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Reconstituted nucleohistones were obtained by mixing in given conditions acid extracted histones and eukaryotic DNA. The histone/DNA ratio (w/w) was in the range 0.35 - 0.95. With the four histones (H2A2B) we have been able to obtain subunits (nucleosomes or upsilon-bodies). The variation of cirsular dichroism signal with temperature at 280 nm was measured to follow structural changes of the DNA inside the complex. The true change of ellipticity (see article) of histone-bound DNA regions, is similar for reconstituted nucleohistone and H1-depleted chromatin, and is therefore a physical probe of the presence of nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Fluorescein mercuric acetate causes the unwinding of DNA and binds to the separated bases. The kinetics of this unwinding process were studied using both untreated DNA and sonicated DNA at various pH values (6.8--9.3) and Na+ concentrations (10--250 mM). The unwinding process is explained by assuming a nucleation in the middle of DNA (as a function of time) as well as at the helix ends (immediately after addition of this reagent) and the subsequent growth of the nuclei. The frequency of the nucleation in the middle of DNA appears to be markedly affected by pH and Na+ concentration. In contrast, the reaction rate of this reagent with heat-denatured DNA was almost insensitive to these environmental variables. The growth rate of the unwinding nuclei in double-stranded DNA also appears insensitive. The most important implication of this study is that in the low pH range (6.8--7.5) the reactivity of thermally-induced locally open regions in the middle of double-helical DNA toward this reagent appears much higher than that of heat-denatured DNA. Since this reagent is negatively charged, these findings are discussed in view of its electrostatic interaction with the locally open regions.  相似文献   

DNAase II has been shown to cleave condensed mouse liver chromatin at 100-bp2 intervals while chromatin in the extended form is cleaved at 200-bp intervals (Altenburger et al., 1976). Evidence is presented here that DNA digestion patterns of a half-nucleosomal periodicity are also obtained upon DNAase II digestion of chicken erythrocyte nuclei and yeast nuclei, both of which differ in their repeat lengths (210 and 165 bp) from mouse liver chromatin. In the digestion of mouse liver nuclei a shift from the 100-bp to the 200-bp cleavage mode takes place when the concentration of monovalent cations present during digestion is decreased below 1 mM. When soluble chromatin prepared by micrococcal nuclease is digested with DNAase II the same type of shift occurs, albeit at higher ionic strength.In order to map the positions of the DNAase II cleavage sites on the DNA relative to the positions of the nucleosome cores, the susceptibility of DNAase II-derived DNA termini to exonuclease III was investigated. In addition, oligonucleosome fractions from HaeIII and micrococcal nuclease digests were end-labelled with polynucleotide kinase and digested with DNAase II under conditions leading to 100 and 200-bp digestion patterns. Analysis of the chain lengths of the resulting radioactively labelled fragments together with the results of the exonuclease assay allow the following conclusions. In the 200-bp digestion mode, DNAase II cleaves exclusively in the internucleosomal linker region. Also in the 100-bp mode cleavage occurs initially in the linker region. Subsequently, DNAase II cleaves at intranucleosomal locations, which are not, however, in the centre of the nucleosome but instead around positions 20 and 125 of the DNA associated with the nucleosome core. At late stages of digestion intranucleosomal cuts predominate and linkers that are still intact are largely resistant to DNAase II due to interactions between adjacent nucleosomes. These findings offer an explanation for the sensitivity of DNAase II to the higher-order structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

Chemical cleavage is developing into a powerful tool for analysis and characterization of nucleic acids. Phenanthroline-Cu(II) cleavage has been used extensively for studies of DNA for the last two decades, but recently has been applied to structural studies of RNA as well. This approach has been used to study the structure and structural changes occurring in ribosomal RNA within the ribosomes. In this article we discuss the mechanism by which phenanthroline cleaves, the applications possible using this approach, and the results that can be obtained. Protocols for use of phenanthroline are outlined as well.  相似文献   

Laser-induced Eu(3+) luminescence spectroscopy is used to probe the interaction of Eu(3+) ion with guanine-containing nucleotides and single-stranded oligomers. By using time-resolved and non-time-resolved Eu(3+) luminescence techniques, two classes of Eu(3+) binding site are observed in oligo(dG)10, oligo(dG)8, oligo(dG)6, oligo(dG)4, and d-GMP. One class of site binds Eu(3+) ions more strongly than the other. Since the "tight" class of bound Eu(3+) ions have two coordinated water molecules, it is inferred that six or seven atoms from the oligomers are coordinating the Eu(3+). The "weaker" class of Eu(3+) ion sites involve the coordination of six or seven water molecules and therefore, are coordinated by one or two atoms from the oligomer. The tight class of Eu(3+) binding site is attributed to an interstrand association of Eu(3+) with the oligomers forming dimeric or polymeric structures. The dissociation constants (Kd) for the 1:1 complexes Eu(d-GMP)+ and Eu(d-GTP)- have been determined as well as the Kd for the dimerization reaction of Eu(d-GMP)+. The Tb(3+) luminescence enhancement properties of these molecules are also examined in relation to their EU(3+) binding characteristics.  相似文献   

The reaction of bromoacetaldehyde (BAA) was investigated further with recombinant plasmids containing tracts of (CG)16, in pRW756, or (CA)32, in pRW777, which adopt left-handed Z-structures under the influence of negative supercoiling. The cruciform structures adopted by the inverted repeat sequences near the replication origins of the pBR322 vectors served as internal controls for the number of unpaired bases. The extent of reaction with the B-Z junctions and the cruciforms was dependent on the reaction and analysis conditions, the method of preparation of BAA, ionic conditions, and the amount of negative supercoiling. In contrast to the previous results of Kang and Wells, B-Z junctions in addition to cruciforms do react with BAA. However, more forcing conditions are required to detect this reaction since B-Z junctions appear to be less reactive than the single stranded loops of cruciforms. The site of reaction with DNA was readily mapped with high precision at the nucleotide level. Also, a simple method is described for determining the concentration of BAA as well as its intrinsic reactivity in a given ionic medium.  相似文献   

S L Gonias  S V Pizzo 《Biochemistry》1983,22(21):4933-4940
Human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) half-molecules were prepared by limited reduction and alkylation of the native protein. Reaction with plasmin resulted in nearly quantitative cleavage of the half-molecule Mr approximately 180000 subunits into Mr approximately 90000 fragments. Subunit cleavage was significantly less complete when plasmin was reacted with alpha 2M whole molecules. The plasmin and trypsin binding capacities of the two forms of alpha 2M were compared by using radioiodinated proteases. alpha 2M half-molecules bound an equivalent number of moles of plasmin or trypsin. Native unreduced alpha 2M bound only half as much plasmin as trypsin. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the two protease binding sites are adjacent in native alpha 2M. alpha 2M half-molecule-plasmin complexes reassociated less readily than half-molecule-trypsin complexes, supporting this interpretation. The frequency of covalent bond formation between plasmin and alpha 2M was considerably higher than that previously observed with other proteases. Approximately 80-90% of the plasmin that reacted with alpha 2M whole molecules or half-molecules became covalently bound. The reactivities of purified alpha 2M-plasmin complexes were compared with small and large substrates. Equivalent kcat/Km values were determined at 22 degrees C for the hydrolysis of H-D-Val-Leu-Lys-p-nitroanilide dihydrochloride by whole molecule-plasmin complex and half-molecule-plasmin complex (40 mM-1 s-1 and 39 mM-1 s-1, respectively, compared with 66 mM-1 s-1 determined for free plasmin).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A previous study in our laboratory of the reaction of formaldehyde with super-helical DNAs (φX replicative form and PM2) has led to a model for superhelical DNA in which there is a region or regions of altered secondary structure containing unpaired bases. Similar experiments using the nicked circular DNA gave no evidence of interruptions of base pairing. In this study we present additional data, which support the above model as well as extending our analysis of the secondary structure of superhelical DNA and the dynamics of the early denaturation process. In a series of experiments involving the binding of methyl-mercury as a chemical probe of unpaired bases, we obtained the following results. (1) Initially, both s020w and the buoyant density of the superhelical form of phage PM2 DNA increased as a function of methylmercuric hydroxide concentration, whereas the nicked form did not. (2) This initial binding is accompanied by an increase in superhelical content τ from ?41 to ?46 turns. (3) The binding analysis allows us to estimate that 3.7% of the bases contain methylmercury in this phase of the transition. This is in excellent agreement with the extent of formylation. (4) Such a preformylated molecule shows a shift in the transition to lower mercurial concentrations. These results are interpreted as follows. The initial increase in ?τ excludes the possibility that binding occurs to normal base-paired structures, since this would produce a coupled unwinding of duplex and superhelical turns. The additive effects of formylation and methylmercury binding support the concept that both chemical probes attack the same sites and induce similar structural changes. Thus the evidence clearly supports the view that superhelical DNA contains localized region(s) of interrupted base pairing. Recent studies from other laboratories using single strand-specific endonucleases are in complete agreement with this model.  相似文献   

Oligo(dC)8, oligo(dA)8, and oligo(dT)8 as well as d-CMP, d-AMP, and d-TMP, when complexed to Eu(3+), possess two classes of Eu(3+) binding environment. The binding environments consist of two classes, tight sites which coordinate two H2O molecules, and weaker sites which coordinate six or seven, analogous to the previously studied guanine-containing molecules. It is inferred that the tight class of Eu(3+) ion site observed with these oligomers and nucleotides corresponds to dimeric or polymeric structures. Comparison of the results for the guanine and non-guanine containing oligomers suggests that Eu(3+) possibly coordinates base nitrogen atoms in the former and in an outer sphere mode (hydrogen bonding via the H2O molecules coordinated to Eu(3+)) in the species examined here.  相似文献   

The effect of manganese on both the low field (10--15 ppm) and the high field (o--3 ppm) NMR spectra of unfractionated tRNA and yeast tRNAPhe has been investigated. Trace amounts of Mn2+ cause selective broadening of resonances which are assigned to specific tertiary interactions. The order in which resonances broaden is the same as the order in which they are stabilized by the addition of magnesium, namely s4U8 - A14, U33 and A58 - T54. From this we conclude that three of the strong binding sites probably are the same for both Mn2+ and Mg2+, and that these sites are located close to the tertiary interactions which are stabilized by the strongly bound metals. The broadening data, taken in conjunction with published X-ray data on yeast tRNAPhe, permit us to suggest some plausible locations for the strong binding sites.  相似文献   

When certain basic globular proteins are mixed with nucleic acids near a critical concentration ratio, large, low density scattering centers of about 10(9) particle weight are created. Scattering from these complexes is altered when thermally inactivated proteins are substituted for enzymes in their native, globular conformation. Scattering data from heat-treated ribonuclease and lysozyme mixed with four different synthetic homopolyribonucleotides are reported. The concentration of nucleic acid necessary to produce maximum scattering from a heat-treated protein sample is shown to be a direct indication of the amount of enzyme that remains biologically active after being heated.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of DNA with trimethylpsoralen is a probe for chromatin structure   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
T Cech  M L Pardue 《Cell》1977,11(3):631-640

Terbium as a fluorescent probe for DNA and chromatin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Terbium reacted with DNA and chromatin to form a complex in which terbium acted as a sensitive fluorescent probe. By measuring the narrow-line emission of Tb-3+ when DNA is selectively excited, the relative amount of Tb-3+ bound to the DNA can be calculated. Terbium was bound to DNA until one Tb-3+ was present for each phosphate group. After this point no more terbium was bound. TbCl3 was bound to chromatin in a linear manner until approximately 0.48 TbCl3 was added for each phosphate group in the chromatin-DNA solution. From these data it appears that 52% of the phosphate groups in chromatin were unavailable for binding. The binding of Tb-3+ to DNA can be reversed by prolonged dialysis against 0.5 M NaCl and chelating agents. The terbium ion is ideal in that it binds DNA tight enough so that completion of the reaction can be assumed but loose enough so that it can be removed by gentle means. Low concentrations of salt (up to 2 mM NaCl) enhance the quantum efficiency. Below pH 3 and above pH 7 the DNA-terbium complex will not form. Between pH 3 and pH 7 the quantum efficiency of the DNA terbium complex increases from either pH to a maximum at pH 5.5 to 5.6. Several biochemical uses for Tb-3+ ion are suggested.  相似文献   

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