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Etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings, lacking a functional prephenate dehydratase1 gene (PD1), also lack the ability to synthesize phenylalanine (Phe) and, as a consequence, phenylpropanoid pigments. We find that low doses of ultraviolet (UV)-C (254 nm) are lethal and low doses of UV-B cause severe damage to etiolated pd1 mutants, but not to wild-type (wt) seedlings. Furthermore, exposure to UV-C is lethal to etiolated gcr1 (encoding a putative G protein-coupled receptor in Arabidopsis) mutants and gpa1 (encoding the sole G protein alpha subunit in Arabidopsis) mutants. Addition of Phe to growth media restores wt levels of UV resistance to pd1 mutants. The data indicate that the Arabidopsis G protein-signalling pathway is critical to providing protection from UV, and does so via the activation of PD1, resulting in the synthesis of Phe. Cotyledons of etiolated pd1 mutants have proplastids (compared with etioplasts in wt), less cuticular wax and fewer long-chain fatty acids. Phe-derived pigments do not collect in the epidermal cells of pd1 mutants when seedlings are treated with UV, particularly at the cotyledon tip. Addition of Phe to the growth media restores a wt phenotype to pd1 mutants.  相似文献   

Epidermally located ultraviolet (UV)‐absorbing phenolic compounds, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid esters (HCAs), can shield the underlying tissues in plants against harmful UV‐radiation. The relative importance of the two different classes of phenolic compounds for UV‐screening was a matter of recent debate. Using a non‐invasive method based on chlorophyll fluorescence measurements to estimate epidermal UV transmittance, the relationship between epidermal UV shielding and the content of the two different groups of secondary phenolic compounds in the epidermal layers and the underlying photosynthetic mesophyll of developing rye primary leaves grown under supplementary UV‐B radiation was investigated. From the fourth to the tenth day after sowing, epidermally located flavonoids increased in an age‐ and irradiation‐dependent manner, whereas mesophyll flavonoids and epidermal HCAs, mainly ferulic acid and p‐coumaric acid esters, were constitutively present and did not vary in their contents over the observed time period. There was an excellent correlation between epidermal UV‐A and UV‐B absorbances as assessed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and contents of epidermal flavonoids. However, HCAs showed an additional contribution to UV‐B shielding. In contrast, mesophyll flavonoids did not seem to play a respective role. When absorbances of the abaxial and adaxial epidermal layers were compared, it became apparent that in fully expanded primary leaves epidermal tissues from both sides were equally effective in absorption of UV‐radiation. However, the earlier and more UV‐exposed abaxial epidermis of young unrolling leaves showed a significantly higher absorption. It is shown that in early stages of development the epidermal HCAs are the dominant UV‐B protective compounds of the primary leaf. This function is increasingly replaced by the epidermal flavonoids during leaf development and acclimation. The application of chlorophyll fluorescence measurements has been proven to be a useful tool for estimating relative contents of these compounds in epidermal tissue.  相似文献   

  • We studied the resistance of Parmotrema austrosinense to UV‐B stress. We focused on the effects of a high dose UV‐B radiation on the content of chlorophylls, carotenoids and UV‐B screening compounds.
  • Photosynthetic parameters were measured by chlorophyll fluorescence (potential and effective quantum yields, photochemical and non‐photochemical quenching) and evaluated in control and UV‐B‐treated lichens. Lichens from two different locations in Cordoba, Argentina, were selected: (i) high altitude and dry plots at (Los Gigantes) and (ii) lowland high salinity plots (Salinas Grandes).
  • UV‐B treatment led to a decrease in the content of photosynthetic pigments and UV‐B screens (absorbance decrease in 220–350 nm) in the samples from Salinas Grandes, while in Los Gigantes samples, an increase in UV‐B screen content was observed. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters showed a UV‐B‐induced decline in FV/FM, ΦPSII and qP indicating limitation of primary photosynthetic processes in photosystem II (PSII) of symbiotic alga, more pronounced in Salinas Grandes samples. Protective mechanism of PSII were activated by the UV‐B treatment to a higher extent in samples from Salinas Grandes (NPQ 0.48) than in Los Gigantes samples (NPQ 0.26).
  • We concluded that site‐related characteristics, and in particular different UV‐B radiation regimen, had a strong effect on resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus of P. austrosinense to UV‐B radiation.

The effect of ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) and UV‐A radiation on spore liberation in the intertidal marine macroalgae Ulva fasciata Delile (Chlorophyceae) and Gracilaria corticata J.Agardh (Rhodophyceae) was investigated. The two algae were exposed to UV‐A and UV‐B radiation separately for 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 min and percentage inhibition of spore liberation was determined in controlled laboratory conditions. The spore liberation period in UV treated algae was extended for 4 days in U. fasciata and 9 days in G. corticata. UV‐B radiation inhibited spore liberation as much as 76.6% in U. fasciata and 55.5% in G. corticata at 60 min exposure. A significant positive correlation was observed between percentage inhibition of spore liberation and length of UV‐B exposure in both U. fasciata and in G. corticata. Similarly, UV‐A radiation also inhibited spore liberation as much as 75% in the former and 50% in the latter. There was a significant correlation between inhibition of spore liberation and length of UV‐A exposure in U. fasciata and in G. corticata. Analysis of variance results showed inhibition of spore liberation at 60 min of UV exposure differed significantly with that of other exposure lengths. The present findings reveal that UV‐A radiation also had an impact on spore liberation but to a lesser extent than UV‐B radiation. Thallus thickness and plant location on the shore determines their exposure to UV radiation. High UV impact was seen for U. fasciata growing in the upper parts of the intertidal region with a thin sheet like thallus and high surface area resulting in higher inhibition of spore liberation than in G. corticata.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect calcification in some planktonic and macroalgal calcifiers due to the changed carbonate chemistry of seawater. However, little is known regarding how calcifying algae respond to solar UV radiation (UVR, UVA+UVB, 280–400 nm). UVR may act synergistically, antagonistically or independently with ocean acidification (high CO2/low pH of seawater) to affect their calcification processes. We cultured the articulated coralline alga Corallina sessilis Yendo at 380 ppmv (low) and 1000 ppmv (high) CO2 levels while exposing the alga to solar radiation treatments with or without UVR. The presence of UVR inhibited the growth, photosynthetic O2 evolution and calcification rates by13%, 6% and 3% in the low and by 47%, 20% and 8% in the high CO2 concentrations, respectively, reflecting a synergistic effect of CO2 enrichment with UVR. UVR induced significant decline of pH in the CO2‐enriched cultures. The contents of key photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll a and phycobiliproteins decreased, while UV‐absorptivity increased under the high pCO2/low pH condition. Nevertheless, UV‐induced inhibition of photosynthesis increased when the ratio of particulate inorganic carbon/particulate organic carbon decreased under the influence of CO2‐acidified seawater, suggesting that the calcified layer played a UV‐protective role. Both UVA and UVB negatively impacted photosynthesis and calcification, but the inhibition caused by UVB was about 2.5–2.6 times that caused by UVA. The results imply that coralline algae suffer from more damage caused by UVB as they calcify less and less with progressing ocean acidification.  相似文献   

The role of flavonoids in mechanisms of acclimation to high solar radiation was analysed in Ligustrum vulgare and Phillyrea latifolia, two Mediterranean shrubs that have the same flavonoid composition but differ strikingly in their leaf morpho-anatomical traits. In plants exposed to 12 or 100% solar radiation, measurements were made for surface morphology and leaf anatomy; optical properties, photosynthetic pigments, and photosystem II efficiency; antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and phenylalanine ammonia lyase; synthesis of hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids; and the tissue-specific distribution of flavonoid aglycones and ortho-dihydroxylated B-ring flavonoid glycosides. A denser indumentum of glandular trichomes, coupled with both a thicker cuticle and a larger amount of cuticular flavonoids, allowed P. latifolia to prevent highly damaging solar wavelengths from reaching sensitive targets to a greater degree than L. vulgare. Antioxidant enzymes in P. latifolia were also more effective in countering light-induced oxidative load than those in L. vulgare. Consistently, light-induced accumulation of flavonoids in L. vulgare, particularly ortho-dihydroxylated flavonoids in the leaf mesophyll, greatly exceeded that in P. latifolia. We conclude that the accumulation of flavonoid glycosides associated with high solar radiation-induced oxidative stress and, hence, biosynthesis of flavonoids appear to be unrelated to 'tolerance' to high solar radiation in the species examined.  相似文献   

It is well known that light and nutrients are essential to plants; however, there are few investigations in which these have been studied in combination on macroalgae, especially when solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is concerned. We cultured the red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) at different nitrate concentrations and light levels with or without UVR for 24 days. The results showed that nitrate supply markedly enhanced the growth and photosynthesis, increased the absorptivity of UV‐absorbing compounds (UVACs), and decreased photoinhibition in the presence of UVR. The thalli that received photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) treatment exhibited higher growth rates than those that received PAR + UVR at ambient or enhanced nitrate concentrations. However, under PAR + UVR treatment, the absorptivity of UVACs was higher than that of PAR and fluctuated with light levels. UVR was found to reduce the maximal net photosynthetic rate, apparent photosynthetic efficiency and light‐saturating irradiance while increasing the dark respiration rate, and inducing higher inhibition of growth and photosynthesis under high light versus under low light. Ultraviolet B significantly induced the synthesis of UVACs but led to higher inhibition on growth and photosynthesis than ultraviolet A.  相似文献   

A process based model integrating the effects of UV‐B radiation to molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development was developed from key parameters in the published literature. Model simulations showed that UV‐B radiation induced changes in plant metabolic and/or photosynthesis rates can result in plant growth inhibitions. The costs of effective epidermal UV‐B radiation absorptive compounds did not result in any significant changes in plant growth, but any associated metabolic costs effectively reduced the potential plant biomass. The model showed significant interactions between UV‐B radiation effects and temperature and any factor leading to inhibition of photosynthetic production or plant growth during the midday, but the effects were not cumulative for all factors. Vegetative growth were significantly delayed in species that do not exhibit reproductive cycles during a growing season, but vegetative growth and reproductive yield in species completing their life cycle in one growing season did not appear to be delayed more than 2–5 days, probably within the natural variability of the life cycles for many species. This is the first model to integrate the effects of increased UV‐B radiation through molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development.  相似文献   

A process‐based model integrating the effects of UV‐B radiation through epidermis, cellular DNA, and its consequences to the leaf expansion was developed from key parameters in the published literature. Enhanced UV‐B radiation‐induced DNA damage significantly delayed cell division, resulting in significant reductions in leaf growth and development. Ambient UV‐B radiation‐induced DNA damage significantly reduced the leaf growth of species with high relative epidermal absorbance at longer wavelengths and average/low pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers (CPD) photorepair rates. Leaf expansion was highly dependent on the number of CPD present in the DNA, as a result of UV‐B radiation dose, quantitative and qualitative absorptive properties of epidermal pigments, and repair mechanisms. Formation of pyrimidine‐pyrimidone (6‐4) photoproducts (6‐4PP) has no effect on the leaf expansion. Repair mechanisms could not solely prevent the UV‐B radiation interference with the cell division. Avoidance or effective shielding by increased or modified qualitative epidermal absorptance was required. Sustained increased UV‐B radiation levels are more detrimental than short, high doses of UV‐B radiation. The combination of low temperature and increased UV‐B radiation was more significant in the level of UV‐B radiation‐induced damage than UV‐B radiation alone. Slow‐growing leaves were more affected by increased UV‐B radiation than fast‐growing leaves.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B (UV-B) acclimation comprises complex and poorly understood changes in plant metabolism. The effects of chronic and ecologically relevant UV-B dose rates on Arabidopsis thaliana were determined. The UV-B acclimation process was studied by measuring radiation effects on morphology, physiology, biochemistry and gene expression. Chronic UV-B radiation did not affect photosynthesis or the expression of stress responsive genes, which indicated that the UV-acclimated plants were not stressed. UV-induced morphological changes in acclimated plants included decreased rosette diameter, decreased inflorescence height and increased numbers of flowering stems, indicating that chronic UV-B treatment caused a redistribution rather than a cessation of growth. Gene expression profiling indicated that UV-induced morphogenesis was associated with subtle changes in phytohormone (auxins, brassinosteroids and gibberellins) homeostasis and the cell wall. Based on the comparison of gene expression profiles, it is concluded that acclimation to low, chronic dose rates of UV-B is distinct from that to acute, stress-inducing UV-B dose rates. Hence, UV-B-induced morphogenesis is functionally uncoupled from stress responses.  相似文献   

Effect of UV-B radiation on leaves of bean, pea and rape plants was studied. UV-B radiation (11.2 kJ·m−2) induced more distinct reduction of the primary photosynthesis activity when applied in darkness than the same UV-B dose, extended in time, and applied with photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The pea plants were more susceptible to UV-B in darkness, but in the presence of PAR their tolerance was higher. The CO2 fixation in the bean and rape plants, exposed to UV-B was decreased, but for the pea plants it remained unchanged. The UV-B irradiation caused an increase in the content of ultraviolet-absorbing pigments. Additionally, the bean plants grown at UV-B increased the thickness of leaves, described as SLW.  相似文献   

Biofilm‐related research using 96‐well microtiter plates involves static incubation of plates indiscriminate of environmental conditions, making oxygen availability an important variable which has not been considered to date. By directly measuring dissolved oxygen concentration over time we report here that dissolved oxygen is rapidly consumed in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm cultures grown in 96‐well plates irrespective of the oxygen concentration in the gaseous environment in which the plates are incubated. These data indicate that depletion of dissolved oxygen during growth of bacterial biofilm cultures in 96‐well plates may significantly influence biofilm production. Furthermore higher inoculum cell concentrations are associated with more rapid consumption of dissolved oxygen and higher levels of S. epidermidis biofilm production. Our data reveal that oxygen depletion during bacterial growth in 96‐well plates may significantly influence biofilm production and should be considered in the interpretation of experimental data using this biofilm model. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 1042–1047. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The response curves of leaf photosynthesis to varying light, temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit were measured in the C3 plants Flaveria pringlei and Oryza sativa in normal air with a computerized open infrared gas analysis (IRGA) system, and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, described as (1–F,/F′m) after Genty. Briantais & Baker (1989, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 990, 87–92), was simultaneously measured with a modulated fluorometer. A model was written for rates of CO2 fixation as a function of the true rate of O2 evolution measured by fluorescene analysis (Jo2), mesophyll conductance and intercellular CO2 partial pressure. A second model was developed for rates of CO2 fixation as a function of Jo2, mesophyll conductance and stomatal conductance. In the latter case, leaf stomatal conductance was simulated using the stomatal model proposed by Leuning (1995, Plant, Cell and Environment 18 , 339–355). The rates of CO2 fixation predicted from the models were similar to rates measured by IRGA. The results indicate that there is potential to measure CO2 fixation in C3 plants by combining the non-invasive measurement of Jo2 by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis with the stomatal conductance model.  相似文献   

We investigated the interactions of abscisic acid (ABA) in the responses of grape leaf tissues to contrasting ultraviolet (UV)-B treatments. One-year-old field-grown plants of Vitis vinifera L. were exposed to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) where solar UV-B was eliminated by using polyester filters, or where PAR was supplemented with UV-B irradiation. Treatments combinations included weekly foliar sprays of ABA or a water control. The levels of UV-B absorbing flavonols, quercetin and kaempferol were significantly decreased by filtering out UV-B, while applied ABA increased their content. Concentration of two hydroxycinnamic acids, caffeic and ferulic acids, were also increased by ABA, but not affected by plus UV-B (+UV-B) treatments. Levels of carotenoids and activities of the antioxidant enzymes, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and peroxidase were elevated by +ABA treatments, but only if +UV-B was given. Cell membrane β -sitosterol was enhanced by ABA independently of +UV-B. Changes in photoprotective compounds, antioxidant enzymatic activities and sterols were correlated with lessened membrane harm by UV-B, as assessed by ion leakage. Oxidative damage expressed as malondialdehyde content was increased under +UV-B treatments. Our results suggest that the defence system of grape leaf tissues against UV-B is activated by UV-B irradiation with ABA acting downstream in the signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Two contrasting sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) populations from the low (LA) and high (HA) altitudinal regions were employed to evaluate the plant physiological responses to solar UV-A radiation and near-ambient UV-B radiation (UV-B+A) under the sheltered frames with different solar ultraviolet radiation transmittance. LA-population was more responsive to solar UV-A. Some modification caused by UV-A only existed in LA-population, such as significant reduction of leaf size, relative water content, and chlorophyll (Chl) b content as well as δ13C elevation, coupled with larger increase of contents of total carotenoids (Cars). This higher responsiveness might be an effective pre-acclimation strategy adapting for concomitant solar UV-B stress. Near-ambient UV-B+A radiation caused significant reduction of leaf size and Chl content as well as slight down-regulation of photosystem 2 activity that paralleled with higher heat dissipation, while photosynthetic rate was modestly but significantly increased. The higher photosynthesis under near-ambient UV-B+A radiation could be related to pronounced increase of leaf thickness and effective physiological modification, like the increase of leaf protective pigments (Cars and UV-absorbing compound), constant high photochemical capacity, and improved water economy.  相似文献   

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