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The analysis of the complex genome of common wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42, genome formula AABBDD) is hampered by its large size ( approximately 17 000 Mbp) and allohexaploid nature. In order to simplify its analysis, we developed a generic strategy for dissecting such large and complex genomes into individual chromosomes. Chromosome 3B was successfully sorted by flow cytometry and cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), using only 1.8 million chromosomes and an adapted protocol developed for this purpose. The BAC library (designated as TA-3B) consists of 67 968 clones with an average insert size of 103 kb. It represents 6.2 equivalents of chromosome 3B with 100% coverage and 90% specificity as confirmed by genetic markers. This method was validated using other chromosomes and its broad application and usefulness in facilitating wheat genome analysis were demonstrated by target characterization of the chromosome 3B structure through cytogenetic mapping. This report on the successful cloning of flow-sorted chromosomes into BACs marks the integration of flow cytogenetics and genomics and represents a great leap forward in genetics and genomic analysis.  相似文献   

Hierarchical shotgun sequencing remains the method of choice for assembling high‐quality reference sequences of complex plant genomes. The efficient exploitation of current high‐throughput technologies and powerful computational facilities for large‐insert clone sequencing necessitates the sequencing and assembly of a large number of clones in parallel. We developed a multiplexed pipeline for shotgun sequencing and assembling individual bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) using the Illumina sequencing platform. We illustrate our approach by sequencing 668 barley BACs (Hordeum vulgare L.) in a single Illumina HiSeq 2000 lane. Using a newly designed parallelized computational pipeline, we obtained sequence assemblies of individual BACs that consist, on average, of eight sequence scaffolds and represent >98% of the genomic inserts. Our BAC assemblies are clearly superior to a whole‐genome shotgun assembly regarding contiguity, completeness and the representation of the gene space. Our methods may be employed to rapidly obtain high‐quality assemblies of a large number of clones to assemble map‐based reference sequences of plant and animal species with complex genomes by sequencing along a minimum tiling path.  相似文献   

FISH mapping and sequence analysis of 87 porcine BAC clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-one bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) clones, selected effectively at random from our library, were used as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization. Of these, 87 clones gave a specific signal in one, two or three different pair(s) of swine metaphase chromosomes. The ends of 35 BAC clones were sequenced in order to obtain information for comparative mapping. Fifteen of them gave useful comparative mapping information.  相似文献   

Bivariate flow karyotypes of chromosomes from sheep, cattle and pig lymphocytes and from a cattle-mouse somatic cell hybrid line were obtained using a dual laser fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Pig chromosomes were resolved into 19-20 peaks, indicating that most, if not all, pig chromosomes could be separated by this technique. Sheep chromosomes showed incomplete separation but three clear peaks, presumably representing the three large metacentric chromosomes, plus five other clusters were obtained. Cattle chromosomes showed poor separation but about four peaks could be distinguished, indicating that certain chromosomes could be sorted in this species. The use of cattle-mouse hybrids may enable other individual cattle chromosomes to be obtained. It is concluded that FACS separation will be a useful additional tool for gene mapping.  相似文献   

The chromatin in interphase nuclei is much less condensed than are metaphase chromosomes, making the resolving power of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) two orders of magnitude higher in interphase nuclei than on metaphase chromosomes. In mammalian species it has been demonstrated that within a certain range the interphase distance between two FISH sites can be used to estimate the linear DNA distance between the two probes. The intephase mapping strategy has never been applied in plant species, mainly because of the low sensitivity of the FISH technique on plant chromosomes. Using a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera system, we demonstrate that DNA probes in the 4 to 8 kb range can be detected on both metaphase and interphase chromosomes in maize. DNA probes pA1-Lc and pSh2.5·SstISalI, which contain the maize locia1 andsh2, respectively, and are separated by 140 kb, completely overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. However, when the two probes were mapped in interphase nuclei, the FISH signals were well separated from each other in 86% of the FISH sites analyzed. The average interphase distance between the two probes was 0.50 µm. This result suggests that the resolving power of interphase FISH mapping in plant species can be as little as 100 kb. We also mapped the interphase locations of another pair of probes, ksu3/4 and ksu16, which span theRp1 complex controlling rust resistance of maize. Probes ksu3/4 and ksu16 were mapped genetically approximately 4 cM apart and their FISH signals were also overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. These two probes were separated by an average of 2.32 µm in interphase nuclei. The possibility of estimating the linear DNA distance between ksu3/4 and ksu16 is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic and physical maps are powerful tools to anchor fragmented draft genome assemblies generated from next‐generation sequencing. Currently, two draft assemblies of Nelumbo nucifera, the genomes of ‘China Antique’ and ‘Chinese Tai‐zi’, have been released. However, there is presently no information on how the sequences are assembled into chromosomes in N. nucifera. The lack of physical maps and inadequate resolution of available genetic maps hindered the assembly of N. nucifera chromosomes. Here, a linkage map of N. nucifera containing 2371 bin markers [217 577 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] was constructed using restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing data of 181 F2 individuals and validated by adding 197 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Additionally, a BioNano optical map covering 86.20% of the ‘Chinese Tai‐zi’ genome was constructed. The draft assembly of ‘Chinese Tai‐zi’ was improved based on the BioNano optical map, showing an increase of the scaffold N50 from 0.989 to 1.48 Mb. Using a combination of multiple maps, 97.9% of the scaffolds in the ‘Chinese Tai‐zi’ draft assembly and 97.6% of the scaffolds in the ‘China Antique’ draft assembly were anchored into pseudo‐chromosomes, and the centromere regions along the pseudo‐chromosomes were identified. An evolutionary scenario was proposed to reach the modern N. nucifera karyotype from the seven ancestral eudicot chromosomes. The present study provides the highest‐resolution linkage map, the optical map and chromosome level genome assemblies for N. nucifera, which are valuable for the breeding and cultivation of N. nucifera and future studies of comparative and evolutionary genomics in angiosperms.  相似文献   



Large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) is an important commercial fish in China and East-Asia. The annual product of the species from the aqua-farming industry is about 90 thousand tons. In spite of its economic importance, genetic studies of economic traits and genomic selections of the species are hindered by the lack of genomic resources. Specifically, a whole-genome physical map of large yellow croaker is still missing. The traditional BAC-based fingerprint method is extremely time- and labour-consuming. Here we report the first genome map construction using the high-throughput whole-genome mapping technique by nanochannel arrays in BioNano Genomics Irys system.


For an optimal marker density of ~10 per 100 kb, the nicking endonuclease Nt.BspQ1 was chosen for the genome map generation. 645,305 DNA molecules with a total length of ~112 Gb were labelled and detected, covering more than 160X of the large yellow croaker genome. Employing IrysView package and signature patterns in raw DNA molecules, a whole-genome map of large yellow croaker was assembled into 686 maps with a total length of 727 Mb, which was consistent with the estimated genome size. The N50 length of the whole-genome map, including 126 maps, was up to 1.7 Mb. The excellent hybrid alignment with large yellow croaker draft genome validated the consensus genome map assembly and highlighted a promising application of whole-genome mapping on draft genome sequence super-scaffolding. The genome map data of large yellow croaker are accessible on lycgenomics.jmu.edu.cn/pm.


Using the state-of-the-art whole-genome mapping technique in Irys system, the first whole-genome map for large yellow croaker has been constructed and thus highly facilitates the ongoing genomic and evolutionary studies for the species. To our knowledge, this is the first public report on genome map construction by the whole-genome mapping for aquatic-organisms. Our study demonstrates a promising application of the whole-genome mapping on genome maps construction for other non-model organisms in a fast and reliable manner.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1871-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

During the last three decades, both genome mapping and sequencing methods have advanced significantly to provide a foundation for scientists to understand genome structures and functions in many species. Generally speaking, genome mapping relies on genome sequencing to provide basic materials, such as DNA probes and markers for their localizations, thus constructing the maps. On the other hand, genome sequencing often requires a high-resolution map as a skeleton for whole genome assembly. However, both genome mapping and sequencing have never come together in one pipeline. After reviewing mapping and next-generation sequencing methods, we would like to share our thoughts with the genome community on how to combine the HAPPY mapping technique with the new-generation sequencing, thus integrating two systems into one pipeline, called HAPPY pipeline. The pipeline starts with preparation of a HAPPY panel, followed by multiple displacement amplification for producing a relatively large quantity of DNA. Instead of conventional marker genotyping, the amplified panel DNA samples are subject to new-generation sequencing with barcode method, which allows us to determine the presence/absence of a sequence contig as a traditional marker in the HAPPY panel. Statistical analysis will then be performed to infer how close or how far away from each other these contigs are within a genome and order the whole genome sequence assembly as well. We believe that such a universal approach will play an important role in genome sequencing, mapping, and assembly of many species; thus advancing genome science and its applications in biomedicine and agriculture.  相似文献   

Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42) is a polyploid species possessing one of the largest genomes among the cultivated crops (1C is approximately 17 000 Mb). The presence of three homoeologous genomes (A, B and D), and the prevalence of repetitive DNA make sequencing the wheat genome a daunting task. We have developed a novel 'chromosome arm-based' strategy for wheat genome sequencing to simplify this task; this relies on sub-genomic libraries of large DNA inserts. In this paper, we used a di-telosomic line of wheat to isolate six million copies of the short arm of chromosome 1B (1BS) by flow sorting. Chromosomal DNA was partially digested with HindIII and used to construct an arm-specific BAC library. The library consists of 65 280 clones with an average insert size of 82 kb. Almost half of the library (45%) has inserts larger than 100 kb, while 18% of the inserts range in size between 75 and 100 kb, and 37% are shorter than 75 kb. We estimated the chromosome arm coverage to be 14.5-fold, giving a 99.9% probability of identifying a clone corresponding to any sequence on the short arm of 1B. Each chromosome arm in wheat can be flow sorted from an appropriate cytogenetic stock, and we envisage that the availability of chromosome arm-specific BAC resources in wheat will greatly facilitate the development of ready-to-sequence physical maps and map-based gene cloning.  相似文献   



As for other major crops, achieving a complete wheat genome sequence is essential for the application of genomics to breeding new and improved varieties. To overcome the complexities of the large, highly repetitive and hexaploid wheat genome, the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium established a chromosome-based strategy that was validated by the construction of the physical map of chromosome 3B. Here, we present improved strategies for the construction of highly integrated and ordered wheat physical maps, using chromosome 1BL as a template, and illustrate their potential for evolutionary studies and map-based cloning.


Using a combination of novel high throughput marker assays and an assembly program, we developed a high quality physical map representing 93% of wheat chromosome 1BL, anchored and ordered with 5,489 markers including 1,161 genes. Analysis of the gene space organization and evolution revealed that gene distribution and conservation along the chromosome results from the superimposition of the ancestral grass and recent wheat evolutionary patterns, leading to a peak of synteny in the central part of the chromosome arm and an increased density of non-collinear genes towards the telomere. With a density of about 11 markers per Mb, the 1BL physical map provides 916 markers, including 193 genes, for fine mapping the 40 QTLs mapped on this chromosome.


Here, we demonstrate that high marker density physical maps can be developed in complex genomes such as wheat to accelerate map-based cloning, gain new insights into genome evolution, and provide a foundation for reference sequencing.  相似文献   

Previously we extended the utility of mapping‐by‐sequencing by combining it with sequence capture and mapping sequence data to pseudo‐chromosomes that were organized using wheat–Brachypodium synteny. This, with a bespoke haplotyping algorithm, enabled us to map the flowering time locus in the diploid wheat Triticum monococcum L. identifying a set of deleted genes (Gardiner et al., 2014). Here, we develop this combination of gene enrichment and sliding window mapping‐by‐synteny analysis to map the Yr6 locus for yellow stripe rust resistance in hexaploid wheat. A 110 MB NimbleGen capture probe set was used to enrich and sequence a doubled haploid mapping population of hexaploid wheat derived from an Avalon and Cadenza cross. The Yr6 locus was identified by mapping to the POPSEQ chromosomal pseudomolecules using a bespoke pipeline and algorithm (Chapman et al., 2015). Furthermore the same locus was identified using newly developed pseudo‐chromosome sequences as a mapping reference that are based on the genic sequence used for sequence enrichment. The pseudo‐chromosomes allow us to demonstrate the application of mapping‐by‐sequencing to even poorly defined polyploidy genomes where chromosomes are incomplete and sub‐genome assemblies are collapsed. This analysis uniquely enabled us to: compare wheat genome annotations; identify the Yr6 locus – defining a smaller genic region than was previously possible; associate the interval with one wheat sub‐genome and increase the density of SNP markers associated. Finally, we built the pipeline in iPlant, making it a user‐friendly community resource for phenotype mapping.  相似文献   

Current challenges in de novo plant genome sequencing and assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genome sequencing is now affordable, but assembling plant genomes de novo remains challenging. We assess the state of the art of assembly and review the best practices for the community.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of unique nucleotide sequences on identified rice chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A physical mapping method for unique nucleotide sequences on specific chromosomal regions was developed combining objective chromosome identification and highly sensitive fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Four unique nucleotide sequences cloned from rice genomic DNAs, varying in size from 1.3 to 400 kb, were mapped on a rice chromosome map. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone with a 399 kb insert of rice genomic DNA was localised at the distal end of the long arm of rice chromosome (1q2.1) and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (180 kb) containing the rice leaf blast-resistant gene (Pi-b) was shown to occur at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q2.1). A cosmid (35 kb) with the resistance gene (Xa-21) against bacterial leaf blight was mapped on the interstitial region of the long arm on chromosome 11 (11q1.3). Furthermore a single RFLP marker, 1.29 kb in size, was mapped successfully to the distal region of the long arm of rice chromosome 4 (4q2.1). For precise localisation of the nucleotide sequences within the chromosome region, image analyses were effective. The BAC clone was localised to the specific region, 2q2.1:96.16, by image analysis. The result was compared with the known location of the BAC clone on the genetic map and the consistency was confirmed. The effectiveness and reliability in physically mapping nucleotide sequences on small plant chromosomes achieved by the FISH method using a variety of probes was unequivocally demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. is the only taxon with 2n = 2x = 14 chromosomes in the genus Cucumis. It consists of two cross‐compatible botanical varieties: the cultivated C. sativus var. sativus and the wild C. sativus var. hardwickii. There is no consensus on the evolutionary relationship between the two taxa. Whole‐genome sequencing of the cucumber genome provides a new opportunity to advance our understanding of chromosome evolution and the domestication history of cucumber. In this study, a high‐density genetic map for cultivated cucumber was developed that contained 735 marker loci in seven linkage groups spanning 707.8 cM. Integration of genetic and physical maps resulted in a chromosome‐level draft genome assembly comprising 193 Mbp, or 53% of the 367 Mbp cucumber genome. Strategically selected markers from the genetic map and draft genome assembly were employed to screen for fosmid clones for use as probes in comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of pachytene chromosomes to investigate genetic differentiation between wild and cultivated cucumbers. Significant differences in the amount and distribution of heterochromatins, as well as chromosomal rearrangements, were uncovered between the two taxa. In particular, six inversions, five paracentric and one pericentric, were revealed in chromosomes 4, 5 and 7. Comparison of the order of fosmid loci on chromosome 7 of cultivated and wild cucumbers, and the syntenic melon chromosome I suggested that the paracentric inversion in this chromosome occurred during domestication of cucumber. The results support the sub‐species status of these two cucumber taxa, and suggest that C. sativus var. hardwickii is the progenitor of cultivated cucumber.  相似文献   



Physical maps are the substrate of genome sequencing and map-based cloning and their construction relies on the accurate assembly of BAC clones into large contigs that are then anchored to genetic maps with molecular markers. High Information Content Fingerprinting has become the method of choice for large and repetitive genomes such as those of maize, barley, and wheat. However, the high level of repeated DNA present in these genomes requires the application of very stringent criteria to ensure a reliable assembly with the FingerPrinted Contig (FPC) software, which often results in short contig lengths (of 3-5 clones before merging) as well as an unreliable assembly in some difficult regions. Difficulties can originate from a non-linear topological structure of clone overlaps, low power of clone ordering algorithms, and the absence of tools to identify sources of gaps in Minimal Tiling Paths (MTPs).  相似文献   

Genomes of varying sizes have been sequenced with next‐generation sequencing platforms. However, most reference sequences include draft unordered scaffolds containing chimeras caused by mis‐scaffolding. A BioNano genome (BNG) optical map was constructed to improve the previously sequenced flax genome (Linum usitatissimum L., 2n = 30, about 373 Mb), which consisted of 3852 scaffolds larger than 1 kb and totalling 300.6 Mb. The high‐resolution BNG map of cv. CDC Bethune totalled 317 Mb and consisted of 251 BNG contigs with an N50 of 2.15 Mb. A total of 622 scaffolds (286.6 Mb, 94.9%) aligned to 211 BNG contigs (298.6 Mb, 94.2%). Of those, 99 scaffolds, diagnosed to contain assembly errors, were refined into 225 new scaffolds. Using the newly refined scaffold sequences and the validated bacterial artificial chromosome‐based physical map of CDC Bethune, the 211 BNG contigs were scaffolded into 94 super‐BNG contigs (N50 of 6.64 Mb) that were further assigned to the 15 flax chromosomes using the genetic map. The pseudomolecules total about 316 Mb, with individual chromosomes of 15.6 to 29.4 Mb, and cover 97% of the annotated genes. Evidence from the chromosome‐scale pseudomolecules suggests that flax has undergone palaeopolyploidization and mesopolyploidization events, followed by rearrangements and deletions or fusion of chromosome arms from an ancient progenitor with a haploid chromosome number of eight.  相似文献   

Genomic libraries of rice,Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare, in yeast artificial chromosomes were prepared for construction of a rice physical map. High-molecular-weight genomic DNA was extracted from cultured suspension cells embedded in agarose plugs. After size fractionation of theEco RI- andNot I-digested DNA fragments, they were ligated with pYAC4 and pYAC55, respectively, and used to transformSaccharomyces cerevisiae AB1380. A total of 6932 clones were obtained containing on average ca. 350 kb DNA. The YAC library was estimated to contain six haploid genome equivalents. The YACs were examined for their chimerism by mapping both ends on an RFLP linkage map. Most YACs withEco RI fragments below 400 kb were intact colinear clones. About 40% of clones were chimeric. Genetic mapping of end clones from large size YACs revealed that the physical distance corresponding to 1 cM genetic distance varies from 120 to 1000 kb, depending on the chromosome region. To select and order YAC clones for making contig maps, high-density colony hybridization using ECL was applied. With several probes, at least one and at most ten YAC clones could be selected in this library. The library size and clone insert size indicate that this YAC library is suitable for physical map construction and map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) provides a powerful tool for the discovery of important genes and alleles in crop plants and their wild relatives. Despite great advances in NGS technologies, whole‐genome shotgun sequencing is cost‐prohibitive for species with complex genomes. An attractive option is to reduce genome complexity to a single chromosome prior to sequencing. This work describes a strategy for studying the genomes of distant wild relatives of wheat by isolating single chromosomes from addition or substitution lines, followed by chromosome sorting using flow cytometry and sequencing of chromosomal DNA by NGS technology. We flow‐sorted chromosome 5Mg from a wheat/Aegilops geniculata disomic substitution line [DS5Mg (5D)] and sequenced it using an Illumina HiSeq 2000 system at approximately 50 × coverage. Paired‐end sequences were assembled and used for structural and functional annotation. A total of 4236 genes were annotated on 5Mg, in close agreement with the predicted number of genes on wheat chromosome 5D (4286). Single‐gene FISH indicated no major chromosomal rearrangements between chromosomes 5Mg and 5D. Comparing chromosome 5Mg with model grass genomes identified synteny blocks in Brachypodium distachyon, rice (Oryza sativa), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). Chromosome 5Mg‐specific SNPs and cytogenetic probe‐based resources were developed and validated. Deletion bin‐mapped and ordered 5Mg SNP markers will be useful to track 5M‐specific introgressions and translocations. This study provides a detailed sequence‐based analysis of the composition of a chromosome from a distant wild relative of bread wheat, and opens up opportunities to develop genomic resources for wild germplasm to facilitate crop improvement.  相似文献   

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