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中国粳稻地方品种孕穗期耐冷性评价及聚类分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用原产于中国18个省的329份粳稻地方品种为材料,分析了自然低温和冷水胁迫下不同省份粳稻地方品种孕穗期耐冷性及主要农艺性状表型差异和聚类特点。结果表明,在自然低温和冷水胁迫下各省份粳稻地方品种的孕穗期耐冷性状及主要农艺性状有明显的差异。在自然低温和冷水胁迫下,天津、四川和台湾品种的结实率及冷水反应指数均较高,表现较强的孕穗期耐冷性和迟钝的冷水反应。云南品种在自然低温下表现为较强的孕穗期耐冷性(结实率),而在冷水胁迫下播种至抽穗天数和株高的冷水反应指数较高,表现为迟钝的冷水反应。从总体趋势上看,自然低温和冷水胁迫下,除个别省份外,纬度相对较高的北方省份品种的孕穗期耐冷性(结实率)强于纬度相对较低的南方省份品种。此外,在自然低温和冷水胁迫下,各省粳稻地方品种的聚类结果总体上与各省品种的地理位置及其耐冷性有密切的联系,而在冷水胁迫下品种的聚类结果与品种地理位置的关系比自然低温下更为密切。  相似文献   

不同低温胁迫下粳稻耐冷种质的孕穗期耐冷性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为粳稻孕穗期耐冷标准品种的建立和耐冷遗传育种研究提供优异基因资源,利用人工低温气候室,采用15℃、17℃、19℃3种胁迫温度,4d和6d两种胁迫时间,3×2交互式设计的方法,对来自黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和云南的12份粳稻种质进行了孕穗期耐冷性强度的研究。结果表明,随着低温胁迫的增强,各水稻品种的平均空壳率都随之增加;在15℃/6d胁迫下,供试品种平均空壳率的方差和变异系数达到最大,该胁迫强度可被选用于孕穗期强耐冷种质的筛选。依据15℃/6d胁迫下供试品种平均空壳率的方差分析及多重比较结果,空育131和龙稻3号具有极强的孕穗期耐冷性。不同地区可根据参试品种在本试验中的耐冷表现,并结合当地水稻种植区的光温条件选择相应的耐冷标准品种。  相似文献   

利用原产于中国18省的329份粳稻地方品种为试验材料,在自然低温和冷水胁迫下进行了孕穗期耐冷性鉴定和主要耐冷性状间相关分析。结果表明,自然低温和冷水胁迫下各粳稻地方品种间存在明显的耐冷性差异,共鉴定筛选出黑壳粘、红芒大足、红须贵州禾、冷水谷、须糯等31份孕穗期耐冷性强的粳稻地方品种。其中原产于贵州省的黑壳粘在自然低温和冷水胁迫下均表现出较强的孕穗期耐冷性。自然低温与冷水胁迫下孕穗期耐冷性鉴定结果呈极显著正相关。自然低温下结实率与穗颈长、穗长和秆长呈显著或极显著正相关,而与抽穗天数呈极显著负相关。在冷水胁迫下结实率与株高呈极显著正相关,而与抽穗天数呈极显著负相关;结实率的冷水反应指数(CRI)与株高CRI呈显著正相关,而与有效穗数CRI呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

水稻丽粳2号近等基因系杂种后代耐冷性遗传研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在昆明低温冷害条件下,以十和田×(十和田和丽粳2号BC4F5)配制的杂种BC5F1、BC5F2、BC5F3和BC5F4及亲本为材料,用主基因-多基因混合遗传模型对丽粳2号作耐冷基因供体培育出的近等基因系进行孕穗期耐冷性遗传研究。结果表明:(1)杂种BC5F2、BC5F3和BC5F4分离群体在同一世代每穗实粒数与总粒数、结实率呈极显著的正相关;(2)以结实率为耐冷性鉴定指标,近等基因系孕穗期耐冷性受2对主基因和多基因共同控制,其主效基因的遗传率为90.97%,微效基因遗传率为3.83%,主基因和微效基因都存在加性-显性-上位性效应。  相似文献   

东乡野生稻苗期耐冷性的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以强耐冷材料龙稻5号(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica)和冷敏感材料协青早B(O.sativa ssp.indica)为对照品种,以萎蔫率和死苗率为鉴定指标,利用江西东乡普通野生稻(O.rufipogon)/协青早B//协青早B构建的回交重组自交系(backcross in-bred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)进行苗期耐冷性鉴定和遗传分析。结果表明,10°C冷处理7天后,228个BILs群体的平均萎蔫率为67.4%,平均死苗率为70.8%。将死苗率≤20%的株系,在更低温度(8°C昼/5°C夜)下处理5天,结果显示5243和5335为强耐冷材料,可用于构建东乡野生稻QTL(quantitative traitloci)近等基因系(near-isogenic lines,NILs)。实验结果显示,群体萎蔫率和死苗率均呈偏态的连续分布,暗示东乡野生稻苗期耐冷性表现为质量-数量性状遗传特征,由主基因-多基因控制。  相似文献   

东乡野生稻苗期耐冷性的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以强耐冷材料龙稻5号(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)和冷敏感材料协青早B(O. sativa ssp. indica)为对照品种, 以萎蔫率和死苗率为鉴定指标, 利用江西东乡普通野生稻(O. rufipogon)/协青早B//协青早B构建的回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines, BILs)群体(BC1F9)进行苗期耐冷性鉴定和遗传分析。结果表明, 10°C冷处理7天后, 228个BILs群体的平均萎蔫率为67.4%, 平均死苗率为70.8%。将死苗率≤20%的株系, 在更低温度(8°C昼/5°C夜)下处理5天, 结果显示5243和5335为强耐冷材料, 可用于构建东乡野生稻QTL(quantitative trait loci)近等基因系(near-isogenic lines, NILs)。实验结果显示, 群体萎蔫率和死苗率均呈偏态的连续分布, 暗示东乡野生稻苗期耐冷性表现为质量-数量性状遗传特征, 由主基因-多基因控制。  相似文献   

以耐寒的昆明小白谷与农艺性状好但不耐寒的十和田杂交并以十和田为轮回亲本回交培育的耐寒的近等基因系(NIL)不同单株(BC4F6)与轮回亲本杂交再自交的4个F2代群体,2003年在海拔为2150m用冷泉水(18℃~19℃)灌溉的阿子营乡种植,利用主基因-多基因混合遗传模型分析了4个F2代群体的耐冷基因效应,结果表明4个组合中耐冷基因是受一对主效基因控制,其主效基因的遗传率为59.10%~81.04%.  相似文献   

低温胁迫下粳稻选育品种耐冷性状的鉴定评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取来源于中国11个省份和其他9个国家的347份粳稻选育品种作为试验材料,分析了自然低温和冷水胁迫下,不同来源粳稻选育品种孕穗期的耐冷性及主要农艺性状的表型差异和聚类特点。研究表明,在自然低温和冷水胁迫下各省份或国家粳稻选育品种主要农艺性状及其冷水反应指数有明显的差异。在自然低温和冷水胁迫下,云南和日本品种的孕穗期结实率及其冷水反应指数均较高,表现出较强的孕穗期耐冷性。从总体趋势上看,在自然低温下,除个别省份外,我国纬度相对较高的北方省份品种的孕穗期耐冷性强于纬度相对较低的南方省份品种;而在冷水胁迫下,品种的耐冷性与其来源地的关系并不密切,没有呈现出一定的规律性。此外,聚类结果表明,不同省份或国家粳稻选育品种的聚类结果与其品种的地理来源均有一定的相关性,而与自然条件相比,冷水胁迫下粳稻选育品种的聚类结果与其品种的地理来源的相关性更为密切。  相似文献   

水稻耐冷性鉴定评价方法   总被引:40,自引:7,他引:40  
水稻耐冷性是我国东北和西南高海拔地区、日本、韩国和朝鲜等国水稻育种的重要研究目标,至今许多学者对水稻耐冷性进行了广泛的研究,并且目前所采用的耐冷性鉴定评价方法已基本成熟,但国内还没有对其进行技术规范化.本文汇总了国内外至今所采用的水稻耐冷性鉴定方法和耐冷指标及分级标准等,将为水稻耐冷性种质资源鉴定和育种以及我国水稻耐冷性鉴定评价技术规范的制定提供参考依据.  相似文献   

水稻剑叶气孔性状与孕穗期耐冷性的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人工气候室鉴定的孕穗期耐冷性不同的10个水稻品种为材料,采用扫描电子显微镜观测其剑叶的气孔密度、气孔大小和单位面积气孔周长等性状特点,以探讨水稻剑叶气孔性状与孕穗期耐冷性的关系.结果表明:耐冷性强品种'培杂软香'、'天优688'、'冈优825' 的气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长较小,分别为380~410个/mm2和29.8~32.6 cm;耐冷性弱的品种'粤杂763'气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长较大,分别为618个/mm~2和46.9 cm; 耐冷性中等的品种'培杂泰丰'等介于二者之间,分别为460~510个/mm~2和35.1~39.3 cm.气孔密度相近时,气孔较大的品种耐冷性较弱;单位叶面积气孔总周长相近时,气孔密度大的品种耐冷性较弱.研究发现,水稻品种剑叶的气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长与其孕穗期耐冷性均呈极显著正相关,可以作为水稻孕穗期耐冷性的鉴定指标.  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) for cold tolerance at the booting stage of a cold-tolerant rice breeding line, Hokkai-PL9, was analyzed. A total of 487 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed throughout the genome were used to survey for polymorphism between Hokkai-PL9 and a cold-sensitive breeding line, Hokkai287, and 54 markers were polymorphic. Single marker analysis revealed that markers on chromosome 8 are associated with cold tolerance. By interval mapping using an F2 population between Hokkai-PL9 and Hokkai287, a QTL for cold tolerance was detected on the short arm of chromosome 8. The QTL explains 26.6% of the phenotypic variance, and its additive effect is 11.4%. Substitution mapping suggested that the QTL is located in a 193-kb interval between SSR markers RM5647 and PLA61. We tentatively designated the QTL as qCTB8 (quantitative trait locus for cold tolerance at the booting stage on chromosome 8).  相似文献   

The cold tolerance of rice at the booting stage is a main factor determining sustainability and regional adaptability. However, relatively few cold tolerance genes have been identified that can be effectively used in breeding programmes. Here, we show that a point mutation in the low-temperature tolerance 1 (LTT1) gene improves cold tolerance by maintaining tapetum degradation and pollen development, by activation of systems that metabolize reactive oxygen species (ROS). Cold-induced ROS accumulation is therefore prevented in the anthers of the ltt1 mutants allowing correct development. In contrast, exposure to cold stress dramatically increases ROS accumulation in the wild type anthers, together with the expression of genes encoding proteins associated with programmed cell death and with the accelerated degradation of the tapetum that ultimately leads to pollen abortion. These results demonstrate that appropriate ROS management is critical for the cold tolerance of rice at the booting stage. Hence, the ltt1 mutation can significantly improve the seed setting ability of cold-sensitive rice varieties under low-temperature stress conditions, with little yield penalty under optimal temperature conditions. This study highlights the importance of a valuable genetic resource that may be applied in rice breeding programmes to enhance cold tolerance.  相似文献   

QTLs for cold tolerance-related traits at the booting stage using balanced population for 1525 recombinant inbred lines of near-isogenic lines (viz.NIL-RILs for BC5F3 and BC5F4 and BC5F5) over 3 years and two locations by backcrossing the strongly cold-tolerant landrace (Kunmingxiaobaigu) and a cold-sensitive cultivar (Towada) was analyzed. In this study, 676 microsatellite markers were employed to identify QTLs conferring cold tolerance at booting stage. Single marker analysis revealed that 12 markers associated with cold tolerance on chromosome 1, 4 and 5. Using a LOD significance threshold of 3.0,compositive interval mapping based on a mixed linear model revealed eight QTLs for 10 cold tolerance-related traits on chromosomes 1, 4, and 5. They were tentatively designatedqCTB-1-1, qCTB-4-1, qCTB-4-2, qCTB-4-3, qCTB-4-4, qCTB-4-5, qCTB-4-6, andqCTB-5-1. The marker intervals of them were narrowed to 0.3-6.8 cM. Genetic distances between the peaks of the QTL and nearest markers varied from 0 to 0.04 cM. We were noticed in some traits associated cold tolerance, such asqCTB-1-1 for 5 traits (plant height, panicle exsertion, spike length, blighted grains per spike and spikelet fertility),qCTB-4-1 for 8 traits (plant height, node length under spike, leaf length, leaf width, spike length, full grains per spike, total grains per spike and spikelet fertility),qCTB-4-2 for 3 traits (spike length, full grains per spike and spikelet fertility),qCTB-5-1 for 5 traits (plant height, panicle exsertion, blighted grains per spike, full grains per spike and spikelet fertility). The variance explained by a single QTL ranged from 0.80 to 16.80%. Three QTLs (qCTB-1-1, qCTB-4-1, qCTB-4-2) were detected in two or more trials. Our study sets a foundation for cloning cold-tolerance genes and provides opportunities to understand the mechanism of cold tolerance at the booting stage.  相似文献   

Identification of new sources of salt tolerance is particularly important to develop crop varieties suitable for saline soils. We evaluated 129 Pakistani and 58 exotic wheat landraces/cultivars grown in Hoagland's hydroponic nutrient solution, under control (tap water equivalent to 10 mM salt) and salt stress (200 mM NaCl) conditions. Forty-four genotypes were also tested under 250 mM NaCl stress. High heritability and positive correlations suggested that number of tillers per plant, root length, root fresh and dry weights, and shoot fresh and dry weights are associated with salt tolerance and could be used as selection criteria. SSR markers revealed high genetic variation in the wheat genotypes. Twelve SSR markers (cfd 1, cfd 9, cfd 18, cfd 46, cfd 49, cfd 183, wmc 11, wmc 17, wmc 18, wmc 154, wmc 432, and wmc 503) were found to be associated with salt tolerance because they were amplified in tolerant genotypes only. Five markers, cfd 9, cfd 18, cfd 183, wmc 96, and wmc 405, were identified as most suitable to evaluate salt tolerance because they were associated with four or more salt tolerance traits studied. Cultivars Pasban 90, accessions 10790, 10828, 10823, and 4098805 from Pakistan and Sakha-92 from Egypt performed best at both stress levels.  相似文献   

High temperature stress is a major obstacle in rice productivity. Considerable progress has been made on studying heat tolerance (HT) at different stages. However, the genetic basis of HT at the booting stage is poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the morphological features of a heat-sensitive japonica cultivar Sasanishiki under natural high temperature stress at the booting stage. The anthers became smaller and the number, and fertility, of pollen grains were decreased significantly. As a result, there was a dramatic reduction in spikelet fertility. In contrast, the indica cultivar Habataki showed high HT and normal spikelet fertility under high temperature stress. Additonally, a set of chromosome segment substitution lines, derived from Sasanishiki and Habataki, were evaluated for HT related quantitative trait loci (QTLs) across two environments in the natural field. A total of 12 QTLs associated with HT were detected, of which, 5 were identified in two environments, and 7 in one environment. Furthermore, one of the major-effect QTLs (qHTB3-3) detected on the long arm of chromosome 3, was confirmed using overlapping substituted lines. qHTB3-3 was finally mapped between the two markers RM3525 and 3-M95, approximately 2.8 Mb apart. These findings and further gene cloning of qHTB3-3 will help us better understand the molecular control of HT in rice, and may contribute to the development of high HT rice varieties.  相似文献   

宁夏水稻选育品种遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择31份宁夏近年来育成或审定的水稻品种(系),利用分布于12条染色体的36对SSR引物进行遗传多样性和遗传距离分析.共检测到159个等位基因,品种间不同位点等位基因数目不等,平均4.4个.Nei基因多样性指数变幅为0.031 7~0.844 4,平均为0.508 8.按育成或审定年份,把31份水稻分为3组,SSR分析...  相似文献   

Low temperature at the booting stage is a serious abiotic stress in rice, and cold tolerance is a complex trait controlled by many quantitative trait loci (QTL). A QTL for cold tolerance at the booting stage in cold-tolerant near-isogenic rice line ZL1929-4 was analyzed. A total of 647 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed across 12 chromosomes were used to survey for polymorphisms between ZL1929-4 and the cold-sensitive japonica cultivar Towada, and nine were polymorphic. Single marker analysis revealed that markers on chromosome 7 were associated with cold tolerance. By interval mapping using an F2 population from ZL1929-4 × Towada, a QTL for cold tolerance was detected on the long arm of chromosome 7. The QTL explained 9 and 21% of the phenotypic variances in the F2 and F3 generations, respectively. Recombinant plants were screened for two flanking markers, RM182 and RM1132, in an F2 population with 2,810 plants. Two-step substitution mapping suggested that the QTL was located in a 92-kb interval between markers RI02905 and RM21862. This interval was present in BAC clone AP003804. We designated the QTL as qCTB7 (quantitative trait locus for cold tolerance at the booting stage on chromosome 7), and identified 12 putative candidate genes.  相似文献   

宁夏89份粳稻种质遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用分布于水稻12条染色体上的47对引物对宁夏89份粳稻种质材料进行SSR分析,以探讨宁夏粳稻品种的遗传多样性水平.结果表明,(1)47个位点上共检测到204个具有多态性的等位片段,每对引物检测出2~9个多态性片段,平均为4.16个;(2)聚类分析显示,89份材料的相似系数为0.63~0.91,平均为0.79.在相似系数0.718处聚为8个类群.研究表明,宁夏粳稻种质之间的相似性较高,遗传差异较小,遗传背景比较单一.  相似文献   

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