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Ischemic preconditioning affords the most powerful protection to a heart submitted to a prolonged ischemia-reperfusion. During the past decade, a huge amount of work allowed to better understand the features of this protective effect as well as the molecular mechanisms. Ischemic preconditioning reduces infarct size and improves functional recovery; its effects on arrhythmias remain debated. Triggering of the protection involves cell surface receptors that activate pro-survival pathways including protein kinase C, PI3-kinase, possibly Akt and ERK1/2, whose downstream targets remain to be determined. Much attention has been recently focused on the role of mitochondrial K(+)ATP channels and the permeability transition pore that seem to play a major role in the progression toward irreversible cellular injury. Based on these experimental studies attempts have been made to transfer preconditioning from bench to bedside. Human experimental models of ischemic preconditioning have been set up, including cardiac surgery, coronary angioplasty or treadmill exercise, to perform pathophysiological studies. Yet, protecting the heart of CAD (coronary artery disease) patients requires a pharmacological approach. The IONA trial has been an example of the clinical utility of preconditioning. It helped to demonstrate that chronic administration of nicorandil, a K(+)ATP opener that mimics ischemic preconditioning in experimental preparations, improves the cardiovascular prognosis in CAD patients. Recent experimental studies appear further encouraging. It appears that "postconditioning" the heart (i.e. performing brief episodes of ischemia-reperfusion at the time of reperfusion) is as protective as preconditioning. In other words, a therapeutic intervention performed as late as at the time of reflow can still significantly limit infarct size. Further work is needed to determine whether this may be transferred to the clinical practice.  相似文献   

Two independent cardioprotective interventions, Na(+)/H(+) exchange inhibition and ischemic preconditioning (PC), were investigated with respect to differential effects on microvascular and myocardial salvage in anesthetized rabbits (30 min of ischemia, 180 min of reperfusion). Cariporide (Car, 300 microg/kg) administered before occlusion and PC reduced infarct size (IS) as measured by triphenyltetrazolium staining [control, 46.0 +/- 4.2% of risk area (RA); Car, 17.6 +/- 3.7% (P < 0.01); PC, 27.5 +/- 4.1% (P < 0.01)] and concomitantly decreased the area of anatomic no reflow (ANR) as measured by thioflavin S staining [control, 40.4 +/- 3.7%; Car, 19.0 +/- 2.9% (P < 0.01); PC, 26.9 +/- 3.4% (P < 0.05)]. Regional myocardial blood flow (RMBF, measured by radioactive microspheres) in the RA, which deteriorated between 30 and 180 min of reperfusion (control, from 79 +/- 6 to 26 +/- 2% of nonischemic flow), was shifted to higher values with both treatments [Car, from 110 +/- 12 to 49 +/- 7% (P < 0.05); PC, from 109 +/- 8 to 38 +/- 6% (P < 0.05)]. However, neither intervention uncoupled the close relationship between IS and ANR (r = 0.92-0.95) or RMBF. Car given at reperfusion did not alter IS, ANR, RMBF, or the close interrelationships. Because size and spatial distribution of no reflow and myocardial necrosis remained closely coupled with independent cardioprotective interventions, a potential causal connection between microvascular and myocardial salvage is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of other STAT subtypes in conferring ischemic tolerance is unclear. We hypothesized that in STAT-3 deletion alternative STAT subtypes would protect myocardial function against ischemia-reperfusion injury. Wild-type (WT) male C57BL/6 mice or mice with cardiomyocyte STAT-3 knockout (KO) underwent baseline echocardiography. Langendorff-perfused hearts underwent ischemic preconditioning (IPC) or no IPC before ischemia-reperfusion. Following ex vivo perfusion, hearts were analyzed for STAT-5 and -6 phosphorylation by Western blot analysis of nuclear fractions. Echocardiography and postequilibration cardiac performance revealed no differences in cardiac function between WT and KO hearts. Phosphorylated STAT-5 and -6 expression was similar in WT and KO hearts before perfusion. Contractile function in WT and KO hearts was significantly impaired following ischemia-reperfusion in the absence of IPC. In WT hearts, IPC significantly improved the recovery of the maximum first derivative of developed pressure (+dP/dtmax) compared with that in hearts without IPC. IPC more effectively improved end-reperfusion dP/dtmax in WT hearts compared with KO hearts. Preconditioned and nonpreconditioned KO hearts exhibited increased phosphorylated STAT-5 and -6 expression compared with WT hearts. The increased subtype activation did not improve the efficacy of IPC in KO hearts. In conclusion, baseline cardiac performance is preserved in hearts with cardiac-restricted STAT-3 deletion. STAT-3 deletion attenuates preconditioning and is not associated with a compensatory upregulation of STAT-5 and -6 subtypes. The activation of STAT-5 and -6 in KO hearts following ischemic challenge does not provide functional compensation for the loss of STAT-3. JAK-STAT signaling via STAT-3 is essential for effective IPC.  相似文献   

In natural habitats plants can be exposed to brief and light contact with neighbouring plants. This mechanical stimulus may represent a cue that induces responses to nearby plants. However, little is known about the effect of touching on plant growth and interaction with insect herbivores. To simulate contact between plants, a soft brush was used to apply light and brief mechanical stimuli to terminal leaves of potato Solanum tuberosum L. The number of non-glandular trichomes on the leaf surface was counted on images made by light microscope while glandular trichomes and pavement cells were counted on images made under scanning electronic microscope. Volatile compounds were identified and quantified using coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Treated plants changed their pattern of biomass distribution; they had lower stem mass fraction and higher branch and leaf mass fraction than untouched plants. Size, weight and number of tubers were not significantly affected. Touching did not cause trichome damage nor change their total number on touched terminal leaves. However, on primary leaves the number of glandular trichomes and pavement cells was significantly increased. Touching altered the volatile emission of treated plants; they released higher quantities of the sesquiterpenes (E)-β-caryophyllene, germacrene D-4-ol and (E)-nerolidol, and lower quantities of the terpenes (E)-ocimene and linalool, indicating a systemic effect of the treatment. The odour of touched plants was significantly less preferred by the aphids Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae compared to odour of untouched plants. The results suggest that light contact may have a potential role in the detection of neighbouring plants and may affect plant-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Imai K  Nakai K 《Proteomics》2010,10(22):3970-3983
Since the proposal of the signal hypothesis on protein subcellular sorting, a number of computational analyses have been performed in this field. A typical example is the development of prediction algorithms for the subcellular localization sites of input protein sequences. In this review, we mainly focus on the biological grounds of the prediction methods rather than the algorithmic issues because we believe the former will be more fruitful for future development. Recent advances on the study of protein sorting signals will hopefully be incorporated into future prediction methods. Unfortunately, many of the state-of-the-art methods are published without sufficient objective tests. In fact, a simple test employed in this article shows that the performance of specifically developed predictors is not significantly better than that of a homology search. We suspect that this is a general problem associated with the interpretation of genome sequences, which have evolved through gene duplication and speciation.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are recently discovered respiratory proteins of vertebrates with yet ill-defined physiological functions. Neuroglobin is widely expressed in neurons, but not glia, in the vertebrate central and peripheral nervous systems. Other major expression sites are the retina and endocrine tissues. This distribution is indicative of a function of neuroglobin in metabolically most active, oxygen-consuming cell types, but does not yet allow to safely distinguish between different cellular roles, such as oxygen homeostasis, scavenging of reactive oxygen species or sustaining energy metabolism. Cytoglobin is predominantly expressed in connective tissue fibroblasts and related cell types in the body organs. Its main function may therefore be related to the specific amounts of extracellular matrix. Cytoglobin may hypothetically be involved in the oxygen-consuming maturation of collagen proteins. Cytoglobin is also expressed in distinct cell types of brain and retina. Its distribution strikingly differs from neuroglobin, suggesting an independent, yet unknown function.  相似文献   

The anti-aging strategy is one of the main challenges of the modern biomedical science. The term “aging” covers organisms, cells, cellular organelles and their constituents. In general term, aging system admits the existence of nonfunctional structures which by some reasons have not been removed by a clearing system, e.g., through autophagy/mitophagy marking and destroying unwanted cells or mitochondria. This directly relates to the old kidney which normal functioning is critical for the viability of the organism. One of the main problems in biomedical studies is that in their majority, young organisms serve as a standard with further extrapolation on the aged system. However, some protective systems, which demonstrate their efficiency in young systems, lose their beneficial effect in aged organisms. It is true for ischemic preconditioning of the kidney, which is almost useless for an old kidney. The pharmacological intervention could correct the defects of the senile system provided that the complete understanding of all elements involved in aging will be achieved. We discuss critical elements which determine the difference between young and old phenotypes and give directions to prevent or cure lesions occurring in aged organs including kidney.

Abbreviations: AKI: acute kidney injury; I/R: ischemia/reperfusion; CR: caloric restriction; ROS: reactive oxygen species; RC: respiratory chain  相似文献   

A steadily increasing number of investigations demonstrate that preconditioning with volatile anesthetics attenuates the deleterious effects of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury by an ischemic preconditioning-like mechanism. Thus volatile anesthetics may represent the best choice for anesthesia of patients at risk for myocardial ischemia. However, factors such as old age, coexisting conditions such as diabetes mellitus and the use of oral hypoglycemic drugs or cyclooxygenase inhibitors, timing and duration of myocardial ischemia, and possible constraints of a complicated preconditioning protocol may limit the benefits of this powerful tool under clinical conditions. The purpose of this minireview is to provide a brief overview of the results of basic and clinical research on cardioprotection by volatile anesthetics.  相似文献   

In accordance with its biological role, termination of neurotransmission at cholinergic synapses by rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase is one of nature's most efficient enzymes. Solution of its three-dimensional structure revealed that its active site is located at the bottom of a deep and narrow gorge. Such an architecture was unanticipated in view of its high turnover number. The present review examines how the highly specialized structure of acetylcholinesterase, with its sequestered active site, contributes to its catalytic efficacy, and discusses how the traffic of substrate and products to and from the active site is controlled.  相似文献   

Ninety patients whose spleen had been removed either because of trauma (41 cases) or as an elective procedure (49) were investigated for return of splenic function by counting pitted red cells and examining spleen scans made after injection of heat damaged 99mTc labelled red cells. There was no significant difference in the proportion of pitted red cells between the two groups of patients. Evidence of splenic tissue in scintiscans was not invariably associated with low pitted red cell values, suggesting that the presence of splenic tissue did not necessarily mean return of splenic function. In every patient whose proportion of pitted red cells was less than 16.2% the scintiscan showed splenic uptake. The proportion of patients with pitted red cell values below 16.2% was significantly higher in the group operated on for trauma, and it is concluded that this was due to splenosis. A high inverse correlation between pitted red cell counts and computed splenic volumes was found. Patients with pitted red cell values of less than 16.2% had computed volumes of 22-133 cm3; below this range the proportion of pitted red cells rose very sharply. These results confirm that splenosis occurs in adults, though less often than in children, and suggest that when splenic tissue is to be implanted a graft of at least 20-30 cm3 is needed to ensure satisfactory return of splenic function.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms responsible for aging are poorly understood. Aging is considered as a degenerative process induced by the accumulation of cellular lesions leading progressively to organ dysfunction and death. The free radical theory of aging has long been considered the most relevant to explain the mechanisms of aging. As the mitochondrion is an important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), this organelle is regarded as a key intracellular player in this process and a large amount of data supports the role of mitochondrial ROS production during aging. Thus, mitochondrial ROS, oxidative damage, aging, and aging‐dependent diseases are strongly connected. However, other features of mitochondrial physiology and dysfunction have been recently implicated in the development of the aging process. Here, we examine the potential role of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) in normal aging and in aging‐associated diseases.  相似文献   



The so-called IRIV- (Immunopotentiating Reconstituted Influenza Virosomes) system (1) is a new type of vaccine. During the past five years extensive experience has been accumulated concerning the immunological and side effects in organisms, both animals and humans, in order to draw up an assessment of the new vaccine Although IRIV could be placed in the category of liposomal vaccines this classification is, however, not quite correct. Such a classification could raise certain questions regarding its use in human medicine. These questions are derived from toxicological studies in animals to which liposomes combined with lipid A were administered It would be valuable to clear up the difference between an IRIV and a liposomal vaccine, with and without lipid A The IRIV is made up of a combination of liposomes (without lipid A) and influenza vims envelopes. Above all, the inclusion of liposomes imposes itself since they already receive much consideration as a new immunological adjuvant and will probably, in the near future, find a large place both as vaccines and as therapeutics.  相似文献   

Mitochondria can change their shape from discrete isolated organelles to a large continuous reticulum. The cellular advantages underlying these fused networks are still incompletely understood. In this paper, we describe and compare hypotheses regarding the function of mitochondrial networks. We use mathematical and physical tools both to investigate existing hypotheses and to generate new ones, and we suggest experimental and modelling strategies. Among the novel insights we underline from this work are the possibilities that (i) selective mitophagy is not required for quality control because selective fusion is sufficient; (ii) increased connectivity may have non‐linear effects on the diffusion rate of proteins; and (iii) fused networks can act to dampen biochemical fluctuations. We hope to convey to the reader that quantitative approaches can drive advances in the understanding of the physiological advantage of these morphological changes.

Atkin T  Kittler J 《Autophagy》2012,8(5):851-852
Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) is a key susceptibility gene for major psychiatric disorders. DISC1 plays a role in key neuronal processes such as neuronal proliferation, migration, integration and function via DISC1's roles at the centrosome and synapse, and in the regulation of intracellular signaling pathways. Recently, the idea of protein aggregation as a disease mechanism for DISC1 has been suggested. In our recent paper we explore these DISC1 protein aggregates in cell lines and neurons and find they are recruited to the aggresome and cause disruption of DISC1 function in intracellular transport.  相似文献   

HL-60 cell differentiation into neutrophil like cells is associated with their induction of apoptosis. We investigated the cellular events that occur pre and post mitochondrial permeability transition to determine the role of the mitochondria in the induction of differentiation induced apoptosis. Pro-apoptotic Bax was translocated to and cleaved at the mitochondrial membrane in addition to t-Bid activation. These processes contributed to mitochondrial membrane disruption and the release of cytochrome c and Smac/DIABLO. The release of cytochrome c was caspase independent, as the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD.fmk, which inhibited apoptosis, did not block the release of cytochrome c. In contrast, the release of Smac/DIABLO was partially inhibited by caspase inhibition indicating differential release pathways for these mitochondrial pro-apoptotic factors. In addition to caspase inhibition we assessed the effects of the Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic family on differentiation induced apoptosis. BH4-Bcl-xl-TAT recombinant protein did not delay apoptosis, but did block the release of cytochrome c and Smac/DIABLO. Bcl-2 over-expression also inhibited differentiation induced apoptosis but was associated with the inhibition of the differentiation process. Differentiation mediated mitochondrial release of cytochrome c and Smac/DIABLO, may not trigger the induction of apoptosis, as BH4-Bclxl-TAT blocks the release of pro-apoptotic factors from the mitochondria, but does not prevent apoptosis.  相似文献   

Two discoveries have put d-serine in the spotlight of neuroscience. First, d-serine was detected in brain tissue at high levels. Second, it was found to act on the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR). This receptor is central to use-dependent synaptic plasticity, the cellular process which is widely believed to underlie learning. The ensuing quest for the mechanisms of d-serine synthesis, release and clearance, as well as for its physiological significance has provided a wealth of experimental evidence implicating d-serine in synaptic plasticity. However some key questions remain unanswered. Which cells release d-serine and upon what stimuli? Is d-serine supply dynamically regulated? What is the fate of released d-serine? Answering these questions appears to be an essential step in our understanding of how NMDARs trigger synaptic plasticity and learning. This review will highlight some recent advances and avenues of enquiry in dynamic d-serine signaling in the mammalian brain with emphasis on neurophysiology.  相似文献   

Human placental extract contains numerous bioactive components that are effective wound healing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. During our investigation on the therapeutic potency of human placental extract, we have purified ubiquitin-like molecules that showed strong fibrino(geno)lytic activity. Further investigation confirmed similar potency of ubiquitin purified from adult human erythrocyte. Additionally, ubiquitin efficiently degraded disordered amyloid β 42 peptide (Aβ42) aggregate and fibrin-Aβ42 co-aggregate in vitro and reduced co-aggregate induced cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells as compared to plasmin. Ubiquitin also degraded abnormal co-aggregates of fibrin with other plasma proteins such as fibronectin, albumin, lysozyme, tranthyretin and α-synuclein. To elucidate the mechanism of degradation, synthetic peptides (ADG, GKT, DQQ, QRL, LIF, AGK, HLVL) derived from ubiquitin template as well as synthetic ubiquitin (8565.32?Da) were employed. Synthetic ubiquitin completely degraded preformed Aβ 42 aggregate and fibrin-Aβ42 co-aggregate, whereas, the smaller synthetic peptides showed varying degrees of degradation. These observations attribute a novel function of ubiquitin that may be used for degrading abnormal fibrin clots in human body. Thorough investigation might unfold a novel molecular mechanism of ubiquitin in protein homeostasis.  相似文献   

Biophysical Reviews - Redox/cysteine modification of proteins that regulate calcium cycling can affect contraction in striated muscles. Understanding the nature of these modifications would present...  相似文献   

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