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通过使用乙酸乙酯溶剂对沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)全草进行超声连续提取,采用硅胶柱色谱法和光谱分析法分离和鉴定化学成分。从苦草中分离到6个化合物:6,10,14-三甲基-2-十五酮(1)、棕榈酸(2)、4,22-二烯-3β-豆甾酮(3)、5α,豆甾烷-3,6-二酮(4)、硬脂酸(5)、棕榈酸乙酯(6)。化合物1—6为首次从该植物中发现。  相似文献   

遥感技术可应用于大尺度实时监测沉水植物的分布与生长状况。然而沉水植物的光谱特征受其冠层在水下深度的影响,从而影响湖泊和河流中沉水植物的遥感影像解译与信息提取。应用地物光谱仪,通过野外原位测定和室外控制试验,实测了沉水植物水盾草(Cabomba caroliniana)群落冠层在水下不同深度的反射光谱,分析了冠层水深对水盾草反射光谱的影响,并建立了基于光谱反射率和冠层水深的水盾草群落盖度反演模型。研究结果表明(1)不同盖度的水盾草群落光谱反射率的基本特征主要体现在绿光和近红外波段;(2)水盾草群落的光谱反射率与冠层水深基本呈负相关,相同盖度水盾草群落的光谱反射率随冠层水深的增加而减小,在近红外波段尤其明显;(3)水盾草群落冠层水深越小,其盖度与光谱反射率的相关性越强,且水盾草群落盖度越大,其光谱反射率与冠层水深的相关性越显著;(4)水盾草光谱反射率与盖度相关的最佳波段在692—898 nm,与冠层水深相关最佳的波段在710 nm和806 nm附近;(5)在710 nm和806 nm处建立的结合冠层水深的修正模型,无论是回归方程决定系数(R2),还是水盾草群落盖度的反演精度都明显高于仅用光谱反射率反演盖度的简单模型,因此可有效减除冠层水深对反演精度的影响。本研究的结果可为遥感监测沉水植物的分布和动态变化,以及沉水植物生物物理参量反演提供科学依据。  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素在沉水植物苦草中的积累   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了微囊藻毒素RR在大型沉水植物苦草根、叶组织中的积累作用 ,通过ELISA方法检测发现 ,苦草可以吸收MC RR ,其吸收具有时间和剂量效应 ,根的吸收作用强于叶。第 7d叶对MC RR的吸收已经达到平衡 ,而根对MC RR的吸收在处理第 16d时还在上升。苦草根和叶对MC RR的最大吸收量分别可达到 14 83± 0 12 μg/g FW和0 32± 0 0 2 6 μg/g FW。在 0 0 0 0 1mg/L的低浓度下 ,苦草根和叶对MC RR的吸收量分别为 0 5 9± 0 0 83pg/g FW和0 2 8± 0 0 16pg/g FW ,生物浓缩系数分别为 5 85± 0 83和 2 85± 0 16。这个结果表明 ,MC RR可以在苦草中积累并有可能转移到食物链中  相似文献   

俞斐  李树  沈显生 《西北植物学报》2007,27(5):1022-1025
用环境扫描电子显微镜对沉水植物长梗苦草(Vallisneria longipedunculata)的雄花结构进行了观察研究。结果显示,长梗苦草雄花具3枚花被,2枚雄蕊是由3枚雄蕊中的1枚退化而来的,退化雄蕊清晰可见;花药4室,发育过程中通过药室顶端开裂,以及花药室基部的细胞收缩,将花粉粒都推到花药室的裂口处进行发育,成熟花粉粒直接外露;长梗苦草的花粉粒直径约50μm,壁薄,表面几乎没有纹饰,未发现萌发孔或萌发沟,这些是对特殊生境和传粉方式的适应。  相似文献   

长梗苦草花粉粒的电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
沈显生  周忠泽等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(5):1022-1025,T001
通过扫描电镜和透射电镜首次对沉水植物梗苦草(Vallisneria longipedunculata)的花粉粒进行了观察,其花粉粒的细胞壁非常薄,无萌发孔,但有2-3个具有较质丝的凹穴。花粉粒细胞壁的覆盖层十分不明显。具散生的颗粒;外壁内层较为厚实,但柱状结构分化不明显,整体呈海绵状;花粉内壁较厚。在花粉粒内部,有大量的单粒和复粒的淀粉粒,但未见到半复粒。  相似文献   

为了探求合适的水体砷污染修复植物及砷在食物链中传递、累积的特点,以常见的沉水植物-苦草为研究对象,对受砷污染的水体进行修复,结果表明:苦草对水环境中砷的富集能在较短的时间内(3 d)达到一个较大值,到第14天,不同砷水平(2 mg/L)处理下的苦草对砷富集系数均超过200;苦草中砷浓度随处理时间及外源砷浓度的增加而增加,且与外源砷浓度之间存在极显著地正相关;苦草在不同浓度砷处理下都生长良好,对砷胁迫表现出较强的耐受性。因此,苦草对于水体的砷污染有着很好的去除效果,同时也能很好地反映出一个地区的砷污染水平。  相似文献   

苦草繁殖生态学研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
通过太湖野外调查、室内培养、种子与块茎萌发及幼苗生长试验,对太湖苦草(Vallisneria natans)种群的繁殖生态特征进行了研究。结果显示:1)苦草分配于有性繁殖部分的生物量较无性的大,分别占总生物量的25.0%±13.8%和10.1%±7.0%。雌花数与座果率平均分别为22.9±13.8朵·株-1和73.3%±17.9%。雄株可以产生11~33个佛焰苞,每个佛焰苞内平均含有364±38朵雄花,每个雄花产生的花粉为128~184粒。每个果实内种子丰富,多达150~360粒,估算太湖苦草种群立地种子量可达1.68×104~1.01×106个·m-2。但每年种群主要来自地下块茎和匍匐茎,水深、风浪等可能是种子苗难以在湖泊中定植成功的主要因素。2)苦草的块茎数量较大,平均90~226个·m-2,是种群发展的强大物质基础。3)温度、光照、基质及种子保存方式与时间长短对种子发芽率均有较大影响。10 ℃时种子发芽率较低,仅8.35%±1.89%;20 ℃时发芽率较高,为56.73%±6.42%;30 ℃时发芽率有所降低,为43.55%±4.34%。种子发芽对光照有一定要求,20 ℃、无光条件下,种子发芽率下降63.6%。在没有湖泥为基质的情况下,发芽率下降36.5%。此外,随干燥保存时间增加,种子发芽率下降。4)块茎发芽对光照需求不大,但温度对块茎的发芽率有较大影响,10 ℃时发芽率为20.3%±5.7%,20 ℃时较高,达90.2%±12.6%,30 ℃时发芽率降低至60.4%±7.6%。5)光照对幼苗生长有一定影响。有光照的幼苗伸长生长比无光条件下慢,但生物量积累较大,有光的苗生长速度平均为0.56~0.70 cm·d-1,无光的为0.86~0.96 cm·d-1。试验结果还显示,苦草的块茎苗初期的伸长生长主要依赖于基部的根茎生长。6)根据研究结果认为,在湖泊中恢复苦草种群应主要利用地下块茎,种子只适用于相对静止的浅水池塘种植。  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素对沉水植物苦草生长发育的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
MC RR抑制大型沉水植物苦草 (Vallisnerianatans (Lour.)Hara .)的生长和发育。在 0 0 0 0 1— 10mg/L的浓度下 ,苦草种子的发芽、子叶生长、真叶的形成和生长、不定根的形成和生长以及根毛的生长都受到了一定的抑制作用。当MC RR浓度≥ 0 .1mg/L时 ,处理第 30d ,MC RR对苦草鲜重和第一片真叶的生长有极显著的抑制作用 ,当MC RR浓度为 10mg/L时 ,根的生长和叶片的发生也受到了极显著的抑制作用  相似文献   

 在对长江中下游流域湖南、湖北、江西和安徽4省25个湖泊苦草属(Vallisneria)植物种群进行广泛的取样调查、鉴定和查明种间共存格局的基 础上,结合同园种植实验,对该属两个混生近缘种刺苦草(V. spinulosa)和苦草(V. natans)有性和无性生活史特征进行了定量测定和比较研究 ,探讨了种间生活史差异对种间共存格局的影响。结果表明:1)刺苦草是长江中下游湖泊的优势物种,苦草为常见种,而密刺苦草(V. denseserrulata)仅有很少分布;2)苦草和刺苦草常混生于这些湖泊中,形成共存分布格局:刺苦草和苦草种间呈明显的的带状相间分布格局, 或苦草只零星分布于刺苦草群落中;3)刺苦草和苦草有性和无性生活史特征显著不同:刺苦草为多年生,主要以无性繁殖为主,只有有限的有 性繁殖投入;相反,苦草在调查的地区为一年生,以有性繁殖为主,只进行微弱的克隆生长,且不能产生克隆繁殖器官(冬芽)。刺苦草和苦草 在有性和无性繁殖生活史对策上的权衡,导致种间资源利用和竞争能力的分异而使这两个近缘种得以共存。  相似文献   

亚洲苦草与刺苦草的染色体数目和核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁维政   《广西植物》1991,11(2):153-156
本文以亚洲苦草和刺苦草根尖为实验材料,对其染色体数目及核型进行了研究,结果表明,两个种均为2n=20,同属Stebbins的不对称核型,亚洲苦草为“3B”,刺苦草为“2B”。核型公式分别为:K(2n)=20=2m+12sm+6st,K(2n)=20=2M+2m+14sm+2st。  相似文献   

The relationship between land features and their spectral characteristics is important for the interpretation of remote sensing images. In this study, the spectral characteristics of a submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis with varied coverage was measured with a ground sensor/radiometer, FieldSpec? Pro JR Spectroradiometer in the laboratory and in the constructed wetland of “Mengqingyuan”, Shanghai, China. The results showed that the reflectance rate of Vallisneria spiralis rose with its increasing coverage, which was exhibited both at the visible band (500–650 nm) and the near infrared band (700–900 nm). Water quality influenced the reflectance rate with the primary differences between the laboratory and field experiments mainly occurring at the near-infrared band (700–900 nm). A regression analysis was carried out respectively between the coverage of Vallisneria spiralis and the reflectance rate at the wavelengths of Quick Bird 4 bands where the coverage responded to the strongest. These results of regression analyses showed a clear linear relationship, by which the coverage of Vallisneria spiralis could be quantitatively deduced from the reflectance rate measured in situ. The implications in terms of the ability of hyperspectral remote sensing to distinguish and monitor the distribution and dynamics of submerged vegetation on a large scale are discussed.  相似文献   

Yuan L  Zhang L Q 《农业工程》2006,26(4):1005-1010
The relationship between land features and their spectral characteristics is important for the interpretation of remote sensing images. In this study, the spectral characteristics of a submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis with varied coverage was measured with a ground sensor/radiometer, FieldSpecTM Pro JR Spectroradiometer in the laboratory and in the constructed wetland of “Mengqingyuan”, Shanghai, China. The results showed that the reflectance rate of Vallisneria spiralis rose with its increasing coverage, which was exhibited both at the visible band (500–650 nm) and the near infrared band (700–900 nm). Water quality influenced the reflectance rate with the primary differences between the laboratory and field experiments mainly occurring at the near-infrared band (700–900 nm). A regression analysis was carried out respectively between the coverage of Vallisneria spiralis and the reflectance rate at the wavelengths of Quick Bird 4 bands where the coverage responded to the strongest. These results of regression analyses showed a clear linear relationship, by which the coverage of Vallisneria spiralis could be quantitatively deduced from the reflectance rate measured in situ. The implications in terms of the ability of hyperspectral remote sensing to distinguish and monitor the distribution and dynamics of submerged vegetation on a large scale are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between land features and their spectral characteristics is a key for the interpretation of remote sensing images. This study was designed to investigate the spectral responses of Vallisneria spiralis, a common submerged aquatic plant in Shanghai, with varying biomass both in the laboratory and in the Middle Lake section of a field-scale constructed wetland, using a FieldSpec™ Pro JR Field Portable Spectroradiometer. The results showed that the reflectance rate of V. spiralis increased with its increasing biomass, and this was exhibited both at the visible band (500–650 nm) and the near infrared band (700–900 nm). The water environment influenced the reflectance rate and the primary differences between the laboratory and field results mainly occurred at the near-infrared band (700–900 nm). A regression analysis was carried out between the biomass of V. spiralis and the reflectance rate at the wavelengths of QuickBird™ bands where the biomass responded most strongly. The results of this analysis showed a clear linear relationship by which the biomass of V. spiralis could be quantitatively deduced from the reflectance rate measured in situ. The implications of this observation, in terms of the ability of hyperspectral remote sensing to estimate and monitor the distribution and dynamics of submerged aquatic vegetation on a large scale, are discussed. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

芘对苦草的生物毒性效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过静态模拟实验,研究了不同浓度(0.01、0.02、0.05、0.07和0.1 mg·L-1)芘暴露10 d后,芘在苦草中的富集,以及芘对苦草茎叶中自由基含量、抗氧化系统以及叶绿素、可溶性糖等的影响.结果表明: 芘能够大量富集在苦草叶部;自由基信号强度、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量持续升高;当污染加重时,这种升高现象有减弱的趋势,且三者有较好的相关性;谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GST)活性和氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)含量持续增加,而还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量持续降低;随着芘浓度的增加,叶绿素含量降低,而可溶性糖含量升高.苦草对芘暴露比较敏感,0.01 mg·L-1即已显示胁迫效应.  相似文献   

螺类牧食与沉积物类型对苦草生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室外实验条件下,研究了螺类牧食与沉积物类型对苦草生长的影响。结果表明:椭圆萝卜螺的牧食对苦草生长有显著影响,牧食损害使苦草的相对生长率明显降低、块茎数量及重量下降。沉积物类型对苦草生长也有明显影响,苦草的相对生长率在营养盐相对丰富的湖泥处理组中要远高于岸泥处理组,而根须数与块茎重量在湖泥处理组中显著低于岸泥处理组。螺类牧食与沉积物类型对苦草的各项生长指标无明显交互作用。  相似文献   

李宽意  张雷燕  刘正文 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6414-6418
动物牧食可以调节植物种间的相对竞争能力,从而改变物种在群落中的竞争地位.外来植物伊乐藻生长迅速、具有较强的光竞争能力,土著种苦草根系发达、具有较强的地下资源竞争能力.选择这两种各具竞争特色的沉水植物为模式生物,通过室外受控实验研究了螺类牧食对两种沉水植物种间关系的影响.结果表明:不管有无螺类牧食,伊乐藻的相对生长率为苦草的2~5倍,伊乐藻具有明显的竞争优势.苦草低密度种植时,螺类牧食与种间竞争对其生长没有显著影响;高密度种植时,螺类牧食活动促进了苦草的生长,种间竞争则使苦草的生长率明显降低.无论伊乐藻种植密度如何,螺类牧食均使其生长率明显降低,混栽高密度的苦草也能抑制伊乐藻生长.探讨了螺类牧食对沉水植物的种间竞争关系的作用机理.  相似文献   

富营养水体中总氮与总磷比对苦草生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室外受控实验条件下,研究了富营养水体中不同氮磷比(TN/TP)(12.5∶1、25∶1、50∶1)对苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)生长的影响.结果表明:当TN/TP为25∶1时,苦草的生长状态最好,苦草生物量的增长率最大,分别高于TN/TP为12.5∶1和50∶1时的54%和31%;当TN/TP为25∶1时,附着生物尤其是附着藻类的生长状态最差,对苦草生长的不利影响最小;可见,富营养水体中适宜于苦草生长的TN/TP为25∶1;TN/TP为25∶1这一比例的应用具有相对性,当水体营养浓度低于限制水平时,该比例适用,如果水体中营养盐浓度超过限制水平时,该比例则不适用.  相似文献   

1. The dynamics of a submerged plant community were studied for 6 years in a freshwater tidal wetland. The degree and nature of change at several spatial scales (quadrat, transect and overall community) was determined, and the implications for community stability were assessed. 2. A high degree of change was recorded in 1 m2 quadrats, and this was reflected in 10 m2 transects as well. In quadrats, mean species richness changed every year. Species richness changed in >60% of quadrats each year. Stem number changed by as many as several 100 stems per quadrat from one year to the next. 3. Richness varied more among quadrats than among transects and varied less at the community level than among either quadrats or transects. Greater stability at the spatial scale of the whole community was reflected in high scores on the Jaccard and Morasita–Horn indices and Kendall's coefficient of concordance. 4. Although most of the submerged species were perennials, persistence at the local scale was low, and 4‐year persistence exceeded 50% for only one species. Change in abundance was largely independent among the species. 5. In the face of great small‐scale changes, species remain in the community (and the community persists) because of high recruitment rates.  相似文献   

1. To test whether clonal macrophytes can select favourable habitats in heterogeneous environments, clonal fragments of the stoloniferous submerged macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis were subjected to conditions in which light intensity and substratum nutrients were patchily distributed. The allocation of biomass accumulation and ramet production of clones to the different patches was examined. 2. The proportion of both biomass and ramet number of clones allocated to rich patches was significantly higher than in poor patches. The greatest values of both clone and leaf biomass were produced in the heterogeneous light treatment, in which clones originally grew from light‐rich to light‐poor patches, while clones produced the most offspring ramets in the treatments with heterogeneous substratum nutrients. Similarly, root biomass had the highest values in nutrient‐rich patches when clones grew from nutrient‐rich to nutrient‐poor patches. 3. The quality of patches in which parent ramets established significantly influenced the foraging pattern. When previously established in rich patches, a higher proportion of biomass was allocated to rich patches, whereas a higher proportion of ramet number was allocated to rich patches when previously established in poor patches. 4. Results demonstrate that the clonal macrophyte V. spiralis can exhibit foraging in submerged heterogeneous environments: when established under resource‐rich conditions V. spiralis remained in favourable patches, whereas if established in adverse conditions it could escape by allocating more ramets to favourable patches.  相似文献   

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