous phase reaction system induced by succinyl β-cyclodextrin (suβ-CD). A highly concentrated 480 mM (S)-flurbiprofen, corresponding to 117.0 g/l, with an enantiomeric excess of 0.98 and conversion yield of 0.48 was obtained. (S)-Flurbiprofen produced in an inclusion complex form with suβ-CD was extractively purified using three-step procedures: decomplexation of (S)-flurbiprofen and residual (R)-flurbiprofen ethyl ester ((R)-FEE) using the ethyl acetate, dissolution of (S)-flurbiprofen from (R)-FEE using a sodium bicarbonate solution, and selective precipitation of (S)-flurbiprofen using 2-propanol. Consequently, an extremely high concentration of 420 mM (S)-flurbiprofen with an optical purity higher than 98% was recovered after purification.  相似文献   

A cytotoxic protein, isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PACT), was tested on red blood cells of rats and on black lipid membranes for changes of membrane permeability. In rat erythrocytes PACT induces lysis indicative of the formation of a leak permeable to monovalent ions. The dose response curve for the PACT-induced hemolysis demonstrates that the rate of lysis as well as the fraction of lytic cells increases with increasing toxin concentration. Furthermore, the leak pathway discriminates hydrophilic non-electrolytes according to their molecular weight. The findings indicate formation by PACT of a pore with an apparent radius of about 1.2 nm. In pure lipid membranes PACT forms hydrophilic pathways with moderate selectivity for small cations over small anions. The presence of cholesterol is a prerequisite for the occurrence of these PACT-induced permeability changes.  相似文献   

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