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Highlights► Crop yield depends on efficiency of conversion of light energy into biomass. ► Models have estimated energy conversion efficiency in photosynthesis and metabolism. ► Research is exploring strategies to modify or suppress photorespiration. ► Energy loss during conversion of photosynthate to biomass is also large ► Research is addressing uncertainties over where these losses occur.  相似文献   


The review describes the structures of plant carbonic anhydrases (CAs), enzymes catalyzing the interconversion of inorganic carbon forms and belonging to different families, as well as the interaction of inhibitors and activators of CA activity with the active sites of CAs in representatives of these families. We outline the data that shed light on the location of CAs in green cells of C3 plants, algae and angiosperms, with the emphasis on the recently obtained data. The proven and proposed functions of CAs in these organisms are listed. The possibility of the involvement of several chloroplast CAs in acceleration of the conversion of bicarbonate to CO2 and in supply of CO2 for fixation by Rubisco is particularly considered. Special attention is paid to CAs in various parts of thylakoids and to discussion about current knowledge of their possible physiological roles. The review states that, despite the significant progress in application of the mutants with suppressed CAs synthesis, the approach based on the use of the inhibitors of CA activity in some cases remains quite effective. Combination of these two approaches, namely determining the effect of CA activity inhibitors in plants with certain knocked-out CA genes, turns out to be very useful for understanding the functions of other CAs.


Progress in the genetic understanding of plant iron and zinc nutrition   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this review, we describe the need and progress to improve the iron and zinc contents in crop plants by genetic means. To achieve this goal either by transgenic approaches or classical breeding, knowledge about the physiological and molecular mechanisms of mineral uptake and mineral homeostasis will be very helpful. The progress in our understanding of the molecular processes and genes is described, and the use of the identified genes by transgenic approaches is illustrated. Genetic mapping of the existing variation will allow marker-assisted breeding to exploit the available natural variation in crop plants. For this application, ultimately the knowledge of the genes underlying this quantitative variation, called quantitative trait loci (QTL), will be required. It is expected that research in this field in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana , where the molecular tools are available, might help in the identification of the allelic variation at QTL.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of membrane protein folding present a number of serious technical challenges. Most studies addressing this subject have emphasized aspects of protein amino acid sequence and structure. While it is generally accepted that the interplay between proteins and lipids plays an important role in membrane protein folding, the role(s) played by membrane lipids in this process have only recently been explored in any detail. This review is intended to summarize recent studies in which particular lipids or membrane physical properties have been shown to play a role in the folding of intact, functionally competent integral membrane proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Folding in Membranes.  相似文献   

Post‐translational modifications (PTMs) play a critical role in regulating plant growth and development through the modulation of protein functionality and its interaction with its partners. Analysis of the functional implication of PTMs on plant cellular signalling presents grand challenges in understanding their significance. Proteins decorated or modified with another chemical group or polypeptide play a significant role in regulating physiological processes as compared with non‐decorated or non‐modified proteins. In the past decade, SUMOylation has been emerging as a potent PTM influencing the adaptability of plants to growth, in response to various environmental cues. Deciphering the SUMO‐mediated regulation of plant stress responses and its consequences is required to understand the mechanism underneath. Here, we will discuss the recent advances in the role and significance of SUMOylation in plant growth, development and stress response.  相似文献   

Summary The microtubule distribution during the transition from interphase to the mitotic phase was examined at ultrastructural level in large highly vacuolated cells ofNautilocalyx lynchii and in small non-vacuolated cells ofPisum sativum. Both cell types contain, besides preprophase bands and perinuclear microtubules, also microtubules radiating from the nucleus into the transvacuolar cytoplasmic strands and cytoplasm respectively.This microtubule array appears to be nucleated by the cell's nuclear envelope (NE) or NE-surrounding cytoplasm.It is hypothesized that the microtubules radiating from the nucleusinitially play a role in the mobilization of the nucleus whilelater on a stabilized part of this array anchors the nucleus in the plane of cell division, and thus forms a cytoskeletal link between nucleus and division site.Our results are discussed in the light of previous work on cytoplasmic behaviour during interphase-mitosis transition in highly vacuolated plant cells.  相似文献   



The plant peroxisomal multifunctional protein (MFP) possesses up to four enzymatic activities that are involved in catalyzing different reactions of fatty acid β-oxidation in the peroxisome matrix. In addition to these peroxisomal activities, in vitro assays revealed that rice MFP possesses microtubule- and RNA-binding activities suggesting that this protein also has important functions in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Various modifications to the immunofluorescent labeling procedures for microtubules in plant cells have been compared using cell cultures of Vicia hajastana Grossh. Using serial section electron microscopic reconstructions as a reference, we have chosen as our standard procedure a method that maximizes both the preservation of the cytoskeleton and the proportion of cells staining, while minimizing the degree of nonspecific staining. The critical steps of the procedure include stabilization of the cytoskeleton, cell wall permeabilization, and cell extraction. To maintain structural integrity during the procedure, it is necessary to stabilize the cytoskeleton with paraformaldehyde. To facilitate antibody penetration into the cell, it was necessary that the walls be made permeable via partial enzymatic digestion. Detergent extraction of cells increased the proportion of cells staining and decreased the level of nonspecific binding of the antibodies. The procedures detailed in this article provide a good starting point for the application of immunofluorescent labeling techniques to other plant systems.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)对外来植物入侵反馈机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)在植物群落竞争演替、物种多样性的形成及群落空间分布格局、植物群落对全球变化的响应中均起着重要的调节作用;同样也能影响外来植物与本地植物的互作,影响外来植物入侵过程中植物群落演替进程,甚至决定入侵的成败。因此,AMF与外来植物共生及其对外来植物入侵的反馈已成为国际上外来植物入侵机制研究的一个热点。本文基于外来植物的入侵过程,从AMF对外来植物生长、外来植物与本地植物竞争关系的影响,以及外来植物入侵对AMF的影响及AMF对入侵的反馈3个方面综述了AMF对外来植物入侵的反馈机制。外来植物可以通过多种途径改变土著AMF的群落结构和功能,而土著AMF也能直接或间接地改变甚至逆转外来植物与入侵地植物的互作关系。未来的研究不仅需要考虑AMF与外来植物共生的菌根特性和对竞争关系的影响,还需要通过大尺度条件下的野外试验及室内补充试验深入探究影响AMF在外来植物与本地植物竞争演替中的作用的生物和非生物因子,以全面解释AMF影响外来植物入侵的反馈机制。  相似文献   

Interactions between microtubules and viruses play important roles in viral infection. The best-characterized examples involve transport of animal viruses by microtubules to the nucleus or other intracellular destinations. In plant viruses, most work to date has focused on interaction between viral movement proteins and the cytoskeleton, which is thought to be involved in viral cell-to-cell spread. We show here, in Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)-infected plant cells, that viral electron-lucent inclusion bodies (ELIBs), whose only known function is vector transmission, require intact microtubules for their efficient formation. The kinetics of the formation of CaMV-related inclusion bodies in transfected protoplasts showed that ELIBs represent newly emerging structures, appearing at late stages of the intracellular viral life cycle. Viral proteins P2 and P3 are first produced in multiple electron-dense inclusion bodies, and are later specifically exported to transiently co-localize with microtubules, before concentrating in a single, massive ELIB in each infected cell. Treatments with cytoskeleton-affecting drugs suggested that P2 and P3 might be actively transported on microtubules, by as yet unknown motors. In addition to providing information on the intracellular life cycle of CaMV, our results show that specific interactions between host cell and virus may be dedicated to a later role in vector transmission. More generally, they indicate a new unexpected function for plant cell microtubules in the virus life cycle, demonstrating that microtubules act not only on immediate intracellular or intra-host phenomena, but also on processes ultimately controlling inter-host transmission.  相似文献   

The cortical microtubule array of plant cells appears in early G(1) and remodels during the progression of the cell cycle and differentiation, and in response to various stimuli. Recent studies suggest that cortical microtubules are mostly formed on pre-existing microtubules and, after detachment from the initial nucleation sites, actively interact with each other to attain distinct distribution patterns. The plus end of growing microtubules is thought to accumulate protein complexes that regulate both microtubule dynamics and interactions with cortical targets. The ROP family of small GTPases and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways have emerged as key players that mediate the cortical control of plant microtubules.  相似文献   

To investigate the spatial relationship between the nucleus and the cortical division site, epidermal cells were selected in which the separation between these two areas is large. Avoiding enzyme treatment and air drying, Datura stramonium cells were labeled with antitubulin antibodies and the three-dimensional aspect of the cytoskeletons was reconstructed using computer-aided optical sectioning. In vacuolated cells preparing for division, the nucleus migrates into the center of the cell, suspended by transvacuolar strands. These strands are now shown to contain continuous bundles of microtubules which bridge the nucleus to the cortex. These nucleus-radiating microtubules adopt different configurations in cells of different shape. In elongated cells with more or less parallel side walls, oblique strands radiating from the nucleus to the long side walls are presumably unstable, for they are progressively realigned into a transverse disc (the phragmosome) as broad, cortical, preprophase bands (PPBs) become tighter. The phragmosome and the PPB are both known predictors of the division plane and our observations indicate that they align simultaneously in elongated epidermal cells. These observations suggest another hypothesis: that the PPB may contain microtubules polymerized from the nuclear surface. In elongated cells, the majority of the radiating microtubules, therefore, come to anchor the nucleus in the transverse plane, consistent with the observed tendency of such cells to divide perpendicular to the long axis. In nonrectangular isodiametric epidermal cells, which approximate regular hexagons in section, the radial microtubular strands emanating from the nucleus tend to remain associated with the middle of each subtending cell wall. The strands are not reorganized into a single dominant transverse bar, but remain as a starlike array until mitosis. PPBs in these cells are not as tight; they may only be a sparse accumulation of microtubules, even forming along non-diametrical radii. This arrangement is consistent with the irregular division patterns observed in epidermal mosaics of isodiametric D. stramonium cells. The various conformations of the radial strands can be modeled by springs held in two-dimensional hexagonal frames, and by soap bubbles in three-dimensional hexagonal frames, suggesting that the division plane may, by analogy, be selected by minimal path criteria. Such behavior offers a cytoplasmic explanation of long-standing empirically derived "rules" which state that the new cell wall tends to meet the maternal wall at right angles. The radial premitotic strands and their analogues avoid taking the longer path to the vertex of an angle where a cross wall is already present between neighboring cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reorganization of the microtubular meshwork was studied in intact Haemanthus endosperm cells and cell fragments (cytoplasts). This higher plant tissue is devoid of a known microtubule organizating organelle. Observations on living cells were correlated with microtubule arrangements visualized with the immunogold method. In small fragments, reorganization did not proceed. In medium and large sized fragments, microtubular converging centers formed first. Then these converging centers reorganized into either closed bushy microtubular spiral or chromosome-free cytoplasmic spindles/phragmoplasts. Therefore, the final shape of organized microtubular structures, including spindle shaped, was determined by the initial size of the cell fragments and could be achieved without chromosomes or centrioles. Converging centers elongate due to the formation of additional structures resembling microtubular fir trees. These structures were observed at the pole of the microtubular converging center in anucleate fragments, accessory phragmoplasts in nucleated cells, and in the polar region of the mitotic spindle during anaphase. Therefore, during anaphase pronounced assembly of new microtubules occurs at the polar region of acentriolar spindles. Moreover, statistical analysis demonstrated that during the first two-thirds of anaphase, when chromosomes move with an approximately constant speed, kinetochore fibers shorten, while the length of the kinetochore fiber complex remains constant due to the simultaneous elongation of their integral parts (microtubular fir trees). The half-spindle shortens only during the last one-third of anaphase. These data contradict the presently prevailing view that chromosome-to-pole movements in acentriolar spindles of higher plants are concurrent with the shortening of the half-spindle, the self-reorganizing property of higher plant microtubules (tubulin) in vivo. It may be specific for cells without centrosomes and may be superimposed also on other microtubule-related processes.  相似文献   

Co-localization of microtubule (MT) and muscle myosin (MHC) myofibril immunofluoresoonoe in developing myotubes of chicken skeletal muscle cultures was observed by using double staining of tubulin and MHC indirect immunofluorescence.120-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-12-acetate (TPA) selectively and reversibly blocks myofibrillogenesis and alters the morphology of myotubes in to myosacs where MTs are present in radiating pattern.When the arrested myogenic cells recover and start myofibrillogenesis after released from TPA,prior to the emergence of myofibrils,the pre-ecisting MTs become bipolarly aligned coincidently with the tubular restoration of cell shape.Single nascent myofibrils overlapping with MTs extend into the base of growth tips where MTs go farther to the end of the tips.That MT might act as scaffold in guiding the bipolar elongation of the growing myofibrils was suggested.Taxol and colcemid disturbed MT polymerization and disposition,and interfered with the normal spatial assembly of myofibrils in developing myotubes.  相似文献   

This review discusses the role of microtubules in the formation of processes from neuronal and non-neuronal cells. In elongating axons of the neuron, tubulin molecules are transported toward the end of pre-existing microtubules, which may be nucleated at the centrosome, via a mechanism called slow axonal flow. Two different hypotheses are presented to explain this mechanism; the transport of soluble monomers and/or oligomers versus the transport of polymerized microtubules. The majority of tubulin seems to be transported as small oligomers as shown by the data presented so far. Alternatively, an active transport of polymerized microtubules driven by microtubule-based motor proteins is postulated as being responsible for the non-uniform polarity of microtubule bundles in dendrites of the neuron. Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) play a crucial role in stabilizing the microtubular arrays, whereas the non-uniform polarity of microtubules may be established with the aid of microtubule-based motor proteins. The signals activating centrosomal proteins and MAPs, resulting in process formation, include phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of these proteins. Not only neuronal cells, but also renal glomerular podocytes develop prominent cell processes equipped with well-organized microtubular cytoskeletons, and intermediate and actin filaments. A novel cell culture system for podocytes, in which process formation can be induced, should provide further evidence that microtubules play a pivotal role in process formation of non-neuronal cells.  相似文献   

The microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is necessary for the proper assembly of the apolipoprotein B containing lipoproteins, very low density lipoprotein and chylomicrons. Recent research has significantly advanced our understanding of the role of MTP in these pathways at the molecular and cellular level. Biochemical studies suggest that initiation of lipidation of the nascent apolipoprotein B polypeptide may occur through a direct association with MTP. This early lipidation may be required to allow the nascent polypeptide to fold properly and therefore avoid ubiquitination and degradation. Concerning the addition of core neutral lipids in the later stages of lipoprotein assembly, cell culture studies show that MTP lipid transfer activity is not required for this to occur for apolipoprotein B-100 containing lipoproteins. Likewise, MTP does not appear to directly mediate addition of core neutral lipid to nascent apoB-48 particles. However, new data indicate that MTP is required to produce triglyceride rich droplets in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum which may supply the core lipids for conversion of nascent, dense apoB-48 particles to mature VLDL. In addition, assembly of dense apolipoprotein B-48 containing lipoproteins has been observed in mouse liver in the absence of MTP. As a result of these new data, an updated model for the role of MTP in lipoprotein assembly is proposed.  相似文献   

The organization of intracellular compartments and the transfer of components between them are central to the correct functioning of mammalian cells. Proteins and lipids are transferred between compartments by the formation, movement and subsequent specific fusion of transport intermediates. These vesicles and membrane clusters must be coupled to the cytoskeleton and to motor proteins that drive motility. Anterograde ER (endoplasmic reticulum)-to-Golgi transport, and the converse step of retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER, are now known to involve coupling of membranes to the microtubule cytoskeleton. Here we shall discuss our current understanding of the mechanisms that link membrane traffic in the early secretory pathway to the microtubule cytoskeleton in mammalian cells. Recent data have also provided molecular detail of functional co-ordination of motor proteins to specify directionality, as well as mechanisms for regulating motor activity by protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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