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用matK序列分析探讨木兰属植物的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用木兰科Magnoliaceae 57种植物的matK基因序列构建了该科的系统发育分支图。结果表明: (1)木兰属Magnolia L.是一个因为性状的趋同演化而建立的多系类群; (2)木兰亚属subgen. Magnolia和玉兰亚属subgen. Yulania (Spach) Reichenb.亲缘关系较远, 支持将后者从该属中分出建立玉兰属Yulania Spach, 木兰亚属作为木兰属保留; (3)木兰亚属的sect. Splendentes Dandy ex Vazquez组与皱种组sect. Rytidospermum Spach的两个美洲种M. macrophylla Michaux和M. dealbata Zucc.亲缘关系较近, 荷花玉兰组sect. Theorhodon Spach与常绿组sect. Gwillimia DC.的亲缘关系较近; (4)盖裂木属Talauma Juss.可以成立, 而其分布于亚洲的Blumiana Blume组可归入木兰属; (5)拟单性木兰属Parakmeria Hu &; Cheng、华盖木属Manglietiastrum Law以及单性木兰属Kmeria (Pierre) Dandy形成一个单系群, 与玉兰亚属和含笑属Michelia L.的亲缘关系较近。花的着生位置不足以作为木兰科的分族依据, 含笑族Michelieae和木兰族Magnolieae的特征及其界定应做修改。将玉兰亚属从木兰属分出后, 木兰属与含笑属无性状交叉,成为两个区别明显的属。  相似文献   

木兰科植物的杂交亲和性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
采用常规杂交育种的方法,在木兰科属内和属间进行了62杂交试验,结果表明,除木兰属的木兰亚属和玉兰亚属之间没有杂交亲和性外,木兰科其他属内都有杂交亲和性,这表明属内不存在生殖隔离,除拟单性木兰属与木兰属的木兰亚属之间有杂交亲和性外,其它属间都没有杂交亲和性,这表明这些属间存在着生殖隔离,因此,木兰科植物的杂交亲和性基本上支持根据形态特征所建立的木兰科科下分类系统,同时,建议将拟单性木兰属与木兰属的木兰亚属合并为木兰属,并将玉兰亚属从木兰属中分出作为玉兰属。  相似文献   

单性木兰花粉壁超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本首次报道单性木兰花粉的形态特征和外壁超微结构。花粉外部形态与木兰科各属特征一致,表明单性木兰花粉的原始性。但花粉外壁超微结构显示其外壁表面具皱波状纹饰;覆盖层浪状,具稀疏的小穿孔;柱状层很薄,主柱典型,直立,短而细。外壁超微结构表明单性木兰属在木兰亚族中是一个较进化的属。扫描电镜和透射电镜资料揭示出单性木兰在植物分类系统中的特殊地位和重要学术价值。  相似文献   

单性木兰花粉壁超微结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首次报道单性木兰花粉的形态特征和外壁超微结构。花粉外部形态与木兰科各属特征一致,表明单性木兰花粉的原始性。但花粉外壁超微结构显示其外壁表面具皱波状纹饰;覆盖层波浪状,具稀疏的小穿孔;柱状层很薄,小柱典型,直立,短而细。外壁超微结构表明单性木兰属在木兰亚族中是一个较进化的属。扫描电镜和透射电镜资料揭示出单性木兰在植物分类系统中的特殊地位和重要学术价值。  相似文献   

木兰科植物的人工杂交   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用常规人工杂交方法,在木兰科中进行了68个组合杂交试验。结果表明:花粉活力随种类不同有很大差异,人工授粉后结实率很高,小孢子败育不是木兰科植物自然结实率普遍低的主要原因。木兰亚属种间杂交均表现为亲和,含笑属有些种间杂交不亲和;属间杂交多不亲和,但红元宝二乔玉兰与金叶含笑和云南含笑的杂交完全亲和,结实率高达80%~100%,表明玉兰亚属和含笑属间有较近的亲缘关系;观光木与金叶含笑、云南含笑虽有较高的杂交结实率,但杂交种子不能萌发,支持观光木属成立。  相似文献   

中国木兰科11属40种植物的核形态研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了探讨木兰科属间系统学关系和一些种的分类学地位,对中国木兰科11属40种进行了核形态研究。所研究的20种木莲属植物都为二倍体,表明木莲属植物主要是在二倍体水平上进化的,不同的种类具有各自的遗传组成,细微的染色体结构变异可能导致种间形态发生了明显的变化。木兰属的染色体数目具多样性,表明属内存在着不同倍性水平上的进化,说明木兰属分布广泛、形态复杂多样有其细胞学基础。细胞学证据支持木莲属应为独立的属,不宜于归并到木兰属。已观察的含笑属都为二倍体,而木兰属玉兰亚属的大多数种类为多倍体。我们认为维持现有的含笑属的分类地位和范围是恰当的,不支持将含笑属和玉兰亚属合并为一属。拟单性木兰属都是多倍体。木兰科植物形态特征重叠,性状呈网状进化,细胞学证据在探讨一些大属属下种的分类地位时具有一定价值,但论及整个科的分类系统和属间亲缘关系时,作用比较微弱。本文在细胞学基础上,结合形态和地理分布,重点对木莲属一些种类的分类地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

赵利琴 《广西植物》2005,25(4):327-334
选取木兰科木兰属15种植物的108种萜类化合物成分作为研究资料,根据各种萜类化合物成分的结构类型从中找出34条可能的生源合成途径,并将各种生源途径作为数量性状,用聚类分析的方法得到木兰属各分类群之间的相关系数、作出树形分支图,根据所含萜类比较复杂成分的比例对该属的演化关系作出推论,结果表明木兰亚属与玉兰亚属是属于平行演化的两支。  相似文献   

绿化新秀——乐东拟单性木兰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国众多的木兰科植物中,有一树形伟岸丰满,叶片浓绿光洁,花朵洁白芳香,具有极高园林观赏价值的绿化新秀,值得大力推广,那就是乐东拟单性木兰。 乐东拟单性木兰,别名乐东木兰、隆南,为木兰科拟单性木兰属常绿大乔木,是我国特有树种,并已被《中国植物红皮书》收载。树高20—30米,胸径  相似文献   

木兰科属间核型比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对我国原始木本被子植物木兰科中的木兰属Magnolia、木莲属Manglietia、含笑属Michelia、 合果木属Paramichelia、观光木属Tsoongioderdron、拟单性木兰属Parakmeria、鹅掌楸属Liriodendron、 华盖木属Manglietiastrum 8属代表种的核型进行了研究。各属代表种的核型公式如下:夜合Magnolia coco 32m+4sm+2st(2SAT);灰木莲Manglieatia glauca 32m+4sm+2st(2SAT);合果木Paramichelia baillonii 34m(2SAT)+2sm+2st(2SAT);观光木Tsoongiodendron odorum 32m+6sn(2SAT);拟单性木 兰Parakmeria omeiensis 56m+16sm+4st(2SAT);鹅掌楸Liriodendron chinense 32+4sm(2SAT)+2st (2SAT);华盖木Manglietiastrum sinicum 28m+4sm+6st(6SAT);白兰 Michelia alba 34m+4sm(2SAT)。作者对木兰科核型进化问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

综述了中国木兰科10属的次生木质部解剖学特征,包括导管分子,纤维管胞和木射线。同时,进一步讨论了其系统演化。这10属分为两亚科,即:木兰亚科(Magnoliodeae),包括木兰族(Magnolieae)和含笑族(Michelieae Law),木兰族有木莲属(Maglietia Bl.)、华盖木属(Manglietiastrum Law)、木兰属(Magnolia L.)、拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria Hu et Cheng)、单性木兰属[Kmeria(Pierre) Dandy]、长蕊木兰属(Alcimandra Dandy)共六属;含笑族有含笑属(Michelia L.)、合果木属(Paramichelia Hu)、观光木属(Tsoongiodendron Chun)共三属。鹅掌楸亚科[Liriodendroideae(Bark) Law],仅鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron L.)一属。大量的木材解剖学研究表明,木兰科的原始性很明显,但也有一些进化特征。可以通过属间的差别来分析本科的系统演化。木兰科的系统演化可简单总结为:木兰亚科[木兰族(木莲属,华盖木属,拟单性木兰属,单性木兰属→木兰属,长蕊木兰属)→含笑族]→鹅掌楸亚科。  相似文献   

单性木兰属(木兰科)植物的分类学订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对单性木兰属Kmeria(Pierre)Dandy植物标本的研究和野外调查,补充描述了该属的一些形态特征,纠正了前人对该属描述中的一些错误,阐述了保留单性木兰属的理由,列出了分种检索表,将焕镛木属Woon-youngiaLaw和单性木兰组MagnoliaLinn.sect.Kmeria(Pierre)Figlar&Noot.作为单性木兰属的新异名,将焕镛木Woonyoungiaseptentrionalis(Dandy)Law和广西木兰MagnoliakwangsiensisFiglar&Noot.作为单性木兰KmeriaseptentrionalisDandy的新异名。  相似文献   

单性木兰花部综合特征及其传粉适应性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对单性木兰花部综合特征和访花昆虫种类及访花行为进行了研究,结果表明,单性木兰花冠顶端呈半合拢状,花被片之间存在间隙,只有那些能够穿过这些间隙的昆虫才能到达花内为其采粉和授粉,对访花者的要求较为苛刻。于降雨前去掉雄花和雌花花被片,使雄花雄蕊群和雌花柱头充分暴露,另外选择雄花和雌花作对照,降雨后将花取回并测定雄花花粉生活力和雌花柱头上的花粉粒。结果表明,在雨天,单性木兰花冠顶端呈半合拢状的开放方式对雄花和雌花均起到了保护作用,这种花部结构的特化是对花期持续降雨的一种生态适应。从访花昆虫种类上看,单性木兰雄花的昆虫种类是雌花的两倍,显然雄花比雌花更能吸引昆虫。  相似文献   

The stigmas of five species, Populus euphratica Oliv., P. alba L., P. sirnonii Carr., P. lasiocarpa Oliv. and P. nigra L. have been studied. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that exudates are present in the intercellular spaces, in the clefts between the multicellular papillae and on the receptive surface. Release and movement of exudates can be visualized when the fresh stigmas are stained with sudan Ⅲ and auramine O. Paraffin and semithin resin sections of stigmas after glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation evidence the lipidic nature of the exudates. Transmission electron microscopy reveals the glandular features of the stigmatic papillae cells, such as abundance of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, polyribosomes, and well-developed dictyosomes with secretory vesicles. Peuicle and epicuticular lamellate layers which have been considered as typical features of the dry-type stigmas are also present in the species where stigmas appear extremely wet. It is concluded that stigmas in all of the five species are secretory at the receptive stage. Well-developed generative and sperm ceils were observed in the pollen tubes penetrating through the deep layers of the stigmatic tissue in the reciprocal crosses between P. euphratica and P. simonii, which indicated that there is no significant barrier in the stigma.  相似文献   

Seeds of 101 species from 14 genera were observed using stereoscopic and scanning electron microscopy. Sclerotesta morphology is stable within the genera of Magnoliaceae. Two different morphological types are described according to features of the chalazal region, which have great value in classification and have been found only in Magnoliaceae. One is the pore type, characterized by being simple, observed in the relatively primitive taxa of this family, including Manglietia, Pachylarnax, Magnolia (19 species), Aromadendron, Talauma (eight species), Parakmeria (one species), Kmeria (one species), Elmerrillia and Liriodendron . The other one is the tube type, which is characterized by having a more complex structure consisting of a central hollow tube contained within a hole. This type was observed in relatively advanced taxa, including Manglietiastrum, Magnolia (15 species), Talauma (three species), Parakmeria (four species), Kmeria (one species), Alcimandra, Michelia, Paramichelia and Tsoongiodendron . Transitional types between these two were observed in some species of Magnolia . Chalazal region morphology, together with other useful sclerotesta characters, including seed size, shape, the raphal sinus and the external surface of the sclerotesta, may be used as diagnostic characteristics of genera, and even species in Magnoliaceae. A key to identify the different genera is supplied.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 407–424.  相似文献   

The genus Indigofera Linn. is one of the largest genera of papilionatae of Leguminosae. It comprises 700 species in the world, of which 80 species and 8 varieties occur in China. It was established by C. Linnaeus in 1752 and had been studied by J. Desvaux (1813), A. P. De Candolle (1825), G. Bentham ex Harvey (1862), G. Bentham et J. D. Hooker (1865), P. Taubert. (1894), P. Ch. Tisseraut (1913), and B. Gillett (1958) etc. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed and the evolutionary trends of some important morphological characters are discussed. According to the plant habit, characteristics of leaves, shape of fruits and the number of seeds per fruit, Indigofera Linn. from China are divided into 3 subgenera: Subg. I. Indigofera, Subg. II. Sphaeridiophors Desv., Subg. III. Acanthonotus (Benth.) Benth. et Hook. f., in Subg. Indigofera, 14 subsections are reported. A systematic key to the species is given.  相似文献   

The Chinese Elaeocarpus Linn. is revised. Here reported are those taxa with different treatment in “Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. “, Tomus 49 (1), including one new species and one new variety: Elaeocarpus limitaneioides Y. Tang and E. glabripetalus var. grandifructus Y. Tang, Four species and two varieties are reduced: E. boreali-yunnanensis H. T. Chang is reduced to E. lacunosus Wall. ex Kurz; E. floribundioides H. T. Chang to E. austro-yunnanensis Hu; E. fengjieensis P. C. Tuan to E. duclouxii Gagnep .; E. kwangsiensis H .T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang; E. glabripetalus var. teres H. T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. glabripetalus ; E. prunifolioides var. rectinervis H. T. Chang to E. prunifolioides Hu. It is found that three species, E. rugosus Roxb., E. sikkimensis Mast. and E. decandrus Merr., were wrongly determined as E. apiculatus Mast., E. fleuryi Gagnep. and E. chinensis Hook. f., respectively. In the paper also reported are some provincial new records. The infrageneric systems are discussed briefly and the Masters’ system isfollowed with some modifications.  相似文献   

白车轴草和紫花苜蓿根瘤的显微及超微结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对白车轴草(Trifolium repens Linn.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa Linn.)根瘤的显微及超微结构进行观察,发现其根瘤显微结构都由4部分组成,由外向内依次为:保护层、皮层、鞘细胞层和中心组织(侵染组织)。在中心组织的侵染细胞中,分布有大量的线粒体、高尔基体、核糖体及内质网,白车轴草根瘤侵染细胞中的细菌圆形或椭圆形,有明显的周膜、细菌细胞壁和质膜,在细菌发育过程中,周膜活动旺盛,有时相邻细菌的周膜发生融合,在周膜附近常分布有大量的内质网、高尔基体以及高尔基体小泡,似与周膜融合有关。紫花苜蓿细菌椭圆形、长棒形,甚至有的细菌呈分枝状。二者细菌细胞质中分布着大量的核糖体和纤维状的核物质。在白车轴草中还有染色很深的多聚磷酸盐颗粒。  相似文献   

研究了秦岭黄耆属植物,报道该地区共有黄耆属植物30种、1亚种和2变种,其中有9种、1变种为该地区新记录。  相似文献   

Stigma morphology was examined with the SEM in 14 of the 16 species ofVillarsia. In nine of the ten distylous species studied, stigmas of the floral morphs were strongly dimorphic in length, shape, configuration of the receptive surface, and in the size and density of their papillae. Thrum stigmas ofVillarsia, in contrast to those of most other distylous species, are not simply smaller versions of the conspecific pin stigmas, but generally exhibit an array of morph-specific characters. Thrum stigma lobes may be broader than those of pins, they may have undulate margins, lobes subdivided into secondary lobes, papillae more extensively distributed than in pins, and various combinations of these traits occur. The traits that distinguish thrum from pin stigmas achieve an increase in the receptive area and may enhance more efficient pollen capture by the shorter and less accessible thrum stigmas. The morphogenesis of the stigma shape dimorphism appears to involve processes more complex than inhibition of elongation in thrum styles. InVillarsia, the stigma dimorphisms are species-specific. No correlations were found between morphologies of the stigma and the different breeding systems in distylous species. Stigmas of the four non-heterostylous species examined resemble the thrum stigma type found in most distylousVillarsia species.  相似文献   

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