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RFLP-based genetic maps of wheat homoeologous group 7 chromosomes   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) mapping was attempted using 18 cDNA clones, 14 anonymous and 4 of known function, which had been shown to have homologous DNA sequences on the group 7 chromosomes of wheat. The loci identified by these probes have been mapped on one or more chromosomes in this homoeologous group using linkage data derived from various F2, random inbred, doubled haploid and single chromosome recombinant populations. The maps also include three isozyme loci, five disease resistance loci, two anthocyanin pigment loci and a vernalisation response locus. The mapping data have been used to determine the extent of map co-linearity over the A, B and D genomes, the degree of RFLP variability in the three genomes and the relative efficiency of various restriction enzymes in detecting RFLPs in wheat. The strategy for future mapping in wheat, particularly the use of alien genomes or segments, such as that from Aegilops ventricosa used here, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-2 chromosomes were constructed, comprising 114 loci in wheat and 34 loci in rye. These include the genes coding for sucrose synthase, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, a bZIP protein (EmBP-1), a peroxidase and an abscisic acid-induced protein (#7). Overall, gene orders are highly conserved in the genomes of wheat, barley and rye, except for the distal ends of chromosome arms 2BS and 2RS, which are involved in interchromosomal, probably evolutionary, translocations. Clustering of loci in the centromeric regions of the maps, resulting from the concentration of recombination events in the distal chromosomal regions, is observed in wheat and rye, but not in barley. Furthermore, loci for which homoeoloci can be detected in rye and barley tend to lie in the centromeric regions of the maps, while non-homoeologous and wheat-specific loci tend to be more evenly distributed over the genetic maps. Mapping of the group-2 chromosomes in the intervarietal Timgalen x RL4137 cross revealed that the T. timopheevi chromosome segment introgressed into chromosome 2B in Timgalen is preferentially transmitted. Recombination is also greatly reduced in that segment.  相似文献   

Anther culture and maize hybridization are two frequently used techniques for doubled haploid production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Information on the field performance of lines derived from these techniques is limited. This study was conducted to compare the performance of F4:6 lines obtained by single-seed descent with lines obtained by anther culture and maize (Zea mays L.) pollination from the same cross of spring wheat, ’Chris’/MN 7529. Thirty-three lines derived from each of those techniques were evaluated in six environments for grain yield, protein content, test weight, heading date, kernel weight and plant height. Mean performance of the single-seed descent lines exceeded performance of the anther culture lines for grain yield, kernel weight and plant height with no apparent differences for grain protein content, test weight and heading date. No differences between trait means for the single-seed descent and maize pollination lines were found except for plant height. The best 5 lines from each method for grain yield, protein content and test weight were similar in performance except that the protein content was higher for the maize pollination lines than for the single-seed descent lines. Acceptable levels of agronomic performance could be found among lines from each method. Wide acceptance of the doubled haploid technique for pure line production in breeding programs may, however, be limited by the often poor efficiency of doubled haploid line production, resulting in smaller population sizes for selection of desirable traits in comparison to the single-seed descent method. Received: 31 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Extended physical maps of chromosomes 6A, 6B and 6D of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell., 2n=6x=42, AABBDD) were constructed with 107 DNA clones and 45 homoeologous group-6 deletion lines. Two-hundred and ten RFLP loci were mapped, including three orthologous loci with each of 34 clones, two orthologous loci with each of 31 clones, one locus with 40 clones, two paralogous loci with one clone, and four loci, including three orthologs and one paralog, with one clone. Fifty five, 74 and 81 loci were mapped in 6A, 6B and 6D, respectively. The linear orders of the mapped orthologous loci in 6A, 6B and 6D appear to be identical and 65 loci were placed on a group-6 consensus physical map. Comparison of the consensus physical map with eight linkage maps of homoeologous group-6 chromosomes from six Triticeaespecies disclosed that the linear orders of the loci on the maps are largely, if not entirely, conserved. The relative distributions of loci on the physical and linkage maps differ markedly, however. On most of the linkage maps, the loci are either distributed relatively evenly or clustered around the centromere. In contrast, approximately 90% of the loci on the three physical maps are located either in the distal one-half or the distal two-thirds of the six chromosome arms and most of the loci are clustered in two or three segments in each chromosome. Received: 19 April 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

Presence of genes in gene-rich regions on wheat chromosomes has been widely reported. However, there is a lack of information on the precise characterization of these regions with respect to the distribution of genes and recombination. We attempted to critically analyze the available data to characterize gene-rich regions and to study the distribution of genes and recombination on wheat homoeologous group 6 chromosomes which are a reservoir of several useful genes controlling traits of economic importance. Consensus physical and genetic linkage maps were constructed for homoeologous group 6 using physical and genetic mapping data. Five major gene-rich regions were identified on homoeologous group 6 chromosomes, with two on the short and three on long arm. More than 90% of marker or gene loci were present in these five gene-rich regions, which comprise about 30% of the total physical chromosomal length. The gene-rich regions were mainly present in the distal 60% regions of the chromosomes. About 61% of the total loci map in the most distal regions which span only about 4% of the physical length of the chromosome. A range of sub-microscopic regions within each gene-rich region were also identified. Comparisons of the consensus physical and genetic linkage maps revealed that recombination occurred mainly in the gene-rich regions. Seventy percent of the total recombination occurred in the two most distally located regions that span only 4% of the physical length of the chromosomes. The relationship of recombination to the gene-rich region is not linear with distance from the centromere, especially on the long arm. The kb/cM estimates for group 6 chromosomes ranged from 146 kb in the gene-rich to about 10 Mb in the gene-poor region. The information obtained here is vital in understanding wheat genome structure and organization, which may lead in developing better strategies for positional cloning in wheat and related cereals.This revised version was pubished online in April 2005 with corrections to the page numbering.  相似文献   

Wheat-rye chromosome associations at metaphase I studied by Naranjo and Fernández-Rueda (1991) in ph1b ABDR hybrids have been reanalysed to establish the frequency of pairing between individual chromosomes of wheat and rye. Wheat chromosomes, except for 2A and 2D, and their arms were identified by C-banding. Diagnostic C-bands and other cytological markers such as telocentrics or translocations were used to identify each one of the rye chromosomes and their arms. Both the amount of telomeric C-heterochromatin and the structure of the rye chromosomes relative to wheat affected the level of wheatrye pairing. The degree to which rye chromosomes paired with their wheat homoeologues varied with each of the three wheat genomes; in most groups, the B-R association was more frequent than the A-R or D-R associations. Recombination between arms 1RL and 2RL and their homoeologues of wheat possessing a different telomeric C-banding pattern was detected and quantified at anaphase I. The frequency of recombinant chromosomes obtained supports the premise that recombination between wheat and rye chromosomes may be estimated from wheat-rye pairing.  相似文献   

Summary Marked effects of genotype on wheat anther culture response have been observed. Genetic factors have been recognised to be one of the major contributors to in vitro responses of cultured wheat tissues. In wheat anther culture, embryo induction, plant regeneration and albina/green ratio have been determined to be heritable traits. Using Chinese Spring (CS) monosomic 1D, single chromosome substitution lines of chromosome 5B or chromosome arm 5BL from Chinese Spring into six varieties, and F1 hybrids heterozygous for the 1B chromosome structure (1BL-1BS/1BL-1RS), the anther culture response was studied: genes on CS1D chromosome and 5BL chromosome arm increases the embryo frequency; gene(s) involved in regeneration ability are located on the 1RS chromosome arm; a gene increasing albina frequency is located on Chinese Spring 5B chromosome. Our results support the fact that without gametic selection, a differential development occurred from the particular classes of microspores carrying genes for higher regeneration ability. Moreover, in some crosses, a few genes with major effects were involved in determination of anther culture response.  相似文献   

Sex as a factor affecting recovered recombination in plant gametes was investigated in pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, by using reciprocal three-way crosses [(AxB)xCvCx(A x B)]. The two populations were mapped at 42 loci pre-selected to cover the majority of the genome. No differences in recombination distances were observed at the whole-genome level and only a few individual linkage intervals were found to differ, all in favour of increased recombination through the male. Distorted segregations found in the three-way crosses provide evidence of post-gametic selection for particular gene(s) or chromosome regions. The significance of these results for the design of pearl millet breeding programmes and inheritance experiments, as well as for other experimental strategies, is discussed.  相似文献   

F.E. Würgler   《Mutation research》1991,250(1-2):275-290
Genotoxic agents can induce mutations as well as recombination in the genetic material. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was one of the first assay systems to test physical and chemical agents for recombinogenic effects. Such effects can be observed in cells of the germ line as well as in somatic cells. At present information is available on 54 agents, among them 48 chemicals that have been tested in cells of the germ line of males and/or females. Effects on meiotic recombination in female germ cells cannot simply be classified as positive or negative since for a number of agents, depending on the chromosome region studied, recombination frequencies may be increased, unaffected or decreased. The male germ line of D. melanogaster represents a unique situation because meiotic recombination does not occur. Among 25 agents tested in male germ cells 24 did induce male recombination, among them alkylating, intercalating and cross-linking agents, direct-acting ones as well as compounds needing metabolic activation. With several compounds the frequency of induced recombination is highest in the heterochromatic regions near the centromeres. In brood pattern analyses, e.g., after exposure of adult males to ionizing radiation, the first appearance of crossover progeny is indicative of the sampling of exposed spermatocytes. In premeiotic cells of the male and the female germ line mitotic recombination can occur. Upon clonal expansion of the recombinant cells, clusters of identical crossovers can be observed.  相似文献   

The construction of comparative genetic maps of chromosomes 4Am and 5Am of Triticum monococcum and chromosomes of homoeologous groups 4, 5 and 7 of T. aestivum has provided insight into the evolution of these chromosomes. The structures of chromosomes 4A, 5A and 7B of modern-day hexaploid bread wheat can be explained by a 4AL/5AL translocation that occurred at the diploid level and is present both in T. monococcum and T. aestivum. Three further rearrangements, a 4AL/7BS translocation, a pericentric inversion and a paracentric inversion, have taken place in the tetraploid progenitor of hexaploid wheat. These structural rearrangements and the evolution of chromosomes 4A, 5A and 7B of bread wheat are discussed. The presence of the 4AL/5AL translocation in several Triticeae genomes raises two questions — which state is the more primitive, and is the translocation of mono- or poly-phylogenetic origin? The rearrangements that have occurred in chromosome 4A resulted in segments of both arms having different positions relative to the telomere, compared to 4Am and to 4B and 4D. Comparisons of map length in these regions indicate that genetic length is a function of distance from the telomere, with the distal regions showing the highest recombination.  相似文献   

Analysis of the bread wheat variety Schomburgk, and related lines in its pedigree, identified RFLP markers associated with the segment of chromosome 7A carrying the Sr22 gene derived from the diploid species T. boeoticum. The distribution of the RFLP markers indicated that at least 50% of 7AS and 80% of 7AL in Schomburgk is of T. boeoticum origin. Evaluation of five sets of nearisogenic lines, backcross lines in 20 different genetic backgrounds and an F2 population segregating for Sr22 demonstrated a very low level of recombination between the 7A chromosomes of T. boeoticum and T. aestivum. Several recombinants carrying Sr22 but with a much reduced segment of T. boeoticum were identified and these may prove useful in the breeding of further varieties with Sr22.  相似文献   

The use of RFLP markers, together with a partial set of monosomics available in Avena byzantina cv Kanota, has enabled us to identify putative homoeologous chromosome sets in hexaploid Avena species (2n = 6x = 42, AACCDD). We first identified probes producing distinct three-band patterns on Southern blots that possibly reflect orthologous loci of the three genomes present in the hexaploid. Using monosomic analysis, 51 different restriction fragments that hybridized to 26 probes were localized to 12 different chromosomes for which monosomic stocks were available. These DNA restriction fragments were localized to specific monosomics using image analysis to quantify band intensity relative to other bands in the same lane. From these data, we have tentatively identified two complete homoeologous sets of three chromosomes each and two partial sets of two of the three chromosomes. The results indicate that RFLP dosage analysis is useful in the characterization of homoeologous chromosomes in hexaploid oat where nullisomics for many of the chromosomes are not available.Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA-ARS or the University of Minnesota and does not imply approval over other products that also may be suitableJoint contribution of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA-ARS. Scientific Journal Series Paper no. 20 650 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

家蚕分子连锁图谱的构建及分子标记育种研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际蚕分子育种计划(InternationalSilkwormProject)是RhodeIsland大学的M.R.Goldsmith在1991年提出来的,也叫基因标记育种计划〔1〕。该计划主要包括两步工作:第一步是制作蚕的分子基因图,第二步是数量性状定位分析(简称QTL分析,也叫数量性状定位作图:QTLMapping)。最后利用分子标记直接在DNA水平进行重要经济性状(数量性状)的选择、固定,即实施“分子育种”,用很短时间育成兼具高抗、强健、丝多、质优、易繁等特性的新蚕品种,本文对此进行简要介…  相似文献   

Summary Sixty single seed descent (SSD) lines and about 25 anther-derived doubled-haploid (DH) lines were obtained from two triticale crosses. The frequency distributions of 10 quantitative agronomic traits were compared using parametric and non-parametric tests. A multivariate discriminant analysis was subsequently carried out. Gliadin patterns obtained from each line by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to calculate intra- and inter-population diversities from relative dissimilarity indices. It was found that DH and SSD lines show significant differences in frequency distributions of 1000 grain weight in both crosses, of heading date for one cross, and of lodging susceptibility for the other cross. The results of intra- and inter-population gliadin diversity indicate that although the SSD method theoretically provides more opportunity for recombination to occur than the DH method, it did not produce a greater range of recombinants. Since there is no significant difference between SSD- and DH-line distributions for grain yield, anther culture appears to be an efficient method for producing high yielding homozygous lines from F1 hybrids of triticale in a relatively short time.  相似文献   

This study was planned to identify the chromosomal location of esterase loci in wheat (Triticum aestivum), in comparison to Aegilops uniaristata, using wheat Ae. uniaristata disomic addition and translocation lines. Two loci (Est-N1 and Est-N8) were identified on 3N chromosome of Ae. uniaristata and their probable homoeoloci were, for the first time, mapped close to three RFLP probes (Xpsr56, Xpsr394, and Xpsr1196) on homoeologous group 3 wheat chromosomes.  相似文献   

家蚕分子连锁图谱的构建及分子标记育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李斌  鲁成  周泽扬  向仲怀 《遗传》1999,21(4):54-56
国际蚕分子育种计划(International Silkworm Project)是Rhode Island大学的M.R.Goldsmith在1991年提出来的,也叫基因标记育种计划[1].该计划主要包括两步工作:第一步是制作蚕的分子基因图, 第二步是数量性状定位分析(简称QTL分析,也叫数量性状定位作图:QTL Mapping).最后利用分子标记直接在DNA水平进行重要经济性状(数量性状)的选择、固定,即实施"分子育种",用很短时间育成兼具高抗、强健、丝多、质优、易繁等特性的新蚕品种,本文对此进行简要介绍.  相似文献   

Summary A new group of proteins soluble in salt solutions and organic solvents (70% ethanol and chloroform-methanol mixtures), but not in water, has been isolated from wheat and rye endosperm. The molecular weights (23–26 kDa) and amino acid compositions of the different fractions characterized suggest a high degree of homology among the major components of the fractions in wheat and rye. Compensating nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines of hexaploid wheat have been analysed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and genes for these proteins have been assigned to the short arms of chromosomes 1 A, 1 B and 1 D. A similar analysis of Triticum aestivum/Secale cereale and T. aestivum/Agropyron elongatum addition and substitution lines has shown that genes for the corresponding globulins are located in the short arms of group 1 chromosomes of these species.  相似文献   

RFLP-based genetic maps of chromosomes 6A and 6B of Triticum turgidum have been constructed using data obtained by the study of Triticum turgidum var durum cv Langdon-T. t. var dicoccoides recombinant substitution lines (RSLs) supplemented with data obtained from F3 families derived from Langdon dicoccoides 6A and 6B disomic substitution lines. The average RFLP frequencies detected for the two chromosomes in a test of 45 DNA clones with six restriction enzymes were 56% and 53%, respectively, and a subset of 32 clones gave frequencies of 75% and 72%, respectively. Seventeen loci were mapped in 6A and 18 in 6B. With the possible exception of 5 loci in the centromeric region of 6A, all of the mapped 6A and 6B loci are located in the same arm as are homologous loci in hexaploid wheat, and the linear order of the loci is the same in the two chromosomes, except possibly close to the centromere. Major differences in genetic distances exist between homologous loci located in the proximal regions of the 6AL and 6BL linkage groups, however, the distances being much larger in the former than in the latter. The 6B maps that were constructed using data from both the RSL and the F2 populations and using data from the RSL population alone closely resemble one another, indicating that the 6B RSL population, composed of 85 lines, can be reliably used for genetic mapping. Additional studies must be conducted before the utility of the 6A RSL population, composed of 66 lines, can be adequately assessed.  相似文献   

Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-6 chromosomes of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, have been constructed spanning 103 cM on 6A, 90 cM on 6B and 124 cM on 6D. These maps were transferred to a Chinese Spring (CS) x line #31 cross to locate a dominant powdery mildew resistance gene, Pm12, introgressed into line #31 from Aegilops speltoides. Pm12 was shown to lie on the short arm of translocation chromosome 6BS-6SS.6SL in line #31, but could not be mapped more precisely due to the lack of recombination between the 6S Ae. speltoides segment and chromosome 6B. Possible strategies to reduce the size of the alien segment, which probably encompasses the complete long arm and more than 82% of the short arm of chromosome 6B, are discussed.  相似文献   

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