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Adjacent GxU wobble base pairs are frequently found in rRNA. Atomic structures of small RNA motifs help to provide a better understanding of the effects of various tandem mismatches on duplex structure and stability, thereby providing better rules for RNA structure prediction and validation. The crystal structure of an RNA duplex containing the sequence r(GGUAUUGC-GGUACC)2 has been solved at 2.1 A resolution using experimental phases. Novel refinement strategies were needed for building the correct solvent model. At present, this is the only short RNA duplex structure containing 5'-U-U-3'/3'-G-G-5' non-symmetric tandem GxU wobble base pairs. In the 14mer duplex, the six central base pairs are all displaced away from the helix axis, yielding significant changes in local backbone conformation, helix parameters and charge distribution that may provide specific recognition sites for biologically relevant ligand binding. The greatest deviations from A-form helix occur where the guanine of a wobble base pair stacks over a purine from the opposite strand. In this vicinity, the intra-strand phosphate distances increase significantly, and the major groove width increases up to 3 A. Structural comparisons with other short duplexes containing symmetrical tandem GxU or GxT wobble base pairs show that nearest-neighbor sequence dependencies govern helical twist and the occurrence of cross-strand purine stacks.  相似文献   

The structure of the synthetic deoxyoctamer d(GGIGCTCC) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques to a resolution of 1.7A. The sequence crystallises in space group P6(1), with unit cell dimensions a = b = 45.07, c = 45.49A. The refinement converged with a crystallographic residual R = 0.14 and the location of 81 solvent molecules. The octamer forms an A-DNA duplex with 6 Watson-Crick (G.C) base pairs and 2 inosine-thymine (I.T) pairs. Refinement of the structure shows it to be essentially isomorphous with that reported for d(GGGGCTCC) with the mispairs adopting a "wobble" conformation. Conformational parameters and base stacking interactions are compared to those for the native duplex d(GGGGCCCC) and other similar sequences. A rationale for the apparent increased crystal packing efficiency and lattice stability of the I.T octamer is given.  相似文献   

A tridecaribonucleotide, r(UGAGCUUCGGCUC) doesn't form hairpin or interior loop and forms a double helix of 12 base pairs including the four successive nonstandard base pairs, U.G-U.C-C.U-G.U, in the crystal. Non-Watson-Crick base pairs, G.U and U.C are nicely incorporated in RNA duplex maintaining the regular A-form backbone. There exist the good overlapping between base pairings, U.G and U.C, so as to stabilize the nonstandard base pair track. Hydrogen bond networks involving water molecules in the major and minor grooves to stabilize this mismatch base pairing array, are observed and its conformational features are described.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment d(GCGAAAGCT), known to adopt a stable mini-hairpin structure in solution, has been crystallized in the space group I4122 with the unit-cell dimensions a = b = 53.4 Å and c = 54.0 Å, and the crystal structure has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution. The four nucleotide residues CGAA of the first half of the oligomer form a parallel duplex with another half through the homo base pairs, C2:C2+ (singly-protonated between the Watson– Crick sites), G3:G3 (between the minor groove sites), A4:A4 (between the major groove sites) and A5:A5 (between the Watson–Crick sites). The two strands remaining in the half of the parallel duplex are split away in different directions, and they pair in an anti-parallel B-form duplex with the second half extending from a neighboring parallel duplex, so that an infinite column is formed in a head-to-tail fashion along the c-axis. It seems that a hexa-ammine cobalt cation supports such a branched and bent conformation of the oligomer. One end of the parallel duplex is stacked on the corresponding end of the adjacent parallel duplex; between them, the guanine base of the first residue is stacked on the fourth ribose of another duplex.  相似文献   

C Romier  K Reuter  D Suck    R Ficner 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(11):2850-2857
tRNA-guanine transglycosylases (TGT) are enzymes involved in the modification of the anticodon of tRNAs specific for Asn, Asp, His and Tyr, leading to the replacement of guanine-34 at the wobble position by the hypermodified base queuine. In prokaryotes TGT catalyzes the exchange of guanine-34 with the queuine (.)precursor 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ1). The crystal structure of TGT from Zymomonas mobilis was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 19% at 1.85 angstrom resolution. The structure consists of an irregular (beta/alpha)8-barrel with a tightly attached C-terminal zinc-containing subdomain. The packing of the subdomain against the barrel is mediated by an alpha-helix, located close to the C-terminus, which displaces the eighth helix of the barrel. The structure of TGT in complex with preQ1 suggests a binding mode for tRNA where the phosphate backbone interacts with the zinc subdomain and the U33G34U35 sequence is recognized by the barrel. This model for tRNA binding is consistent with a base exchange mechanism involving a covalent tRNA-enzyme intermediate. This structure is the first example of a (beta/alpha)-barrel protein interacting specifically with a nucleic acid.  相似文献   

The solution structures of R- and S-alpha-(N(6)-adenyl)-styrene oxide adducts mismatched with cytosine at position X(7) in d(CGGACAXGAAG) x d(CTTCCTGTCCG), incorporating codons 60, 61 (underlined), and 62 of the human N-ras protooncogene, were determined. These were the R- and S(61,3)C adducts. The structures for these mismatched adducts differed from the sequence isomeric R- and S(61,2)C adducts [Painter, S. L., Zegar, I. S., Tamura, P. J., Bluhm, S., Harris, C. M., Harris, T. M., and Stone, M. P. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 8635-8646]. The results reveal that the structural consequences of cytosine mispairing opposite the R- and S-alpha-SO adducts differ as a function of DNA sequence. The thermodynamic stability of both the R- and S(61,3)C mismatched adducts was dependent upon pH. At neutral pH, the R- and S(61,3)C adducts exhibited significant structural perturbation and had lower T(m) values, as compared to the R- and S(61,2)C adducts. In both instances, this was attributed to reorientation about the C6-N(6) bond, such that the N(6)H proton faced away from the Watson-Crick face of the purine base and into the major groove. The conformation about the N(6)-C(alpha)-C(beta)-O torsion angle was predicted from rMD calculations to be stabilized by a N/O gauche-type interaction between the styrenyl hydroxyl moiety and adenine N(6) at the lesion site. For the R(61,3)C adduct, the styrenyl moiety remained oriented in the major groove and faced in the 3'-direction. In the properly base-paired R(61,3) adduct, it had faced in the 5' direction. For the S(61,3)C adduct, the styrene ring was inserted into the duplex, approximately perpendicular to the helical axis of the DNA. It faced in the 5'-direction. In the properly base-paired S(61,3) adduct, it had faced in the 3'-direction. The results were correlated with site-specific mutagenesis experiments in vivo. The latter revealed that the R- and S(61,3)-alpha-styrene oxide adducts were nonmutagenic. This may be a consequence of the greater structural perturbation associated with formation of the cytosine mismatch at neutral pH for the R- and S(61,3) adducts as compared to the S(61,2) adduct that exhibited low levels of A --> G mutations.  相似文献   

The Green's function technique is applied to a study of breathing modes in a DNA double helix which contains a region of different base pairs from the rest of the double helix. The calculation is performed on a G-C helix in the B conformation with four consecutive base pairs replaced by A-T. The average stretch in hydrogen bonds is found amplified around the A-T base pair region compared with that of poly(dG)-poly(dC). This is likely related to the A-T regions lower stability against hydrogen bond melting. The A-T region may be considered to be the initiation site for melting in such a helix.  相似文献   

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ethidium bromide binding studies are used to demonstrate that poly d(G-T) forms an ordered double helical structure at low temperatures (below 24 degrees C in 0.3 M NaCl) in which G and T are hydrogen bonded together in a wobble base pair hydrogen bonding scheme as proposed earlier by Lezius and Domin. Alternative hydrogen bonding schemes involving the tautomeric form of either T or G, such as have been proposed to account for mutation rates in DNA synthesis, are eliminated.  相似文献   

The T:G mismatched base pair is associated with many genetic mutations. Understanding its biological consequences may be aided by studying the structural perturbation of DNA caused by a T:G base pair and by specific probing of the mismatch using small molecular ligands. We have shown previously that AR-1-144, a tri-imidazole (Im-Im-Im) minor groove binder, recognizes the sequence CCGG. NMR structural analysis of the symmetric 2:1 complex of AR-1-144 and GAACCGGTTC revealed that each AR-1-144 binds to four base pairs with the guanine N2 amino group forming a bifurcated hydrogen bond to a side-by-side Im/Im pair. We predicted that the free G-N2 amino group in a T:G wobble base pair can form two individual hydrogen bonds to a side-by-side Im/Im pair. Thus an Im/Im pair may be a good recognition motif for a T:G base pair in DNA. Cooperative and tight binding of an AR-1-144 homodimer to GAACTGGTTC permits a detailed structural analysis by 2D NOE NMR refinement and the refined structure confirms our prediction. Surprisingly, AR-1-144 does not bind to GAATCGGTTC. We further show that both the Im-Im-Im/Im-Py-Im heterodimer and the Im-Im-Im/Im-Im-Im homodimer bind strongly to the CACGGGTC + GACTCGTG duplex. These results together suggest that an Im/Im pair can specifically recognize a single T:G mismatch. Our results may be useful in future design of molecules (e.g. linked dimers) that can recognize a single T:G mismatch with specificity.  相似文献   

The dissociation kinetics of 19 base paired oligonucleotide-DNA duplex containing a various single mismatched base pair are studied on dried agarose gels. The kinetics of the dissociation are first order under our experimental conditions. The incorporation of a single mismatched base pair destabilizes the DNA duplexes to some extent, the amount depending on the nature of the mismatched base pair. G-T and G-A mismatches slightly destabilize a duplex, while A-A, T-T, C-T and C-A mismatches significantly destabilize it. The activation energy for the overall dissociation processes for these oligonucleotide-DNA duplexes containing 19 base pairs is 52 +/- 2 Kcal mol-1 as determined from the slope of Arrhenius plot.  相似文献   

The Z-DNA structure has been shown to form in two crystals made from self-complementary DNA hexamers d(CGTDCG) and d(CDCGTG) which contain thymine/2-aminoadenine (TD) base pairs. The latter structure has been solved and refined to 1.3 A resolution and it shows only small conformational changes due to the introduction of the TD base pairs in comparison with the structure of d(CG)3. Spectroscopic studies with these compounds demonstrate that DNA molecules containing 2-aminoadenine residues form Z-DNA slightly more easily than do those containing adenine nucleotides, but not as readily as the parent sequence containing only guanine-cytosine base pairs.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a self-complementary RNA duplex r(GGGCGCUCC)2with non-adjacent G*U and U*G wobble pairs separated by four Watson-Crick base pairs has been determined to 2.5 A resolution. Crystals belong to the space group R3; a = 33.09 A,alpha = 87.30 degrees with a pseudodyad related duplex in the asymmetric unit. The structure was refined to a final Rworkof 17.5% and Rfreeof 24.0%. The duplexes stack head-to-tail forming infinite columns with virtually no twist at the junction steps. The 3'-terminal cytosine nucleosides are disordered and there are no electron densities, but the 3' penultimate phosphates are observed. As expected, the wobble pairs are displaced with guanine towards the minor groove and uracil towards the major groove. The largest twist angles (37.70 and 40.57 degrees ) are at steps G1*C17/G2*U16 and U7*G11/C8*G10, while the smallest twist angles (28.24 and 27.27 degrees ) are at G2*U16/G3*C15 and C6*G12/U7*G11 and conform to the pseudo-dyad symmetry of the duplex. The molecule has two unequal kinks (17 and 11 degrees ) at the wobble sites and a third kink at the central G5 site which may be attributed to trans alpha (O5'-P), trans gamma (C4'-C5') backbone conformations. The 2'-hydroxyl groups in the minor groove form inter-column hydrogen bonding, either directly or through water molecules.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of constrained cyclohexane systems was pioneered fifty years ago by Barton and Hassel. We now report an investigation based on a conformational analysis of a number of novel cyclohexane based Gabapentin analogues coupled with their in vitro evaluation at the Gabapentin binding site. These data are used to propose a possible binding conformation for Gabapentin.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases were tested for their ability to catalyze the cleavage of mismatch-containing recognition sites in DNA. These mismatched base pairs were T.G, U.G, or A.C in covalently closed, circular heteroduplexes prepared by in vitro extension of chemically synthesized oligonucleotide primers annealed to a bacteriophage M13-derived viral DNA. None of the restriction enzymes was able to completely cleave the mismatch-containing recognition sites under standard conditions. However, three of them, SmaI, SalI, and SstI, catalyzed partial digestion leading to an accumulation of DNA singly nicked at the mismatched recognition site. The ability of SmaI and SstI to partially cleave at a mismatch was shown to depend on the nature and position of the mismatch within the corresponding recognition site. In contrast, little or no digestion was obtained with AccI, HincII, HindIII, and KpnI at mismatch-containing sites. Therefore, in some cases a transition-type substitution in only one strand of a recognition site inhibits restriction endonuclease-catalyzed digestion at that site although in others partial digestion occurs.  相似文献   

A survey of 160 published sequences of eubacterial 5 S rRNAs shows that there exists structural variability in one of the helices of the generally accepted secondary structure model. Four structural variants are found, which differ with respect to the position and the number of bulges present. Most eubacterial 5 S RNAs fit into at least two of these conformations. A reaction scheme connecting the four observed conformations by changes in the base pairing scheme is proposed. Each of the known 5 S RNA sequences fits into conformations interconvertible by the proposed reactions.  相似文献   

Conformational changes are important for RNA function. We used molecular mechanics with all-atom models to understand conformational preference in RNA tandem guanine–adenine (GA) base pairs. These tandem GA base pairs play important roles in determining the stability and structural dynamics of RNA tertiary structures. Previous solution structures showed that these tandem GA base pairs adopt either imino (cis-Watson-Crick/cis-Watson-Crick interaction) or sheared (trans-Hoogsteen/trans-Hoogsteen interaction) pairing depending upon the sequence and orientation of the adjacent base pairs. In our simulations, we modeled (GCGGACGC)2 (Wu and Turner 1996) and (GCGGAUGC)2 (Tolbert et al., 2007), experimentally preferred as imino and sheared, respectively. Besides the experimentally preferred conformation, we constructed models of the nonnative conformations by changing cytosine to uracil or uracil to cytosine. We used explicit solvent molecular dynamics and free energy calculation with umbrella sampling to measure the free energy deference of the experimentally preferred conformation and the nonnative conformations. A modification to ff10 was required, which allowed the guanine bases’ amino group to leave the base plane (Yildirim et al., 2009). With this modification, the RMSD of unrestrained simulations and the free energy surfaces are improved, suggesting the importance of electrostatic interactions by G amino groups in stabilizing the native structures.  相似文献   

Structural alignment is useful in identifying members of ncRNAs. Existing tools are all based on the secondary structures of the molecules. There is evidence showing that tertiary interactions (the interaction between a single-stranded nucleotide and a base-pair) in triple helix structures are critical in some functions of ncRNAs. In this article, we address the problem of structural alignment of RNAs with the triple helix. We provide a formal definition to capture a simplified model of a triple helix structure, then develop an algorithm of O(mn(3)) time to align a query sequence (of length m) with known triple helix structure with a target sequence (of length n) with an unknown structure. The resulting algorithm is shown to be useful in identifying ncRNA members in a simulated genome.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of Ustilago maydis DNAse I, an enzyme implicated in genetic recombination, on DNA substrates containing unpaired or mismatched bases, was examined. The enzyme nicked supercoiled PM-2 molecules, converting these to relaxed circular and linear molecules. Discrete double stranded linear fragments smaller than unit length were also observed after digestion at high enzyme concentration. Heteroduplex molecules were constructed using 80 bacteriophage derivatives which contained single base substitutions within the E. coli tRNA 1 tyr gene. Single and double stranded nicking at or near the single mismatched site was observed with three out of the five pairs of heteroduplexes.  相似文献   

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