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High‐throughput sequencing has revolutionized population and conservation genetics. RAD sequencing methods, such as 2b‐RAD, can be used on species lacking a reference genome. However, transferring protocols across taxa can potentially lead to poor results. We tested two different IIB enzymes (AlfI and CspCI) on two species with different genome sizes (the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta and the sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo) to build a set of guidelines to improve 2b‐RAD protocols on non‐model organisms while optimising costs. Good results were obtained even with degraded samples, showing the value of 2b‐RAD in studies with poor DNA quality. However, library quality was found to be a critical parameter on the number of reads and loci obtained for genotyping. Resampling analyses with different number of reads per individual showed a trade‐off between number of loci and number of reads per sample. The resulting accumulation curves can be used as a tool to calculate the number of sequences per individual needed to reach a mean depth ≥20 reads to acquire good genotyping results. Finally, we demonstrated that selective‐base ligation does not affect genomic differentiation between individuals, indicating that this technique can be used in species with large genome sizes to adjust the number of loci to the study scope, to reduce sequencing costs and to maintain suitable sequencing depth for a reliable genotyping without compromising the results. Here, we provide a set of guidelines to improve 2b‐RAD protocols on non‐model organisms with different genome sizes, helping decision‐making for a reliable and cost‐effective genotyping.  相似文献   

冬小麦小RNA高通量测序及生物信息学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东农冬麦1号是我国首例可在黑龙江高寒地区种植的强抗寒冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种。鉴于分蘖节的耐寒程度直接影响植株的安全越冬, 且MicroRNAs是一类生物体内普遍存在的非编码内源小分子RNA, 在植物的生长发育和适应胁迫等过程中具有重要作用, 该文基于HiSeq深度测序原理, 对5°C和–10°C胁迫下的东农冬麦1号分蘖节进行测序, 并开展生物信息学分析。结果表明, 在5°C文库中有2 229 955条特有小分子RNA序列, 并检测到35条已知miRNA, 属于30个miRNA家族, 其表达丰度介于1–173 810之间; 在–10°C文库中有3 721 449条特有小分子RNA序列, 并发现29条已知miRNA, 属于24个miRNA家族, 其表达丰度为1–105 868。靶基因预测结果表明, 5°C文库的30个miRNA家族中共预测到53个靶基因。功能分析结果显示, 这些基因主要参与转录调节、新陈代谢、胁迫响应和信号转导等过程。已知小麦miRNA的类型和表达丰度在5°C和–10°C两个文库中均有较大差异。  相似文献   

Investigation of cotton response to nematode infection will allow us to better understand the cotton immune defense mechanism and design a better biotechnological approach for efficiently managing pest nematodes in cotton. In this study, we firstly treated cotton by root knot nematode (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) infections, then we employed the high throughput deep sequencing technology to sequence and genome-widely identify all miRNAs in cotton; finally, we analyzed the functions of these miRNAs in cotton response to RKN infections. A total of 266 miRNAs, including 193 known and 73 novel miRNAs, were identified by deep sequencing technology, which belong to 67 conserved and 66 novel miRNA families, respectively. A majority of identified miRNA families only contain one miRNA; however, miR482 family contains 14 members and some others contain 2–13 members. Certain miRNAs were specifically expressed in RKN-infected cotton roots and others were completely inhibited by RKN infection. A total of 50 miRNAs were differentially expressed after RKN infection, in which 28 miRNAs were up-regulated and 22 were inhibited by RKN treatment. Based on degradome sequencing, 87 gene targets were identified to be targeted by 57 miRNAs. These miRNA-targeted genes are involved in the interaction of cotton plants and nematode infection. Based on GO (gene ontology) and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) analysis, 466 genes from all 636 miRNA targets were mapped to 6340 GO terms, 181 genes from 228 targets of differentially expressed miRNAs were mapped to 1588 GO terms. The GO terms were then categorized into the three main GO classes: biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. The targets of differentially expressed miRNAs were enriched in 43 GO terms, including 22 biological processes, 10 cellular components, and 11 molecular functions (p < 0.05). Many identified processes were associated with organism responses to the environmental stresses, including regulation of nematode larval development, response to nematode, and response to flooding. Our results will enhance the study and application of developing new cotton cultivars for nematode resistance.  相似文献   

Microeukaryotic plankton (0.2–200 μm) are critical components of aquatic ecosystems and key players in global ecological processes. High‐throughput sequencing is currently revolutionizing their study on an unprecedented scale. However, it is currently unclear whether we can accurately, effectively and quantitatively depict the microeukaryotic plankton communities using traditional size‐fractionated filtering combined with molecular methods. To address this, we analysed the eukaryotic plankton communities both with, and without, prefiltering with a 200 μm pore‐size sieve –by using SSU rDNA‐based high‐throughput sequencing on 16 samples with three replicates in each sample from two subtropical reservoirs sampled from January to October in 2013. We found that ~25% reads were classified as metazoan in both size groups. The species richness, alpha and beta diversity of plankton community and relative abundance of reads in 99.2% eukaryotic OTUs showed no significant changes after prefiltering with a 200 μm pore‐size sieve. We further found that both >0.2 μm and 0.2–200 μm eukaryotic plankton communities, especially the abundant plankton subcommunities, exhibited very similar, and synchronous, spatiotemporal patterns and processes associated with almost identical environmental drivers. The lack of an effect on community structure from prefiltering suggests that environmental DNA from larger metazoa is introduced into the smaller size class. Therefore, size‐fractionated filtering with 200 μm is insufficient to discriminate between the eukaryotic plankton size groups in metabarcoding approaches. Our results also highlight the importance of sequencing depth, and strict quality filtering of reads, when designing studies to characterize microeukaryotic plankton communities.  相似文献   

Genomic studies of invasive species can reveal both invasive pathways and functional differences underpinning patterns of colonization success. The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) was initially introduced to eastern North America nearly 200 years ago where it expanded northwards to eastern Nova Scotia. A subsequent invasion to Nova Scotia from a northern European source allowed further range expansion, providing a unique opportunity to study the invasion genomics of a species with multiple invasions. Here, we use restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing‐derived SNPs to explore fine‐scale genomewide differentiation between these two invasions. We identified 9137 loci from green crab sampled from 11 locations along eastern North America and compared spatial variation to mitochondrial COI sequence variation used previously to characterize these invasions. Overall spatial divergence among invasions was high (pairwise FST ~0.001 to 0.15) and spread across many loci, with a mean FST ~0.052 and 52% of loci examined characterized by FST values >0.05. The majority of the most divergent loci (i.e., outliers, ~1.2%) displayed latitudinal clines in allele frequency highlighting extensive genomic divergence among the invasions. Discriminant analysis of principal components (both neutral and outlier loci) clearly resolved the two invasions spatially and was highly correlated with mitochondrial divergence. Our results reveal extensive cryptic intraspecific genomic diversity associated with differing patterns of colonization success and demonstrates clear utility for genomic approaches to delineating the distribution and colonization success of aquatic invasive species.  相似文献   

Pathogenic fungi are a growing health concern worldwide, particularly in large, densely populated cities. The dramatic upsurge of pigeon populations in cities has been implicated in the increased incidence of invasive fungal infections. In this study, we used a culture‐independent, high‐throughput sequencing approach to describe the diversity of clinically relevant fungi (CRF) associated with pigeon faeces and map the relative abundance of CRF across Seoul, Korea. In addition, we tested whether certain geographical, sociological and meteorological factors were significantly associated with the diversity and relative abundance of CRF. Finally, we compared the CRF diversity of fresh and old pigeon faeces to identify the source of the fungi and the role of pigeons in dispersal. Our results demonstrated that both the composition and relative abundance of CRF are unevenly distributed across Seoul. The green area ratio and the number of multiplex houses were positively correlated with species diversity, whereas wind speed and number of households were negatively correlated. The number of workers and green area ratio were positively correlated with the relative abundance of CRF, whereas wind speed was negatively correlated. Because many CRF were absent in fresh faeces, we inferred that most species cannot survive the gastrointestinal tract of pigeons and instead are likely transmitted through soil or air and use pigeon faeces as a substrate for proliferation.  相似文献   

Immune responses are costly, causing trade‐offs between defense and other host life history traits. Aphids present a special system to explore the costs associated with immune activation since they are missing several humoral and cellular mechanisms thought important for microbial resistance, and it is unknown whether they have alternative, novel immune responses to deal with microbial threat. Here we expose pea aphids to an array of heat‐killed natural pathogens, which should stimulate immune responses without pathogen virulence, and measure changes in life‐history traits. We find significant reduction in lifetime fecundity upon exposure to two fungal pathogens, but not to two bacterial pathogens. This finding complements recent genomic and immunological studies indicating that pea aphids are missing mechanisms important for bacterial resistance, which may have important implications for how aphids interact with their beneficial bacterial symbionts. In general, recent exploration of the immune systems of non‐model invertebrates has called into question the generality of our current picture of insect immunity. Our data highlight that taking an ecological approach and measuring life‐history traits to a broad array of pathogens provides valuable information that can complement traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in high‐throughput sequencing, difficulties are often encountered when developing microsatellites for species with large and complex genomes. This probably reflects the close association in many species of microsatellites with cryptic repetitive elements. We therefore developed a novel approach for isolating polymorphic microsatellites from the club‐legged grasshopper (Gomphocerus sibiricus), an emerging quantitative genetic and behavioral model system. Whole genome shotgun Illumina MiSeq sequencing was used to generate over three million 300 bp paired‐end reads, of which 67.75% were grouped into 40,548 clusters within RepeatExplorer. Annotations of the top 468 clusters, which represent 60.5% of the reads, revealed homology to satellite DNA and a variety of transposable elements. Evaluating 96 primer pairs in eight wild‐caught individuals, we found that primers mined from singleton reads were six times more likely to amplify a single polymorphic microsatellite locus than primers mined from clusters. Our study provides experimental evidence in support of the notion that microsatellites associated with repetitive elements are less likely to successfully amplify. It also reveals how advances in high‐throughput sequencing and graph‐based repetitive DNA analysis can be leveraged to isolate polymorphic microsatellites from complex genomes.  相似文献   

Short tandem repeats (STRs), also known as microsatellites, are commonly used to noninvasively genotype wild‐living endangered species, including African apes. Until recently, capillary electrophoresis has been the method of choice to determine the length of polymorphic STR loci. However, this technique is labor intensive, difficult to compare across platforms, and notoriously imprecise. Here we developed a MiSeq‐based approach and tested its performance using previously genotyped fecal samples from long‐term studied chimpanzees in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Using data from eight microsatellite loci as a reference, we designed a bioinformatics platform that converts raw MiSeq reads into locus‐specific files and automatically calls alleles after filtering stutter sequences and other PCR artifacts. Applying this method to the entire Gombe population, we confirmed previously reported genotypes, but also identified 31 new alleles that had been missed due to sequence differences and size homoplasy. The new genotypes, which increased the allelic diversity and heterozygosity in Gombe by 61% and 8%, respectively, were validated by replicate amplification and pedigree analyses. This demonstrated inheritance and resolved one case of an ambiguous paternity. Using both singleplex and multiplex locus amplification, we also genotyped fecal samples from chimpanzees in the Greater Mahale Ecosystem in Tanzania, demonstrating the utility of the MiSeq‐based approach for genotyping nonhabituated populations and performing comparative analyses across field sites. The new automated high‐throughput analysis platform (available at https://github.com/ShawHahnLab/chiimp ) will allow biologists to more accurately and effectively determine wildlife population size and structure, and thus obtain information critical for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The diverse colours of mature pepper (Capsicum spp.) fruit result from the accumulation of different carotenoids. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway has been well elucidated in Solanaceous plants, and analysis of candidate genes involved in this process has revealed variations in carotenoid biosynthetic genes in Capsicum spp. However, the allelic variations revealed by previous studies could not fully explain the variation in fruit colour in Capsicum spp. due to technical difficulties in detecting allelic variation in multiple candidate genes in numerous samples. In this study, we uncovered allelic variations in six carotenoid biosynthetic genes, including phytoene synthase (PSY1, PSY2), lycopene β‐cyclase, β‐carotene hydroxylase, zeaxanthin epoxidase and capsanthin‐capsorubin synthase (CCS) genes, in 94 pepper accessions by single‐molecule real‐time (SMRT) sequencing. To investigate the relationship between allelic variations in the candidate genes and differences in fruit colour, we performed ultra‐performance liquid chromatography analysis using 43 accessions representing each allelic variation. Different combinations of dysfunctional mutations in PSY1 and CCS could explain variation in the compositions and levels of carotenoids in the accessions examined in this study. Our results demonstrate that SMRT sequencing technology can be used to rapidly identify allelic variation in target genes in various germplasms. The newly identified allelic variants will be useful for pepper breeding and for further analysis of carotenoid biosynthesis pathways.  相似文献   

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