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Platelets cohere to one another to form platelet aggregates as part of the blood's clotting response. The ability of a platelet to participate in this process depends on its prior activation by chemicals released into the blood plasma by other activated platelets. We study the piecewise-linear system of reaction-diffusion equations which, in one spatial dimension, describe the chemically-mediated spread of platelet activation. We establish the existence of classical solutions to this system of equations, and show that these solutions do not blow up in finite time. We also explicitly construct travelling front solutions and discuss their stability. Finally, we present numerical evidence which suggests that for a broad range of initial data with the correct limiting values at ± , the solution to the initial value problem rapidly evolves into the travelling front solution provided the front is linearly stable.  相似文献   

 Under a variety of conditions, the hyphal density within the expanding outer edge of growing fungal mycelia can be spatially heterogeneous or nearly uniform. We conduct an analysis of a system of reaction-diffusion equations used to model the growth of fungal mycelia and the subsequent development of macroscopic patterns produced by differing hyphal and hence biomass densities. Both local and global results are obtained using analytical and numerical techniques. The emphasis is on qualitative results, including the effects of changes in parameter values on the structure of the solution set. Received 22 November 1995; received in revised form 17 May 1996  相似文献   

Tissue interaction plays a major role in many morphogenetic processes, particularly those associated with skin organ primordia. We examine travelling wave solutions in a tissue interaction model for skin pattern formation which is firmly based on the known biology. From a phase space analysis we conjecture the existence of travelling waves with specific wave speeds. Subsequently, analytical approximations to the wave profiles are derived using perturbation methods. We then show numerically that such travelling wave solutions do exist and that they are in good agreement with our analytical results. Finally, the biological implications of our analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

A finite conflict with given payoff matrix may have many ESS's (evolutionarily stable strategies). For a given set of pure strategies { 1, 2, ...,n} a set of subsets of these is called a pattern, and if there exists ann ×n matrix which has ESS's whose supports (i.e. the playable strategies) precisely match the elements of the pattern, then the pattern is said to be attainable. In [5] and [10] some methods were developed to specify when a pattern was, or was not, attainable. The object here is to present a somewhat different method which is essentially recursive. We derive certain results which allow one to deduce from the attainability of a pattern for givenn the attainability of other patterns forn+1, and by induction for anyn+r.  相似文献   

A generalized Morse index theory is used to study travelling waves in a natural selection-migration model for a diploid organism when the selective strength is weak.  相似文献   

We consider a dynamical model for evolutionary games, and enquire how the introduction of diffusion may lead to the formation of stationary spatially inhomogeneous solutions, that is patterns. For the model equations being used it is already known that if there is an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), then it is stable. Equilibrium solutions which are not ESS's and which are stable with respect to spatially constant perturbations may be unstable for certain choices of the dispersal rates. We prove by a bifurcation technique that under appropriate conditions the instability leads to patterns. Computations using a curve-following technique show that the bifurcations exhibit a rich structure with loops joined by symmetry-breaking branches.  相似文献   

During a wound-healing cell migration assay experiment, cells are observed to detach and undergo mitosis before reattaching as a pair of cells on the substrate. During experiments with mice 3T3 fibroblasts, cell detachment can be confined to the wavefront region or it can occur over the whole wave profile. A multi-species continuum approach to modelling a wound-healing assay is taken to account for this phenomenon. The first cell population is composed of attached motile cells, while the second population is composed of detached immotile cells undergoing mitosis and returning to the migrating population after successful division. The first model describes cell division occurring only in the wavefront region, while a second model describes cell division over the whole of the scrape wound. The first model reverts to the Fisher equation when the reattachment rate relative to the detachment rate is large, while the second case does not revert to the Fisher equation in any limit. The models yield travelling wave solutions. The minimum wave speed is slower than the minimum Fisher wave speed and its dependence on the cell detachment and reattachment rate parameters is analysed. Approximate travelling wave profiles of the two cell populations are determined asymptotically under certain parameter regimes.  相似文献   

本文研究了一类具有扩散且是非线性传染率的SI传染病模型,分析了模型的行波解的存在性条件,给出了最小波速与产生单调和振荡行波解的条件,并且进行了计算机仿真.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of rotating waves of reaction-diffusion equations by deriving the bifurcation equations for the simplest time-periodic patterns defined in the r, plane of polar coordinates. We prove that stable rotating waves can effectively be expected either after a primary or a secondary bifurcation point.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate brain excitatory synaptic contacts typically occur on the tiny evaginations of neuron dendritic surface known as dendritic spines. There is clear evidence that spine heads are endowed with voltage-dependent excitable channels and that action potentials invade spines. Computational models are being increasingly used to gain insight into the functional significance of a spine with an excitable membrane. The spike-diffuse-spike (SDS) model is one such model that admits to a relatively straightforward mathematical analysis. In this paper we demonstrate that not only can the SDS model support solitary travelling pulses, already observed numerically in more detailed biophysical models, but that it has periodic travelling wave solutions. The exact mathematical treatment of periodic travelling waves in the SDS model is used, within a kinematic framework, to predict the existence of connections between two periodic spike trains of different interspike interval. The associated wave front in the sequence of interspike intervals travels with a constant velocity without degradation of shape, and might therefore be used for the robust encoding of information.  相似文献   

Summary Nagumo's nerve conduction equation has travelling wave solutions of pulse type and periodic wave type. We consider the stability of the latter ones. We denote byL(c) the minimum spatial period of a periodic travelling wave solution whose propagation speed isc. It is shown that this travelling wave solution is unstable ifL′(c)<0.  相似文献   

Spiral waves in excitable media may drift due to interaction with medium inhomogeneities. We describe this drift asymptotically, within the kinematic (eikonal) approximation.  相似文献   

研究了一类具有分布时滞的扩散种群模型行波解的存在性,证明了当平均时滞充分小时,方程具有连接两个平衡点的单调行波解.  相似文献   

Discrete-time travelling waves: Ecological examples   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Integrodifference equations are discrete-time models that possess many of the attributes of continuous-time reaction-diffusion equations. They arise naturally in population biology as models for organisms with discrete nonoverlapping generations and well-defined growth and dispersal stages. I examined the varied travelling waves that arise in some simple ecologically-interesting integrodifference equations. For a scalar equation with compensatory growth, I observed only simple travelling waves. For carefully chosen redistribution kernels, one may derive the speed and approximate the shape of the observed waveforms. A model with overcompensation exhibited flip bifurcations and travelling cycles in addition to simple travelling waves. Finally, a simple predator-prey system possessed periodic wave trains and a variety of travelling waves.  相似文献   

New models for seed dispersal and competition between plant species are formulated and analyzed. The models are integrodifference equations, discrete in time and continuous in space, and have applications to annual and perennial species. The spread or invasion of a single plant species into a geographic region is investigated by studying the travelling wave solutions of these equations. Travelling wave solutions are shown to exist in the single-species models and are compared numerically. The asymptotic wave speed is calculated for various parameter values. The single-species integrodifference equations are extended to a model for two competing annual plants. Competition in the two-species model is based on a difference equation model developed by Pakes and Maller [26]. The two-species model with competition and dispersal yields a system of integrodifference equations. The effects of competition on the travelling wave solutions of invading plant species is investigated numerically.  相似文献   

The eikonal equation [5] for excitable media is generalised to three dimensional systems. The main result of the investigation is the demonstration of the existence of toroidal and twisted toroidal scroll waves in the limit of large values of the major radius of the torus. The existence of a helical wave near the z-axis follows from the eidonal equation but its connection with the twisted toroidal scroll remains to be demonstrated. The eikonal equation also predicts a non-uniform rate of rotation of the cross-sectional spiral wave near the toroidal axis. The notion of geometrical stability is introduced for the case of an expanding sphere; in particular it is shown that a discussion of stability of solutions of the eikonal equation must take into account the possible shift in the origin of the coordinate systems with respect to which patterns are defined. On leave of absence from: The Department of Mathematics, Glasgow College of Technology, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK  相似文献   

A minimal reaction-diffusion model for the spatiotemporal spread of an infectious disease is considered. The model is motivated by the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) which causes AIDS in cat populations. Because the infected period is long compared with the lifespan, the model incorporates the host population growth. Two different types are considered: logistic growth and growth with a strong Allee effect. In the model with logistic growth, the introduced disease propagates in form of a travelling infection wave with a constant asymptotic rate of spread. In the model with Allee effect the spatiotemporal dynamics are more complicated and the disease has considerable impact on the host population spread. Most importantly, there are waves of extinction, which arise when the disease is introduced in the wake of the invading host population. These waves of extinction destabilize locally stable endemic coexistence states. Moreover, spatially restricted epidemics are possible as well as travelling infection pulses that correspond either to fatal epidemics with succeeding host population extinction or to epidemics with recovery of the host population. Generally, the Allee effect induces minimum viable population sizes and critical spatial lengths of the initial distribution. The local stability analysis yields bistability and the phenomenon of transient epidemics within the regime of disease-induced extinction. Sustained oscillations do not exist.  相似文献   

The study of osseointegration of endosseous implants is a matter of great interest, mostly due to the increase in the use of many types of implants in clinical practice. Bone ingrowth results from a complex process, in which mechanics and biology play a major role. A wide variety of diverse factors can affect the development of the process, such as the properties or geometry of the implant surface, the mechanical stimulation or the initial cell conditions. In the first part of this article [Moreo, P., García-Aznar, J.M., Doblaré, M., 2008. Bone ingrowth on the surface of endosseous implants. Part 1: mathematical model. J. Theor. Biol., in press] a model composed of a set of reaction–diffusion equations was proposed to simulate the formation of bone around implants, specially focused on the early stages of bone healing, that was able to contemplate the effects of surface microtopography. The goal of this second part is to use the model to analyse the effect of factors such as cell stimulation, the initial cell concentration in the host bone and the geometry of the implant. For this purpose, two different simplified versions of the model are here analysed theoretically and further insight is gained from the study of the stability of fixed points and existence of travelling waves. Additionally, numerical simulations by means of the finite element method have been performed to examine the osseointegration of a dental implant with grooves at the surface of the threads. Results obtained from the analysis and simulations show that the model can reproduce some features of peri-implant bone ingrowth.  相似文献   

We consider a reaction-diffusion system for spatial spread of pest resistance to host plant resistance genes which is based on the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations, with logistic growth of the resource level and a diffusion term added to account for spatial spread of the pest. The model is phenotype specific, in which a pest subpopulation's fitness comes down to a balance between its resource assimilation rate and its respiration rate. We derive an expression for the rate of spatial spread of the resistant pest types from an initial point source, and discuss its relevance for adaptive pest resistance management strategies. Using results for an analogous single-species reaction-diffusion model in heterogeneous media, we consider the likely impact of pest-susceptible plant refugia on the speed of the travelling wave of resistant pests, and simultaneously the expected trade-off, in terms of crop yield decrease, when refugia are included. We also explore the possibility that resistance breaking by the pest population is not an inevitable phenomenon, particularly when refugia of the appropriate size are used.  相似文献   

A previous model developed by the authors investigates the growth patterns of keratinocyte cell colonies after they have been applied to a burn site using a spray technique. In this paper, we investigate a simplified one-dimensional version of the model. This model yields travelling wave solutions and we analyse the behaviour of the travelling waves. Approximations for the rate of healing and maximum values for both the active healing and the healed cell densities are obtained. PACS 92B05  相似文献   

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