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Human milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was purified by heparin-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The time required for the purification was approximately 2 h. The acetone-diethyl ether powder of milk cream was extracted by a 0.1% Triton X-100 buffer solution and the extract was applied to the heparin-Sepharose 4B column. The partially purified LPL eluted by heparin had a specific activity of 5120 units/mg which represented a 2500-fold purification of the enzyme. The LPL was found to be stable in the heparin solution for at least 2 days at 4 °C. This enzyme preparation was found to be free of the bile salt-activated lipase activity, esterase activity, and cholesterol esterase activity. The LPL had no demonstrable basal activity with emulsified triolein in the absence of a serum cofactor. The enzyme was activated by serum and by apolipoprotein C-II. The application of milk LPL to studies on the in vitro degradation of human very low density lipoproteins can result in a 90–97% triglyceride hydrolysis. The LPL degraded very low density lipoprotein triglyceride and phospholipid without any effect on cholesterol esters. Of the partial glycerides potentially generated by lipolysis with milk LPL, only monoglycerides were present in measurable amounts after 60 min of lipolysis. These results show that the partially purified human milk LPL with its high specific activity and ease of purification represents a very suitable enzyme preparation for studying the kinetics and reaction mechanisms involved in the lipolytic degradation of human triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Treatment of malic enzyme with arginine-specific reagents phenylglyoxal or 2,3-butanedione results in pseudo-first-order loss of oxidative decarboxylase activity. Inactivation by phenylglyoxal is completely prevented by saturating concentrations of NADP+, Mn2+, and substrate analog hydroxymalonate. Double log plots of pseudo-first-order rate constant versus concentration yield straight lines with identical slopes of unity for both reagents, suggesting that reaction of one molecule of reagent per active site is associated with activity loss. In parallel experiments, complete inactivation is accompanied by the incorporation of four [14C]phenylglyoxal molecules, and the loss of two arginyl residues per enzyme subunit, as determined by the colorimetric method of Yamasaki et al (R. B. Yamasaki, D. A. Shimer, and R. E. Feeney (1981) Anal. Biochem., 14, 220–226). These results confirm a 2:1 ratio for the reaction between phenylglyoxal and arginine (K. Takahashi (1968) J. Biol. Chem., 243, 6171–6179) and yield a stoichiometry of two arginine residues reacted per subunit for complete inactivation, of which one is essential for enzyme activity as determined by the statistical method of Tsou (C. L. Tsou (1962) Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sinica, 2, 203–211) and the Ray and Koshland analysis (W. J. Ray and D. E. Koshland (1961) J. Biol. Chem., 236, 1973–1979). Amino acid analysis of butanedione-modified enzyme also shows loss of arginyl residues, without significant decrease in other amino acids. Modification by phenylglyoxal does not significantly affect the affinity of this enzyme for NADPH. Binding of l-malate and its dicarboxylic acid analogs oxalate and tartronate is abolished upon modification, as is binding of the monocarboxylic acid α-hydroxybutyrate. The latter result indicates binding of the C-1 carboxyl group of the substrate to an arginyl residue on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Rat hearts, extensively washed with cold 0.15 M NaCl solution, were perfused with 5 ml of 0.15 M NaCl containing 16 U of heparin and 10% glycerol to release endothelium-bound lipoprotein lipase. Approximately 100 mU of enzyme activity could be released from each heart (weighing about 1.7 g). Several hearts could be sequentially perfused with the same heparin solution to enrich it in lipase activity. When compared with other equally rapid and frequently used sources of rat lipoprotein lipase (such as heart acetone powder or postheparin plasma), our enzyme preparation had a much higher specific activity suggesting that a greater purification level had been already achieved in a single step. In addition, this lipoprotein lipase preparation contained only trace amounts of lipids, was stable for an hour at 37 degrees C and retained 75% of its activity after 10 days at 4 degrees C. The described procedure is a quick way to prepare a soluble, partially purified and relatively stable lipoprotein lipase that may be useful especially for the in vitro preparation of triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein remnants.  相似文献   

Peptides isolated from several lactate dehydrogenases (EC have been characterized and sequenced. These peptides include much of the substrate binding site as well as the loop of polypeptide chain which shows major conformational changes following coenzyme binding. Despite significant differences in catalytic properties, the amino acid sequence in these two active site regions of the molecule is highly conserved in most cases. A noteable exception is cysteine 165 which at one time was thought to be essential for enzymatic activity. The lactate dehydrogenases investigated were isolated from rabbit muscle, chicken heart, beef heart, and lobster tail.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from spinach was inactivated by a carboxyl-directed reagent, Woodward's reagent K ( WRK ). The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. The reaction order with respect to inactivation by WRK was 1.1, suggesting that inactivation was the consequence of modifying a single residue per active site. The substrate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RBP), two competitive inhibitors, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate (SBP), and a number of sugars-phosphate protected against inactivation by WRK . SBP was a strong protector, displaying a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3 microM with native RBP carboxylase. Pretreatment of RBP carboxylase with diethyl pyrocarbonate prevented WRK incorporation into the enzyme. The enol ester derivative produced by reaction of WRK with RBP carboxylase has a maximal absorbance at 346 nm, and the extinction coefficient was found to be 12300 +/- 700 M-1 cm-1. Spectrophotometric titration of the number of carboxyl groups modified by WRK in RBP carboxylase/oxygenase in the presence and in the absence of SBP suggests that inactivation was associated with the modification of one carboxyl group per active site.  相似文献   

Human liver alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes the 3β OH group of digitoxigenin, digoxigenin and gitoxigenin, the pharmacologically active principles of the corresponding cardiac glycosides. The oxidation products were identified by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Ethanol and digitoxigenin are competitive, and the efficiency of their oxidation is virtually the same. Thus, liver alcohol dehydrogenase is a hitherto unknown NAD(H) dependent enzyme that performs the first and major step in the inactivation of these genins of the cardiac glycosides in the human. This could bear importantly both on the pharmacology and toxicology of digitalis therapy.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol-1-phosphate synthase [EC; 1L-myo-inositol-1-phosphate lyase, (isomerizing)] from Pinus ponderosa pollen has been partially purified and characterized. It has a pH optimum between 7.25 and 7.75. The km for D-glucose 6-phosphate (NAD+ constant at 1 mM) is 0.33 mM. Inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide, and partial protection against this inhibition by D-glucose 6-phosphate in the presence of NAD+, suggests that there is sulfhydryl group involvement at the substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Data are presented which demonstrate that the α-N-benzoyl-l-argine ethyl ester rate assay procedure, based on a burst titration with N-benzyloxy-carbonyl-l-tyrosine p-nitrophenyl ester as previously desribed (1), is an accurate and reliable method for determining the normality of papain in solution.  相似文献   

Poly-4-thiouridylic acid acts as messenger RNA for polyphenylalanine synthesis in an in vitro protein synthesizing system. When a complex consisting of ribosomes, poly-4-thiouridylic acid and Phe-tRNA is irradiated at 300 to 400 nm, covalent bonds between this messenger RNA and protein S 1 are formed.  相似文献   

A helix destabilizing protein, the product of gene 32 (gp32) of bacteriophage T4, was subjected to limited proteolysis to produce three types of products with differing affinities for DNA. Previous work has suggested that the 18 amino acids at the N-terminus are required for tight binding to single-stranded DNA (Hosoda &; Moise, 1978). This paper reports the sequence of the N-terminal region and predicts the amino acid residues responsible for DNA binding.  相似文献   

As an extension of the method of scanning active enzyme chromatography we have introduced the option of halting flow while the enzyme is still present on the column. Once the flow has been halted, continuous monitoring of the absorbancy profile provides information on the relative distribution of the enzyme activity. When the baseline is relatively stable, one can detect very low levels of enzyme activity and thus monitor for the presence of small amounts of active enzyme of molecular weight different from that of the predominant form. This gives a significant improvement over regular active enzyme chromatography in the qualitative detection of molecular weight heterogeneity, by in effect reducing the noise level of the experiment. The method has been applied to several systems including aldolase from rabbit muscle, pyruvate dehydrogenase, and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase of bovine heart and hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from yeast.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase from the uropygial gland of goose was inactivated by iodoacetamide with a second-order rate constant of 1.3 M-1 S-1 at pH 6.0 and 25 degrees C. Of the seven component activities of the synthase, only the condensation activity was significantly inhibited by iodoacetamide modification. Since preincubation of the enzyme with acetyl-CoA, but not with malonyl-CoA, protected the enzyme from inactivation by iodoacetamide, it is suggested that iodoacetamide probably modified the primer-binding thiol group at the condensation active site. Determination of the stoichiometry of modification was done using [1-14C]iodoacetamide that was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Graphical analysis of the data showed that binding of 1.2 carboxamidomethyl groups per subunit of fatty acid synthase would result in complete inhibition of the enzyme activity, suggesting that there is one condensation domain per subunit of fatty acid synthase. Analysis of the tryptic peptide map of the enzyme that was modified with [1-14C]iodoacetamide in the presence and absence of acetyl-CoA revealed that acetyl-CoA prevented the labeling of a major radioactive peptide and a minor radioactive peptide. These two peptides were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Amino acid analysis of these two peptides revealed that the major radioactive peptide contained S-carboxymethylcysteine while the minor radioactive peptide did not. However, the latter peptide contained beta-alanine, suggesting that this peptide was from the acyl carrier protein segment of fatty acid synthase and that the iodoacetamide treatment resulted in modification of the pantetheine thiol, although to a lower extent than the primer-binding thiol. The sequence of the primer-binding active site peptide from the condensation domain was H2N-Gly-Pro-Ser-Leu-Ser-Ile-Asp- Thr-Ala-Cys(carboxamidomethyl)-X-Ser-Ser-Leu-Met-Ala-Leu-Glu-Asn-A la-Tyr-Lys- COOH, the first reported sequence of the condensation active site from a vertebrate fatty acid synthase. The acyl carrier protein segment showed extensive sequence homology with the acyl carrier protein of Escherichia coli, particularly in the vicinity of the phosphopantetheine attachment, and the sequence was H2N-Asp-Val-Ser-Ser-Leu- Asn-Ala-Asp-Ser-Thr-Leu-Ala-Asp-Leu-Gly-Leu-Asp-Ser(4'-phosphopanteth ein e) -Leu-Met-Gly-Val-Glu-Val-Arg-COOH.  相似文献   

Condensation of adenosine with unsymmetrical ketones leads to 2′,3′-O-alkylidene acetals with a new chiral center. The diastereoisomers were separated chromatographically, and the ratio of products was found to be 3:1. The configuration of the new chiral centers was determined by nmr spectrosopy. The diastereoisomers were used as stereochemical probes for the active site of adenosine deaminase. By determination of the Km values it was shown that the binding of the S-diastereoisomers is strongly decreased in comparison with the R-compounds. The data imply a close proximity of the 2′,3′-site of the ribose moiety to the active site of adenosine deaminase.  相似文献   

Feeding of the antioxidant ethoxyquin to rats leads to an increase of epoxide hydratase activity in liver microsomes. The apparent half life of the increase is 3–4 days. Elevation of epoxide hydratase activity is also obtained by intraperitoneal treatment of mice with ethoxyquin. This elevation is prevented by concomitant treatment with cycloheximide. When radiolabelled leucine is incorporated into microsomal protein by liver cell fractions from either ethoxyquin-fed or untreated rats, gel electrophoresis reveals that ethoxyquin feeding increases incorporation into epoxide hydratase. These results suggest that the elevation of epoxide hydratase activity by ethoxyquin is due to increased biosynthesis of the enzyme, i.e. enzyme induction.  相似文献   

A sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) from bovine and human adrenals has been developed. Anti-TH antibody was prepared from bovine adrenal TH. The assay system consisted of an antibody F(ab')2 immobilized on polystyrene beads as a solid phase and of beta-D-galactosidase-conjugated antibody. This method was highly sensitive and specific for the assay of TH. Human adrenal TH level was determined by similar sensitivity as bovine adrenal TH, suggesting the presence of common antigenic sites between human and bovine adrenal enzymes. The presence of inactive or less active forms of TH in human adrenals was revealed by purification of the enzyme and monitoring with this enzyme immunoassay as well as with enzyme activity assay.  相似文献   

The question of whether the acrosome reaction, which leads to fertilization, occurs in intact sperm bound to the zona pellucida of the egg or in intact sperm before contact with the egg, was addressed by assessing the effect of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) on the two types of acrosome reaction. QNB is a specific inhibitor of the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs by mouse sperm. Mouse spermatozoa in suspension underwent acrosome reactions at a low rate, which could be accelerated by addition of 5 μM divalent cation ionophore A23187; the occurrence of such acrosome reactions was not inhibited by QNB. The rate at which acrosome reactions occurred in sperm bound to the zona pellucida of cumulus-free eggs, bound to isolated zonae, or exposed to acid-solubilized zona components, was greatly accelerated relative to that observed in the absence of zonae. These acrosome reactions were strongly inhibited by QNB at concentrations which inhibit the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs in vitro. These data suggest that the zona pellucida can induce acrosome reactions in mouse spermatozoa and that these acrosome reactions are the ones which lead to the fertilization of zona-intact eggs. In contrast, the acrosome rection in sperm which are not in contact with the zona is not associated with fertilization of zona-intact eggs.  相似文献   

Brain slices prepared from 20-day old rats were incubated with [3H]palmitic acid to study its incorporation into myelin proteins. After separation by SDS-PAGE, most of the label was found to be associated with the major proteolipid protein (PLP) and with the intermediate protein (I). The radioactivity measured in PLP at short incubation times was shown to be due to palmitic acid bound to the protein by ester linkages. Time-course incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into PLP of fraction SN4 (a myelin like membrane) and of purified myelin showed that the former was poorly labeled and no relationship of the type ‘precursor-product’ between these fractions could be detected. Incorporation of the fatty acid into PLP was not affected by inhibition of the synthesis or transport of myelin PLP with cycloheximide or colchicine, indicating that the pool of PLP that can be acylated must be larger than the extramyelin pool. Addition of unlabeled palmitic acid to the incubation medium, 30 min after the addition of [3H]palmitate, stopped the appearance of label in myelin PLP almost immediately, indicating that there is no significant extramyelin pool of PLP destined for transport into myelin. The results presented in this paper strongly suggest that esterification of PLP takes place in the myelin membrane or at a site very close to it.  相似文献   

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