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Abstract DNA base composition was determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). DNA was hydrolysed into nucleosides with nuclease P1 and bacterial alkaline phosphatase. The mixture of nucleosides was applied to HPLC without any further purification. One determination by chromatography needed 2 μg of hydrolysed nucleosides and took only 8 min. The relative standard error of nucleoside analysis was less than 1%. The system described here gives a direct and precise method for determining DNA base composition.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-Δ1-pyrrolinium chloride, the product of the title enzyme, was synthesized by methylation of aminobutyraldehyde diethylacetal followed by acidic cleavage. After purification to homogeneity, it was characterized by NMR and UV spectroscopy. The compound had an absorption maximum at 210 nm; previous data indicating a maximum at 267 nm were shown to arise from an impurity. An HPLC method for the assay of N-methylputrescine oxidase from plant material was developed based on the separation of N-methyl-Δ1-pyrrolinium chloride on a cation exchange column and direct detection at 210 nm. The enzyme activity was measured in the protein fraction extracted from plant roots and treated by gel filtration on disposable PD 10 columns. A Km value of 1.9 mM was determined for methylputrescine and the enzyme from tobacco roots. The enzyme activities from N. tabacum and Datura stramonium were compared.  相似文献   

The DNA base composition of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi was determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and compared with that of Rickettsia rickettsii. The G+C contents were 28.1 to 30.5 mol% for R. tsutsugamushi and 32.1 mol% for R. rickettsii.  相似文献   

The menaquinone composition of some species of the genus Micrococcus was analysed by high performance liquid chromatography. Both unsaturated and hydrogenated menaquinones were detected. Micrococcus kristinae, M. lylae and M. nishinomiyaensis contained hydrogenated menaquinones while M. sedentarius contained unsaturated menaquinone. The predominant menaquinone isoprenologues of these species are MK- 7 (H2), MK- 8 (H2), MK- 8 (H2) and MK- 8 , respectively. These observations confirm further the heterogeneity of the genus.  相似文献   

HPLC法测定牙膏中柚皮苷的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
覃青云  卢凯玲 《广西植物》2009,29(5):707-709
建立了高效液相色谱测定牙膏中柚皮苷含量的方法。采用的色谱条件:Hypersil BDS C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);柱温为40℃;以水(A相)和乙腈(B相),梯度洗脱程序为:0~15 min,10%~100%B;流速为1.0 mL/min;检测波长为283 nm;进样量为20μL。结果表明,柚皮苷的质量浓度在14.55~116.40μg/mL范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9999),平均加标回收率为97.56%。该方法稳定、准确,重现性好,可作为牙膏中柚皮苷的含量测定和质量控制方法。  相似文献   

杨娟 《工业微生物》2022,52(1):20-23
建立了以混合溶剂直接提取测定蜂蜜中甘油含量的方法.采用ZORBAX Carbohydrate a-nalysis(4.6 mm×250 mm 5-Micro)色谱柱,以乙腈/水(80:20,v/v)为流动相,示差检测器,使用乙腈/甲醇/水混合作为溶剂快速检测甘油.结果表明,应用此法的甘油浓度在10.0 mg/L~250...  相似文献   

Puerarin, an isoflavone C-glycoside, has been identified as the major active component isolated from Pueraria lobata (Kudzu) responsible for suppression of alcohol drinking. In order to conduct clinical studies of Kudzu's efficacy, a method for measuring its bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profile is needed. We have developed a gradient reversed-phase HPLC system for pharmacokinetic study of puerarin in human plasma. Solid-phase extraction was performed on an abselut Nexus cartridge (60 mg/3 ml) possessing adsorbent function with a recovery of >97% and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid was used as an internal standard. The HPLC assay was performed on a YMC ODS-A column (150 mm x 4.6mm i.d., 5 microm particle size). The HPLC mobile phase consisted of methanol/0.5% acetic acid with 20-35% methanol gradient at a flow-rate of 0.8 ml/min. The UV wavelength was set at 254 nm. Calibration of the overall analytical procedure gave a linear signal (r>0.999) over a puerarin concentration range of 5-500 ng/ml in human plasma. The lower limit of quantification was ca. at 8 ng/ml of puerarin in plasma. The detection limit (defined as signal-to-noise ratio of about 3) was approximately 3 ng/ml. The preliminary pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of the Kudzu capsules containing 400mg of puerarin to a healthy volunteer confirmed that the present method was suitable for determining puerarin in human plasma.  相似文献   

A novel procedure is described for the chemical synthesis of N-methylputrescine, the product of the title enzyme. This is obtained from putrescine by formylation followed by the reduction of the monoformylputrescine intermediate with LiA1H4. An assay method for putrescine N-methyltransferase was developed which depends on the determination of N-methylputrescine in the presence of an excess of putrescine. This method, which makes use of a radiolabeled substrate unnecessary, is based on dansylation of the product followed by HPLC separation on a reversed-phase column. The enzyme activity of the protein peak extracted from plant material was measured after treatment by gel filtration on prepacked disposable PD 10 columns. The specific enzyme activities determined in the extract from the roots of Nicotiana tabacum and Datura stramonium plants, and from a root culture of D. stramonium, are reported. With an enzyme preparation from the last root culture, Km values for putrescine and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) were determined as 0.88 mM and 0.15 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

The turnover rates for hydrolysis by nuclease P1 of the 16 unmodified dideoxynucleoside monophosphates were measured. In addition, the turnover rates were measured in a variety of dideoxynucleoside monophosphates containing free radical-induced base modifications. The modified bases included cis-5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymine (thymine glycol), 5,6-dihydrothymine, 5-hydroxymethyuracil, 8-hydroxyguanine, 5-hydroxy-5-methylhydantoin and the formamido remnant which can be derived from either a thymine or a cytosine base. The turnover rate for dinucleoside monophosphates containing 4,8-dihydro-4-hydroxy-8-oxo-guanine modifications, which are induced by singlet oxygen, were also measured. A model was devised for the hydrolysis of DNA by nuclease P1 which uses the observed turnover rates as parameters. The model predicts the abundance of monomers and dimers as hydrolysis proceeds. Whereas the level of monomers increases monotonically, the level of each dimer first increases and then falls off. There are advantages to phosphorylating dimers, as compared with monomers, using polynucleotide kinase. Consequently this model may be of interest in connection with 32P-postlabeling applied to the measurement of DNA damage in nuclease P1 partial hydrolysates of DNA.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical hybrid hemoglobins formed in mixtures of Hb A and Hb S, Hb F and Hb S, Hb S and Hb York(beta 146 His----Pro), and Hb A and Hb York were separated by high performance liquid chromatography on cation and anion exchange columns under anaerobic conditions. The ratio of the hybrid hemoglobin to the total mixture was consistently lower than that theoretically expected and decreased with longer elution times. The hybrid tetramer appears to be unstable even under anaerobic conditions and dissociates into alpha beta dimers. The time course of dissociation of the hybrid hemoglobins was determined by varying the separation programs and thus separating the hybrid hemoglobin at different elution times. The rate of the dissociation of the hybrid hemoglobins studied follows first order kinetics. The lines representing the time course of dissociation of hybrid hemoglobins were extrapolated to time 0 to determine the fraction of the hybrid hemoglobin in the mixture prior to separation. The values obtained for equimolar mixtures of Hb A and Hb S and Hb York and Hb S or Hb A were in agreement with the expected theoretical value (50%). In contrast, the value obtained for hybrid hemoglobin FS was slightly less (about 40%). AY and SY hybrid hemoglobins dissociated into dimers at a considerably faster rate than did AS and FS hybrid hemoglobins, possibly because of the mutation at the beta 146-position in hybrid hemoglobins containing alpha beta Y dimers. This mutation hinders the formation of salt bridges that normally stabilize the "T" quaternary conformation. Since such hybrid hemoglobins have a partial "R" conformation even when deoxygenated, their rate of dissociation to dimers is expected to increase.  相似文献   

必特螺旋霉素是运用基因工程技术获得的工程茵产生的一组以异戊酰螺旋霉素为主要成分的多组分新型抗生素,其前体为乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和异戊酸等有机酸。本研究利用高效液相色谱法以0.01mol/L磷酸缓冲液(pH2.3)和甲醇为流动相,分别在反相C8(α-酮戊二酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、丙酸)和C18(丁酸、异戊酸)柱上定量测定了必特螺旋霉素前体酸和三羧酸循环相关有机酸。所建立的测定方法的相对标准偏差为0.10%~0.42%,回收率为93.19%~102.08%。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法检测发酵液中木糖和木糖醇   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
方宏  曾健智  张厚瑞 《广西植物》2004,24(3):275-277,198
建立高效液相色谱检测发酵液中木糖和木糖醇含量的分析方法。色谱柱为HypersilNH2 柱 (4 .6mmi.d.× 2 5 0mm ,5 μm) ,柱温 3 5℃ ,流动相为乙腈—水 (80∶2 0 ) ,流速 1 .0mL .min 1,示差折光检测器检测。木糖和木糖醇在 3 .0~ 60mg.mL 1范围内 ,峰面积与其浓度线性关系良好 (г=0 .9995 ) ;平均回收率分别为 96.0 7% (n =5 ,RSD =0 .5 1 % )和 97.47% (n =5 ,RSD =1 .1 3 % )。方法简便、快速、准确。  相似文献   

The purine and pyrimidine bases of E. gracilis have been separated using a high-pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC). Each base was unambiguously identified by its characteristic elution profile and UV absorption spectrum. This method allows for the study of the base composition of mRNAs altered by pathological processes, exemplified here by the analysis and comparison of mRNAs from zinc sufficient and deficient organisms.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for determining free amino acids in burley tobacco. The test was done by OPA/3-mercaptopropionic acid as the pre-column derivatizing reagent. Chromatographic column was Elitte C18 column (4.6 mm × 250 mm i.d., 5 μm). Mobile phase A was 18 mol/l NaAc (pH7.2) including 0.002%(v/v) triethylamine and 0.3%(v/v) furanidine. Mobile phase B was 100 mol/l NaAc (pH7.2)–acetonitrile–methanol (v/v = 1:2:2). The column temperature was 40 °C and the flow rate was 1.0 ml/min. The fluorescence detector was used with 350 nm excitation wave length and 450 nm emission wave length. The average recoveries of the method ranged from 95.3–100.7% with the relative standard deviation of 2.32–9.24%. The method is simple, accurate and has good repeatability. The results of the determination of seventeen kinds of free amino acids in burley leaves were produced by the way of different ratios of cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. The results show that Aspartic acid has the highest content however ratio of cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. The contents of most of the free amino acids are increased and then gradually decreased with the increase in organic manure. The contents of most of the free amino acids are very close at 15:85% ratio and 30:70% ratio of cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. The total amount of free amino acids is the highest at 30:70% ratio of cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Considering comprehensively, the quality of burley leaves is the best at 30:70% ratio of cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer.  相似文献   

A HPLC method to determine and quantify tylosin residues from calves, pigs and poultry is reported. This procedure permitted tylosin to be separated from muscle, liver, kidney and fat after a simple extraction with chloroform or ethyl acetate under basic conditions. The analytical methodology showed a high specificity and sensitivity and an adequate precision and accuracy with a limit of quantification of 50 microg/kg. Eight calves were administered 20 mg/kg/day of tylosin for 5 days and slaughtered at 7 and 14 days post-administration. Results showed that at the 14th day tylosin levels were lower than the MRL in all target tissues.  相似文献   

生物脱硫是利用微生物脱除气体和石油中的含硫化合物,具有操作条件温和、工艺流程简单、脱硫效率高、能量消耗低和环境污染少等优点。但是,当前仍然缺乏简单高效的分析方法来定量分析生物脱硫过程中的含硫化合物。针对这个问题,建立了柱前荧光衍生高效液相色谱法同时测定生物脱硫溶液中的亚硫酸盐、硫代硫酸盐和硫化物的分析方法。该分析方法中含硫化合物的标准曲线具有良好的线性关系,亚硫酸盐、硫代硫酸盐和硫化物相关系数分别为0.999 46、0.999 67和0.999 65,其检测限分别为0.000 6 μmol/L、0.000 7 μmol/L和0.001 1 μmol/L;含硫化合物的加标回收率范围分别为98.17%–101.92%、100.90%–102.60%和101.11%–104.22%;并具有良好的重复性和稳定性。实验证明,该分析方法预处理简单、分析快速、结果准确,可用于同时测定不同生物脱硫系统中的含硫化合物。  相似文献   

A sensitive and reproducible high performance liquid chromatography method with UV detection was described for the determination of aesculin in rat plasma. After deproteinization by methanol using metronidazole as internal standard (I.S.), solutes were evaporated to dryness at 40 degrees C under a gentle stream of nitrogen. The residue was reconstituted in 100 microl of mobile phase and a volume of 20 microl was injected into the HPLC for analysis. Solutes were separated on a Diamonsil C18 column (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d., 5 microm particle size, Dikma) protected by a ODS guard column (10 mm x 4.0 mm i.d., 5 microm particle size), using acetonitrile-0.1% triethylamine solution (adjusted to pH 3.0 using phosphoric acid) (10:90, v/v) as mobile phase (flow-rate 1.0 ml/min), and wavelength of the UV detector was set at 338 nm. No interference from any endogenous substances was observed during the elution of aesculin and internal standard (I.S., metronidazole). The retention times for I.S and aesculin were 10.4 and 12.4 min, respectively. The limit of quantification was evaluated to be 57.4 ng/ml and the limit of detection was 24.0 ng/ml. The method was used in the study of pharmacokinetics of aesculin after intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) administration in rats.  相似文献   

A new method of analysis has been developed and validated for the determination of firocoxib, a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) approved for use in horses and dogs to control pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. Following a liquid extraction using ethyl acetate:hexane (40:60), samples were separated by isocratic reversed-phase HPLC on a Sunfire C(18) column and quantified using UV detection at 290 nm. The mobile phase was a mixture of water with 0.025% trifluoroacetic acid and acetonitrile, with a flow-rate of 1.1 ml/min. The procedure produced a linear curve over the concentration range 5-1500 ng/ml with a lower limit of quantification of 5 ng/ml. Intra- and inter-assay variability was less than 7%. The average recovery was 98%. The method is suitable for the analysis of clinical samples from pharmacokinetic studies and can also be used for small volume sample sizes.  相似文献   

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