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异源四倍体鲫鲤雌雄差异的RAPD标记   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
异源四倍体鲫鲤是从红鲫和湘江野鲤的杂交后代选育出来的,已经形成了一个遗传性状稳定的四倍体鱼新种群。用异源四倍体鲫鲤(雄性)和二倍体白鲫(雌性)生产的三倍体湘云鲫已经在全国推广应用。因此,如果能够了解异源四倍体鲫鲤的性别分化机制,人为地控制异源四倍体鲫鲤的性别分化,生产出大量的超雄鱼,这对于三倍体湘云鲫的产业化生产有重要的意义。刘少军等对异源四倍体鲫鲤的染色体组型进行了分析,并没有发现异源四倍体鲫鲤有明显的特化的性染色体,这说明通过细胞遗传学研究异源四倍体鲫鲤的性别遗传机制是有困难的。    相似文献   

在优化RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)检测条件基础上,从134个随机引物中筛选出53个扩增较好且多态性强的引物,对异源四倍体鲫鲤第1代(G1)、第2代(G2)人工诱导的雌核发育二倍体后代群体的DNA多态性及分子标记进行了分析。结果显示,53个随机引物在G1群体和G2群体中检测到的位点数分别为541、511,其中多态性位点数分别为70、52,多态位点比例分别为12.94%、10.18%。两个群体的平均遗传距离分别为0.0732、0.0464。研究表明,经过连续2代人工雌核发育,G2的遗传多样性明显减少,种质进一步纯化。还从53个随机引物的扩增谱带中找到了2个引物(S50、S223)的特异扩增谱带,可以作为第1、2代雌核发育群体间的分子遗传标记。由计算机软件程序构建的分支系统树清晰地反映了两个雌核发育群体及其个体间的相互关系。    相似文献   

异源四倍体鲫鲤群体遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
湖南师范大学和湘阴县东湖渔场合作,经过10多年的研究,获得了两性可育的异源四倍体鲫鲤群体1—7,目前已经繁殖到了F14。异源四倍体鲫鲤具有4套染色体(4n=200),它们的遗传多样性水平怎么样?这是关系到异源四倍体鲫鲤这一新的种质资源能否生存和进化的问题,有必要从分子水平进行深入的研究。随机扩增多态DNA(Random Am-plified Polymorphic DNA,RAPD)是建立在PCR基础之上的一种DNA分子标记技术8,具有简便、快速、实验成本低等特点,因此被广泛应用于物种的遗传多样性分析、亲缘关系的探讨和系统进化等方面的研究9—15。本研究采用RAPD技术,检测了异源四倍体鲫鲤群体的遗传多样性水平,以期为异源四倍体鲫鲤的人工繁殖、种群复壮以及种质资源保护提供DNA水平上的依据。    相似文献   

Xiao J  Zou T  Chen Y  Chen L  Liu S  Tao M  Zhang C  Zhao R  Zhou Y  Long Y  You C  Yan J  Liu Y 《BMC genetics》2011,12(1):20-15


Crucian carp (abbreviated CC) belongs to the genus of Carassius within the family of Cyprinidae. It has been one of the most important freshwater species for Chinese aquaculture and is especially abundant in the Dongting water system of Hunan province. CC used to be considered as all diploid forms. However, coexistence of diploid (abbreviated 2nCC), triploid (abbreviated 3nCC) and tetraploid crucian carp (abbreviated 4nCC) population of the Dongting water system was first found by our recently researches.


We examined the ploidy level and compared biological characteristics in different ploidy CC. In reproductive mode, 2nCC was bisexual generative and 4nCC generated all-female offspring by gynogenesis. However, 3nCC generated progenies in two different ways. 3nCC produced bisexual triploid offspring fertilized with 3nCC spermatozoa, while it produced all-female triploid offspring by gynogenesis when its ova were activated by heterogenous spermatozoa. The complete mitochondrial DNA of three different ploidy fishes was sequenced and analyzed, suggesting no significant differences. Interestingly, microchromosomes were found only in 3nCC, which were concluded to be the result of hybridization. Allogenetic DNA fragments of Sox genes were obtained in 3nCC and 4nCC, which were absent in 2nCC. Phylogenetics analysis based on Sox4 gene indicated 3nCC and 4nCC formed a separate group from 2nCC.


In summary, this is the first report of the co-existence of three types of different ploidy crucian carps in natural waters in China. It was proved that the coexistence of different ploidy CC was reproductively maintained. We further hypothesized that 3nCC and 4nCC were allopolyploids that resulted from hybridization. The different ploidy CC population we obtained in this study possesses great significance for the study of polyploidization and the evolution of vertebrates.  相似文献   

银鲫两个雌核发育克隆间两性生殖子代的遗传多样性分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Based on the discovery of gonochoristic reproductive mode in silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), 18 individuals from the mated offspring between clone F and clone D and their parents were analyzed using 11 RAPD primers. The mated offspring differentiated into three phenotypes. One phenotype is similar to that of clone F (SF). The second is similar to that of clone D (SD). The third shows a novel longer and thinner body type (NL). Electrophoretogram results show abundant polymorhic DNA fragments among individuals in the FD mated offspring. Obviously, the polymorphic DNA fragments originate from the genome recombination owing to the gonochoristic reproductive mode. The FD mated offspring amplify different fingerprints from maternal, and their fingerprints are different from each other. These different DNA fragments can be divided into four groups according to their origin. The average genetic distance among individuals from the FD offspring (0.23 +/- 0.123) is much higher than that of allogynogenetic offspring, which is only about 0.01. Of the three phenotypes in the FD offspring, the average distances among SD is the highest (0.235 +/- 0.097). The next is SF phenotype, in which the average distances is 0.148 +/- 0.073. The average distances among NL is the lowest (0.094 +/- 0.083). The gonochoristic reproductive mode introduces high genotypic variability and underlines genetic diversity. A dendrogram was constructed by NJTREE cluster analysis based on a total of 2320 distinguishable fragments (116 per individual). NL3 and maternal are most closely related, and SD3 and paternal are most closely related. The average genetic distances between SD and SF or NL (> 0.31) is higher than that of between SF and NL (0.124). Consistent with previous study, the genetic distance between maternal and paternal is 0.35. The average genetic distances between FD offspring and parents are both about 0. 32. But the similarities among the three phenotypes in mated group FD offspring and parents are different. The similarity between SF and maternal (71%) is higher than similarities among other phenotypes and maternal. The similarity between SD and paternal (70%) is higher than similarities among other phenotypes and paternal. The results suggest the similarities among three phenotypes in the FD offspring and parents are related with their phenotypes because some DNA fragments specific for phenotypes were amplified in this study. The revelation about reproductive diversity will be able to open the door in which complicated mechanism has been locked in unisexual organisms for long time, and establish the important roles of silver crucian carp in the studies on evolutionary genetics in unisexual or polyploid vertebrates.  相似文献   

雌核发育银鲫子代中微卫星特异序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雌核发育个体的基因型基本上完全与母本相同,这是源于卵子发生过程中没有经过减数分裂.父本的遗传物质是在随机水平、亚基因组水平或基因组水平参与到子代的遗传重组过程,从而对长期突变积累的雌核发育生物基因组进行补偿,一直是遗传学家关注的问题.本文对雌核发育银鲫特异个体及父母本5个微卫星位点的扩增条带进行了克隆测序,相似性比对结果显示,特异个体所表现的父咎匾霥NA条带,序列结果与父本完全相同或相似(SCM4、SCM9、YJ5),并在某些位点上保留了母本的特异条带(YJ5),而个体本身特异的DNA条带与父母本的相似性均较高(SCM13).同时,所检测到的个体经越冬后查验为雌性个体,进一步进行同源繁育,研究变异条带在繁殖中的命运.连续2代的繁育检测结果表明,融合了父本特异性条带的银鲫个体在繁殖过程中仍行雌核发育的生殖方式,变异来的条带能够传递给子代,进一步证实同源雌核发育银鲫通过小概率两性融合事件丰富银鲫种群的遗传多样性[动物学报 53(3):537-544,2007].  相似文献   

An improved triploid crucian carp (ITCC) was produced by crossing improved tetraploids (G1×AT, ) with improved red crucian carp (IRCC, ), which were obtained by distant crossing and gynogenesis. The biological characteristics of ITCC, including the number and karyotype of chromosomes, gonadad and pituitary structures, phenotype, and growth rate are reported. ITCC possessed 150 chromosomes with the karyotype 33m+51sm+33st+33t. In the breeding season, both ovary-like and testis-like gonads of ITCC were unable to produce normal mature gametes. The ultrastructure of the pituitary of ITCC showed that most of the endocrine granules in gonadotrophic hormone (GTH) cells had not been re-leased, providing endocrinological evidence for the sterility of ITCC. Compared with triploid crucian carp (TCC) produced by mating Japanese crucian carp with allotetraploid hybrids, ITCC not only re-tained the excellent traits of fast growth rate and sterility, but also acquired improved morphological characteristics, including higher body, shorter tail and smaller head.  相似文献   

黑龙江水系不同倍性鲫鱼的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾智英  石连玉  刘晓峰  孙效文 《遗传》2008,30(11):1459-1465
摘要: 利用12对微卫星标记对黑龙江水系6个野生鲫鱼不同倍性群体进行遗传结构分析。结果表明: 6个采集群体的平均等位基因数为5.8~6.8, 平均有效等位基因数为2.8~4.6, 平均期望杂合度为0.5592~0.6962, 平均多态信息含量为0.5962~0.6481, 说明这几个群体遗传多样性水平较高。根据d值, 各群体均有不同程度的偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡的现象, 均表现为杂合度过度。Kruskal-Wallis 检验表明两种倍性、6个采集群体鲫鱼遗传多样性差异不显著, 没有发现三倍体鲫由于倍性增加而出现额外的等位基因片段。群体间基因分化系数(GST)为0.0398, 表明群体间存在轻度遗传分化。聚类分析表明, 同水体两种鲫鱼亲缘关系最近, 不同采集群体间松花江与乌苏里江分化最小, 月亮湾与新荒泡其次, 双凤水库群体分化最大  相似文献   

Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) increases in body depth in response to chemical cues from piscivores and the deeper body constitutes a morphological defence against gape-limited piscivores. In the field, deep-bodied individuals suffer a density-dependent cost when competing with shallow-bodied conspecifics. Here, we use hydrodynamic theory and swimming respirometry to investigate the proposed mechanism underlying this effect, high drag caused by the deep-bodied morphology. Our study confirms that drag is higher for deep-bodied crucian carp, both in terms of estimated theoretical drag and power curve steepness. However, deep-bodied fish swimming at the velocity associated with minimum cost of transport, U mc, did not experience higher costs of transport than shallow-bodied fish. Deep-bodied crucian carp had significantly lower standard metabolic rates, i.e. metabolic rates at rest, and also lower U mc, and the resulting costs of transport were similar for the two morphs. Nevertheless, when deep-bodied individuals deviate from U mc, e.g. when increasing foraging effort under competition, their steeper power curves will cause substantial energy costs relative to shallow-bodied conspecifics. Furthermore, there is evidence that reductions in standard metabolic rate incur costs in terms of lower stress tolerance, reduced growth rate, and life history changes. Thus, this work provides links between hydrodynamics, a cost-reducing mechanism, and a density-dependent fitness cost associated with an inducible defence. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

In this study, we conducted a cross of white crucian carp(♀)×red crucian carp(♂)(WR), and characterized the morphology, reproduction and genetics of the progeny. Different from parents, WR with the gray color showed the hybrid morphological traits of both parents. WR possessed normal gonads producing mature eggs or sperm, and exhibited high fertilization rate(90.2%) and high hatchery rate(80.5%), which contributed to produce and enlarge the population. WR with the same DNA content as parents was a diploid fish with 100 chromosomes(2n=100). Amplified ITS of 45 S r DNA, in WR the sequences consisting of 884 bp bases of the entire ITS-1 region, 5.8 S region, and entire ITS-2 region. The sequences showed high similarity between WR and its parents and leaned towards male inheritance. In WR, NTS of 5S r DNA consisted of three length types with total 654 bp bases. From sequence analysis of NTS, WR shared 94.2% and 95.1% similarities with their female and male parent, respectively. Sequence analysis of ITS and NTS revealed that there existed recombination and variation in the hybrid progeny, which was the genetic base for adaptation and speciation. In conclusion, we obtained WR from hybridization and it exhibited hybrid traits in morphology and variation in genetic composition showing essential difference with its parents. The obtainment of WR has important significance in fish genetic breeding.  相似文献   

Guo X  Liu S  Liu Y 《Genetics》2006,172(3):1745-1749
In this study, we report the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the allotetraploid and triploid crucian carp and compare the complete mtDNA sequences between the triploid crucian carp and its female parent Japanese crucian carp and between the triploid crucian carp and its male parent allotetraploid. Our results indicate that the complete mtDNA nucleotide identity (98%) between the triploid crucian carp and its male parent allotetraploid was higher than that (93%) between the triploid crucian carp and its female parent Japanese crucian carp. Moreover, the presence of a pattern of identity and difference at synonymous sites of mitochondrial genomes between the triploid crucian carp and its parents provides direct evidence that triploid crucian carp possessed the recombination mtDNA fragment (12,759 bp) derived from the paternal fish. These results suggest that mtDNA recombination was derived from the fusion of the maternal and paternal mtDNAs. Compared with the haploid egg with one set of genome from the Japanese crucian carp, the diploid sperm with two sets of genomes from the allotetraploid could more easily make its mtDNA fuse with the mtDNA of the haploid egg. In addition, the triple hybrid nature of the triploid crucian carp probably allowed its better mtDNA recombination. In summary, our results provide the first evidence of mtDNA combination in polyploid fish.  相似文献   

The gynogenetic silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is a unique model system for studying evolutionary genetics and selective breeding, owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Five gynogenetic clones were analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, using 30 10-nucleotide-long primers. Twenty-six primers produced well-amplified DNA fragments with reproducible banding patterns, and 24 primers were polymorphic. Nearly identical banding patterns were observed among individuals within each clone, suggesting that each clone might possess a specific pattern owing to its gynogenesis. In contrast, the RAPD patterns of the five clones differed from each other. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using UPGMA cluster analysis based on a total of 3,744 distinguishable fragments (156 per individual). Average genetic distances within and among the five clones clearly indicated their intraclonal homogeneity, interclonal heterogeneity, and phylogenetic relationships. Clones A and P were the most closely related, whereas the most divergence was seen between clone D and clone E or F. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored from 24 primers after excluding bands that were monomorphic for the five clones. Most primers corresponding to the polymorphic fragments amplified reproducible markers specific for one clone or that were shared by two, three, or four clones. Several primers (e.g., Opj-1, Opj-7, and Opp-10) produced abundant banding patterns that could be used to discriminate between the five clones. Markers specific for one or two clones were also identified. The RAPD markers identified in this study will likely benefit evolutionary genetics and selective breeding studies.  相似文献   

Predation risk and feeding patterns of crucian carp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of an experimental study of the direct and indirect effects of piscivory on prey fish, the diets of crucian carp Carassius carassius were compared across sections of a divided pond; two sections were stocked with crucian carp alone and two with crucian carp plus perch Perca fluviatilis . Analysis of crucian gut contents indicated that the composition of invertebrate prey did not differ in the presence v . absence of perch. However, crucians, particularly small individuals (<10cm) that were most vulnerable to predation, displayed a lower intake of invertebrate prey in sections with perch. Although diet composition differed between crucians caught in inshore v. offshore habitats (with habitat use being related to crucian size and the presence or absence of perch), no clear pattern existed between habitat and total food intake. Overall, the major effects of predators on the diet of crucian carp appeared to be caused by increased ecological density (resulting from confinement of small crucians inshore) and reduced activity levels, rather than simple shifts to safer habitats.  相似文献   

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